The Huron Signal, 1886-5-21, Page 44 View A This ereeb. To Lot - 7. timeet►. Paris Gress 1. Junkie. Nene' - Peter Adassesa. A robot Use- A. t n.:keea. des Nsaal Delves -J. C. Defter & 1'e. Btnldav TM Petal ren. i.eA.re -Ladies' AY. Kass C►ercb. Simonise Wasted -IL A_. ae.aL Ogee. TOWN TOPICS. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1886. The 'pone a the new air *Alessi 8. R Robb, feetarly at the Strstlurd I Rarru.ariot: Oe Tela POLAR Maafa- sruu.,de on the 24th, proms to be wail Herold, who a rueuaeg the Baird Cw- Tags. -Mr. Scat, we 1, hes attended, and, If the weather he gaud, a may CO. for • monde, was in town during tendered his reaigretiw of the poaitn.e grand 00113••• IS .o store lie the promote- the week, and has developed ►ito ea of NAM Marlene' .4 Hewn. He was ere o/ the gathenal, oarsman of so so-so order. He rowed miler ce er the imp eesioe ohms1. •eptd A number of our school teachers will eu fast uo Wednesday, that be west leer the alias that all eases goad be heard to go u, Easter today to attend tho teacher•' miles when be thuutht he had gens only C.iniOs, bet he he, been advised that to, be held in that village nue. The record was bastes ruing out. cue melt be heard ie or eau the local - William Houston, W. A , Librarian to bet tossing us was slower. Sam "aye his ity where the oftenees were committed. the Oaten,' i..grlature, with be preemiestay in Goderich bee been omit loan hole A ehsag- has also been m.Ze is the i•e &od dormer •u address day. and that there's no appetiser lekea et Me lest sSssioo of the Oatenu Hoes* A raid's earn/pe, mita' NW... Among those who took passage in the four mit pull, 'rich come pretty gine aswbisi would prevent either Mr. Scott or tele** Ulf weer w.' ballast his purism being engaged profeeslho ally I toted Empire ou Thursday of last . Ten N roar, IN A RAatwott - -The I ie say criminal matter whatever. Such Holt and W. Pruudfoot '''reworks are exposure. bet • good photo- week were P. the state of &from", in order to •t - Mb u set W to Oearlfe Stewart's for beet well known Gederich lawyers. They in Bart csmpau will, by apsei•1 Hot. . rks"wg "T :Yi hie is • a lead Le the datum u/ the alio* Mr. Mr. Soots ratty greets la teens. toad to go as tar e0 B"nduo, and easy tay es g BOrrvem, VINE TAILORING. - For the t heepeei g„ further seri 11 'her.. money u i'. turday afternoon, at 3 pa,whes pec I p oIS Mve bssn comps;led to vlreuy bi► aortae salt, for the rawest ea sobb tet cute sad children will alike be admitted 1 for on he iota, 'bore.„", tenderest erode, for Me Mean &■d beet tnmmleaa for A letter to the Haailwu T..wrs •ps■ls to all part at the hall for 10 mow This 1 w resignation ►o the t; I. -- KeepVii sad e■ s e.e st, to 1Monday.c. favorably of the work bei" dune io Ja- Vilew Era limp your eyes eyes es Meaday..e4 )oe g will be a ewe opportunity to w Vie able l- w.tl.ee Goat tiehys who have the b.s.-at- pan mission holds by Misses Cantrell , . of flue highly moral and it.- I Toe Peoroszt Waraewosea.-The ties suits gm 'Mfr clothes at 1. t A. tend- mod Spencer, two meaonertes of the strtictivs dream. We hope our temper- 1 welierwerks Oumwitte, had a m.atiag on ham's the f ehl•ialele (lolertee t■i1eK Methodist church. Th. tatter a •neer &rice workers will see that childrem sad I Tuesday evening. Applinti .us were ►eca u! J. sir, , former His sect Taw" Le:cltseest,0 10 greeerue nee Mrs- C Detl of Lades, Come and Sec THE GREAT BARGAINS J. A. REID & BRO. 