The Huron Signal, 1886-6-18, Page 2t t MACDONALDISM. �.i Ret r•oep.ct of ti s Last Issic n of ParHellb nt. rd, must •Itis WI" saw tie.....: I COUNTY NOTES 111*""'""'" ..$ W.ggs eet,rr to that large awl really p•eerning clam, Composed of honest, regrettable, and Oed•fwriog urea, is all planes tied teaks of life who have berm appalled by r the corruption of the Tory party and (i t, end whu L ay be safely trusted to throw their weight ou the aide et redeem whoa the time Come& Ane,tber iT11r awns la awl 1114td's lrs:ute l 4 eW M. t- atting In oowsectiun with the sesame was Mesasrsecgs gdosor e( s the evident 1 bet e'en 13.r ...egret weirdo erT ase aes.'ma-assay ■taWerlel „maimN rW - Joke and the bulk if his followers. l'o- N iter awe /leach sagaera. der the plea of ill -health and pressure of business, be Contrived w utak. himself dmost bis. Cuncerning bis future 1, two rumors ere afloat : One that he is going to British Columbia IT boneht by the salubrious climate of ictoria ; auulher that he is eciug to EaT(saihe ged. t oral result of the seri.n he. bs.o fearfully adverse to the Guv.re- meat, while the Opposition have gone home •tro'y;theued in numbers and in the redeem') that they hate done their duty faithfully and iuspired with that coati lens which arises from the well- fu:iude1 expectation u( oohing victory. Hereat. } .1 Ottaws t' Momrea: Port. oris s -a, June 3. --The reawn %%14i Ma just been brought t., a conclua.0 will 'laud in Lia:ory as the da lunation a,f the ry rY in Can- ada. lO'rtnn the Prime Midister down to hitt every roan Jack uf the Conservat- ive aide of the House were bundlers. Acts of parliament were passed, subsid- les granted, franchises conceded to politi- ca rings, private members aad favored o,mt anies, directly transferring milli' ns of money and .Cies .4 laud from the pu'JLe to these patties and persons. Transactions ahich have ever been held In all cuuntries under the represeuative 'peen of t to be dishonor- able, disgraceful and to involve disjuali- &cation of the actors thereto for the posi- tion of members of psriiameut, have been openly professed, justified and sane timed t•� A MAJo►:ITY VOTE. This state of afore is so utterly amus- ing. so contrary to the blasted virtue, •nlightment and philosophy of the cer.- tury that we can only leek for its para- llel fn tLa darkest perio3a of political guile Three cenfll.ta_; lilt; a laab *Logo same has long been,with subtle tillainy in matteof C . t wrote these words, which I think apply with sinister aosursey to Sir John Mac- e1nald and his :-"It is ob- servable that hatred is obtained two ways, by good works and bad ; and therefore • nrinee heir- w...,ug to re- tain his jurudictiou, is �oftentinmes com- pelled to be bad. For if the chief of a party, whether it Le the people, or army, or nobility which you think roost useful and of moat cw,sequence to you fur the conservation of your dignity, be corrupt, you must follow their humor and indulge them, and in that cane hon- esty and virtue are pernicious." Had I Declared t.ewrabae. E C kite:oven, of Syracuse, N. V., w ho is a well knewm resident of that place, and declared incurable by his physician, the disease being • «implica- tion of kidney and liver complaint. Is i we da b. found relief in Burdock Hlouk !(tetters, sqd ju one moC:', he en- tirely recovered. 2 uhtellI snerng farmers. They are ea- he added. pettted to "trite at the Guthrie Heine, He took him up to the caviller. "This -t hu said. "H. will go neat London, en or about the l''"h fast. 's John Smith," • Thi. will be Mr. Middlernore's 14th an- ,•, :"•.rk si srisaut sltil,pintt clerk t.'