The Huron Signal, 1885-11-6, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL. FfAY, NOV. 6, 1115. DISIISSING 'TEACHERS.blot:h'Itni.`.d rid :'�. t„r:,t Christian's Select Reading.1 A GOUll RECOItD An Interesting Paper for Rur Teachers and Trustee*. ! pewee which he wields is rat mu r..* i esplas ltd : but of i theins Y metaiu the alla has forted • pM h Tb • An I to t g Pulp D L !firs., Ibises sus wpInIea ea Ills '• aesssy TraMee- a laile-tske anon*. The following paper was read at t rot ounveotiuu o` the teachers of W Haran, and was very well received :- We, the teachers of West Ilur.m,m herr and •Isewhere, tines after tilts ttb the ode object in view of advsuci the cause of education The dilleret ways in which thu may be •xuiuplub are w famous as the subject is ►mp. tent. I may here be pardoned for ole framing a few of theliL WO eudeay.•r arrive at thu best weasel ter uuf•ddu t1*e p,,wen ..f tutellw:t, with w latch huuca mature is endowed, sat that tl..'..e mud our charge and tuition tu-.y :ea, n reason coucisrly, clearly mud accurate! nut only .,n the subject* treated .1 war text books, but ut1 &II other malts n worthy of thrnr attention. Thu deve'. went of intellect in youth c.nimute1 .our care wv retard as one of the prin. objects of our teaching; t1'e also. e dearer to devise the best nurse for n culcsting on the minds ..f our pupils t imp.rtanee .d sweatily : for lire? tate lectual capacity without a lu'I,p►.rttenat eerier of metre! rectitude to guide , night not only be dangerous t•. the it at•i•lu.a' pos°rs.iug It, but to tile coot munity at large. We likewise strive t nuke eurselv-es acquaintteu with them. effective way of instilling into the mind of our pupil. Cie necessity of a read and willing obedience to the civil la and this element of instruction eat raga as commanding tl.e teachers iMac consideration, knowi ug as we do, th the future prosperity . f our count largely depends on the patrio is zeal an good citizenship of those abuse mtetita rowers is within our capacity t•. V. also. by an interchange of thought try t•...ualify ourselves t.. sin,oth an tender a easy and as pleasant as piss hie the path which leads up the ba . knowledge, and upon which our litel ones are strugvli ng %'i a discuss th methods teaching the different subjec prescribed in vur Text-lae,ks, that may arrive at the best, and thus tnak uur teaching more successful and conf the greatest benefit . 11 th..ee who eati ploy us. The aeh....l law, .1 which ever cvt.zen of (lutists. should feel peon!, .,Ives smite consideration at our hands w not one it w ino. N ' n re* In rot lacourwe 1 gasitlerau, however, exiles He delights by Rev. A B. Ue&druce. w holding public tams and nualli: hittwlf 1peeerally peumiramt seems the ---- s eminuntty at large. His ambition to , tided Qadlag Onsets Tse Iwtt ees•a e a he a trustee dues not arise from hu 4 brl.ltu resod. hell teats aerates desire to further the interest .of the 4besre t.asereaster. bat of Iawia• tr Mentor ar _promote the welfare .•t the 4..4s.:Mat era Low Tear. he sptlaaBe becomes a treatise •d Ise school, however, acid re.luires a smatter- t •a inq of kuowlsdge of the echoed law, lust ' Frown .se Aha t•alitorntas. ole•-. 11. enough to arrogate • super, ,sty a ter I At Si. John's Chnreb,yeseerdal m.om °°t hu fellows. He glibly .Iw.tes rttrncta tag, Rev. A. B. lleldru)ts, at the request °, from it to which lir .na►.s los own of several of the mrti►i)>�as.ei hu cheetah, Ire interpretation which a "tiro far (rent repeated his discourse un "The Christ- ie the murk. He is very ulticeus us whoa' , eau's Select Reading. • The teat was 1 • matters, and sometimes very useful- The I Timothy, t‘"-. 1J -•'Dire attr i Lance h. r- ! teat o1 the trustees y,.:IJ t•. his opinion roadies." The following is a brie( .-ut- n- in *hum et eretytlung, and, mitred, they Imo .d Ihe discourse : t"' cannot well do otherwise. Johnny he I Christian character, a i • irpfb, r•n- tg arnds to school. Johnny's perceptive ! wisswey and tterinenence, w:l. be teem u i faculties are sufficiently sharpeue.l t•. a fully affected by reading. if a • o,fle er i recognize cue influence Iia father exerts I wool spoken by • friend c ui under t' I it tIw section : Mud, there(. -re, reports circumstances stir the a.ut :ate ..otter v.. immunity from ea whole/tome restraint• uwch user.