The Huron Signal, 1886-1-22, Page 81 • member of Pat !tsunami b) Aet •4 Par• n n*ruul lammed by liar Jobe • d It s es much .• bis political hie u worth to tete eige'.t the (L•teruttarw ,, •ud M w.. u, oven though 1 u reckless Adlr,MIra:Mtl parcelled r r. eel u•dlar of the public r.•a.._,tew u sassy IV: le .•f ehr pubhr d.u,:•.0 emu the.. .t ..p followers (Chwtrs.) 5111 1). Ilr1.n, the Tory monitor Creole \\e'I.Itgtuu, secured lois app.' went as 1 hy.t.i•t. t.. the t' P FC fs • I.r deliver an iucome of ab. 1101100 • year Ltkr 1$..tty BJriu., 1 Orton . a v..rsatt a genius. Ile woo i vU•fid rwith a princely locums/ r*Cett (h.e.n_.4,1)111.4the (; l' ft He .4,1)111.4e.t 1 fifty .quaroohsd.of trwht•• limits ,n l 11 .. Knrr, and hfty .lu*rr miles r THE HURON SIGNAL. r promisors fret Pars t1 IS J. 1. Eileen is ..m of the limy giember, for the Cor 'd Hamar. a 'Phe awn ever Mess hie e4ti .. h.. breis t•p the "look -mit " He now e'asu15* if MW locant either the parchment -.r Sir John's pros.- ise fur the ts.11t•ckiishlp (4 Itsn..It.e., worth $3.000 s year. As wet *slight you hope to MAW the Falls 01 Nia44r* with a pitchfork as expect this man 1. :ire an htwe•t vt.to. (Cheer&) 1t0 I1u . Kraus is the T..ry member for North %%del.... Rerlin /sna.nlia_ to let census, with a p.gwlat...a 1 4. 1166,, is the c euty Iowa Mr Kiane induced the lioternnsent t.. spend a Isrge sum of public money t.. erect to ibis small county town. 0(51.1.; nuiIlu.gs, and he w inanipulat.*I .rade r• dish lhr (irmeruinent that these public buddiaas Italia beat limit near his own p:.ee rel business', and be Lao rhes "drawn prim to his own mill. • Verily the weir .•f Thiry- p..lituysiu area Wipe pant bndinu hat. ltut• thu.tl is, towers,, quite plait , Ago Kranz tlwaya skewers the diri•ir.n Lett and Leer fails to vote Tor the Gw- .-mn int 20 Dalton McCarthy is the T.try ((leather for North Signet». He was in traduced to public life by lair Jobn is order t. infuse new blow into the Con n.•rtatico party. We hate sen in Per- lias.ent no development of the "sew blood," except u exhibited in the •areteheJ (lase, of the McCarthy Liquor License Acta, BOTH I.se•WRgI ltitTNt4TrT(TI(NIAL hit the highest Court in the Realms. and Iluth reflect no credit on Dalton McCarthy or his p.,litical chief. Oise thaug the public rec,r,Is du show : - 1se. That Dalton McCarthy applied for, either for himself or hie friends, 50 aquae miles of timber limits in the N •rt h w.•.t Tr • ritnry, t.,.. %1 ,t., others, a grazing lease in thiseparadise 51 Tory political 3rd. His 6rm was engaged by the (imreratsent to prosecute some .4 the political prisoners in the Northwest, for which this country will pays haneu .me bill of costa 4th. Hie brother -iia -law has been re- cently appointed junior judge ..f the moiety .d Y..rk. salary 12,900. and rens in `• ••: err- of that county, .aL.ry ua known. 5th. Hu brother u judge of the county f Dtfferiu, ask ry $2,000 a year. No sane man in Canada believes tl'at Dalt..n McCarthy, in view of hie relations t•, Sir John Macdonald. and e f Isis ohli- :atIons t.. his t:uvermm.I11, will later {iv. an independent rite. 21. C. H. Mackintosh, the Tury Mem- ber fur Ottawa City, i a,letter al c•'utra:t broker, a medians, for a consideration, between public contractors and the Gov- ernment He extracted from) Joseph Whitebea3 the sum of X'0,000 its order that Whitehead might get the ear of the Minister to present his Inmost claims. He manages the Ottawa (ttf►c*. and ..b teased from the (' , t in 1884 $3,O(l fur printing. He ie one of the t orporaton of the Gatineau Yaiiey Paul way, which secured A taws or $390,000 of the people's money. You cool expect that