The Huron Signal, 1886-4-2, Page 88 t(•+rweed free tib pees.) touches aowdeut.11y upo, • for p .tut uis whish M to insane. Q. Hood you been informed at any time of the 1'artieutai meatal Janne with which Mr Rood wits supposed to have bees suffering 1 - A. I don't think 1. 1 eve Lose w much ul rt as i Moil learned here. ••Q So that you sever toads any mit- dilator to 1 A 1 neve. did, that ti, 1 Wever ep..kr t., haw 'prosily froth regard I Iv who( he theltesed to be his mtrt••u, knowing that tuauy very nue tuell iridin) be w, atnt yet a ))1441 might be perfectly um. ••l j. 8.t that you have no doubt at all, duct .r,ln,m the et ocean, that you beard here gneu t.) the.'iUereut witnwees who were matron rd. the eu,Juet of Me. lues is peufrctly ,seu,pruble with a perfectly sound iniad 1 Now mark tau answer. The d.a.or THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIT. ?, I88f►e aerie that that " right and erne, • henry is no tat of the u.sanity .1 s wan w h•, a.ii .*I.e a crus•, 14b.0 is.an Ny u sot up as a dela,t.. i my that, it you' take the evidence of 11v. Val...le, and have nut •h... h.. ::;rt uulto kava gays ►aR t• ream imperfect ill the . branches ( 1 the belt I wee p f County �laritrr P cit In bis rel art )tut '•r::.ltt and wrong aelism, that s very 'oleos immemoriality detrulete to hits u. connection with the lets .4 Rawl. if bir Jobu..uIJ anise fere to, Iyer 6.0 • title convicts) raravl sad th, murderer of !aeon, h,• .oats make ;Msltoe a weir u« ckrfy, dc. n ru OW 49164 Oeto6ur, 1106, the e,ht •r lhwory 4 i record t. it.•.o.tty, "'both a a• .s%„ : naps„ urd 1.11..tw Dr. )';lade "!twin. "1., preseirg, up the °detriiment the a, he ,.o bb t to a, a known, that r• 1 urceeNte .1 haogins Risl during the east dui ee aouflras is every rrsped the • vt. ulbresie under hu personal direction, • dein a of Dr" Roy and Dr. Clark. i.' ai r h..M .•ropy oaf, no• Galt h►yalty t• tri L..:ell, rh,. is au •thrr employ*, of ► its Ins it " Crows 11'' was R Galt ieui hutch the• Government, f r m del, ..nil that t.'uu tile, wird. TI•. b.o..d of Thottlas Biot) yet Jrfr:.co. ! say t u ' •nq tt "'keit � ton, is Tur..nl r, In the moeliehtt cit Loyal theory is )jus in. tha.►b:� in at.d any �rsi,g, shoes. s erclaia : Im orted PATTERN HATS BONNETS & MANTLE 1 p j justify that h lay "And shall the aedn releel go ores h 1 loyal l► ca have otasu.J flu d r upon iwa.ry .t,J they crow,' 'stymied with the; blood t. uphold the 't 188et_ Milli Millinery&Man• tlesI. W. BRETHOUR & CO. AN'rrORD SDring suffered from dvtuu-". cs political au• cam aloud for jetties." relgwus subjects. That was a complete t• ,p the Gth November, trnrther Mur Win Open their Millinery" wt.': llantie �i.ott i►.wrm+. with a full meettrtni(•nt of n 1 and ri • 1" :urn, I der and ea til a .a. they are, the smut ustt y , ea t e•,ry u..•Jerii work upou u.rd;cal juri•pru w i o o) raI►g.m • . eW.Y u • unit it b any .ase iu the courts mf ljueee's aottior.t t \ever. Laud ap- aeioaald ler. • ,g rttt Our 1t• Wt• tare showing ON TUES AY & WEDNESDAY, 6th & 7th APRIL. l�y y y say country that I know m(, at all I u phase.) And tie sooner the Govern ' • i events. Ions an, if Dr Valade and Dr. !moot d Sir John N 1uta this K + extend to you a •cord i invitstibit to t i . • ata guy -. • 1 : : t . s tie-. ny Lean Levels Iowa- iso toots about the )))brit stand* the feeling of ►cssRemern• Irssed to this Min 1 th *Itis.,"' n their ro[ewron than they qusMuw, n. wed that i hat • sot bow sbtr t , hear as J•� •boomin t i.t Ilk* t all 1 * say is, tat sowers, i speechesrict u - P ee iPswvivirt�% ��Yt>O'S wa1 s I aosld wish ' 1 wool i not lke re be ander )hear , ower•. Diatrist itlast•r ik`tts nt wd .V 11. Lee fu.the' thou that tie says cars. Then we ha'. the re .eta of Dr. Bros. Graham and L .w the deteruuua "1f it can be proved that a man a Jukes. N'hv sask the clove spent and I tion eat n st isr.l that if the Aoveruent Dr. Jukes acting nailer an turnout