• may the word* of some en its + plisetd oat the •4her pupil's. He soon &tad gifted author whose amine -ung ar Mikes a wide breech its the discipline vi ,now calmly reviewed in all thrix bar '1" t1u see -id, and in spite f.f admonition, ' n.ony and connections. Not cern the It' I repeats the offence. The teacher, as n, hearing of the truth ae 11 is pr.elanne.i ° , duty bound, calls the said J•.huuy to i fret the pulpit can set aside the utero• • i account fair his c.uduct sod administers i sity for readit:. In order t.. act aright ' W him such . .. L sent as hr deems in all the moods and tntricacteeef private ie I a.mmensurate with bis Geula. That ;official and domestic life, we r.oltire a. ! I teacher "must go." paithful and etti I well to have the truth freiu book.. A e !Meta aerie* cannot save him from the professing4'ienulan who is u►tedy i1i 1. ' humiliation, and perhaps loss, o1 being different to geed books uuavmdably 1• !dismissed from has situation. Johnny . creates a fear a to the sincerity, depth - i appeals G. his over indulgent parent fes ;and atat.i rte ,.f hu re.yti•.n, 14•tch it " the removal of the teacher and not in !Christian way titter apiritwal:y maimed. asst I vain. Feelings of antipathy too the sud will never reach thine souls :thee in • { teacher Ire immediately created and dif- !this world drank its Ido and light frim Y foie(' throughout the section, The :every fountain in which they could he w• acting trustee" doubleshiau ictou•new'found. The Apostle Paul .new the rJ amd avails himself o1 every uppwrtunity value of this practice when he acid t.. the est t, inveigh against the unfortunate teach- 1 Y"ring Aptatle Tinct hy, ", itve at ;end - at I er, • hu is unconscious of the Sturm that ane unto reading. • He knew the ten- ey 1 is about to bunt upon ht. brad. The' deney ,t good reading t'e form large. d j deseipline of the school is more difficult ; active arid &egetmetre mi:,de. And it 1 tit maintain, nwing to the etteet of the i ever the t'hurch of (:-.d feeded such 1, 1 home talk on the mints o1 the whulars. li tniuds it is now. when every step of her •• ' The erd of the teacher's eng.igentent is i pregrem h u t.. be fought for, and int: d :at band, and he must wren yield ()Leslie I def aid fanatic are in "eagle t" drvtr.•y I- enc« to the sentence that had been pro- her- '11 er•'1I n..unced against hen, and suffer the cin- rnr. Iorxieri or EtAt.tx-.. 0 1 sequence .1 its injustice. Indeed, for The pure Word +.f God claims our ! that matter of it, any prumiurnt rate - chief attention. Words eatinat *apnea we pryer io the section who. ti s • disposed, . what wisdom, light, purity and tender can accomplish the same amount of mit- item of spirit will Row from a stead y. ' i chi. eyst.icatiand prayerfmi reading of the \,.w I ask you ladiesand gct'lemen and our Competency to judge of it character and operation. should be eat ceded by every ..•.r. Neither oh ,old w bar charged with presutupti•on ora w, on diso•'vering a defect in the law, t call attention t.. 0, and, if tensible suggest a remedy : for it roust be here its n. 1 ::rat we are. ctttzens .1 flu bloomer(' country as well as leachers. The part et the aeli.e. l •law t., which woul1 respectfully direct your attentin is that which, eine, .ers Trustee to di miss teachers at their pleasure, witheu any let ..r hin.ramce- Hence my sue j.ct will be, as announced in penman',.' "Dismissal of Teachers by Trustees.- 1 rustees.-1 will begin my in of th 'object by asking the .jleation "Why i the teacher dammed ' The answer 1 at hand "Fur inefliziency for let it be here ebserted to the credit of the troche that any other cause is rarely assist than the one just mimed. But who or who hare preneunced the sentence o c 'einnati..n against him for inettici ency 1 "Wily, the trustees, of course." i hepe t., be ahie to show you, ladle and gentlemen, that this tribunal which condemns the teacher on the score •• ineffiency, and winch detracts from his pr ofessienal reputati.n,and in many cases does him real and maternal injury, is net in lunouuy with the cuatews and insti- tutions o1 our country. For instance, if a misunderstanding arises between cer- tain parties in regard t•. some rights or privileges and the .natter is left to be decided by arbitration t.