The Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 6the Poet's LornsT. A .liNst. Ah. yesterday 1 found a glove Orowu shabby. full of tiny ripe, But dear to tea because toy lo, e Osie through it thrust ber nnjrr-tips. A gbne ose would not caro to to Utley his are" Sion* the street ; Yet bete 1 own there is fur stn. Nu relic In the world inure sweat. A faint, far scent of lavender Steals from it, asahe clot ter smelt When through the Gehl' I walked with her. And plucked the Wuwrws fur her belt. tush' but 1 toted the Mile hand That aer.l to near this tlmr..trlued thing. 1 u alighted gesture of summand Would set any glad heart nutlet Iiy. Or If it touched my Ong. r. so. Or smoothed my hair why should 1 speak 01 those old days t It makes. you know, The tears brim over uu my cheek. Poor, stained. worn -.UI. long wrt.ted Sloe! 1 ttil"k it almost uwderrt:.nds That reterentl) and eat. Iu,r 1 hold 1t is toy trembling hands. And that it he no dyer to m.. With ib old trsgruice. far and hint. Because my mother wore it. she - On etrtb my love, in Leaven my asst. IJamee Merry Hent•:, in the t'ttiarn. RAKING INGERBOLLISM. A Pointed and Katy f ommrulary on the Amerkkaa A.arrar, • Never drug the .timmeish wry ting lad esyrvl ,•I Wait oppieuse; Hngyard'e Pectoral Bantam i• plmaaa& and Malik is to effoe u, sod safe in throat and tutor c.wsp..o.t. that, if neglected, mod u. a.s.au.ul.l “.0 2 Litt ti U KUN SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 21, la'aseseo. The Howie Plush. pale hollow cheeks •u.L rub( prrdaLloos rppellte, Indicate worms. (''rwr,oam'. Mous Ponders will prickly and ateeturtly rein.... thaw. lei A number of students attendimg • col- lege at Albany, N. Y., emit to bear Iu- gersoll lecture, and were so captivated by the "Great Infidels'. subtle sophis- tries that they pr..r.,undod the following question to their professor, Prof. Gouge, question Dein Psot'ne''on - :ire not ingersoll's arguments unanswerable f :What are you going to do about it 1 SF:r1RAL STCDSXDI. The Professor's reply was sarcastic, logical sod to the point. Hi• description of an amateur Maid., is li:en here for the be.setit of aur hreue "ag:l..atics." Th. Prufm mor in the course of t long article to reply to the students' interrogatory Maid : "But you see there are w many iu6- dela iloys, you are mistaken An Infi- del is an abnornal growth. Nature feels funny once in • while and creates a freak -the living skeleton, the fat wom- an, the two heeded girl. Sri there a about one infidel to • nnlion sane men. He is ► freak, snd he pays. Men pey to hear Roberta abuse religion as they do to see Silnlnmlla Willa up his watch with his toes. Not that a watch is say better for being wound up with bis hoes, but it isn't every slouch that can do it. A gen- uine infidel is a Moral monstrosity wurtu seeing. The most of those noii.y fellows are amateur infidels. They talk Ingersoll in fair weather, and prey themselves hoarse every time it thunders. A well devel- oped case of cholera m, r',un will kno:k their infidelity out ..f them snd leave them in a cold sweat, like a 'bina dog in ce-house. 1 kn..w then. Ti,,,mast of than are like the boy who nag sway from home and comes back to sleep with father nights. Whew men are amity play- ing •'1 spy" with their '..;o : ,; ,.. sad r you can find them every time. Thsye are nu tutor genuine iafdelo than anew. - boy is an editor They nilly retail some- body epee's ideas. They are striving against their natures as the model farmer who thought his leans were coming up wrung end to. God knows best, and he has not made • failure of thence. Then, again, boya,take a look around you when you invest another Iifty cents in liberty, and compare the crowd with the kind of people you find in any church. Is it the odor of sanctity you smelly hardly, boys, hardly. But you can eat peanuts there and choke on the shells while you app'aud the funny jukes about the heat• en where yon know in your hearts you hope your mother is, or hear the humble N ne ridi.uled who you think, and always will thiol gave a