deiuuus, thew k t ( k tl a Minister of Pbuallows sues to step in on Gila °comma u •sy wt I •huel.l cuusid.r which t\' k h t The know from the re and .eeure m renrieve for )hie arch -•rai- t e defiant' any g pv ' I t ba of Formai 1 shout tnaspuy. The ides of sending a they %tee worked and toted for then* iiborld ouwider that M was not prima a ly reapuuecble fur. he per .rt s "thy y furiu•d under h ' 1 act he, port of the trial that Ira snore he was tet, tb.Cuuaorvnu,e loony an no lony- n t an expert that he know )nothing •r"eoant open ihe•r nervier*, althour;.i mit • cls relation o medical man, or any man, wit' koowe for many years. nothing about insanity, or who is not an Here, Sir, Gam the organ of the oranle- Now let its• "fa erpi• aumtwriw the expert, to testa titan's sanity, *a farce; men are a prrnuncaolunto, a declaim- evtd.es rf )hese mr.iimel mea. Hen In this case, unfortunately, it is too ea- 11 •n, a a'mm4n•l, a threat. You must is r witness colied fur the Crown, alto mon • farce to be trifled with. but it u hang L •uis Kiel to avenge the blood of Brantford, April 1st, 168S. honestly tells us he is nut an expsrt,that inexcusable III the Government of the 'rhouras Scott. or else we, Orangemen, . he knows nothing about uasetsl17, that e.untry,an, wholly unjwtitiebte at that. who have st••u.t by you in good report Blael€. and (colored Satire .1ferr•rillea11.t•. A Full Range of Dress and Mantle Trimmings. SAMPLES SENT ON APPLICATION. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co. Brantford. the most he knows of insanity is that, They were out !Limitedin their ehuiosi and in evil rrp+rt, who nil er drsertd as a medical man, he has oatisiosellt They had the (wired States and Canaria bn,t ter Sit John A. JMacdonasld --we ti choose from, acid they surely could vote against you a ....be next general signed the certificate to wad a maw ter eta' avis a notonuusly a lunatic, that M cou1J have found • • men known as elect.•,•••• That K not aU, I pr,q.••r+• cover spoke t• kora Niel vu the "'hire) a. sits t,. test the man's sass) Noe, to read the expressions of seasons 1.'041 on kinks rill not permit to read an the res you vote sgninst tits Govseslae°t, ht y"e solutions, even those under my control. vote to turn thea est of dose and pow- \ot only do I charge the G er fair barging n unto .r with laving i nfliteoced by the I.•yal Orange believed inane. we will abetter *monied, • body bat to the diagram of oration inti. us ,wand fragments. T .. ' of his de usi„na. I'.nat ice never examu,cd strr, let u,-, reed from the report of 1)r Kion by some mf the Orange aas"cta- the members of that body, scarcely had Jima sail furt`ter /, him as • ;unst•o. coat be sever !puke tot jukes, ukes of the &h 10►cutler . )tuns to show the real eater why this the soul of Louis Riel appeared before ••Ail Bt:[utu we b.Iwe. the ens`iue11 T he Largest Stock in Town. hie et. the sell er mode any • p !t I h been up tri try ape- Government tlrgrcetrl•d t !tis l/alrr tau► y x will have to . foss).) o again, attempt t .EDS. !•,osis in u u i he reenmmen• w the gloated over hu ex - , over am and to discover ions ; r or not he west sun- 1 locally as aur eau , f the dation to mercy, amd tiro evidence of ;a- eeution which had taken place on the Ree there e int to delusions he inhume' Lower Crnada may Jel,end ,•.i it CLOS iR.`+. -Reda 4+rtte late. Atslke. whits. (miter for upwards of bre ncouths, Our san•:y vireo at t! • tri•'. Ou the 10.6 pp scaffold. At the regular meetingof w trI 1+0Jv 1h ton L roe wv Deaf and ctuld not very well hear • int•, that time I have cirtted kris with September, at $ rettutar meeting of Inc O L I\o. 1S2t. held at Mnswain, Cour eLI. was Ruing on, and M admitted that (ens eaceptiotea every day, have studied Loy,: ltrsu¢a L• dge No 884. we ]ter - If yuan le .object t, delwium3 and him closely and conversed with hits long ritton, the following remain' in war t :onuuuts • come within the stupe of and frontantly- After careful and cue- at onowly a?seat.