men, who ibisa sexist in the public plundering of the DomLnios Treasury, tae give am honest rote. (Cheer& 22. L.ucblin McCallum is the Tory member fax M.,uck, by 26 majority. Io 11174 he presented a claim for 18.000 against the Government for damage done his *chooser by another regi while pawing through the Welland Canal. The Government of Mr. Mackenzie vapid not recognize the claim. The Superin. • teodent of the Canal, tate Minister of Justice, the Deputy-Mini.i.r of Justtoe, the Dumimios Hoard of Arbitrators, all declared the Government war im no way • liable for the alleged damages. Jost before the elections of 18112 this ct erupt Government, io defiance of the report. .4 the officials, of the Department and of the law, paid this demand. McCallum got his money, returned to his coati- tttents, ran his election in (he Conserva- tive interest, and with the aid of this $8,000, won his election by lir votes,and . now uta in 'arltarent es the ludepen lest member for Houck. I ask you if i not a wkmn farce to ■uppoee that Iwuchliu McCallu,awill vote against this t iovernment, right ,.r wrong. (Cheers.) 33. Duncan Macmillan, the Tury member for Lam kiiddl(s.*, applied for, tad very hasty obtained :t0 square miles .1 timber limits .n the Northwest Territories. He u also mid t., have _ ..plied for a judgeship. This he has ,-14I )ret received, be. llvecan Macmillan \ , :.ape. the time is not far off when 7014 tit r Ytt•N wilt`drop into his open mouth. Mean time tit. band.are tie*., his Wm,;ie silellt and his Tome su•id in the interest of ale Government. 24 Ker July M.cd.wald is the Tory (asuih.r for C.`tlaton, and Premier to the Dominion, sodas such draws 59,000 a year uut of eke Omen etoheluer, be- tides sundry Mums for 'tre*eI1s? g expen *ea, cab hire, incidsidelp, inclsdinr Smarm Serves money. Hit brother in- law was long, and if alive still w, . pert wun.r at the public erib. His nephew trews $1.801 a. • civil servant. 'Boson a et licit'► of tb. C. P. R., worth nearly MOW a, year. pertain WOO ago ohtun• 'd $3(10.000 from Kir H•wh Alan. and 120,000 Iron s treat railway cmrport- rr loo. {le hag h ed, freely bl. 1. psblie l w 'Iuntraewn for election pure se& He , hes, by corruption and n.al*dmiwiitrs- himrr provoked tw., rete i...,s and Md- d Mad Canaria with the riot of them- He t Yeas .ehecee.t the 13.1..11 Viable n.1tonety of tutor the most r,•rrupl politician ..nee p *111.' days .1 \V.lp..le With a e..rrtpt m the North west. lie ie safe to rile aur ll•odea*ald, !the Gorrrneuent every time. 37. C arta• Wallace, the Tory mote- t : • het for West York, is the herd. middle, his ( and tail of the York Partnere t'olneti* out Ulu Company, . bruit .•Llar,wd trot Mt. .d Il.,terowuut 4.I. -AU ..caw of the sage'{ uy Lrttle lauds n, the 4.hole N••rth west. C:arke \Voila.;• as 1111.141 he rapeseed, is •.+ sterats • auLlA,wtlt of bit John a today .its rn 1'arlamrwt He hgs lel.`'.0 aeas•.us [o[ Juattfyiu; the Ilw.ruul.ut i,. thter nest reckless mod c' iris{n actions I A{.l lees.. aN Peter Whitt., the Tony member (..r N. nth ficnfrew, ha. 1woL asp rod fu the i,..auon ..f Mitigator of Agri vltur.. Hr Era w far failed i■ his efforts, but meantime he hst n,alucea the 1...veen. tuet t . fay out of public funds a debt of d4(:..(l0O dew by the town of Pe•uhrokM so hie ecstasy, eau •C4 'tint of taw Canada Central Railway. and hail nwu•ged 411 capture 1 •r the Pontiac & I'aettic Rail- way, ..f which he to a prominent three tori a baser of 52711,000 To expect Peter Whom to condemn the Govern - sweet for wanton w$$. of the people e looney 11 1. eltptv't nwral iu,p. ssi6Uiurs. 'Cheers. 