The Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 81
Most of our Gamer* In this
fare butshed shell spring seeding
''A rough and tu,oble,'het aeon tau
noted pagrluu, caused some excitement
in oura-ij , one 4sy last week.
"What's frump for the 24th i' is the
lineation of the day. Al usual.
th• 24th
ia W r be oelohr,.i here, sod ;lodging
from tie poster, anti lite expree.turta w•
hear tau every aide, threw is to to heaps
of fun, and a goitd time geuurally.
Samuel Gibson who has hese f„reman
of L,rneside Farm for the past
months, has resipied, and removed too
Goderich. Sam will be messed by teas
friends, especially hy our Irishman, with
whom he used t., have many s keen de
bate upon Home Rule.
W. Connolly got ,oto of he fingers
badly uut last week while cutting bead-
ing at the saw null. P. K. Dern, the
mill engineer, dressed the wound with
the skill of an M.D , aoJtd hy the advice
of our sick committee
The.i. Roberta,n,"s 1111'u child is
prostrated by a severe attack of scarlet
*Mee. Glen, relict of the late
Glen, of Colborne, is very iii at present.
She u not expected to recover,
Rev. Mr Parke inaugurated a Sun-
day school in connection with St. Mark's
congregation. Th. prospects of success
Samuel Marshal! has :tows to the In•
dian and Colonial exhibition. J. Wash-
ington and J. Mullin/eh intend to leave
for the same destination un Tuesday,
May 25th.
FATAL. Ac1tug(T.__Laat Friday while
three Dien were enraged taking nut Um-
ber for N Mfurrlsh tit o.erbanging
branch fell and struck one of the labor,
en, John Penn, intlwttug injuries fn,m
which he died un Sunday morning. He
Graves a wife and tax small c1ildren.
Mies Lib); Fisher, only d.ughter of
Isaac Fisher, hes burn ill with inflam-
mation of the lunge, but is DOW on the
Mr. Baechler has a surveyor engaged
for the peat ten days running • line frau
con. 2, Colborne, to the Huron Road,
We understand he intends putting • wire
fence with iron posts along the litre, and
thus complete the fencing in of his in -
matinee property,
The new manse, ioteuded for the
and occupancy of the Rer. Kenneth Mc-
Donald, and the contract for which wile
let to Maxwell Stevenson, of Lucknnw,
Let week, is to be 27 by 37 feet. with
kitchen 24 by 18 feet. The foundation*
will be of atone, veneered with brick,
and the structure will cost, wham com-
pleted, about =2,000.
A new bridge has been erected over
the eighteen -mile elver. on sideroad 12
and 13, by the township fathers. It is
one of the The coutraettoter was Mr.irJohn Mathesothe n.
The bridge is 24 feet high, built on piles,
with 40 -foot span in renter, a'd is sup-
cedaed hy r,, and ftrnworkmanship
orkm nshipetwre is all
uld be
hard to beat. The piles were driven
under the inapectton of R. Hamilton,
and when the approaches are in position
the bricge will be a credit to the council.
The 24'h promisee to be a biz day in
Paramount. Football, croquet, and
many athletic games will be indulged in.
Mr. Campbell, I. P. S., made our
school a risit last week. He appeared
highly pleased with the w,nditioo of
H C RR A Ii roll FooTa&Li i r-OY
phrase hat beetling/ m» familiar 'n our
vicinity that it a not en un minot,
thine to hear, oven the girls u hiuknn,
ly utter it while passing a' nit Main
.trash 1
Jolts Clarke lost a vs able cow on
kleiturday ning
.. h wet rduvet lat. ichhbloa e had
up causing death.
John Murray reformed from Detroit
'•n Friiay last, lin■ be had boss at-
tending his broth iter, oho is eery
Representatives from the creamery)
and cheese factory held a meeting in the
(:range hall on Monday night last. Th,
creamery seems to he taking the lead
this year.