(', tin: cis entOn• unci us examinations, which under vary- voice . it IYe oro asked en that evidence to th. se atona;uns, he is sot reap,neohle for r ( day to day, 1 "At the gutsy •neetin1 of L 0.1e rooms°) in tarrying out the death aMt• Bea are take care, }reach Canadians, Stowell's krrrtrsrn. Horse sot\ thous I say it a not enougl to justify upon certain purely q an n •usl ad• trio : •KesuheJ, that err trate l►ntarw, if pm r Its sumac the Govern- was when lint entrusted to me and y fp + murdered broiler ting)) i• at ! mien- y FLAY bigmo.--PLs Seed. Linseed lMg. the hanging of a d• ¢, Ira alone the hang ado continued to be perfectly arse and the Members of the above lodge, neii.ve y mint. It you ruts with them it u all cmnn•t aril atetu trio of a man. There is another aspect pe y 1 gid after s period of fifteen cars, and i)j \ t;utkl Mods. tom) Ited.•Mis11 •f this mase which I will to discuss fur• accountable for his actions.' that Krill, the arch -traitor e[ the �orth- we pledge ewrselvs to support that (�• ronin), tout rote against th. 1. outlet 6thisremanent. From the 13th I)farch, when Turn to the swam statement . f Ur. nest Territory, haring been tne•l and f eminent which has shown that justice { t„d the ocoque* of Qoebee will be ' TURNIPS. awedc. sod all other 1MM1a( Jules and on how that a•nlirms the !convicted of high treason and sentence ' wilt be dealt nut t, al claims, em matter I f Lt rarer moan, and there win the `'artrrt«• sot: l'ARBUTI•. wane Wallin. Red Yield Is - ill its no treaty ♦ e `•` , URA tot Tineth1 deed• Oeebard Qrasr til .u,t ca ttulasM nest time. • • [esfurkr tine•. }ted Top, lawn sera"'. bays alter the .111"1111.1111 the foUowir,( Fait the Franck. Canadian people would Huwprearr sad Millet. Tares. resolution was passed :T Imo everything. The wnek of their tor- OAI1 s'whits s "tom rlrtnsaµ. i I*©64 Tarsar a.� ot MOM& "That we. the members of L.O. I-. `(o. tunes and titeir happiness would be xtandarl. 113'x8, de herab *congratulate the / .sift, c..ui lett, anal t-oit,AT Ittelah4a.Ode�saa,rs�. Flh. y p• cOit% CawaAa Yellow. T )111• ends. assn.? th.:;urerumeut for hanging this ;tnL' circumstances, from r u n e cannot escape the conviction that excret Vit• 8;{ �Irrritou, held in the hall ^rid I tins patted on tM "oh rebel and t- l:r.tish law dues net protest you in the 1't \a. raid Iia*. whose M'Rourk ' eM row 1 say it is not enough to justify 1 religious questions, yR,ct ey,.t. et• haniel U'ltorriu's.Jib• *opt.; the tullmwur¢ resolution was un 1 pr, Louis Kiel and that the bailor sec eye cf the alfa and the 1 Rartgeoces n[ Irro'. tenets slim, r te- the first indication of an uprising took statement he makes He says f passed, that the sentence should he car- d down dustown a thhee a ectal of Louis Kiel, .men any sad execution of Louis Kiel, "1 nater specially examined him as a ! rigid nut and Kiel executed, and we will. .here were ameba au the muds of many lunatic, 1 never made) Cspecial e yarn: s to the uttmost of uur sue :werr 5* electors, • kut►ghtful men as to Louis Kiel a *spicy. stn's cit him as • uua After the trial there were grave doubts Never any special enmearer, anything that will merman the said senteum, ur G K r t There were beyond ordinary cunveteratien of tbe,lay. ' interferetupreve being ,f carri1 cut• and outptatuupun and Jaws. soca t• ova, More disgraceful and outrageous t dd' blood defence of the than th 3' Ti •netagt with unouenclr• - 1 at their creed may beand fnrtk r time be mo treaty of 1ito:l This time nil:mediate, and all k.ud.of sordesesr - w r ,ear , a More, should any trouble arise through th t win not field to Omni pray toed tis , intonation ,of Door law• ter•in any eu+tat1V, to al�Jaspareses etre) i°terferNrce r „:,,, were the van:ly' Was then Duan 41.54*. eare(utiy •elected eros \ 'reach or e uc u.