'Lintonf r Georg, Old te melbas leaptheir went. ars eacueraged to tura oat i submitted from two enigineers, offense of creeks y sad glassware u the most aurae- le of Goderich at the matinee Such a dream has a i to ease to G.dench and girt all neoSms- tire la tow*. Fresh erooenes is meek st low- Thoe Wr ht, the popular , ung clerk uromeer iugueoce than • are temper cry eg the preeties- bthty ort waterwurksat God*, risk One of the appli:sate offered to et ase lo Goderuh and reader bis services for 1100 sod .:ponos, and the Whir wanted 2150 sad expenses. The ssrvww of &either were secured at pees - est. The water analyse showed Out the water submitted for •iau uuatia wee Dot imitable fur domestic purposes, and after The Q.s.i r Birthday will be celebrated oo of the Point Farm, armed roma 1r,io ante lecture. The Bard oomp.my a d Moeda, tread seise mete oeuees t. be Woodstock College on Tuesday, where he acknowledged respectability. Nd. photoere la ft ■types are 1 ■ great le - many e- hes been tem etine he bosimess -dues many oo Mislays. for be eaten- hew to Pease hes Tb.. week 1. the th.o to fight the ewe - hu loaroae, tion. Tom bre brought with him ■large Cole by ■ptyieg the fruit tries. It is Teeth' we breathe Is pure, but the sectio■ k.towledze of oom.n.rcial forms, moll • now foeni that the apito y remedy to not - :Iver plate sold by these peddlers ain't Houaebelle» should beware of buylog from daoney little dark of detach*. ally effectual ■gain■' cureelw, hist is paddle" when they era es t reliableAosMra The following ,ume t wade the Ic- dually taut to the oinked'warm, ettdlia ■■d get thea plated war. pe■r■atood. Try ,wooden ite .t the cheapen house under tons street church debt are herebymoth sod tent site rpillar a the •Pen thesus- tress ined is fad the whole tribe a isms& thankfully acknowledged And now the sweet -scented hilae a in tees .-J. C. Martin, $5; LK J. C. pests. London purple is better and sows dusemios the following resuluties bloom. Martin, 415: J. W. Smith. j13; MK Elijah cheaper than Paris green. Reif • pound was adopted :-"Moved by Mr. Garruw, Capt. McGregor "turned from Pon Muco, 2b; El:tah Junin, 25; J. H. sit purple w sixty gallon et water is wooded by l4. Willows*, that a end Arthur last weak. Johnston, r22; Ja.. Andrews, St, end • plenty. The purple shooed be wet like eowmit1M aiaeisting of the Mayor, George Acheson is vigorously i& few .aller ca. a paste before putting it to the barrel, Messrs. Butler, Melina, Humber and forward work oo his public hall. pushing mms on Thursday evening of Let week the sad then it will mix easily and not Gest Jordan be appointed to limmerteen and re- F.Jordan retarisd a W.dusdap from H. S. L Society presented the following a plea/mai visit to Matra! and Corn- : reutetton, Mr. Boddie, wa1L chorus by the members , reading, Miss Percy Malooaoson has paved hu ori• R ileum editor's selections, Mr. Heddle reading, Mr. Mcleod ; duet, Mr. and t asty eiamtnatton to Lw at Osgood, Kiss Heddle • chores 37.0: he „mown, Hal The duet by Mr, and Heddle was Werk has been resumed on the Grand muchappr.c*Iid, Trunk levator atter • lag resole from Th. Wembam Tinto to response to we'rk our invitation to the citizens of that Isupnter Tom, who is winning much town to Dome to Ooderich cn their civic favor M school inspector, esu 1D town helida, My" ;-"Yoe are too 1•taa friend, rote entering open active peset the sus o/ the High School Letws►y Mod excursion, but aid to his professional training by visitP , it or of on Thursday, where he will practice his rade your town this summer, as it forms and Gensany. w • wish the yeast Dos- vidt, ening From her Ent dozen hoes protegees. s Very pleasant trip to s i) mmol tows," for "boo vole," and hops that be mashe seethe asd held the sympathy of her The Listowel junior Leream club is The bead will