The Huron Signal, 1886-6-11, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1888. Che Poet's (Corner. A UMW TWIN What Ja sr. A little talk with. hem : How it erroMkes the mood read ; How 1t seems to hole tae sriw•rd, Woes 1 hilar beamatk my bad. N'►e. 17 Mart la crumbed wets serrew. AAA m7 two with mars are ells. Theres naught cso yield use easeful t Like • little talk with Mimi. i toll Hies 1 sae weary. Aad 1 lain would be et rot ; The.[ I'm daily, hourly waiting For a home epos Hem br..M, Arid 11e meswere nesse sweetly. la toe of 1.s4,..t lave "1 am onming sena to take thea 7b my happy hawse alters.* l this is what 1'.m weeding, Hie lovely face tome ; Aud 1'a, not afraid to •a7 it, 1 know He's waauag me. 11e gave His life a ransom To Hake me all 141. owe.. A ad He veal forget Hb p►otslae Tot . Hie purchased oar. 1 know the way 1• dreary To feeder ear-orcU..o. But a little talk with J. s Will while away eke time, And yet. the saes 1 ksaw Utaa, And ail His mo. explore. It sally meta me Wowing T. m.t film stns sad were. i ceased Rye wittiest Hi., Nor would 1 1f I could ; He U ray dally perdue, 711 ts.dIclae raid toed. He'• altogether lovely. New coa with Ku .•.pare, Tbe chief ammo to tboemsal, The talr..t .t the fair. So Ill welt a Hetes 1•.ge ., Till His appended 14 5; Aad glory la the knowledge That week • b.pe 1g taloa. new t• ear /lather,. dwdO1.g, Whom the be, 1171 sweetly talk with Jame. Aad H. shall talk with use. r 1r. amontrol 1 .11 I top. a• wl ME, nu Il ,OMllie,-I The metre Llsee. war is It t Why d.. w twiny tiwp and hobble The dtaemon/a un the item. ',luting "bout on *treks and etut. e• •ubrimg W pnprr.Doer ..t tM .o•sli lista MW fr..no rLe'tmatuat MEC j,ethta and rd (umbar nee IC pros the ul °" s' g Pr 1 eta• hack, epsAio. and "tilt r WM. Wiw ntur.au.g to the 11o.uoaiel fsmi.hw, anti laments. abet. Hex)aril's licilLaw es The Guveniwet.t rut, re' hats will ant 1>.1 rs uole,l.••c relief, am toy pur- bom throe to lure time. as much u the ohs .,l •t lh. triAir, coat o/ Y3 Geula i L' ....rr..ew.. 1 m .1. STILL LOWER, re. printing of the hats under the aetbor,ty V.A.Z. of the mnutctprl eoaticils. Mr. M. C (let lour suCtk ii rale tells printed at Caatterun tot Monday rani the Mel • 1 Toe SHIN AL, t es. They are alwa a done - prieti. g eh• voters' list in k. riding, pr..wptly ..,.I .. 1,.e rats. \Wice to sbuwu.g that the walk done under tL• dr."it t. galea through Tea Swaim f author. of the Muuiot Council foot vee y frH of tahar;a, ',web a rs..l by th.tuatwde. •d tip to about $180, white the "arae I work done by the revising Aker end. r 7 $hiI..G's \'striker is what you reed Hay/sg.t CARLOW. r 7 (ravelling $uibe. GRANIO TRUNK p►EAST. bode .oh L.. TIN la illi m ITh Ri M utrst*mrd , Ar. I L:t.m I 1 p.m 17 O p.as coati/smog to o_mj'k Goods down to PR IiCtSJBNT ]bLA JI a2T 05.y. 'GYM, and would ...wallah) Hsi 1.e ell Irmo tar rad shear U they - 111zed. Imp.. , WOODS at HIGHT PH1t'b . toned us. sur. r f believe the Conic~ ��li Owlerteb I Ar. ;left."ut I s-iKr i sy7,a pus• OW be NAmrtato moon (erticixtau. 1)RESIti (mops, 8t!'f.E1(111i WEAR (r' I3IC per yard. _ _ . I':ANCY I)RF.SS ML'SL(NS, (, 9 c. .• UOOD S/II RTI N(3S, L 11 c. " A HEAVY AND CHIC 11P STtwIi THRUCOIIOhT. cully a.roitrd toy Mock t• all the various lines. by coition god lamp". ting to l,r.e you oat ackoowlydr.• the above etaletoer.t of leo priers to be correct. fll1eaee bear to naiad my motto: • Wuo'; Ile Undersold." the D'.wunou frsitcbto cont $b90. It for ouusttptiion, loot of Appetite, Dorsi also caws out that although the law pow- 'itm, and *1 •)•mptums ..f Dyaprlai•• vides that the reta.iig ifioer shall oust- Price 10 and 75 cents per b ottle, For Ind the printing ut the voters' lista, tb.l sale by J. Wdw., Druggist. the 1 , t undertook to advise the rt tieing odioers se to where the week Te Ib. 0.d1r.1 er.te.