The Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 88 ----�-+eves THE HURON S1(:NAL, FRIDAY. MAY 28, 1888. WEST HU RON TRACHER8. CRIOHRT MATOH. Mold • Sarewebl s;atbering 1n gaper ■IRUte of to e it Th Exeter, May 21st, 1886 hsststute opened at 9:45 is the u*�iff ins. President w the chair. Rolylf..u• exertions were couduoted by Mr. odd. Minutes of previous meeting read and ewnsrmsed. Messrs. Gregory, Kitty and Inspector Tum, were appututed news committee. The preeldent COY base gave an address nn the of reading as dee by the minister, sad strongly . ad that reeding circles should be formed. After several mamba!" had expressed themselves in favor of the sense, teepee - tor Tom, Messrs. Kitty, Case, Gregory, Morgan and Misses Hate, Heudersuu and Murray were appointed a comutittee to elaborate a scheme for forming read- ing circles, mud to report early tomor- row (Saturday, morning. Mr. A. S. Came then read • valuable paper on "Errors in the use of language. " Atter eonsiJerable discussion on this paper the Institute adjourned till 1.30. On reassembling iu the afternoon • discussion arose with reference to calling roll of Institute, when it was moved by Mr. Greogory, seconded by Mr. Todd, that the inspector call the roll of Insti- tute bulb mailing and afternoon at the beginning of aeslston, provided that it be not called the first wonting beton, 10 o'clock. Moved is amendment be Mr. Morgan, wounded by Mr. Kilty, that the roll be called four times a day, •is.. At the beginning sod at the close of each session. Amendment carried. Mr. Houston then apok• for half an hour on "Good English," after which, on socount of the children toeing present, the drill was taken in the school yard by Mr. Rubinson, and for which Mr. Rob- inson received the thanks of the Iasi tut*. Miss Ha1se then gave an admirable lesson on "Theory of Music" with class, and a hearty vote of thanks was tendered her for her valuable services. Dr. Rollins then favored the Institute with an admirable address un ''School Hygiene," stealing with the subject in a very practical manner. A cordial vote of thanks was given to the Doctor Mr. Houston then resumed his lec- ture on "Good English," dealing with the subject in a conversational style. Institute adjourned to 9 a.m. Satur- day. In the evening, in the Main St. Meth- udua church, W. Houston, M. A. gave an admirable lecture ma "The School and the State." The audience was large and appreoia- tire, and the exercises were interspersed with some very fine music rendered by the united chars of Exeter. Votes of thanks were given to the lecturer and chuir.and also to the church trustees for usa of church. Then all joined heartily in singing "God Save the Queen." Exeter, May 22d, 1886. Institute opened with prayer by Mr. Brown. President in the chair Minutes of yesterday's session read and confirm- ed. hull called by Iuspec:nor ; about sixty present. The following repast from committee "n reading circ'es was read, and en motion hy Mr. Gregory, teoonded by Mr. Janes, was adopted : I. Your committee recommend that the inspectorate be divided into districts or centres, and that each teacher be a1- i lowed to connect himself with any circle cr centre. II. That six ' .woks he read and dis- cussed ivcussed before the ( )etuber meeting of the Institute, •iz : Hopkins, Fitch, Fairy- land of Science, Physiography, Julius Censer and Nicholas Nickleby. III. Tbat the centres fur the reading circles be Crediton, Exeter, Winchelsea, Zurich, \eI Huliae.vilte, Goderich, Carlon, , Dungannon and Luck- n'ew. 1V. TME the inspector send a circu- lar to each leotchet exl.leining the de- cisions of the Institut.