The Huron Signal, 1885-11-6, Page 1;(,. I I
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THIRTY-91LORTH VitAt. . GOIDERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, NOV. 6, I& - ..____ .I-- , --1- _, -1____ I.
. ----- I. %ti.l1()1,1X ii,cublell. IM I . -, , ,- -_--- , All &01,6 Da Soc,ubmi.t h, RouI"_u;4.W111K oThe these conated vessel Ardie, witill! SoAtt.olor,s ,A% I;iucl&ir. ..tti^tailton. tinsbeep ap[X)itkl-I VUE1_8 Rk.911.2VArunv. NEWS ABOUT RC 14Wts.l. SZ . .* iAC,,&l Just(lot j. Scoblia anda, Requiem High .itybifieridt"i f..r the I.,junty "fTHE HURON C';1,14NAL I I --- I it load .of suit 0., t for T. 1ki. DAssoey, I Moisaily. fallowed by the pabils laylul. r1i a rectal ill 84,i hir fAinelard rillev. the, "hillbs"01"b"en: g ye. tak:n notes . 1 4`& sinday. of the I'voicary,,whicft finsisbW I t devt - - liventworth, Judge Sinclair "P.111lisked every rri,tar marbleby IM, , AOhio r prent it." arn-sW III Licitior ,nsauit.. IV th-Ir %)9ke. I ' An't's Win I.,r October. Fe, LOU Proach"'anAr"t'"t""escou'ro'end I* sIs I.Sick divocieted the Sillkill;e . Is "bl I at,,l31r, Illako.
,,,,LI_Vllobt %urtlk ail, filiAticitor.* Sit ia, tCA.baltaken: —416W., Von Ifit litals -140-11tall, -Fivis iniproasive oervu-,n front Job 19-h :Chsp- frielid --t Mt. NowatGODZRICH. ON'TAR14) !shiu.sall'hall.ITOW TOMS. I out tit tile sex new teachers Secured for ff%re l,it)r to1 no, -.The spp.•jJ%tUI410tIt it k %"''A ' *lel Ill'
'f t.. -0' I ter slid 9 -1st verbil " 'ebg an lLh:d I swy,tr and an ui,Am4 to kleagoatched to All Parts0f ghe Stiffened hi,,,,. th-? kromf ortaiVe aftlusi'I till , tosich:pq oor puliti(-, who -4 reeeirod thtif have pity on tile, at t v u yff tell'!j "I wintry 'by the 040100t mAlls and trai% In 017, J. toot.forgot tbal Vase* & Avilheoeva' t G JeriLh Hi*h scllvieil: IthehAn4of the L,r,l hath t.,uoh- right ilian.or, I^4ruLsoloa it I- a L.rwr cm LAW of a Ltottitattalit (;,-verr( "I"ill- .. 8,'* .11; traming a becocust,.,tb-r isewistast,vir - '1014CI 'O "j*wsX"*' Crosio-C"t Saw nd uVolk I-efti. I ,*gw 16liviolts.-Jauke% Lu'-wy boo, OlivesIIa aIr.l.ez tit this part of 1 re.%oi%ood his Sp-,AWntetv`t ft 'O'a' Intl.of ht." are. at low 4 privea. 1Dr. It.usebrugh, this well kr t,ike [tachel on tills dAT, the Ntk*e*uatrlf, 4 to*ske Of 91W ractest, owwai"t he . ' ad me. for bar children. ad out a gromtY in Crablit a flivek, in
in wo,sttovce4 collst t1A.4 piwoxroplss'at d '"a Dow ev in ath6" mo* , reliab:o Jourvials in unisr.ui ,,,,,,,,,, 14; .v,_r!jme,vlt -ilk INA5 he a- It Y, ,-t.f Toront-, v1W beat th r. i v ohu h oism-proing .-w ft I is, " . U nab at "- Lewan'd. rtrotpriseavlartk4; S U.on Saturoky, - the stand t -y oc946d y Hakery
ing. to it.tile$. the for* fatk"11 f.11711: :-f J. P.- Killer, P, *=.14InAd'ittloot IQIheaNo, . A itmt-- is,. cepts th. . 11-ce from in Adinialst at tile S. '! L, 'her 211st. where he con be 0011- At the High14i.kt,,,I LiterarT *vatertsia J;1 addition t,l a welA selectedtam11 flm.*ide Paper i! Is tilereforg a ('lJT?l.TNAh1o4CoN1"';- lin'! mro.(,olk ment 1*4 Friday ov"AnX All full"w"'ttC""ke' .-o, to, I:i Sad
"hkh Ile kn,,as t., km dying, and d iou r for yu4r nutted. , pr, gra1,,n,e was present attwL ,f groceries tit- 114, 31l, AA -t I011 -lost sar"We advertising fted4woo. partaw for it. (*all mod arral ed:—Inaruttlett- ,cc, 1.ran". 11 -in vt &4Nan,-. Toemakil. P-r.pkt,t OW Ik,W the wind hiows, CM,I.y Woods. 6,1 .,.M boos . -tA1-'1-rY J,.IKa; X. the we'it0villadc-tilt ool4-,MileAllat, ; reading- Kia& 20 usite, wh3re tinwe an" utber
T1`v44.)1 stw1,,,. 61.,.5,. it u&A boattser -,x ano,'! - fast. stliwa 0% A, JoWnot rAc,.3a.74rIL0V0kft-*- articles call -3 purcslivil TerY
I n v 11a pala. nis rule aill be tricuir and it,.! recent enbinot chanittis, upleJ .. of the past, tieneer, -1 the fact that One -4 o' N -.1%, useful .11at. I Coo T!,e qu-Itioewder lot'A Isso thin - is Frotid, 4 Bailey ; out '111M Miller ; mit.11i 4 we lqje Mr. Luby will finenter..4.1 i I klokrr "A I ,jonacurshens recently laid An e" )1i" spence : eJitress selecAlual, Mile Ch"Mvent now With tilt. aaskrrtwn tit the c,1li*(aN-s-! but ,,,A 110119 , , hk ,is CItArNA OV Av-.'SRTISl39GT-i9b1 ialLiazi,an? reton $.ed, "a tLival of Stad me- b(olm.