- nuaI visit to theseshores with juvenile morrow. Hot vlary w111 be nue cent .migrans from $ , Enwland, chis mouth. Double it .Very month educe 1872. Already many applications from nue, en." d with goad have "Iii considerrtiou of wy working for been made for the children exported to alio .mall salary I might ark you to arrived, but more are required. Forth- assure me a positiuu for a detinue er particulars may be obtained by ad period r•' inquired John Smith. dressingi le H. Gibbena, Manager of "''0 dun t usually do the.," revised the Guthrie Home, London, Ont. t:.e governor ; "out we evu't luso ,oath A number of the personal friends of e'1 you anyhow, I guess, and you look John Gentles, of Kincardine, arsembled like au honest fellow. How keg do you ai the Albion Restaurant last night and want empinym.nt t e.utertainad him to an oyster supper. "Three years, sir, 1f szreeahle to you. Samuel �Dorley occupid .alae chair, sad regular Well, by Jove, the ol1 wan agreed, after the had Leen duly dis'al..d d young Mr. Smith, on pretence of of in the regular way, Ald. Geo,, T. His- anWell,wanting tome evidence of atatele, of los cox, on behalf of those present, present- pace, got the governor to write out and ed ere Gen;;,., with a handsome hies- sign a paler, that he had been guerac- man'acame. The cane was so con•tree'- teed a position is the house for three ed aunt a, will the eaner could draw oat years on the terns T have slated. a measure capa:le of sising a horse up to He lurked slung fur sax months with eighteen bends. lit reply to Mr. His- out draaiuq • ceut. He said be would tux's few complimentary remarks in pre- draw all hishe s at Chriatma& Tns setting the tate, Mr. Gentles sips.s cashier thoughtghi he'd figure op how much sed the gratification he felt at being so weed becoming to the young rano. Hs honored :'y his London friends. Mesar& view sn iuletested in the pn'j.ci that be Local New* From Many Sources. 'leans freer all rates of $arra see on the herr• *sclhas.•e. Swot N Lots. D. McLean, of Ash - recently lest three valuable horses from indalntuateoa of the brain. We regret eaee.dingly too have to an- nounce the death of Mrs. Tom, wife of Mr. J. E Tom, Public Schott Ioapeetoe fur %%'.st Burma, an event which took place here yesterday afternoon. De- ceased has been in very poor health fur several years, but after all, her death was 1. She was able to be out for a drive on Saturday last, mid tip peered considerably improved t'o what she bad been a short time before. Con- sumption, however had done its fell work, and the loving wife and another had to succumb to the fell Destroyer. you ko0s what you aro- talktntt Own., We sincerely sympathise with the hue- ,thy dear boy i" band and two young children who mourn "tt e'1, sir, my pr1ucieal aim is to her departure.--(Ea.t.r Reflector. learn the hummers ,' responded the "IMuloaawT CHILDMEN,"-Mr John y"5111( fellow, 0 tient i would be almost T. Muddlemore, the founder of the Or- etilu,z to work for nothing. WI 1'11 Oke Phan Children's Ewi notion Charity, to feel and be able to say that I %AS London, Ont., left Lirerpwi on the lbth esrniug.omethiug, lou know. ' June, in the S.S. Superior, wtth a party "111 take you,' remarked the old of 50 girls and 70 boys between the ages in'e "One Deaf, two ones, four conte, of 3 aud 18 yeses, who aro brought out eight cents, suttees, cents," he .numeral to the country fur adoption or hire, �. "you will net get moth for awhile, Yersletdaf POLITICAL I9TRSW8 Yalu haws Met a bright-loobiggMk•eats.»trblrkyeayIb.nI•an',ws- yusng men entered oar euvnting roma r srY last 1 to response to an adee'tinemedt fur an -- elsaut sbippieg .stark. life told the prouais•at Starks .:rest taewuhast usual tale of how he desired • pu•itiva en hoturdsy sod $hat Is believed the twee than wages for the limebeuig, sod I D .uuiaius Gower emote lad to eta; mid was willing to accept a nouival salary to .abet peessr.l 10 „fare hia,ws.'u ft•( skis start mu ou. The uhf man was fe'•li •` in coeclue:on replied : "1 gieher i. i ios• eirtioulsr good humor that alternuu.i, .,, Iarirly 1rt0s a hat ,he eve wet asd said plMwutly to the new comer ; eft) Iret*Iter• 'Ni' we eallh•l, open eie " Well sir, what would you oensidet .ro.r. fre.o, all toes. the coupe". 