• avoid costly litigation, who, d.. feu suppose these arbitrator, will be. 1 They will be men who aro distinguished for their clearness of conception, u,undtless • f judgment, and with •11 they must be capable .d comprehending the nature of the subject with which they have to deal, either from occup.tiou er profession. Again, what are. our judges Orf the d:ffrrstat ..,urts thr.ughtut the land' Are they not men who are remarkable fertearning, tsIeot, shrrwdur►s and a capacity for disccruuug the detail, of caves rernjog Se - tore !hem. Hence, time where/ deciuen us sought, afectuy the right.; .1 Mali - :denials, the greatest owe is exercised to •-lest such men as are fully competent to render a just iudgment leak then ' sacred Senpturee Dr. Johnson said - !• why remedy e, mot etas aeh,r.i law prnride a that thereason why iso many literary Ybound against such a result, which men disbelieve the Bible is. that the e.r 1 abounds with sat much tontines and y • injury to the tea -her, and t.. the aeh....l ' are ignorant of its contents, and the same a Aee hottest, diligent, sarueat ani eth may be the teasel why +•• many fu '• cient teachers to los trotted with con- even to read this Book Divine. From e i tumely just because they are so, and be- the sacred Scriptures we can derive a rroyan• i ause 111ey wall net sto.•p to practice cant gratification int to he fiend in any other " and partiality in dealing with their Intel( n1 the past or present lime. Thee . ! pupils. The spirited teacher who Mads l is no ezpreaiun nor conception of the « human mind that may not here find a himself beset to the manner thus briefly • i drscnb*J, aria that without s remedy, 1 will surely abandon a profession w wt rah corresponding picture. \,i thin: for excellence that may not meet with its 1 1 sterling w. rth• diligence and capacity full supply, and uu constitute of butnarti• n ,aro n.. ,aro. n td to him ..r her. 1 bars ty excluded from the unlimited scope of d ( its adaptation and sympathy. The " , go.sd reason to believe that very many • Christians who aremoat eminent hat ' those who ai,anden the business of finnnew, wfsd.,m and eath-dicity. are teaching, after a short trial •,f jt, do oto those whose minds are beet stored with e , from s co naideratiun of insecure t ights i Scri ;ural truth. The experience ..f all r I and liability to unjust treatment, which' eaov with diligence, prep��ratiun amid It 1 is tot. often experienced. The remedied I prayer, "search the Scriptures" is, the s rseasure against th evil •:1 teacher* i importation ..f new life, strength and leaving the profession, which has beau ; robustness to their Christian character. much deplored by the friend. of educe- I Neat to retain; the Scriptures them- e tion slice wy tint acquaintance with our school system, will be found by incre... 1..ee, the reading ofa nd tj snuctiery works ' ing the power of inspectors.\Vbu arc , is the most eddying and au bis. ve exer- the best judge of the teachers merit er 'else t., which the mind au brace itself. demerit,, as the cane may be 1 Who are HIDDEN TRt'TB.. the treat acquainted with the progress' of Revelation is always revealing itself, • the ath.sd ..r iia lack of pr"ft es* ' .lust believing men who are from intellectual the one who has little Or nothing to •a) pride are daily discovering it the word (10n the dismissal lir retention ..f the „1 Goad what has teen hidden irum the teacher ---1 mean the inspector. I am •.wine and prudent' from the beginning hnr,ly of the opinion that were the con: of the world. They do net behold row curreoce of the inspector necessary to and primary truths, but they behold nye the diamisral of thr teacher, fewer and glorious radiations of the ;fight yr hick -would leaved'. pntfsioo,and a measure ient ' I of pnncctiun would be afforded t.. those ape eelsifuropr;mare which (ften . the csoul 1 who remained in it. The platter, htw- excited and rouse-' into Action by read - trifida •in.'s wuaali on of pain em any mood. as the great bulk of our trustees competent to peas ju.lgmetd iso (he wt.rk of the toaster 1 1).. other attain- ee11ts, as in the preceedurg instances, (oily qualify rheas T., pronounce non- denlaation against a pera.0 because of hes work .1 shish they posses. limited knowledge 1 emphatically athrm, knowing when .•( i speak, that the great uajunty of th• nr : re net. Ilei here the, vette of th... ot.j :tet is heard "The rifer -tel repot •e t r loop Iter acquaints - - them .