•.0, aria ail wham should be done, and intimating the rata•. 11 ms7 einem. they shoo:d be paid. The- revising nett Ph• •ph•tinr, ur ![Serve !'naso a Pim. err of liswtltott rias iutortueti that he Shiite Klement basad upon Scientific was to Rut the work dote at the Npeeta_ ]rte Cumulated by Professor Austin, for .!Moto ,fudge Sone,ar said, to rally, E. D. of Boston, !lase., cures Pulmon- that i'•rlian emit had by legislation put u1 Consumption, Sick Headache, Nee - the matter tum, Iia, oat the Governweet a 'nu. Attacks, Vert ,;u and Neuralgia hand*, and he would not consent 1st N anti 511 wasting diseases a the' human dictated to by the Administration ; that b'ut-a . P7vinen au►w is nut a Medecine, he had discharged his duty as the law but a Nuenmvat, tycaua. it cnotail. nu directs; that he would advertise f .r ten- V•1etabb or Mui.ral Puiaerr, ()piste. den, and that he would ha.o the work Nargput.cs, and so Stimolaab, bot siwp: dune by the {art, whore tender was ly the Phosphatic and (Metric$leawut■ lowest. This he accordingly did, and fuuttd in our daily (nod. A single buttle some of the other revising officers acted 1* sutticiont to convince. All Druggists equal in But the vast sell it. =1.00 per bottle ►,o,wygw d iatajo.rity of them did as the f Co., sole agenta fur the Dominion, directed. The fact, however, remained 55 Fnnit Ftreet East Toronto that the work was dolma under instruc- tion, and has lay cyst the count,'" three or four them as much ar the printing of the old voters' lists in the mouieipaliliee.-{London Advertiser. 1 That Heckirg Coasts can be so quick- ly cured by Sbilek'a Owe. W. Iaarsa- te• it. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. Advice le lames Weems. A lady of intelligence and obi.erratio.n Ina remarked : "i wish I mold impress upon the mioda of the girls that the chief end .1 Seeing is believing. Read the testi 5015.0 is ort[ to marry yoaog." ials in the pespbigt es Dr. Van - 1f girls could only be broutbt to be- - relieve yourself of all those distress- rear• ore, there would he much less misery tit. Sold h J Wektontiodanpk to the world than there now is. To be ren's Kidney Cure, then boy a bottle were better after 25 years than be - live that their chances fora appy mar- Your Drumm* can tell roe . H EE LTB. MItMemec ere Dr. B. W. Riekardaon, has revived "Aaalepaid," certain rolee for the le trwattawt of eowoa+ption, wh as far hack as 1868. time they found very little fav w the Ideas of a cream t fatal disease meld be genre ly, and treated special ic measure& Today trader of the old s.itsalcuLr specs as to the origin of some dos.... living forms -the entity doetrire w dress -the conception of the h le treatmeal of comma has been accepted in Daws* as w practice, as d it were new in word deed, the height of practical lea ideas skill. So idahaage, sod tb ease of ee is the fa of another. Bet it matters o w e.m r by whoit i• borne, m long torchlight of truth makes its way. 1. A supply of pare sir for reaptrstic the first lndieetws in the treatment potdsst- sure, they might not have so many op. 4 portunitiee to marry as before, but as to they do ot need to marry but one atw time, it is Deoary that that one *Livia be satisfactory. As a girl yrs w* old it ab• think* at all, she certainly be - noses more capable of judging wha in would make her happy than whoa young h7- or. How many girls of twecty wool ich think of marrying the roan they woul At gladly have taken at sixteen tml w or, At thirty, a worsho is mmewha er independent, and not anxious, ov f anxious, to marry, is much harder t 17 please and more careful in bee chole • than one at 20. There is good ream 1a- for this. Her mind baa improved wit her years, and she now looks beyon in mere in jsdging men. Sh 7- is s,,: toask if this mon rice to 00 war P