Mots Lizzie Richards who has been
with her hn,ther, Dr John Richards
Michigan•, for nearly a year, returned
home two weeks ago,
TAM Ginn has finished the stone
foundation for E. W. Richards' new
house. By this it wontd seem that E.
en hi,. last winter by the Ripley Der-
)r^'dert of the Kincardine (naris,,,
Lha nc w,
There aa. a !Hwy, frost lest Sunday
night which was severe entmob Or freeze
the water in resat la outlylr.
The farmers are throuii► beading in
this vicinity and busily eng•>ieti putting
in their reds. The spring coma look
well. There is a beautiful displa j of
blossom on (reit frees.
Rev. Cleo. Turk, pastor of the Meth-
odist church, delivered a lecture en
titled 'The Leaden of the 19th t'entu
ry,"in the Methudi*t church, last Thur
day *vetting to an appreciative audience.
The lecture was both and
iustructire, and was one of the hest we
hare ever listened to.
Th. Literary society in connection
with the pnhlic sebool {tare an excellent
program consisting of readings, recite
tions and mei-, oe Friday afternnnn
last. We would like to see More of the
villagers petrontze thee. entertainments
Messrs. Hlraw Ig.,ILrwell, Leutar!
McDowell, D. Dunbar bbd Jobe Mc Tb. Terme tusa.wlew
Dtuald loft here un )Honda!! e! :s,1 deuce se ism Let Ignore me tr/.
week /au their new homes in Michigan, ,
NW/. ( tet A w A, May 18. -The Committee on
_ Privileges and Electiuua suet lbs moo
bliss Fanny Anderson, .•f IAingannon,
5 fluting at Hunch bruin'&
Timms. 11'oir, who had charge of H.
nitvin'e bite herd of cattle duriug the
past winter, left a short time acro for the
Henry Dodd dlspreed of his guar
horses last •eek to John Gentles, u(
Kincardine, kr • very handsome atm.
Mrs, Richards is getting better.
Rev. John Yount, has reo.ntly return-
ed from Edinboro', Scotland.
W,,,. Ferguson broke his "trot while
tying a colt.
Ned Hogan, wife end family are going
to say farewell and Rowg to Detroit to
1Tur. Cousins has ha.l a relapse, and
hie stater and young brother are down
with typhoid fever.
Jame* Tewaley, whu was laid up for
some time with a sore leg, ta now able to
Ret to work again.
:►tis. Esther Patton, of Garbrsid, spent
a pleasant time here Lest week with
Lady Dutterin, a steed derma notori-
ety to the equine world of Leeburu and
Dunlop, died last week.
W. H. Clutton is rec.iring congratula-
*tons upon winning honors at hu recent
medical exam. in aecosd year.
T. C. Wright has returned from Wcod-
stuck College, and will attend to the of-
fice and books of the Point Farm this
The I. O. G. T. 213, here purchased
• picture frame fur the lodge room to put
in photos of present members, and also
e( former members who have removed
away. Should any old member natio*
this, please send his shadow on land
photos. The fah; a le now in its tenth
year. The officers for this current quar-
ter are : 8. P. Williams, W.C.T. ; A.
H. Clutton, W.8. W.V.T., sister Mac -
Manus ; Blies Horton, Ln. ; N•.F S,,
Boo F. B. L afield ; John Oke, 0,0. ;
W.T., J. Horton ; W.C.,J. Linklater;
I . W. C. T., P. Stuart ; W. M.,' H. Hor-
ton ; R.11.8., Edith Horton ; L.H.S., E.
CRIcErr CV's. -The tint match of the
season was played un the new crease on
ionadentt,ytheatlatteride President winning sin r00e
innings, with G1 runs to spare. The vice-
president won the toss and went tc the
bat. Following are the more*:
Vic*. rRaiinEYT.
