The Huron Signal, 1885-9-25, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, SEPT. 25, 1885. TRX tBLACILLOYIS" Graphic Dsaoription of >1ya N tins of Alestr%hia situ r.0ieesa of rust meswan --• nem. warms* epewaaeat efweses cess. RIM& !)lillYie-4101•r >drratb !Saye elapsed same my last letter appeared in your columns, but bs►vixg Wane leisure, sad knowing that these spilt* to a ger taimement are al►preeiated-•one havdag bees as yet oossig.ed to the wade basket - I hare deeded to give yen smother pries on Australia sad Asstwliaa mat Ekon. There are assay inter sting sub- ject. pertaining to the Southern Hemi- sphere which my two years' ressa.noe is the colonies gives me familiarity with, and ample scope to waste un. The Meme chosen ler thio letter Mons that no doubt will interest your many readmit. The "blackfeUow," ea be is styled by the colusists, I will deal with, as 1 hawses= them peraoually, and for many of the facia 1 aria indebted to an 0111 °monist, who d•sunbei thorn to ere as he sin noosed them. Tilt AC*TRALIAR •WatclNt •s of the Papuan race, but in many re- spects the lowest type of roe. They reenter probably 40,000, bet owing to heir nomadic laude of life it is imposer We to arrive at anything like an accurate estimate. They are black, but not uf :he aggro type, for their hair is long and dor paved to Ds curly -nut woolly --and they pride themselves in the growth of • pro- fuse rolure beard and moustache. They ars sheet the average European height, bet dight in build. The women or One, (and by the same token I never ooatd tied out why they were called gins unless in aeknowledttetnent of their superior capabilities for consuming the juice of this jesiper), are not w good looking as ohs leass, owing, no douht, fes Itis fret (-hat tWene subjected to easy cruel treatment, and arsestly exposed to every hardship and drndeery by their lords and masters. While in Queensland, I saw a great number of blacks, ,they are much more numerous there than in any other colony;, and • truly depl,rblepie- turs of huwaiit, titey presented. They µeserally travel about the haunts of i civiliartron in twee and threes ; the gins invariably with a short black clay pips in their mouth, a possum skin fastened on the back in which she carries ter infant, and • cast-off dream or petticoat c completes her slake -up. None of them are passably gond-looking, and suit ULD Ilse 1 particularly remember seeing was ab- solutely hideous. One of our fellow , lodgers offered to weer with me that wiles this gin came beneath the verandah g to beg for a penny, he would shut his eyes, torr around three tunes, and throw h the penny, she would be certain to catch it in her mouth. s ettenaive esu that arty. Suiting the action to the word h he threw the penny. W. lost our bet. it is necessary to add, however, in justice to the seas of the mouth, the sc- ceracy of the thrower l thio !Intl in jeeti- E'catiun of our lest het, that she was an expert at witching pennies arid made her the thrower. But, notwithstanding t living by it. The hair is carefully ne- fact that Perseverance built the Py elected, and rn no instance have i mien midi, reared the seven hlll.d city, a an aborigine dress the head in the opessd the watery blgbws! to our gree elaborate fuhion tl,e Mannan nr Figi band, I must acknowledge its inability news or steals the unproved and cord and !easement& artists ►u the dove d • **iliac d basey' woe► es sn.I�at fr- dueemeet to same "King or 'Ills' ' or yr etbeol' the !