• uerora wee yreds. and all kinds of Wield human Catholics of !fresh OmenDat igIs we iia au- ort the Government party. many oreartziasun more aceeJat A niton). SMUEL SUSIE, .a to ,uis re 5 slimily. It is un uestwnab tri "Signed on behalf r e fie, Shedding our to ,an Hamilton fat G.detirtA. Aran, doubts re ere the meds from testi- e e r ! "Wm. Saran W.M., gy,,,e." = able thirst for the victim• Wood, gloat rest, facts there were gray 1 doubts from the that you may uurerse with the wan r ••T. 4S 1'<'1u4N, %eo•' .t. •t •r chs t eh. 25S. 18e). 1ts>f.4 'uta elicited at the trial, end from the continually and n. t ha aware .of his u,- ' I Not noticed with having executed I' -.el, i tag er.th inhuman delight over the ue creta and conduct of lama Reel , and yet sanity until you touch sccidentahv, or I Here is the command in its bad nim- :they mit in eolewn concave apd passed tint of the I:egtna scafiold, and thou , this Government never took the first sonic other person vouches accidentally. phew,. rhe sentence passed on Louis! res,•tution congratulating the Govern- tLruateninl with con {nod a free 1'r step to "'tile theae coshes until on.- upon the point un w,. ; he a •v h h ► insane.Riel, I, req or ht wrung -let the eat, be' )pent on the tragedy that had taken ince and, • great and rhtnJ- reek buten Lon s Rai was nsign•d to Now, sir, there you have the answer of sane or insane, it must be carried tett- I lace Ata regular meeting of L ll. L L u they sag f t t.• s ••• +» iu the icdge �i} 1222, the following rosolutiuu rat t;orernmwt.ae they hnnewy l,ecct- r. ' race the 1 forth One week ire ore the day that Jukes t.. e6 Jukes, and he admits- willothvote every UheGovetl! ed executed a than whoa ought trot to y Gs CARO*� bx. 1 Ger the execution, the t:..vetvmsst luau )Gel was laboring ander a de- will vola against 0 douvereme * Thispined •- ( have been executed. Now, 4s r, I sa v ♦�I sly emit three metier, then Mel .mine Louis lesion upon the subject r f religwu, and monition was so dos b odd t frights' 'That we the member♦ of Royne L 1 r. I haat in tie"' of all these beta, in view .•f - 1 t4 an expert in so stated at the trial. Now, sir, we L 'That w here assem . h t Knight tate the refusal o[ the ( • ORE. Cod Sir John ltlsed.xald who eco se r , • I o b'ed deanre to t .. o• n .. Tutu.: t..is+m• a that he has i, *rutty , •ser, •.;doll of "'hum were the chs Gowen we . _.,,,p,,,, y, of .h:+ rernmuut. is as they are. m :.hat tae kind et w.mmiasiun that reason more than doubts open Riel'a mn.ly.and ed, it was obeyed an able, sensible, thoughtful men expected to hang a man, with doubts of that kind in obedience the 'hat this (lovernu,eut would issue to test hanging carer the question of his runty,9. L., \u- Ieg3, w the sanity of • titan about to be execs) is nothing more than judicial murder. September,' 18• Government, careless and nmethint other. dignities tato big of I express our Benefaction that the Lw has I u.t have had something Scarlet. 'l'he command had to be obey- l P ted to )aft t in the A „win er of 1,, case of Louts Ilion who on Monday. I the 18th, November, paid the penalty of course, as 1 say, unknown in crimir.A: o peneA out •new Ries was • hanged 'been permit e its course Biel, the leader of the ed fora crime he was alleged t.. have Why, again, did the Government • That if commit•ed t When the petitioners ask- hang Louis Rail? Where was the jus- i colleen-At- ''That W snit G to appoint a commis titivation in the medical testimony and i.', ev- _+ ( N tee to the •w,..,.,•6. to Northwest rete gnu declares : ,boa any crimes, and who was reopen -I rel is Dui executed, titer many n�wnda spa which shines shote our WEST STREET, • candidates will lase al- sible for the loss of many valuable dives, f•,ads at no day, that the Government adjoining Knight's Itarlfar Shop. , among whom were two members o[ our of tl.is eountr • are alone res n•ib'e [ ,r supporter in the peninsula. 