go to Brantford this year. return to his native land crowned withsy M ! that mean that usually remelt flea aadiemoe, net soured s decided triumph. In her detineatiow d homely Americas hemor we have serer heard saytking to equal bar. Will Carletuo'. "Out o' the Fire" cooed not leave received better treat eat, Slee gave no selections from the dramas or tragedies of the oat authors, yet Vibe revealed Lee feeling sad deep pathos in the sequwt "Ruck of Ates,' sad the sad tale of "Surly Tim's Troubles." And what • tripping of feet there was es the country fiddler scraped chirpily at "Money Musk,'' io the farm- house dace, end what • versatile taunt she displayed in that melange with which she closed her recital. Miss Coothooi can be classed as a oom- media.s rather than a 1. but she is fist -class. She recites like • reader, and doss not rant like a hysterical ac- tress. Her attire, modest yet eatable, showed a taste that semi of our ladies en the water. It does not settle in caster eathe greys does, and net need oma per- son, to aur it. The Exeter Reflector thus speaks of a son -in-law of our townsman, Gavin Struthers : - "Mr. H. M. Cowen, son of Dr. Cowen, of this piece, loaves for the Old Country a Monday text, with a view of completing but MOW& Wane tory. in the for -famed schools of I.ondoe aa: issue Cotrtort's Rs,Dioa.-The Edinburgh. It is alio his iateetate be- downpoer of rain on Friday evening last i« t min kept many from the entertainment under pun the cost of slaking • taew hole, to reach the wooed stratum or eater supply. ter the purpose of obtaining • ppvir++samph of the difinot waters to be ubwined be the artesian system and to report on teitabIe sites for such bales -the sits- to be time &vailable for the permanent works in (ace the wider proves setatac- AGE NOW orYERINO 111 DRESS (GOODS, GINOHAMS, PRINT'S, MUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, HOSIERY, ULOVES,ee SPECIJIL. We have just purchased (to arrive in a few Clays) a job lot of FACTORY COTTON, which we will sell at lose than Mill Priced. it weak in bidding for the bat t;osaetT Miss Coetbwt, the read i the most sold hospitals of FeroM Dr. Thos. Henderson loft [ ,r Detroit then 'yua may ezpset w bre other in, rig the e,.nia , could ay with truth "Veld, Genfleen, Come and See sighing for challenges. Wiest say our Amos. these who were sueoe.dul In studiouaa.•s, energy and unteUigeoce." Galeria lad. 1 gaining the degree of B. A. at Victoria Bass Batt. -A gime of base ball was The new .d , of J. A. Raul oivenity eaaminetion, was our esteem - k Bro. and B. McCamae have been , d townsmen, S. P. Halls, played at Ni ghaim on Fnday het be - nue of te. twet the Actives,of Gatwick (lona" crowded tet this week. I teachers of our high &shoot Mr. Hale champions of Baron and the Fear Nuts, The May devotion. at lilt Peter's are deterves credit for the manner in which a W inker& Tbe Otter team had some heM a T.ssd y end Thursday oyaainge, be has done iii. work, while rattling players from Gould- dobe to Rev. Fr. Lots officiating. . giving every satisfaction as science tame help than, and downed the junior, by a let in Godereb high school. We ooa• large one majority in • eta Dt ts- Tbe Empire loaded considerable freight) 1 gam, ig •rid took on twenty et this trstel.te biro. sings. Gad feeling prevailed, however, and the Winyham boys will Ret a gra- dioe estate.' uu the 34th, when they will again play the Actives. A -beer game will then be played, as the Gude rich boys are beading dews to their work. The score on Friday wag :- Fear Net 2 4 1'3 0 12 1 1 e-24 Aoti•es 0001a0 1000-2 t GOARRIc DDiT M J T 1iete. G. -The May