•f the states of the et h.. I, tc. Years of experience ami successful trial '1 mer hr r. r•. rt 0 periodical!) have ,r i neU ria. a ed •(i • 1p ) Gats.) , pe Mc reg••r & I'm i:e s Cu. Ialrnalea .tt: cartel int •aveattun sod holes Gems the tweet complete and Batas.. imatruetl n . bet 1:. a ,u.tt,y .1 thrill ever (*dory cwnkwwnd f,rr healing *old Rosas,' ear it or ..v the lomat attention o . l°'.Nrrinpa I• n • Wolin po•Iging of the' work i wefts rnte•.1 to i Fratst Rites or Felon*, and for keeping rite •eerier-r••.om• The avcret*.l 1 ••wt the e',I t slid to chew. 'r prevent takes it fr•un tett P tl , tet.- I pt nt t C••sh. d.nghint or detsy insert with : supeilatiseit nae ..p tat. depiaits Citrate, gold at roc. ht 0 tfhya4s. 11.1 st am.mg the rest .o! the school pipets,----�-- ever, well be submitted to this convert- mg the works of such wen. "F.eadin tion in a formal manner at • future g' , j ay. L,rd Haven, "maketh s full1040," cage of progress. There is another con- and the ce.otinueus study cf the H The ]'[owlet Government I I $ Every Time. t4.*. t.. M. Lem. at Lindsey. 'Mews MP fib* tg.eraw.r or la.renald. Our policy bas been • manly p..licy, and tt ought t.. be. 1 balaeve to the :phis of citizenship ; 1 believe ,n all the rash's which were guaranteed to our fore fathers by Magma Cnarta. supplemented in later tears by the Petitr•u of Rtgbts, by habeas corpus and .other coneemaIurra 4. the people, down to the present tme. Our policy, as a guver,imcut has hers to marnteiu for the province of I hitario X11 those rights which she was t;uarenteed wader the constitution, alt.' when the spoliator placed his hands 00 the Incense lie .4 the pi .vioce, when he det•lartel that the Cr.r.i.s act was net worth the papier it was *repent un ; when he pro - sided to aepoitit his inspectors and hes •unussiotters until they became as nutti- er w as the b.:uata of Egypt : Hear, iter , and laughter) ; when he sought to despoil Ontario 11 its resources ; when one eagadian King John, the m.'dero usurper .-1 the ptople's rights (Hear, hear, and chests) sought t.. take these alI-N ,, nut at a11, said we to his ma - 1 laity, laaghtet), I"H.t)ttlt Orr, OLD M ' But that would not do, in we went 1 from out court to anether until fihaliy we got his nuijesty before the terry council. And whet did the privy council ay 1 They said, the Croaks act was iworth the paler it waswritten on, the modern King John G. the contrary not- withetanding; it. was a binding obligation which Sir John dare not c,nstitutioually violate, and he bast to take hes hands off. Hear, hear and cheers?. Rut the ques- tion of wholesale ticeuses and licenses on Itn'ant' waters still remained unsettled, and Sir John said he would, have that soy way We said no ' We hvlteve that l t ours too, an4 to day the H, i FinleyChris- topher t Fraser, a Caian of whom every Catiadian should fee pried tiLewd cheers\ is in England to end vur rights in that question before the pricy council, and on the 11th of No- vember we expect a verdict, for you know we were never beaten yet before the priry council. (Lind cheers) Would we not b.• a craven hearted Int 1 we slid not stand up for your rights 1 This sane, roan had his eye on some hundred thousand s.lusro miles .1 land which we believed belonged 10 us, in what is, or was sometimes called thedis- poted territory - a tract containing 64,- 000,000 acres of land, and containing according to one .1 Sir John's own 1•fbi :era, timber w•.rth $120,000,000 besides valuable minerals. But said Sir John in a memorable speech : "Net s stick of that timber, net an ounce cf that mineral belongs to the province of Ontario." Mr. Meredith sail for two or three years "Yoe are wrong Sir John, it dee, be- long to Ont.rie," until Sir John said, "Mr. Meredith. you moat not talk up to ere like :het," Laughter,) and then mi.. MEREDITH ,'lAnE. TO TALK t•I' and began to ta!k down. iLnud laugh- ter i Still we went «n in our persistent stui,iwrrt way, defending what we believ- ed to be rights of the people of Ontario in that land, representing as it did, Mout rnte haif of the whole province. We got the matter before the pnry cuuucul, and they told Sir J..hn again that he was wrung ; (Pear, hear, and cheers, that the land did belong to us and not to the I)',tninion. But, said Sir John, though the land belongs to you the timber belongs to w. We did not think so. The matter come before the courts . it was ar,ued before Mr. Justie. Boyd in Turento, and he said that this land and the timber and everything on it from the highest ?enith away down through G. China belonged to Ontario. Laughter and cheers., We wanted to go direct to the privy c,oncil and have the nutter settled at once