home to your weary old father when he left the earth. The kind of liberty Ingersoll retails is very expensive, and comes out in blotches, so 1 hare heard. a Yes, boys, his arguments are unan- swerable and C th;uk the eeaaont will This t.rw it a the Clown I'nmce ui Prussia who has Vubush. t a • .,k. lie is muro h•rtunatelyt toting'. d the. .real literary fall, as, nueimuch ss r lietti,r the work sells or not he will v -t Lt, r -y silty Just the same. lo the history et medicines no props ration has received such uulveraal sunt weudatiou, 1..r the *Lei lotion it affords and the I.erunaueut corn It rtlbvts w kid- ney dresses as Ur. Vau Buren' Kinney. Cure. Its action to these disar'malna ce nsptaiuta is simply wonderful. t{oid by J. N dam. dui 1 se Prot par's Sulphur S,s,, fur sew Ltre f.r serr(les. wswtes,ed 57es.anal time iefl Prickly drat, Nettle l{wsh, Seeley Pru,, seam. SnehaUq and N•ssltpaslee. - , it, l.. rod all utfew ! c..ndi(i.' . The ureal German Iuvigoratur as the OYYII'E.-('or.01 Market Square and Korth. of the sA m. Ins only specific for impotency, nerv•.ua de- Street. Otrdeekh. l'bettq, rear old Ib: urn tree* u• It ow bll(ty, universal lassitude, forgetfulce.a, ill full blossom,and rpt.:. tr..w urn rap plait 1111 the back or odor, Hu natter how idly opening out: and •I tun its, llcattubs shattered the tyetew utey be from r:- are fora legume( yard. (ou.l.wr.a,.0 Cu.". of 14117 ketol, (lure Ur,u (Leman of the record shusa thus to 1.r the earl' est Mason for the Intel a•al1501 vain The blossom on the: while plum snowed ouSatutday. April 24 The atrrate of the sixteen years gives the Huh .4 May The earliest was mn Apill :1. 1871. .1. Says Dry sden : She kue•ws her man end when yen rant Yid• sur Meri:hanta can urea their Bill Heads. Letter Heads. te., Ate. printed at the office for vers. little more than Iha•) ge•uerall) poy fur thepaper. ani it helps to adverbs• tbe/ress. Call sad see mlasples and get prism. 1366. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Tfws (,e epeey u Loanwty Money use leans ilerw'tfy et Louver Aste. of Isderest. MORTUAUES PURCHASED. HARRIS a: SI )N, BrantBrantford,131NI•EttS, Mon'Elts and REAPlr tz SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Agricultural Implements. C. H. GIRVIN, HM guar able the Agri,. 'diesel Iwplrnorut business. ♦ud .t prrsents the following Howse:-� C(K'KRH1'7"1.. Brantford, l'1.11►v$, 11AY1.oADEIIS and SeurrL.PH.•L s,4 dial bper rest. barred Allowed us MASSON NIANI]FACTLTRINU CO., Oshawa, SEZD DRILLS ikpoute, uecurrdir4 f., umunirt l,.ttt N MOWERS. Remedy wi 1 restore tIte ' et foie:Diums and secure health and happiness. SI.O0 per ben, all hover for S:,.UU. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, pottage rid, by F' .1. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole rgeut lar United States. Cir- culars and teetimoui5b sent free. Sold by Geo. Rupiahs, sole agent for (lode - rich 3m : Can draw you to her with a 'angle hair. But it moat be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful hair call 1* ensured by the use of ('isoai. 'si HAI. Rix'was. Sold attuOeta. by J Wsldpn lm .time atrmz smitherhurelies will c.•tLttn- ue to boom, and all nature will most ex- asperatingly and calmly perform her functions tf Robert is not answered. You know *Ties TiM Best steamer crossed. the Atlantic agreat Philosper was deliv- ering a mst- toaelusive argument to prove that by n.. meal ,ility could a steam vessel craw the o.ccan. And he proved it, too. And no man could answer it. either. and Haat provoking steamer cave 'snorting, sizzling auot splurging right into the harbor. Brays, so will (:.el'e children go right or praying And preaching and dying and going to heaven in spite of argument. They can't help it. They were made s••, I suppose." eetnease nisrasW- Mrs, Cyrus Itillanue, Beneievihe, Ono , had wL•t was supposed to be a cancer on. her dose. She was about to submit to a cancer doctor's treatment, when she concluded to try Burdock Boost Bitters, internally and externally, a few betties of which entirely cured