meeting of the Goderich district of the Methodrt church was held at Bee- who appear en the electoral weld study forth on Tuesday and Wednesday lest I with prat. Dario( the evening songs All the ministerial members were peer wort sung by Miss Radialf& and Mies port on her trip up last week. E. L Brown has resigned the positise of precentor in Knox church. Bia suc- cessor has not yet been appointed. Mr. and MK W. Miller left for Tor- onto last Friday, where they will in fut- ure reside with their youngest son. Robt. Campbell, lighthouse keeper, has been appointed to ten charge of the t !observatory et the port. We regret to learn that MK Lewis Ethott, who has been confined to her room for months, is still in very poor Leelth. Charlie Blake has still further improv- ed mproved his property by putting • neat iron fence •round et. Hie house and grounds are very well situated. The feast of St. Joseph was solemnised at St. Peer's on Sunday last, St. Joeieph being chosen by the late Pius 1X u the patron saint of Canada. Flower thieves are the List phoe. of . nepk" in town. Look out for your low- ers, and if 700 catch any thief in the tat don't shield him -or her. O. O. Martin has been **mewed to the ptoetenteary fur lwe years for offer- ing counterfeit money for sale. The sea' tones is a very reasonable toe. We have been favored with a eopy d the &ureal statement of the Bank of Montreal, which 'Masan excellent show- ing for that popular monetary institu- tes. The local manaeer, Mr. Drama - 'amid, has already made a favorable im- preauioa opo our bemoan" men, and un- der hie t, the Montreal bank is likely to continue to be the most papaw in town. The saterprising . f the China New Ern "scooped" the Goderich pipers heat week by publishing the fol- lowing item :-"On Wednesday evening the Rev. Mr. Calvert gave • lecture in lime church, entitled 'The Air we Breathe.' A good attendance li.teasd with deep interest" When it is known that the ledef° was delivered Eve days Rupert, It- A., of Clinton, to the "ta I for their valuable assistance. Althoegh after that item appeared, cur reader, tioniag committee A review of thethe expenses of the evening were fatly will sea the point. year's work in the district showed an i&- WO to the receipt, ilia H. 8. L 8. ars Caleaoi COat*LLLD.-Among the cream of 300 'members, and a subdue- t be congratulated upon the satisfaction young Methodist ministers to be ordain- tial increase in the missionary and other their en . t afforded the sulli- ed this year, (having put in his four funds. The meeting was moat harmon- once. years' probation) is Mr. Canon, of von •ndlhupeful. Ren. T. M. Campbell, Guelph, late of Goderich, and the cern- of Goderich, presided. mon! of ordination will scarcely be over Sr, Gaoans's Cert. n. -The Lord cot, and there were likewise lay dele- gates eergates from all the charges. Rev. A. E. Smith was elected secretary ; Rev. Thus. Gee, sit Bayfield, wee elected to the Sab- bath school . , and Rev. E. 11. Wyss, both of whom were very well re- ceived. Miss Wyne'.lovssosg, "Who Jennie Was Raking the Hay," wee parti- eululy need. The High School Limitary Society is indebted to these young ladies before he phalli/ through the m•tninon- Bishop of Huron is announced to preach 101 ordeal. The lady in tLe case is • vee kivat of Guelph, and we believe the wed- ding tour embraces • tripto the old coun- tip.