so as to save espouser, hut Sir John said he had lots -f money and he would drag u• from one curt to another. Well we are going to oluw it through (Hear, hear, and heves.1 As Muth said t'. Naomi, tion to which I would reapecto•illy invite Scriptures and the weeks of there on your attention, at the same time as them cannot hit fail the mind with curing you that I would be the last to ample •t.rea. from adwhvantage he may be c sten insinuate anything derogatory to always drawing with adrenhge •o him- f the character of the teacher. Still I self and those with whirl he is brought yearly into contact c firmly reamed with the belief that 't N t I .ext Scripture nod icr:pture ezp ,. . the inspector had a voice in the dismie• mitten, individual history or biugraphy to ;1 sal of the teacher the result would the most profitable reading. Secret beneficial to the sch.- i by nicreatng th iogrephy not only holds -ruth before t saaidnity of the teacher, who w•,uld rel jr t Iniad, but the truth in action. The ' wholly on his work kr reteutem .of his great number of instances . f sanctified • prsltion•, n human life we can bring within the coot• Again, the exercise of a dna. power in • pass „f our reflections, the more enlarg m e oupoeMor hunarlf 10`1 if un riches o Issue ('brat. Ti. the man who u i t.. .••Fa•1 ttt l` 1% 1Vhere thou gest 1 will v •. (Laugh- er.) r , with regard to the ltsuniece ease, the Mercer escheat ase and others be Province of tinted., has adopted • manly policy, and if we had net per- use' such a policy we w.. ii 1 u .t hare rely represented the people of this Peet province. Who are the inhabit. ni. of this pr. rine° but the descendants f those noble .telt who wrested their *ghee fe etebeynevem iso - 4vghtrrtd at tint Peri .•f chi; lire, who at 'J b the 1 rites •,f the puol.le when they were this case finds a parallel ill the cash ed WI be ' ur t;•eros o1 •Fr. unse•trchable a rth 'b of distend f1TLUtc4Ct county (-emelt Now, if the principle on• .e .0 currence of the Government and the well, every itfe hos its less ens, every 1 ear y lb - 1 death its voice. If we familiar int ° hreaieneJ. The blood of tis,.*, noble then 11,ws ie their veins, and we a, hunt you hale rntraided the defeace ad maintenance of emir cherished in- titutn.ns, we the se 'en leftnien .,f our rights • ,mid be minds with inettnces ( men who hive t holds gond in the one case why not in li i> •h k1 d the other 1 The shove views i have long enter- tained, not through any selfish 'attires, as my term in the profeai.n cannot be bong, but threw!' a desire t • see may fellow tea_here on a better fur hag than they now are. 1 thank you, :adzes anti erotism..•1a for your kind attention. t t t t n in leers, ins, un 1e, Burnet. eveers it to Ice • "echo's! paper." and en hating MIdirr,or ! Parket e'arte.lic re be carefully handed t hie euareesanr $'O tae tse'Ite.1 iU*•'sa•ew. ants set "vowel en •.f!iee. 11 any doubt etude in year I M min'N^r. Isinde in toward to ohm •tatoment awe Ph••s ohatine, or Nerve ).n- a rhos• memoirs of your tru•ter, emit-melte/ lte/ thist to laMsent b.aesl oft. 'a Seienrier report, and 1 in •pnite satisfied that the .et". Formulated by Peter r Aust:r. result will verify my a.a•rtu n. My own I M• D• of itt.ton. Hasa. curs t'uhner,- enyniries ••n the sahj--.t have lead tae M ; Ory Cunaumptt•m, rick Heads -he, Ner- the following cunelesie,n that ..wry roe. ;Toes Attacks, ''erttc • and Neuralgia third of the board .4 trust.... in rural i au'l mil 'rioting 'I.a..ie. et t!..•: human 'li.tricte seen the report, and that fnc- 1 system. Ph...phatin* is not a,le•ieaine. tinnsl part pneseresee a trry dim kn..wl hw- s Nntnmeni. became it centaurs eo ' edge of its contents a Inc daye after its' V eeetalde er hlinrral P• tame, t'phatea ewwep.ion. Heise, we stay dtrmta tine Ntr•.Aics, end no Stimulants', het limp: • .rbjeetsnn •s it leeks in fete, ; for I never ly tiro Phosphatic and It irttie Elements 1 knew Ih» r►p.•rt t•, form a guide of found ,n our daily fond. A single beetle aeli••n •-•t a single occasion .rr made the M atithment to convince. All [hsf'�i°te ra basis of any drfsace in any eel. (sell ie •1 (10 per iwntt!. 1,•wttw of t Thr. •• .n imp•,rterlt pwea'wr.ge t.. ba Co., sole agents for the Dim rn• n, * Around • : , .t every rural S. S Allows bol Treat street Rata Tot-on/v. • re, • me to. wee , an on some nc.