her. 2 Fevered 1St 111ds-Meer system. "Pape," said the daughter of a large employ. r of labor. "are you in favor of the eie1,t hour system J" "Well, danghtrr," he answered. "un der certain circumstances i am." "Oh, I'm so clad," she raptnmualy ex-' claimed "Why, my dear, why are you so in- terested r' "Becsuee, papa, Genres has been ..nly staying four hears every evening, and he told me last night if you favored the gegisl-hoar system he needn't Rn Anna Nearly so early. You dear old paps. I'm so glad you are in been of it," and she threw her wit shit. arms shout his rook and ehnked off all explanation. 11 THE RREV. (LEO. H. THAYER, of Woolson, ind , says : "Both myself sed wife owe one Iters to SHILOH'S CON- gl•MPTIUN CI'itE " Per sib by J. Wilson, druggist. CAMPBELIIB `� Thi, •aish� agr eet.le ' yet potent pre. paranoia u especially adapted for the relief and e tare of that cera of disorders attendant upon a kr or reduced state of the , • stem. and , u.11y ta. by Pu Pallor. N'ul. , neas and Pal. ,,,tp�e atl the Heart Prompt meas will i1* use 50 Caws of Sudden Exhaustion arising from Las of B:.. .J. Acre or Chronic Diseases, and in the weakness that in•.anaLly accompanies the recovery ft 11'au.ng Fever. No remedy ,will give more :pee-.iy relief m Dyspepsia or Indigestion. F r Imp..ret. 4'shed Blond, Loss of Appellee. rtes- . pan.en.y, and is all cas where a se an t,rawrla, and torsi. if ,TtWILAleT if regwmeti. •lis the ELIXIR ..:1 ie efouaf n*,'Au. 44,4 .ILK. �e Sol.f iy a7 .)eiders int ,t/Cie: use. t'HAPTRS It. "Malden. Maw. Feb. 1. ic.i. Gentlemen - 1 suffered with marks of sick headache. - N condi/mil female trouble, fur years in the moat terrible old excruciating uun- ner. No medicine ur doctor could give uta relief or cure until 1 used Hop Bitters. 'The int bottle Nearly cured me The tteaoud Heade we as well and strung as when a child. 'And I have been .o to this day.' My husotud -ors an invalid for twenty years with a seriuu. 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced- by Boater's best physi CIr115- ' I ncurahle too ea bottles of your bitten cured him, and I know of the 'Licee of eigl t persons' In any neighborhood that have been saved by your bitten, And many more are using them with great benefit. 'They a'ut.,st Do miracles !' lm Mrs. E. D. Slack. Farmers' Attention The undersigned has a Choice Selrctioc of I'ur•. (loan DAMS t LA WRpto} oo. (Limited ) Seta Acumen, MONTREAL, P. Q. - PYBBY DAVIS' - PAIN -KILLER PApsicirtits, Yfsiaters, Jiseiataries, Mammon el fnrtortes, Wurk-Mope, I'laadtti..rs, Nurses is Hospitals, -Mt abort, ereryleely everywhere who his erer gine* it a trial. TAKEt IRTEk*ALLY MIXED WITH A w' INI GLASS 11F 11OT wiL. AND 11055, IT WILL 15 1e,CeD A wee/Aa 15/1.4340 CURE TOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIULLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE OF CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAN'S IN THE STOMACH, 817111 - RIM ANI) BOWEL COMPLAIN -113, GORE THROAT .Ac. *sant., ,..uii,.nsY, SXPlai$itCE BAS PROWS* 1n TOR 5.N? E►?acTll•. ARD RBST Ltwlwl*T on &Mint li 1W,)v)XO THS r51R AnitC110 raow SPRAINS, BRh'1SES, RiIF.II]IA- TibM, Fi EDRAIA y,A, F W rv>triii}i► F M E, T4s)TIIACIiF, RI'R\S, FROST BiTE. et . d.-. 2:arts. per fi',(Io' gar Beware of Imitations. "fir CAMPBELL'S CATHARTJC-T COMPOUND is effective in small doses, acts without griping, dies nut m- olehill nausea. and will not cn•ate irn- tation a:.de ingestion as do many of the uannl Cathartics ad- ministered !n the form of !'ills. Ac. Ladies ar..l Chil- dren having the VINO. aetmitire s:,. - machos take this medicine without trou- ble or complaint. ('Altrsll.l.'. ('ATnaarr5 Coweorlrn le especially adapted for the cure of turn CoOPLAIwrs /INF. Bluuca NO. 0101514. Fos At to SToeacn ANTI. 1...aa nr Ar. ramal. Frig Stet HBADACw, rain Pvarvesti. Foe t'osorie•rog 05 ('0.11 s Fos At1. (.owy,AIST. *51015.1 raow A I)twaasalo or gas Hi. - nice. This medicine being In liquid form, oke dose can be easily regulated to Met the rrgmirelneu*a of diRerentper- tons, tilts making it equally well adapted to the use of the little child ha u. the lsiinit Pot up in three mines Mottles, and amid by all dealers u tensity medicines. hits iMltrfi. 