-[Clinton New Era. Fishing off Goderich has been suncesa- privileged to see advanced copies of that even ataudieg rum in "The Hearthstone; or Life eit Hoses." Si. Georges will be at a premium. The It contemns thousand valuable hint a pastor's next Sunday subject will be home work, and is beautifully illustrat- "Public Worship" and God's un over ed. It will be & valuable mentor to the His own -"The Lcrd thy God turnetb ile it tasteful binding will twice in St. George'. on Sunday, May 30th. The.. who heard or read bis ear- nest sermon on Christian livinget the missionary meeting will be peased to' A L. -MARION.; Boot -=Ail have been bear sit hie coming again. We muticipst ful during the past fortnight, some very good haute having been made by the fishermen wboremaioed behind the fleet. J. & D. Curry, late of Brantford, con- template , and running the Maitland Hotel, near the G. T. R. Sta- tion, in Goderich.-[Loudon Free Pea North street Methodist church hes been renovated, being kelsomi hmese e, .... render it an ornament to the drawing- I Hope ouotinoea its weekly meetings with room table. The eseese„fs are MK i unabated interest, and Is increasing in Rear sod Mies Green, who will call upon' membership, and the C. E. T. S. ie en - painted, re -carpeted, and thnrosg our residents daring the next week or' ng them by the promise of • pre - cleaned. Services will be held thiettay two. nic lie at at "Bettertiew on the 28th inst. as usual, I Tee Ata We Bauyus. -Rev. T. E. The Methodist conference which mast. The usual regular business meeting sit Calvert gave an interesting lecture in here earl in June will bring o A stran the Lake Shure Salt Aesneiatios was held 1 Knox Church school room on Wdoes- 1g • g' in the rooms of the Association, Gede- . rs into town. Let everything be done rich, Wdneday, Ma♦ 19. Then was • day a "The Air We Breathe." The to make the guest happy and pleased fall adThe trade was folly evening's were rather late with Godenattendance. I I m atartiog, bot tie lecturer• , aided t Db1 discussed, in all ieariolre, and the cn tel by S. P. Halls, B. The bankrupt stock ($1,102; of Justus general impression was that the outlook Reediting, Zurek, wee 5.44 at &metier' I ea* emis.MUy eMiSfeetry. It is be In London on Wednesday .ftern000 by lieved that the coming season will be Wm. M. Moore, to Nelsen Hoeperf.r*livelier than.,, the last one. The object of cents on the dollar. ? the Association is to get the rsadt of the Curse int a blessing ' The Band of A., and Mea Ralph, gave • very clear description i to 1 , and offered excellent* e-wnael about em- ulation. The hour was one well spent, Saturdayafternoon, "Ten Ni ht in a better rates of freight ubtains1Ta bp wat- instructive lectures should be and such g1. Dr. Taylor, who occupied Rarruora" Admission for young and •r• l a seat en the platform, spoke briefly in old only 10 asst t all parts of the hall. I R.t. G. F. TURK'S CALL. -The Cho -support of Mr. Calvert'. Views at the The Baird Co. slams to hare the beat ton New Ern say.. -"The people of I era. Rev. Dr. l; re presided. Mr. Joe.Mogpn.ea lbs stage North street.Metbodist church Gods ; Cavite will repeat the lecture by request rich, are making • strong effort t., get i on Thursday evening neat in the sense Rev G. R. Turk, of Lucknnw, as their i place. pastor fur next year. Hee deservedly r Caton wrote. -A meeting of cricketers popular as • minister, but he just erect-, was held in Chilton T.eeday last for the ed • new church at Leeknow last year. perpp•o eea of forming • county and as it is not fair for him to let the God.nch was represented b 8. Maloom- burden fall on other shoulders, the con .on and Robs A Steele ; Clinton hy T. terrines will likely desire him to remain t E. Jackson and Bray ; Brwls, E. E. Dr. M. Niekoiaore, the West street dontet, makes the preservation 01 the natural teeth • specialty. (.as adminis- tered from 