-, giving the ob- jects of the reading circles, and asking teachers to caress themselves with one cf the.readins/ circles. V., That each circle meet on the second Saturday of June at 2 p.m. VII. That the chairman of each cir• cle find out at the first weeting how: many copies of eldi .of the six works will en by that circle and report at inspector, and that these rchased by the general t the twat rates, and tomer- centres at which the circles OUR TOWN VM'HDRB. a sae wlrtsl Dr. tonus, nes aemsaeis tts.w.a et o.etsR tlweew ■eeeam or Tows I..M1 •• k Iiut 10 h Roots of las eeaeen. mess Itepere wit laa•erw.ra. a eismosl• see. The Guderich team, with • Dumber of friends, visited Brussels oil the 24th, to , pay the first of the eusuty matches with the home team. The Brussels ground is rather small, sad the outfi.Iding wants • u little atteutun, but .suite a large square (,u Y wce'y sodded iu the ceutre, allowing A apex; N' sus/haste paid a short is Inroads its this neigh bur .,ted last week. .-Mr John "leu, waw h . been very low fee Meme time, is rw- al remote.* of the loan c ouord 1 twlering sluwiy, was held uu Tuu.Jwy estimates for tb. John Youu><, M. A., arrival bore • few urp •e orf taking action upon the repro' ; weeks agofrom Sc.11wud, where he has thew to the primary woe. of all kinds al t the cowmittee. The Pod hod frequently chargeddurin; The followingus. the npe.rt I attended the Therulu,4%161 Hell, Lint. the put tour mouths that the Prune STATIe7lfflf. MttlgE. WIMP AND MOW otli4 Y Yi 23, 1NBli, bunch, for the tut two isesswaa. H. is Minister of Csnada,Sir Jehn Macdonald, The Ilehlsas Irceadel "What kited 4 . deg is that. my little dein ter Meekest Peet. Mar "He's pert terrier." "And what's The Montreal (barite demeesoea the the other part r "0, utas dud." Hun. Jules O'Dose►.w toe ha•i$g sseu ----- -- -- til d "err grievances,*aw' ..d expresses11• GOBIRICH BOILER W0RL3 tardy wrruw that be wss ever gives a seat in that chamber. Our ouutempur- mry maker a streaw•w effort to threw duet in the eyes of the public and blind 0 stal & Black, • change of crease fur each match. Itrusn.ls, *nosing the toes, deluded to o to bat, sending in Dennis and Ru. TTm he funrer played steadily fur his 17. MacDermott and Armstrong bowled well, but the Goderieh field hardly backed then, up, showing welt of practice ; con- sequently the brussels men put together 00 runs. li.Hierich was rather unfortu- nate in the brat inning, tusking only 29. Brussels made 73 its the setwarl inning, leaving this visitors 19..W make ins .order 1. W. w°11141I the purchase W wiu. Gud•nch tut to waft manfully • of the property known as the old Gude- to make the more before time woald 1,• rich foundry, 1f a suitable t called, and st Win stage 01 the tame had earl be wade to arable •teat to Ise made the bowling completely collared, but me by •iukiug • well before fortunately Dremsssuad, who was playins 2. We would 1 a hole be put in; in splendid form, had to retire after making 29, bMni dews to and into the nodi wy ten test, givens oat leg „I„„ down ▪ of sualcieot Mae to twelve an 8 -loch wicket, i►eetrrtg the same fate in both in- , wruuvht iron cainv. wags. This was Mr. Druwmoid's tint 3. That this be made perfectly water match with the loderich team. His de - tight, w as to ewlyde all surtax a we out - (encu is splendid, his hitting rower old. water, and a tem to be made at this strung, always keeping the ball well int, sit five ur twnuty foot further triter dome, and kis judgment in running Point. shows the coolness a an old cricketer. the rock, to satisfy the committee mat it His Cambridge poke to leg fur 1 or 2 is watertight and satmfaesery, seemed to bother the fielders very much, 4.That • 5-ioch bole M dulled into it being a psreutly • new style of play the rock to the first strata or flow of