p� lite in ottp+yany *really kind-heartedel! De his n d d er e 0 h d e 7 polits actio. spring from a hap py, genial nature, or is his attractive rn- demeanor put on for the ccasaion and e laid on at home as he lays off his coat v- A very young girl fakes it for granted 01 that men are always as she sass them in as society polite, friendly, sod oo their good behavior. If ate marries early the oa man who happens to please her fancy, of she learns to her sorrow that in nine oases out of ten, • man in society and a e- mac at home are widely different beings. Fat• years, at that period of life, produce t a great change in opinions and feeling. p We frequently came to detest at 25 what we admired at 18. We advance i. from the taffy -candy and peanut age to he the era of gumdrops and mornni ylarc• re and even in later years loos our yearn- ings. - (Scottish -American ewrn- ings.-(Scottish-American Journal. 2. Active exercise is an ".statin el t in the treatment of . 9r A teniform amide is an itaportan lent i• the treatment of oowum tires. 4. The dram of the oowomptive pat ent should be adapted to equalise t temperature of the body, and ea lo. that it interferes ie no way with the an mal foectiona. 6- The hones of rsat of the console five patient ahosld be regulated maim by the absence of the wen. 6. The occupation of the cnnnumptiv pnlledt should be seepsaded 1f it is 1 door or sedentary, bat a certain amount et outdoor work may be adv* tag*** 7. Excessive mental exertion shoot be avoided by the oonsemptive. 8. Cleenliedes of body is • *peas point in the areaterent of A. Abstinent* from all habits of sensual i is an essential both in the prevention and the cure 10. The diet of oonsomptive patient mold be ample, and should ocntaia proportion of the respiratory con Manta of food Than u required i th. Whomever distinct evidences o haven* in an isdivtdual r>t alb the merriahle of such a person • while the marriage of two per both satins* ref the disease, is op - to reason and humanity'. P- • 5 For lame baek, aide o r sheet, ase 17 Shiloh'• Porous Planter. pride 25 men ta. For sale by J. Wilson, Druggist. • n - D d 1 t gross rt, of a a n f is Ifvo/ Rs*11110 ,v 09 sod all resent gelds, Dr. Harvey's thorn Red Pine. Don't let a cough troeblsaome when it eau be reliew- aad cared by this remedy at the smell of 25c. Sold only at Wilson's pre - pilots dreg store. 1tn ; It Was JW Wee Elm. only Crown Attorney Lewis, of .rich, tesla this story of himself, m tt t yon pat on a white tie, ore, to c..t.ference," said • friend him the other day, "you'd pas for a biter " "Well," mid he in that bland manner to him, "to tell you the truth they 't let tae in. My good friend and I did go over, bus whether it homage my clothe* were not mike- , my late was ton honest. or I was htfel company, I don't know, but Ad to tome out anyhow. You ask ft, sod hell tell yen the sane& "- t w Ess irprbate word lir. Jag's Medias* P11Y sty d/ sad [5 51tiedI?� ss wo*0*AsmM t t 1 weld MM nes eels of n.y bas&c. w- Tori.. leo Cornwall "Tr obMoe." The Ithba Klatt of a elms. Referring to the lecture of Rev. Dr. Burns at Ottawa oo Tborsday night, the Ottawa Free Press of hist evening lays : "in character, Dr. Burns is a man of the widest sympathies, s careful scholar, and devoted heart and soul to the interests of him natit• land. His oratory is such as to entrance the roost chilly and reserved audience, whilst his scholarship and tree rel*ioma fervor ap- peal to the sympathies of all. Imbued with the genuine instincts of his nation- ality, it would be dillicuft to a man with a kindler nature. As • man, a patriot and • minister, humanity, Ireland and - the Methodist church have every retools - to be proud of him." A Rawson- Of one do*eu "Titania ET" to any arta sends( the beat four lin- rhyme on "eta assay," the