The Huron Signal, 1886-1-8, Page 3•TEE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, JAN. ft, JUS? IN TI1E the grid auil, wise hoses that tb hoses- meet "Haven't you T' ise said. ":lie ttatafaod ta , and wane to lot toy hotter. 1 worming.iti Would you mind reedlose cella E A P _ HARDWARE. lettr and telling me what you thick r "I f What can I know about it 1 I ca shall be happy to do anything I r, rimy dear feUyw. out a is hard!• within my ws province te criter your .paardiau a dotage... putt 'puke !rich a laugh, but had -evidently a strong dimisclioat ace oursou ply with the request. bent» seemed ward by his tommency.ut •'Why o' You're as g and a judge as anyone can `; an . I wt your advice. i dou't premise to tap.- a he ltd with a suit little Lush, "bat I should Tike to know what you think ' Then, with a graver, mono entreating loot -.'1 have nobody else to ask." Scutt teamed forward a little, as if to look at the speaker, upon whose face a Dandle shed a fitful *au wavering cleans. Bertie'' face was that. of • handsome, in- ger.ueus young fellow nut much beyond hoyh..od ; the guidon brown :.air tbot Al was pus' to e forehead, the eat, indolent, ',mon eyes, the look of mingled sweetness sad rseelutiun on the lately cut lips ears to kis personality an swami attractiveness. There was a pallor, a languor cf illness about him still ; a slight cui:t;racti,.n of the *ye- ws* *hotrod that he tis sac eat riog po. t was nut easy for tient to refuse what man had tented ratrrd sad was dalibeo- nista have I." I had a letter ?ruin him shoat it • stet wahineb' beck 1 W y is way tot • •tosg glee's aide. ' Doi gitl wiled to him as sone as De BY AD1114151 t3&Rt•EANT, -wen near enough rn hear. •1•.r back ' *Moo or "Jaeou'a WI/U. " ' t'aottt its cried, wavinn hen hand to hie, wiper F.Auts PaSTUN. -int,' Q• . musty. lie back and save yourself i'rr ail meat, bet I seat ride fast like rot.' CHATTIER L "Do yne thbk," mid the new toner, "thaTeta MOW MAIM/ o► A ralatineKtr. f I would Inas• a fellow \a,tsiysu It is asas diOwlt t , conjecture t die alone hat two lobes in the ward w are, said Berne, lightly. "Rather leaky, oat the whole. There's only one parson in the world t', whom I watt I woad need s Mowers, by the by, 1 Aare weer told 'you who I ans. ](y mane Drwglae." "Ouargla,!" laid the other. "Doug- las A sudden change mane 1 ver his dark face. Be eyed Bettie Fara monism with a look of surprise, almost of repot I!' n they stood amt looked at one @ion. "Not -cwt Douglas of Weather bow and why • frisedship between two hgtbaa bs soother. •'But i don't know you, ' std vie . ' he asked, quickly. tags has taken sew Seal mimeos who mil themselves friends mayBettie at Sul quite simply. `Yoe. Why D. yet know the have w (est twine in amnion that one Kao , /u• taus thee, returued the piece "thaw wuuld launder lose at 4ndit:g theca dead- with •Leah. "Fru Soot*, the "1 L'sow .of it, Haid the rider matoli'v"!y MAI*,w'r Immo&-- He Ironed drawn and tNreaed to redewt ly fust Liao atYIY elites. 3E.peciahy and it countryman of yours. L that out before he spoke again. Then he smiled 'sough ! I'm afraid we hark t Witch t little oddly. "I'm not sorry," he said, was this the est with the two Wren whose friendship gave rise to amity of the event* with which this stnry has to 11 do. Never were two woe in.,r, unlike. trine to tspr,•ve the ac,tuatntseoe io.. as if to himself ."Bu' I had no ilea it e srranyl from the saddle as he spoke, was -rut, and denoted ken companion's eye. with a Bertie hai rot time to ask for an rim• `{ewer near taco hi circumstances more nod towards tin body of native horsemen planation, "They're on us," he said, csl•slatud t.11kead to strife, envy, jam: sac the distaste•. The surf