The Huron Signal, 1886-6-4, Page 3Malls IM Appetaan oma. e TflB IIURAII SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1886. GUELPH CONFERENCE. The Members From Guelph Diat7i3t irangree gate in Goderich Yhe epe.tag Prayer rM1aR God o --- )Mese Sleeted- The Pere. the rats ark et Ise People. elegise During the past week there baro 1.0e. *nary straws", in tiuderacb, still nutmeg We am.. - d ilium hate bees the geoltemsa of the c'uth, to commotion with the Gtssipb ,•Sonference, which has been convened at this point. Dur ■rg the latter part of last week the stationing ouatmiuw came to town, sad concluded their labors Mundy eves - nig. Tta.day afternoon and •toning large c.,ntingeuts el the beetluen pot in appearance, and by \t'ednwday the mast remote pans bad sent in titm Wednes- day moruiute was the formal ut.eeing of the Conference, aids was largely atto,ded by others than ,•embers of that body, mane ladies being mout,ng the spectators. The prayer ',sooting_ with which the Conference oppMd in the North at. Metbudi.t church on %V.dueeday, was of a moat iutersesing fwd {{orofrtab:e character. Methodist presohers are prorerbu.11y good sinters. and aided M such a largo number of layuten, who had also been leer- ed with good leash. powers, this part of the pao.eedittgs was moat ttmpir:ng. Rev Dr Griffin wee e'ecled prowling ..f leer, wrr Ree 41, McDowell retired, and Rev T M Caarpbell, U•derieh, was elected sectetary in the place of Rat J W Holmes, . ( Geelph The ebia retiring president and secretary, are secereded by two exceedingly capable men, .ho will not lid dm reins slack or the tuterest flag. Res J E Howell sad J C Stevenson ably meet the secretary in his deties. The brat day was most'y taken up with questions °on- coming ministerial character and relations, and 1. Ilayin the first draft of the stationing committee before the Co fereoce. As usual there was considerable excitement whew the draft tasde its appean,os. In the miming the miwoary was held, which was of unusual interest in consequence of the prememe of Rev. Dr. Eby, of Japan, who gave a tett exhaustive but lucid and eloquent addrem on the y Problem." He was followed by Rev. Dr. Sath.rlaad, of the Meth- odist mis.ioo roma., Toronto, who is has meal racy man- ner delighted the audience with a brief &ddtwm. Thursday wog akee up with general ouaI.rnoeo wok, and milking occurred to disturb the .tree honor of the proceeding. until a memorial was reed from axe of the diatticte. depresstiof the stroog Unitise. used by the agonist pries, •rod asking that a delimear.e be gives on thee - by the euafersSes to lesion. Several el the members took part le the di.cwion, but no one heat time to lively magic until Bro. Hilliard, the talented .duct of the Waterloo CYsroaide, a lay delegate, took the floor. In s twinkling he was at the bottom of the que.tioe, sed was showing the absurdity of any district silkier for a deliver - .ss from conference on this point. 