�►es� w w _ form and iitki$wM •load 4m Selthei 90,10k le them.MM. flpatestaelesseetoM Mehl toy het jam sad bosh gibe ben, ee a ode= Ski playfd re - geese !hei * return *e Otte bud. The primeval part of their subsistence is wallaby, Therese and native t catching birds sad GA, and should • amain be thrown usl their shores no greater delicacy era the satin paetabe al. The Boder rubs himself all ever with the oil, he then anoints his wires, and thus pre- pared cuts kis way into the eatable part Others swop Dome and by night they dance sad sing, and by day they eat and sleep ; thus fur days the revelry cen- times, and they remain by the putrid carcass, rubbed from head to foot with blubber, out of temper with indigestion, quarrelling and fighting among them- selves, aodalti.gether • disgusting spec- tacle. Another particularly relished morsel of food is obtained from decayed timber. it comets of the worms and insects which they diligently and speed ily gather in handfuls, and singe on hot ashes, and thus prepared the blackisll.ow bas a dish on which he thrives and fattens Besides all this they have a great variety of vegetable food ; roots, tubers, leaves ad fruit go • long way towards the completion of the bill of fare. They have no cooking utensils ; all they require is • fire to roast their food. They convey water for drink in a wooden vessel, but as they de not wash them.elees, • second vessel is not re - quasi= They carry .11 their possessions about with them. The man's equipment comsat* of • small kind of hatchet, fash- ioned from steno mid fastened securely to a wooden handle by thong, of akin ; • throwing stick ; several spears which they throw with their toes nearly as expertly as with the hand : AND • 5Ooll$KANG, • weepiik peculiar to the Australian aborigines This strange contrivance I will try to dearth°. It is about 20 inches in length from point to point, 24 inches n width, and j an inch thick. It is a tlat curved bade snd_1roat the peculiar- ity of its shape and the still with which it w thrown it realms to the feet of the thrower. When in Queensland I par - based one of these weapons from an old natio a "king" --every petty chief is style! "king" by the colonists -eh.. was clnspi.tuous by a large brass plate shaped like • half-moon suspended from his eck with his name engr ved on it. These marks of distinction I learn are lean to them by their adopted mother,' Queen Victoria, when the adopted their tinting grounds. The wily savage as- sured me that this murderous weapon, which he had just finished making/ that _ might supply himself with snot! ter bottle of rum), had killed "many lots whit.eman.'' When thrown by "his ex- cellency" it described various zig-lig movements throog't they air and made a circuit, returning to within • few feet of he -- r Pyr No LADY 0114. DELH:Hm IY FLowER*, ad and likes to see them do well and bloom abundantly, should be without Hafting t ton's Food for Flowers, Ordinary Nich- e" ages 30c.--autbicient kr 20 planta for one taste. They poise their bo ss *hila pipatiy in sags sad areas, thee Me.. • Vyw appearaaoa when gui h their Seoeenests is the A. the dramas wait Meter, so Mel d�sr, until they tesei *me- adow *sags star. of ..mill asaat b peat Mgt 1unrw berm ewo;tpI radars • ..vaso sad Ilia sada* look 1ik: =t�dems or fMw, span eras or kaaga.eio hank is Imileta% In their dame the shove t wouderf.l power of s1`tiery,beit their sates is void of all pinery, and their oasis sssresly law than iaferaaL it e. very sedum • oterrohboree M lasid in New Beeth Wales, now au .•sassed and few are the natives. The stranger um landing in Sydney or visiting any of the inland towns is most certain to be stepped ua the street and asked for a 'penny' by sumo Of thew p or dirty miserable relics of a must degenerate race. TRIM rLaa;alr1Ya PAi•t'LTIM are acute enough to knits you are a stranger t the town. One Dame running from the opposite side of the street in Brisbane on my first visit there, singling Ins oat from the crowd to beg for a pansy. They believe in the existeuoe of a Good Spirit and an evil spirit, but only the men have any future slate. A ease of "heads I wia,tati you lose' with the women, they are entirely "out uf it." Their basins= is simply to get food. cook and prepare shelter fur their more fortunate husbands to this mundane sphere ; that done their presence and assistance w ao further required. Not- withatanding the many efforts that have been made by the government for their civilization, they will not take to any trade or occupation that requires labor or attention, and save a few eaoepticn., they are never regularly employed by the colonists. Sometimes they are en- gaged