rs r . rkeL * 01 I 8 caches. 1"hat's the way to tiave,, pfown.t. with Kli llowa. Lear the via . Atkoultesid; duct, Misses EPdf-ift THY. JE'Jk _- -L%-' -Charles
in.t,vrti-%tin%,-rliim'.Ihrcec*-ntAiwrlisw for tio, ,if the N. to. . lutubkrit the early coil I ,-.&TT.l ,
,,,.,Iw. ,sit -yearly t&k. ,a thik that only ties& clue uA-Kat,z I iv Mr. Mcf.'e-A: twitati"11, Illew..k*ubve,ttzontin.-rtcoo. Veilee * t As r. in m . . ,.. ' Intyre; read ., - rellrVA ftotlft the t1CM '-f
&1,<r9,A% oont rs,g. At red% d rates. L*of the utoot corrupt 6--votanot,t !I in Torowo &&,a the other 1,,, 31," Butritt Sunitter havingair tan* :16V61Go 11,11 0 t on . " 7 M- -1 d') ll- ik` ,;hmsl UAas . eck. William M414 -at, I f 11 rids, Iss Williams ; so. - t,urposes open -olainit bir -IA-,-1 w" I-,,rter & 'iumner. the lousiness, wilt
1%,; hare sisoostirld-elaoic tlist I CIUV6, . it A. PHLIX&I b1cI'liobivilf ine"osornwthat ever cureld a P,uttrYsince;Q(t&lrng. tWisadatttitl0afClifornia,whert s ie puring the el, to and ,.%Ii*s 'Miller the Copte con
talt the mool-,iotoowte out -at And bf-.41 hwilities I v L4 waipula, The St-, John Tefe-.1,,v.,T,Lu,,,,,..A(11u.t, on e and 1"wn jug the stioser, f -r t.... hionefit of her i elected presiden henceforth be undefii, ) this welt, it-
Iik, rielk-4kepPrOPlawd100Sir U-milad' Kiyakel. ctsherk. New shiIt. Melton health. Ske carries with her the beat ' vice-prosident. t rol of W. R. ot",011Wo 6-141.110-oa in that line &I price-tha *"Tull graph, in upon ,y,n*Ak,nk,*. New shaded it, Ctwslot ever- I 1 Tax TsLA-s,xv-4 FA)41LT. - The 1. k.lkea a bit( advertise petit, it ces a diA
",st,n. 4.14 tit waft that cascaut be Irish ticiez.0 p!ali. :kn4 faw1r. Violate of a larp circle of friends. per cost. on,__ reclb.x Tilley'& reeitsolti.,ft, Rive@ a brief historY -V'X. and . ,be bmg A& ecuoll wit4 nf front 15t-.2'Owro4. fu 'it wl, will show you t tiagis in Nikko Cooke. the populait pitivait", is kid buciety in cutir t next catty deylk. It will
__ -_ . I .n.02I Of the e * sor"46torkli. .ultirItsand ovi 1'. ?4c- now pro I Porter's faultit there is 5, ,.I x-rignatice 19iniater fri,rn the pseedtotakpup&mI I
. solve sit tkX6o",;b. 1W.c*LukMA &L A. ,Game,s Church have ellgaged,atgreet i coal'sales for beFRIDAY. NOV. 011111, 1805-Itime whou he was the Liberal I ptobperformauces are It 91-04, nice, the services of the cAebratad not be Mr.---- 4k's a boom in the jewelry business this "a
___ - _ - - I CallandgotPotterlat'_tS#*t..ftg of the schot.1 board lNew Brunswick : .41w6re the union ts pected h -me rev.micead%tion oi h.r fiti.ess tc give'=anti lvelitgtto 4I'lub. fnan W&[deck,A-1 rim ,Wi,,,t C4,,I.,pi.berastothis(.,jvernme?it iTht fishing fi,atseaelitistructwts Cc, tl.e putn". 6drwasay, fd r a cialctirt of 111A claaw and I Son. watcheson oday evenille last there were rom tile falAcas S4'IT. y..0desre bariil:16191 visconcioss in at Frov .ericton for IL Iftere, loeccaddlo73dra. Lvi,ris, from Mils`lia;w':','avisit-John Hates well tk,,vntanjin I to take place at Vidut'S, Hall, on Thurs nd jewelry.