wee.dtpping suddenly, turning his head. oust', and all 001)017 rent/i0" of that below the its of the furthest hill, and "Confound them !" ejaculated Scutt, Lind- let 6oU au h"ur eit"r Ilea( snot the trap was atoll far away, but their I who meeting they were friends ler life. aasaa,ed by this time t„ have cease A little band of horsemen weary and spears dashed threateningly its the dying p',etely regained his self-po•sessina. light. and their fluttering pennons were "They might at least have let $ fellow dispirited, made its way one afternoon dietienti outlined stint • wide ntrdutatins plain in the y oqunst the gulden tieish hu cigar. North of India. There had been s the sky. They were cocaine straight towards 1 l;u• be was on his feet before the words e :'ie two Scotsmen -who now stood side were out of his mouth - his hand on his akirmiahtmg , and that days sktrmah by side For the tuument Berta coutd weapon, and his calm eyewneyine every had proved unfortunate ter the English not spent detail of to r scene before !atm. flertie b party. Ti. officer to had „ fatten, and his lady lad mit been r1 n f . an h, ur t• reach ba yet. They deo "t : en. 1'b,y L take ten minuteso or a uarter load thrown sway hiacigat; Scott smoked I ct.vrsd. The 114/e1is1/ were tsuvuyr i seem to be r:drag very fast," remarked There wee a sieud of dust before thew, •'owly end sallsnly back to the peiot the new comer. "Time for a c.,er. tl iii • cl.o.•r •,,f hnrse4' hof., a wild long 1& from which they had started early cleat ye, have one moraine ; but they were rill at same ab. act. ?hen the trap whirled down f diatoms heat it. Douglas turned to him with a hslb tij n then, and hemmed them in. There amIM on hu white lira. "Thanks," lis was no e•espe. The glittering lances of any want of interest, or any unpleasant They moved slowly --partly beoauas -acrd '111 tale it as a parting t, the enemy, the swiftness of the horses, pay because I thit,k tt would they bad with chess a wounded .ram. p Y li[ti y• mutter, simply t;ertis Douglas, a lab -lieutenant acts Ttore'a no need for you ue sou. - the Rencenes' of the triumphant warcry, well Lir out frieudahip of I'us to call "1 should cover t of safe now,- an_ 11 left the two men no room for doubt, nu it LJ tbet name/ that I •bueld`,, know cavalry regiment, had beer. severely � , y •weird the •cher, molly. My Anrep is r. oro 6_r dare norhtn%; . f your postilion anti U ur wounded in the tight arm. Re scold d„„p• Thuya fellows are arrant crow• And yet there was r •nm for both. The estates." not guide bis own horse, and the aktht• sods. We'll leave our nark on AM //4 of durance, the dimness m( the gstherinei ' ''Bu, wh as after all a resrunable request "I will warn you," he said at last, tber abruptly, "that I bore a r.-asua or wishing to mix myself up as little as provable with your affairs. Not from .it jolt or perk agony to him He aaa & them yet delicate looking young lelluw of two and Meld, had misled the lint»h ateliers Bettie turned his twenty, and it could be seen that the Bente was ee•t erontinnally incfitted, and their guide. Tee sdr, canr.g troop curi.•usly at his 1r:aea4 bat Ithe fel: ttnrefleJ to hold out 'iia acid not after ell, bel•'no t•, a hostile 'lcesti. n, pain of Isis wound was dif5cu► to beer, hard. The !timers of the two nen rue I tribe. There was rue the least danger though not a sound e+cag,rd its white, g ''Excuse rz:e '1 ► my bua.neaa. mut Isps But, he had been on the 15 p,h,t in a momentary grip, clove and firm. ' for the two men who had reaelrod W There was m.