wa- to them, Hayes and Starke wade doubts tor, my 180 Leet or thereabouts from the figures each, the latter uulurtenately surface, • teat made here of this water ruuaing Ma.Denmott ant on a gaud nu alter 24 hours' pumping, and it found for 2. C. C. Roes. althongh unwell as satisfactory and of sufficient g.aatity, to eke time, played • It11Od ineing fur b. stop here and );o no hottest tutu the Hayes long stopping was very good thruugbvutthe day The match was • very pleasant one, and the visitors were very kindly treated by the Brussels players and their friends. Dom i note Day will see • return mach us the Godeneh grounds. The follow- ing is the wore :- OODtmfl-I-near 1NN $':1. 8. Hays, k Kitchen. 1 A. Smpay, c and b J. Rues 14 C. C. Roes, c J. It .ss, b Kitchen0 Gee. Drummond, L b. w. b Kitchen 2 R. A. Starke, b Kitchen 2 H. IKacDermutt, b J. Roes0 P. lIaloumwn, c Thomson, b Kitchell I T. Armstrong, b J. Russ 0 L. Elwuud, c J. Rom, b Kitchen 4 D. Holmes, c J. Ross, b Kitchen0 F. Widder, not out 0 Byes, 1 ; leg byes, 1 ; wide balls, 3, b lexpected t: preach at M.t..clester and lad been guilty of bee political :reach - MeV' sad (;caned, Tu,en •'f Smiths 11111 ou the coming S.btath. cry and duplicity towards a large section (Juderedt sit the Car. dial ,pl. •ud tuwards GasvutssN, The Waterworks cons D1t1109. MIM . bag hears t" report that they had than • 1 c ids.Thew chargee were partially admitted camppler sift ionises taken from the sell st A New &soot $Ixrrtor -Terre 1• bythe Premier himself ou the ttoor of McLrwen's cell works oneti ed by Dr. I much talk here of petitiuuiog for a new n• agoo. lin Friday Ells, of Tonne.,, and fruits further teats echuul section, massing front John Hlbs House non• wee liar- frit they were fully ks sire "ted r the trade of the water here it wM coi.ider- ker'• northwards to John L,nklater's, urea , u by the Hoo John ed by the 11.st a fear sample O D."wh.oe, ■ w of caster had u..t brei obt.iu.d. We therefore would I :- BOI LERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE BTSCKB aid 81: kladaef Sheet 1res wort. arrant AID WATaa terra FITTING* constantly as hand. Oa hand. ready for delivery : 1 s• m.r. sew Mee. 5.11.,. 1 a M.P. !taw Wier. wiring • section of 2l utiles Mawr,, and •x I). t bythe production of A Collets 20-40 ��w•m!� Oudt, taking ins cy to f.iri e school age, with doom. use utJ letter to rotenuee to tor, &c.. eau a good • trudapcy to further increase. The holler, tatio•,tirp•r* the 'deal. working order. Will be mat away. school house to be built .trout an h eighth Tb° ti..- ft, may paint the senator a ]fail orders wUl rsedve prompt atteatlse. f ' 1 k I but it cannot thereby once to books C7mllli dad to meet, A ,lotion committee, consioipg of Mesa trans/. G. Baird, sr., Spell and Jones, Wu then appointed. Mr. Maiqtin _was appointed delegate t, the .P,OT1tlknal "see octet ie'n, Mr Mousiest then ;;ave an admirable address on "Spelling Iteform," which caused considonblb discussion. Ti. inspestor then took up Petwleec- d Votes of thanks were tires to llir. Houston, the inspector, and Mr. Case, after which�thea Institute adjouroeed to meet at 1 O 1.l- ,is 1. P. Homo, Secy. Saratoga. The trustees of S. S. No. 2, at their last meeting, decided to discontinue the use of the Scripture lessons, and resolved that try Bible be read as heretofore. The concert at Ebenezer on the even- ing of the 24th was a greet success. .tae. Gihs.,a occupied the chair. The tinplate by the choir amd string hand was heartily seem teed. The rw.tones, recitations and dialogues were well renderer;. Receipts, $24. IMbnra. I. /1 1; T. I'i'-holt . - The annual poe- n c of F t) /J. T., No. 213, held on the 1th, wu • rrsn.l success. The er o.nda erne selected on the Borne