The Huron Signal, 1885-11-6, Page 6ela
;i• �t�ty
Il Int r net s korner',
M she she Seat .r It.
Wind .1 a 41144- 4.144:00)44 fro•t long
User sec.,. that can t 1.r • need
What • the use tit .i..Ju.q imult OHL
Whet ..r t:.*.. .Moat le. endue'.''
Dees it Wake o n' bardelu Int:.ICr
11 w c,ftu ihir 'u:sib lb..r :oat :
butv.t a,s&r h1.., pia eriki .u..r,ther
I( os tn•i about the road t
Vatter ass our time thea ILII it
1'uf w wee* std a ala rr r. to
Oyer some tu,ost.atd Warder
As dwa Le w leu al„a).,Jrets,
We cauaut espt•,i hfe'a yeshiva)
Tu tralarva strews with mower.,
Net tie tame that Ileal heal site*
At: OA u.adruf Wimp) boars.
htWtu, will follow ever) wasbisr,
tit vet ler 1u.srai with eve:),t0v
.tint .t111ras 141.61 11 ,dwU1d Ih, o.-
(lu4d'*tuue ftwithoutalloy.
" #$at oar tr.4We 4 our lacrut has :•'
I.1'oav24 barter sur lttli o , St tilt
Ther. it Itse tai it•Irt +int stake It:
Why eat make the aerial life -t
.,: 1
Aa old maid who hates the a.als y/ Mj► holo was lame for eighteen rnhex.m,tlt cut a female antesist• months, ilia chola. tvou the knee Jowu
ana:rr who � •wpinrrutwl taw nn th,, hn,w• wan swollen and hull, fe irony, Jc a„Nt
r..• y u( Lor spirits. around the hoof etmllar to. a rung'. t e
l •tied elra • I bdtl
11si.1Md Iltuatrai
a...abl Go ': ' sad eej O tir eat ry!
,aLlr pa ra:arr,. e
- i os of Spa, in Curr
and . tie Sit ,rut o.•ttle .4 tines• L:ui
I11e1.1 I.•dnln AIM nu44III& 1 )hlau,a•J un•r.• Vo -1 •a.. do •.,.• ,.• ea e rr- •ra:rtt.•urt bl bo) lsg c
beneht from t:,. 4411.1 i,'ttu 41140 (
NII the Allier*. 4unt d the use o
13c,r:r1I:lsIIilesiLl*ho eau is now wrli & SiO'iS
Jose, J llnn, Itond.•ut, Ulmer Co ,
N. Y. 1.dd by F. J••nl.s, liodtrtch.
.1 bout thirty years ago two young
girls were A/embattled from the mune
sch.»,I 111 s 'poet town au one of the
diddle state. Each was clever, g.nnd-
t.Ilij. red and attractive. feud the dsugh-
•.r .•4 .. farmer who could wire to 1tis
children a comfortable lemur, but nu
Thr u.oth.r .d use of thew gtra Me
will call her Mary) declared that her
child sh•.uld "have her chatter. ' -1n
.utht..4 *.1k. velvet and evening driswes,'•
farts hats and jewelry was pros ided by
selling ofd peri .4 rho family acres ; awl
thr mother set .out with her •.n a round
of ,tion t.. tow springs and other fast. -
t, u..l, a rrsurts- The girl was show, off
to r, rr v .-1 syild.• v„ung 111:111, pr.•e,o.,,y
41 a 11 ".t• a"ol•1 be rxlubitta t,. a Luper
hot in va•u The effort was renewed
r4 miner after 40111 mer, until the et.,n i.