�reroughness in his surds of fainting more than once dcrrog the Then ao.'tt-a'o.,ls, in the dry, cool may stared er fall t..other. They were mfr, than in hie voice, which was simply cold which aren'tl habitual to hint. ride scrota the Plato. fres. „Lerma" Kira than that t in a and unhesitating. Some sten nigh t "Your left arm's not good for much, ' few minutes they were -on their way to ply iay A warning cry su.lden:. broke Enos have taken nfl+ttsce : Bettie vim the hos of their taaside guotsuddenly k atop- ilm'*frari. cHare. 41 are lelp v.•u. 1I! • an £sigliah , escorted by a still and watched him foe • few minutes. and light a matt... Thera s my tiaa:c. I party of native horseman : and Scott. Then a smile crept into his eyes, and ped pointed with • long brown fore- "Thanks,- •ii.l Douglas ince snore. ' the . ent, with the cigar that he yes to the corners .,f his lips. linger to the Aeric ru There was s from his e Tier., with a lazy laugh, "It's as wee:: t., had lighted whale the reoldters were ap- tcctt sat in a f riding -chair, rigid as a tnusiug point — --it d t, returned, came forward into the sitting sun. Then make .i rsercm N euwtforts i , as we can Froaetaing, shill between hu teeth, ease statute. hia acute faded across Eta bread it was oo longerwhile we have the chance. helping to support has friend apou Die chest, las eyes tiled un the ground. a men• point, buts , g y There was s.,met'ins ubpliant, inflexible g•ttienng black macs, relieved by an Hxaet,y. r Anna's back, and wishing devoutly that coeashoaal gieam of bnlJsncy when the Hs took a teouthfu. from Liu flask they were at their journey's end. shoat kis attitude. Wm it st this tbst end Landed it (reit to the owner. firm BettieU. u,tae' wound proved to Ire s iertie Douglassmiled sunbeam,' were flashed back from some uplifted spear shield.put the cigar betimes halips and lock severe '.ne. sed for 1. the days the fever "Well," le sod. alter a rather ling ' ed mare closely at Las new aegwiut• ran pretty high. Doting this time Scott Pause. "it's fur you to decide whether "The enemy," said the geode. The little &save, made the y. ung , nicer his espepisl you'd do me a kindness or n. t. I want party halted for a aauaser.t. Scott stn my . The officer iii cumsaaud spurred on his met as army marc Bettie charge. He provl.i himself particularly bo dictate a letter. I can't write wee wriain d tom' H° was in ordinary well able to do M.: he made an meatus -"If .. burse to a little rising ground and aur- civilian d and s fur you P.ertie reflected that he must have 'sin enoozh to bear conversation, he as uu lite," said and look he asked the 'erayed the a; prowchmg croup• though • T,0S, were a ova -Pelmet ble nurse and when Douglas was 'telt `I will «rite as many letters yed t The ouade, wise/memoir/it did 1 heard y h e',tt, reluctantly. the expedttlua at the very last momenta, . with a thrill of satiafactico for which he ''flue I think it is too fats for you to for he had not sees hue in the camp Coe- could nut at once aocouut, that, humanly day before, He the average speaking. he owed his life to the care height, megnitieently built, with muscles and skill of Scott, the journalist. of steel and sinews of iron ; lean •ren to The two men drew together mere and and loose white garment emph•*iaed the effect of the gestures r f bead and hand gauntness, and somewhat forbidding in more as the days went un Bertie was with w►ice to spoke. Hu tray. alma • Ht' spurs, dark face, with two and twenty, Scutt six years his 4 were waved wildly above his hard ; his, its bold features and swecr of hack senior : bet num£ !rove was srpeedily . his bright fray eyes. keenly established betweo,A theta. Bettie, as rot need this sdditioual std. crept up t, him and 1,.•ured out a torrent of words. His swarthy face was already l.vid with tear ; his large white turban lithe body, dattnttly ''c/lined beneath e'b e:rrsnt frau beneath an raging wannatural, was the more five hie single garment, swayed h, and fro' ha bare bourn legs seemed ready, ata nss dre r.