applications f.,r the six 11' four ieAders, died jq, suntisy from a I is (;,.derjell public alla-'ward sch,ko,a Aftecinara be tuok W his boot -9A, the MAD i,g her nice. Men. Courts. tit tirph,,itl fever. bir. flates iday l9th Iat. The Teligmann facility ; The feast Of All Saint , 's ,14% !"- 'k
reeking with PAcibic wind&!. How the ptryn"llls an't little d,laghter attack . usici,asis Of the Very highest order, Sunday this yekr. At S* l"tk,ts. Re
MrA. P. , ,oaiaYUn` alAn"A"very stout, " M "which lu, ks &-meislitt as if the tuatket ry #F,juy&l)lo i WIpoliticulStandee J.o by whif+ lie weighed have returi.ed fmin a 1`1 .the result vjf S Jr.ilibicel affecti-m. He :aa They have been very highly sp,,ken Fr L-tr celebrated 'livlf rv'ce,WAS glutteJ. was wall liked by his I Of by the press wherever they hase been. preached a very edifyin4 onrmon and principles must have ch&nAo,l trip east has reten:td was obtigirtz, and . the Apocalypse, 7th chat,I - "I11 ve , '
.Mrs w. r. Griertv)n laskintarces. i It is rarely that an opportunity to how rseTat Ttiroato IF— nt,taillatee B. ,he interno In his own (13rcruaketit friom ;% t'.1"m weeks % isit t) her relat4ves act such inusic is afforded a Ouderich sudi, which he essayed to itheir tb,Lt this 16.
lawyer, f,.r at yeSdeei,t.,rk belotib the enion.- Mr. G YOU PLIA49 Rx. zAr,mnqe- , Soon. The concert is tit be in aid of the is& IW battlefield. tile o-botA406 11611111it,sl..r, tL elovlu nt cittairtal inS)"Vcs. .Z).`. n i h-tur's I the floure leader (if the Liberal parlY. jTilley was king , shnm he wGu1`1besetTh.- ar at the Tolle- rink ;'W being made f -r at "If in, funds of S-. Ge4.rgo a Church* This Idifticulties which asmail us being we:I
, tend will aple. go-&A-You.p ease matc1l, to epme t together with the worthyI niKh insurni4mrltable; yet the sliftti
.The We '4 011detstlYbelievesthattbsIIP 11"'Adown. With Ice John he walk t,,t!:.,bt. 1 AW 1 1 The, tnu&ksdtre"' I '_ A chai r -A N w ` an the drill shed im,rue d2v next we-L.act in view should draw a full house. Iwere in live flesh like as. 11,1111 withlik"
rvasinskloy ,Jtke p coesit G"Verlimew at,.but Oay it. the 1. Vida Vf tha potter. He attractii.a. ( building wilt be ol)en fr..m n( 'tv until tl-.e i obi rzkpootiLtt". yr. w.tters c-lielicate-1 tile 11191tI d:,y Of the race fL- runnera proctiee. t Po",11- By CAIANXI, SALMON. Onat to li k after! lout to the YAtivist,ri wh%t itcrg*tiv .,.over $,_,.'.. The Wednesday evening Jamm Yale&.we oen PuBered de"k furChriat's makewit„tAwit re lui:va A specIAL I ' Masao for A -i 'jbivt a &I'd Ali--o"I'A'The pri.!-* adl arn-oulit T -z Ishould follow their exempt& in every
it. Alth,,arh we do a-t think Nit. (Weras,"Iv,d. ...pectabilitv. clearilmess, tem- .-nold, and Miss Emma days at Hulietc rem, uscht to draw a big :resd. anti child. Miss atizi.-Us for tile positit u -if Reform Ir-ranct.He ka rkt-! harl for his load -The sacrament of titt1.o,rdis Salippr SvItAy Ckrt,-x.-Fartners, who wish ; Acheo-it visited 3ohn kelasoon, Jr.- andChristian duty.
L .kinting ither articles The Goderich lift b.j.%t was Laun6.edlanderatprescient.,WearialotOPIDWit that, er, vh,,m he ,pposm, to have adered with will lt,k dispensed in Knot church uext tk, do what is lokoial and fair, sh,o:ld ad-; Wtalkthere, that the party partook of was a box of on Saturday afterDocn, and tft&ruuthe would w a valuable aid in the Houfte S, sort of her,, werallip He mad” MOTi'Sunday Morning. . seethe stral Cattle cuaktngon their prem -,AIL who juice Isalmon. Eight persons he'pod U' we sh pwed good quatitioe. The crew
- btt, ferre-in-4 ,out Tory rascality, and we, fieve for him. sacrifices of Polit-Cal Pyill-J. S, Porter, (A "lest'irth, *q -,Aicsbut ise3 in the J.,cal. pal-eM dcno7dth-medAPNo-
cio clpl#, of pr(mises, of t e interests ,-: his & few days in town with his b-oitheit, W. cPnmalvor,h"p.! ti, si e h:ut it, Part A ntat oct,cong logtheir animals nTme Sit. hours afterwards seven of the eaten viculad. is d T. Finn. Neil'lLo.1's day. pr-,vince. He, --%it b.s reward it'. Le;ug R. Porter, jeweler. , were taken with Ill the AYWf`t"`R4-fmooMcAuley, WUL 11>1liuson, .'oh,,