cation sisal shame which the girl had
tea at first were wore. away, cad -alar
I became at heart a hard, clatter a4ven-
1 surer, rli..u: ...It, o6ycct WAS to. stake o
r ♦ rfede enJt..1sre. brilliant match ; in other word* to wall
herself for a gerad pricy Just as .lie
11,41. the pour Lamm, where untutored salad wail beginning
lira .k la !tad * 4alk, its thalamicthalamicsteer 44atae •R s to gibs till and soured
. witn un.apl.o.uttae,.t, she suces•e,led in
theta roust We Imes the taw datives it ow:
tyips( fe man of sixty with s Carpe
fortune. Ilia habits were dissolute and
8Th.- ri 4n1 arch to dai:uwa moat sot auk temper luta
r No soul ?road ..4..ea.4' never taught to Meas luraple. Her two child-
, -
a. lial..,.:.e Irwu Ins rasrrvr low al, de hating grown up in an atmosphere
Yet Well d:t...tuilgt4 lo rope have driven,.4 cls w and prerenal, uuwarmed by a
.two uu the gully w u., a uuuoc have g4,en • spark r Curr, truth or religious faith,
Namur..44til h.:, u, d,ythe of wood embraced, nat• urally era indifferent to their mother
4'I,aw• .aloe. hum .pruudl) rade the . ¢mar) The son betimes spendthrift t imbecile k -
wooer, are, ; the daughter an almost becile
fashionable wtftnan. Mary hes the
stately house, the.ervanta, the equipages
for which she planned and struggled fvr
s•. many years. Dui she has uuthutg
Her classmate, leaving Huw.l, entered
at once into the w,ark and 1fe of her
home, /She was the friend d ei.m•
tea/MY 4:IrMttrigMar. penion of father and m.ther, the eacher
of her little sisters.
:� a 'i 'se.:, a .t 4:.u... "She shall lie fitted to become a CC--
Ehgliali girls of the middle chat us an'f ^1'469Y iter mother said, '11/ f•rea.1 I MEDIOAI
catty make good housewives. They are
*her that tttMt happiness. But she
When un' h:, fattier it. tier days o7 old.
Yea• white 1114111.4.111l. ie. lead pursuit of geld.
U.d i4, a• nu. d..: thc4 Luff, drs.rr•
l'hry sa4cd too agent truck. uu water Art
r)h,}Loather : wk.) ttrn,•atl. that rags, sky
'•lu.•i 1:t •1 ct,*.• but Indian hang ea h.i i t
'Slush, in l'oruute 1x'orW,
• ■massager ms -
The ens lett& I laruu,alLent awn feel tow
Iapproach .1 had weather ui his aching
Joint*. ifaoyard s Yellow Oil cures
rhrun,atiu,, aches, ?alis a1•4 nljurl.•s.
• Itea. J. 1:. Falba, Dutton mot:hes
•• For Settle years my wife has beim
'troubled with Dyspepsia, luta) has trawl
out. thing atter smother raxwuusruJwt
A 1SAtrlcas'p Tlsstl*o71T - herr
with but tittle or no abaci til 144.Ist•J t,. Pune_&, Cold ..r any I:r..nchiee: alfeeiou.
wive dlc4.regor. niepeedy Cure a trial. ••pectoris,•' in .nfi'opinion, to lost the
'Settee taking the lira( bottle I have not- 11hUsg. I have used it in my family for
!teed a isytrove1ue.t, and an with con- I Cough* and Cold* for the pout lour yea.*
I tidrucr rado.u0esul a to be �•nr.4, if oat n•4, the most untxrted rniste s, anti to
tI e heat medicine extant for llysi•r4.ala. I day my opinion .1 it .a that I a,utiuur
hu invaluable medicine 6•r• , Su think min wore uf that
panni, 1:,drytanouK:dnec l'om .point
list 1 1 ! 1 El ' (age Karr 1lana••er 4 )utfe-ie. hank,
H 1 thitkinn soil of.
ferny • '. ' i r. 1.o t at baro- Elie-
gas Drug Stine. Trial bottles given Pickering.
1 tier. 1 in. ' Prico 76 vont. at all druttriita 111
,Vt�.l 1V1A111�,t�
It a ill p.»r you to 1my our rur,,Iturc iron' the undersigned, as 1 ha.r now as cur. p',••••
.u, sa .rtw.•nt as there is in the coanty-
1 du out adopt nus ysu l• s..11, a4. of *d4ert•s4aft a cheap st'e.•ialty. but w tU sell you a g. u
1 crxl'hutllt *t pier,. that cannot 1n surpas.wd , . I*hl) a,aaidrr.dl,
In the l ndertakiug 1 have mock suited 10- the poor as 440!1 low rich.
1 Ilia, t• also Addeo tllet pew rsr of Ambahwr,1. au that pantie,. hay iux t0 send bodes to
trleu,t, :u a distance ear.. 0 so at e•aaonabts , oat.