11. admitted tbst bard language was often used, and deplored the a.e.ntity for sling it, bot in most illdanose the lanr..ge was net u hard as the circumstances warranted. He contended that the press was the public watchdog, and if it were mailed, the people's interests would auger. When ia theme deesrerete days we see our politicians clippie* to the elbows into the public chest and filching therefrom the people's money, said Bro. Billiard, the crime is con- stituted in the theft and not in the calling of the purloiner a thief. And, oontinud the layman from Waterloo, when we gee psrliameetariaw using their sacred tl was fur self- interest and bartering their parliamentary privileges for coal arms, railway subsidies and timber limits, It's abnot time to all "Stop thief," and to use arose language also. The re.sarks of the Waterloo editor were received with enthralment by almost every member of the and it is OOsfideotJy believed that the memorial has re- ceived is quietus. NOTLI- Rev L 0 Rip, a well-known resident of this mention in former years ig attending the of Confernow living in Ischasa, U.S., by s but bis boort ie in Canada, and his %empathise are entwined - ' trotted the old Union Jack. "Father" Ries is the patri- arch of the Guelph Conference. Rev. Hugh T Crossley will arrive at the Confer'ee', ets lMond y. Rev. William Savage, of Paisley street church, ,i64Rev.lselpb. was • CO laborer with the lite Hon. W. E. Forster ht the Liberal ranks In Britain in the long ago, He wee a strop* sympathiser with Lode Kossuth and Oaribaldi away bock in the Forties and Fifties. He it is ass fiftieth year as a i platform advocate. The full report of the Conference proceedings will ap- pear seat week. C of the first theft of the stationing committee's npuit are on sale At this office. • STATIONS OF GUELPH CONFERENCE. Tao petbwtag Uel. seta/ t*e /lest Mosft. le Subject to AlierMioni. L THE GUELTR • 1 Greve lee ,Norfolk Stre.t)-Joseph W. Holmes; Heigh T. Crossley, left without an in t at his own request. in view of evangelistic work. 2 Guars Mee (Dublin Street) -W. 8. Gri15n, D.D.; Henry Irvine. 3 Oosve Site --(Paisley Street)--Williatn Harage. 4 Poneonav--lasso Crane Olersileel 5 Ziese-Jsmw Braley ; Seated Fear, superannu- ated. 8 Fiauvn -Jog.ph 8. Collier. 7 nu svis-Wm• Williston. 8 BILwoore-Tboome Gandy. 1 Eaaaroii--JRsasa Walker. 1O-RocewooD- ramais Swann ; Wesley H. Kerr. 11 Acv,, -Robert Phillips I2 O.ero.Te rw -J. Welker Whoa, B -A.: (o5. to be eeat;) Jiang Gray, Treasurer of Superannua- tion Feed, permitted to reside in Turoato (286 Osterie street); John C. Pomeroy, B.A., (Oak- wood,) Nelson Berns. M. A., Markham ,n 13 -Ian AND BALLIaaPLD--JOSOpk Walter Pettus. ii. GALT DISTRICT. 14 GALT -W. C. H.ed.reon, M- A. DOWN -John W. Gorses,. 1Pemens--Wm. H. Hitachi. B rrrnu.se- Richard C. Heder•- WaTOL.e--Alfred A. Bowen, RA w )-Thaler J. Ssewdos. 18 lta.amisweva-Wm. MOM • Jobe J. Rapt. 21 New Billows -John W. Itebieson. nL STRATFORD DiSTR1l,T. !! Braenov (Erie Street) -Andrew Oensingbmm. != fkreaTeeell..11 - Btee.t)-Joke H. Carson Wm. 26 Memierino. iltimet)- -Wesley Common. SSIftionsu. (TL 1I -Matthew Swann ; J. Williams.d 1llawi tee-- L Mir. In Deana -J.11. W. Gilpin. 11 lwt&aa+ow--J.m••.wan; (1 . L neer) Theme L lank)).BA. . HdatDrt_-r Jema Mwlareli., RA. 31 I-aa mM Vbs. j, Dyke, AiYlwwia Oellege 46 33 34 33 38 .17 3.4 :t4 4l 41 1V. ST. MARYS DISTRICT. Sr. iltaasa-A. 11. Phillips, B.D. ; Richard Ser- vice, supereneset•d. ORAeToyt- -John O. Stavoa.oa. Lucas -Robert Davy. Arlat CRAZY -Deed Rogers. K,sstal-Robert H Hall. Woonrae Eats A. Fear. Naaa,t'at--Th...Mi. J. ttesi•h, ;St. Mary.. Kitrrooa 11en7 IL Hill. Remo-l1ngh J. Fair. TH•munr,ti --Aleaaoder S,xatCh. V. TBE GODEIIICH PISTRICT. 