( dark eyebrow, imps•rd. one of the two. At first, at any este, it was moseut'* active, W take 'light' The rather with a gene of the man's meatal Berta who did the talkiay, while Scutt man was thurou,lay afraid of the an- energy than with a belief in the .,.loess sat and listened, fingering his long of his disposition When softened by a' etwtache, and smiling to a half .mussel preaching troop, and, calm and uamuesd smile, however, his face was a pleasant way at the young fellow's confidences. as the English officer appeared, seated oke, and his stern mouth related as his But after a time he tun began to speak a squarely open hu charger and surveying the moving cloud of dust with • compo- eye tact Bertie• doubtful gaze. He little about himselfed but gloomy air, he knew well enough mimed to underataad the questil,u un- "Alone in the world," said Bertie one that there was cloth ground to tear. plied in it, and answered frankly; night, with a smite, a. be Lid on his Altera brief c osaltation the officer is • hacs• y''u kr-w. narrow bed and discoursed to hie friend command oruered a retreat, as they had `I yr cone here to make sketches and. in the ttemi-darkness. "Sounds quite been fighting all day, s.•tue of the sen write articles. I always like to see pathetic. doesn't it ' But it isn't, you were wounded and the cavalry were tittle fighting when I can, so I asked know ; not • bit. flf-R javn t fro: any I to come today. -, relations I have bigoted out. They accordingly spurred plenty of fnenda." their horses in a dtrectioa psite tele "You .e made your last sketch," mid Sortie, Nreve.y. He had a nnncbslant way cf speaking enemy's advance. 'And written my last ftsraitraph. j which rather awned Scott, wh' was flat Douglas was not to condition for don't Yang Than may lea a ohmic. for never inclined to take things too easily. "hard riding. He kept up fora minute "Ab, let me see. i have one relation,'' or two, and then he fei+ behind, throw. as yet Bertaahogk his heed. Then he vat Bettie went on, more to hernial/ than to ins • brave word to his as they swept pas! him. "All right ! !'U ed himself on the ground and smoked - bb t14s44. 4. I hod iwsMet- silently, and Scott, atter a cnunient•a ten old tent Stapstb. i have not seen B be after you in a moment," he said. But hesitation, followed his example.her since I watt twelve years old. but I hs amid it °to k, reettsure them. He Bettie Douglas had *mamified his con- believe she u a i.. and teeth' knew that he could an follow. And .1 "Yea, I remember n would not be fait to delay them. panion'e face with evident vinosity. It yon said that, you was characteristic of the mew -comer that, winked youmasnenn °id a4 a sate to ("le He stopped and glanced around him. The atm was siokint rapid!, and trim- though he had given none but careless. P'ra'm," remarked Scott, somewhat ab coning the cloth as if with blond. In a and cursory °lance•' he wee by this time stonily, but in eeriest good (lith. few adenine it would he below the hori. ea fully qualified to deseribs every detail tlr rte rased hia tate head [nos the zoo. and the short twilight of that re- of Dertie'a u if he had ;mown 11. stared a little, and then buret gion .Data came to ea oma. Darktasoo dim yea"'long for Ile had been true- into • low. mono( latish of intense rd u an observer of men, and this aaa amaterneet intght favour ion. [[ the enemy did "Do you •° .