V.'.-,* etr,•..t, l:wta•r..t., .etwstn the Post U:S.r and Itnu1 o: Montreal.
Seri. ^_Ith. t4* . 3.M .Iro
.A I 111/.
wt Weal. out o out into the world husband
4ruua to fie el...e- I of i tr.4 vire &Main_. go
here ahonld nut chime
rat„ and ufte:. •urn•• I lar v�u^�4 vire
than an ,: 44,e, tart acs uw'c. 4r' .4 the• tuxmds.
household' ut.tter. They usuAlty make
t, this, homely phihteophy
their own 1, -perhaps- that is the / ` tr rema4n0d *t hut", 1tw..nef Ines "n"
reason that trey ere loo ,44./n. be In- I ?rived* eivhbors, sod learned a
ramie or, at least not uful t they i4/1tng Tot who had nee wealth but in-
tb y 4 ni beef ) e rttll to their native
stow how to trim their :cu hats ant I dwtry and h••necty. 'shout she- heirtily
era.. They 1:.
kc as • )( <p " •illake. Their small ince n r r••eu tar i bore
sialic and make
a "11, elrirr pudding. their. The here comfort* and lurtiffar I uuuebore
They tall woually you how many y
pounds tit suystl;o . A ?,00tid of fruit I their children are healthy, intelligent, + etc. etc.
the\ .•:Malo' i.t L. „f an ,A 4 .trgwher-• l suteeasful risen mud wonnr0 and all de -
y l \ , voted lovers of their .nether 1 F JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich.
r -cut. !1 t uvea &aria le P. a sw«,,,,,,l n1, tihar;h in Lannon li apiary sometimes sees leo- clawmate in
.,• : r• ,,.r•i. a ar;(e ('.M, :nutrnt of 14. 'West la and Montserrat a:: t, o•
,15ure Zisrie Fruit Tuve.
In Yoltle• of all shwa.
]la a moat healthful and refreat::tag la•vrrag•• •, : tee .•:nmol a,-uuc.
A Lo! of Apollinaris ars! other Mineral Waters.
FI:F-tel{ r' 1'f Llh� Vt'
Green, London Purple, Insect PcwJei ,
seemly A1�Tn Cry fent: as clone Ly pro- town, to her old-fashioned country car- -
tr'Mn,e.ile 4 xdreaw•s, wast ,.f it out of ; riaee, wttb rosy cheeks l'uoen ash her any
the hodsef 'fury du out drunk IOrowater, her, and pitIs her because "she neper
and th is', one respect in which they bad her chance."
alisplfe aouperiority..ver their .1metteat'
Girls, remember your chance is Sante•
c.,uyna, itt41r and tewslr aGkc. i3u:•hsh thing higher ii -:d sleeper than the chance
girls usually love to be petted, they era lot being sold am from an auction block to
the hythemt bidder. - [Youth's Com -
They are so frank and u,n.•cel11 ..out it, Paint/a'
they yield oar readily to the maaeultwe j 111 that direction. they take tot 11•aptlwr.
•'4p»'..eing at se espy as are, they con- , Is the weak nun a uisterstiou and the
4111s a sg ardently and with S) great a highest pntnt ever reached by a neater-
•egustt. as to provoke enfavurahle and j ous class in the community_ 1Vithoat
unjust entwine' front the foreign obese- j the ability or tersevrrance to work an
ver, especially the matt Mgr woman'- of Independent bast*, they cling him bar•
ewntinental birth and oontn.ental educe- :m
;ales to ideas eulalatit{ from others
tion. !tut, true a long experience is and withperverse blindness believe them
".?.(*.142214; with Engli*h 4404*, and atter 1 to their own. Now that explains why
simply "immense on "lit Kitting.
With se 4t. horror., bring equaled .nly b4 i:e.irnphoisa. N. matter hos. tined nee .oar he, repr., .
as lurbitsd enemy. emaciation's Me :ort.n:•u.,a and eeti.ting its 'up iv all the phyt.cel tet
social ee,oymcats of 14k. The d.•placeme.t d the G,wel ia nisei< sed the um 1 the: w...;re-t
to kidney.. &kidder, ad other miaow ell :mputew.y, .spend memory, (even, W1dht'..a. *., and
other in .rt.fy,nd ailments are'educed.