remarkable littllee.gwm for the Teeth and Bat:, Ask 7b d Thom who paint the town red gener- ally manage to Isere a trace of the car- mine on their nose& The tide water pipe Co. Bradford, 1'A., always keep a stock of Giles' Iodide Ammo's* Liniment on hand. It is a necessity and achieves wonders in all forms of horse troubles sold by F Jordan, Godirich. The hare is hunted by the hounds, but the Wekh Iwrebit is followed by the nightmare - f A writer fn a S risgfield btald shouse, hi reciting a bill of fare, rmclud 1 inn among the rarities of the maws "a potted leg of liver." Overt (to host, whofa, by mese. mis- take. he his not been introdesed) 1 Well, you sees[ to be having shoat as iatopid a time as myself ; suppose we tin to the supper room. !They go ) 2 Will You Suffer with ))yea pita and Liver Complaiwtt Shiloh's Vitalizer is auatawteed to core you. For sale by .1. Wiho t, DralaisR Philadelphia .lams to have diseovered a baseball empire wh-oe &Meier* ph .stidseti.. M berth aloha Atsd yet Bar moa sands to London ter a .75,000 eo- riosity . flan PERRY DAVIW 101 PAIN -KILLER Ia ET P4ysieiarta, Ministers, Missionaries Managers of Factories, Work -Mops, Plantations, Nessa in Hospitals, -in Sart, lotto has ever given it a trial. TAKEN IOTLSNALLT M1USD WITS A W ION GLASS OF NOT MILE ♦ND IL G•11. tT MILL SS FOUND A FAIL -1310 oyes TOE SLJ)DEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, • PAINS IN T11E STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT . 4c. *711.IED EXTERNALLY, 0*rtItSRCE NAS rOOTSO 1T TNR POET a-►r5CTITE AND REST LIOINSOT 00 10 *ROOTINQ TRE 7A1N ♦511100 7ROR SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOC)TIIACHE, BURNS, FROST BiTES, Arc., Ec. Belch per Bottle. iter /*waft of Imitations, 'IiiN CAliar n�eaA,L'S CATHARTIC • coMPouND is effective in anal doses, sets without griping, doral not oc. casion nau r'a. and Rill not en;!te irn- tat ion and c. mgretion u do many of the n*unl cat/isrt't-a ad- ministered '.'t tba of 1411s, plc Ladies and Coil. drat Mein.: the neat •rpsjtive stn. meolottake this mod/eine without trou- ble ay apaplalas. t,a-rmaLL'• CATNARTtr! CO.M1T,, 1. eopeeially adapted for theatre of $0. oIrt.Atirre AEU Athg p 1k.- Fon Acts Swsoac1 eels Ls a or Aw rierlra. Fou Svcs HItAbacire ANSI frtr.t• Foa CONSTIPATION OR C. • Fos ALL Coim.A,M..t1ROOMY r*og A HISOSDaamD •TATE or ens $T0. easel. 71de medicine being in liquid form, the dose cart iia ratty refit kipil to meet the r'egmiealnenta of different per. sons,larking it equaityy well adapted to the vat of the little child as a0 the aduIi. Pot up In these ounce bottles, and sold by all dealer* to family medicines. Trice Retail, 25 ('eats, `6 Tbh sgmsa.M 4 s•>a5snd f.�� or utrel sea Imam tic- ' b1 all.. Wwtkew. d Pal - 1M Mort retire main rill •a�e_j�haigg fimm ale bin ow .\ of Sadder, [•rein• baa. r1 Ik eke wikay�s 1e. or or dootW Terrors. relief r p Naris ` an car. _leirt 4 `C� e 55 se irel escries re.sheer P srer•tawr it r«7vire.i, the &Laroi�nl mil tr Ibeed emir• UP- SW by ell /)mater: he Main inn. DAVIT • LM M= 00.464144) - Oar Afters. () w HIGGINS' EUREI� SA2+T FOIL 1'I itIT\. SWF:F:TNESN, 1< Fl..iVOtt April::the Use. CARLOW. I$ NEQ„ALLED. DAIRYMEN M=SS V ` A V ' .i...1....i. .4 `�f4O Knurly hul'm.r 'our ads N'_ BUTTER & CHEESE. -{K•'n. y fur ti oaten% g'anada The Latest Frond and American Styles ! 