Veal (V. pre$. ; b Kitchwt 2
Dennis b Waterer 16
J. Ross b Waterer.. 3
Currie o Waterer 6
D, Ross b Waterer a 15
Mcltiaughton b Waterer c Str'ettun0
Thompsua b Ws 13
Strettan b
Grant h; Bargees
Grower not out
ltanalaugh b Hargreaves 1
Ex tree 11
S H. Laird b let inniogs.
Roe c McNa ghton
t'. Waterer b Dennis e Veal
McLennan run out.
Jones b Dennis c Veal
t°itchen b Roes
uff b Ross....
Hargraves b Dennis c Pea.
Jackson b Dennis
Wads (pros ) b Rewash 4
Powell b Roe..
LJVINO "IT&TOO," siwirlt* - - $20 ,000 D'RiVATs ?UNDO TO
'bird annual era bad Town
asst of titOrel
ertMea t7 helm* t1• t iwy Mem Ss larfeeea.e', of the YattNr4sT ie
abs VIaalsraMse• taaste1 -Lady t/lq►r•
seers song • Marty aM r'eafwses1 M -
aag ta, tvuwd A N h'
wbmtt w
er the penton the ohuujd u tngtte der,atW of leu hrrt
Parliament to y day nytht's date save When t
t'e,tud to the
The l
bald b. V.1 in North (introit, U, wfll
+11'wrt ('bore$. (indene
Jos burnig al f vilatk &w., ua N'rd
June tbtd, 1
The (eatereaee Prayer-a,estiaa will he beta
heat f to Iv &r eta• l
ire Tann L ND
tweet. M 4-
eacted row
b, XJB Purruwseio ye tr e
sseda), it (te t■ mits/ecaery -D V t JOI
henna xarrtesets. te,.
L The solemnises Cumin:tire a:11 mart u, the
he l`ftpl- I Iib. a 7.30 w ib church un Frtdal. ]1r) F. JORDAN,
The ('etereme ....,y,inl 1'uram,rter will
sleet fes the u •
i Lr rinse l rl•,.r td .!oboes+wg t br muaey IMEDICAL
esariun Fund, ua rwe,lal. la L
Yar, al : o'clock p.m.
The Treasurers starers of the peaaesiu•al Fun,(
willowertheFI*aackel nutU:nriares
vi. Iurs.loe. let J•se, et cines p.m.
1't'BLl(' 8t:ltt•It'e_.
i i'V ,, Y. Slav >Trn.
Ner'h Street- II a.m., ritratlurd Diatre-t he
presentative; 7 Rai., Ker. John Scott.
77tdh 1.
Victoria String 11„ Maggha,u ih.trict Paris Green,
IteptesentaNse. ; p.a.. 11alkert 111.1,
l:rprearntatia e.
White Howell *Nair. tut was opened to muton this
Mr. blei'srtby ,u. vsd (bat bis draft admire a quiet sod una.k41rusive ludo
whitewashing report should ase taken u esu u! ab..ut twenty -flue yuan Irl
the lama of the committee's report
Mr. Mills reviewed the evidence and
showed 1hat, Mr. b.•,es' report uaply
stated the facia as they were sworn to by
different witnesses, while Mr. 11e"artby
order to shield one of his political lead-
en, and one of his Tory cuefrrres, Mr.
Weldon also reviewed the legal aspect of
the ease, coutending that the charges, as
Prey Mr. Edgar, were substantially
Mr. MacMaster made a speech devot-
ing himself chiefly to exonerating Mr.
&swell, leaving John White to take
care of hutted'.
Mr. Davies pointed out that many „l
the atateat.pte in Mr McCanliy's white-
washing report were dirvotly contradict-
ed by sworn testimony taken before the
Mr. MoCarthy•s motion that this re-
port be made the basis of the torment -
tee's report was carried by 15 to 10, two
Conservatives -- Messrs. Patterson ;of
Essex) and D f meting with the
Mr. Pettenw,a, of F...5, protested
agaInst the seamier which the majority
" the committee proposed to treat Mr.
Edgar by declaring that be had not good
grouodsfor mak mil his charges.
