The Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 66 Che Poet's Corner. IMMANUEL'S LAND. Tb., newness poem Is from the pelmet Sam- uel ltutherfur • dcotck dela.. Whe woo daring but t~ to f character and 4 t . At hid deal►- w *Se i• ttmj y gave him from taartyrdsm at els Andrews, his last words were. 'Olery, Glary dwelleth i■ Im- nwoers Isad.- The uses are made up moat ) et espreesloas of his own. The sands of time are stoking, The dawn of heaven breaks The summer worn I've sighed The lair, sweet morn seek Dark, dark haft' been the mid Bet dayspnug as at hand ; And glory, glory dwelleth lu Immanuel a land. t 1f ' well it is f,roter Oh ' well for everw.tre : My nest hung in no fossa' Of all this desth•dootned shore ; Veit, let this vain world vauisb, As Trow the ship the strand, While glory. dory dwelleth In Immanuel's land. for- e. night, There the red Ruse of Sharon Enfolds it's heartmust blame And tills the sir of haven With ravishing perfume ; Oh ! tat behold it blossom, While by its fragrano• fanned Where glory, glory dweller' lu Iw.naueel's laud. The King there. in His beauty. Without a veil is seen ; "It were $ well -spent journey, Though seven deaths lay bete The Lamb with His Lair ■rmy Doth on Mount Zion stand, AndTory, glory Jwell•.h Its �wwaouel s laud. t►h, Christ -He is the fountain, The deep, sweet wenn( love' The stroma on earth I've tasted, More deep Ill drink above ; There to on ocean (ulnae' His mercy doth expand, And glory, glory dwelleth In Immanuel'' la.,d, )ft in yon sea -beet prison,• My G,rd and I held tryst ; For Auw.rtht was not haven, Atli preaching was not Christ, And aye my murkiest storm -cloud Was by a rainbow spanned, Cauvht from the glory dwelling In Iminanuel's land. But that he built • haven Of His surpassing lure - A little New Jerusalem Like to the one above. "Lard, take me o'er the water," Had been my loud demand ; "Take tea to L,ve's own country, Unto Lumanuel•s land '" Ilut flowers need night's cool dark The moonlight and the dew : So Christ, from one who loved It, His shining oft withdrew. And then for cause of absence My troubled M.ui 1 scanned Hut glory shadeless shineth In Immanuel s laud. Th. little bird. of Anworth- I used to count them blest ; Now beside happier altars I go to buid rimy nest ; 0.er these there broode no silence No graves around them stand ; For glory deathless dwelleth In Iwwanuel s land. Fair Anworth by the Solway, To we thou still an dear ; E'en from the verge of heaven I drop for thee a tear. Oh ! if one • oil from Anworth Meet me at God's right hand, MJ heaven will be two heavens In Immanuel's land. I've wrestled on toward haven, '(pelmet storm, and wind, and tide ; Nor; i • , rCrerterer That lesneth on bis guide, Amid the shades of evening, While sinks life'. lingering sand, I hail the glory dawning dawning From lwnwnuul', land. Deep waters crossed life's pathway, The hedge of thorn' was sharp ; Now these lie all behind me : Oh ! fora well -tuned harp ! Oh ! to join Hallelujah With yon triumphant band, Wbo sing where glory dwelleth, Ie Imauanutel s land. With mercy and with judgment My web of time he wove, And aye the dews Of sorrow Were 'mitered with his love. I bless the hand that guidetlt, I'll bleu the Heart that planned, hen throned where glory dwelleth, In Intmanuel's land. Soon shall the cup of glory Wash down earth's bitterest woes ; Poon rhall the desert brier Break int. Eden' rose : The curse ,hall ubange The name on earth that's banned, lie graven on the White !:tone, In Immanuel's land. neer 1'l Oh ! I am my Relived s, And my Beloved is mins Hs brinp a poor vile sinner Into His "house of wine