42 Goosrn'e ,North street) :looms R. Turk 41 (loD&ia.'e (Victor...traet) --(leo. F. Salton. 44 CLINTON (Ratteubury stroet, - Edmund 8. Ito - pert, M A. 45 Cu,Toa (Ontario streets --William W. Sperling. 48 Searoarn-Jacob L tavern, M.A. 47 Houtnrvtua--Julie S Fisher, (leo. H. Cobble dick, B. A. 48 Herrn .n -Thomas Gee. 49 VAenA-Alfred E. Smith. 50 Hannau. Noaro -William Torrance, Robert H. Herm bl 1IUI&*L1 SIN'TII-lt.,tirrt Godfrey, L4 L ' - John Hough. 63 Dtlltuuntiet--Wm Birks, Archibald McKibbon, Lieber O. Rica, 8 f, permitted to reside at Hubert, Leis Co., lad , C.S. 64 Arsvao--John Turner. 66 Hsnrau.ss-Janes Keels. J. T. Legear, Victoria College. VI. THE %"INGHAM DISTRICT. 66 57 58 611 80 61 81 63 64 415 86 67 ale M 70 71 7, 7! 74 76 78 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Wi!touata-D. Creighton McDowell. Kuscaauisr -,lames McAllister ; Joseph H. ISepersnnuwtod (Streeavillo). Metz% 's% slliam Baugh. Awst&LY--George Lound.. Lut'saow - Francis E. Notemt ; Jobs Walker, Superensm•ted. Aaenaln-Ws. H. Mose(Locknow). Beavis -Samuel Seller', B.D., John Kennedy, Jame. Geddes, 6 Tas•warse-Antis Potter. Bisoa•iu-William Smyth ; John L. Kerr, David C. Cl.ppison, (Terontu 87 Wood .treat', Super- asauated. $Tru.-Richardl'aul. Wilton -Thomas J. Sabine. Biters -Wesley F. Campbell. BiLOaivi-Nathaniel 8. Birwash. BueIVAIa -Josepph 8. Cooke. Wannest -ace- C. Sandstone. Saisr -John H. Watt (Tesewat.r). Arthur Noble Miller, left without a station with the view of taking Miesioeary work on the Pacific Coast, Toronto Conference. VII. THE LISTOWEL DISTRICT. Lumina ns. (Lem Street)-Oeorge Richardson. Lierowm. (Wallets Street) -Wm. T. ]tiller. Pasaassrros-Cheraw L Stafford. /to event transpires in the eapseiisas of itinerant utilisation of greeter or more tender Monroe than Marine the aimed reading of ayl.tlllttuwta. The following resdernig of the SOWN 1 y Rev. Alfred J. Hough, in Li..a s HersiJ, will be read with tearful interest by Emmy, sod may prur• a b seams ton alt 1 was sitting in a wing -stip. close beside the altar rail, When the bishop came in softly. with ►Is face serene. but pale, • silence indcserlbabl7 pathetic Is Its power, Such as might I a In Laren thresgh that "spew of hall •n hour" Rested on the whole aaesmbl7 as the bishop rose and said "All the beMi es balmy awleited. the appuial- •rent• will be read." N o4 as 0a* who handles 'Igbtly mercbaadW of little worth. But as 4ea lag with the richest, most import - met things of rents. In the fellowship of Jesus, with the fallings of a man. The goad bishop asked forbearance he bad dose Ma best to plan For the glory et hie fleeter. trusting hint to guide by pea Witbost prejudice or favor . and the preach- ers Bead "Agora "Beulah Yaoatafae--He lr7 Stager"- happy pants. happy reset. O. the dainties •f the gospel through the chimera; year to feast. Mot a church triol ever rased them. all Ikalr 'r'each.ra stay three years. Wdapart agoldat a tempest et the