Mr. Woolworth (C. )
objected to the unfair wayalso
majority of the a, t whiche the
treat this matter, mmittM proposed N
Nt'. MacMaster moved that Mr. Mc-
Carthy's draft spurt be ad
IN'"N, sed to evade and distort (acts in
report of the committee. "pled Y the
Mr. Woodworth edema to rote for
the motion and left the rrrom,
d that it was
ust as
well thaat tit thereon who declared that John
White had dune ncthing wrwng should
embody their views in a report to the
' The mot:on was carried by 14 to 10 -
Messrs. Patterson, of Essex, and Des-
ire/dies again voting with the minority,
McCa:thy'e untruthful report
strong for their being too
Mr. Muluck moved to have John
White's statement as to his having ono
suited McCarthy before going into the
added to the report.
This was rejected, and the chairman
ordered to report to the Hnuee,
Mr. Mills pointed nut that the white
washing report was , Illy carried by the
votes of font rMinisters of the Crown
who were pewsa{,.t.
Seta MRM( Ice wtrepsee.
1Ci,i•at to. May '14. -The Wingharn
salt well has at last proved a decided
aoeesa. About a year ago the citizens
of Wtngha.i put down a test well to the
depth of 1,475 feet and get brine, but
not of sufficient ggtsntity and strength
to warrant its ops eo.n. They then re-
moved about a mile mouth, and at the
depth of 1,100 feet struck salt. They
have since penetrated it 30 feet dee
and the drill it still working
was la waiting al the r'utanda door, anti
entered with the little gra up ..f sight-
seers and made nib way to the stairs',
leading ru the dome. !n this dark re-
treat the stranger romuved everyarticle
of clothing, and a few nwaeulater ran
out into the nrtuuda its a perfectly nude
condition, Pruoe.diug to tl a ells der
marble slab that marks the montes ot the
rutuuda the Well struck a dace attitude
and pueed mwluulees as • statue A
member tit •viten were in the rotunda.
Among them was one who beat a
hasty retreat. Capitol pli.em.n made
• rush for the nude rNRor,
his frame in a w • *involved
tled him down M thethe baf sem+ and hus-
discarded wardrobe was gatheredThe
er, and the man, after beingrii'ly
drained, was turned over parthe tially
and taken away in the patrol w Neo. !He
made no explanation of hie ounduct, but
wits •rldently tramp,.,
*we mutual titfaoere,-
Our esteemed :the
wa (fusee, is moved to rebuilt Me habit
of giving military titles to militia °Moore
in private 10e. It thinks there ars toe
many Captain This**, Major Theta said
Colonel Suusebodi'a Whish reminds
Once upon a time there was a militia
offiese in bwioess in this qty. To hie
store there entered a fr.e-and-easy
stranger who saluted thus :
"Good morriog, Oa n. "
(Meer (with dignity) -"Major, sir, if
you please."
Stranger -"All right, Major ; wrap toe
op a duse0 of those pickled iags.
Ofbeer-(with au aurora borealis conn -
t oe)-"1 want you tit sodomised,
sir, that when I am 'aag.ted in commerce
I ani known w Mt. R---, When I am
wearingHer Majesty's uniform I am •d-
dr....d as Major B--. '•
This story i. trite, but it wasn't just
exactly herrings. -(London Advertiser.
The nomination to fill the vacancy iu
the Tarnberry council, caused by the
death of James Hetio ng., the late reeve,
was held in Bluevate cm Monday. Sam-
uel Black, our old and popular reeve,
was the only person nominated, and he
was duly declared elected to the position
for the balance of the year. There was
a poi deal of talk about opposition, but
when Hullo)* came there was no one
present wit.. cared to take their chimera
against Mr. Black, and they displayed
their wisdom by remaining out of the
fight, as we could net have got a better
man than our old reeve. -o [ Wingham
saw Wouldn't be $bee.