from, on then lake Intik. The you" esters were out in force, and were well provided fur. $wit.gs, cmgoet, quoits, baseball and other games were indulged in heartily. The rrfrr.hnieet• were abundant, and were much ev.joyel. On the Way hon words, the floor of the new barn of J. Cbtabolei was well tested h step Bane is., after whieh several of the lads and lames tripped it lively in this .lnmdril'e to t e music of Huth Thinker's mouth Or gee. The day's recreation wee reamed e seoc s. by all who wen at IM picnic, 29 sautltu- visit i4'.tttoa. H. Dennis, b MacDermott 17 D. Rom, run out 6 Kitchen, b Armstrong 1 Veal, b MacDermott -• - • 4 A. Currie, b Armstrong 6 J. Roes, b MacDermott 10 J. McNaughton, l.b.w. b MacDermott 3 S. Laird, c Elwood, b Armstrong 3 M. McLennan, b MacDer w tt 1 G. Thoma,u, c Empey, b Artnsttruug1 C. Waterer, not out - 4 Byes, 3 ; wide balls, 1, . • 4 ,; i, at•'N-SECOND INNINGS. S. Hayes, b J. Roes A. Empey, b Thomson C. C. Rues, b Thomson Geo. Drummond, 1. b. w. b J. Ross. -29 R. A. Starke, b Thomson... 36 H. MacDermott, run out P. Malaotneon, b Thomson T. Armstrong, b J. Roes L. Elwood, not out. D. Holmes, b Thomason F. Weider, b J. Muss Byes, 5 ; wide balls, < 10 0 6 1 2 3 3 2 1 2, 7 99 ruck. b. If the water at this point be not satisfactory aid id sufficient quantity, to continue the 5 inch hole to the sewed AIWA sr flue, stir 270 feet or there shouts from the surface, and a teat made hers of the water after say 24 hours' pumping. 6. Haringreceived • tender from Mr. Wallace Bel to bore the well aoJ tike s test as recuwmeuded above, we would 1 his tender be aocepted, work to be done to the satisfacti.,u of the com- mittee ; the custractor to furuish his own stoops power, fuel, labor, pump, rods and tubing for testing the water, and all expenses euanected therewith, the coun- cil to supply the $ inch casing. Moved by councilor Jordan, second- ed by deputy -reeve Cameron, that eke waterworks committee be adopted. - Carried. Moved in aweodment by councillor Butler, secouded by counmille.r ]lcEwan, that the first parsytraph of the report be amet.Jcd by substituting the lot behind prints • very nisi - Dame the town hall property for the foundry Rumor says flat Ed. intends Doom satch- a bird to the maga. into Lost un the f Blowing division :- mg 'oeCnpy Nays --Johnston, Muruey, Colborne, Rev. Mr. Ball, of Remail, preached in Bingham, Reid, Humber. Acheson, I the4fethodist church haat Sabbath, and Dunlop, Jordan, Cameron -10. Year Iter. Mr. Richardson, of Listowel, is •n- o e male from the hotel on the ° black as it pleases, Werke: arae. G. T. R. assume. °hare Road, and thio be rear the wet office. About eight supporters from No. divan atNwte,il testes the tact that the P.O. BOX 361. b would alike, and all c .old go more re- disgrace and discredit of the trau•setiuu Goderkh, M. %1h. 11011. I l b N 6 ' rte dad The belong to the miuisterial nanipulst.'r. assist its the building of the new school maxi shoos house. The matter a much dtaeuwd ge .tr y than n. i. now • o - Sir Juhu her again proved that ho is • people or the seettuu would gtvo a hoe 1, word u nut his bond, and whose lust .r power urged (, bim on the A T� and a public meeting is spoken of to din- adopt the methods of a trickster sod a MEDICAL SteALL charlatan 4, gra point. in his nt. Another cum it. festers sit the transaction is the part Dom, ( played by the Orangemen in helping Sir John to get out of the nec.aeity of taking Our village presented a forsaken air O l)onohoe into the Cabinet after he pearatic• on the 24ta. uuderich, Chu- had been appedntd. tom,, Point !arm sad Kistail were the A "tempest," as Sir John called it, primetpal points of attraction. was raised, and Orange of the A thuinber ..1 