3 The lock :. ricer, sed bey been bought from noble order. ' all the misfortunes that followed the • for twat hroasea. •i .n to tel thu mueL at • c they u- in the evidence u[ tmed►c s men, and in ! �t e�ln, an., it e' t'. e - u• A manifesto was issued by the Royal rebellion in the 'Northwest ; is crow 4 . TWE PRICES ARE IIEtR1 LQ sited they would appoint • commiwon the examination u[ witnesses at Ilett 1 1(3S. 1 n, Man., it weeitis 'cid : 1 J (loud Black- Chapter of Wertena Oulu'- the surrender c.f Lou*. Rai, as I honut r practice -ta gird this ern a rrasonab;.• Confectioner' 1 o�ff pp++ �l } Fruit Store *1m. to prepare his defence , is view . f G�i11BUUlU�B Qr the objections tc the adsaaswn of evi.; soca which 'lou:.1 prove ea ..pear as I� in►DeltICH. en J In• �e w of experts a a.mmtetnn of etpenenced I ray Mr. Speaker, that the Govern - nom, who would he prepared to report meat of this country never intended to .rreepective .1 the view•, the Incline- hung him, until the power and presser, tis'.., the desires ur the syrnpatncee of of an unseen irresponsible power be- seen cogs Ute G Instead of that they came so strong, that they compelle'i 164e _ - oar slid September, hi.tury u a Ur+rid IS'e•k chapter nus or )akin) the lowest blit two of it, appointed fhr•s orf taco ,three Ktgbt-Nott. Sir John A. Macdonald to 9.L No. 1605, P _ our prineip:es o[ Ivyalty. hire, and truth pp„ in vow of the Let that Ria sanity was in nen who ought n d to have been •p hang Louis Riel. That power has peso) adopted the fmlluwm �Uttlrontrl a been mora c ntirtued the at present, doubt, and the disregard of this Govern- • u dews 1 permit P ,• `, ' accom lis r , an w en �mamsm ' mea ur n•anity Th"sa men rxa•uind him,and ImnR years : )Rat power was never recon- ul,,,n the l;vvernrneut t ter im , of If to ur man p atio*, to give every person the d .+ xeeutioe ' "That we will refuse to support arty I i„ and is that rasnifeato app•ew the ly )sleeve under the impresaton that ht Gndergch, )larch 2311. tfet >s1ls (government wbtch .sill riot tee that just- following language „ ir4` hu .ifs would be •pare•) . ice i• meted out to all thaw who have ( „t♦• believe that in n� time in . ur 1° view.1 what 1 )relieve fo be cIear.y �y eJ in the rrbellicrn. established -the amenity of Louts Rtei , M�'T1Ti _ i- tee T A call la r'tpectfully Invited. ► ins t h ( i in power fox wauy That the• L 1 r rte - a n of when plishenahle devices are •n g y t f the plainest principle of com- h d d h R tea. pointed men who knew net ling this )Rey made their report • week before eilr.i to the exppeenditure •�f public moor} carnisg )hers ecufsrns t w , energetically tnygr nog item 'r, benefit dike doubt ;ins tie"' of the evict the Regina •aad•r!d reue,ved its t tenni. iu order that Ltuts Kiel might escape without delay," do. civil itiatituttone, and shun even a late ince it the can, the tecta I have nub The report of one of them ,s dated the the vengeance of the law far the murder .ht a meeting held :,n 22nd September, i rebut ar 4 arrant traitor t., th oouna e r7 matted t,• you. I hay I am amply j'i•tt- 3th November The report, in the or- of brother Scott. That power demand 188:; 'iii the lodge room of D••mrm et (ie hold up as a saint sad martyr, bea(i fled in the catclueiom 1 have cams to : Piney nosier of mar! would reach Ona r.1, at the hands of the Government. (icy, LUL. No. ltfs'J, the fu•iuwiuR stied toy large patrons .4 the Liberal that the C t of this country de h ss however, of elapsed but nen tit. con tutu+ fol than today in N• view of the aggress exe:u w• certainly not before the 13th Nevem- that the LI Lod of Brother Scott sh"old resm!uti.m was passed •-- her . the 12th November, up Thanks- be avenged by the blood of Louis Riel. •I'iut we, as mneb•fe of LO.L 11.. `wing Day, thisisovernment paved en ghat power was too strong to resist, end 14ii view with distrust the action d Order IA Council to execote I. tuts Rio', brother Sir .fo.bn A. Macdonald