A Galveston female school trach
was on very friendly terns with the ma
teacher iu the same 'chin,/. He was i
the habit of strolling into her roost
during the recess ai,d chatNnk eith the
I r
Ilse tie head a h,11 utak or tba following
seasuaabh articles
rt'vr,tr. Jcxt ern.
North Street Church tato , Conference Love
retro. 11''1 by tire. Joe,as ansae:
tktfivariw "antes. to Rev. Ill laruiea,
t:eaerat superinteadewt . 3 pm., , alsOsp.
■c'Isset Addresses, bT flora J. s. entne.
sod H. T.Crossley ' p,nt..'Rae. Washy
Casson upper. Her, D. C. Stc-
Vicluna Street ('hur'h.-3 ,m., .Srtnday
&huol Addressesby her
and W. 4. illacks ; N .. William am
bawl, : L,d's supper.
. Iter. William
Allister. pDer. Iter. Jame* 3(c -
Koos Cleared'. - II a.m., Lsr. James Rroley :
7 K s., iter. W. A. ytruataee. PILO
AS * It L*5.till* arty oTare rC t61c ntarifxa.
Wednesday Kerala(;, Missionary Aunlversar
HHe a C. d. lot. St.A., and J. fl,
Thursday lieesl*a, Sunday &hoof Annirer-
sari neva J. 3 . Howell, ]LA•. ♦1L A.
Bowers, R.A., sed C. K. dtatlbnl.
Friday Krrnl e., pion of Probationers
ions full is asesetioa_.Address by Rev.
at•.. Riesatdsea, ea 'The Deltas and Its
sPoaslWitiea of the Miakstry.
by Rev- Or. Orilla. on 'Tbe Duties of the
('bareh to Her Ministry.`
9atstday. 3 toes Theological Lades lecture,
Rey. Ur. A) leewurthk,, fluhbiiea t :
Hastily as an Educational Force.' * tom.
oatHeisting for t ba pr ,,u ion of Holiness, led
/Rev. D. ybertw-l..
111 Hew. Dr. itreWitthrow, and N W. Anniversary
Tuesday &wetting. Temperance Anal •erwail
--Rev& lieu
7l 1'hlli lorn,.b, G. fluorin and A.
X.11•'-811 the outgo week Been;
° rei . Medicine Land P1113.
Wm Qom L-,* tic; at o', leas
>ab Y L-It=..w. i"tupplod on Ito/
Rt•ea a wawes of rite preachers situ tic
Ryptn'•!tr-Phyet* Ttt t bad
U. t'. Cane war t_ senor lte.apc, a...outsold, Whip rased,
T. ]l. (' 4wI'I t i.. Oaiy Neese.: Iteti.We Orap semi.
London Purple
Insect Powder
U uarant,-ed Yreah and ('are, amulet Lowest
Fresh Bottle ' dime Juice,
1tr0Md e.
Agent for :bs Tinian $US1bge ifaauhetur- Cos
MueiJag, Liquid GJu& &e
('oerealent and Reliable. sod at Reduced
Also a.,s,t for the Cctebra's4
• Troxgiitt and Al•C-
tot. OaringVan Palle ex erienceblederiin
the auctioneer -tog trade.he is i experience ,.u1 a to
disclarna with thorough satlsfaeti.rposition
a1$ cos..
missions entremod to him. coders left at
aodericj, Hotel. 0.carefor ully
ymallatten to my addrese
BNOX Coma Auctioneer. 1/107-0 to JOH
Legal. ,
('.Saamso . Jn
E. N. Lewis J. A. Slue -run
(Me. corner of toe square and West
*trek Q. -tortes. ever t)gtlers bwksteTe.
money to rad at lowest rates of interval.
iTARROW k PR., -
ltteratt`t Attorney*, D1A te
aoderich. J. T. narrow, W ro Solicitor*. etc
Prowif,out. I:S
Barristers, Solicitor? in Chancery. tr
er loI r, ll. Si. C. Cameron, 44.C.; 1'. Holt. 31.
le ! to ('amerce, 1'. C. Ruse
l; sl
!fe (*see t>r+ar•+w
aro svaus tw w,,.•
Asa ismer We.a Dar seewee♦
weer Ise ewe
" PiMwres,u• Almanac." IMitlr■IeL
Omahas tern !•oneness,, taaa.a Arm
Delrelt A Clwebnti Starts Was. Cs.