9 a. a.. to. 4 p. m. for the painless extraction .4 teeth. Goderich is looking charming just now. The maples are making large Isaf, slid the avenues look mil anytime in Lumina, for his thud year, in order "The prettiest town in Canada" a the w . ole and Harry bone 8.itonh. F. universal verdict the season. to meet the . of the ease." Helmeted and Alack Wilson. An ma - The schooner Ariel, Capt. McKenzie, TOE BaraD Cow.t.v CO. --Thr drama citation was formed the fo With 10/10,10f and lath frac Blind river, tic and oumsdy have been playing clubs of the places nag1d, sod it is preb- for Williams & Murray, reached her in Goderich during the week to g..od able that the clubs of the ether towns dock on Saturday afternoon. This 1. the first cargo d lumber this season. James M. Sheppard hoe been appoint a Jostles of rhe Peace (lotario ed by the if , and has been duly sworn in. He will worthily weer the title, and the appointment will give satisfaction. The friends el J. F. Hinck*, M. D will be pleased to hear of he success In his presents. He has been appointed health !Amer of Manistee, Michigan, in whit& city he has been tweeted for home time. Our citizen, Hallows, has reterned from Toronto, where w has been buying a eoinptete outfit of zeoess- ories backgrounds suitable for the sum- mer .sees., and is now in • position to tura ort work second to none. Parties wiJis( views ..f their residences would de well to call nn him as be has every fatality for that kind of work, houses, and have thus far given unofuali and village■ of the county will see It to feed satisfaction to those who have pat- ; their interest lc joie ere long. The fol- ronised thea. The following pieces , lowing officer, were elated : President, lees thus far hese presented. Mondey, IE. a Wade, Brussels ; vice president, "('sit Adrift;" Tuesday, "Kathleen ;" R. A. Starke, (k.derioh ; a.c'y-treasurer Wednesday, "lest In London Thera. T hos. E. Jaekerni, Clinton. Home and ' day, "Uncle Josh." This Friday) even ' home matches Imre been arranged for ing "Nip and Took" will be presented, each slob. The dates fixed for the and „n Heturday have matches in which Goderich club takes i been male to held a family matinee i• part are : May 24tb, Rr.wla, at Bros - the afternoon, when the great s nestia tab ; .be. 7th, Clinton, at fodsrieh ; al drama "Tea Mats in a Barroom," Jame 1918, Seeforth, at Ooderseh ; July will he presented The hell will be der- 1 1st, $rts•ela, at (i.iderieh ; Jul 11th, honed on the nesa.1on. Admission to' Chutes, at Clinton ; Aug. 12th, Sea - matinee IOcts to all part of the hall. 1 forth, at Seaforth. We !that Katurdny ...meg "Col. 8eMMare- will be I toward the .lams 0l the season a a.0nty on the boards. The acting of R H. elves may be forested -the bass players Baird needs no ensa'oeedation, es he is • from the several dab. who will he ready favorite in this asotien, and kis anppert I to day any similar doves from fiber donne the week has been very good. counties, or aooept ehallen'es from some The realm "trete" playing hy horseof the sky clubs The idea is a gond stone, and the dole swinging of Bones, I one A creek club ...obi be selelpted 1e ch have been slim muappreciated. Hurn. etei's 1Mr.bday ti e:ed.reele. THE BARUAINS IN •r w viiaY3i18 AND COATINGS " SPRING SUITS IN ALL THE FASHIONABLE PATTERNS it COLORS WE ARE SHOWING A BIG LUT (rt• Wool Tweeds for Boys' Wear, from 35c. per I'd, up, Which will 1,0 CUT OUT FREE t►1'' CHARGE- Highl•wt Price paid for Butter and Eggs. JAS. A. REID & BRO. 'formerly Reid & S■eyd.I Jordan's Bleck, Goderteb. lith April. 1!•t •ORI. Is Oedertcb, es Tuesday. 