. A. Farro;, Collocita (of Customs, has -A_', 01.6 dOUAr will advertise astray IMr. V", who had helped I McLean, and Job" McDonald. ThisI almost continu(Italy la Vffice. , bwu appointed surveyor of skiPPing fur cattle fear times in tum paper. r n1mg- to catsup and vinegar rMen worok life belts. anti all did thwHamilton .SF..t,1t k;-.derich , o lo,lk- The Hamilton 7inteexives its re;%ders 'M f ., Ile tkmaaovr A lif's'rot. ' Sir LAonard has siace 1878 blov th ps.rt, of Goderich. -with his salmon, i lnne owap-3d prostra- work in a an"Aal -&nine other Tory Journals are of i -!v party as the 121"st the Public wor+l at, intefouti7lg lecture an dumeatic e-ll j tion. Medical aid was sA once called in, `holoy representing a mar. was cuot over.vif and I da" by the 11" i. T1. Godwin, of ".y as totlows :"Dont PaPaperand all the victims were given immedia;e i board, anti picked ut) its a very goodapastAun that Sir John wild "Ot 94JWkAW- W-esetal; mau in CiefiludS, U was60Depenmest. Ottawa-wse'atocouon14.1or 9tow.plp@ holve. Me ,)fill di,lL&UtL, 01141 ticket Riot Will be hanged Dell, Irelief. Kra. Achesot. and child were I style. The lkat, howsover, uwibS tu i1e
Iwh,, solvissoit the y -J1411 W. n Qf CAn3d!k ,,t!i,,i,l business loll Week- th:o =4 this fin depwrtment Was calledthe wont cIe", havialt vokied blI an and bucy. eencco"d -weeL Th,e -Sloectatf .. t1h0 -"LOrand"h_i I- ,Cri'laa vt all. sad fair seven YeArs., Mrs. W. T. WSW we WO Xledtotohis be as, look King airck" West, i hrow,othe*lfficultyitla"lla,tthler sevete 111 hevito d,cmWdtb,A hit Towne was hW, is recoverivir from h yesterday 4terroon on see,,unt of it I10 balance. All the persons # The LWAtSadcrew arelikely tt do 900J
or jowmalis 1and bk- followed his ova a4vise, With, :,I polwn ,uaoil le occasi.,n Jeward it,zeing t,) return to Canada this year. that the ,,,ulg,h,kt,r.ctwltlw9t&o(;.ingthe once- 'moo 41 t"s, past U)"talght. (;rhqk pVe,- caught tire from the chimney. afflicted are now recovered treat the .,,,L- sh.,u:d ti . -I Tht scl.0onez 1%,kth'lull. with A carLo I Y,.nnc and old wilt be welc91- at theuti4els, lout the escape 4-f w1tPe oftheTile I -wil ,-,41-11 001 Olc'#ti"*'F..
sir Klacphervan was gosaill toresign"mous I'luake unw, front the lsockets 44 .i costii.r her -'one, , V;":. Lee, arraed org,anivatzon memin% Oftkest`'.rthsnd ', "If.",kiers ,,f the social, CoMPS-1fromthe,lay, ev,111111.
lsolocitUon of Mts.Lster of litteracr . that the tax payers. hi Due leave* theC"'u-ir ?surx P Vv 1 ,,,% ScatlRy. less this rvaaill t, in the Mechanics ,n,,stoori, us,c,,Iiaoquenersws,svervcl('%O----
Riel wouldn't he horited ,on the l4th Of, try to face a doict -A 022,500,W Sir ,-Dick" Black is able to be shout Inailotute clan rt.Om sit 7.30 p.m. A C,trelevs canning 6 topivoilled t,, im the 10. 9. &.veCIA*%voi. IC ---
.Sept , that Sir 1_,waubrd Tilley was iu-it,g LtKinsord. m.%de it mistake whol' he troilt ag%;n He had a narrow occc%po (rom. X~ralnesple nation tA the system will Icause. I -eeping clam waa nrxltnaod
le,th fr,j- be give . wh.0 his high 1141, ich should prove of intsiMIL TI,e lu'viiii- ,% r oA,a, else 8q, instant ( U rp 41—r.ther denials of a Similar whose edit, -r is alii moot
i t 0T I . to resign ;&ndu his town advice, and, w t ivied The Listowel 1, cil Friiliy evenit'A 14st, andreprieved, the ! T1.vo act,.,- ,ner!,fidlanRover arelvdid 1 At he close the clam"'illIher, thus refers to the ad I
Wars' After Riel is the old ductt,r who "id the reason Cf -.b a car;;( no Mani!,)bjs ' Tern -.,-64 per term ,,I 20 lesss.vai. Drop t an told teac rincipal of Gode- for first le 11 -11 M"t"I'sy-Tuesday
spert.vtor, the Goderich St,, and kin-' hire , on wefla"Mixy wi ho uniform tered health Sad Al"wheat %if ogilvi., A Hrtchisor.. up ar,d hear the intirt,ductury address, dress doLivered by the P The arithmetic clam toot (inI rich High 8chtoui at the Perth Teachers' evening, and will cubtin'1141 on T"Way
dred sheetAl willcry&"that things, was be"usc his I,St.,irts t--ak rived lift rnet ap'n the art, c4.nvention held in Str,,,tford recently:-*vfoninglThe sctoone?- K;faas or All so- CIA" met last rtirAht after
.his advice arki paid I.. r it, ar.d he didn't. on wed aa. AKE A. -ii Excl-Illt- -hisro turned k,ut just as they desired; I r.0 I& evening with oft;*% from I Dmi-r K .I -"Mr. H. I Stranx, Of ("Ier'ch,nowThe 14rawlivItand 1..udly proclaim, "Ureva'. in Sir J"AnBut at is&. 11;r Let,rard a @!-ss I-e bear1T,:l,c,lA;r( tr Ileter Xlegires . ci,utitz due Tuit SIGNAL mast he paltInact Of Englivilt Grank-
t,.,k up the subj becewe unfit tit pro*&' M,edonkald '*, Whatever the ciieftain .0 f I Stratf.-rd., to u'l dutit'r, the present month, The "will. ". tied, and he iwoo now thav, t'le crashMr. ar.d Mrs. HOIA-f, teiIliver. avid treated it in sk mu-ilacri 0" ' The clam fnr alocirthanOps life's 4- f "N. Mog.Lis, Nits. Itist man ocr wotulr"Aing this i i jug Such an xcknowleiit-i authority in .does is right with the Tory party orgallS. I is V*60 fit hign in stand hav* open. the 11 4. . the A touigbt.
