The Huron Signal, 1886-5-28, Page 1wHOLS NUMBILR IIMMt
is pubtish.4 Friday! Moralism by tree
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tae for each shiest inserti. three early. f airr yearly
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JM MINTING.- We Imre alwaerat-class
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to de Ias.twe•s 1■ that line at priceetit4liaat.ut
bo banMw. and of � e�1�1tp that cannot be
erp•s ed.- Teresa Ami
FRIDAY. MAT ?Are, 1R81'i.
Ties guiding hand of the hired man
continuer to leave its impress on the
organ of the pious editor.
Comes of the speech of Thus. White,
M.P., on Northwest administration, Pre
being sent Into West Huron by the
thousand. Dalton McCarthy dew the
frankieg. M. C. Cameron seem tube a
coerce of trouble to White and McCar-
thy, and the Tories generally,
The truthful and pious editor of the
Star has done a lot of wriggling un the
quertion of the Wentworth voters' list. Th1IIQ.
He has been ailed and abetted in his
wriggling by the equally
scribe of the Hamilton Spectator. Each anew
of the veracious scribes his
to bolster the other up its endeavuting t .1
prove that Teta Stoast• made false asset- - Well, the Twenty-fourth has comae
tions on the ogee, and each has failed to Bed gone. The 117th of
G011t;R,ICH. ONT., FRIDAY„MAY 28, 1886.
That Are Happening
Around Us.
.ollaals-Itapsy na Is 4:1111••• ---
prove anything except that lying abutted -
ed in their own columns. The follow-
ing extracts will show who aid the lying:
The revising barrister of Wentworth,
iuste•d of giving the printing of the list
to hu political favorites, let the work by
tender. This is as it should be It is
perhaps of interest to know that this
fair-minded official is none other thau
our .Id friend, Judge Sinc'air, • staunch
Reformer. The Hamilton limos got the
job by the loweat tendril -- [The Signal,
Match 5.
the birth of our Sovereign Lady, Vto-
loris, Queen , f Greet Britain and Ire-
land, Defender of the Faith, and Em-
press of India, poured off nu a right loyal
fahioh in and around the habitation of
the Ajazes. 1 was up betimes -I always
am en holiday. -and atter partaking of
my matutinal meal ("matutinal" is a
good word, isn't it t) I ..t about doing
the chores and getting things to rights,
anterior to .allying forth and viewing the
di.truction of fire crackers, which this
year surpassod that of all previous years
in this corner of the peninsula. And
right here the spirit moves me to enter a
short, sharp and decisive disclaimer
against the ind 'shooting off of
tire -crackers. There may be • heap of
The interest the public may have in
the questi of how and by, whom the
Wentworth voters' het wan printed armee
from the fact thst the Guderich StoYst.
has Teen fit to make an attack on Judge
Doyle for not letting by tender the lista
lis this county, basin', that attack un the
Wet. l icwce, M.P., is cocaine to the statement that Judge Sinclair adopted
treat as a resiy and effective partialsat such • course with the list under Lis
tory debater. Th. way b. rubbed it into charts. We have disproved the state
musterns to
the esinlster of millitia recently un the t the sub withour cbarasterieticrsitunuosity
question of the retirement of .tad others wriggling •r..uod the real issue, and
WAS Mr. is alw said nowlocate facts. -[The know
tar, May where2he Stag get
to be the wealthiest man tM House.
Judge Sinclair asked for tenders from
Da. Cor.srfset, of Seaforth, is to be the the Hamilton pipers for printing the
Cougarvative aadrlat. for South Heron lista, and the prices.u�mitted were : by
the Times. 118 per page ; by the Specie -
at the nest election for the Ontario tor, $18.30 per page. -[The Star, April
Legislature. 1f Archibald Bishop ruts 30.