parent Hilabled of tars. "Trembled %'atom --Bataan Peaoetul'--how that satiny flue grew red. How the tears streamed through his angers M he held his swimming bead. 11kt1 Oe wife stooped dower sad whispered -- what sweet message did she bear I For he turned with tape trsestgttred as upon some maw of prefer. Swett as thought is highest action, sorrow passed and gleams, ams. At some wondrous strata of music braking forth from Jesus' aatme. "Holy Rapture" said the Mabee. "1 have 1.0 to he rapptted.- Aed I thought you couldn't W It. Mr, Bishop U you tried, teras angel duly transferred to the coater - nae* her. below Weuld.'t kaaw eros -half the wanders that those ►lewd people know. They would sot* some Meain of dimmed Shawl* hs mug se Aad weever same in the fymth•r. of his wins -Orasd iadsstor-.yowl Laggard" -biased he the lewd.. thseebt I, Thee have pot that Brother Laggard where be area to work or die. Per the church at Oren.' Kudavor with iia gamey and prayer Will traadora him to a hero or just drive him to despair. 1f his trumpet ever !mks the gospel's charm- ing Bound. 'They will start • big revival. and tenet that he's around. "Union Furnace- Solos Trimmer" what a bishop that west met They leve get the Mailed Promisee wM will mit tbem to ail osgoHsptlltrQ.i - ie eaCers htlthe sal ketsL Vim or water. hell or heaves.. etwaYs seedy on demand. "Consecration -- Jacob Fait b!td`-band hand the two will go And 98 99 PAtesta.fOM Citctit-Wm. Shannon. • Daer oa-Georg Belgian ; Samuel Tucker (Tor - ciao) ; Henry Berry, Buperanawtd. Ai -re -Abraham W. Toss ; A. 1. Birks, B.A. Peal -James Harris (Gleeellen). Bruno. -Jab.. Wast. Tsowssinos-Chas. V. Lek.; John Armstrong, 8 ted. ATwoo'-Ja.es Foremost. Heam.a Wiliam J. Breedon. Weizace-John It. lease (Listowel) M unzip -Andrew M. McCuliensb. Trvlu aaLL-Joesph.W. Pring. Liewoon-Gsage Smith. H.-Sbses.er 'eked. Cha& W. Holden, t.tte.l, Vitoria College. 3 Coldly welcomed ley the churches, coasted ►wrdes.ome by all. Watt up 1e the royal mass ons and sero solt►►ers N bald Paul. ease the Ma.Nr gelled a woman. o:.ly kuowa Imre la Ile striae By her quiet, wall* amuse. 'hough a famous paeaeheru wtte Hayed sad timerd her tur t he bars c1:. she had mannered in ,be sk;. Bot Me meekly tunas! and ay.werol "'Tar.* my husband. fiord. net 'Yea," the Master .aid, "his talent•• mare as scars Met glow and I1ut thy faith gate thew ties ..rtue. and tLe glory, child. le Hulme r Thee • lame girt -I W known her 1., ar 1 Int awns called with *internee. there was trembIlag In her bue..u.. I1:erc nue wonder in heir eyes. "i was wwildstg but • cripple, gleaned :n t:u wide gelds. my King. Gaily eat silent "uterer'nes'h the r"adow of Thy wing !' 7he,a haat been a glg►ty ,matcher, and the ►earls of many stirred To derodem. by thy pace s c. without uttrl- het • word." Said the Master. sad the maiden to kis side with warder premed - Chrlet was stallealag Rig preachrrt to tt.e City of the sleet. And the 1 ad the mewls' linked thele sasses to ewed•M pr.Ite Wham the world hod pasted norms ire•. ■ the Milldam of Its ways. I was 1051 Ims..tp gaslug es that sees* be - load the Ware. Woes 1 mw the Coateroace testing. aid 1 started for die oars. Thos. C. 11.11, left without