0301101's Jerstiti. Dairy, HAMILTON, ONT. HATS, BONNET_ Feathers, Flowers, FancyTrimmin Mara h 04! Free �` �` X17 _ _- _ Amusements. Etc.. kac.. Etc. The Chicago Hous (YODEER1.,NHM1cYHAr1IICet,A "nna ee R i)M. our. of hist street and Mquare tip "nine WEST STREET, GODERiCH O.yderle April 9th, !glee W,r Open from 1 to 8 p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p.., ABOUT 2000 NOUS IN LIBRARY' F i tR #5 >F tk tm >)t tk lk # S tk 1k tR • #* a tm # e e tk Ill a O Leading Daily, R telly and Iffwtruted toe 1lat,.rcimea, rt•c., on pile. t MEMBERY1111 TIC'kICT, ONLY Si..., gr•ette: frac ore of L,br.r7 and Reading Applieatbn for ntembenbl A1� Idbrirt., is room . I raeived by It. IULHOHNk. AI IX. MOR DONT FAIL TO CALL AT President. TON ederkb. Mark """glom �► Mf tNL THE PEOPLE'S STORE tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Cj . A. ti A I R N w - He. RI2�L�; Y , The Pecple'a Store, Goderieh.. YOU WANT Mar. 11, 1888. }}� ��� tttttttttttmututt # *# ZZ HAS EVERYTHING -iN-_ GEO. H. BROWN, g1odnIj� 180ae.aor to DR. WHITEI.Y.I PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. NEW AND FRESH tF 011 Having lately added a Fresh Stock 0t Drugs, Dye Stufilb, Perfumery, Etc., to the already well -selects stock begs to Inform the cis Mena of Goderich that be 1s now able to supply Ibem with PURE DIMOS and CHEMICALS at Ramose We Prices. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. SOLE AGENT FOR SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC IIILTIat Greatest Blood Purifier of the age. Every Bottle Guaranteed. ' Sunday Hours :-10 to I1 &m.; 11 to 4 p.m.; MI to 930 p.m. Albion Block, Goderich. Frb. ltb. 1t15h, TOWN Goderich Foundry and liCachine Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAAEN FOR SIENA ERGINES, FLOURING NUMB. AND OTNER HACRIN(R, WANTED. Flouring tills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. Horse Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc, etc., at Low Prices. C21-0DRIQ8 PLANING MILL 186. He is showing • eple aitid seem -linens of Clthia and Glassware. Costo in and look• if you don't buy, No Trouble to Show Goods. C. A. NAIRN, Court House foliar,. Oodericb Dec. Mi. 11151. all Kinds of Castings 'Made to Order. J. B. RCNCIHAN, Goderich, Nov. fee NW R. W. Repel*&$ NOW COMPL.iTB ! -- NOW COMPLETE ! 1A CHOICE STOCK OT 1131ir ClisfaC113191 Q=41 Groceries_ Dress GtL,utis, SPECIAL LINE8 IN Shirtings, and Tweeds. for Butter & Eggs. ACHESON gigheat Price Paid GEORGE ESIIABLUIME() 1164.1 BuohauaniLawson : Robinson VIANOtai-lt•ItERa OF s&Blinds 1RasLcY IX AL1. *Mhos Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder', e,utrrlal of every dereriptios. :met FWmlIT'RE A SPECIALTY. turn Order prom0tly(attendtd to. Goderlch Ault. 1. Ink. t -Ill PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS HAV[ kt SEUURKD THE Aggreewe! of Canada's Celebrat- rd Htgti Claes 1'Iwtterorte., Manatee - lured by l Manta ria. Mantataa 4 Rim* of mole MtMam oderate p•niento sell they ;.rma of payment. h mad on maty _.. of of material andfeltsPianos, d what kind equired to make a ere -chase instrumentt. intend- ing pnrcbamcn will find 11 to Shear ad, vantage to oonatilt me before purchas- ing. Taoism tad Revelries • Specialty. lir All work warranted first -elem. (*4.. 1.11 ai the Book Rooms of Mrs. Q rook or Mr. Imrfr promptly ateededl. to. THE RED, WHiTE AND BLUE. Ooderiob, April ]11th, 1* • BOOTS & SHOES flog L annnerve* to the Pohl* that they have opened beanies in the above for in the store Moody oecopled by Horace Newton Haring Forehead a large and well assorted µoak of Eipring and Sommer Goode at close figures we *redetermine to give the Public the b... i, QUICI 81.81 , SILL r PROFIT 3 JIL BB ODS ICTTO r,.RMme gouda eon'srinreDreg g sleowhStore. .. meet door to J. Wilson's i)rog Ston, -denten work will metre gar epeeist attention. JlrNone bat the beet of material us•d and Rei -elan seriatim employed. jele'R,opaivi' g neatly done on the shortest maitre lLarah t 1801DOWNING & WEDDUP Oedeefe , EDW'D I. DROWN, PIANOS. PIANOS. PIANOS. Oederi..h, Sept. Nth. 111W. 11011-1f The People's Livery grANt JOHN KNOT, Proprietor, The enbrirrlher 1• prepared to fnrei.h the pub lie with The Finest Rigs AT RHAI0NARI.R PRICER CALL AND Pu us-oppe.N the 1'011er Mao Oeders.h. Oederleb, Feb IMb u 1555