is coinir:- and 1. 4 i WilpausOVG ifthey w - us - I. .a,,Idea* fathcor. it iring ti -a willel all that pertains to th,, teschinil if "11rManet'"clsockes, will be down to, regular ,
They have tit) opinions of their own. Ifrom undg- iI Acid V.,vets will perhaps require a J111M. . ;-&r.1 he h" Climbed t, a .g., Aciloonn has s-Arted 0:1 thl 1! In,114and div-ision court Costs,. Hen,em- i E,,glml, That thert IS 6 re"'I"t"eckwork ,,..t Weak.
I t* avoid the fiscai wreck- (loot . t to take place All the method (4 i RuVISLIm" w the tact that the grand I ad*Shelf20onore'o .,i % r.ew I calling house, IIJi-All, i ber. all accoacts. haslover small, ,.,ad six"iI- te"t": glop-..% --..4.. rnside=* or. Nelson JoUld b- V36id in at hing this subject, goes Wi0out WT- The siew Late 060" to versus&
ing. X. irill his P:9*mt MICUddyl Bros I ab I such chat,ges as he advocated I swim, Meo; I ing, where , isiory in the rocent Hansa cioi;aty _/street. Or _.. Iwere endorsed by all present. No loriter , Te #.,,Iin d#&r'.1hir.i the launch 'If that persons. both old and`Ticit Democrats eirried New Y,fk Gor,rz,t It'-XII, W.-I. WA:Ier 1.4-6t, and .That patriotic marich "The Nstizkcal" n be discuoted with a I tile now life 1xiat recently made here by
of Winglusta, have been 1shall our chiidrei and suh- , %V&Irltou for he Turk, . .Young. whose only crime was poverty. and Virginia for 0 ,rsrnore (,-I Tuesillair T. T. A,4,111vl. oEl,isc A. Skimmings. Afre'lucatsuoembundance of definition, 3 t tit , 'i's -It -09) pris'lon-dare, aw,- . . th e peace fur the : oetical contr idlvisi,ins (of the waricm@ DWO Of ,be, Subjected V state eitoctliltls wore uollr. aproeinted Gvtic"cc ibuti.r w the,mld IThe other q. is v. be 1hp.—ilihm, Ielatiocks and disci:ioliro, the Torontol county. layed. tG%eror-Genemh m! ,utt,nlytli&twliichissumlial I A-,A%,,,i' of the now hforportAnt. Gordon with a ickaI elected foti--The $C.-. - .nair K. G. Innds qtuthy the Goa'bond. rating. onall Ibcsiaontoharr,t"OkP('"
Nrlr verT pri,perly &%Ys "I'"sall"'. yo I — ' - - - -H ga-,'d Job, rels o! fif1todthehave .it -,sent to "A- and "B" Better- I analysis Slid ps. bb a. After a three hours'
to 1 really mean tt Awl, now adww* as i W90 ali;s:,bor skad utilclaod !"t, Wed. spent in I Tuesday afterl:Ot.%a Valid jury didn - ; c,-ngeniat elliploY, I pull fr ,aj the I land ill a heavy noyll- I 411&.'a to thp Royal familv. ALI Calls- Ijoiloted to the more 4catalogue poverty as a crince, ! ut theYTesoaker are pach trying to prove dw t 1110C]11441invited "to play it (on ; ment, of coaverrAtioli on t 3:oze familiar IWest willd, g,.ol'Was landS, t',
they than %. But I4 ,% or Seetive"Y' d" bands will be . i 1)i,at *.Is tost,d severe -
other is a frout7, a delusion at I Vnited Lucishormart ,be Q,saon ot Jubilee alkeliversary.-- I to tile children. - , win3ward. Theshould hasa said Ali if * I he ORLO&Z b-argai I And it 3,p,_r, 'I.t:.; `t%tUrd,V JKiJl"%.'n %%'hi%r-The ly in various WAYS, tit tit,- tr- oil'. 4 the
whativer the jury blan,lered or 111't-th'SI to his friousis ar.4 blinke" mUiet',usk . . . I oll qTl . -At the recular merting t,f I The I wadiin- Adll-b says: ties the psup,r is pogsil,la tbs&, hot 3 ,4 them sirs right &aj f ,ok 02 , *A rjarrcls 6A ,&All fur K'Wt- I T O. ,,2 C. (). F the ful- I other day a girl of only 17 Came dvown saa' ,11tarteirly, etc - 'it -ill trials Itivinit
fset that in many coon- - --Cow Bay , Court. Goderich N ry4terptreated the same as the lawbreaker vL;d Johr , N ;apiro bet but few p&*-! 10g,jap o5ocion weft iCA&WIed by 0. 1. , fronoeofhilter alld b I( tkAIQ'- hu" niftngul tTwa 0orernment kert St. The United i ; C. p . .