23 Cen►u. NMNBf(1,. ,f the following varieties:-tl-hite Dur!.ess. Larrrne, Alalk,. Trefoil, Pea Vine lad Red Clover, Timothy. Limn sad all vnriet.es o/ Bram,.-" suitable for permanent pasture..)ats. Wheat. Prate. Harley. ityr. R.arss. Buckwheat. Corn. Tares and Flax; also plead and Garden Seeds of last years growth -true to rains. A full assortment of Flour and Feed. The Celebrated Union Churn- the best in the market. .1 consignment of Choice. Fresh Teas. eon - slating of Hlrrk• Breen and Japans- wholes sale and retell. A large amount of Mersey to Loan. R. PRICE, Masonic Klock. East street. Godrrl March nth. 1t1Bt ]gS-.tw DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND THE KEY TO HEALTF'. 'Unlocks atlas ckq•ee,I avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry - ling off rryingoff gradually without weakening the eysteto all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions • at the same time Correcting Acuity of the pStto�mach. coring Biliousness. Dye- Heart~blan. Conatipation.�Dryn�ess of the Skin. Dropsy. Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Brysipei$s, Scrofula.. Fluttering of the Heart, W and Oen- 'dal Debility : all these and many other similar ('ompl•ints yield to the liaar_ _roti f Suri . s BILITZBEL L I IL SI'1n/ • CO.. ihuortstics. Tenet& 1..8trSV85T/a _.v IDEI iZ GLEN To the Wean 1 °sentry: We wish 10 say that 'we are prepared to take our Wool 1n eschang.t or liooda, or work It fur you into mitts( owing fn wing articles, rig Blankets -White, y or Horse. Shirtings Grey or eck. Clothe Tweeds or 1 Clotho, Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey, bolored, Union, Plain or Twill. 8hastings---Broad or Narrow. StockingYarn - White, Grey, Cloued or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. lhtr fseilltlea for this work t he sear passed. \Vs. will ewdeaveer in novel noses to 40 the day It is Iwnegrht in, if required. 1'n.tom +pinning and Iteeling, or 10pinnire no the Cap. unarm ur nee. ham or soft twist. as required. We are la • pad t Lm to do all k tnde'nf ens tom wort. eewyly done in a tntl set ••netom Mill. An•1 we will `sarsntee to do for yo. fully areal. If set a 11151. better titan any In ons eerroundinga. A call reespeestelly .&&Incl. r. r. of ler . ., ronndir.q E. McCANN Zest Sad Wadden Mills, Oodertrh, May MI5. Lau SMJ=Al'I{ 110IRTON, Mas 5015. Ureteric►_ AtiR.Kh.1116. Mit- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE CILIOJSNES3, I /SFEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RHEUM, HE RTBURN, HEADACHE, And every opals" of as.aee aresinatAfezz disordered LIVER, R.O.tEYS Or DOWELS 05 BLOOD. DIZZINESS, DROPSY, fLUTTERiNO OF THE HEART. ACIQITY OF FHE STOMACH, DRi Vf 83 OF THE SK/N, T. MILBURN & C . Prvraltaanes West, Street Meat Market. Aures & Johus1o. A1.1. 6I\Is4 op M EATS C.arefu Atteatiwnand Prompt itelitrry. .1 ('ALL SOLI('ITEIS 1)e:..4th. I.tsi r- GODERICI BOILER WORKS 11 e, - oma ..1,. .1 •11.i..;. she. L of BRASS 1 IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS & E1flINES New Salt Pans ane Boiler, Built on Shortest Nut.tr. e e pro s1 tri cea k,norders fmrk stud art airs _CH it VSTAL do BLACK_ Workseesr 0. T. H. Stations, °ode -rich Feb. re INI non I[ltflRATED 1 CHASES IA/WELKIN LIVER CURE HAVE YOU Iodinating s Isond eH acrDtaeaes,Tum.n the Rv1k ....titreness, or lay diesels arrssg from a Meanie.i ver, 1,■ (, ss.. 1.ivsa Cala will he found a far sod canaria re�sdy. NATURE'S REMEDY Lhe unqualified recces" of Il' ( law'. Liber Cure t Liver Complaint rents solely with the fact rias it i :omponnded from notore's well-known liver retelaten MAwum*At AND I/oxtail/no. combined with as sheer Invaleabie roots, barks sad herrn hawing enact ea tM tem Kidneys. Sacls, Bowls tem Mood. 600.000 SOLD ?w► seesek y willies J iflr. ('real* Reams £eel awry ma is (meads ales foe lama nv7 mvaa lemma led «SiM ludo ne trouble/ .,al Lowe Con