C. D. Wa1TCOme, et. Paan, o ary
w mien T, mica.
pal, I object of his adocNun'. His name was ( SPECIAL DRIVES
lime u[ writing." 't the Smith. From present indica- 1 One day the lady teacher endeavored
tions it will be one of the best wells in'tc, make the comprehend the o,uni• ' IN
the prorrn there are no t veli nus DRE S
treasons of Gni She explained to (boa
that God was everywhere. SJMUSLIMS "l\ow,mydernr children,su
t11 go, out of this room, PP"sr you • J
excel oe as
- substance overlying the bed. The efforts
97 of the people of 1Vineham to find salt
have been the result of their negotiations
with the Canadian Pacific railwaycorn.and el t '»y self,
u 0 paoy to extend their line to Wiham, I stay in here. Aur 1 alone 1" beard
0 one of the conditions g the tomato teacher.
i being the +stab • No.
7 /aliment o1 alt works, there bei exclaimed w 'ane i the little
Galt on the the Canadian girls, M. Smith will be with you '
1 1 Pacific railway or any of it* brat.ehee. Rev, Price Hughes, the distinguished
0 tine of the main obatructi ons is now re- editor ,of Tl.r
. 10 mored. and w' expect the stteedy clten• Methodist I%fh.'lid, the etyma ..f the
non of the C',uudian Pacitic railwayto ,dot advocahte
in I1►'ai,d, is ., an -
2 /Yinghani j tbusiaatic adro cats ..( Hu,me Rule, and
0 1ss written several articler in favor u(
t ids principle contended fur by the Btit-
i.h [4[weier.
0 he main hue o
Kerr not out
2nd innings
S. II. Laird b Ross c Currie.
C. Waterer b Roes.
McLennan b Ross
Jones b Dennis c D. Roes
Kitchen b Dennis
Clef b Dennis.
Hargreaves b Dsi fs., ,
Jackass It Nash .
Wadi b i N . .
Powell b Ross. .....
Kerr not out...
Zhe picturesque historians of the next
biatlwes.y arra( *Nest
generation -if any such *arrive the alederterisarbeaa
growth of Prof. Seeley and the phtloare
0 phis school- will have a IR^ported by Telephone front Herbst Sf111&) I
)treat chance in
3 last night's debate. One thin aODaa..... S1a
e2 Mr G g oiily, •s Wheat,t/alit bush marc...., r m• leaf,
Gladsome said, a certafrt about the wheat. trod winter, Y bush M T1 is tib ;;
0 political situation -that we a-' at the
1 K'h2:: r ipringr i bush a in "' 0
parting ..f the ways, and no element waw tet
N"hc•t, 1 I y barb r',0 .e 0 ;U
0 wantin_ yesterday to enable a winter to Flour, miii ed), ei ....,` u e w I 25
0 w
emphasize this steepest Flour, Ise T 19. ear
4r'p"a iu our history, wrong bates, w cwt• y
1 Be will t. able to tell that the biome Flour, tpats•q per. oat.......... y f0 ! e
U Oats. • hush ..... 2 50
Nu extras.
t e t'alace of m mortnister wal such as
had never before been witnessed there;
that members were sr, anxious to hear the
great Minister that ta
12 12 hours beforehand, an bk tatstrikheir ears
bsgred hard to be altuwrd to stand be
Peach the gratemis. so to catch suing echo
of his voice. The Minister's speech h-
alf w•a a marvel, ha will go on t., tell,
of physical endurance and intellectual
grasp Members were not ashamed to
confess that their faculties were benumh-
ed hy hearing it, and in after years fath-
ers writ t.11 their children it as one o/
the greet events of the brave .las 0( o
when thee* were still ants in the lied
-[Floe thte Pall Mall Gement,.