DR. J. A. aHERriAN. well known tSrdu`hoat rho mummy and Pia Wen !edit,. through 4 e
awe es.lul matron d .-unoi rupture, IS NOW IN DE1 ue).T, w l re'wain .!raw . ( awl •ort.
.f, c 3 he .on.u.tcd daily at h.; ware, 33 ('eeareas St. 7s., [prise Mock. lasess V.
In ho treataxet there el ea oqieration. 50 re.trt.n,•n (nom labor, but satin a:1 ataa4rat,ea frau
we the mimeses caused by rupture mut the u.e M tau.•.-.
1)r. Sherman', pamphlet, emu lousing ea:.cement- 4re.ta physie.sae, clergyman, mer_ haw:s.faer.era
awl ether• rhea, Aare been Cured, ,. o...1ed °.• 1nr. It -member, sow .s, delay. 44. 4...1.,, ear.
pr rG,uml• lab.,rtous and deep phiI.muphi. that widely k14.eau an.: touch atpracu.t- -
cs1 study if this uttoreatiug subject, 111d remedy i'utnam s Painless (.urn Ex -
accompanied by numerous practical ea.. tractor; 1444 a 4Wtln or mt.4e ilfsit:a••rs ,
perierep13 and diagnoses, 1 have come 1 not ha.u,_ .meticiegt merit in themselves
b, the G•UClua14411 that nest of the ( unprincipled dealers, f, r a la: 40.44 -
"spooning indulged in by English girls i palm thein oil ou unspectiny; and con -
always ed the "upper middle closes. ' I btlinL cuat•nurrs as '•+alt as 1;' -.fell •tea
(been rf(quite nt, and that : Beware, of all y Putnam
by far the greater luubar i( "axra0y t Corn Ettrut..r. sure. safe, hatmleaa.
girt,to England, as wall as of "girls N. t:. Pelson .\ Co., Ki^._st. r, ',royale
Fr a Y
Wool Squares,
*pogo," do AM merely from a natural tee.
desire t., be caromed, t•• he petted and •
tendled.Vstissimplytheexpreesior of The deepest .....11,,:1;..1::Cie w t.,.. I At $1.00 and $1.25 ---Regular Prices
that v natural sod beautiful with- the Rose lin.i r colliery, to \1 i•ran
era, ea-, ^'
1 tune now ata 41114* i(e largest work rr.r , etas p- Uudetsch, .r.•t rempe'rw r, t ray 4a 0 ka
Malt) foa.ui in a r.rat-•_l ick. Chem: s1e•gIL irlltll t:.: t::.' -•t 4.4 , threes& ail lir 10141 111.411140 grades
to the ha a, last . u* td..% i %VI .011 1t
Pr1ce3 that Will Suit Everycne.
Ladies' Btmt , in Button :i Laced. from $1.00 to $5,CO.
Misses d Children's Strout School Boons. from 75e. up,
Boys doe, $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap.
i,s:,aril r:': ' . ,• :,.,:.,.;.. pr -
DO VV 1\-1 /T G,
Crabb'. til. til, 4,. neer E::ot e'.7ra•1 at d f4:uare.
V.A. Tut era:,• i ca.Wrr and r.. !:r As :natty 7e•t*.tire . it Lowes' Fetters.
This e::! rape "4•0nta the double trues unkind the
sprout titivated ria the Hod, by emelt i a CONS
G�iO_pt•r'a the h0re:a fere r the taloa ,.
4 - bre:ar> -4.. IAa
1'. - Note *be�b.,
.4 \ l •••tt clay INV' e, t
AS, - Druggist,
0-0D.E RIC
xFxss wu.xaysox
beret° 4-nu_t-. a :.ta. 1be ::....-7 .'o.., .'.:, -
etre' : maraca! pr..t ......
Ti% ' I e'r, Lalt s� II r� f.�t• turd S/. i:rg Fasi�:'_ ': s
t:. she woad re:•)ec••nt:• :,. • ,. - the :alsea •o • ," a:.•1 .- . ltep:a; s•
The Chicago House.
('.eat :1 ire !a.1, 1(14.
%V T STRliLT. (4VDi.RIC!,.
'1W1'4Q1 4+4'U+04+11
r ->f
r 1;w I! 7, 7
EP!" cs7r:S2.10
a' ._4 z 4- .moos � 7:-.1•:31. ti 33
X x ate: g gr
7 7e 4 t- • r• err.