I stand upon Ilia merit ; I know no safer stand, Nut even where glory dwelleth, In lmmanuel'. land, I shall sleep Mound in .Iest:s, Felled with His likeness use, To love and to adore Him, ToRre Him with these eyes ; 'Twilit me and But I'arrdise doth Stan 1. Then !hen for glory deellirg In Immanuel s laud. The Li a eyes not her penitent, But her dear f y fats . I will not gate at thy, But at my King of erne• ; Not at the crows he wareth, Bat on His pierced band The Lamb is all the g', ry Of Immanuel s land. I bare born scorn and hatred, f fare borne wrong and Shame, a ones have reproached me Fee 's thrice bleated name. 'TM- £Mrtrw. r H se parte. FHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 2e, 1886. Where God's semis set the fairest, They've stamped their foulest brand, Bet 'advisee' slimes like uwuday In Immanuel's land. They've suniniesed Rte bels. them, But there I may nut Dome ; My L rd eaye, "Come up hither ,' My Lord says, "W.l.vuue hole. My King before His white throne My presence doth commend, Where glory, glory dw.11eitb, In Imwanuel's land. at eaa1 Ili twee. A sailor for sea. And a spinster for lea. A lawyer tor talk and a soldier for dahlia&; A baby ter aria, And a circus for bis) a Aad a ts vemsriter nous to du autograph wril- lag. A banker for chink. And a printer fur Ink. A leopard for *maenad • wafer for sticking; A crack baseball danger. An opera stager. A shotgun, • mule- and* thotr for Pik-k•.wgg 1kurdette. A Weeiaisate Leap*. G Mrs. Cyrus Kilborne, Besmerille, Out., hul what wee, wppieed to he • censer on her twee. She was about to submit to a cancer doctor's treatment, whets she onteluded to try Burdock Blood Bitten, inteniaJly and externally, a few bottles ,.f which entirely cured her. 4 Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap for Prickly Hat, Nettle Rash, Sealey Eru,r tion, Itch, and all diseased condition of the skin, lm The Hectic Flush. pale hollow cheeks sand pMerinue appetite imisea.e wont.*, Freeman's'' Woran Pee/dent will quickly and effectually nano,0 thew. lot In the history of medicines so preps ration bas received such untietol Doan mendatiou, fur the allevaanou it affords and ti perineneut cure it effects in kid- ney albumenises Ur. Van Buren's Kiun ys Cure. Its actio.' its these degreasinigp, complaints as simply wonderful. Soh] by J. 11'ila.,n. 2w Slew Lire rise Fatales. Weakened al OS - 'ease. bebeeely and DSsarpelMs. The Great German luvtguratur is the only specific for nervous de- bility, uotvenial laasitu(fe, fergetfull.e.s, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- oosses of any kind, the Groat German Remedy will restore the ' et functions and secure health and happiness, .1.01) per box, sin but., fur 86.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage d, by F J Cheney 'T led 0:9 "4 fC40� O�b�7 Pw -' PRRRY DAVIS' NIS PAIN -KILLER la •sr PAysirians, Minsters, Missionaries Managers of Factories, i1 -or• I'latalatuni.s, Nurses in Iloapitab, -in short, rceryte„ t y trerme rg into hat con gime it a triol. TAKEN INTERNALLY WISED WITS A WINK GEAR* or ROT MILK AND $GOA&, IT WILL 15 POUND A x5TZs Fltuxa Cris rot. h SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CION-. GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT. Ac. £PPLZZD SI=RNA LLY, ZI PRRrnxCR NAI ?Rorie et Tnr moor ►-FFKCTIrt ARD ■SST LIPIDSNT .oN IN kZMOvIx(r THE rats ARlelexa FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWF,I.LED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, Ac., itc. gds. per Roftle. Siir Beware of Imitations. "Vg CAMPBELL'S: CATHARTIC COMPOUND ill effective In small doses, arta without griping, doves u.,t n6- ca*ion nansra, and will not create irn. talion and cnngeat inn as do many of the usual cathartic. ad- etinight-red !n the forty, of fill. et e. Cern 'avis tape Ladies and Chi1- R most sensitive oto_ macros take this medicine without t o •a- ble or complaint sn,te roWFOr'Nn is .