ri ' C R Itto R. R li7mm _ Bet.. i pplied for admission to the hoppoital. I is a arlif righ I C(Idn;)f thd
roatains, and it is time this 4isg--f a -b-1 -TtVM"trW—
,ad. i B., unreloyesenteli file eightrr,)ntboafter zore or. b,omrd ,on bar I 0 tripNet,'dan ; y F R., Sen. tic She bad no Order front the coo Su- Ito 'the, ,severity a I-
anowls6ly in else system wAa remo died , ,Now t1lat Sir L.. glili,on. ia li'Aoly b;e open to- 401`011 I 'loci' Q, l itans "f "Urnin, ont 4 ri-mv"Ity 1101,11ii, . the ll 'dii wit,are oft4on - ,___ 0,41"r I -9 iL-4%wdawd.iT,,iwors. hut -
While the i Mr. Burpoe ed- the atertim mom-, - i , . - . ; tv: Bell. William mocresith . via.. not atrictly ei-rrect to s4mit half. Hor her seif-olthtimAit der satisfy 0:v-11"Irps thw. it
victims of t'n'-erty - I ". I t'o ..
to tur their ,Jitiflfi,the rky has ristfe i- 'u. the Mr. Bailey. of (`;n, ,.nd,Ct4d live I S,c_ Bro. Charles McKoultie ; Tross., story, however, was Do Pitiful''httheor it WAS, taken I-* blip was Allow- qualityin ask- k off lmm*ii&tely Nominati,; pbotograpil builartisi no ttv%Atows. mb;b ; is. W., be%.. ThoiL rplius were stretched and IL'rim ustvc ,Lee almost invariably restin , , Itro. Chris. C working I menn.rthli 121 . SMI Illitket by is.
bW for their crimin lity. Isit not t n- 17th inst. fifocti-14 On the Utn', while th'i, lat**r it.%* "C his wadding trtr Parr.,tt : J. NN.Bro. 1111sortin Noun .. S. ed samisal.,11.
- ____- P41ki joy,& turn rext.o Boo. John Nichnistm: J. D. B"'. for afarmer nest Clint..", and hoA be- VrRy%, 11-ITTON T'ret-Arl".h I.' ,ii- ( rig ba,rri-Apre for t' 110 Pro-'ThevtSarn bs-se ( wen, with it ,sk barge it" . Coar hymc—. la "U'lolo, .Of sq6rr;4*. tiTpl,JIM that with our ne'lordraap "*i''.'T.,, rvevi-i r i Bou. Than. V, oplast clogaged tt, I neighlottf's saw H,-,.,g=eo! (juicilyIna alth,rugh it
qualcondionano,tv-11 I Tbs 0mrt is making betrayediker under6tv)m'*e4'(evz'vietooi Qstobot: ha,"o boo# S; poo.VAW. Pic!o., ing6li,. orrivelf Ir Me barli "ScLoan. M. P. S , Sd water nt to i-ttbird - i's
T there should be a , I a -: i And then left theelll'y-- I sad in nearly ovoey ingktar.W the p"U013,last Weak with MiciltIn barrelA, andunImp:a l r.,cretts acid initiati,ma under the, Mace. a orevgxhon Ole" to Sweityent"tZ itseillti*uwofully mixtod at I hallbeen tookon by a notary who Isas eltea loaded ,!it thold71 I V.4111, endowment scheme will be greatly Came I Applied f ov ad it wait itten rl,wed hock to, its S'ati, .1 ( r.
.' Jmu'evift!-rod in chicloo joa, . Sad at the tinleShe had only 0*2 in the Island. togari't ao equimTitts'll, are gettil-9 .reseed *4Kta theabsurdthe role lot PO4tics:1'-xc*l'it'JAY$;OrkeMe Wil, 1fet week ,1isill by his mattec, Prot:AK Uox(.gat. __ %,ofwitll,%t& o theh'*Plt&lcattle, allse. x,o.l. yet thil crew vsiri thatwit (or we would not hear . ndinx missioll tMackintosh is likely I by. In Ontstrit, '4'.r J-kn %LaJ '"L'ywto F -t4 VI(:-? (nfe it,* ,,ry dawrosiable womhor. there was i the world. Another coo* which .hkA,e horn profebi 7
r*)Mor that Charlie isad two slatio-S, V-% lorconcert held belore in@ hospitAl so-ohorilire list -1v was I ,. rk itrk,its wocittl I,if the Int0riOr jut At the line. I *11:i-liedbe made MinistwI ini.lo. oad appom -led a num- Kate i110"rAndU'S*"""ftwJosent" b 4, oil tumc of a girl tit Konsingt.,,nmetA, the kwhil with which it ill I Vt l popular np lie positions, HtSh fk1h,,o it sludents -this, a- Dr i I,. , on Thursday e,ellinq '-f that , I ,,soo Thos White promoted to Financebet of county 1---daes to t Me t -f til prodiesmont. Fftidinx line could not,i to show i Last weelt. The pr,ozramme w" a H)"it :14Inoteofgaverobeft 00pris.