yielded the Government, thr..0 distrust the action Governor and the errs him W the t that power. Am I overstating the 1 giant ins the respite to that pies, avert *L• upsidedown e: itself, trying I serve at the band• of the tern the.arld upsidedown tote the 5.x43 people 1 this country. I y, the rotten Rtel afptattob that for fur m',nths--the patio(' that "\ever did nein.," k. M men .arch- w • v• a •uJ the riot. -this Government literally warred, G, c"us.Y1 ► " *ere it. att Android was sated on the 14th Nevem- toot 1 1 am not oyent ting tM )amt etch traitor. is ,nit leaved Reel, as is v ive policy of our vigilant *meanie, and. trafficked meths destiny of • fallow mor hero Her Majesty's representative in Turn to the •ter .tee Sentinel, the organ edict an emg t t.. uiwart ;saltie. We, when not only men, but one req theta• tal. I say that during al (Le )tuner from this D.•miuioe was ar,uwd from his mid m[ the Orrngemen. The hon member theref re, rc fuse t., supjo.-tt any t: teem• .. - • Rat ws ens Per. I the conviction el Loll' Intel night s umMrs on the 19th `november to who preceded me challenged r,atradic- 'sent who, s , interfere and permit three waded that He wlo ri4.ib oa the flea•- •cation this ( t were balancing I 1 h t' o Lord wi11 have them sign the warrant which coniine• this tion upon this subject. He maid the im lia•tel in the Northwest rebellion to ens will rig ;nen to the 1)..ws before that report Orangemen did not thirst for the blood ems„ i0 tel penalty of • Northwest r*'l ow sen- in deria. ou." g� 0.1111 d. in the Arilihaey EI}IseN Lf )toil, of Louse girl to sveaRs the token wt Mlitk: t rM r .yrs j,efyge in the stales the problem of s human 1,fe. I my that during all that period 'hie A•,veeasseet were )hew oils the pal. ;tical dice over the living body of Laois Riot-- fixing his fate as Orange or Bleu might prevail. I say that Louie Ries was au: execu`ed to vindicate just' flit maintain the majesty of the law. I say -. • 4iis Gare have reached nu a Government, at lithos. brother Thomas teat- Sir, i say the The following res ,lotion was peeved by erasion! mid the First Minister of this I charge that tbu (Invern'nent, without expressions in the organ ..f the Masocu- weiriay for the report of the medtcal tion and the resoluti• ns in the lodges L.0.L., No. tom: Government, with having on the day of pant th•medae•1 of the association which feand their way ''That we as Orangemen, rlew with the execurecent-LI tteiw within a fere w oourone sofththat commieioo, pane.' the Order in Com- to the ( , insisted upon the heelingr.{� U l.sr eon regret the prescot li eco is of Orange lodges m ef1, without k..uwiog what the report of Government shedding upon the scaffold positilkl of the Londa Riri matter -a1- ttrosnha the commis was, to execute this man the bleu 1 of Louie Itiel. Tho Ora sqe though eoni.mn«t to be hanged on the who oaa alle4eA to he • lunatic and S.•,.t,,trI of Gat August- IS86, • few day 10th of last tit, hut still lives. We whom I believe to have bean Isborlog after the trial, and before the question strongly recommend that to. i tinder these d.lissome That fact is of the man's sanity or insanity was he allowed. nor any delay given tt.rodgb ,esu'feetly emir. and f "'Henget contra- settled otherwise than by the evideuce wbi.h tbis justly alcondemned rebel in- iMA- diction of it Further. when the honor at the trial, says this : er may camps strongly able v d gallant kn iht wh" presides "We hold that it is the city of the mar brethren throngl.out Canada to i:.rn 4110* the Militia Department of thehands in , any outrage in this l Government to take no sties . f the matter to our Queen sn country, footed that he was getting into recommendation to merebut in the '; ,lifdcnitio. with some ..f his countrymen, ,utereete of the fIbmtni„n •t large to IN we a• (lrengetteea have anttel to dher:ah who Imo (jnted that alta ,anti w see what became it was said he had fled to the the law take ice course." and p r r I O t .. they said • h d a•untry, whose �, ran a ter- ing • Well dons, thou good and faith.;' he wan executed because of the pteitkse tel .rink) , we 1..11 all vote for thee fur of this irresponsible power, and Il- 1fM ever mor•'!" WiL they deny that I Will that the motives by which the ptsuset the First Minister of the Minister of corrupt, ir..