Nast N ray Mir .r., mr noway. f$s resit Ike. Ord Amey furl Wrapped around every 1d)ttb of I)r. Chase's L iser Cove is a veleat.le Household Medical Crile and Recip Book (44 }agesi con•ainrng over son eseful recipes pronoun -ed by mnl.,aI mem and druggists as intrudes ble, ad oath ten times the pita of the medicine. TIT Clegirs tows fags[. A sane and poskiw -emedy. t'nie• re cents. T11111111111111-11 MUM, NM UvtSPILLS. ty ctn. pe len SOLD SY ALL DEALti1$ �E 1'. SDasAaeoe • 00-. nate agerN. Nreerpa ' 4ts'JAMES WILSON GOD31CRICH- (l.t. 22n4. i"..i. 201e -1,y All ENT FOR and 0011111118 New York Sillier Soiii Sowing Laces. 0_ i -i_ GF'IRVIN, H•mltou stied. r I.r duan below the ('uiborse Repel. 1725 8 Keep Your Feet Dry! 1'ou ran do toes at • cr, Inning so* by buying your idk BOOTS & SHOES E. DOWNING, 4 Cz,1b1o's 3310C1c_ 1 have now on nand the largest shot k .•ser shown In (ioslrrit•h, and comprises every line lie wall) found In a firsts lam shor dor, trona the finest kid. through all the intermedlste trade to the heaviest evrbe.lr. 1 *di seat at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Lanes' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. lines and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do.,11.00, up, all other Linea Proportionately Cheap. 1 can and nitl mot you. both in goods and prices. . 13\O --w- N 1 N" a- , Crabb'. Block, Corner East street and Square. N.B.-To the trade. Leather and Sailings in any gustily, at Lowest Prices. EASE AND SECIIRITY This cut represents the double truss without the belt. Note the ppeti�psit boa of the Mishap's wring situaatteeedd�in the Pad, by which • txl7nTANT but racy INWARD and U PW Altl) uherniabas the 0 GENAS, - Druggist, soz.E �O'E TT, ci-onEP OI ..- r February Soh. INC' ]rte DANIEL C}ORDOI4, - - CAI3INL'1' MAKERT \ s. LEADING UNDERTAKER. it will pay you to buy your Furniture from the undersigned. ee I have now Y an assortment as there is in the county. 1 do not adopt any work rkrsar of advertl5ay( • cheap epseislty, but will sell y • eral outfit at prices that cannot be surnamed 'quality considered•. In the ('ndertaking 1 have stock seitrd for the poor as well as rich. 1 hare also added the process of Y.mhalnting, so that parties hiking to sent bed friends to a distance can do eo at, reasonahis root. DANIEL (30FtDor-, West street. (3odertcb, between the Fust OOee lad hank or ]Int Sept. Ytth, ittsl. 1 1111114110 - Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. tit 0100. niumEtiv, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKERi Hamilton Street,lGoderich A hoed assortment of Kitchen. Red -Mom. ihn!ng gloom and Parlor ram ;ttire. run h as t bless Uhairs'hair, vane and wood seated'. ('upboards, Heti steeds. Mattresses. Wash -stand Lounges. Sofas. W hat -Not s, Looking Glasses. N.B. A complete assot'moot of Coalns sad Shrouds always on band aloe Hearses, for 51 at reasonable rate . Picture Framing a specialty. -A call 'elicited 1751 wan ea wor., Zoo�s.r wls"eee weeny r 1e ~alas spar t�sys M tITIVara wMW"'olti'u s. 6v�Werw': r rt.'''. 0.teafE MT'CO”D"''. >I� HARKNESS HAIR SALM Restores grey hair to its ne- ttles! color. re- movesf Dandruff, steps a hair from out, increase its growth, and sal! not soil the akut As a hair dres fig. it hws ne sepia tors Guar Mateed harmless Harkred by ness tt Ce, Leede.. Orli ladd sit lad Pawns Dinka Adingoi4taski , t LL PAPER Nowia the time. if yeu wish miser two nice rooms at home• to see Butler oom et. He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautify' rotors and at prlerslsMtban very mock Inferior goods. Cal senses yore. Th are the beet setae in town. and must besold The Spr'in Bazaar Pa11orns & Fashions, k �.T �3ITTLT�,I2.'!9 QUEEN 11.1' x OIL WORKS PEERLESS OIL Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all the Machinery duringthe Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDLS during the last three years. err See that you get PEERLE88. It Is only made by Par Stale SAMUEL ROGERS & CO., TORONTO. PyATES & ACHESON, Goderiche t'''ilt., Nennen . Ifo►. DNI. y