vier young men and sours Government were est howling. It is a middle aged ones as well had onset their question it the Premier hiluself was not old-time jubilees last Saturday night, as • ply 10 the " lempe••. ' • consequence of which one pour fellow 1e any calm w"' in cbedieees to this was beard thumping his way down street pressure from the Orange lodges that Sir towards home at an early hour on Sun- John hocked out Sir. O'D000hue from day morning, while another lost his way the Cabinet, for it is Sir Jobe himself maturely in l h attempt so reacts his home who tells it in • letter addressed to an eminent We have noticed that one of our Shupe emprelate of the church in Oute has closed artier than usual for Demo no. The 'ousels as follows tints past. What does this meant It Toronto, June btk, 1882. is dt6tosk to 1 how some of (Pro -Maraud confide -AWL) them ems conduct themselves in such a MT Diu" LoID,-Mr. O Dun oboe oil manner, and still maintain their stand- tell you of tAe tempest that has h•en rais- ed here in Toronto on account of the that kis ri€ira are extreme or to the Irish g•ie.fivn. Tkis might destroy his future, and it has therefore been Shooting was the chief amusement here arranged between the Hon. F. Smith alt "4th and O'Donohoe that the former is to re- ing u church members Holrftmn1110. °o a present the Irish Catholics in the cabi Generally the fall wheat in this neigh- net while O'D, will get • nest in the beehuod is louking well and promises to Sewte. be a good crop. Frank Smith is to make way for Mrs. Wright, of Berlin, who her been U'Dun.!stw in the ministry when they visiting at her Esther •floc some time, n- think Me time is opportune. Those two turned bone on Wednesday. gentlemen ars sating in perfect aecori, Edward TAVis hes eompleted the im- and desire that I should explain to your un his house., aid now it Lordship the nature of their ensure - inept, which, of course, mus: be kept profi.0 .J rn,-t at present. Believe we, my dear Lord, faithfully yours, (Signed), Jos. A. Mambo aLD. Hon. Frank Smith alleged that it eau Itis& Catholics who were opposed to Mr. O'Donohoe entering the Cabinet, and that was the reason he was not taken m. But to the above letter Sir John unto: - tingly nee;tingly •hatters Mr. Smith's pretensions, booaues If • "tempest was raised on ac• went of Seaator O'Donohoe's views on the Irish gnarlier'," it was certainly net Irish Catherine who tailed it. Now, as it was on amount d the "tempest" tha: Sir Joh. kept him out, it follows that &ia exolusioe wee we due to the protest. .,r oppnsitiee of Irish Catholics, as Hon. Frank Smith alleged in his epees►. We want as feeder reef that our knuckled down to Orange inaieiis. .dein ssstter et "The Cabinet Secret" se they did in the appointment of John 01Psy of Prescott, in the execu- tion of Louis Riel and in the debate and vote on Blake's Home Rule resolution.. Thompson, Lee, McEwao and Butler -4. .pounced to fill lie mass pslpit next Sab- bath et ening, Messrs. H. 1L.toed and S. Acheson rs• a..4ertet, Maines lertlwg presented the Quarterly Board of the T1s .May meeting of the Caoderl0h Ho'iuesville circuit at the distract meet. district of the Methcebst church was held ing 1O $e.furth tut week Mr. Elf ,•� at Seal arth, on Tuesiy and Wednesday hag .been appcuiuted a delegate to tis ing cunt at Godench. last, Rev. T. M Campbell, district _ superintendent, offciating. The first cuss�OI110><ae. business was the election of • secretary, __ which resulted in Rev. A. E. Smith, of There are a couple of culverts on the Varna, being chosen. All the ministerial Maitat d that require fixing. members and young men on probation ma reach hest nipped a few early on the district were present. The usual I