«, wee thinking not advance tea, quickly he might yet whet he mid to himself not long ago, as y ✓v' ng of my he L'oked at Bert,. without .senior to Aust E apeth t' he asked, and laughed escape. In the iow end dimness r f the night he feuded that he .sold And see kin again. Mir that time had road* ► mistake, r his way back to kis English friends. He ' Mi*cula .ievelopmtnt pretty mood ; T looked at his companions They had els.o climbed, lithe as • eat ; not fresh b°t�asid nn i sn.t Ahrr s e d •raying power, however, I should think. Bertie t.ega.r, M & rstber differenttittl.tuoneene, seamed, noticed his defect.,at go lava glad of it, fur 11e was a genera 1 7ntng i Very well groomed. Goad-looktag chap. [allow, sed would not foe the world 'Regular Dees . ttiah type; fair hair -wow* have imperilled another's life to nee tumid call it gelds- -brown eyes, fair his owe. Aid yet it did sewn hard to akin a good bet *unreel, otawrtbt festers. die w sake. when the w.„[4 was open. Sort of a fellow to haw an adoring mnth- a woo bstore hint. and use tigt atdf ea or and Meters at home. poor boy '- Imo sed most. Some reA•etion of this kind reused rely mos t.f tib tidies drew rein hint to my ahreptl mitt Moroil aver his dimld•r, then tarn - 1l is bit saddle, pinead-hie hand on ha ho es's flesh sod seamed to Pts" eaew •,fly hs Beetle's direction. Douglas, :to ear sbwt' sod pnintutly dismonst- sanwtly ..clad the ..firm Bet gays a gait (weed se he snood panting with pima deo{ weakness. u; r y to talk about hu gaudiau's family. 'Lard Mooren was • friend of toy trsjdfatbers. ' he maid. "and my grand- (athem made hen my guardian. Ida Olean is chile W Clara" •'f hope he was • eotuf•et..'y guar dean." crud 'Lott doves/az that ftertie wyke.f ••• sive ,cf Krna•ion. Berta wee evident f In ar. e14.Ana' .ry mood. "They will wire an Loonent el this at • W. -no: exactly And Du duties fair to Ragland. Your popple will sake. sea .neoetunsc.fy r • . t+r f'm tied up srow about it, I should think. tall I'm tine sed twenty it is a con.. "I have no people near •ormeth M b etifir.t burr.' mutt as rel•tioue, ' said Remo. "No "i shotl.t meet think that it world ow who will eusssers themselves shoot siert you much • say lib es death. at any rats." 'T•rh.p. ret. Attt titers Nerves is = - teatime, H°edseie. and is only ii smote 7 e asps (UNMAN mese. !s think of business matters tonight ; you won't sleep." "I ea shill not deep much in any se,'• said Bertie lightly : "and as for it. being late—why, you won't turn in yoarself for the next two hours. You may u well help me —there. a good fellow. "Oh, it ion t from any want of a wish to help you," mid S:•.t', raising from his seat as if something had jarred upon ha nerves, "I did out mean to be so churlish. I'eea —a sort of objection to intruding on other people's &Fairs. ' Teo act enseneran. Obit steaeas mere.. Sures and Ulcers, or Ahecessee hard to heel, are due to had bleed or Sernfute. Testify the blood with Burdock Bliwd 0E0 Egir ID general health is restored. ---s-- --- PRICES LOWER THAN EVER Besi HoiCnt Iroll Nails for $2.5B per 100 lbs Best Barb Wire 6*c. Ib. This Wire stood a test last gar of We the. rata, in the Northers. It i:. t'ar4o: So-• T4 -,t.. mortis ALL LIONPATITOkal, 1 have lamps Mrl teeeat of GLASS from uerman v r. imparted di Ku to per mut. cheaper1• err Aar et :a':• and liavtnot than ever *i,id ►,err beton,.e AU l earr;LV AND DRAY Y HA RDN'.tiUK is sold canoe same cheap basis a, shove. PA f!t7S and ollot sold nowhere theses" ese u m e i sr:11ag tbetn Oct your d(,'AWH\t3 HARUWARB from tee and save mimeo ■ Ooderleh. Oct. Sta. i*.s. MCKENZI E NOW :COMPLETE! n. . n. , NOW COMPLETE! A C STOCK OF DY O-OOD aazzd Gsccexies_ $PK- 1AL LINK. 1•. Dress- Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. Highest Price Paid, for Sutter dt Eggs, GEORGE ACHESON. THE RSD, WHITE AND BLUE. Goderich, April 30th, 1185. oderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros., Proprietors_ CONTRACTS TANEN FOR STEAM ENGINES. $1,0UR7NG MILS. AND OTHER Iflt.thiEflt a�NTEO. Flouring dills Changed to the Grads duction System. Home Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw utters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoves, etc., etc. , at w Prices. .fill Kinds of Castings ade to Order. J. B. Ruaton,tr, Coderleh, Nov. 25. 