again as the Liberal candidate the Dae- Tim .tar has caoght its local
ter's chances of success will be much bet- , Tins Stu'st., in • thane -
1 6 i
haselsification the print-
s= oppose I 1st. The Mar p r)
all wasn't gold that glittered ; that wbtm
we plucked rose. thorns tuvari*Wy as-
oompsuied them ; that life was a stern
battle from start to fiuisb, and nut a mere
holiday excursus ; that there were sad
partings that mute than counterbalanced
merry meetings ; that sorrows were inure
frequent tban joys ; that age was merely
• plateau from which we could look both
ways -to the sweet lung ago and to the
sweet bye -and -by -to the joys that are
past and to the hope kryond.-But
there, 1 must stop. Drat the thing : if
there isn't a blot. The fo.ks should've
closed the windows when they knew the
1 Mcott.l.itl'UIitt ill:ua 1'r as fortaws
$1.3e .1 YKAR tN Alit..AMOK
QUEEN'S LIRT'I1 n«telal fgoing
oi nito with the funeral, sod the
• fm showed 3 for liooderieh
and 23 f..r Winsgbani, wising • total of
4tf to 8 un Laser of the I.Js (torn the
The A. O. U. W. and Band Maw north
The Wmgham team is a strong one.
end if our fellow• wish to teat them they
will ue.el to put on four or lice heavier
At- men, practice more, and put • muzzle oei
the squealers of the club_ Mlaleutuson,
McBain, !Struthers ane two or three
1 form ; there are three or
toyr who ought to get shipped just as
won u better seen can be had. The
following is the wore by innings :-
a Crowd
The hawses, the leaser/. sod
I r.rltews of I , May.
Monday tut was • tine day. There
was a coolness in the air, although the
sun shone brightly, bet the rants held
op, and the sight -seers wet. more than
The forenoon was utilized by the
small boys and big girls in exploding
wind effected my eyes so. .hand my glass fire crackers, and a continued fusillade
nose kept up un the .quare all torstuuu.
w hate got •quit misty like, two : 1 .lure was shot utf nn tow°
reckou I'd better let up for the preseut „a Monday than was fired in many a
AJa1. lung day hen lelvn.
The /lief Tory r assn'. ■y perr•Isy
t a -
The following, which is • view of the
estimate held of the Irish Catholic cote
by the Conservative party, during the
past four years, will indicate that then
tun in it to the small bey and the little
has been somewhat uta "swing around
redheaded girl, but when an elderly gen-
circle. • The later utterance c f the
tleman like your truly hoe either to tern Muil would indicate that it u now in ae-
• handspring or have a rod fin -clacker cent with the Premier, who stated to
Sir Charles Tupper that he "had no con -
explode up ons of the sleeves of his pan• fidtruce in the brood." If the Irish
takuns, to the detriment of Id nor ous
n, Catholics do not rise in their might and
system and the injury of his person, rescan the gratuitous insult/ of Sir John
contrary to the law, and the statutes d all tt
made and pro •idem, its time to all ill and his oresns, they deserve a .•
the police. In the interest of the aged, epithets that have been dung at them
Toronto Jl.V,i \lay Toronto !tail, June
theinfirm, at d the redheaded or other- 1µb 'tsps In tat
t. ,
N -by should there The ('atkoiiu irt.h.
wise inflammably inclined --as i am my- t,,, ase Irish (
'atbolic men of Ontario have no
self --I beg here and now to enter my vete an ower than that
an Angltean rule or they will not be ropre-
a Baptist evict The •ented. 71l1 but a week
of the or two Ilan they had •
is that in the
the Irish Catholics Cabinet, and we have
have allowed them- the best authority for
selves to be eegregat- stating that the recall-
ed from the rest of cy will not remain long
thepopulation byjust unfilled. and that one
such men u Mr. of their people will be
0Isunot.ue. whohare taken into the Cabinet
ter than if M. Y. McLean or D. D. Wil- itfa the Wentworth count) voters' .damn and most earnest protect against
him It is time that Bishop ublishe• a histo of the the burning of 1 , singly or
was retired. The Refurmers of Ontario , , which is correct in every c,Jlectirely on any public square, street,
must est rid of some of the "old sticks," particulary.--(Hamilton Spectator, May lase, concession road, sideline, blind•
or they will our get a msjurity at tLe 3' f line, highway, buy way, girt way, or any
next election. f tl Ham
The Star originally got its
version o' other way, and in default thereof I all,
the Wentworth list case rom .e
ikon Spectator -[The Signal, May 7. in my twit stertor tones, for the intlic-u ate rrnteanbil.otr wenssoryespurt„ re
has been received from
h as you ever stated, on delinquents that the law an imp se. their p.ritwn.. frisk Toroao Unit. June
county clerk that le are row Mr. SIGNAL, and that . stating a very If any of my sympathetic neighbors are holtc bell- Hem It is kuu`.n that the
1 ed whereby student from each. gnat deal -[Hamilton Spectator,May 8.