# 1
R']S-"i,"-tet >,r'.R Q'
A A x, a
t 1-
7 y
g ry y w o 1-
•! l s• e a s, e:' 4,!
r n'nt w ice Impels women to kiss and , Lancashire, ashieh is 2414.'' yar.:s deep, or
fondle other people's babies and boys at 1 whitest half a ha 111111•. There Is plenty
$1.75 and $2.00. ° " "
school, to protect and Darr for theyouth- oleos! further down, batt the heat in the ' AT t: 1 " -�-
ful maidens who sit un thtl other Bide of ootid strata is tttl! deg F4hreithe::. r i . a a
the school rva,ro. I have ter i T • 1 4. 3 r
known an English girl who would nut 1 had for rare Cart, a miseraL,e auf-
"apaw/. 4,r boot ayuu.t,ed to if she gut a ! 3'
neo yet , _
Amine. and the,. s no one m Jh t., we. , firer from Dyspepsia, and triad ell ►nowO 1 (lederi'ab. Jail tied, 11145.
And who shall blame thein for it ' Not 1 readies sod the medical skill of fey sc• 1 _ O _ , ; _ - -
I, certainly. The ceusunous loam caro, etuaintatne., but still grew worse, until tt . - - . - 7...
. s 1 L.
i es esa
the c)u:c way sneer, the Itadan and the , unable to eat anything mahout great �"� i�i t " ' i. . •` s.; j a L € r. r. 1
Frenchman may uuliciulally hint that 1 aufferintf. . r do any kind of work. I AR w PROT�DFO V t �My s., . -4
^,, t
a purl who will ''dirt" and "aposl will , began t., think there was no hope for tr l : < si = Z i `:4-
� _
du w..rse. But 1 deny that. My own • and that I moat snarly die : when, I ILL. a re.. 1 4 arae addition to ht_, stock a. _ 3 3 ' 9 t; x 3 L t
whet re that, Resrmny evaskieg. girls , like a dr•.%ntng man catch ata Straw, 1 ! a r _ ;-�'- x T8 g
who :wow how toAvt properly,and do determined t.. give Sic(:rover's Speedy I Y----
�+ ]i:-ct•0" ..on ' wa1:,era the ve tunes who k Circ ;t trial, 1 at ince began to im ore '~ inreivw fh'. shahs b rg frit that to tsar nt.;ntltlt f"wits `1 Pd{ - t S r t
heat a mart, tepidly
e.K.. w lives and arc the last to u Ss- well .0 h had ever been in my life, -- W, •jTf r l
I: V. it. 4,4 4Mieil:T,,,. S• I�at t '1 �•t .. • 1
tray, a ,Id b (:.vette Seita 4:0 w this .calve 0t to ?mar. which h0 , a AOterminad W s0:: a' tS•• 1ti r.._:b r • a 3L
I:hcnas, druggist, licderich. tete trial 'Filet ItE.4. A..,o a (uCi supply of •
g a S * .• II •
s- Itwa-•. rt«y. hottlw, Int Fresh Q-roceri.a, • ' * • ' <'
____ i
- Ca�>Ited G#oods
.._- its --:In t)ct. Yi• -- The to:.!.err kasar'• t laid Liable/we ,
Willwra yesterday visited the cathedral 1* the •only Instantaneous relief f,.r Nou-
chspt;l to inspect the new altar pi0(ure reline, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rule- I
"Adoration of the Magi.' Court Chap. nag a few Jeeps briskly- is all that 1a ,
lain Kugel related to the Emperor the I Oseded. Nu taking nauseous t*tdicunee 'AII kinds o Preemie Wien in et. I.w:ler mor Good,. e Office.
ter weeks, but one minute'A '4 lication TC.• fe si0 U eb and %kWh. 4t•• --. •.'••.t 4•, , All wt . , ••,r.• n;,. -,. , • via' th . �`
Mean .•f the ulurr, and Cotint Von I't' rept. led, Itat:. MI .3n C. rens 14144441.