•a sjons above theni•deee. the work of faith * wit!' be increasingly sllttring to our souls • fierier of a( 1 rU,• y The direc• `tendency f rvch marlin Mt. t• hall••* the nom. e> .rid the 'magi natter, Contrast the general results cath resdir with thine wh•ch Anlrlfroat reading the works of hction. UV the works of fiction with sh:ch faits land i Aeekel, TPA one in ten can he re,.l ai•r intellectual lir moral prat tit. The ..ss era' habit •4 novel reading has :be ten- det,:y t•, destroy the taste in what .s usef:t: 'oil trot 1f we weal! reeard Cut h•tm..n mind acet.rding ! , its Oat•tre and rr.t•x �:tiu•s, ere molt. he among test adr•.caies -.f a •ani taste and vale: truth, and 'he melt .f I.ar••ing *ho have claim. 'n 'me hie]. r•rgtiri, and, •bete all, adherents to the Word of ::rid se tete ri:bei treasure the earth c•'n•*one. Let ns rr4l p•tre it..•ks 1....k- e.reineor.-e only '•f pun th••ughts Theis/hoe is/hoe make the •man. T1;ey' c..n.t:tate mainly a man r beinc • remote and control .t - rule hie !•fe awl drtrrwtnt Lis drape 1st a n,an keep out from bee Mind all et:: th Oughts aaa he is m n.. d1«ger : ht. new anti take ears of itself. The Ini.t nc:easfnlmeth: d'4 latierdal i:nts• •elf II a r.. •m f• t•• let It -ht in. N•, tte c l••at necessfal war terve: 'i -I .4 tr.' 'Mmeth t • by steti.g the ►mind with ameba' truth. which ren beet i•e actempinshed ty a F yerfnl. careful and e.hieeted re►i,(t•.ne ending. The Gown *fleet in thio •ay iii reit he 1 et -ter rims here t*tl.e,v• ha;l rt :a .1 up auto sternal lits. R. • if we allowed a single -Inc of those rights ( to be encri":earl s,, long ae we were able , to raise o',r heeds or our voices it de fine° •.f them. 'Loud cheers. 1 That is • abet we have done,and what we proper* If you think that policy is a gond ••ne we expect to bare your �Dtinued suppx.rt Renewed cheer!.) If you think hofs can give room better p•dtey it is your�K ht acrd your duty to do the beat you so fire y, uredree. We bite been dcing Shot we thosght wee the Net for you for the last fourteen years and, aa I said on opening. I think it to desired* that all th ess , tiesti,ne shou)d he l wnktad ' at from a hra.l. patriotic s'*n.•itn!at, that teen. Can..',.ia dined 'i• beyieed • fere petty views and lc,,,,.. at tire, right and wemg • f thew uesti•.i R *1, l;E;`tll• A. 'EL+. At era r -Ls NT. .t -'tI .r, her.'. Pr=•,1..geawa,- from p.. L•tieal lntwtjng. int] they sly lohitia el s lirfy trete and i..:jticiara ere dsnger.esa •hseacrere. TI.a: should not yeas the case. The beet, the in ..t iotelligen'.'the most motel rater TeJ JAR third in every sin- uosity . m - n ysity ,bsslfd be '!ie Men •• , put en every elteti on : • a•oitte+t, f, -r h.414.ne Tith reganl t • T'ar •ratirial And sersia) 'ell.' ling can be noire Imlp>Ntar t Marty .iviljae.l comra•lnity than the wise aot- 'aiaiserati w, ••f ate affairs 'Neer, hes-. if yon Mee a irrupt mei in high plaice • , -,erupt p•et;tic:ana. the corruption ia. • •.:tk .r. -o tfr ',.west stratum ! t Society, Md it to you w bo are respire S able if rear tn.lilwtaw are e•.rrup, I say to you to stand i y honest mat when =ire them. ire to it that mum but ��� mud Ii•.ud men ate elected to par hallim.st Y.•u cannot get pure water hem a filthy hennas'', nor cant 'feu have IRMA late and h.,utst adininiatrstiva Muss tad ar disho.trst met.. Fid year lespelative halls with men a1.., h,,,c tee- tousuess, who are b.•11.st uteri, .v cd 1 will guanine* that the p.•.utaed atrwoa which g ter tom such a f Milano will u. pure. •tad that they volt lepr.sluciive..f purity nu every element .1 the cola:nnt.nt) through which they may now. Loud * 1 prol.•ngtd cheers.) 1 kV A,'iD.-When the Liveried Kid- neys fail in their sel►un. this acid iu ex miss i. thrown uuG. 1110 1.1..4, causing ltliruuatistit and other painful coeds lions of bleed poisoning 1•ou may cute this condition by a prompt resort to the purifying, rrgutatia: remedy 13urdnci B1„ud'tttte's. SIR L :�I BARD TILLEY. Resignation of the Min.eter Finance, aid's predictions. He made the baiaace ,,i -trade •Leech. foes which we have quetel, tit 1879 The f•.Il»wiug table irons the Tr.ole and Nat14'teem ltrturne sic .• In•w his at hems failed to w ork Veer.. Imports. Lem. ICI t st.eu.il Stairs ' Yrs af4r.H7 I,q1-?II Ia1t, . • • 1146.211141111 11*.les t f. u r7 LW 1211+112 !I-t1s,n" 1 til I1s.3r.e11 rA,1M te; •Iixceee of expwort& Sir I,rnuanl was n•. nem successful in et,trolh114 the I.alence of trade than he was Ill .101114 continuous hoon prides to the farmers for their produce, fair re - !turns to u-apitahsts on their investments (or steady employment t.. mechanics and laborer., If ewer there was a financial ywel, ht. ua.110 was Sir Lament Tilley, ann *r aro• suneirely Berry that his health w ill not permit him to retrain in office and face the music. F:apert• 1[Mesa of • 7T,. 