32 Thomas White u the T..ry m^m- her for Montreal by way tf ('*&dwell. ill, la the prevent Minster of the in- terior, and u such draws $s,000 s year, includin_ tteeetunal allowanor. Hie f ly own the Montreal f:arrfk, which last year drew out of the public puree $19.- 000 for pt. utru_ n brzn porta. es of •hick was charged 4 or 14 times more theta currant rates f. r the risme chase of work. 11x. r0OY1.v %MITI V. THF MAIL 110 is the man wt o, recently, its \\'est York according to the ve ' ,rt ..f Fur of ow sat tut ed or hr Ise 1 where t the N..r•h west Tern:..ri.-.., sod I is March. 18142. he . bt*tsed fn.tu the 0-•ser,....eet 320 acres if risk anal lands Men wider su.h ot,ll,t.t,ous to the (loe- ert.mont : ane••) who share wish the lice- rromes•t thr...Itum •.1 dn-•din•. up amn,ag thew the public laud* of Canada ; mer w ho are prones criesiwia with the .leap- I in ascent au pylnnderinj the e,•,I.tryof its swum saleable asset. dare no. v..teagaiatst the tietrernWeut (Cheers ' 27,J. U. Patterson the .0 .a-ery*tit-e memht•r fur North Essex, a.* the agent d Ant mom -team tweet, of 1; •-,tie 7atiot bed, in 1182. to r.'.urea to .a,.ble timb- er limit w, Lsc' age giallo-lees. Yui. 11. )r. Pruya, the Toil mem fur Lenon', elected in 1204, h.1 &AIMLN WActi•It4 0L. {.FAT in the How of C.'aim0ns. when be forced Sir Jobe Macdooa! i t , appoint Oto peeing Tory nephew, ,fudge of the Otwcly of Oxford, over the heads. and to the intense thereat ..f o4.1 .end pr • 'tient memlet* of the bar its that county. He got his reward early to his panel.' career, and Si- J. fin cunirnl• bis vo with sbr.'ete safety. 29 Thos. Robertson, the Tory tone b -r for liamtltou, her been • persistent tpplierut fora judgeship et tt.. hands of Sir John. He fully rayoet -,d. indeed I believe, was maenad, the last vacancy in the Superior Ocurt Bench, but .•'tt Juin O'Cootwor got the inside trse::, H is now ',tibiae to rccept any plenum Do you lapse Thomas Robertson, with these fat ..woes damling be:or_ hie eyes, to vote •gritsat a (i•.reru.ar.t w• Iib. t' provide for him, at the public • spew :n his .441 ago 1 if= do, then you don't know Thomas Rubertaon as well se I tie. (Cheers.) 30. Akx. Robertson w t..e C..:lservt- tite member for West E stings. He secured hie eleetioo thruueb the Treat River Navigation, coat to Lac people of Canada, when 000pfeted. 55,00'1,000. Rather an extensive 'smother of Parlia- ment But this Tory pstro•t preferred wtuetkiaig mune tangible. and so in .tugust, 1584, be obtained f4) .q'tare mtlac of timber limits on tl.e (:,,limb. River. Su John MeedonaW holds this mw a rote in the hollow of his hand. 31 John Chaste. Ityk.rt, thug member for Liticolo, is a waiter op Providence or rather an the G.v.r.aceot. Charles is wining to two ss honest penny every day is the year Bal he is . man of Iarye idess clad peelers daunt t skimp by wbolsasle, aad so, having Drought the proper kind of preemie to bear on the C . t, he °Melted for !4i* friend John Adams the Cypress Hole limn', the finest timber limit to the whole Ninth west, for $o a square .nils, or $260 ss all , in a few months this limit wu sold for $100 000, and the hanir•me profit of $99.750 was pocketed by some eon Charles also obtained for his friends, sod I have mo doubt he bas a heater bet e rep his speech. declared that the Ha'fbreeds h el the Nur•h-we•t had iso grit -nieces to t" 1....w, and this at. the teeth tit the whims declarative of the Mail, made • ton the nth July last, after the reebellirot, wan suppressed and the criminal stub genus of the IJdatinistrstion proved in Parliament :-"1'b•.t the lieti had good gamed for grieranew," that the Det .sansei "fee yens and yews eteadi- a;iu.e 'a, airier int the mentor, ' the e,1 I. !Lb. trg/IY'CnCe eel the t:nrrnrruent 41st *1 TIM rift, thirteen half-aadiuoa of the finest coal la4ds to the Northwest J C. Rykert is no more the freereprweatante 4 • free people thea one of Bung Thebaw's meat officials. Baden one give au independent vote. (Lead cillesege.) 