a station for one year Through the years Were the.. het at his own request. heavenly life tow bel•w. "Greenland Corners -Peter Wholesaler VII. T HF MOUNT FOREST DISTRICT. he lost his self-control. Buttoned up his coat as if he telt a cold wird Monte Foster. -Isaac B. A7legworth, LLD., strike his soul. Thomas Dudley, 8 1. Saw the dreary pat► before him, drew a deep Dtrbreath. knit bar brows• Rowes-Benjamin L. Ballnd, Robert Hooking. Them concluded wbofaith/ Ll to hie ordination HoIJ!Tsnl-R.MR J. Husband. vows. Heassimos- John Mills ; Alfred Andrews, (loafer- In the front pews at the t. hers. haires.hiu erg Sabbath -School Secretary. driven snow - Gose,s-JMOM Charlton. As the bishop read appointments they had W aosiTalt-Samuel H. Edwards. filled long years ago. Tonnes Ifs -Wm. OttawelL Tender memories rushed upon them. life re- Cu,ro.D -Edwin A. Chown, B.D. vi. ed in heart and brain Gu snooze -John Pe iper, It. A. Till it seemed that they cuu:.! travel their old Aereee-Benj. Sherlock ; Reuben J. Tyler, Super- circuits o'er again. automated. "Rapp, Haven -Joseph Restful--hewtheley K -Jab.. J. Noble. shone In kis face GRAND VaLLST-William M. Disney ; Franklin C. At the thought of being pastor for throe yams C.db.ak, B.A.. 114 without a station for one year to such a place! - --- "Hard+rOrsnite- Ephraim 0nasher-tate• the stewards est In • row. And they didn't want that sresober. &ad he didn't want to go. "Drowsy Hollow-lwel W.kim-- he is spent to sew sad reap Where the coagreg.tioe fathers in the Inter- mits of slams. As they sit on Sabbath morn.ngs in their soft- ly cushioned pews They begin to snake is for their regular weekly "noose. Through the prayer a dimness rather" Over every mortal eye Through the reading of the itcripture they begin to droop and sigh : In the hymn before 1 he merinos, with t be multi grand sad sweet. They pat forth one mighty effort to be trona upon their fret. . throbbing walls the Prospers sweetest sound. They sink down la deepest slumber sad are sodding all &rowed. Bat 1 pea that Brother W &kim. en the *est Vigo wheat. day. Whenjoe preaches to the people. and is heard s mile away. Wm dot* both saint and sinter on • breast to l.7 • able VII he strikes the strata of "lastly ; .rad 1'11 IMPORT .A. N T TO Owe dam OF term K. Mem Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia Remove all Uselgbtl7 B.ebeo. CsreeLemsas.e a Cattle. /pleat M*aWritle nineties.. Week Lama. Sprung Kaes. Qeltter. M aels.Rl ga►b C. L. McINTOS$ Aoa• deer to Rhyme. U'sg Mere. keeps tenant l,addsag totewell- -..int,xJ stook, choice Fresh Grooms' , whirl, eat be loud to slaws• henry. Mom a. temente Vwell) amid price. wit any elL.-r .to.le In eh** vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A ul'CCI AL r t. in re? :waist *'tants in f easteesMS tt/ tbrtr pitronadr. 1 would aim t.vlte It>r etY- ere who will. to roll sad import my to•R- 0. L. McIXTO:H. Sete West .ode of IL., ri.tuar•e *.ueterit•h. Feb. IBtb. 1st• Na Mahle should M wKfeat tt. Railroad, minim and a , ge sm,pga dss ne wm patLaMantiat..dadlli sehietod weasing wta d Write M N OILZS. Moa )illi. N- T.P. O. who will. without o6*argn. give advice on all diereses and ales ea the s s gg,es.at of cattle. OW b all d abd t1.M bottle andsavha quarts there. Tits Lbameat la white p1. gree et ter tamll7 w ; that b yellew for oa*W. seam t.ded. Awls Morse sad Milne .wdees. Ural by ell the heaterq b.reea.ss on Jerome Bay ase etweedniorstfc d Nei h..po(. 