'heir a nemival salary 1 What would you he ,.ego,rst'eee ever •soli osier, Aed il.tya willing to accept in bsginuiag r .Ouse sc.'mes ul p►roafp is res, s lou bars The young man picked at the Helm! d,npCrul 'bar 1.,lraiw fvoss Ooaserva- of his hat with his fingers, and deferenti- ,;vr „• Liberal std.. 18811. Ther. is jest ally replied : Lr s .or crop of r ... Is a.'r.eirh uo r, to " I want to show yen, sir, that 1 mean .,o' .be sdwini, ra.:om ,L:,, yrets•L Waimea, and I .til work for our cant wt ,b. dos o's'1 td ►lis ll,u: e, die ••'•: '4. the remainder of ,his month, pi,eviding i.tratiun '•, it'78. 1 .1'..L aoyesv .l i. - you think it would slot he tee ouch to (locrr•'taens Las iwru l.• !. et e.'••,':n, double my salary teach mouth thereafter.: . h,'d i; rill be better far buv•res it we That • • novel prop solo.. surely. bases chinks, said the old man •,,ti a enlists. " D•' 1',,,wrrauy Nr Ela: a has emelt (Jur• ROMAN CArwoue PICNIC IN HeL- Larr.-A picnic under the auspices of 'h. Catholic Iodise- of , Hullett will be held in (Owen Flynn's beautiful grove, next the Catholic church, (in charge of Rev 11 J Watters) Hallett, on Wednes- day, 23rd of June. The young ladies of Hulhett will call upon their friends in Goderich during the next week or two. Hallett has always in the pest bees generous to Goderich, and this town should not Admission to the grounds 25 cent& A gold watch will be presented to the young lady who gets the moat money by the sale of tick - eta, donations, etc. 1 .:rowing Evil. Scrofula, or king's evil, tri in enlarge- ment of the g'aods of the neck u segue Sot known that Sir John Macdonald was i ed, May be called • growing evil in more a close student of Machiavelli I w'•',;:,i more than one sense. Mrs. Henry never have dreamed of going fo "The Dobbs, of Berridale,was cured of enlarg- Prince" in search of his maxims of Gov- ed glands of the neck and sore throat by ernment. Curious, indeed, it is to find the interest and external use of Hag - in Canada at the close of the nineteenth yard's Yellow Oil. 2 century the same attrucious principles of goverdment in full away that have Colborne+ lung been regarded as applicable alone to Italy of the sixteenth century. Tho The council met in the township hall Florentine statesman, familiar to the on Wednesday, June '9th, at 2 n chick. vulgar as Old Nick, included in his are Meelhers all present, the reeve in the tem of successful politica the justifiable chair. Minutes of last meeting read add extermination of opponents, contempt for V irtue, save as a weans fur retaining power, and the management of men through their parions. In all the point we find Sir John Macdonald's sys- tem yrtem in perfectrd. And this leads sue to reflect t �o.r Premier u inure than A MERE PAT LE.t1'SK. Ambitious of power, he takes his in- spiration from the motive's of those most necessary to his success. But, like all statesmen whc have taken the Florentine for a guide, he has rmfounded his own success with the ultimate gond of the people. He cannot alter the attitude of his mind when circumstances change with the populace. He cannot. at this time of life, and after the career he has led, "take that part from Severns that it necessary for the foundation of his state, and from Marcus what is convenient to keep and defend it." Nevertheless, he has followed his exemplar. For is nut the gerrymander and the franchise acts bat the extermination of opponents I What is any virtue he may claim but a mask or an instrument 1 What is his policy but systematic pandering to Nae most sordid pacelnns of human nature 1 True, indeed, applied to him are the words, "In that case honesty and virtue are pernicious." If admiration may be to vo out on Monday and Tuesday 14;b properly claimed for success achieved by and 15th letting jobs. The council methods like the, Sir .1 ,in Macdonald then adj. orned to t again un the deserves it. Under free institutions he calling of a meeting, adopted. The following accounts were Hraoa Aeaoat.-By the official eat - brought up and passed, viz: -W Young for shoveling anew en lake road, $8.75; aches of the Canadian Sol :un e( Col- , trot multiplying for the three year& Marti . O'Meara and 11' J Thontpdeu also referred daring the evening in flattering Ten it the column of floret he ie. k to terms to Mr. Gentles' well known repot- Ibe old man: First m,mlh.lc; 2. anon as a co.upetent and business like 4 p8c: 3, 16r; 6. 