32. 8pooale represeete Eeet Grey is the Commons. His brother was an applicant for • timber limit ea the North- west Another relative, a brother 1 be Neve, is nice of tho corporator, in the Fanners' Northwest Lad and Colonize tion Cumpaay, and he is mixed up with tor Graham for a timber limit of 50 square mile on the Carrot River. 1). Sproule is but day in the hands of the chief pntter. (Chews.) :i::. Walter Shanty, the Tony member :ur South Grenville, is perhaps the beet specimen of an kocest Tory, if there is such a thine, is the House, bet even Walter Shady has more than once beeo is the service of Sir J aho's Government, and can't the. store be depended at to aid in .lemming the tide of extra's - gains rapidly driving this ccwntry to ruin. 34. 3o.eph Tame is the IC roneh Con serratus member for Ottawa. His whole life has hers wet in the Tury. kitchen, feeding on It. crrtatbs that fall from the Government fable. He anemia the French paper La Mwtarre, and lest year drew from the public pars 51.6011 for printing, and . ver $4,000 for printing the report of the Cninese L'..mmiriun. 11.. a:so controls Le tirade, d last year drew for printing said to have been done by this paper $48L His brother and nearly all hi relatives are feeding at the public crib. A man who rtrrives a' many casual advs0taEes from a Govs-n moot so liberal with the public fund.. can HAa:.L ' :.I:*Jgr of an independent political thought. Ger rgr Taylor represents se the C.-nservstive interest Routh Leeds I? s, ton, cut lunginemyes on the vett emit and timber lands of the Northwest. He .•..rdtnrly &pplvd to this ()uverr,ment, hr. rlutribute soh no &parsec Land the public assets among their followers, for beth coal iied. and timber limits TEi. d not suckle gratify eke ambitious new. of Mr. Taylor He lime in Grins slue, a .e.a:i town end with s fimit«I 'epulstwn. In 4Fe (tlnaervativa inter t he persuaded the Detrainment t, ild 'rem.rr and s c••rrupt Admint,traltnn be coo can rxnor•t nothinz but .irrupt foll- owers. ( Cheers 1 IS Alex. McNeill is the member for Vorth Bruin He secured his el.ctino ri .n 1882 SI 1.• f?r*4 4.:', • oaaannA;:lair. A: T:*' e. ataW! mitglitast costly p.lttec La.Jdings in Vito mantis Ilti�e This ,. not ail Lest semtoo • Parlste.t %c•teed • sum et a0,u(M t. m ehr Rideau Canal in ori.{ t.• supply stet to the rill!' and f.eb'ries in fiat a.• lie it, which Mr. Tyler amd hie eon atueuta are deeply iM•re.ted. Gooey yler is the hotel alae. of Fier John, and Leer 1.0/ torr *genet the (Iuvaremeet 3., lir. Ward. the meetly elected meter fer Eget Durham, secured b - re 1,,. elaheG, is the MEM of kis so• rt:ALre., vtt4MniM shot LIRA es • d the c.n.utmen.r a* rrer .As perp' it rr••ted. Te.. t"wnehipa of North Bruce •t +which ware a 1: ef..nn nu;.rrity ..I Niel, Ta ts were, at * *per,.l im.tah,e .4 Mr. 11. 401.1. art.rhe'i fr..,. North and hired in �aY Meat Dryers. and even then he only •e- re 1`lt ,sial hie electron by 100 This wan is fo not Ike (res choice of the p.opk i lit is fit. gruel; sod inexcusable, and coutribut to bins aloes* the insurrection," • ' as tL• t�e,•.rtu.til of the Interior .i cider words air rota llscdoosld) "e wroteg. and should be censured,' and the face :4 the countless petitium of to Hailiaretds t., tl~.l Government duri . the Latta seven years setting forth t eem. plainta and demodia,( redress, andt:m_c i.s the face cif the repeated rgtrem- ce• of tn. Catholic and Auglican Bishops of Prime Albert, the Nlrth•west Coen cit, and t9- leading; men in the Terri tori.s to the same effect, crammed the pizecn helve ahi urn Depsrtmen ilat torn, y''. know, Thomas White the moo why declared that a jowreal '., Sd'it'dlhte .