potatoes and planta IMI week. examination of mintssertal character was - Forster p ostia wire fence then taken up, all the ministers and pro. ' B 11 bationers being found blameless in life Istun W R. whole frust of hie farm. and doctrine. The young nteu on pro- Valentine Fisher is putting up a neat bstion were examined on the usual gees- teed substantial kitchen to his house. tions, and their answers found satisfac• 1 W. H. Baer has eructed a go.d and tory. The only fourth year man was , .ubo..phial air. time, simig the trout of A bulb of blown ,glass found in an Mr G. F. Salton, who was recommend- i MIs saran. Egyptian tomb, upon Irving accideotty ed to be received into fu'l connection and , D. Eaerreife is very Ino at psl•st, broken, gas -soot a powerful odor of O.• ordained. The remaining three young and ahardly t 3pecfe.i to ream.. L- :item This shows that free luuchae were men, Messrs. Cobbtedick, Legear and 1lammation •if the lungs se the troctble familiar to the sehjeets'ot Theotpsus 111.r-- Birks, wea, eeu-„(tmended to be cooties- and Mistreats us not to eat the fragrant. Bat-nIt•O!(D 131IR'-twl, H. Dennis, c Holmes, b MacDerell$1, 1 D. Rias, b MacDermott - - -->I- Kitchen, c Floes, b. MacDermott ... $ Veal, b. MacDermott 1... 0 A. Currie, run out 12 J. Ross, I. b. w. b M aeDe.molt 1! J. McNaughton, b MacDermett,u... • iP S. Laird, b Holmes IL McLennan, not out 0. Thomson, run out C. Waterer, b. MacDermott. Byes, 7 ; leg byes, 3 ; nidus, 7 , . - ..17 .. 5 0 ;3 Tend for Bre.Dse, ........113 _-ss- _y<,0 isilk 138 A Illleerity fot Brunds,.. 5 = MI 1.11101113 GROWTH. F. JORDAN Ila on bawl a full stock of tke following seatwesbie articles: Paris Green, London Purple Insect Powder Hellebore. Guaranteed t'resht Pure. aed Lowrie Lowr Fresh Bulged Lime Juice, Asserted Shea. Agent for :he Terceto ]lacunae Irasatacturt, lsrf Co • 7 Mueage, Liqu GI&,&c t earenient and Reilialda, Rake Nim Prima Also agent for ter Osteksated DR. JUG'S -4.40 Medicine and Pilus E$.4per;alt Physicians' Preseriptfon• mad 'amity Recipes Accaratety Dispensed. ed on trial. The young mush preemies' their certificates, ell first class, float o1 Mr. Birks being with hooves. There -} Was a' evening session, but the ministers there were nu appeal, and 'hero!! loand present were all iucitad to speed els curtest, the court then arose and funned evening at the residence of Dr. Smith, *council for sites despatch h of ordinary where a WednesdVeasiiiitay tthe was spent 6"4")'ss. Mtuut.a of las maestro$ read On \\'rJuexlay the weenies resumed its business, all the lad men who wen and edupted. Tote ("Hoeing "comet° entitled to take part in the ware ,,aaseJ :--Ge"rve Litt'e, for shovel- being present. The beet hushes's taken tins mice, b(k; A Mdloy, bonus on win up was the r-adiug of Circuit Schedules, • frnLr, 100 oda, $2 ; Emanuel Mitchell, CofrT or Riveslox.-The Court of Revision for 'the f.iwnabip of Collhurue was held to the township hall on Wednes- day, 26th of May, at 10 u'dock. Lint which showed that the distriet.aes who s, was its a very Boureibing and ,_j1 oil at o .ndition ; the increased membership the district is about three hundred, an the finances were all found to be in got shape. Cider the question "eh charges in circuits are recommended -'e-'the following were trade , 11r.