*pedally Wanted for the cure of Lees C"SPLAINT' AND BILIOI s Ut. 011.5551. Fon ACID STOwar'R AND TAWS of AP- PETITE. FOR MICR 1fsaDAPRr AND TIFspepar A. Foe CoNsrir►TL,N t OR l treTIAA s'i. Fun AL1. CuMi.A1gTa Airisie t rn,M A Ihansa+asa>i, nerve- or res 8TO. MACR. This mcdieine being in liquid form, the dose can he racily re slated to inset die requirements of di edeas, thus makingrent Iter- adaptred to the tee f it littl.11y d s* to the adult. Put up nituhrrechili's* ounce bottles, and sold by all dealers in family medicines. frier hr/ail, 25 C'IE's. "WI/ Th;. �� vet p.Rena pus - �ersiioa is adape.d roe the run of that clap eklimoler. '� sten sad or reduced rr. er (.. • ln. Oa 11:d' by Heart I%s.pt ra and P*t. Iv sr. ylriteetm sf (k. Hart Hae,pt results will f Ion its me M eases of Sudden F.ahau.lioe vr'ine free Loss at Mood. Aeon or Chronic Ihnaa•es. end in the weai wtb inruiahoy areeap.n.es the'i.. reran. No rew,edy will ppre are, spryly relief in Dyspepsia IN ladlrawian. F ei- .shed Pint 1.... d Appetite, `it "_- gibpn*ds.ry, and is all,e 4 aa ltr•o TIR SIM CAPTAIN Mit *rinl•LART n 411, the I.LIXIR., W' 4 mea. 0, • Sold by all /hr/err iso Me.i,. fused te'At c. DAVIS A 'Avis 00. (Limited) Seta deems. MONTRW,,PQ. him, sogar rllsni aur United States. Cir: and testimenUls sent fres. Sold y Geo. Rayons, sole agent fur Gods - rick 3m : 1lerchanu an ret their MU Heads Letter Ho.da Ac.. Sc... printed at this odic.. for t ery little more than they j'ee•orally fur the paper, sad it baps to adiertue their era. Call and see samples and get price, t•BASTaa tr, `Malden. Nam., Feb. 1, Iota Gentlemen -- I angered with attacks of sick beedache," Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in the moat terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hup Bitters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me The *canna trade meas well and strong as when a child. 'And I have been so to this day.' My husband -ma an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, liver and' urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Boston's beet pbysi• cians- 'Incurable' Soren bottles ofour bitters cured him, and I know of the 'Lives of **It persons' In my neighborhood that hare been saved by your bitter*, And many more are using thi m with great benefit. 'They almost Du 1Ftrwc:es ,' lm Mas. t D. Slack. Farmers' Atm HURON AND BRUCE LAIN IND INVESTMENT SOMPANI This fompuny is Loaning Money Mb Finn Security el Lowed Rotas of Interest. 111ORTUAOES PURCHASED. BAV INOO BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 std 5 per end. Interest Allured nos IA•pustfa urn,n/,ny fo u.sonat a,sJ time left. OFFI('g:--('ocof Market Square and North i at incl. u-,.lerkit. HORACE HORTON, Uuderiub. A.R. Mh, INb - MAgtraa WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, 0YSH-PS/A, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, NWT BURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING Of THE HEART, ACIDITY Of rme STOMACH, D4 INSS Of THE SKIM And e'e''yra.respecies eF dneaas• 1lreta d+esd LIVER, RIOsItyg aT T. MILBURN IS ^^1n» West Street Neat Market. Allrlro!s & JO1H1E011. ll.!. KENDA OF Agricultural Implements, C. He GIRVIN 1155 go.. Lat. 15. 