11, 7, 64e; 8, .2•,•,,,,,3•44o; , dealer in horseflesh. the party broke 1" $4 10, $ 12: 11, $10 24; I2, 20.48; up ata seasonable hour--[Luueton Jd- 13140 ski; 14, $31 92; 15, $163.81; 1t;, vertiser, rt27 98; 17.1655.36; 18. 11.311.72:19. $2 623.fit; 90, 15,247.08;21, $10,494.16; 22, $20,9$S 32; 23, $41,976.64; 24. 1e2, - Dul$1; Jmage, as repairing bridge at Haley's oral and Indian EAhilritton, now being creak,Watson, home on wit. held in London England, se learn that Noes, 100 ods, $25; M F..ley, repairing A McD. Allan, of Goderich, exhibits 24 culvert on lake road, $1./40; J Barker, varieties of apples, 11 of {lean, of Crew - repairing hill and road. 1118; J Horton, plums, I of crenherries. W N Creae- -,...:. I,.i,inn at .T,.hn Horton's 81.50: 14 Hebei, repairing culvert on M. C., $4.75; A Wilton, repairing culvert on M, C., 111.70; A Malloy's order in favor of W 11 Baer for wire fence. $16.75; Reeve's order to treasurer for their abate of the Wawaun,eli drain in favor of Wawanosh, $46 62. The clerk was in- struoed to wrote the reeve of %%sweetish to proceed in getting, an engineer on the drain question as neither McPhee nor Cuneincharn would open it out any further. Moved by A Malloy, sec..nd- e-1 be A Young, that 1100 be spent on llcke ab••re road. Moved in t by .1 heck. seooaded by reeve, that $1:0 be spent, Jess Gledhill voted in favor of motion, which was carried. Men Gilder/land I: Straughen applied to get some hilfsfaed between the 4th and 5th cons., w was left to J Beck, J Gled- hill and A Malloy to examine. ed dlrau.han applied to hare the road im- proved from Youug's school house. which was left over. The council agreed r has been able so to manage the machin- J. H. ){iM,7a1r1 p, t'p clerk. cry of crnstitutwnal representative gov- ernment as to Stub Prober MAKS 11110nELr OMNIPOTENT Mrs. John Neelands, writing from the in a country populated hy diverse nation- Methodist Parsonage, Adelaide, lent., aliti•rt, split into factions and if every says : "I have used HagyarJ • Pectoral ilalam in our family for years. For heavy colds, erre throats and distressing coughs no other medicine so sown re- lieves." 2 range of intelligence. This would be great praise to bestow even on the high- est publics.] genius. but when we reflect that to secure thio personal success he has demoralized the people, debauched Parliament, .saetilied tit. Pirate's eels. dabbled in blood, male the hellhounds of civil war, starvation and lust his amps, are there terms in any language Croft enough to express the hewer and reprobation with which he must be re- garded 1 Allied with ..t' , , retro. $receive aristocratic party of Great Brit sin, permeated, as he sh3sed in the limier Rule Debate, with the infamy of Orangeism, which now threatents civil war and the massacre of the Cathel,ca of Ireland, his character and power for evil is such that we do riot believe in retrib- utive Justice moot await the rising of the Nemesis he has invoked nod dr• sided. DI'RLN( THE PliNsi IN, which lasted lost three months and awe days, one hundred and fourteen bills were passed. Of these fifty one were O 1 bills, four public and fifty sine private. Of the whole number ' -two were boodle billa, or bills pwentwith • view of giving Ministers and their friends means for appropriating public funds to their own purpose.. Throughout the session the crowing weakness of the Ministry in ability to Cope with the (lpope.ition, pimped policy and num.rieal support was painful. They berme with a rwajerity of 94 and rotted with oily 90! All the bolters voting with the (Opposition nn 1LO last it teine. The two great questions whish devoured the Ministry twwt .materially were the •s.eutioe of Risl and Mr. Blake's line.. Hole resolution. By their manner of dea'i•g with thea Ministate, the egos Lnctaow. Rev. A. Wilson. of Toronto, preached in both Presbyterian churches last Sab- bath w large W. E. Treleaven, a student of our public school, preached both mousing and evening in the Methodist