3 417 1.111.>•t I1J11t.IM 1Mn1N col ow. Aver Cot.. that we so fee- .• iemtly neglect, and which en often prey« the seeds sown fur a harvest of consumpnen, ah.wid have immediate cf and th.rou,ti treatment. A t*sepoueful 1.1 Itobinsuu's Pbnspie,rized gmelsiun taken whrltever the Cough b sonic, wit, relieve the patient, and per- severed ,n. will effect a cure to the mom: ..bsauate ,ars. til. *Metall Career a Terrinee 1'Muer a 'scathing 4 rlttrl.r of M/. Maadllez .f Om Stuart.. :'rum the IlantG10,. Times. Sir Lennard Tilley has resigtte1 t position of afimoster of Ftt.ance on count of ill health We are sorry tl Ser Leonard is sick : we sympathize w him and his fancily in their per.,, affliction, and we are sorry en polo' ,frvunda Ne be:te,e that Sir Lone loss done a great deal of hams to lou f low countrymen He has framed, int, dueed and defended .s t.riff that h rubbed a large majority of l'an.dlan• order to enrich a few. and by so dos he las decreased tier aggrep,ate wealth the country w well as secured a ms unjust distrihutien .1 the pn.ducts labor. Circuiustaocns aided the delimit. of Sir Leonetti He had prouited t the taz-.t of fans Induce wou'd bet ht the farriers, and it s.. happened th for sense time atter the T.II -y tariff we into force, then were good crops Canada and short crepe in Eun• Prion would have beet, high here, } natter what tartff was in torct•. but ,ata farmers were pursuadeu that their then were due to lir Leonard for the g.s prices they were receiving The tri porary pneperity of the farmers eau an active demand fur ma►iufactu tousle, and there was plenty of enipio invent at fair wages for mechanics at laborers. Sim Leonard took all the cre- dit tar thitaalso, and in the e'ectiona 1882 he was an.uierfully popular. Sine that time, th print of farm produce h dropped io an unprecedet•tly low lige and the dentaitd fou +ranuf st entad go,... has bean set small that many factor, have been doled amd moony surliest have been deprived .1 their custo10a employment. Met wilt are capable thinking must know that Sir Leena, deceived thew -that he was mit the grata benefactor he had pretended t.. be- ar we shin d have liked t.. see Kir Leona en hand in full ricer at the day of sec ultu,g. I1 would he a satrsfaetlon t•, tl men who ha.e an account 10 settle with him. 1Vhen the b• -,m sea • n, Sir Lonna advised business men •e crowd on sail sa and be ready for sere., years of minor rupted prosperity. Within a year fro the time when those words were sp•.ke factories were closing all thr,ugh th land, bankruptcies were fre'j rent, Kan sticks were falling. and capital was un able to earn dividends. We are Berry that Sir Leonard will net be iti his pea to be confronted with the facts and asked to explain why he deceived the people Sir Leotard lamely iucreued the taxu,o when he became Moister of Fcnaece ane he has added to it at ioter.•als sine 1871'. The increase of meatiest at a tin when business was reri,iag brought lar sums ret o the public tre,eacry, an though expenditures were also largel inereeeed, there were surplus revenues i fur a few years. Sir Leman,' made his calculations on the basis .1 ,statin rirp! ices. He berated hie predecease *hu had been obliged to report deticit during a time .,f depression. Great •a Sir Leonard, the man .1 surpluses ' Jus before his retirement fev,m office, he has been obliged to report a Is rge defi;-i. !Stoner New Lire ret ►..rete.. Weakened ay Ill - ease. benefit mid Insatparaea. he The I:real t:rnnait Invigorator is the only specific (o „ ac- t r impotency. nrrrota de - tat bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, ttb . pain in the hack or sides. no stutter how rat shattered the system may be from ex cal 'ceases of any kind, the Great German rd Itr'nrdy will restore the ''at functions rt. and secure health and hap(piness. =1.01) o per bee, six Mixes for 113.00. Sold by ria • all drui gists. gent on receipt of pviee, in i p stale paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo, ria i Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir - of ciders and testiltrenials sent free. told *11 by Geo. Rnvna, sole *'ent fur (J4e- ef!ndt 3m: ata' hat - - -- n'- At, int f'r. no 1 my Ise MACKINAC TO • sed red The Masa DaMMINI SUMMER TOUR id !aerie saarswa. tow Nese. . d seer Tries tar Irma ,teen... • DETROIT AND MACKINAC as 1 and Swam Weak nary 0...... re' I DETROIT AND CLEVELAND • write Ilse ear et. " Pictvresgme Mackinac," UIvstest:ed. rj. osesme Pall Paresseless. taano& ruse. Dairen i Cleveland Stearn Nae. Co. t C. D. W$iTcOMO, Oso. ease. air.. OCTRO.T, MIC$. a A. STRAITuN, Ago, G. T. R. Station, rJ 1,� - (iuderich, Ont. kC - GRATEFI•L-CI IMF:►RTINC, COCOA. m BREAKFAST n 'Hy s 'bon.ugh lnnwle.tge of the nate sal taw. whish govern he op.