The Huron Signal, 1885-11-6, Page 44 7 HE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. G, 1885. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. StSIMPAII. Wert wee Mae as gas fleeslas y stat i No new cues of 17114•44 lover lure occurred, end those .►1 NIL %Vilma 1 family, whir ern sick. are ree•.;enug, under the care of a j•rofoasiesel nurse The refuter weetteg of the school (Cita Loodun. The funeral sermon ul beard was held circ Monday eveomz Annie, whu died with the fuser. was All tn. members were present, .1eep* preached last Sabbath evenluy, Lit the ',Ir. J. (' Dealer, of elusion. Methodist church by the {rev. E. smut" mutes "1 leaf meeting and u( Crompton ; the young folks seemed to special meeting wine rasa and c.•Hbrm- be decoy al/acted, and not alth..ut • 1 cause. The friends o1 the 'elected faintly The usual monthly report e( the jinn- have shown, in very tangible form. their real for the month Lit October was read, heartfelt s espmthy fix them . on Satur sheering the arcrage attendagce at the day Mr. Whyerd re.etved a reviewed pekinc *deeds to be 742, or 77 rer oeot. letter centuple' $144. with an scow The contingent oummIttee was instruct- ponying note, mating, "A t ,ken "f td to procure models for dneent sympathy from your friends. This speaks ve Imam for the family, and f 'i the public sentinta,t of the vtUsi:e : verbal espromi.na . f sympathy are oft( . plentiful, but rarely dors the terlug of n4KYINW+ A number of small acc ouuta, certified t ,, were unlined to be pard. A communication was rs.l (norm John t: awn r. J. It. Miller and Knoz church ,eesiou s acUuu to hu ,Mr. Rowell .l friends, under such ei:cumstatives reach Cage. at der'. es their pockets. In the discusaton that foll•.weil this rather undsusl kind of c..uuuunl •sti..11. Mr, Crabb and ethers pointed out khat thi`1,ied Lit such a c,mn.uaIC*te.n was eerteusly entertatnal, it opened the doer ler any number o1 such matters. 11 was a ') Uwtioe for the church cents t.. de ride, and the ..l. .1 bard lied nothing to d, with it. The ache..) 1,earil met' t0 transact school Innin a., and was not a place in which these dtferruct• should be ventilated. A motion thst the cemmuuteetien he not received was edrrled an the fellow - rig division :- Yeas --Crabb, Seatienl, Mort .n. Nays-- Ball, Butler, Several accounts were presented and referred to the Meitner committer. The matter of the principal • special re .rt then came up. ir. Embury, who was present. •,!Irr- s;d to withdraw the repo•.. Mr. Cobh objected to the report be- ing withdrawn, se .t might yet be need- ed for reference t In motion the report was received and' bled. Mr. Crabb said there was a motion en the minutes that during recess one "f the teacher+ should roe uu the play ;.round. This had net been carried out. None .1 the teachers made their appearance there new. Some boys re - rend}, had been sul•Jected to greet indite mattes, and he thou=ht the principal abould see to 1t that this nutter was attended to in the future. The teaches should also be in their r.r.ms at a quarter to nine to receive their pupils. The chairman said it was just as ne- cessary that they should be there early 1n the afternoon. Some of the memlten- That s the law. The chsirmaa--It certainly ought 10 be carried out. Swanson --haat winter acme of the pupas complained that they were no. allowed to come in when they arrived only five minutes before the hour. The chairman -I heard that, toll. They should be allowed an the hall en cold .Lys. Butler -Lest wirier there wee much, complaint because the children found the school toe cold when they got In. It.11 - The teachers ought to be in - termed ,f these regulations. Moved by Ball, amended hy Nichol run, that Miss Heoders.m he appointed teacher of the third room at a salary of Crabb mored in amendment, %reondrd by Butler, that Mins tleeders.0 be en- gaged .t a salary of (cell►. Ball withdrew ins neaten. Cesbb's amendment sat carried. Mortnn motel, amended by Butler, that Mims Sharman p:et the third roe's. at $300, in the event 4.1 Miss Hendere.n • tetwing. and thst Niles K..bertson be eea•hd chance. Yes--- Nicholson, \l.rtun, Ball, Swan- son. Butler. Nay -Crabb. Melenms••n. Moved by Ball, .eeende.) by Butler, that Mies