101 of May, the wife of Thos. McGillicuddy. SI0ia4 of a sea. Dentistry. M. NICHOLSON, LD.S. DENTAL - ROOMS. Eighth dour below the Post (ince. wen-... UODI■Ic■. 10!1-17 A U are bereft made to tele- `I e1 W(N►LVERTO\ L D • oe Odd Fellows Hall, Nonh tit., brated tie Queen's Birthday, which falls Goderich. Charges moderate. All work war upon Monday next, in rirbt royal style I ranted. ISM to Goderich. The A. 0 U. W. and the town band have combined to get up a! She People's Qolumn. • fit , , and RMea rid sport. of • varied character will be held under I WANTED BY A LADY -A POSi- tbeir auspices. a r, TiON Moopybt or assistant In oma. The Wingham and Goderich leas ball It A., alwii"OS... INS - clubs will play for • ball, and • lacrosse QU'EEN'S BIRTHDAY. match will also Dome of. QUEEN'S games and rats will afford sub- THE PO_IST rAkM. stantul prizes t o the winners, and the I shall be meet happy to see my old Meads low price of admission to this groesda sad the public rrnerally on the above day. cannot keen any but the meatier sem d bieel et li. Tea at 4.., 11 J. J. WRIGHT. mortals out of view of the fun. - In the eveming • concert will be IiaM NdHCE- THE COI" NCIL OF THE inVictoria Hall, when • r Goa of the ('omat of Huron program of will mets the Court Room. in the Town of choice music by our moat popular vowel- Goderich. ea Toseda the 1st of Jame seri. sit will be given. There ought to: be All aocouato attest t corpo"tiea mast le seat la before'Ile moored da of meetinagg • big turn oot at the concert. PETER Al7AMSON, Co. Clerk - Watson's greenhouse will likely be May MIL ISM rant -rt largely patrenisd by those who are bed- rt1HE COURT OF REVISION FOR ding out their plants. He has • choice 1 the Town.hlpp of tt legat @t awuo.h win aMorteaat this year be i■ 1►e rowll (bell On Satard•y. May soh, at the Font o Elam. The Gederich cricketers will pitch sofa- It. E. MILLER. Tp. Clerk. *if wildest' in Brussels. THE COURT OF REVISION Fent 1 18. Towashlp of (bltwree will be held RNMe, la the Tewaehlp Hall on Wednesday. May cath, at the hour of 10 a.m. The great Royal Staff of English Phy- 1917-2t J. H. RICH.UtIw Tp. Clerk.. •iciane and Surgeons are making • tour fpURT OF REVISION TOWN OF through Canada, and will arrive at the V _py _L British hotel, Goderich, Jon. Sod, and 1 -• - will remain until the evening of the 8th I Take notice. that rhe ('Dori of Rat for the Towa of Oodertcb will be o.l4 *1 th. lost , where they can be consulted few Town Hall ea Mday, May 6th. teat, at s .4 charge, epee any dirty the human o'ct«k, la the for -soon. for the purpose of tkah u subject to This stag a "mil"- owrtag ..d rwetlf) lnq oil rnmplalnla ag•ln.t 7 I)O5- or error. eo roe Assesmenl Itdl of the pia ed of twelve of the moot eminenty- est year Alt part mi M. fes iotere('ndAMPRELnr. L. srequested . icians selected from England, Ireland t° attend - r, and Scotland. They are distinguished (•krk lie.leipalily. !fattentl..nen holding diplomas from the Oedericb, May Ifth. Iuls. SAT A ened l'nivrakies of Europe as .ell as l(CSiC.-MISS C(N)KE, AFTER 14 (irwt Bouin. They here had rarer AO 1 years' in •11 the croatineotal, reoNvea upils forothe llama fi noes the Brutish, the Cape hospital., and eearlsvly.Term.: 18 per quarter. 1"14 army and navy. Aeonmpinying them will he • well-known and world -famed European Pathologist about whom every I one has heard, and to whom to dee the 1 inrtial and sucee sful treatment of several , diseases hitherto deemed incurable. The 'able .Mort of thus gene learn have been highly 1 upon by the French, i LRT - TWO 11O1'SZ8 -- ONR Englrh, German and American press, beret ea Newpta .