A wasctrAs W'heu yon state that, you state as de tion of the severest pains and penalties goons w then,s•lres this great Pros ince
upon the .trewslb ut untar.o.
the Provioehtf authorities informing the libt.te au osteon f
The genes under the auspices of the
A. u, l.. W. and the band were well
patronised, and the treasuries of each
body an richer today fur the combiva-
ti000. The baseball match took up near-
ly all the afternoon. The games were
managed by inezperinced hands, and
the crowd ly could out be
kept in control. Those in the grand
stand could nut see half of what was
going on with that that
their position and fes entitled then to.
N , the intentiw of the com-
mittee was to satisfy all,and souse allow-
ance must be made on that score. The
games were poorly contested, and some
of the events did not come Ulf at a11.
Yet there was luta a fun seeing the
running, and the bun and
treacle act was funny enough to almost
tick. the spectators to death. That
relic et barbarism, the greased pig rase,
caused great ezcitlmeut. The crowd
beamed in the pig pen w closely that it
was hard work to give the pig, • black
and very active fellow, any room to get
his speed. At last h. .tailed. rushed
through the crowd and broke fur the
cover of the Noce, with Yate Shea and a
hundred "boys," Lig and little, after
him. Time and .vain did the valiant
Pete sway to grab the tail, but the
caudal was tow greasy and
slipped through his brawny list. At
last the crowd closed in on the frighten..
r.1 porker, and Bill ()allows, gut a twist
on the tail of the Mack pig, and held it
until be was awarded the prise --the
pi" itself.
The following games were contested
anxious to juin me in this scream fur ,im•s in politics. like lion. John O'('uneur during the afternoon :
Hessians is war. nn sea compellrA by ill n
comp et w err ) •
tooiethe can a sent ri thecounty lege any at ora our information did freedom from the diecumfurta of the tore- ens died to the .teeny health w rcirc iron Pace to boy. u der
1 Coll • at t to Spectator c,tties [Gude- shite' t r wkicr the ('abinet He is to yarti■-1st H Coz `ld 1V.
r'• ,o'!e ever ee u
Hon. Fronk Smith •Boy cake au molasses contest -1. satisfy
Mr.Bmltk Cornell, 2 J. Coatis, 3 J. McPherson. I' t Farm is m.tkiug a big bid for wisit-
C the only ttonun
Cahai.• Senator of W'hellsrr.w race, DO yards -1 J. ors the summer, and is more attractive
Irish origin from On.
Rouu, 2 J. Corsets. than Hurt.
clogs, end to she that Siamese Twina' race, 120 yards -1 J. The Solvation Arn.y had two parades
clave of one ivafremrester-
ons n ons oaf repo- Watson and I). Nicholson, 2 H. Watson during the day, and attracted much fit-
in t'ar11a• and E. Coz, temttuu,by their :parching and singing,
ment, especially in the
t'pperHouse,rbanthey � sti s face, 100) yards -1 J. Watson,
now et�Ioy. it is under' D. Nicholson. DICK WALTERS, TYPO.
ato,wl flea Hon. Jcba Ken's race, 200 yards -- 1 J. Watson,
iyiionobec will be
placed in the Senate. 2 I) Nicholson.
Wimghatu, 4 7 6446 ti 83-48
Goderich 000 3'2001- 8
Tiex .'Ot(' tar.
The concert in the evening was not
largely attended, and the pr.nrramme was
rather short, yet the various uuwnbsss
were pL..siugly rendered. The quartette,
'Coupe Where the Lilies Bhoom,'• by
Misses W ilki°wrtt and ERari and Mosso.
Belcher and Saunders was very well
sung. Walter Hyslop was ouch more
pleasing in his encore than in his, first
eolu. He has a voice capable of great
things. Mies IJooagh, 1st violin, Mr. C.