54 Took. Alterative sad lolvtelly Deere, Worms, Cates smd !1r few , Cone. Isere. sal ore Tercet. CM ,6*. • Rheumatism. The dem le 1.011 aad wwee!t is great. The rwwd.r sem tiaeaate nme rwe.Yaaers roams le sataa. • tan Many HolIbr I. JORDAN. drag,/irti flloderiih flet' 8 0 j,Vi . =NEW GODS. at his owe request. 100 C tot -Adam Glazier. IX. THE WALKERTON DISTRICT. 101 102 IW 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 W Ali►amn -John Scott, M. A. ; David D Rolston, Witham Tindall, Geo. Waaoa. Superannuated. MILDIAT-John Webster. H. Meet& Edge : Amine Clarks, Super- annuated. Et.rwoou-Tomtas Legate ; John Garner. Super- annuated (L&ml..b). Centel' -John Kenner. Dosattrmn-Oso. HarEdward B. West. Iavtnner-Richard W. Wilhelm.. Azetinuerr-Webster W. Leech, Robert C. Ber- ton ; Hoary Hall, 8 PAI0LST-Jo.oph Galloway. EMI Osovz-Thoma■ R. Fydell. Tletime -Memo Amey. Pour SWIM -Josima Greene ; Hamilton :with, 1; led (8.agesa). Sarriztn-Jean HM1nea. Henry wawa', J. Jnbiadon Cr ookiYsibA students, Veteria College. - - X. THE OWE SOUND DiSTR1tT. Owen Ontnte-Thee. M. Campbell ; JAR 7wRe William B. Deward, Soperansestsd ; Sylvester L Kerr, Sepeenuteerary (Ansa). wariest ►ias to wig. 116 CHATSWORTH-John H.R. tar by all who ever Amt.& baht It is coa*deat- 17 said. 117 WBaOOKRO M -Joseph A. ord.Gib Mn. A. tf 'were p ble to *aortal. her would wake 117 Blter►grotal--Ja..Ph R. Gibson. the.er74esd. 118 K RltaLi-John Bali the. •. t elms o'er m7 vision r the bishop 119 A u ,rose• --idol, C. Edmonds, B- U. sun read so. 191 Herwostw-Juba 8. Comoros. AM the veil that hetes the tutees for • am 121 W i ttmw-Joke W. Sanderson. meat was withdraws. COLFOT's Bay -Robert Cons. Few i saw the world'. Redeemer far above Om 123 Lena HEAD -Philip Spathe', t;opgnataenry. Malmo steed. 124 Toatares a-(Osi waned). Oe Hie head a crown et glory. and • loss rell 126 Cara Csoraaa-Thema. Colbert, Is Mas hand. of the Rowed BM throve.• reamated. Ilweelttg. premed Me was satie.N.s Ars preschere la the City at the Itll.st. tauelll•r. known me Mau. meat Mira te the smaller meesisrs tack isaimmt the eke wait 130 Par Om who took the mama shoed= RAW away frees amide said Bare. 131 WlLuatavoaD Ale Th *lad West we tea Threes et essosa.r atheism., amass with MYa. Mow the saber isms te groat hlt& sw the Mester wird -Wall Mss: While t►e posher lambed sad aims be W sock saes y Res• Reale whose geese& ea earth was emplaglMh s p,gweseate Mt tar. ?Oohing ,mel 1. than aerates, for ?. IH*as I*e61wg ear. That are golag t0 he SOLD CHEAP AT -- BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATION. III As there are enemy 6.b. gouda, guided with jilts. Immo. es c..oEered mod sold as t oralltte by soma u0- prtuelpled ea a hose wee oaugr 01tgs rrp4tierY.. a we ware tea tedlamasa such ImpostJea trysts:- keg f w- a..oresitJ desei* ththeir aplinallis roat ii Yme CItOI'TON CORSET CO's le stamped a limier aide M all C it wlthsst whisk awe are glair EE D S.: The Largest Stock in Town. CLOY UDS. -Red. L.rge late, ALTA.. White. Loteraa GRA8d &-Timothy Beed Orchard Onus. Kestuck7 woe, Rod 'Trop. Laws Ones, Neagaslan sod Millet, Tares. BRASIL-N hate. Goidee Wax. Batter Beans. °ATM.