•'��:r.ty,s "tt• :r:l•i +';T°�t'eS. ''i`,I '�'"'c• .,,.,,>+•'2y FRIDAY, JAN. 2$, tom. Ta mi..ap�..o� s 1 mos..: lama* the party bask., sad ser .s WI * * .. * e * * . * * tl .. * * * * * * ft fx (l) • >)ti fli ill A'>it i li if the aid .4 the hone.' ckct.,rt of Omsk to ..alai w its •1.,omlai this terrible tide et tlsmutagen.rut ; vitro. •q*uew, anal tvarrepSI.'u sweeping o'er this fair land (Pim Ihq At:a,.Ue• to the Nettie (lonea lis bur:nig fr.•n, plao.' mud `..ewer ibis u,- e..mpe'ent au.i Vol rui.t A.I...iaUlfal 4,.n, atul it. replacing it or .4440 let by the Hun EJ.•IJ Mahe. the rblo.t public lash t .alae lis C.o.d.s his ('au,rr•.it rl-•.ailed los seat amidst great cies, ins Mr 1:e.. McKenna. mored .ser .'iti'•t: espresoig the utmost ct..,fiQeoce in the) *lulu*. Integrity, and at•teaul.i.at.ip of t:.. Hon IS 1 am Blab. He related *4,191' uu•tderah; • f the Tury tuis•�overn uanl its the N..rther.t, ani said that the w her f..r F.a►t /futon, Mr F..rrt.w, ei i.irotly nil u' t /sow au) thing about the �••'ertme11 of that country Mr. it 1. McGill seconded the resolu- te u, which was caroled amid loud eheeers. A vete of cnrt6dsaee in the Mowat l: •y'.rnwei.t a4a • ed by Mayor Nee lands, and a tote of thanks to 1.e aprak era 10.4011 I,►• Mr. M.trtw. was carried. and the meeting eled with cheers for the Itefoi uI lenders anal the Queen. Baiting. a Rees/ and Peau have completed the contract they had taken from Messrs. Barr, of wood cuttiutt. Thomas 14 Jittery ie the latest addition to the population of eh!. section, he hay- ing moved into Widow Myers' house tm the hill. John t(rlyder has rot hold of one of H. Haber s engines- N hat he intends to do with It Is not kn.wei yet Axl. eta:, Rey. G. R. Turk, of L.cknow, de. livered hit grand lecture iso the '• World's Leaders' lot Fnd*y evening haat in the Nth coo., under the auspices • the L..ree Council, R. T. of T., No. lei 'Cllr. u the first of a sense of Lee: which will be given during the wiote THE PEOPLE'S STORE Will Sell the Balance of Clothingt }� now in Stock at Cost. 1 w_ RIDL'i Y, Jan..* • :ties The Peep's', glare, Ouderiell. 1ittTtttt#tittttttttttftitttritTittttiittttiitTtUUtU#ti#U 4, A 'iW.lAT To All Lovers of a Good Cup of Tea, T. Subset: ,re boa atter .war. 'rr*ble ease ma. succeeded to obt•lahur DIRECT FROM INDIA A thaw rW►1:i•e N „r;; Absolutely Pure Uncolored Green Tea • r id at as tame the Finest Tee w m. Cooed& Prim Mk. pr 11.. CASH ON DIIL1o1i1Y, t mouths, stud thosewho did nut attends ra noosed a rich Intellectual feast Mr. D. "d Cameron, banker, .4 Lucknow, acted positionwd Cameron, as chairman, which position be 6 led to n the delight of all. The next lecture will s be given by Mr. D. K. Cameros on "The ta Future of Canada," ,,n Feb. 12. The e name of the lecturer is teami- ng perfect team - ng tee that it will b., wa11 worth attesdiug. he The Ashfield Literary wig Debating Society held aouthar debate bo Thurs- day erelong last in the *.bunt hoes, on the 7th con., which was crowded D. its utmost capacity. The prefdent, John in (:riflin • after calling the meeting to order, t made • short speech, euogratelating on. i of oar members, W. Studien, on his ist diction to the deputy reeveship of the was justified Or lying if the political extgenciea f his party regeirrd it, and N rte lied It Y. (Great 40. Jobe White is the Tury member for East Hastings Hs was ebeebampioo of the (range Bill, in 1883 4. He de- clared that if the Orange BiU did not peas he wuu:d vote suaiust tie Govern meet The Orestes Bill did not pass. and he hat n.4 voted •gaitl*t the Govern - i• . ov.rn- ,.t, •e ( rte r..yl,od fur 60 (0wre Lamm tit u.ubof Walla to the Non & we . tis• to i.w -..441.1.