Donavh, 2iid violin, and Mies Clara
3 sok, piano, gave an 1 trio
which was loudly applauded. lir. Bel-
cher gut a well deserved encore f�.t his
bas aulu, ••Thy Simonet Apt I. ' He
was in good voice, and his wards came
very distinctly. He sang "1 11 Be True
to You" later in the evening, and did it
well. He is sturdily ae a
vocalist. Two glees byMisses Martin
and Thompson and essrs. Parker.
Henning. and Thompson. were very
nicely sung. Mr.deorge Carroll betray-
ed • little on his first ap-
pearance in a public hall, but his sweet
voice ins "Rocked in the Cradle ut the
Deep, ' etarmed the audience. end a loud
eweore was called for, which he acknowl-
edged by a bow. We hupe to hear Mr.
Carroll more frequently. Min Margaeh
sang "Fly Furth, 0 Burette Dove with
much sweetness and feeling, and in re-
sponse to • hearty 'wore, captured a Int
of the fellows in her coquettish resider -
leg of "I Wouldn't, \Cosa You ! ' Mia.
Margach sings with expression, and hes
a very pleasing voice and manner. The
Land appeared at the beginuing of the
second part 10 an overture, ''Crown of
Jewels." The concert closed by the
ounipany singing ''God Save the
W. 1 that after paying all
expenaw the managers have about $70
to the good, which will he divided be-
tween the two A i rant
of f15 waft also made to the Victoria •t.
14 years, 100 church debt fund.
the Ontario Agricultural College Huom. The Point Fano had a tonsidrfahle
Guelph ( t - free board and they 11 trot into the nsR and help me / at b the Iowa 2 Bridget tee um 3 Afloat, .
to p in s
opputt y giving I and pant now, and whoop It up temV� Lragwttbout
give •fat) unit far all eectioM tot � yinq him private information on a ver
fain subject, anden givingIlk. I used to do and can't s were p itu•.
disc a cerci' n sit gntitnra
I did t thehorse races at to arrange for the
scramble for the position.
Dome from e . po or -
rich Star, May 21. cracker nuisance, I'll 6. much obliged if th.yhaTe,wcenantetl be ase eroded na the liirls' egg race 50 yetis -1 ASce tial• number of visitors Jurist the day. The
or two )ea - If the editor of the Spectator wants to but to nothing more. prrsewl titer/Aisoo Aid Iff. Hewn of right wade ) dor r to
and even that Sadao!
rr tp..p.t
tuition This is doubtless intended to bot a lame duck" in God.ncb, by la' I'm getting little short winded to them will .un- d 1 A the wants o f the callers. The
the province to be 1 at the then the "lame wheo k ! number law met is
k" trate t the editorial bks r p++r
model tans. Ther+ ought to to, •
°tie rote, usually, we
column of the Spectator for his truthful- - s didn't go o ^ .antc°fthelria4t'gth-
nese in regard to the Hamilton yarn, it is
only richt the people should knew how
Tres editor of the Star was truwilal - the racket was worked. -{Th. Signal,
with "a paiufel necessity" last weak. May 14.
The nwesatties of the Star man account ! iAnd to further prove that the Tns
for the mean, slandering articles he ham has been right in its
been writing fon ! past year. It is from the start, we quote the following
only necessity, and oalnful necessity at special despatch to the London .4,1rertt-
that, that can drive arc elder of a church ,ser, which aunt be disposed by either
to act in the shameful 'wanner it which the Star ur its accessory in falsification :
he ba toward three or four of the best Ill -Tawe, May 25. ---From the volute
known roes in his congregation. The • inose return of re Fran -
editor's necessities cannot excuse his arise Act brought down today, one ex-
sesasaess. Necessity should not force a ex-
ample of how the Government •dminir
ten that Act may be taken : Instructions
11 1 ' let 1 sneak or a were weed to Juage Sinclair, of Ham -
slanderer. inion, to give the printing to the
Spectator office. Judge Sinclair replied
Tog prospects fur the pawing of the that as the law left the matter in his
would iu the shim: interest
hands he P
second reading of the House Rule Lill advertise for tindersThe
are becoming brighter every day, and it sea that the T:es•s ofl.e, being the
W believed Chamberlain and his contin- lowest tenderer, secured the printing.