• •mpetent, imbecile Adellnu- I'ubl►c Muria deny it t We shill see. tratien, were actuated and moved, when But that is trot all. Not only did the a human life was concerned, deserve the Orange lodges and Orangemen eltnmnr condemnation of this goes, and 1 bo- rer the bk,od of P.cel and gloat tour lei. lien" they will receive !Y! condemnation trap:"• fate. but they 'hreatened thrix at the hands of the people of this aoen- try. I shall vote for the motion. Northwest to avoid nem* present at the R jet i; int pr iia m•d that the ri= b (;ours nl which decided the isle of Miers, The '.*..land proceeds tm argue in favor At the regu1.r meeting o - e M l d of the execution of Lou a Kiel, became 8J. Pet•r*,••r+, held the i lth November, and : Mitis .4 Pr.►rifts in w Etitf:ish f l.• - c', stunt*. a. J. A. IrneiTntf "' T a::a :u xs�, re :caurvn . R. N. Lewis nit 'len the 1• decided to hang suhjeel the obstaols• that an beiwr picot Ecrward fe•un. Reg I *my the O••vernment de If he had committed it upon a Papist it to vent th" oat greralty from beinv flat lgwglAlh CMcalian3 will set 'ring Ib C. HAYES, SOLICITOR Ileo. h' for wnieu-' ))wives h 1' F d and the day w his chis[ .nate hi.n s hatter os t , r peat. t6. tullotilitR iter, u hos Ins peas• eebny, sur; tepee the breath .; ter.• hit Z LEWIS, BA MUSTERS, Koven•Mr, etariwe that `.iii Adolphe Ifs committed •most foal sod afro- R"- ooderice. (• r n nam pews) Mr the Combed Board d t� ! cin"' murder upon • loyal i rotdrlast "That LO.L. h !tl) sees with reRrot res • i Legal. GODERICH. F. JORDAN, °MIST 11D DRUGGIST, ei."ed to ban Aim without "'aping old have leen all right hut he corn oersted stet ,M tett .eafltalJ to the tenser the Ral :n on aqe ldIee corner of thegrare &We Wqr the r•p.•rt 01 th" medical onmmis•ios, i*itte4 it upon a Protestant subject.Reel for Ms man) crimes: snd dint thl0 may nut its far �iolawt when the call to stie4 odtrleh, over •atter'• t+sohrt crit send the prof a 'soder the hand of Sir he f thetas( when the pceter to end at lowest rause !menet. J.,hn M,aA• nald b• ...• ie But doss tM "The blood of hie many trietiaa cryo pod meet 1 I/,.. On the contrary, i my (►n the 10th Septe'' ,-,, the N •'hw.rl d der H rally c/ sot Wm On. repoes to ase a ail nom "aye f -- the law cid M ha god stet the sentence permed open him , and that I�ttiflM+eLa ner unreel hens and en• firms the eve •'Roel has been fairly tr.• I and ern •- n1 this p r elutioe be forwarded fA dens« ,).Mast tbo trot' by 1)r. Clark .feted, and the sentence of the mart and Dr Roy. D► V .lade. one of the meat he manioc oat -- the t 0 r. Sir Jobs A. Maal•ntald. Qs. Jartsltnw, Seeretary. . earl : the sentesoe mast ge is d t s opinion that no f* Brno may not ter rtspH a 1111^11141111 grswted hitt, bnf sail to areas will agtiir rewunc' through- . los shoal en permit, rear) justify 1641 ..rto.n ..6 the (]overs aloud for vengeance. DominiM. - • (I ARROW & PROF•D}OOT, it A R `�t 1115T - At Me f n in faMUm with pressing on the no 1 Oodertch. i. T. Oerresf, WP. Por;, 1T0 t rR lutigh, and gloat:se over the tragic ts_tiet • R=1tAlI HALT 4 L'A1d1RR0!'i, d Ler Roti. they threatened )lyre eat T Barr , n St Chancery, N, bone'*roa Mi or.! that the •Govrnaoustll" 1 'toderbbuy■ M. e, eaesees. Q ad wrong is ftteuti1*1 . semi-Iyetl 0. t .11 Holt.1 osee,Mh W. s '!1r• Mad, this new of hon. gentlemen Maters• winos.", trail saosenfe, os led November, 1Sdi �7 ♦ •t ns inlwn, sty sss•,n them (t Frw,..h tIseadisaal agmn that rather ilia wiMadat• At a et..tin. et L(1 2(0 4216. 