* nes Is oaf Wbolly II•hoeus. rveeare trent as Asp-ae•it Meurert M q_'nlment, belonging 1. llntario-K. nton, was transferred to Sesaforth Sumwm'iill, rear Holissville circuit, was led to be eto•ed. Other pro- positions were made affecting Hensalt north and south, but the meeting thought It advisable to make no change. Haim - lotions were passed to merilnrialiae the Goners! Conference to mare wane sr- . for issuing the miuwnary report at an earlier date ; also, M•ktspg it to make no champp, in the boondery of the Guelph C.rifer+we. Mao, ".king ti, change the mod...1 eteethag member to the Annual Conference, said elections to take place at she May Quarterly Meeting. The following elections were thou mad° :-To the Stat,enitsgCowamit- tee, Iter. E. N. Rupert, Clinton ; to the S. S. Committee, iter. Mr. (1.. Hay- field ; to the Missionary Sewn ettee, Mr. IL W. McKenzie, Goudprieh. The fullowiset r.wdellon was usasim• trent adopted : -- "Moved by Rev. & N. Rupert. 11 A., seconded hy W. i[ Gray, Esq , that whereas our respected district •uperuar tendon' will most likely be removed from this district at the approaching ander- entre, we, the members of this district meeting now in erasion, avail ourselves of the privilege of MOenng out brother of the great sati•faetion he has given as the presiding tdlieer of the district, it is therefor* resolved that the thank' of this meeting are dee and are hereby t.ader.d to the iter. T. 11. Campbell for the courtesy and kindeem .4 hie oolheisl in- tercourse with his brethren, and the ability with whieh he has disehareed the doth,.• •d his tiaee ; sod we pray that he may le me he spared to serve iha chureh of which he is an hectored minister." This years 1 of the town of Milton *weeds that of any year during the VS years. It is a wonderfml adva tsarist prosperity and pop- ulation Lai year we aonounoe4 that the tote, value of real and persona property and taxable income exceeded that of 1881 by $2.420, nail that the pop- ulation had been increased by 70 inhabit- ants, many people were no less pleased than astonished. This feeling of aston- ishment will giro place to wonder this year when we as ounce that the total value of real and personal property and taxable income exceeds that of last year by the handsome aunt of $12,000. The population, too, has kept pace with the increased . 1 of the town and shows a.leerlllia' of 89 persons over that of lase year. Better than the, the ineeeusor reports that that* are already so reeve then fourtues handamne buildings in course of erection, and the building season bat lust began. All this must be cxoeedm4ly gratifying to llliltoneane and their friends.. (Milton Non, Anti -Scott. Sneak thieves visited senator Vidal'. residence, Sarnia, a few days •co. Howe °leaning was in progress and the senator's clothes, onr,sistieg ,ef three nr four suite which hi. had not taken to Ottawa, were hung over the upper bel cosy tailing while his room was Min renovated. They were left out untlil evening, and before dosing up for the night, when they went 1e t.rutg them in, every article waggons. Yoe ask what ss open merit is. Well, my won, an open «sent es eine that • wo- man swears skis won't tell 64 nods, 116 37g; Owen McAvoy, 3f/} Q0 87; J ohs Jealous, tar.M./elling Bass *2 50; Alin. % efde, matching "seg boundary line un oppaitf side st reed, $u.50; Dodd, for cedar lumber, $3.81; Chu ilea'hee, for making ctyesway at MtPhee s, 812 00: Stereo account for Orating,,io20 40i Star, 5 40 An appli- cation u( J. T. teoldthorpe's was protest- ed, asking for the usual bones towards the erecting of 67 ruts of wire fence, bet no action was taken. An applioat(IeA.of W. H. Baer was read, asking 1tir usual bonus toward* building wire repos 64 rods long of west side of Maif and con., which was filed in the meantime Au app!i..rtiun was read un itilt- oil to pans a resolution requesting O risk tuwnship coened1 toekip nail between Holu•esvdle aid t tra1-tieable. 11uved by Japes (, sec osded by A. Malloy, that this rewlution be passed Carried. Moved and sec. mete' that J. R. Ilachanau's request of changing the rad lea gr.nted. Carried. .