as boundary -rider or bullock drivers, at which awing to their ability to tide the roughest bone they do very well. They have often been of .hemi service to the government u trackers. Should $ mystenous murder oocor any place in the country, a black tracker i. sent for, who in all probability will detect some trace of the perpetrator which would escape the inexperienced eye. They are 1'sOS$CTKD BY THE GOVERNMENT. ss the same manner as are the Canadian ,Indus. -.o much allowance made them yearly -and they are pnvileged for like the Australian member of perltament,- the blackf.11ow is allowed to travel by train or steambnat free ; but notwith- *ending the various mesaules taken fur thew prut cut oo and preeervation they ars rapidly dying uff. The habits and swages brought among them by the Euro- peans were so different to their wild, na- Wal and simple manuer of Ids, coupled at with the outrages by the early ocnricta, the introduction of vices unknown to them but belonging to civilization Ifs, e and the spread of diastase hitherto un- known, were apses satficiest to speedily d.erease this numerous Saes, leaving to- day bat • remnant et the entold tholes- anis hosr anis that swarmed the costineat on the landing of Captain Cook. !flZ RCO?�l IC? WORMS which the (ollowieg report was adopted : • loor..•,.soits. apponited w examine into the workings of the Boos Jct beg to report ea fellows 1 That exdwithstanding the greet .M.�rtyo to the =unties w los upers- tarn of th. set, asst chilly from those 4114=104011.110d �ltd rally N'i� Ueda, and the 'SCA d off 10401lytti lu3J GOYttats to enforce Ism it UN NOW daersarnv .11t is Stolid 'lomperanow People Discussing Thar Future Polices Nis Qameear•ea is Nut <*.ti_ _ee eines ammo nowasw hike,. lbv 7. W erM, p � te p tesehttios psea et a rsMtiet of nhiiltroutire el the hwsia- les'ISlespess io• afliMps,held is Asguet, a roma( anatomies@ of the Ontario branch Waa oosnwnoed oo Monday Ash. 14th, M the Kchmusd street Methodist Church, Toronto. The ober= of the meeting was to consider the duty u1 temperance worker iu relation to the setrresaseet of the Scutt Act and to decide on tame policy for the falsity. The sesaioas in the afternoon lied even- ing were both well attended, over 200 delegates registering. I. the absence of Hon. S H. Blake, president of the provinces' branch, W. H. Howland, opt Toronto, was voted to the chair. A committee was appointed to draw out a migrate of the business to he transacted at the convention. IM recommendation of this committee, a committee composed of representatives from counties where the Scott Act is le fume was named to report on the work- ings and Ensnarement of the Act. Another committee was appointed t, consider • plan or electoral action. At 4.30 the convention adjourned till the ev.nrog. The evening =seem opened .e 7.30. The report of the committee on Scott Act working, represented that the act is a partial success ; that enamel' viola- tion, of it are ..•meta., driakitg has decreased in the counties where it w in form ; that it is an improvement on the liosacs law ; than failure to properly en- force it is dee to the apathy and indiff- erence of officials ; that the appointment of efticsent license inspectors would rwul: in the sueesssful operation ..f the act, sad that the only twenties where it is properly enforced are those where offi ask ssalsssfy do their duty. The ap- peietmeht of pollee magistrate, =each Scott Ant testy was urgently two mended. A diseusslon, in whish menial speakers took part, followed. The sub- stance of the verities speeches was very mach the sate as that of the commit- tee's report. The speakers added, how ever, that the act has completely dope away with the pieties of treating *rosily emphasized the appeintntent d rel- eommiseioners only men who are in sympathy with enforcement of the Scott Act ; that in the opinion of the conven- tion the licensing of liquor dealers, ie - Mead of druggists, is an outrage on tie temperance people. and that efforts named be made for the removal of these appointees ; to ante temperance people in