Minister, vice 'Air Lo.)nard Tilley, elevst- lout in Queb* - he is r ,it afriskit blosors F K-t and 61. y,l.) obsGin"tobeta&pi, creatuas""tb rt- L*dW "PIN 14ft br'thceccePtsb"et'"' the I (,Iwe. it, thant_(;ov*rv%orship of the--!OIloblouitsettwI1r('17tc 4.41h sat t vr- ,(r. vpolin-1. and Miss Cke ,,It tileI wave herself lip 1'. fdor The o^le,.f shorth,-vin otockcf ,140
Seat on 4 . Ied to the Lieuten .4turday, Dt;rtftg 0 Is - Miss, tht thPlie Maistral" wo-ald oNow Brunswick. Ability must be look -hO--14 . .up exeplient tri, washilogton. ml his stock term, lot 2 ,
1ppli,,jeal wi rk Upr him - I nr throe montl..g, tbs Iftot baccaness, pian .,. 91111vt 60-'DICLU rt.tuoher tem. val to the-licapiti-1.__ , --.*.Ah. -1-1 1`1141116"I
i- ka when Mackint,ochs f. at th.i ploint I." been very lwgv ! Gracte Jolinst ,nslld,%I'8iF . '. .at .'.%'.W in the Tory rat' '. , -don IMrs. , very young reciterp, warp inuch appre- I Fluor. --On Wrifivily at midnilithta; are '. &.I X very Successful ~l'amp COUld be thought Of inIs, altakto livalLo" Irlas zmmA Gol was thes-Im.. e, *he,;:&tell Miss K ky 2n3 Mouses Fu,,Pt soad =o1jet it, tile sitable Used I'v ('01 T%eTny f-11--win't lit of the lt,ticipatio", mad if he were 9 'a n -,fg%ndord. 6..r I -it_lwuda)_ "n2*,,I,.%; and chrit ,lt behind loss Crocwry." Ro lods.rR ,ha lWarquivoo Co!lrr,rr*. COW.fwith acabinet post t he Ti -,e M%'r"i :%'4--01""4""!':r-"-. A - -11M .14,10 to 719 V1.111ttalf at I T. MO & red I -T K1101 *file% was abrn J,. offiev, we would no - ; .114 esra d .. t tal. V00,010 we wore al-cel.tal-IT rrdf building. ,n Ito". $111. l'bit'it il.44W. wa1111chforked tilt( Cabinet Comprised once t" tl.r I T,'T.tiv Ma . JI att; Ssmta, sitict is the twat Krs. Prwt r ,itMiss wo.t
..'rprivied to "a a full ,V1jt Mr BIXIAV'S t'01111guiLU r, fr-, the c!Iu-cjL choir Stilts Kni.% and stro-yed with all its coorte..... ,._... want ,sh, call, Kate, IN. WalXo*t",l Raymond, planoforte t mirz , a a Ahalsoolikertan see"t in real- f a brime, harness, has-blark"'t' et; -w .d. West%A,%*an(A. I, w. Akoh.1
AA follows - Premier, Sir J,,bn Mae I,!l4.rz1 i"a.l,-.L r,eaya r S -Y *.i- for us". a Reach. of Tovofttn, from1t.of 40Au'r&qo style Dr avid Mrs. Vrr " .th * WeeJoinboo 31-111160", of Stfeh a c., roe ar"Itild hs" ohn Senedo., 4 & fi.kos. tomdon. E.1c . ly t,vt cil na" The firn at "a* limaevouts"61t"owpol"lives. $lack. Will. Xc0rft.;X".d,nald . finance. na,tiy, itic' J . al,o Miss Macdonald were atAttentive he whole block. to J" Officlit fieve *"line Wairsofflinals. C(re. Hvief* 1"I'l' Aio)-
Mackllltnsh : varitalleck t,.r Mr 0 . t running a law Rania- H. -0 1-ttle a = - it% to go Orders Ina? bk? left at tftts; t,, 6eir guests. got ,,ill lot oldis after ElIc"At" Stanley, Grow,the"Y ; interior. C he f Irfr= calair. is Applotoristra C.wan -, stricolturp. it would 1 M D01a9LL'-ComFt1yt'()Svv`A%N- Thiaminutes. and diA tied got in trim itcroin Iat, SILO. . Thria4wItt. We*
r,kilways. Tate ity. Canada to r.,.t an rA ill WO "'Oftufk*- kle to brnssel.c fm*Ifor,al,outhalf an boar. Tl;p Io1lvl41"-A,,,A,nsb, C,.;,,,,t1rit.r,w I.Nid. Vic",addy Pnn .,lo ; public Works. Pat that she Con allwil to lose frow, bet deti J4111011 LIPC it a pat6&mork.1wtl,. kt,nwvk thosictriod e.npany will *P- I . I . .A WavrAn..-Gb. c"IN ard
H 'West )r. .ef wardan of the cossity. in , pqor in Vnitaris, 41pers tit -em, 00dillfieb Owned and _v,11.ofoa by ,4wird,ir,if S " L 0 '. %tealkrlgoeopral, Big Push bersAiwo assembly her .%blost _ covilltht fire, hilt by iel (if laddere and a"f %j,hiiie R4w9e $11.1. Henry HIN111"r-
I I nenciltoMo isoe a - ."lly ; STY of state, Mahaffy. most leartiodi Tilescoetarilln. her beat uley socadi4atoo at N*tthWiese-isIT'hitiwedrpoday and Thursday next. 11110Wilkinson -ore awyer a rpan who in &#Mae,, illi I - "Joll b A"crolvic is pails 4 water ( rily little dome" was Wavrocro,sh' hull. flat,,,: ly Delc*.