Thr sett bet Mil Its liwe■dasrat,
A.cbeme was on foot at Ottawa to mo-
dify the Scott Act, by a clause allowing
the sale of wine and freer, A majority
.4 over twenty weenier, of the whole
Hoose, irrespective of politics, were wil-
ling to pledge theariely &to vote for the
les het -Oh. Oove*Mneet,
through fear a the Prohibition Party in
tbs coming elections, barked the project_
Asa . the brewers are
. klowat
rdoubts as t atheiriput, Government
some enforce
the Scott Act. We shall net undertake
to decide that oboe it
.mere is one
thing that is plain. it is their duty to
enforce the Crooks Act: and its mato `
provision is that no one shall sell Inluor 1
in this pensions without the license of f
the Provincial 0. Titers ars
hundreds of ,.laves in the
counties in this Provisos that
ing the Cradle Ace by thee .dl
IT What is Me. Mowat dning
pare. this violation of the P
law!-iTeronto Worid.
Do Yoe Wal a TROY 1-A
ty of 200 Goys (ages R to ttj ie
1 a
•.tett' in June, and wnldarrive i
borough toearhe the end of the
Apple -stems for thea. boy* will
vv. M,. Cameron. of Knox churrh, I with in the order in whicF• they
preached his farewell gene an to .
• The T.x..nto World, (ltd ' states the
case e.luarely when it seys:-•" The chief
n fuels
hate.'1 ppublic opinion tonadm t ined thatthe
though Willie was "innocent" of
aeceputig a blind share in a land grab he
must not do it ripen. This c•.ndevena
tion of an ",nnoeeirt - set will deceive
entirety. The evidence denwnstretee
that N'h.te deliberately took advantage
Barley. et .................. 0 5. A • AS
Potattere, ► klub ................ • :0 M 0 33
Hay, Y ton
Rutter, Y 5 .................... 0 la so a qt
a,tuwpaekeiljMN5 ..'.'.'• a It ter a 1.1
C era', . • IS r e
Shorts. newt ......."""• . $ R 0 TT
lino.jicwt a7tM 070
ebpp,d wdgosonri... • :. & N •
" o 00
Serfs whys. t1 cwt . i N
oo level. ......:.....15
... $ . s M
beetresias ........ .. .... - -- s S•
YKN' 1OIiK 0 1LDA]' Roan
aiasaa:mtilf Alba
Rate, el Pannone to .\.
AHI N61sigew, deep ei of
iurel $53. M, ,xo 1'LAM,,. 3S
Al'Mwrle Lntsre•• ,Nntee,
ILIT■.►mma vla 1 fNII Vmwr.
Bleamabip 'VITT or sewer f 'Veer
York. WKls g411.1Y. Hae eon.
rt Jolr 15, .t Jane
I.9alann t'•ranre. Ars anA npwd.h,.
t'1*te, nil 3rerrarronew trtreot4
Dwld, either rMn ice. 't»ar pre.
1 Fur lama■ M Tnor.. Tirketa. or other infer
C merino, pPnpyly l0 JhI' * tlitz0\
1'1tc,THlk Iry \ew `'orP.
i nes A..rioh.W)N, frost ('Rice, Oe e;ieh.