counties where the Scott Act is not in furee to gee special attention to the n eafuroement of the prohibitory clauses e the Crooke Act, and t, continuo the o Wits/Ion till the Scott Act has passed in every satiety A vote of thanks was tendered to the • members o.1 the house of asoma= who by their 'root prevented the heel patting of the masts wine and hewer amendment • to the Scott Act. Votes of thanks were g also ceased to the pastor of the Roch- e mind street church for the use of the building, sod to W. H. Newland for the able way in which he fulfilled hw duties se eh/tannage After devotional exercises itic tonvention was d�niesed. .r The Sweet Molter .f'sinks•as no afar that finds u. •lastest totally system, is 1lpli o.1 drishi.g, and rag emote rep„rtine, the act t cuatllisa as seseemtu y ob•seeed are these in which the otticers aeal°uety perform their and in whft:k the temperance pet. - have sufficient urgartiaatt„a 3 Tbat the delegates who appeared before 'cur committee unau wily re- commended the app.nntesent 1 polios magistrates ui each county. 4 This committee furthermore de- precates the reckless runner in whict. a few physicians make use of their power to grant osrtilicateo f•.r medicinal use taw tit" I Saginaw, wily City, Qoderldy Detroit and Cleveland. KIM AiMAN[I1DITL Tow f. le out awl Ou. mom/tour "Saginaw Valley sew. uA4•t, tllswee . Wm run during tae Mannas of Narla.ttmn, as tuition : Loot.. Goderek ewers Ttf.re/ay. at 1 .' cloth p us.. for Nay City ^gid 'tnaiaa.. at Sand B.s.k, Port Hops ead'hwas, cudneo ions with West Shore Boats at Hooch for usurer City, Cheboygan. Motets* Island and St. ignace. and at Bay City with .trainers for Harrisvitle. thiamin sad Algoma returning to Uoderielt on asndal• Leat,e llodrrich every I*.aday, at Retests*. soon. for tort flurea. Urtroft sad Cleveland, rewriter to Oederlch on Thursday. This mere .111 be continued during tk.Ir•• .q. of nab upsilon. In the afternoon the discussion of the report -- report of the committee on ekctoral TICHFTB action was resuosed. 'Che report ad. is for the w hole SOUND O N D Ted RIP i.s.ttause» will ed that the rtnenmendat,ous c.ntatned in Rev. Mr. Rens• amendinent should toe referred to the Et...melon Allianceeaecu• ooespltngadays. meals and bertha taslNas. tree. The original report which was For rates d freirht anti passage. sad Me published yesterday mor was adapt• other information. apply to .d with the following additions 1. '('bat this convention expresses its WM. LEE, Agent at Oederteb. �( The Saginaw ‘'alley may be had by Special warmest approval of the ashen Ur thuae it -rano -me. 1 for K� Bxcurricas oa tho members of the dommv,, senate who Lake any Thumei.y arteraoon. labored denng the last session to strong - then the Canada Temperance act, and •bo opposed the intneluction of the wine and beer clause and other efforts to muti- late Me act. That inasmuch as a large majority of that body, including nearly all the mein- I GRAND a' L it A B U R iC Jour i h. loot. fes. hen appointed of bate years, hare show deeided hustrlity t° the act and to to perance and moral levitation general) and inasmuch as there is no pnope.•t obtaining from parliament, while the body is constituted as at present. sue legialatinn as u ,mpeirirely demanded h the majority of the country, this oun ventiuu expresses iia conviction that the senate should either be reformed in such a way as to bring it into harmony with the moral sentiment .,t the onuutry, or (het it. be abolished, and recommends the sfection of such medicates to the Mese of women. as will support such a policy. On the recommendatIon of the com- mittee en resolution... it was resolved to instruct the alliance executive t.. me- morialize the government to appoint as ,.'