4 Impkewee business, aid repreerata the fellewlag Heeess• HARRIS & SON, Brantford, BihnEletl, anti Rsarsrla COCKSH L a 1, Brantford, PLOWS, HA y l.e LiDLRti and & tyrreslla MASSON MANUFAITI'RINU CO., Oshawa, SEED DRILLA and LAWIl Mown. AOIINT FOR Genniiie New Yort Zillor Seixi Iac1iiiies. tN5tt C_ H_ QIRVIN Hamilton street, a t.• w deers below the Celherae Meer. KoepYour Feet Dry! Yoe can do this at • very trifling cue by bulla. year BOOTS & SHOES' AT TICK KTORt OF E. DOWNING I have now on nand the largest stock ever shows in Oodericb, and comprises trail found In • ar.t�;1aas *hos store. from the finest kid, through an the is ed Rae us to the hoariest cowhide. 1 will eal1 a ttg tarraedlat• .Rede Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boots in Batten or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. Kisses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. I can and will wit you. both In roods and Price.. MEATSIFG- Crabb's Block, Corner East street and Sq son. LL-'hMRnage Leather aid Winne is Sty awattty,--beet Prices. A C.tLL SOLICITED Carets' Attention and Prompt Delivery' Dec. 21tb, Itib5 r. The undersigned has a Choice S»Iect.it« Pure, Clean W -- of Ihr following varieties -White Duches- s . Lucerne, hake, Trefoil. lace View and Iced Cloi-cr, of Clover,a Timothy, own and all varieties ('hent. Peas, leBarley.f pRye. permanent pasture. Oat Corn. Tares and Flax; �� yield and Garde �t Seed* of law lean growth -true to name. A full assortment of Flour and Feed. the market t' le rated Union Chun --the best in A consignment ment of Choice, Fresh Teas, con lasting o Black. Orem and Japans -whole- sale and retail. A large am,unt of 3loney to Loan. G. CARLONE . Takes pleasure in announcing that Le has opened out t wee Confectionery .t Fruit Store IN OODERICH, on A W . 8 i STREET, adjoining Knight's Barber Shop. the bot. ho ma usesaw, and due been bought from R. PRICE, Masonic Block, Kest street, Gederleh. March 11th, 115*. trJXJio DUNN'S BAKING TPcOWDEiR THE PRICES ARE VERY LOW. A call is respectfully Invited. Go-fericb, )(arch 25u,, 13113, r0lt�lt rte fpLt ATrp - ! CHASESI too10RAfle-* - 0ELION LIVER THE ittY 1U H CURE - SAVE TOO (� �saaey4�aYssaCsvas will M ��'rests 4amga'se.�ys�ko�own van Dnloelo all the clogged sienna at tdta Bowels, Kidnu&Ily ys w ttho td /aware sorr'P weakening the ingaQ fpseivall wi system, all the imposition and find humors of the .ec ettens M the mane tine Correcting ,Sd, , of the DT, - pepsin, Headaches.DiatnesStomach. curing Biliousness. �s, Heartburn, Constipation, Drynees of the Skin, DroDQ�lDimness o VithLrt ysipelaa, $��' Heart,- Fee vvounn Fluttering Gen- eral Debiillttd to the fineyo;esall them and many other h,A'py D,Sa'rrz a r Complaints' ' 'R of T. I�IJrR d tit. Prsgriy,,, Towne" CODER,ICH OOLEN ]L, tiv... 11'.w1 r; r.nrrrs of the Sr( r,' non, Iir.•I .- \\'..., i.h tr ay that we are prepared In take ,sur w....l in r[r hangr f.N13.>,MI., or work 11 t..r r•., i'rn an” of tie follow) Blankets White, Grey or Horse. Shirting. -Grey orCheclk. Cloths - Tweeds or Frill Cloths, Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey, Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Shootings—Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn — White, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps trade to order. ROLL CARDING. a a't- ',sc I,, i.ea /or this work cannot be our - ps ..d. We .111 eadeecn,' in meet emirs toile It the Cosy it is hrwaght ;n. If regnired. Custom spinning and 1:eell•R,nrSpinning ren the I'op..•earun or fine, hard or soft twist, An re.iu Irel. WS are Ina poettlgn to do all kinds of ens tom were. senafly done In a /nil set enation Mill. and ear will raranter tndoMr y„t. nosy mgeat. 1/ not m Illele better then any In one surrounding.