Sharman pert Miss Harries' ra,m at OY7:., in the 'vett .f alias lien- .tersen accepting the higher nem. Car- ried M..red ►t• Nich,.lsen, +•conded by I'rabb, that Mise lt..l,rrtwu get the fifth tJcere at M by Nicholson, mounded by -tial!, •that Mies Mer,a-h b• re-engand 1 ir her present room et her present salary, Carred. :shirrs by ('rbh, seconded t y Rall, that Miss Ceost be el aged at a salary .4 12u0. Carried Moved by Ball, seconded by Nichol - see, that Miss M. Sharman be appoint- ed. Moved i4 aaetadiaent by Swanson. .e onde.t by Morton. that Miss Jessie 'Th.anpnwt be engaged at a salad• °f volt• Fir the amendment Morton, Bw.agh,n Melc•,aur.n. Avenger Nicholson, Rail. Butler. ` "' •ani be jl„p ,.. '.iioile.i t.)r �`•ichol son. that lies t'.eke smilery be sltend to 0.':,, and that she take a senior p sh- 1inn or the war.1 seb ...1e. and that Mu 1•!Mrman get a )etnlnr position. Carried. Miss Mary Struthers was spls.hileJ a omni. •r war.) teach. , at >I<2. J. hew miry plat was also app.'intc•: a 11Cr1•e: w ar i ..•b .,I t.• ...her. at =525. The t. aril 11,.•-.:..I,. un,e•d. ereaSitte. -- - named dae..w which are urea •v the: nil... Jullats It is yr habit, he gwame, pmm.►es lot 1 C,m. Atlhtlald toga- - • the invention .,t L•:. ; Ciat a felt pzuro:tion ,f :ars s c .teres i shop.. 4 wild from hanyannen. by Joist GARB./W mot DP%W ►T, BA R Pana Slwrvelltwse:••tess' inraran.•. The ca !a:a of :ice *tat Kt., auctioneer. r.rsmencin Rltrl•e Aunrpe to staLae7. The Methodls•, . t finisher' Lane, Stan- ley, are *waved u1 special services just nw, with very encouraging results ; their church ha. belt vers much twprut- ed, ..f late. A .incl LTllevi MLCTIS•. - (ha Satur- day the 24th inst. a meeting of the officers uta directory .1 the Stanley Branch Agricultural Societe was held in the village of ltayticld. Alter the ritual business of the meeting had been gone ..ter, *he directors descueeed the ad,'t.- abilt•y .1 a union het wen) Stanley. t:..dench township and the i illage of Bayfield, and t.. hare pertnanent gn.ur.d located to that i phage. It was resolved that 4e.•. Castle, Pres ; WIG Townseed Vier -Pres.: and Jcseph Wild, director, act 11 • committee to ascertain tie cost of land, building and fencing grounds, and le. report at the annual meeting For the last few years the society has been .•rippled for the want "f ,leans, Wed he having grounds ret their own 1t would greatly help their finances. the year 141116. be held in the fcd1,•wiug A DIB3USTING IdvffiCTACLE. plate., vis. : No. 1, sub aivi"t•n, l►ra,rr r ---- ball, 4tk er►s. ; No. 2, home of N iee•u Tim %who s.e>, .44 s.. Exp.......‘,,,,,, u Sturdy ; No. 3, house of Thomas 1 ie a estate alma• i Merriam* ; No, 4, house .4 Win. Herbs- - son, se. ; No. b, hoes* .4 Herbert Elford; r'ru.n •Le T,,run'o New.. Nu. 0, homes of Ws. Crook, attd that Saturday utght, wbeu ou his le at up i r the kdluwiag persona be deputy .ciao- l'ari•swcnt street, constable J.nktuson ing "timers, viz.: -No. 1 S. 1)., seemed perceived dangling from a M.o li to flout Johnston t No. 2, Nixon Sturdy ; Nu. 3, TD H 4 Win. Hcrbs«•n sr.; No, 5, H Elford ; No. t:, \\ ,(,rooks. 1 closer uupecttou, he discovered t" be, Carried. Moved by J. Beaming, second indeed, the body of a wan, ur what is COUNTY CLIPPII� 3B. ! Ls.t mirk Icier ry E.:bur, sta..t •deur d L.Kr v •,.t1. ehicb ,.«iyh«J, when Jre..rd. :kill p•oi+Jt. IW bentsmeu rest fresh ea Pari• .f /,Mita lata 1M esy it a t{ie l.,rt''►t Ihry bare sten 1••r acct L'acaaarr. ,,,,,, t• year', It h• .uS.p••.r.l t., be that Iarto tied. tie i ..0 thio }tuutul,r gr..uu.ls Kirhad llaesey, an u a:1 i rnpa�led last *won. raideet •.1 t':inton, died me v'h.: at Liu ai"nday, aged t!, ) 54.e. mane Mr. Het...... I.. .,Li. t ear a cl. tk in ly I:uA'.io h. on Nei .lot. the .lit of O. 11, .s. arriaon No. of Langrill's butcher shop what .seined H„dern s dry go••da dole, t'tu:ton, died plc.(a delight. ' ' very Tile a bouton figure, std which, ea r.o.utly ret one of the teet.th.rn hates- Ia s4o.tert-h. un tet. vhe the ode of W. r'. Port Albert. Mn. McConnell and daughter have pose to I:(derieh to reside. 