•{ avant 14, the Shell Riser Ci.i.wirwtiva Company, and through his ,nfluemoe this o•ompa.y obtained a krant of 30,684 acres of picked lands in the North west He is tine of the heroes of the Prince Abort Colounati',a Company, and is that Cumpsay John White, OItT.iletD • &LIND AMARn, valued at $33.000, for which he gave nothing except the promise of his inflames with the Government to sentare t.. the O„mpany four townships of choice lands in the North West. He sod Mac- kenz a Bewell's .,.n -am -law suocred 4 to a charm They obtained • township on 'loch nr9 Halftweeds Tired, 13 of who.n fouetit at 13.t.oebe io defence of their hones. This grant to the Company wade by this corrupt Administration was ism of the cashes .4 the rebellion A rebeBi,.n {bat ended io the death of 200 C.sadnaaa, the woundingof 200 more, the airtime of much bood. .he ruin and d• strut (toll .•f many half breeds' homes, ■n'1 the e•tpeudt•ure of nrcr five millions of .uu..cy. The Orange 8111 may perish ; the t...ourcea .4 the country may fes wyuaoderei by a rookies. Admu.ietn.tit.n, h.: John White w'11 hold on to his timber limits, and his blind share.. and ru •r ler 'L. Governoient mere titre, (Gera' cheers-) I regret, Mr ChaarosaL, that not permit me to dna' with the remain- ing Tory members for Ontario, , r with the supporters of ins G.n.rnto, tit frt,ss the other priori...as lues a w. 4 erg, however, assert) you twat the r.•t. rd. ed Parliament (Moir that o3 per cent. ,4 chem eased ..n ,,recirel, the stn• plane as *fume mister nano* I have wteatiuord In view of t►is fact I ink tit. elector. . f this county, Are you prepared t ' .uatain a :3:,vernu.r..t w p over. who Lase treated the vast and fertile legions in the Noor h writ of us as a sort of damp- ing 114 place for Tory politica: lead beats ? At. you propos-6d to espy' et an Adsiuutratio*, who have divided equine 2Hai& P]tlib:.►:. 14M14. oet -tf Ptrlutnent. a riot pnrtian t f the rew.uram of this c 'entry c Are you pr.p.r.d to act.- con1Jrnce is mer. who, for the time bring, ntirgovere the coun- try. and wino lave availed themselves o.f the prow. -r given throe. by a comf.dina pp•.•' plc, to parcel oct among rh.-'r r,m1. followers in Parlament a large partite of the public dogmas ' Kir, I believe the response. wefln.q up in every L_mast Canadian heart .i11 be as eispha:i: No. If n/herwie e. all I desire to my u that if the put o'ad`tium of album 0,wt.n .t. FOR Yn11 TLAZA IMf4r.R ( aha ream rf Owens will hot , I(Ifest cheers-) i i:a%t thw shown_re k,. the l;otern1ttbe •.! `a r J obn ATatMlons:d vas corrupte.4 !hi c .ti. stutterings and the representstu e. .1 the iv"' Ir ' have .hown you Maw the ,,eMtc .tf$,r. "f thus c'wint4y h...• Iran estsasainze ? doming the last set en years. I hisw th-• r.A#: 41 11 debt ha. swops% tel es..twaow f•rotortinns . ho. the »inset e.pend.turs has increased from 13 t..36 millions .n 14 yearn - h..w the polder moistens bare been wsted, itnw the pebisc t r aeou r 1 hal been plundered , how the peat.: Craton, has beim parcelled'.ut ' township, MOM our last meeting, and remarking that wherever there was talamt it would show itmlf looter or later. After the business of the society had beau trammeled. Mr. 11 McPhee was called to the hair. The debate, which esu. resolved "That Married Lefe is Happier then Simile" was peucesded with. Mr. F. L11cC.rty