church Y-scy creditably - The prospects for a good crop of fruit in this vicinity are very good this year. The crop• on the whole are making fair program A public meeting of the ratepayers was held in the Town Hall lately to discuss the advisability of asking the county aeuucil for to establish a High School in this vihaq& The proposition was voted down. An en'. t was held in the T Hall last Tuesday evening. The prevent consisted of charades, dial- ogue., readings, viral and i tl manic and was well rendered. Rev. A. Wilson, of Toronto, delivered • lecture In St. Acdrew's church last Thursday evening, Oft "The Law of Christian Worship," and was listened thrneglwrut with intense intermit by a large audience. M as rose e. MN. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and sorely devotees into Catarrh when you he cored for 25 cert& A few applications will cure ineipwst Catarrh. One or two boxes will eere ordinary shy sed seppert of two t eochoma / hb awtats*i-the Irish sad the French. Catarrh. by James Wilson at Ms Dar bn: £N0rwtm 0gas. at LoTry it- -take no other it will erre the stresgtb d whisk sewed be.ompet- ' yes. py by while they lntheree been lately f Cataryls Bye beam will cure shsouk well, ut Seaforth, exhibits 3 paintings : sheep,lake Huron. and cattle. A G VasEmond; A Sons, of Seaforth, and Biyth, exhibit union drwgget, and woolen druggeta, also fancy woolen flan- nels, fancy union dermas, Halifax tweeds, woolen tweeds. R Guwaolock, Sedurth, 10 varieties apple& G Mo - Ewen, Hensel!, salt. N A C works, Guderich, various kinds of relined alt for able and dairy use. and a colleetiou of chemicals, W Itehill, Seaforth. peas, and five varieties of wheat. 8 Trueni- uer, Stephen. clay au 1 bricks. Williams and Murray, I3'.anquet and Goderich, two ample of coarse alt W Doherty & Co, Clinton, cabinet organs. Thos Good, Benmiller, limestone and iime. Photographs of Goderich school build- iuge-High, Central and Ward. Samples of pupil's work from Br h Public rich mol. Sr f E work from the Mechanics' institutes of Blyth, Goderich and Seaforth. D1tsm1s. Mr. Duffs min, which was broken, is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. John Farrow is again amend, wbich fact pleases her many friends. Mia Bina Smith has been seriously tndispeeed the last few weeks. Wm. Ilartly, whn has been attending echo.' here, was laid -by with s bas Cold which has settled on hie lungs. On Monday evening • son of Mr. P. Thomas, who was driving team while putting, in rcadwork, fell from his wagon axed had his collar bone broken. Mr. Kay, our miller, has laid down bis working tools and taken to a sick bed, but it is hoped proper care and good nursing is all he requires. Rev. A. Y. Hartley left early Tuesday taunting se a delegate to the Grand Lodge of Forester., at Chatham. His daugh- ter 1 him as lar as Leaden, to visit friends. Or. Saturday evening Mr. Thompson, our "master" was amusing himself in a favorite recreation. base ball, when the ball struck him ou the top Lf the large Boger of the right hand snapping it right o2 Mr. T. was at once put under medi- ae! Dare, and the finger atitohed on, and is doing will. I - The railway corn- eae, are surveying a site for • new iron bridge over the Maitland. --Mr. Leech has bees repairing his dam. Mr. John Diamond has improved lib place to • new fano&-Mr. W., Messer, our en- terprising merchant, has been repairing h s -The Methodist broth - ern have filed op the grounds around the parsonage very tastily 1.teIy. A. Roes was drtving quietly homeward, when • dog .prang out from the side of the road and frightened his horse, which was • ynuns one, and it immediately revenged hall by kicking. Mr. Rea kept °petrol until the frightened animal had loosed itself frets the vehicle. Mn. Rua and young one, who were in the were rather soddenly and manure- moneowely out. W• see happy to sate that the brekeu bags)/ and a few brains sad se,atehes,all mere ed 'inhert. National Pi11s will not gripe or sicken, yet are • tberottgh salaams., 1 953 23: 25, *166.606,66; 26, $331,- 81112; 27, 1663,626 24; 28, 11,32i,- 251.4:3; 29. 