I Woot Willa* -
hr. conaLltati-MA, . OW pop 11st man fr, 0%1;1 L , tl,.* T.,r,,ntn M1611SAY$d revolluil',it" r , lure pnouzb.ackTwoot 40" ti,porge Acheson. Owner Vf the o8150. Joe, Hiell hoet"mMf Mookoke ; iftlain .ocktoota the trot place tbs a verests"s ""Ina Ight .. Public IV must hew* thought who witnessed stable, w0i lives ablNut 111126,D'`auekonw."'Ohcow SnA CAI? Kitty., ot#) -M,I
4 customs, A, W Wriwith Sir .1'shvi A macdo"114 Th w,ud prn'saw ilor, tbo W 'I'*1)"k- skst- rt.)A0 rig h "olgrio V. mailloil", '1111014. f9c. hisitas . ion, Ick T,vaoa . militia. %tinging in.j ts,. sbijac, .,f tiovir orgarks wilt,* Aboa . h!S I-orforniance as spsolding. ,it the (i,lorgo Orant will I-vivio shttat tkill Game,NYmarine and Baker Aindwiti dw *700 .- -vivis sir-otherot 'ita 01thilviuollis in the I socrietary. last eveninw. after ,on inearance , ,4annotom A K in have -(,h@oldRivard Ai0q. bsve ".or succSo-led to b ow"ass.1mrs.P.1,1 ,aersaievs. Theis Laos" L_ bovinkttA the most thor h covewwati,osoPaiacio r-alse, rink led lFr;&? ithod until their sitles -,hod their loss covered v.y is1oh,any Havlkiftf '*,to,be (se N I I VACII .. Us the rMlItOf 06101"'s" "'o 0, -I An,or
butDS,0T stirreaders-- Seat' that , r. ekbe fto c )aotr) qkq ,, dwiiihood SU wl ., Oil*OWW1; athisIt'stch mifnecir Thoolike's in hre is said I oftilerjollk offliol-1yed- With d no tv Tb;s I -if is tit* belft Ant "taks tbs niast loefors. Fills 41.4ofai vilimping of @ohou by or. toccuPIML nif lh*Hewas Awarded ithrIF , wromvaton his 0,qategict,dvinlrd NJ -k. nf eneks'Ors'" fAm* 1100assoin I I mar. of ohm it shoal To„Von ornd.jim weeks. 4 Care- polo.” erked .if hitot flat only for W VVV, b,.ks ,0, vis;tpd Godeeleh and bewildered loaris in his interviews block As the salstost west ffsrsea%%%All a cabinet, A app* hset with th, choloric ('atteirim.lo. &ISO a asipt m,,boe's Oro, as Wooll as at the last (me Sir chartiss Torpor,thoughhis`-" also, boollucce hop, *milk* social of , $MoON Isisho, then the lowest tenderAna, 114 rWOi-- I .or Tory I ischdo bliclaW ausin "tho wbft 4094* An or. 'r -r. -.6 ,.3 iontit .04 hakfacter taken by me J 4).11,011 the town onn"rol should a" t- it tbs. 144= at.%6-in, tit eIFNiFw5rz4 4*,- 4 a 0
it" .p .
look up of ,,ialy UW" who beciet *b* I r W lodges a baby, hilt file
IT of stars to ow I %;)P*- ova . vu a st-ldy and evoked almonot ove"ifict that every to taken or. Yet I ., . rq, it is liket i^
could Nore A gal& life dolina the ticket rill,intli Th* wasna has lka104 . . t ow#h a ennaltl,o ,,f affairs In eittyna. sod what is as I
he, amid —1 11161111111 -#Otiow the debeitais i ciosety ImIgHtf. in which " join, to provost
. It sactiagagicat I ci.NO . r.. 1:,A lou ,. be reiva. The To -I ("thl"Ot is *roe 04
wwo ie,t bacon a V . . . nl-s - I , than toady 1111 4'-lisld. tow folcureL [I"e"': bho# : ..:: -yook' Wen l4smilton Tifew
to about whom t ,iia -go owill 6! - n1 , at ..
sea anaonlimed 1b. One blawo sip" T 0! ra'." e6vtVy t, t) 9 fick,11i.mairse
I* -i,;; .Ail. 04, net 11 led the I'M% b.,IL tid - -
SAM %niam its Rua similialm hient. of the work to,) " rvo- &:,I,- ii -sr, _ shi-, .-1 a,.%e r. ., W.C; A "A I r I
thiskit up lhig on . *
- . binsit. 00 coactry I - - -.00&
.4ir joke is busy Tate
his Oakick --s sabil-1@1i So to a" -L ' I I I I" ... . - 11 - 11 I L, -,. ___
k! - ... 11 - - 111,111111111111111111,..._ l illillilill . riva- - ,all- . I . L ____ - '_ -_ - -_ _ -.--- _ L - - -
I , - 'ZIL.,asuall",hainckmak, _aA