14'''1 Hawkes has reterr.ed trove Port Frank. j T. A. Hawkins has returned from s 'lite suntbs'sojourn .n Hullett. Francis Hade.re has rented his farm to hie soon Henry for a term of seven years, lead has gone t.. Wallacebur:; to reside. Mrs Th.s. Wildon and children left lett week to ju:n her husband to Cali- fornia. R. J. IleL eng. Jas. Y,.ong and Isaac Hawkins Irft on Tuesday to spend the winter in the lumber woods at Wau- bashene. Mr,. \V, haat (:Sven, (.f Tustin, Mich., 1 is on • your t-. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins Mrs given, who is •acrompsniad by her two chtldren, is, we `lejrret t-. state, in very deli.xte health. Mr. !Rabidly shipped a carload of flour 'toG.dench°n his schooner Enterprise last west. This gentleman has done a goad business in flour this seas'n, having shipped %Tweeds of thirty carloeds to Nelda:, N.S. Miss Elizabeth McMillan and Miss Matilda Quaid left on Tactility for St. ' John, N. B , where they intend spending the winter. They were accompanied by 'their cousins, Mr. and 'ties H,dwes, "f St. John, who have been visiting friends laud relatives in and around this village ,during the pot two months. Hat.u.wt re. -There are • number of sneak thieves in this neighbr rkeee1, who make the abuses ea. -listen answer their pwrpuse to goo,l effect, as it is generally supposed that all depredations are com- mitted by small boys for sport. Janes Dunear is, hew:vele °f a different "pin- ion, and has, we understand, a very strong suspicion of the person .r penal.. who apps priated t , their own els tire of ed by J, H. Ellett, that medical preen Uut.ers are hereby notite.l nut t" 'ivy Hs had uo hes.uttuu U. touting to the nor• than lute ret to 11.7 mJ*.trnt , conclusion that it had hews taken frew peuent in t;uderich township without a . moue of the medical wheels, and that u, writitm order trove ..nn ..f the coune.l, a. ! putting it there the studebts had t et 1, the latter will nut be respuusi $e (.vamp riaetrwuus what they meant to be • thing other than the above -Carried. I The full•.w 'ig accounts were pal 1, tit : - juke. The body ars waprnarl from a Rowed) .t Hutchinson, Tor"retch *meteor. h'Ne' by !again., ul a ha pLiicvhivf tied a n, r o:eek, war., 1441. eei c a^•mud Ilio nec, x11.1 ee. p.ticel 1 11ela I. -intim, that all the loathsomeness nun •.f jurors, clerk Iii, .move asses. I mit,-),dant such a spectecli wtght he seen or $3; clerk, trade': up 1. licca aad ening t. (;uder:eh in regard to real 4.• 1" thin greatest Advant•;fe• 'The de►h Holmaville bridge, Ire treasurer, har- rowing and p $)iug loan* from bank, 514; balance. of board for one La:Lion:,o igdi. tient, .deceased , $17. Th. commit ad- journed t.. meet again on the Ink Mow - clay in December. Jests PL7lWl, *Teti!. ionto among MAIM' turn 51 • abject. hue. in s:. it•. item, the b. refs„cud a.•u10 of the fingers had beau termed fruits the baud, .Lid &together it was so sicken...A and w d•sgusting that probably timely a medical itudett could look at it with serene coat °cure. The horrifieJ '.'ice- man at utter tufuruled Sere sot Gias..ry, of No. 4 station,au.the battk-al eoIle•ges Dt1�0�. were visited. The caretaker of Trinity college on Spruce street, when he had The young men of this pace instead been aroused, aid hat insp.rcteJ hu o1 pulling dawn gates :u1 e:u::ou., vats, touid three subjects tuuuug, and Ura. with f.r.uuuple•rent•, etc., hada at noun cutuu uvea a search about the t.,cial gathc:in., ani a try sive tl e premises with h.• result thri he disci maidens in learuine to ni•ke tali", and red two "f 11 * "filo m the yard. A read fortunes for Hall.'we et. amu.rruent$ wherlharr.-w was proci rel, and '•n . -•ing ck t., ahs scene •.f tit. uutrsgr •.0 t': Fentui Hartley, eldest ..n Lit )lev. A amuh. ill r wu. Y. Hartley. f Bee. vele, has been e.j;ng• i - t11.d. w Lds.cltUsseMa lfl• meets. rd to torch the Pelmet c: Biown s Ce r I nen. 51'rris. met! )'alt, it a salary .1I WIN& --Meet s.ka $S30 .eve trrtsit- ti. N.014. Altentt.a W. It. pert,. James f •r rr, nes'? 1(i, ,moos, r.•'eutiy int tirtt•v Juha 11,4,7!. T •tl 11ur )t•+• ah' Varsball H.we. au1J ten 01 his it kr mint t hrot+'.ttc cheep t•oue tVant,.t Iles. Y. t'. lea for the lime fa.n,. 5001 d 1k''►,, Maid ' YY.hiuii*ble 11,lltn.