12,654,504,96; 30, 11,609,- 009,92: 31, $8.618,019.84; 32, $17,236,- 039.68; 33, $C4 472.078.38;34,1168,941,- 146.72; 72.078.38;34,168,941,- 146.72; 3.i, $137,888,313.44; 36, $275,- 776.626.88: 6.626.88: total salary fur three years, 'u the seaait.nl uu.birk 1st l teed*, and eloped stre•'t.. h t.0 those eery •4 1:41 ynain see fJ w blab , io. Cooed, • loos prt ce ere always r.nrpsso"e'1 hi,•' an tie • dvi°cieet. The Li,.'-si lesc'rr hr .t drann ... ,, .,sly 1 1• Ya,o full•.rer's morsels Il'm -y chiefs ties of frienusl ip, reelect a. d a'iwiratiou, bot also ,Le ircepeoderl C tsse'151115* (5.'. of the 1,..r, the o he other esy said. "1 like 11". Elal'e one more 1 umeet hits. be ions rt•t,like sir John, c'alt toe oo ;he Wok a.,e say, yop'.e a good fellow ! Of cerise 1 sill do 111 41 Ito you,' aid nerve flu ti ; hu: Air Bl.le tells you c.ndidly *helot ht esu do a tiring or non, WO it :or pro•.1tees his word if1 Ivo snood. At.rr all 1 .t -,k way N the best.' ;U.uws Ftce Plead. *prise add swmtsee. Prep.re the body for health Neil a :'•r by takire Dr Chases Liver Cole. N'• Medicine reuals u. It room - lases the Liver, aids digestion, sett enti- ties the blood. Large batt. and Recipe Book, $1. Sold by J Walden. lereeaary registries.. a fosse MUMS care. Mosey 1:44s'1 ,..4 Kdaf.td. Ont.tse- .15.' be ••'•Date sad 11;. t 141,1, llul'h.,ci. ll:i••sl It•t.ors Nims 011w1. •:ter all other tried rewrdeta ppl ad fa l- ed. ! i C tial rh Cu r.1, heap* se 1 sweat Oren'1, .-e'erc.•. 'ey ii:nl"b'a Cata'rb 11.- a/lJy. n1u.e 60 cool.. Nasal kisses into. 1! -r stele by i Wilwu, DrJggi.t We cannot oxo Irv.in.ntly agree dlth the Montreal Ifera'.; AS W. ♦ivh we could ; but an article in its inane r1 ?too day is admirable in manner and cnassai- table in matter. Mr Jelin Whits, i, says, '''peculated ea hi• pcsitien Na a w.ml'er of Parliemeet. Ne traded in his influence, ami for his intto.oce, *twitter great or small, actual or 'magi nary, he rceived 'blind uharea.' which he caniered of mane and sea glad tm het. Ituoshould not w .r.'ce.*ry l.. a,11tr Ir• such act, are. wren:. The public co, scieece t 1 the Duwimi'aa has I*'tu lou irct.t t some reale shocks 4.1 lase years; hot ,re believe it has not been so u:uol• ed as t. be in doted •nether or r. t a man unght to sell hi• indirect. i'. 1'+r- liruent ler a money c"nsideratice. " 1 should be di.unciiy understood," a.,.. the Herald, " that members uheeld 1 e elected 40 the house ..f em maroons to ,t pet sold le0 pa•ple'e iutereals, nit .Ori, own private interests. They should t. t.. legis ate, not 1.. speculate. should not be there to 6.4e themat7.rs charier* and railway suleidies. 'I'hvr 052,554,253 65. " should u' -t tuaflic in the franchise which The forerun,- nearly fainted when he they create. They *lieu d got si e. d u•rders'owd how, even if he were twice vote money into their ewe perste ar iich as Vanderhile, he would be rui.a- shr.her ism the shape of auimitliw, 1. r ed is raying John Smith's salary. He inanefactures u, shish they are soonest cu -eluded to tii.eharge the modest young rot ,railway chatters shit they lair•,•.* man at puce. Smi• h had figured up hew to bask around, or the sa • ..t ilieir ie much would be doe him, and reminded flnenee with the goven.ment re the the old man of hie written agreement. pnblio depot .menta." No -thing an j Hither than take the chance, in clod i moire sound. We do not supprse any and let every•,'dy I,doe hoe he had ' written law can gorse'* ,hin whole MPIlel : hero duped, the governor amid Smith but we Sincerely curl the 1•ul'bc coo $5,000 and bade him good by. I've science will be se areu'ed 11141 i, sill ne heard he tried the same dodge in Chi- i.nputsible to elect ea' P"tham'ent a Loan coot after heavies here. I eh( tau Fme euupected of ha.isti a., Aa b, .crud. -[ Hamilton hpecta.m,(I'ury The tide water pipe Co.. Bradford,' PA., always keep a stock of (isles' Iodide Tt cote do no harm to try Freeing I's Ammonia Liniment on hand. It is • Worm Powder, whenyour -led hailing, uere.ity and .thieves wonders in all fe.eriuh or fre,ful. 1 forms of horse troubles sold by F Jordan, C,derich 5 Fer lame back, 'Ole or cheat. use Shiloh'. Porous Plaster. price 25 cent& >3hspp i' •m- • For tale by J. Wilson. Druggi.t. -- i - All7 K�<B"�r1�,I� _vM'� . 