+. A call reapeetfelly aellefted. E. McCANN Ram Ned R'eelea ]flip•. O•>.terkh, May IBM, IASL . D�a� 1 H hs. Dtaa dlie liMead bent mb sad Sketch ra-ady, be issue a see NATURV'S REMEDY • no Liver Gfi•d .cense of De. Chris's liver Care b s' the tact that it i Loneesailed • ASD wDw* e's ser, coat d -jib lett en airi ''�w eis�6l elm en the K� b D.:adrs is r00.0001110LD est 7*a► seehey will!., e/ D►_ chests lent/. le*d ere sod mid da Ca j/wsa story *err SP, ss story Nein. ter rel OA ...realist remedy, treskeill mita Liver Cee Sonnies Ittw. Cows .flsav Pati M• rapped around anry Lortleer 1h. Chase. Lion Cos .rid• Hoa.ehdd Medical Guide and Recap Beat (l. ink containing over soil useful rec�pw Fronoaked b, a.edi.:al new and drnggntt a in'ala. Me and worts ten Daws the prim of -trey medL..... 'r TRY aedy wl Wane Cum A rale end parties , et cants TIT emus muse, MOWER his. nen par bee SOLD SY ALL DEALERS JO T. aeaawaog a 00. Seto areata. trl.dg_A 'n "JAMES WILSON (30D1 ELI CH_ Ort, find. 1 .t& 101F -it' EASE AND SECURITY This cur represents tits double truss wit position pen spring seemed In the Pad. by which a ('OKdT.ST but asote s IN WtARD Sad 1 MARI► au • the hernia whet the r _ `r EO GE RHYNAS, - Druggist, Februarl�t6OmL3m AC+ENT, O.ODERICH_ DBNIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER AND LKADIvu UNDERTAKER. It will pay you to 1W Furniture from the undersigned, u I have now ere araplet as assortment u there le In the consts I do not adopt any quark sitesre u/ enl outfit at grecs that cannot Ge sn • cheap specialty. but will sell Toa a gen In the Undertaking1 Aare stock sui�, rgtttj,' p r asideredh 1 have also added e process of Embalming. poor as well as Melt. Irieads to a distance can do so at reasonable so that parties baring to need Bodin pt DANIEL G}ORDON ( est sue*, Ogeelab. het wren the Poet (Mice and s Hank of Montreal. Sept. 21th, 1883. 11014-3eis Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. aEo. 111161R1:1Y (;A 13INET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street.rGoderich A good auaortmeat of Kitchen. S-oom, Dinlig hone and Parlor Furniture each ss t idea. (:hairs their, cane and wood a n, ( ■ t� Lounges. Sofas, What -Nota, Looking Glasses. p�rds' Red -steads. ]latresser, bra►-Rlaad N. B. -A complete sas,:meet of combs Sad Shrouds always un hand alae Haraea for hl at reasonable rate . Picture Framing • specialty ---A0.11 aetieitrd 1;31 ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER New the titre if Tee wise ere or ten Mee name at home. to see Butler Dom et. He has over '• °II20,000 Rolls of the Latest Des year r.a.57110 .. - a...t t. k ' Pn� s'wrre'I wwe....«.l��.at'- at,*t... �lR.e� ~ ns �sss •at i.sloi w IIt�g!Wat'•ii mounts ewers sad at prirr.lees than very mor' Inferior good.. , are the boat value in town, Sad mast be (a and see hem. Tk s M IA The Lai� s ¢� Paos HAR,tNESS NAIR BALM Restores grey hair to itsteal color, moves Dandruff, stops the hai from falling ot, ncrases it growth, and wYnot soil the &in. As a hair fires sng, it ha3 esuperior. Gar alnteedluPrepared Harkness lk Co Landes. Ont. saw sy ata P.we Deem pioq iartWing azar & Fasbio ps, &.T BIJTLTR'l4 QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS PE A Rr__I s s OIL Every Barrel Guaranteed. This 011 was n Machinery duringthe Exhibition. It sed nn all ted been SIX GOLD MEDLS dura RLthe last three yearawarded s. ssirSee that you get PIESS. It is only made by SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. ver Rale ATES & ACHESON, Goderich. Tmms%woe. Mk, fate, r u 11 e 1II • tl 5I • fe 4t was dr It th Jai 4 Is el to Je PH a 0e el in me ba for "I 1