•r► Les. •Ike !McLean cull 40 lambs feri15t1 t•, i.; ... .ertea*. W',rrtarr Meltuwrlt CO. CIA*. ,�e A ..aniirw�fnnua,ryll has Meer, eztinded 1 Trauelling t11U% S. to Ree. ffiwayeth Melh•nal,l, 01 Rel- s !trout, by the Ashfield l'resbyterlan c•u- u.l:.t i. '(Itl'Nti eteltatiett, which has been vacant f..r the 5 *..T. tan•.w,. 1li•.ra. mixed. pant tau years. '1'hp salary propitate1 u .;odeHuh t 1.•'.' :+nacos, t:r9lp.ut ' 3:4Sp.m $1 .000.41. itralfid1Ar. I +IOa.e, E.tcp.inI 7:3O p.m WK.. T. lobos Reith, o1 rake, has eeekerniroi ' Milted. Mtt.d. ICaperer. 4:rsuel atretfurd j, e. ,I leer in Ili p.nt Se& p.m a Intl) .n fart. in Steelier., (-r ,1od•rkh.1r .' le ylla.w: "IP -1" I !'t3p.rn Mend, with ll'chard lY,uat 6•r hits I.I(1 aitrwrwrw.)t. the.J-.+h.0 L.1,:. �teolry. __ Mir. Reith gives $4.•.) a.:I, Ina caro ler She Peoples {'column. Mr. ljle.tlat'a - ltla or Baird, .d liismardin•, him beet. X11- tit' M11$11-----:-011.714.1111.11. AI TIR 14 not died that two thin two tLwuder ' )err' audr Lir mfsb, M P•ttie•rvd to y 1 .!we've pupiN ter the 1'fea►. sr IC..a..on. ,runt, wit', carriaeee, are it out ton he q.wrsaely• f lora.. P per quarter. SOJ4 shipped there for defence. Customs --- -- • -- officer A. 51. 1'.ill.:uns.n it is especial" WANTED IMMI':UTATEIAV - .4 will to appointed Heat: Artilleryman.; t#deeV• 11ma alae su•t 'tyre wen. Ape47 w a1Ro1 ]l. l•. C Aalett:g ttuodc rummer veto' :1n Friday et eying rick. __ the employees .4 the Iteherty i►rtan Cu, * EiFRK STRAYED. FKt►\t THE met in the !trios "rarer.•.on of the bra [i �•ntisea,i1111!`J4•►,n Ner:,u)'. Trafalgar and th e'l ok..anun presented Mr. W. D. greet, ":.ankh. •tad heifer. ler, tau res. cid. 0- *est, the rrhnu_ Ir. •1: kvel,rr, with ! .11...11.1111{ ith a web oft cod aright horn. l.detnaatfon s handseling duuP.t. 1 nn • and l..clet on 1 Ndeebrei (o ice.'emery will be suitaWr..ward. i rd by the ow%. r. >leAtt behalf .1 the working men ..1 the inti- tutioo'. Mr. Stewart loaves:aany friends 1'OR SALE CHEAP FIIR CASH, 1R (''iii ,i. 1 1 �e No. 11W es $.roll street. Oodcriels. tpp!) t.. M.elerI- le I:ITTnoX. narraters_ Ms. Crewer, .4 I:arpurhay, r•ov inlet i jeser•et'...oath, Hammes, 1Dtsi=t. last Srturoay Mehl The result was that w only our gate was rrneted tr.►fs its liatnemt street, the body was.leie.i.lted hiuge+s in the barrow, and transferred once ne•re Miss San Corbett' cisi•ed friends at til the sch.N,l. Th tw,hhe rcprrre the r liveliest m(li(uaUuu at the oxurrtncr, Ilenn.tller last .w and it a probable alt inve.twat will ilisa Kate Cussiag returned bane be instituted, and the perpetrators of the eft.r a four mouths tisit to her sun, •InMkittg outrage w111 lir uuuishc•!. Mn. k:othw'eil, at Seoul,. Mien. When the tail facts to conneeti,n with the dastardly affair on Saturday uieht, Lee burr.. .4 stealing the bodies from Truitt)* inedi- .ail college, became known yr.terday The foolish cust�em , f :netine .cher rnutj there was nothing else spoken people s pn,i.erty mus not forgotten !►r:.' .1 around the schools. The faculties and by some of the stupid hoodlums on students of both schools were Unanimous Saturday night, the 31st inst. They ►a characterizing it 1u stronge.t ',ruin .1 carried off the heasy farm gate of Hope dtsapprehatiou. Dr Kennedy, ••f Ti farm, a distance 4 a quarter of a tulle. ,tv, trade it the subject ul a dicourae in Several cattle were then mole to !rake an the theater of the hospital, in which be entrance and 10 much (1a::,age to a choice said that no student should trashier plot of clover and hreased on went tine such an „utnge a juke "r to any easy young trees belonging to its owner. try to extenuate it. It was a barbarous Several other farmers had to hunt for and brutal desecration, a ascri:egieus miming property ; while others whu nod blow at one of the most beautiful feel - removed theirs from reach, were inga °f the keart--the belief in the busy putting to Lights en Monday .11:r e i sacredness of the "human furca drea.. ug• Thr d..ct. r, in conaluJiee, said that it 1 was impossible t.. speak Lit terms of re- illesrentesteet tepee. ell tl♦e twat► ori pra•bation sufficiently ate. og of scch a msrleae..ieati. ghoul -like deed, and hoped that, the students would show their abhorrence of it rained nn 1:, days : ss5oast of ram tt by word and Ore's. fall, 10 0 c. i., equal to 2 iaebss on the The Toronto *clued, although in u" lee el. way connected with the occurrence, i+ Hai! eh, were on 3 Jaya keenlyalive to the -fact that it reflects Greatest vel••city .1 wind dut.ng _4 upon the whole body of students, and in hours on the 2Otb : wind. S. \V.: cloudy; a sore remote degree up..0 the proh•s- bluwing $'rale ; 914 miles, or :'E rodeo; non, and in conse•gaence an indignation per hour. sleeting was called by them yesterday I,ra+t rel„city of wind durinII 24 Aoure1 aftern ..