1( OLI LIVER CURE Ti,i, gains is ail the rage ■r 4sasrreu Vi. teemed here now. Some of our maids and Sir John mode an emhllotoon of him - matrons have assisted to fill ur the rues self again to-d.y 10 Ibe Louse. in .'e• ,Nm asreral ooea.iuos. The umpire has a -f ndiau and explaining the , .harm lively thing of it. Log{,iog bees with a dance were 'held at the residence of that genial Tentoo, brought by Mr. Carnrrnn a Huron -agwitret the gevernmart and the Firm of Tupper & Macdonald 'T Winn•lmev, Her• -y Z *finer. and at the how. or he lost his temper mol applied sere. v,', r W. furrows during the past Keel, scurrilous epitheis to Mr Cameron. who The e were heaps of enjoyment at both Mot !peen Omni for Immo days. Sir places. John, like ➢1r Remote wailed I'll Mr. • Cameron had left for g,.od for the session 1 That Hacking Cough can be so quick- b'fmre they plucked op courses lo rep', ly cared by Shiloh a Cure. We guarsn- t ,him. Had he been bets their io oe toe it. Pot sale by J. Wilson, Druggist, wnbld suets ilOudenlC bifid they spoken at a11, for they know Mr. Camera* never metes a statement in IT is a compliment for a man to be Parliament shite he cannot subetaotiate. called a liar by Sir John A. Macdonald. He has in.eriably do,.,, et.. Therefore, In 1878 h;, said on the door of the Com- um•upponed denial. Ly men ped ore - rams and nutruihh,l urrC-n/q l.•r mores that "That fellow Smith is the naught. -[Montreal I',lat lCatholici biggest liar I ever knew. ' H. hes since - I him to the Queen as a fit 6 Shiloh'. Cough and consumption Cure e edidate for knighthood. Sir Donald is sold by us on • guarantee. it cures Consumption. For alt by J. Wilson, A. Smith and M. C. Cameron, M. P., Osten, are today none tbo sores because the 2 Will You Suffer with Dy is and hero of the "clean hands" hat called Liner Complaint? Shiloh'. Vitalizer is them lura. guaranteed to cure you. For ale by J Wilson, Druggist. Seeing is believing. Read the testi merinit in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney yore, then bey a boded. A Croup, Whor'pinq Couch and Then - and relieve yourself of all those (listrem- chiti. immediately relieved by Shileh's int peal You all abor Drng.rtst ren td11 y Cors. For al. by J. Millen, Druggist. rt it. Bold bJ J R'ilson Guderfch 2s KPrehnat" raft est tar'ir Hili ileal., Let'ec He was riding with his elder sister heads. tar toe. print«' ■r tel. 4mre for eery and thought he could take some lihdrti.e 1 little neve than they generally p. for tar "Have yon any objection fn my emnki "'d It aemp. to "derl,. ihrir Deltas.., Mahal 7 " he asked. "Nn." she replied. ase ample and ger otos prhes. "11 inn desire to smoke, the coaches, a As sweet as honey is Dr L'.'. Pleas - will help you to alight" ant Worm Syrup, yet sure to destroy and expel worse. 1 Prof Low's $alpha•• Seep iv • del'eht rel toilet In -o ; as well as a good cum - to for skin disease. 1 A SUPS RTMr*T.-Fur comets. asth- ma. and all resent aphis, Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pisa Dent let a rough mew troublesome when it can be rebor- ed and cared by this remedy at the small .net of 25.. Rnld only at Wilern's pre seriptioPog store. lm A Rt wain- Of one donee "Tariffs ay" to soy one sending the bed font lin- rime* nn oraaassay," aha remarkable little gem tor the Teeth and Ralik ,Ark your droglgest or addr es Dr. Harvey's Mor itap Rae Prez haa been prepared with wrest skill sed cam and the proprietor is ennbdest it will maintain un Canada the reputation it has so justly won in the United States For ale at Wilson's prescription dreg stere. Alex. Reid, gesersl merchant, of Coldwater, Os1. , stye : - Dr. Ilaree Southern Red Pine i• without doubt the beat couch modeles* i ever soli. 1/ has done more mewl than other, and is • household word around Coldwater. lir: • ,f HAVE YOU LiverT•�asr.ab Ql Rilioweetw rya . ifes•ar�" Bath 1 S1. taa•isf star ars ell rum a &ramps swim Da. Owego Lavas lues WS ba liewd a we rag seems meads. NATURVIII REMEDY 'ISO f1,aemetesue sesta. of rte. Char'. Liver Cine t Low Complaint rests solely .irk It. Last that 4 1 mwpolusd.d from nature's nail -knows Y Msaisaaa AMD DA,ruaulOu, 0:08•01•40:08•01•411ol.,a•1 WWI flaw Over inrsisabls roots, barks sad kem'sq, Ire 'n.erful affect ,on tee Kidney.. Stowed, gowei Mood 500,000 SOLD 'fere w-4siy =an.../ Dr. cud* Rmifr Seri aur sea is Canada slow. Ile weed awry maw we,naw and .4111 a4. 