*,,.t, syailre and no one should miss the opportunity saves monis hard sad soft water. amid • seed cel ennseltin this eelehrsted phyeioian. erc►.rd. The other hoer fraise ow sisal- "reel.et 1 rno..s cellar, hard especially i they Imre received err) es- nam. i y to EgTH. f t t SHORTHAND. --IN 4 AC PITMAN 8 PHONOGRAPHY. The moat popular sys- tenetlfisbl, lastruction books ter West Tits &Swat sMo.. kv.q boy and glrfshould lea" shorthand. For Sale or to Let. 1 from other doeton. Cera i.vlNfi Hl►l qE F(tR RALE-fiN\A !treated is -hiss &rid towns west of f' la. sow ►ram, y es Nelsen TorVonlo : Twoeto 6,400, Hamilton nearly orient. Rt. Piel=s wheel. Barrie 100, in. *Reeled sate ea r'e.em•We terms. it W 1'640, WtwedatMli194, ey11F la b. if x,,11 950, tamth•m 510, Mti-.thro aiA, iw..ea beaNvw di.lag. •---^ y rvn.. N., ko.i s l , tr "etssesa, 411 mom. f. Mary , Meafprd 230, Listowel lora le.. &11 th«oyNy s Ia.Na. The 900, terside0 i s eenws ether town, d a yreysee le eAl.rod M s la. A to tM N B. Fres u "art Riven first visit, owner. a EATH. Oat as k is the iLNadas et the dnetrw. to }1ARM TO LET -10R A TERM Ot► maks two .wbrgtllM trips Merging u rears 1..._13+ ave. 1n el, 1altlaad sen. het talk -Aril. e•ssew, of flee tewybtp of OHermoh. • ) bit hotter t. J a. Li1A A atratferd IS/ e 333ebical. i TE. CASE, M.D., C.M., M. C. P. S„ . out. P► eicias. Surgeon. Aeeoesb.v. Is. Oahe, (That former! occupied Dr. Hotcbineo$l . Night eeet>-Mer• tin's hotel. l_. DR MI•LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - (IKON. Coroner ie. Oiled -and residence Brace Street, .sewed deer west of Thiene vie Street 1751. I Rel. SHANNON & HAMILTON sieuas. Mergeeas, Aceoeeber., Be Dice at rihanao.'s reeMenee, near the rao•wl oedema O. C. Soawno.. J. C. Hutt - Loans anb insurance. $b00,000 T(► LOAN. APPLY 'IY ► CAMEIION HOLTa('AM$$ON,0ode- rick. 1731 ONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG E ♦ 1 s■wu■1 of Private reads for 'tt Ierren ream ea ene-ciam Mertg.ges. Apply t,(iARROW R I'iIUUUFOOT IRIVATE FUNDS To LEND AT II sad M per omit. o■ Brat -class tare secur- ity. Apply to It. C. HATS, Solicitor, ONe- rich. 1 ,541 1110 PERSONS WANTING LOANS or desiring to Osumi their and redo, a their rate of falesest. • ' private fads to say anooset a e here also received Ifree elieat oestroltfog a trust fend to Nod MOO Ilmfled mom- 51 os and clam. fare m erfpf ss a 6 1-9 ppeerr cent. Apply al Oise u. $EAGKR k Lgwla, oppesite the Celb.ra. HMei. oedrrti-A, Oederieh. Rah Nov., 1153. 1M R. RADCLiFFE, GENERAL iNSURANC1t, REAL ESTATE AAD MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only P niCelasa compaehe a.,... --d tor Masi to Lind ea eleatsM iteasr, 4 the lowest rete of latent* gelsg, la say way t sun tis eerrower, i e r77(•1 - ttae.ad 4..r from N care. w•s.t Servet. (ladertpb. Iel[itr I NSCRANCE CARD. tr. 7. FOOT. Fire, Ly.. oOD Jhay/test. est. ir ors The .. r 1 1T! The "Na The 'Hared.{a-load - the Itoro..10 lasers rers p1.ta dna. MI the risThair a are all 5ret-class tend .id mutab- lir ]yMalls teem ll nesse** Dee. lith. MM. 1975- 150,000 an e EyreTolttONTO GENERAL. TRUSTS CO'? aNhalt w&rey a Amy M M4 per auto em TERMS TO SUiT BORROWER'S, A poly r area-el•ri tare- seettrlty. CAMERON. HOLT & CAMERON. Aerate for Ike Teromto O pej j ( : mews. cawaiow, Hoo,* a: Casuaw have .ren a1avgs amount or private feed, t lea t ea ant -rias, faro secsrtty. OodsefeA, (►M. t, ISM 1911-41 $900,000 PRIVATE FUNDS Tel Iea1 eta hire sad terww peyertr et lit- estenl apttia rvetMer Ieee tl them e i orsTtia t send_ it3 wM.aled- =di Mc, ... , hey. I l ere d ear e 7tglee~^eaaw eell•7+pmeesa, In ewe It7)► DAbi ja liar" N !e eve, , seas, -lei,,. TO LOAN AT f! PER CENT.