•n. The etudenta here se taken on the 'IStb ; wind, oast cloudy : lti8' the thug to heart that they will snake mules, or 7 miles per hcur' the utmost endeavors :u discover list Aurum borealis on the nights Lit the culprits, and if they shou d succeed in 11th and 30th. doing se thew half duxen or so .1 practi- cal joking gentle:nen will have a severe time of It. They will surer .11 the ease tempt and ind.dration which the Stu dents can n. iict, •L1 wi11 Lien protabiy No. o rens s, _, be expelled by the facu.tte I: is years No. of clear nights, K: since amytn:ng .1 the k'nd happened tt. N. Mart,teett•. el:mercer. �`'re, and Coen the hoir't and shame G,elerich, Nov. 2nd, DMZ.. expressed by the students in connection, it *al be decades bet t$ it halale ns Again. (Since the above was is type, Richard Lightning on the 2nd. Prevailing winds, S. V. to W. Frost , u Z. nights -3rd,' Lard, 2tat!!, 30th, 31st. No. of cloudy nights. 21. f hazyht RAN. gasared le a %word I ertwt. Stone, a ttarlia.;leut et bather, and four San Francisco, Nov. 2. -In the sword assistants bare been an'ra:rd, charged contest, un horseback, fought here on Sunday between Duncan C. Forts, the ' kb stealing the death u..Jy and hanging athlete. and Capt. N. Jennintrs, former- it up at '.augrif:'s fob..? do'.r. 11 the ly of the &h Irish Hussars, at present charge against `;tone be true is will et - instructor of awordnunship i• a local oaente the stvdeata-k,. club, on the twentieth attack Jennings this turkeys on Saturday nicht lad!. It dislocated Mimi' elbow with a terrilrc T5r^. PRINCESS ROYAL. fig to be hated Mr. Dunbar s suspicions bluRoes continued to fighleft :land " .re well founded. and that the acoun• her Stith year, has aurin the l.at few months acc••mphiheel t piece ,•f work wbfch very few yo.mng ladies ,•ne ,lnmrter her age w ,old •ccomphoh :n as .way yeses. Between the ant ••f May and the tint ,f October, Mr. Brewer cut and t ir•wl a! quilt cent :Ining 2.:13; perm. This s!:e did in addit,..n t. her ordinary house r..ric and earJen w irk, and what is :mat rewarkaule .•1 a:i, without the aid ,4 glasses. Mow Annie Ge4tac`1alek left her pa• rents' home. about a mile from 'Zurich. six weeks ago.. to visit her sister. Mrs. QHOItTHAND. -ISA AC PITMANS 1- i't1•.�.• :1:.11N11'. The meet p,opularsys- tem tau,rht. last roc-. Ser. Wink, fur .steal THS Phut ti. otos.•e. rarer) boy aid girl should here Armband. teoe Fp"' A111) SHAt111.4N, ,su•atat-ts and plasterer. thanks the nubile for their continued inn roman, ile is.t.11 ready to do all work .n his 11a, in a superior manner. Priem to tun 1 be times. t:atu,atea uvea fur b 1141sas whoa rawulrvd. 111r-ty Tor Bale or to Lot. - T4► RENT -Tim PKBM1$I<K Knott* pt Winter, at :`eaferth. Minx in her 1 as se. Andrew • llanae. recently usual health. :,'he was taken suddenly W ltrr. P. i►wes-Joaes. Apply at tka ill while there of inflammation, which O ry for parurulan- nal turned t.' fever, and atter s rave dap' *PARK TO LST -FOR ♦ TERM Ole illness she breathed !ler lest. She was l years. Let isi five. in the s/e�at.- only:5 seam or age. The remain* were engem.ortheToesante •fs�N aeki _WOO lis patter to J. & L IZA A. 1 f interred in the Br --west. Lae cemetery, BOILER EXF:,OSION. • atrasaboat lalaahy es the •1. flair (icier. Sovett.., Ont., Nov. The tug Frank 14.4dar, cooed ray the'tott.t line (d Port Hur.,n, wh; a corning tithe side • of the Jock at S nnhra village, on teuaday • morning At about 1 o'clock, her boiler exploded aith great violence, instantly kilhupt James Ward, fleet ,:,getter. and Holism Miler. s.sw)d enerneer. and hath tremru, &hue* names are 4!Allows. Fr nk Furtah, wheelman, was so '.mthly !scalded that he died tis morning. Captain T. Currie had hie leg dud -waled and is otherwise badly lerwaeo'. Harry