-White Aostrsltan. Black Terraria", WHLAT.-Buckwbeet. Memo rte. c0RN. Ysilow Maaeeot.. Stowell', evergreen itot b. I'eAA.-plead Ps.. White ]fsrtwwtat. and Black tired. etc.. nodal O'Rourke',, So - Lomb h 1.6(11le Gem. etc. Oroire Li (ilei seed. Chased Mal. ti IIeOtmei-tiagomoth Loath Red. sedan other kite's. TURNIPS.-41w•ae. antd all other popeler cA t/MU 1a- sadd alhite l slats Peds ear- mower Deed& sad •a kinds Of Flag amd Gerdes Seeds, carefully selected from the b • est ooh ams & of Fresh Ground Oatmeal Just arrived. SAMUEL SLOANE, Hamilton Street, Goderich. Goderiah. Vets Ritts. 19'1 fit -4m SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE : Wall Paper, Decorations, Wall Tints, Carpet Lining Hanging Lamps, Asd a General Aaortmeat of BoaseFuruishius! 111 --AT- F. JORDAN I MEDICAL EALL GODERICH 1'asoalead afull stork et the to::owing araseniLie art Ie tee Paris Green, London Purple Insect Powder Hellebore. 1 Fresh and Pure, ase at Lowest Prints...11014110 Fresh Bottled lime Juices The Cheapest nous• UNL)LJ i rya SUN.. XL MAItKDALE DISTRICT. MAasn&L5-Gen. H. Cornish. Flawsaroll-Walter Ayres. Draws -W. H. Strongman, M. A., LL B., Pe. D.; J. W. Mahood. lectora-Find M. Smith. e-tvtu.a-A. Parker. Meer. 1 ..a. WAs.Tstis Faun -Robert Jointures (nate wasted). EcnttA•I& --Henry A. Neweom6e J. W. Frisell, Ed. A. new, (J, F. McLaegh- 1ie), Vienna College. 132 133 Id. A. Weet, retired for ane year. David Auld. David Perry, reomet ttJed for J. W. HOLMES, Neely Atirtirnfry now. Sepesaaae- Wet -.t., next door to the Post Oates. Goderich. April lat. um. : Medicine and rills sal l.n Physicians' 1'reeerlptinns out Family Recipe* Accurately l,lapensed. Os17 Pure and Reliable Drags urid. Assorted Rises. Ageat to. :he Torw.to Mucilage )lanufactur. ins Cue l ucila C, liquid Gluc, &c Ccnveweent and Reliable, and at Redcced 1'rire. testit Celebra'cd DR. JUG'S PRESERVE YOUR SIGHT el wearing 'meaty FRANK LAZARUS Plate of the arm of Lemma a Morris) Raw* spectacles Sohl Eye Cloves These Itpertaeles &ad See Mame, have bees used tzar the ,set la feats. smd frlvolt is every Imams ma sa ae . They are Tag NWT tar TMa wo..a, carter tire. and lost mail Tan wined sesame. tom .Area RT - Mattes & Acheson, ■A.amas" tl1Rr'041T0. CODERI(7H" FRAM LAZARUS, MANUFACTURER f Mantua Read. Narrow Mea& LONDON. 0NOLAND, hats Les erne a Mems. H.vahrd. ('.ne.) *ImNe eeit=rowit =either ares hit e ANL fttb. MIt, X17 YELLUP tel 1 n%*! f U h l FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERC. Are plisses% to take. Captain t` Nv.nra, Per aur. I* • safe, ,new, and •lrrmtaht da elsapw of warms la CLL./tremolo Adales A. B. CORNELF, UNDERTAKER. ff.. the mews* Awnr*tsest nr FIM* CIMS n. aloe goerr.. for sad nMseeat Reasors&bls I(.,.. FURNITURE! - - FURNITURE I AW'..al ►e Raps the t' H RA PART AND T Meek of ell Isb of ruminant 1 By fee li.ttb ead I Oen Undersell Aon Other Furniture Kan in Town. I AW tell tkoCs1br LES Sano ed 1 Wand 8emini Isceh iee 1 pea ilow7 pssRic at ti Ha.s{1tt,s 4teves, eiiertsh. fags. aid. toed. 1aA.