gent will wheel into Iine before the vote
is taken, Lord Selisbury has not improved Tee Scott Act meeting at Clinton to
his condition by his landau!. denuncia- day ought to be largely attended, asi
f Irishmen bloodthirsty asses- the folk should peak t
Clinton, and I don't know but my regi regret to a•y wader
tar good judgment manifested itaell by tae imm,diate Of a.nrse I didn't roaape of epiri surd
my failure to too so. whets who ourrnt to
see auy races, but neither did any of the pra `ti^�°ie n halkan
chaps that went to Clinton, so tar as I tlhingw► whether
have been able to find out Of course, sitesor
there were a few alleged. "goers." but
they were only alleged, if I am to believe
the authorities that I consulted. Mebbe
the Clinton folk will say my authorities
son t good, to which mr authorities will
doubtless reply, neither were the Clinton
races ; but I can't help that, and .n I'll
kindly step aside and let them flight it
out betweew them.
-But I took in the gathering on the
lacrosse vr000 I, and viewed the base ball
gene ; and the boys' and girls' races
sand I might bay, parenthetically, that
nome of the "boys under 14" were a1- tines, without any sesta, and before the shown a (ominous for the noble animal.
reamer Abend.
Dick was s good h np•o•ttor. Some 25
most old enough to go on the rutori _ I umpire could white a Lu of ''lisle !Dick
ago a paper was pablisheW in
Tne tare safe enough in ; itrttannie.
list ; and 1 saw the bun eatingcontest. Southampton called the :(her or Morning
aril .Beed b rkly sane' om the thu„present house of jjo pteona. \1 hat The baud discnuned sweet moa c fur- I'roil d tt f 1 the her utaie if 4y( w ry tierces us. Dick,
b house Z.
thuigrs nut so monotonous n ,� and affected great astcuah-
Comment s
Toronto Mail. June 'Vaulting with pole- -1 T. McKenzie, 2 Now Ne Trilled with the 1 snood or a
19th leen.
They IM. -sere. t mitb J. 14.ur,
and 1•Uu0050.► ha The tug of war created considerable
common with the rest
of thele interest. _The teams were •a follows : -
had been anxious to A. 0. 1.. W. -Straulle, c„pt., Bates,
obtain fuller reprceea• Chrystal, 1;. Downing,111. Nncholeum, J.
tatioa a the sent of rr
• • Pridhatr, W. 1t.• Itobertwn.
The 1'onsrnatises of- Band -Parker, apt., Black, Caoi-
ter him twyls000I. 1 en, Rine•, Story, Thome', Thump -
and Mr. I+enih an ear Per
nest of their desire to ( soli
see thelr people more The first pull was a keen one, eke band
telly repn.ente.1 tort
en wy that mem , gaining at the start. The superior mw-
stelih and O'lwraboc eIs of the Workmen, however, was towo
wonM have been talar- much for the wind of the notorious, and
to Ihemseh-es, to their
peoplcandtutheirewn- the latter wen steadily drawn ot-er the
.-ichors if they had re- lice. The second pull sera • rumawav
tweed. for the A. 1 b. C. W. team, as they hauled
rhe band over the nark iu Joul.le y�ick
4 wanty nitre Mol.
Dick Walters, printer and
broken down by a long and {►..ireful
illness, has toren in tow, for several
weeks, looking after some property left
hint by his mother. The Kincardine
I:ee..or tells the followingstory of Wel.
tors as he was • quarter of a century. ago :
"We remember Dick Walters, we be-
lieve. if the mus wo think he is,
he used to drive • stags.
! as he was handling the reins between
Kincardine and Southampton about tb•
time the event we shall speak of trans-
pire.l. Of course, Dick Walters •Is,
arose 'bus 111 G,wlerich and has ever
w• t • • ng
• our dirty -faced goer ossa who failed to connect they should be awn.►; °ring a mot so
i ti e ! ar aril the stat'., wa ,t � i 1 tato
tion o a muhtheir standing int • rand stand shu.Atng eQ fire crackers e office
Bina Like our suss Sir John Miasmrt'! fearlessly whtM they thick of the tutus• with the prizes : and I saw the greased their staedmg is the country. The re- g by merit • the 1 ch a
alon the (runt wane $ teas a beef dap t^ t
ole •r ,ter
appear to have "any confidante is the tion. Tito time for prompt and =Had • pig 1st cwt 1.1 his age, and go scamper- stowing debate :the failure t.. bring I R �,s the work per by tM actor
oh for him action on the part of the prohibitionists inc over the fists, followed by a gutted- dawn infonnaUonordered by the house; for the kid,.