was captain of the affirmative gid. ata lir. aloha Kil- patrick of the megauv. There was s great Jeal of comical points brought forth by each side The chairman then oungr.zalated the society on im success w far, and mid he saw the making of snow grand speakers here. He thee gave hie densiue to favor of single Me, diet aide ►seine braves/hi forward the most mists. Another debate will he held in two wemks on the subject, remoly• ed "That th. Printing Prem Inas bees a greatso benefit than the Steam Regime," Mr. Jena Grille taking the affirmative, and Mr. W. Hackett the megstive. Amman Was. AN parent gattleg their sale bilis twisted at this.gloe .41lffgot s Me sotto. Worried in tau Ibt u/ te the time .f sate. Impurtan: auction sae, of hamlook lumber, shingle., and • spas of good working horse., at Harris mills, Crane - Lord. Ashfield township, 2 miles from Deegaairum. by Juan Rio', auctioneer, c.nrteseiog at 1 o'clock, p.m., on K'ed nesday, Jas. 27th., 1886. 8.. posters. 1888. lla's Yog Pcm)k. AN ILLUSTRATED ■ AL1. h. ',outran of Haarsa'e ti otrw. PiorLr as the leading week) periodical for )om.g r, wideia well e•stablrirbed. The peblbber. spare Lo pains t• provide the hied and most attractive reading and tllo.treions. The aerial aad short scoriae have stroait dramatic Incorr*t, while they are wholly free from whaGiver ir pernicious or *Woody aeeaa.lew al • the papers on natnrat history sad science. Vsvel, and the fats of life, am by writers whu*e muss din. tb. beat ,.a.sr•roe of ac- curaay and vale. 11:.strr ed papers os ath- ietl. sports. antes. and. pastimes give full in. formation os thews s': ?bore 1a soth- Intl cbeep about It 1.1ti A price. An epitome of sverythiog that Is attractive aad drawable as Pivotal* literature- /beiew o owrier. A we.tkly teem* of Iciest Wogs to the boys ea ggiirts is every family which at visits. 6'r..ott/ye Meas. It is wonderful in Its wealth of pictures. in. format.. r., aatl interest • *"1 1o.* Ad.oeestc N.Y. - TIC R/AEI - Pow Pngia, $2.00 Per Tar. VII cmanvr.-- s No.. %t:., Ntrwwtwrti rlvr (lases each. Renuttesoee.14omld tr mail. by Post flee Moret Order or Draft. to avnld chary of lo... Wert.lp'erpers are at •n espy tAf..dr. ilia. mewl ..e(Ao.r e4r r r(, -ars *rile' of Hapt r.k a: Bleu elil H'ARPEER & BROTHER, Now York. A. B. CORNELL, UNDERTAKER 11x,,, el.. rine• A**ortrwret of rine 4law, (.ole., taster.* ••d lladertaten' (Londe In Town also Herne for Hire at P..a.ontht. 1(14..na. FURNITURE ! - - FURNITURE Aa I ea*1 he E'.-ppos the (1HKAl•P_-, ANI' itKif !•'net of all Ctn.'s''( Furniture. 1 Hoy for Pah and I OHM Undersell Any Other Furniture Man in Town. 1 Ai.., 4'•17 'h. ("elebr*'r•4 ll,gl. A -teed Ir proved Upload Suing Machine ! Giro tint • ('.'ail and H1ihgi 'russ dea-r (►ppssste . 04.41, Mt. ueietvcl, inti. W4. Itlai. We have aim on bawd onr usual raseettue.t of 0R[1:N sa4 SLACK TEAR te. Beet Tales la the County of Hates. Try ear ]so. Meek, sad or 44c. You. Kyoto. s*d then .wagon .t tette somebody sloe's 11a Ti.. Carraata, 4 tin for T;tr ; Sultana Haase. J Its. ler lac.. "'rases, te. per 10. ESIAa steer Groceries Ia proportloo. C. CRABB, Square, Goderich. ala.- 11.,. 11111. 2.11 7w impmEgmn;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; CHEAP CLOTHINC In thanking my heads *sd redeemers for Omar patronage 'Icing the twe yeah i bare beer Mee,WW1 tib e 1 Wopptusitr to totem tint that I haws Judo R Mom Ot Removed the MaepIwa Siesk of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Inc., that i es ar bad heroes. CLoeN•g frost .sacs a Ste. my !neonds wilt be mane is get jest gist tiny wtab, said *4114. very bw.et pAo.a Garments (Goods Purchased from me) Cut to Fit for Notting. READY-MADE CLOTHING ON HAND. OVERCOATS TO SE SOLO AT COSI. LEVI CARD, '''an' i,.4 . t~'trree. Jail. ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttit'ttt HURON AND BRUCE I LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY! 11.14 (,ruapany is Lotman, Money m' Faroe I &runty at Low et Rafe of Interest. 11 t MORTGAGESPUR(HA.SED IZ I SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. O S, 4 and .S p.' e -.t. Intern., Allowed on I i. Deposit,4, arm/itwt IAft. rdiwy h.: amount IC . I orrice:' ('era of Market Square sad North 1 ytreet.(iod.r.o1. 1 W HORACE HORTON, ICC Ham a11•R- - Godericb. Ault. Sti.INI. 1444 1888_ Harper's Weekly. IL.L178TELALTED_ w�14. tarr.'s Wang Lr ba. sew, MIsth r ere an I.•.41wg IIIsatrau.nnt ie j rte postllca m Aehr. erten. With a oosot*nt iwmnr,of literrarry and artistic reau*.roe., it is able io oeertor the enema, year attractants nnequlled by any prct touts 401 saw, embracing two capital titan tease serial 1101411.6. owe by Mr. Time. Hamm. &posybe foremost p( Ifring writers of lir' I,ot. the othrt by i1r. WALT.011 nr44wv, ons. of the most mold!, rising of Hada soveliw ; graphic Illrarr*Uose of an interest to readers I0 sit .actio*, of rbc onus- . entertaining abort . osis*- inertly bits - testa& hl the ir.t wrlteen. arab Intq.ortaIK papery by high authorities os tea cantf upas of the 4ay E. pry one who Arai w. • trust worthy polio eat guide. • , and Instructive hs.a17� Journal, o.tirely free from cunei. able features i. either letterpress or (Ilw.mr•. ?ion. should subscribe to If easter W ows:iv, HARPER'S PERIODICALS. res treat , iIAI:i'Ki, C n"KKKLY.. pt a /IARI'KK.Y M4NA7/NK. t M IIA KPI':K.a NA74/t HARrKIr4 'MIND /'alnll'L N . - , e, /I.4fir/UCH AIANRr,IN NO1i1Ak1 I-IHRARI% ors, Yer r"...si.-,. Yon Postage Peer to at awbarvibera tie the I)wtf ed State. or ('geode. Thr Volumes of Ih^ Wosttar ben while first Number for January of each year. Wbsu an time Y ta.wtl.me.d. It will b. esaynMssd Dist the subscriber wishes to commune with site amber nest slier ta receipt ed order. Honed Volumes of Haar.*'. W , fit three years back. In neat troth Mads, w111 be seat by mat . Dosage. paid or by espr free of expense (provided the fMR freight Acosta exe.• ,1 ear dollar per volumes. for la M per volume. ('loth ('are for each entwine. imitable fee binding. .111 be newt by Neill, peslpW, s. reoHpt of 4r MI web. Remtttan.m sbo'M be mad. by Post Odic. Money (Oder or Malt, to •void chant ter. Ke emov.+. ars *ret Inr'1�/ l4 -. adv.- mewl .-0Anempress= e! the areas ..'d.- of Hair Aw.rrwsus A darer HARPRR ! BROTRRRN New 20,000 PRi V A TE FUNDS TO LEND eit nil Farm a•.1 Tows Prepertp at Mast is tamest M.wit.'mwa Mteasslk as OsYI,Nw ehvaeA, (7Mreyasol*g Fes. r.am..abl , N. R Perrwwevw row Wats mess is ss*4af f true Is mtasfsrt ry DAVIMONt 10*11( TOM a.rntslses. Re.. uederbh. (� WILSON'S W - CaOT 11011E 5pW_ e1sEi1Cu- '3a01e onao 1 AM NOT THiS OfIEAPIlBVDU AtiIn the trade, hot I am amity to tea frost i,. TEAS, COFFEES, GENERAL GROCERIES. 25,000 Ducks. Wove, Turkeys acrd Calcars , sew d. Made sQ &•d deur.. G. H. OLD, The Greer... els Agate. Tele rho** Ostmuslcetha Gederielb. Doe. Mb. lam. West Street seat Parket. 1 Alldreu& JoIllisLoo.) MEATS ALL l:ee.t.1 Attosties sod Prompt Dn. vary A CAtt. SOLICITED. Doc MM. Imo, glsr. *200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS .DTs lend . tR senigetWarn pi prwpprt, res` kio ras ew . lon at st mw.ne �h*/ manta for the .14 Uo.apanr or (la.rda. the Caoada l.•nded Cewdir ( fir, the Leedom las Col oneey M ( loam.. Isdre.t 4. 44 sad y pee cwt N. R ran obtain mere, .s een,r day. if itis u4 q'� I" yopNw�M�, ,- oMKtc11 3� i