V n a mo%es all in and will .rove the reef a"" crick-
iiiiMilitia, a Majesty
tit the idinin- Limon. • value .1 Ixra n s Fluid Lightning 25 hit Emperor,
(ur his reply,
Limon. ' cents ler bottle at (More Mynas drag
The Lrsa f.emr, it, reply, a ngrAtnlstid `, I' ' (Merge Y
Chaplain Kugel vi ..n h4A den 4:•'n to l store h
wall doing, and mad : "As for what yeti 1 - --- -.-
lune AAtd Shoat it,., twra..IIally I a.'cept 1 t 'fl AFTER 71,
it felt.. rm. .na44rlty, km A man *icily days' "Moltke. teas_, Veh. i. lila. (Y•n'lom,n
Crockery eSz Orlasswa: e, MEQ ch
Flour, Feed,
are I1.4w uu:uta•rrxl, f.n •n{' her time 1 suRrn•d with au4,4.' of .,,. l'•11441‘ b.% D
Has: en ass c •erre,) me with blessings
anal hi& tear, 414-.a04al:y ie. ray .'1.i ante :
but the 4.,•4aat(•r 44.1.4 m: 1 nay at the
thn.n. .: t} Iti.,iu•et, from *hove we
.1erive fltte:ugth t • execute al: the beet
things lnA i•an Cat dime .41 earth,. Within
tiro last Ora
rs, Iw'fnre the eyes of all
of you. 11 legs ve hsp4rw.d he • hick I
P001444 1100 beetle ar.i blither thins .•ver
we expected. You we all bran wit. 1
nesse* o4 the yea: *c
rl ich will c,wtinee to 1ltdere it ha
foundation Iemote 444 the Purity of its I
reboot,. aty4, pr..grss in 0[.4(31 gr od
deed. In my of l life 1 tail He:seen In
witness that I have ever larked ��tltl
tretieivo ea the eels foundmtiw est lig)!;
every thing re/emelt. Maki SO the I *IMO
good of 1.y people -
qk/ mt4mltwr as.e•sees.
Conan:: a 4,..toe, f•,r a o '.r11/1•
tie et to 414411nr =I .'• moult J. , N•lilgtl
and he n•;t 16•r you a 1: ' .t. I...ttM of
Dr. ('Iv'e's 1.iver Car. 11 r !:, and
vak ab:s becipe Boot lid.
Neuralgia, female tr..uhlef for years in
tl:a• Moat ternble aoJ •4''ruc.attnl; nsan-
N. medicine Cr doctor could give me
relief er tete until 1 sand Hop (litters.
The Rat h•ottle
Nearly cued rise
The sec.•mi made uta as wr:l and strong
as when a 0111.1
• Dui 1 It*v.• horn le' 1.• this day.
My•i • .as at: 1414.4144 for (lrs11t7
years with a serious •
'iiidney, liver and urinary vela
'Pronounced by 414.4toII it beat
t4e,0n bottles of Your l..:era %;t'ttd
'M. And I know o4 the
'L:, ea of rig) t persons'
1. n.y n.tghl..rh•.od that Lace been
Mired by 7'.480 hitter.
Alli many le, re a -e using them with
Inset brief.,,
'11top olt.,,*'
% Mrs, E D. Siad, Order:.:, A4i.Mb !M.
Got t sour Printing- at
Quality of Work and
es Guaranteed to
!please all who m : give us a trial.
ALEX MTIN RO, reasonable Pei
raper. Haberdasher, and General Dry Goods Mercer.
I SNOW Smite this opportunity of returning ms roost s4ae07e than., .o '
lafretrllatteat:•red toe Air , , •.um• nets4
The 44*584a in my hnaino.a sus -form oar, 4. heretofore
wl,o hare le
No r)` Prices en I eadthf; L; �It'... (111:1
No Second Prime.
tam ass Motivate It feet chew a 14Ara of
Dress Goods and Fine Woolens
The People': Livery
JOHN KNOL, Proprietor, CJRgCR
pr•pa: • ' •., ... 't. • „ e p al I M!Nt ,ff01K FLUTTER/NI
- JJA01101Cd. OF THE HEAA7,
11130g1ult r ACID?Y Of
14t7 /utt SHE SLOlFACN,
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it to a dolt, r'dlng ;nib.t., wn4 ...II win, pit Twat lg t h. result,
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ALL ,4sot egg I'e Opp.• t -'r femote
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T. LLSJRN t cP,,Wit,