setters. The guyed blot
breed'" hast it a not good policyand we natural mob of men and boys and giro, arrest of the ordinary business of the I rine BASE BALL ran sl. ly. Finally, he professed to
to slander • bore and ho.j itaAle people of the county has; the continuance of burthena,me The following men toed the h Mme plate , regard the work as light, rail!, trir►al,
js...a.e of his narrow. bigotepj and false hope something practicable will be with Billy Galloway and Pete Shea lead- duties on the of lite; the fol- doting tM a(ternoun :- readily performed, rwlmruug uttle,if any,
But n N awd the Wiit'pham urns is evvwego Gs the speedy settlement a]umAL unno. Lott. , ►ulteouliy, and wound ep by hintin M
estimate of Irish character. uta Tory dune. A majoe4 of trio poop • genii.
or a. M' on•y c. 8. Mete •stem. could pr .perly set type. himself, •n
it a Tory all the world ever. to see the set enforced, and their will baseball catcher vainly endeavoring to of the Northwest 50thalclaims in one way rn• (i lluf8vld p. W. 111 , . 1 . 1u hittt+-
should be officially carred out. Inst too catch the porker out on afoul Du.uo formed •(the aetuat Liabilities incurred 1 F, McCutchs,u a. s. D. Nicholson pat. He actually agreed to wager that
A Few weeks see the altar editor was i prohibi.i•°ist• remember that "Tu eta i• And 1 laughed until my pour old sides
is that quarter; the action ..f the len- (4 Fon:d 1 h, 0 Black he could sec type "like •book." He ez-
an alleged
from the H.n t.1 th Npertator&..rera with to win." _ _- -- -
ached, and the tears trickled down my ernment in putts^•e p,ul.lic A. Kerr ^ l.. W. Mcea Peon posed a roll ut bank bi11e he "had just
an alleges atat•ment of the caa•rettatdinR -- "" weather-beaten cheeks, a• if some great Ruch as the original medical reports (arca f3, herr 3 h. W. Graham receive from the tale of •bone,"and es-
Tt a ai•wsralea ueeu.... calamity had overtaken me. Ob, yes, 1 Regina, out eat the reach of parhattNut i.. iCne ht.l r f. W. Struthers prean•. his willingness to. try oonelusior a
the Wentworth voters' lista After the took in the "games and if 1 go by the -these are a few of 16. 1•lett ugly fano W. Small c. t. 11. Dowagh at their own business with any on• of
!)fuser had publisMi IM yarn the �t,rete- The Ottawa Free Press from numerouswhish are shaking public confidence In W, Ytwhlll 1. f. J MaB.uft the smart chaps in tho effs.�e. Visions
minor but not unimportant indications amount of fun t took nut of .h. mob Carpue -Thos. Found. Scorers --W.
neer editorially patted that journal .n the ..vtcludes t6 .i the Dominion general the administration. Blunders such v •f sudden wealth loomed up in the minds
and told abroad that the Tory elections will be brought on this fall, as running after the greased pig, i must those ahnald tie avowied. They may nut (,,writ, H. \\ alkrr. .of the .41 •r force. Tt• araiIW° hands
Organ in was very clever, and soon atter the new lists as m.y then be truthfully and honeatly confess that d effoe rthe rwsjonty in the a,rwreona, who The game sea• one .We.i, too home .,( the boys were consolidated. ThO7
had toll • news story. Tug St.tteA , possible or advisable. The luta will be was entirely relieved of dyspepsia, and are Atund to stand to.g.iI. r fur mutual club isring c.°•rly over nostcbrd, A. kept the ereemy in the clue:. on ung pre
readybythe let of August and tM.leot self- , but the, {caro a very Black on the lint Was fumbled fearfully text and another till they had.