\ peon... was handed in, sign./ by thir- ty ratepayers, tusking fur a grant toward the building of a new school house on the curter of lot 5 of 11th con., or there - *outs, which was Bled in the mesntinse. The reeve and the d matt Wa- ws a brought up the matter teat the Wawanosh drain in the way of olen tug et out better and further in this time - ship. They also laid before the coined • past ace: tent of 041.62, bet thee. mat- ter were Iv( t over for 1 rtheelor eelera- lion. The clerk was instructed to notify Wm. Walters and Woe Feagkw, sir., to clean vat the creek that runs through their property. Ail order was even to the treasurer i• door ef James Jones, the sear being for a bump allowed 4.0 bedding • wire Mise. Ties council then adjourned to meet again un Wedoeeday Jesse 6th, at 2 o'clock. J. H. Rica alum, T'p Meek. May lith, 1806. The rivers of the country are having • hirh time. They are iadehries in bank - wettings. regrow:re within 2.000 years 4.1 our ap- pearance in decet t society. Avoid temptation, thrungh fear you may nut withstand it. STii.Treen, Jane Rh. Mi. For several years 1 was greatly tronbied with asthma. sometimes banns to sit up .4-, en or eight sights la seCraso.n'.. ueal.ir to deep and almost uta 11r to bereatl e, .1 friend . , 1 L. J • Medicine and Pula Tie mottle gave great relief, and ming sit bottles was cared, ass work as well as ever. PaTanur VLAxtoA9. Parser, Dowiie. ste4efleh us racier: (Reported by Telephone from itarbe.t S11118.1 (lnngau•w, Nay 17. tall. Wheat. l rani it hush as rs O go 7; Tth.M,(redwinter,Ybush .... $Otil Oso Merielgo V bush e gp a • a ;0 - beat. lipasetr bush 0 la tour. int l cwt. is et 11s. how.Imis,411 cwt $le •s t Re war, est rang irken, 1 cwt10 kg 2 to war,es•teren per. cwt :.I e t SO . It 0110 mss eat iota 1 bush ... .........., arabnee *bosh ............. eeeteee. a bob ... . I9a).1 bra ....... ......... Rutter. V a ,....... �sw.Ieapekedlidos kip. ................. 6hort.. 1 cwt .............. Rran, a rwt (-hopped ata,. V cwt. Screenings. V cwt . . ...e Port. V cwt '(�,,, • 10 ie a SO 1e 0 51) 10 e sty 7005 0aw (1! 01a" ser " Seen 0 10 " Rider Sae•esains....:.».... a...... • • 1 • • 14p 0 71 0m 1 .w 0 fa b 50 380 • 1.5 0 50 Only Prue and Reliable Drugs pied. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS A. Marti an many Wait* carded w,$k dra as &tratia• by Noe ow ser alerdmilnil WI re su l 1tY1Lpe. Inchh sir Mbe jil small by sela a ltyefeasl.gWWI ' CROMPTON COSSET CO: UP st am ped a tnnar mil. of all Csrmuas goodg 111/1910114 whisk mai are ge.sir - A TO MACKINAC. The Mass ne•igaIRl SUMMER TOUR("iia Palms larmans. bete sinus. raw Trine yea We* Lawes" DETROIT AND MACKINAC Ail weer! wait Day >M.em ----DETROIT AND CLEVELAND wr+s. ser sten t"Plilereega8 Mackinac," INestrel44. r Ossaar• eaa Pasuwlsss. 11•11a011•611‘ Dab.* 1 01wNemd stearal Neu. Ca. d. 0. WM*Teems. Rao Vere. DETROIT. /Mem. PASSAGE RATES REDUCED. ANCHORLINE. • +TISAME.R/V" r'' RIIo IlTo RDAY from YO SLAeeaw Alp u1 NeKasy. Raba Of Nonage to or ham kirerwei, telmarry sr SM. t�,oten Clew A sane rtpreaa terrieer. IIVrar•••• vs.ran.T Iews. l3teamaMp 'VITT or seer- from New York. WM/N KRI) t y Jima 23, July 21. August 15, deM. M. Saloon Passage, ase and upwards. im ('lass. 511 H outward or pre- paki. eitherlea 515. t ,i }looks of Tears. Tlekmss, or other MAI% nation amt Sp NENGRIIIION lsiO.. New lea nr \. ISiI;R.y�iN. Pat Il(1oo, ue ltlmttMlhi ;ad«rialo. Mar Mk 151 INETAILORING' GREAT SUCCESS. Notwithstanding the hard times and keen competition, I have taken orders since I commenced on the 24th March, to the amount of 111,000, and increasing rapidly. NEW GOODS ARRIVING WEEKLY __ARO Sold at the Closest Living Profit. All G000S BOUGHT BY THE TARO CUT FREE OF CHARGE. Ged.rleh. May f0lh, Intl Sas A r A