•rations of e tiesetion and nutrition. and by a aretul , apjYuticmi of Iar Ane properties of weH e. te4 r'ortla, Mr. E Papa Inas provided oar botbrahria, falls. nab a drlhat" rtavo evd beverage *bleb mal sate us many hear declot.' hills. 1t to l• the judicious wee of Ce lam& art 1.-l.-snf dirt that a .,.n•t,tution may ' 11. pr°dhslly teal, rip until strong enough to rowed miry Irnd.n.-y to 41*...., Hundrt4. • of subtle Intaladt.a are floalfng around us u • ready to atia•k wherever there la a weak •--int. t1 a may escape many . fatal shaft tel l.•rping omrselvra well fortified with ppaarrrr ° Wad and a properly nourished tome."--(Ynl e •.este flwteffe. - afadr simppl1y with belling wale+ or silk. ta.+p4 otter in t'arko. bTT Oto- le ren. labelled thus:-•-jattaa Brno t 1.0., d Hmm�•oltatMr Aen.li t•. les sea Los.' tool y : ageat fro l;aaada. C. E. lotwos. Ilontrwal. CHM, 4:11311T w� PI ILwla'Y MILL • • s ErTABLiQBEU ItL4ti, ` The expenditure for the fiscal year 1$ss nu exceeds the revenue by larger amount than was e'er rec treed w nen Sir 11 tchard Cartwright was Minister o1 Fiance. We apo' f p sten /� w p Meet .•ihisa•ts,1. o.nird. I e has earned the rt to d up and apologize or s.. rA tit in the sante peace here he used t,, stand G0 begat ida"sur - lus, Buchanan, Lauri Robinson MAN( 'r A4 Ttkaa Sash, Doors & Blinds Daman&Jesil,i• itLWus tet! lair Leonard promised, when he inti' - .tnced his tari9' its lt.'J, that he adjast the duties in such a way that the exinxte would in future 1m equal to or in ex umber, Lath, Shingles and b•nider's material of curry de•erlption. I Iit1001 cU1t11Tu�f A-fpfc,ALTI. fim On',, promptly',attended to- Ooderich Aug.', tett. 111014, °rof the impnrtm- Se'd he lien- OODERICH BOILER VORIS aid, 1!t. phage 41:cess : Regarding the trotter AS 1 do, 1 shine it is to he regretted that the minim. .1 i•niw•rte has not been materially reduce•! I look upon the Iar,1 imports ever since the I►t.ntsi,.n sea, organized, showing a large batmen of trade against it, as •One of the causes of the troubles with which wa'ntve to e'ntertd-one of the dinette• ties that it is onr duty. If piaLble to re- tttedy. They have been decreasing to a attain extent, but are still very large, showiest distinctly and clearly, in my jndg.nent, that they .eight stili to be further diminished. Tat woo Ivry f..nlieh talk'he wo t/suot� tf t Loss wordswas of rtarlf ttMrR* to peeve heir •L°nnard'a unti'ne a to be Finanes Minister. He .mu{ht t , ]lave known that when a man or a coot• rrlunity sells goods, the sa'e is eta le with the desire and espestati•.n of receiving a. p.•••fdt--•1 ,potting bade mon than is gm - es. No man wants 1., give tn..re value than he Bete, no country wasta to etlt,irt , more telae than it imports, !fir Lenard • owtht t , hate int Ill z toe that if he wen•• ed to keep imparts down be 'omit .tett ►'rr,wtsg ah, eml, f •r :..tits wn•Jd merely, cows to Catatla in the been of metals, - Me int .d1 fin. nslanrea-'f-trade request*, and then bean to neirotete a series of o•mas of British to rney t , be wtl fended Can -at n pnt-olie works Have Inst received apl.rge ato'k of BRASS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS -1051-- BOILERS t>< New Salt Pans and Boilers II 1..ifori •,horleat Notice IMail W.A.'," tor new work end repairs wr THE SKILL OF CoNlitININO A emispneatee erg mouton with InOriired lia to seem* toleration awl assimila- this ter irritates. were& •les. earl the epeeist aetion or teem of enormy of Pewit separate aart at the sant• 1.mt. Reef peculiar to the enemipsi Maiorelation of tbe cowl Tireind. is sunning, may 0, Inn4 *est paired alien of the nen...rip.. and of medicine. and cannot he tolpiated from Male to 'wale rif 1,41114 In motion le tne air by shoo I ng him how 14 aerie. Tido estilivolowhv hopter's *Oath Med lay seine er •