1254 1910.1; A R. W. :' x, a . Rt ar , Extensive Premises and Spierdid New Stock, Bitten speedily and the sores iarl oft alt* a CA.onc - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, It u announced that Nim Me1'y�- stone, dwahtar of Wet. E. Gladstone, is to be married to Rev. Harry Drew, a curate of the Church of England at Hawarden. The discovery ,of the instantaneous ce pross of taking photographs has ban ba quickly followed in the medical world by a perfect and instantaneous remedy fur all acute aches and pains, as liteurtigia, Toothache. Rheumatism, etc. This val- (tab corrode is called Fluid Lightning, and is sold at 45 ct• a bottle by George Rhynes, druggist. Itoel ' ate Memo owed. Areyen troubled wttd Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples nr Canker Mores ; if an, is at nooe to Geo,. Rhyr+ns Drug Steve Staand get a package of blcl'regor t Puke's Carbolic (,`orate Pries !fl mints It was haver kAown te mAil'. h lbs eerw. Atseantse When your horse u gal'ed, scratcl,eei or cat, or has an ugly save, bathe twice daily, end apply bl• fawn P. ['AUKS t'arbelic Lente. It is cndoubtedly the Rant locoing and demising_ application for it Be sure you pt Nentawos & it r-. Pa':. Sold for .n!tc. per bot, at (ho. Drug reg Shire. wIm A Ra.nas-Cl! nes dismiss* rusts at" t.' any one auridin4 **beet fair hss- rhysite on •'TSAenitT, ' rho ren sehable tittle gem for the Teeth and Pet .. Asir your dru2gsst or uidtess r rte. --• rleee Lrsesn. e All enflame Isom that menhir. NiemenNiemenNeuralgia.uralgia. ran be mode happy its ore women( by a sine* a•gtieatian of PIMA sWellyelly rnbb,/ on *Vol*Volparts. and without coin any disgusting at medice day ober day with little or two remit. Fluid Lightning aloe cares r etbJ1 et,Toothache, Lutetsar•. Rt :• u Scott looked hard at hi a ter •cep queer feilow t4 tis Ott bottle at tiro !floras Drug Store Hamilton Street, Goderich A seed et Kitchen. Bed room. ihn.na Roos and Parlor rureitnre blooms t:hainotkotr,cum and wood seam,!!, cupboards. lted-atewl., Kattr.n.ee. Lounges. Sofas. Wb*t.-No:s, Looking O: tesiut. N. ii. -A -meat of Coles sed ebro•idsCeara on hard else Hearses at re sus.b.e rats . Picture Framing •epeeia:rr.-_A can setfcited. 1: t orb as -etaad r b1 OOTS&SHOES =kn. 1 I4r.,g dt W'e; ci.,ap Bet t. annoweos to the Public char they have ezioned business in the above :iter • in the store Lately occupied by H rice Newton Haring purchased a large and wall aarrzt•d stock of Spring and Kummer firms at close figures, we Are determine to give the Pablio the tone*' QUICK 81L13. MULL PROFITS WILL BB OUR MCTTO zss'PI- s,'. rill and exunine our goods beforepurrhae)rx elsewhere s'r•Pernem',er the place, next door to J. Wilier:a Droll Wore. M'Cestom work will reonve our specie! attention. KITWon• he' the leer' of material used and first clefs, w. rsnton e: ..,l 1tp'Repatrirg r seely d. ne on the shortest notir . f7oderich,MareP4IIIA:. DOWNING & WEDDUP ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER • Nowt' •'Lr, time it yr. w'al: owe or tan nice rosins a' rots. ,o see P''ler nom apes. R• tr M ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Boron.!. senors *ed a. pra•wtlesetban seri wine' aaMrierae•sA,. Cat and eta ben. Teo, a:a rte aye vstar:aNor. •c.. o.o•...r Lesctd Thi e$1S i'ia Bazaar Pair . � �f�l � FahiNs, P� .4.1r BUTLER'*