M Vt i fa p got more pork for the shilling then BiIIy had impression on the grist hotly of the during the filet few innings, but Mellen' their •remit in the Th ' ''
knowing etre wares oft ar . rept villa fee err pees
i..n• an .lune likely to take . F,r' truss
lialluwa). And ao did •int .,1 the neigh- electtxs,
tenth bio plat,, and diol good work after- wes covered by D:ek. Time was caller'.
tion, immediately ezpenetl the little month or in September. The Free Pre - wands hi that important p'.int. Ktie :heel, Dick resumed his standby avocation, his
name, and showed how the •Ypeetrrfur remark, that the Roo feels con- burs. for I noticed other old men with Avenge' A farmer, sent Inc boy in ul Wingham. •n old hand at t`te IA', compositor was nowhere, and he u. reel
legit d d head se) Mad that their
little sexy et is and thenfure, to •void t e ,mon tin tor,
then praised the little Tory brother for which a.eeia of loses• would inflict speer ahirtcollan, end they were taking as father asked. "Flow ors they 1 »troth0n cart urn two other, end the• started nu the.)wwnwarvl eaourse and won
beim primed• 'Phan the Spectator was• its already panicky ranks top support/my, mach unn14'yed plaseon out of the bust the boy replied,' "some are half full. Charlie • pounding didn't help the score p•s.rd out . f esudenee. Anooth•e ow.
oat wrathy and mid "when you state hopes by a single coup to prevent • de- wess as i was It's • great .chem* to be anent are fell, mid some are ruining 1st ill much so was expected. Mtn wen w.. raised up but only strutted a very
fat lust the eovernws•wt bring cos the . or. F guess they'll overage al soot full." changed on both sides during the game. brief hour on the stage. Soontbateptoa
lira!, you state a d.lib na an wntrutbt ease* curie.. hack in memory Pubo or f{.• event.
The followiov lien are not original, Ono or two .f the Outlet-le:1 fel• has 4.011 in bad luck ever .6..., and it
as you ever stated, Mr. Srowa L. awn `he liberal patty are i soin se
prspsred. males by some lion .d event.
bot they ht some"( our cttrs.•ns like • lows p,l+ped tow' much with there uwutLs wo;tld int creel to recall the wreoehe�a•aa
that 1. saying • gond deal." And telt Th. &chi... in the heeds of the liberal ttiat were the o.mmow ren when this Ifpore __ dertng the moth sire, and then sea. • and poverty playfusedatlness.
by ib. victims of
week the Star proved that the Mpertaf.or leaders from every ensatitsesey of the world was new to no, and when, se chub- Tb. angler Pals t•thhn^klerwr1p1,1 i MA ►a,t tendency w+ both sides to take the work poor Dark** pls,tuliie•.. Dusk has car
dye Dominion Rin them no reason to tear by younicaten,we tank part in every game of w going worms orgaudy rhea out of the umpire s hands. Thus unpin Most wishes. ��oewev.r.
seam a deliberate pier by atwtinR, the remit of sus appeal tothe country, and iatsoeent ime, obIiviows ni the
Am.. ter the front hr lien in weir on the whole acted on the square. At
try at ntlnca oar information
414 come be 14 ramal fall oe n.:t year. in thus 1>� N ri whoa by hl. 1rt'wii b..,osht thus moose of the lith innings the more G.wlerich i• seeking perpafalites for
het that then were Awry shadows a well �►t and card 11 h bi athletic ltvaelion et Aired
had given • prints statement !o its vinced that the present deft of bye a they beards,
an • the "wg•r-iw•h" iso 1•n.k after the sap sent apt, set sky rockets donne the the fund of the eatahl:m.
ins would toe adverse t., its oeoent); foreheads reached cleat M:k to their When the •h.• returned his two Gut lh,na h ,satchel noels, and uiwn.t From that moment the
T not e h t
Uodetwr A and d p htiak•t• 7 tun If paw
mature of ale leek in stale. st.x.i ib to !S, a i'. was pn.�. to a t e ic • y
V what ba•v Ash M ra.yrht the gamer � but Black sLd ::.+ora persist- on the ling o� the t H. H.
lfom the 8petwfor Mlles" Theta u a mammas. ►owwper, 1.1 the evy n. b f
gait of them U the dirty peddle. Welsh the votes.' EMIL and oreaeiee.' es sunshiny sputa u tile's psahwsy ; that Ae4 as borers elle gs p r 4
the loth )
hi i„ w hu