tiudertrh, Slay tq It 1{
Scott Aet I of his opportunt'les to put moltey in his 1
are violet, I purse.. Had he tent boon a member of
ing illicit. I Parhament'sjiis influence would not hies 1
to sop been worth a blind share. No ease
roeineal could he dearer If the Tory party are
determined to tarry Healy, White and
Woodworth theoe`h, they will feel pretty
*mem' per- 1.91117 befor.'boy re ;ch the end of their
H ~
ro leave Dr Barnardo* Thi its ogees,
.01405 and WoroeetoCahin it
.ngland, Snowstorm. -On Wsdnes-
n Peter day a(lerm...n a little h... named 1'p-
month *hall. alit with an .-' ,l ret wheel+ may
1. dealt yet prove a vasa He was with se,
are sent parties who were out shouting. and had
strayed •way from thews, aid when one
of the number shot at a chtpm, nk, a
aerobe, of Mot glanced and struck 1
shall, several **tering his bowels Flo
is end., sesdieal treatment, and if in-
Ramm ti•.a does one set in, may sr r a 14
all right. {New E,■,
hare in and r..tnpl.tivl, and should be trade
serneretstern last Sabbath •v**ing early s• that all
Mary of the entipylsti.1 were deeply and. to beware then nit arrival l It
1 mabe
touched with the winlster's hat wards, a,manrn,ntinns is he sent to Mr. l;d-
The cowrregaties presented hien with ward Duff, tiuperitteMdMt. Dv. Bann, -
a ma. beautiful presents, ahowit g their do's Distnbwting Home, Psterborotlib,
rs istMO t>'f has ••Irian. Nit,
Rev. Mr. Calvert
Will deliver his (Art new again. on
"The Air We Broathg"
Wednesday, nay 28th, 1888
In rh. Lefler" Rohn of 1:
the evening nos
x/'Asaph, en
at half teas seven o'rloek.
He bas rensontM to 40 so at the epos, of
certain geotieetea Mande fad *bor. wits
were unable b hear It on %t'tdseeday even.
Ing last. es aeaeuse of other roseir a,a,taJ
Koro: Cttrur r Luna' Arn ftrro'y
LiLY STR 81tO, Ilet'y,
1My let►, iMS
reaaole a . s. SI Nov e .s
C. DETJ1nR & Co
Qew1 •
l• lei 'S
u 1 . 1 l; arr()t,o AT
JN ew Cash GroceryTy MonstrVia barIm■
CIann t'ap and Saucer firm $say with every lb. of ?hew
keep only the Beet Itaklti{r Powder
Mar:ett,l to and well lore rth 1 st hooch, PONS( Newnl.k {'t tt*t
oarrawarebad inthe mov!es .
N•It-Hlabast Price Paid for Ratter and Fns. Call sod be cunettete(
aiftarweaAer the,'r .4.e,, *oath el III ns.n K:e'+t ()**.; fietttsq,;.
Oederleh, 31147 nth, 1505,
vV el•VZ.
tett 0
H"`Vi1h■ un
rey Mop te the l a„st
style, put is Three
ilea Herniae ug f„
e -
bested Rootteetsr
breed C b a t t,
Harker. donee H o
fore r t (baa,
Hae sting we ila
specialty ee silt days
0000et tenla
(round an* tIc
ani Wetr TICF.Mi 711Ala
),,.,n PAM of P O-, Onderteh.
/It IM Itt
eel hl' lera;i ore de !e t O PH Y
Has removed
ra 4 shied r onha N rot (r.,... nett door to the iter P
l,alew. whirr hr Lu „n re(, ^
' ',,, rintlrtg
eh*. cannot M h.etew
ter r''nrkwraw'b,y or 10a pro,.e on top of the Neth.
Hmphy *'..,.'r I"• nnder..l,{ by any maw tot
leak well *01 araa4 w aM torr rreihore Is m , p.
Vow ren know *rheas to we. tie sere and call rep, n esyy fe
Oust. May 4th, hilt,
Joniv io D V"
at I
ter t
or U
the l
to 11.
wire a
the p
with .
The ne
for the
only ret
that, tl
to act i
he has
man to
ars bene
is belie ».
g.nt ail
is taken,
his coat
tion of I
sins. L
to elands
is a Torry
A rev
primed fes
an allege(
the Wen.
*or had
for editor
k and
Organ in
bad told
tion, imt
name, an
had giver
little Tor
then coma
beim/ prim
ed wrath/
that, you
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that is say
week the
wee a deli
gay et err
from the 11
Fair of Ulm