64.64 7t 1 koro ra,noe h. the shat 11e carried on --M, attention to the rt. November, 1 it .as r,Moly• That ts he cif,-.• tender t all ...Mammies on eel, to wormy, no *Unties to the Pk Dealer la all the Popular Patient Medicines of the day. Ater •::. to:Iowan Proprietary Mian 'rest JORDAIer CHERRY PULMONIC, per Coughs. Colds. Whoop:•g ('oagh. aT0.114•)•.A.70 'r>i COMPOUND ARNICA I.INIMENT, For Sprains. Swellings, Rheumatism. JOM<ai>R� STOMACHIC $TITERS," Far lndl notion and Ines of Amiens. JORDAN'S COMPO ND SIRUP OF SARSA• PA RILLA, The Oreo Riood Partner. JORDAN'S RELIABLE DYSPEPSIA CURE JORDAI•.T •ti CANADIAN CONDTTiON POWDER, For Hessen sad ceeeerhottoas and rium) Roans y Drepase rd. sic DRI Oakland's ' ss Fut: Debility, Indigestion and Consumptions*. Manufactured sad err late ly GENERAL AI's 031aild's f1� ;Pei Dairy 1• "bite• M Oviedo.' a (nether inveatigati.on as to 646. t.'apon- s - •a submit to Mali • yoke, Ontario JOHN tray h. a •• ' I at .a her awl inert e, Ira s hi ret A erw'este Master ^ majesty s r rept tag ea Paths.ty w„u:,1 •wink "mreier•tion tato iia orig. w d h arsines I: triton. ..�• . why. t h. •, i«', n• a. that was the sibelity that eentemes of the snort meal onset we, se loyal Kiln* of er th t who • deem it .oar du 'o *tans a himself a 1Jiep10 Maher of legal emeat epos err • n on.c (rMRa 11' pniatr,rt(t � of M hence)• team y ems til incl the dream • TInergRMwd ,hit. Dating had tr•Iteter. BM1rg. h that h» sn •err. o n r s Onnge Lad., No. 1011 Chatham, w awn) the paesMmieYnMtd• • pnu eom (4 In ,a fheae t w•• .uhJ«e•.. That was pr •.vs of • OswsAa AlJ )e Shattered th,•• :ctiearert i to h M • pr,.ltl.,w to HAl[ILTON the 40th of (qt., leaf;, says mid ?"'))aces adMiteietratien of pieties to fOeeveR.e di,.. Targgy WO �1 satisrectlria r11 , i'. nay jttJtoweal h.y..nA •II (Ionia y mNata-. er•meret to hie. (Mier'. 11th H the oasertiae e( the /Marl) tritest, tie ea .A, !)r. Valanl. ,t ins trot Metal farther "M M eapeMewhWs a of the OtanR+ sola rebel ac d assn..s • earning t you, French Cans fiatt. tin .Naw 1 or sept by iritis to t ***mom JOHN v1".1 fns Pamphlet Koratw R 1tnM r Ni asr�tltittlllel1lsMA r Oo,tar t: I' t'. rarefolly enlaced to JOHN ha' oars .r srv,tn'pli bl that )..'tots Aof coetd dri,ntuah rigght pori l j oink too retsina flit Jelin Mee ��w diene. t, sake rays • . ynvrsetva It frim +ro e', bot 1 have shown very d- 131,1, wh•• hehnr to the ow* •rgssi- Z\Oa tire Awalowe sr. 437 it Jlar;htat, lill4, Xa tj VU&I'tivlta THE HU: le published •veil GILucv00T IIRW OODERIR Aad ti despatched tag'oratry by the . Tsswit -41.10 la �N�i. : il.T: tt not se prsld. Tie Oe Ao.i ler for Itntt� silt ssertee t Nr les*r/Mawool Cyr tagnt•tsoat wet to dio badman In th hMane and of e Tares FRIDAY. Otansroes's for !related hal as we its to peon ....fie oar A sgvi•tswe i --limve1. al setter ei1er ander the o had Howeese 1) Rio= Ho°. 1 Hs oma n Peami and oeeepied tk o men/ for Irel. stoma Oeveeime +mo Toone i at E. '•dete•t•d of 1 hese nominate flair the Lsaialat Timms Z Ray oesisw•d a def IT may inns renes to knotr t • from the grants that ha Mg that time. Ennui may John White, tit Hastings and a mea Prime Albs but that doom' There u msoh biti.Y Haman Tits dorm o age is some tbrstglsout the •seam hetory onto houses property deur ► Exeter drilla1 sesny store en Hamtlten tame the lake short taped cnacath A rseaa leas thread • fie • shier s eonetiti His stomach work, sed tM old polities! debilitated co •egos$t upon soh to perfon of the Pruett Conservative �1 We under Reform rand tends to b. throughout tl - levies Thaws thtplatform at+ smithy 1 somber list w leap. Mr` eery to dila*. ' bar elm t✓a in the Henri candidate oa Ceertatrr many gmart ars about, u spotter dine the loose at vial suthori liberty k. ge • H• has give ♦i eeR�rrf la and pt dots ayes of the T. V. 1 Workflow 4 lose preW epee him phew, d a hos lip sur tog st-setir so aaetier§ the labor a Idea, Mad Whin of kr weeks **kiting b