Morris, dockhand, had bee shoulder dia- 1 located and :a hadiy sca:tie.1 shut the neck and arms.. The neat.e. ••ter wheel• pian and ohne descri;and. aur., • lady 1 steward escaped without being dawtnr- uualy hurt. Had the boat been far from the dock when the accident •ccurrrd it is not likely that any lives •coot•' have been saved The bodies ..f the two fire- ' .ten and two eaginwre have n' t hese recovered yet. The tent ;s a total wrectc. and>tr. A• Smiths dock is badly aen.at;e1 • ,&uctionnertng. W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . tM County of Nwswa. -al« stteaded in any tart of the Comity. Address orders to Goderieh P.O. 1555. TORN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- • TIONVEit and toad Valuator (;oderi, B. f1aL Having had cooddenhle ezper .see se the auction...ring trade he is .n • poeitloe to discharge web Morena* satIfaction an rem - miasmas entrusted to Aim. Order.* lett u Martini Haul. or sent by wall to s.y eddrr�eew, OMrrich P.O.. carefully attended to. JOHN rtNUX Comate Aact loneer. 1557-*! fentistrg. �VL WOOLY KRTON. L. D. filo e Ogee 044 Yellows Han. . (foam -kb. •'barges moderate. .111 westt - ranted. Amusements. G(►DEItlkit 111ECHAMk ' !NMI - kJ, I.1s .tItY AItDfit iiADIN0 ROOM. ar,r, of Kart etreet saaaad Square lop stair•+. Open from i !OR p.m,. aad from 7 to lO pan. Affl(H'T 2000 V(ILS IN LIBRARY Lead.,,•, pod., 11•.(4fy and Ifiisstrefrd .1 r. , •.o Pile. \Ir:MIIEItsH11' TICKET. ONLY •1.M. ed, hut Jennings was declaredthe v:ct •r wrr.ih ..1 a Marra sax a'esat mite, wawa. TIRED OF :.TP'E.' .scanting free use of Library and Heedful • Ideals may get a richly .throats terns in by one print at the end of three :n, re s thea. sressM the C. I . (,:I.:•'.At, 'ct..11 -It seems that the tint Lews et the 1..es of the Hadvats play C•,mi;ally, ship. Princes Royal, was recel -ed by !Ir. Colin P.amkin, the Casa - rounds t eve ens •e a ?ma yi. n,unos. lhleasal.ier. flat Biel case. Wellington Troyer is riOitin; his sis- ter, ig ter, ales. F -Mohr'..,{. 1 Last Sunday a colt belonging to .In... 'Stevens reared up and struck 1 with hit from fon', fracturing Lie artnear the elbow. \\'e are informed that George Church hat purchased C. Crahh'. farm en the Bayfield Mad, and deem not intend moo- ing to Dakota. as was formerly stated. Thos E:li.tt, formerly s school teach- er u1 this neighborhood, hag purchased The New York •4.n, discussing the twee ..f Keel, elle that In the event tf his *Aeration hs would ba is one seine a martyr, ''for then would have been n second rebellion for him to head but for the 'tdininistntive maltreatment .4 the French-speakint' half-breeds in the Northwest." From this point of view it reg•rUa girl as a victim of the Gov- ernment s own wrong -doing." The further says that "the present Ministry virtually admit responsibility for thst- late outbreak by proposing legislative Kram. ^ser �arkwt slat.tt MOO • Application for toeutbenhfp reale:v edt by r1ea11er. Llbririan. is roam,. 01s0, RICE. ALEX. MORTON, President. Ltee rctafy •3:. Mallen. Nov. -Last nichtbi(loderich. Marcs.12th. *ass. INF Jaunts McQuirk, • farmer livinc on the . - ...emir Roth cwlcwion :1 sat Missouri, hast!. pony s fact..r at Miettew.. the_ •l1.1del wed >.taasatt.oaLerta>ahis.barn atilt id Cal• !gents Lein: br.uaht *ernes the country r..p.• plowline. fi. was in tit. Marys --_ from Mouse Factory..:.:.Ekes Ahittibee during the day and vs.ted the Cuhelie rn E CAE$, $.D., C.M., S1.C.P.IL, and Tet.::seam:oing, by a craw e( Indiana Cherch. to whub Lie belongeJ. IIe re_ dlr r (►11fr� AatTtwn. ArrotxMw, l) r. halm . r•.• office !retrie- ves �tR. in canoes. The wreck occurred ab(.ut' r mita home .in the aftrru. un, and at- timchu,sonl Dungannon. Night office--llar- twenty miles ir -a •' (55 l'aco.ry the :ended to itis usual •vn k a: nie•ht. About tlna ho rt. i1el- 4th of t)dtooer. The Priu. s.s Royal te.30 h. want out, and was seen no morn SCR - delivered her ca. „i at1 mss f •r the I �If. N. LE:(N, PHt'KICI.iF, SGK ✓•' FV $:ire Isis htu.her Richard. shortly a Fme� n ♦ f1A1 d b i `• , urnnrr • e sa ort costa ('•.mpany's p.