1. invoke/'WM Law. Cow WNW ae try !41, r+, drew! .ewrdy. estlsnlm rot, Gran Awn lhtu wrapped aroma e.+ry bottled D. awe% Low Cue velesble p ens sa�•isalY,ir,el'siied w wi ever ow sods= nosh (Ssyyrr saeeaS ke.Ncal testi and drweyMa r In salsa 1*.. and warts sus firs. Nn prise side oil' Ca Unit. I GYaMR ase tare. , we, ry mals. TRY Wars KMlwv ase Los. phis. as cif. pot bar SOLD SY ALL DEALERS * T 111111141111011 a 00. Sole aewww• M.NsSv au") JAMES WI LSON �/ G OD'E' 2C2 - al . • sr O.t.ton" 1 Farmers Atte& Bio: 'r''e n -t de o'er .t los- oleic, a. tr.. , n .4 ",ver (tete EDS o: rho eoauu,bi var'e.les:--Wi.ae Duchess. ,,,,come, mate,. Trefoil. i,* V e,. and Ren (';over, Tisrtel. Lawn and all varieties of dowsers suitable for permanent pasture. Oats. Wheal. Fess. Barley. Itye.Oran..liucl.wheat. turn. Tares and :'la . ; air, eie,d and Oarden t.ct-d. of lot years growth -trove to nese. A rw,l sawn awn. of ►lour and l''eed. Tar l'cicbra'ed l'nion Cho -s- the heat 1. ,i a market. A c'nrtxnment .pf (`tsetse Fresh Tess. war dote; ui Mack, lireen a..d Japans is ,ole - sale and . trail. A lase amudwt of Mosey 0. Teen. R. PRICE, Mas. ''e lilr,c{., g-•- st-cr.. Gederie-i. Search l..'•, •`.r: Mt, :Mt DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND THE KEY TO HEALTH. 4 tUnIneka •11 tae clogged avenues of the Dowels, Kidneys and Ltv.r, carry Itl(;tte gra.lually without weakening the .yttlem. all the impurities aid foal humors of the secretions at the some tins Correcting Acidity of the ✓ lamsith,Bie.ouszt lain ye. $iartborn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dimness of Vision, Halt Rheum, • pe t Heart, R�ervotlsa7.s, annd`Oen- era) Debility ; all t1 other similar Complaints ekl totie. glrlry Dinfluence of NITTARIL T. tinsel • Ca.. Treerletem 1lrrsaila D OIDF..P T-01-1 �-OEN To the Wool Growers of Me Narvoundiwp (*entry : We wish to say that we ate prepared to take your WooI In exchange for Goods. or work ft for you lane wayof the follewhag artioir-t, xis Blankets-hite. Grey or Horse. Shirting. --Grey or Check. Clothe- Tweeds or Full Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheeting.- Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warpe made to order. ROLL CARDING. Our facilities for th t work rennet he site will endeavor is moat errs lode t .:N day it t. breath* la, If required. Cowen' Rsreeiet and Heetlan, nr velunlnd on Lie ('•.p coarse or Midart or soft twist, rn required. h Woo* in a pooitlon to do all kinds of ear :ow work, usually done in a roll net curlew mill. and we will guarantee to do for you fully equal. If not • little better than any la our Sierweedlag,. Acall reasee IIyeolleIted. E. McCANNS love tad Woolf a 1M111., Onderlel' litav tut,, 'IN HAGYAADoil.. LALSAIYI f r BT Aceuus C11 o '11 1 no Legal .'Ay Idl g is, av fl horse f, Gunn?, Hell an' Bell et she was auld yet. wily -'' "1 ' • )le't in CliamI The soli ut. H, tea, as, u n les.: "Wb old Mrs •"1Vai bodes soot up wau,rd I went *nerds "i w seem- le • time she sea auld la er " 'Sl.c ID(•ugtat y7 un bit lamt.i wark t Bell. be It wi' hart as 1:e that be an' *0.1 Dont la an' 1 1 Au' said th, 'Net "Na '-Thi raid MI ed tots "No ed for, Iuctant say a• i aid keep m "I 'n • 1'n rnonnt rub. • ,.Ye thae tr wom•r yer for The put no Maggi punish h'PPe throe' every! What hidin' box . thoeh trust Magg in he asked boat i "T wears tboch that an' jt toga sear . in a to M •dies twits has i Ica eta. tars t Plea his t he g they else .tidal heel dna es I ear tsar tee As n' 1st flet Ot -,+a.. - . w...e..