•.ts, br .0:!it fr v i ug:an , atter 10 ., -••ck, wen: :t. see what was nosh• c ;octet• ,trona dour wast of victoria and at once re•:oaded with the 55041 car- .l,Ietninj. liim 13 the stable, and wa 1"'r''" 1141. pen .if fire. Th. day presu,us to the fur 9wl t tied ki-n hanging t . a h►ea . - 1 1 N {Sae 1«ssempse a.f J.an.l.ha•• 11i.11ar, aad 1temedtc* fur the yntraacnl 1.: rhitA ear d .tilt• •.• 1 nreli.:a:oa. . prn(•r•tt$. rrntreharrs, wi)! conduct the post .,flice sed general heli brrr.ls con•pIamed Ana .r!:r'; .ilei crowed thy 1 at i; tui au curia• l,titrean:$ died 40 years of age: sed!oalre in l,r euhaanon's n$/d.•see near'hhe co a Istat kali be alta Y. - h 1'( 1' { �•..�1„S;'* at,.re to the future, 1\e br.aete Mr. Elliott will give satisfaction in his new line. as he is steady and eluate dealing. We wuh him su,•cest .te 1.1s ,iI, r nti)e vent 010. atrov. to re, tees. ed c ca,de 1 th r e gni w onion.iJ tfhe :iced aura :ars with itis brother sister t for 114. 1' ewe Oudcncl. G. C. Ana sot, J. C. Harrthl - f ie«t to hold her against 1t. In cense- . the tante 1 the rat', act ;s said t.. have *peelers I.H to 6o4erien. • , same ay an tee to et! were I:latl • • and ceeein, .eft theta by their permits. , tiJenceshe was driven on to the bar and twee atom:.al dttEculties. To sufferers front catarrh, oeaf Est, 1 the violence '•1 the steres wan so great bYubebitis, asthma, coswbrption, and m-1•'" *hr. *las was Nie -`alt bre.::d in two. 1,, 1(5)1 t►t•txte•>.' Tha n.w eehnsl diereses./ the bete, throat and Imus Aftecwarth +ae ; iftri :::Si.ie Ihe''bar. house of session No. a, Gulhnrne, retest- The surge. rav from the Intertest: ,tial ? and same diet berg partially br•;;en .2^. I A' r''s ae1al'w;31tcafor fou* "9114'4'1'41° 1""t" oat / ''.41"..".j"' P. v. 1.►wie. J. A. Mn> tea ly "ref"' by J. 1:. Durst, *I" Ste fox• Threeesed Lung institute I73 C'hun.l tb* ;row fonisuate!y AB escaped with •' 's ,pp,• a Lett e•.ar. n •iso evening nest. The o^Ta me willL C. HAYE•3, h4)LiCIT1►R Aft.. 7 programme r q ostrich, Saturday, November 14'h..' were a total 1 se. Ti..Ti.,iter. Mr. aa:'. 1 e.,:: :t salt .d fart' stock. the pre,. (1:1,7 corn••, of thesgnsre area W.,t be in chance of 4.. 1'. (hikes, of C;inton' her t►sapitefal traatmest of Ile. &bore Sin "%mantes, wee fin y wt,rth a ;carter i pa: ti , f Mr. Maranon Higias, ..n the Imre u.lwl 'i •.err llvi re's baakaore. !1 k 1" D sts.�7le owl at • retro t neer t Legal. aa-t1im %aIle+. - t4F, tt;Eke .t L><WIt3, BARRISTERS, assDy opened by a concert on 1tedaes• St. forgot". will be at the'Aibion H'4e1 }:heir 'uses• but the 'vessel and car, a we news TOai Is1• r• ural sus 1 ,. , a' F. l'1 tele, the popular :.caner ad Pat ep • neat bedding. ::tzlt+. with • Ni rolweter, n e ('lydro.laie tualtion ••('...in," has .due po..rNrn, and it will bs er.•wdm!d .p Wed• Kt cath t`< g Ile f b7 P as. I riot 1.1 the Omen.. \ rtervwary College, to sou•ly for the pr•f.s i.m. He ought to le:oke a .ueremf�il "vet." . •Iyer\ , 1;• 'i••. lilt the af'er n...in .4 t'ne Vit• h telt . thiele was a Iat:e gather lag .11 friend. and relatlt,•a •,t the twin t ,fall at the t••arhen(v ••f Mr, .1. set b ?4eret.. t'• art •1«+. the metrieee .f his r dy .Isughter Annic•, t.. Sir leorue ttes'ert. plrrtottwph1er•. rot tLatent-h. : Ste groomsmen ass air. ('harks Mew a�t� .4 Chaffin. t•r..th.'r '.t the j;ree.t. s t11 Mots Kat.. bar's, .'f 1'ar, h,.w, c. eain 4 th ht Or, at i.t, i.') ili+•n het. 11,e 55ee '-v RAO performed I.y tier, Its. 1f)tw .:. +.+ iuoprr+.ice mantle.. Th.. ere 1 .dYing r.-)aat w:.. a'ernptu• ret atjut. Af. welter.:• • Cie mares .nail. merry with mkt and Jan.•int. rend social chat. The .,•aiding p.reernt• were eery aunw•r- oiie, Nal weer. f ,uric, mos•.:,1s sdiein••1. .fn.t eongra•ulst.o tl.r t' mew upon CAereino off one .4 „nr f.rreet *1 .wort tekir; int., himself the rul.s'ai,e aft.r taawa' re "prey shadows. rhe yonmeg coati:.. Isere a leaf f f,'hiss r. the town I d t isrrahtp. urid\y neat 1 ' v !o: g 0_4.. 1 P. J. T. tRtrew, s solicitors, etc has been achieved hi the here . f fir ! mewl hos even tie gay ' *vs. ,,k p n;.. Toeedae. N 'c, 10th, f W. Pro/alcor. rs Time following is a lint ,•f th. (Miters of nasal, threat and lung duiwses, 1r is ::ir. hs. year, *dhoti a i,re^,susecc.de ;t. lett:,. bet poster* f •: Lot v( tine►•. i s& ti]CRn�i a /LT ear C hviFROw , l rJ g region le meet•. hie., the pr . erty el Henryod l / am, 1L l., t ".'eros. uu .%. Itolw•rtum. 1'. -e'. R. ; T EJiott, and 1e • positive mire for comiumpti•,n is remit: :hest shade tt<e Sims t y. a bail I-' 1 Mime Asara, on the premises. l t 1:,, i ]1a.'+r io{Mi,►y1 tea, 4o4'rtch W. fi t.4.: T. 1r:1.411101 P.. 1 : Win. \'anston', inti earl at The surg•,we are lazy* Sae up is .1.5 fiat ail w lute Lie.:ic to, •:Ile ' ' 1751. Fie. Treat Thea. (:inn, Tress.: .1. lyspecialists hand are reet•,ri to health pack .1 .n in the ,t:tai.ity, mud a.ie •ani ltrl C n. ! Cotb.rne. by JuLn kno._ C _ i ni 1 J oar',• her:. ail/ o'Qh'JIIL A al.. n Tiies- (*rr,•r*, sr. W. W. Hawke. Jr. W. : .reit vigor scores .4 *offerer. who hese, a• :ilia ::1 fhb:land h1••ut tLtee *eves ',lav, Nov, 1;th, Istel.. E 11 ,hritpg, %r R. ; J. 'iior,..tr. It.: been rnnounced incurah'e. :meats,. . ` •e Let n v s* :•at. f Ile farm of til _,--- P l�ii rcre• .s r:r 'a:'. ire p'4rtterel Coen henmithee Nn lMi, C. 11. F. ter the the hest i;n"wn treatment in the writ she 11 cane hese been cage. sit. •1 *trete- 1 2(1:.s: sale :arm strwic. imp le- ' , -- entailer *17151 : - Ile 'Taylor. W. f'. R h y f Jit tl *r Wit l-asn.+ to 5: -.•.•►t. te. for dilemma .1 the res ,'.Silo organs, in that ion :!.» fa:I. cast 1 :he , .Jod'rch ewtes'11 t ; lisettly P C IL • t time fret .e- rT I Mj 1 -to* n- . crew otitis . arc 1 . Legal Notices. r , v TSE Sith1 e f1ATli t7o1'RT OF .� IJ A" rHg r ex• YTY OP' Ht: H :s'•awa •n+ :l.tse ;ear !atom thee Ge•erich TOma:a. M' MM11ewe,arMOttake. wi,n,.r.,�l.t ate of the e-.ek. OC Sad Mr .!ta/ta,.s •:.1*0! 1 t'ra lr,1atezM) IlohurwvOle Nor :', i t :. Sveasel! r, Ar't Nt. S' -11rr. ;fir, 1"e'. 't'a* 'a* Ir .1 i' -!hutch . w the enee;- t'oungil parr...day Purina"' 4. ed• Teensntd:.•d herr raid*! aged 113 trams. a V11101•;. D e !'::trrertr Peja' tl'sa a p•ortimenr. M.•mluvs a:: i•teea•nt rt",Pt 1Ie ase 1b..4 at fr.4p*tmeatoler,in •L' «.....: - lir \!r Ache,. 41, wI,o a sU.l renal 1•• t , 1 nit.d Lltatvs a r. !.a 1 prehar,.••l '? i `tt , r att.lu•1. \biota of Soot meet mg .rani THallaIon"peaiikihelt.t+ yea wetMasre. end tamed at r..I by .lobos fletc.mi. 1 N., 1 ilea lov .1 l..uthwait,tl.at the moat- 1.1(1 !►a)t.hnrr. t•IffTng 1.. a :v•:er, piss. n .d ctn.li,isir. f it t.•wesht•, !emit• inn. so elect K, sofa that th! (. ••trwtyb CI.' •s for 1,446,1w held in Krum• mid. j tit*. aro .tr,tegnit-.ppJee.l h• Iv•.116) a• 11 Im'ar,lIe, on th. last 51 ,'clay 1m. itis a dere e,o eon. ec11I.cy "1 preerat !i P41, at I: e. lett(j Friti.lt u;'nti 1'l. :nlan.l r!r!n•le •f .lie noon r'arneel. Mors .1 nt J. Ileums*, enwi*tre to the amount of 1/7Ii.o0/1 iR •one asivoisolerl l.v .1.Artes 11. E Ii•,tt. 1' at the firm r t:ly, Late ::sen life toe:e3 iu Hoole municipal elections (..r this towtl►t,T Carl treel. Ti. •. A :es . • ; ';A.neevitle, la lime matter '.f th resiesyteestop or the ie. Int : 15 .5 lAfsay f ,e4 children. :13 ..f NieR s6T wt, • 1: a: a • •♦ at S.,tue with their father, Be ha. ham IN re. wt -o., ,.( whom rare has :7 .''ilii rt. ain•her 1l' and the third �' W .:,incl •t`, nth. rel •,te'.••r. ,►a.h ee ti"nnf ,4 lcatt. n. "'he M. ••• FT in,' is • :mtyt •t f 1.1 e: " Lr Temperance .apel .a ♦ •.-1.5tt••n • 1 education. All of .oar rrrist nal •;sre `.e rewire thes11. selves :t t- ti:r a. Meth •"st sherc't!:u p?a r•' ,: n.• iuu a1:. ,-s it,e a vs.ee n tote, :•Ye:w' t.'s VI ah ,1, is I:rina.lea, sed to whit•h is et•.. `.• : the ;•trait •' 4.1c:410 •it trout ` '»r rt,, •1 - '''nasus (41/141-(4.4t. lam e niAL NJtwlte'A WORE. tlse Take Peeresses. eosin 1 rl *ties will he marl. to hekw' the Jeep Iso 1'aa* her{, at the Coen Ileum.'•, in the T..w1.. t (.e 4.-r1,•h. aft, • ' he n- IaMfon of tweely doyennes tn. am publics - ' that hereof. or. behalf le ALIT\ 1 ens14F'A MIM►k ,. M (;uterleh. Aron -saes, RIO, Schenk Teach... Lw an •rdrr ar.ti.lrent.. rke add 1 A .N'YY Jfn••rft'.1 7tttt.E( gas lay ret kt'll lktrr kl..(kg M(w►Itr: aad A N YN J.(ktij M. nog):. irt,.nr el•itdr n .t1 t1. 5.Id ALWYN Jo►rillt'A lHwtltg. /heed s1 Uoderleh. this 57th din of Ortebor. A.1►• Pea, 74 w..: 'a + • 1' ;.tight 1 t t ' !' e. •M• air" wi:l !'oJ .1 I+! t.tn AVI.1: tfiN Jexrtrt rA 4)1w- the Btitil.i , t go e3AkKOW t 1•Itnt'ht•rwr a.:.k a' ' i to swath K;PA Sks�M. 110 rw'st;te to Tin :•:gWL . 1 Hu `'oheitoee 3 4