!EXCURSIONS y, n EVERY SUNDAY EVENING GODERICB pollee magistrates in Scott Act Bounties and deprecated the restless matinee i which a few physicians ,granted cern. Cates for liquor. The meeting seemed t be of opinion that the report was not strong enough, and accordingly referred it to the committee for further consider The report of the committee on else• total action rwooromended that the eon ention affirm the necessity of electin prohibitionists to all representativ bodies, municipal, educational and par liametitary ; that it is desirable to form a prohibitory effectual union in each municipality in the province, tad that the members should be pledged to sup- port only knows prohibitionists. I. I D. E. NicC, Islanders do. Before ctyiliret,, came cau*e that boome-raug to. return to my y among them. their dress was indeed cry feet after leaving my hand. Tu recover primitive I have in Buy possession it I was forted to travel probably in an • o utlrLrrL BILL Dagel et -it opposite direction to that intended by of a young aborigine belle. It confining my aim, but never, notwithstanding in - of a small apron, atxrot the size a dwtry andysrs.raranoe worthy • better man'■ .'land made .•f strips of skin worn cause, could I succeed in throwing it i round the loins, a bone three inches in return oven partly towards me These length worn in s hole pierced through savages continually the septu.n of the nose, and a necklace ' grove *Rove Tr r•wr Lrldt made of the teeth of pommels --a kind o1 , or Hell tribes. Seldom, if ever, hart squirrel. Tn t teutales hat. no lore for they been known to build awbstaatal flowers nor adornments of any kind : hub or dwellings in villages like the they do not tati,r. themselves nor wear North American Indiana do. Their ernauneots of theta!,, such as braciete or shelter a e,1 the must primitive style, and rings on the ankles w many Savage lobe unseen•..( Ansi, d hark hits assume ear. Maw • Warmer lie/ lecke. treelike. Tells y as reepr once an amendment to a unction to adopt the first echo in all hearts as th lag aelew Meese of the report, Ree, Mr. Roes, of I wuriog words gives in the •hurt extract A. STRAITON, Aft-, O. T. R. amass, Tilsonburg, moved • lengthy resolution below. Speaking of one .4 the painful 1!x94-Oodericb, Onti the girt of which was that, no temperance realities of life -ie., -an aching corn, C. -; - --- elector, no matter uf what previous ..oasthe at h o'do, k, os the Commodious Seesaw, OCONTO t: w. tesitisaseh. tessese.trm To Detroit Sad Mai • a4 leseblag u Sand Beach. Port Ham Port Aamis. Taws. Ferest- v11Ie, Lsatrtttata, Ihnilae. and all toes St. Clair pons Ise the tend Trip, MIAS. Or One eek on bear!. including mean sad berths, Wank OrONTN IJMC- ZOQ_ ]lade a1 Hanot Beach with the Port Surma r Nerthweese H&Yway for Seesaw and Ise ttrmadiate WaimeaAb with the ('tevrlaad Navigation (7w. boats tar Uacada. flarrtavtlls, All sigera Pit) Mackinac. rbebolpn and let. lessee, n sad all Lake dapear porta Aad at Detroit with all railroads sad OM - land rheas, Navigation Co. • heat. sirClsee /Good hearing Mirk os hoard. T. N. DANCEY, Agent 0eeeck July tad, 11116.. MACKINAC. SUMMER TOUR 1 Air Posse ttrus, res arra woe se ser wean famous. DETROIT AND MACKINAC' Alia awn was e., DETROIT AND CLEVELAND worair s • w "Fiches.,.Meeklmee Mnerded. 1 e tinr tininess Tea Peagada seam tires. DeleonA Oleetdfltd Sleety N. Clio C. 0. Weirreeme. else. para- Ntw efTaereo rel es, Alb 'Croak, of Dowagic, Miebivan, addatesti- t t, marvelous resr'ts •t -••dMg Peddled per.aasion, should support any ' the tssof shat gnat corn cure -Putnam' aoddate fur dominion 1 P less C A boy whom we know of makes quite bonen who sea• not a known prohibition- lit to my entire satisfaction and though M par lamentary air um Extractor- I lave teed • a nice sun of money every year by rais- ing a patch of cucumber fur pickles. The month of July is not too. late to plant thea. He is a hard overlong, am- bitious boy, who will be sure to stake his way in the world. Besides the cucum- e ben, he has • chicken house, which he • r.. Thew ehse4.vtetwe, like alt • Inc re ofkei' aup;pwtrt. "Ms even nations, is the.r purer ..1 endurinv hard- lie nn'y used in cold weather ; • fire at Alps Cbar•;ter, enema! appearaeeeleach end of a log, one for the males, an sad artaspirntio.ra err neither cultivated lusher for the females, is all that is re nor weight after. The •'hl•ckfell,. ' is gaited note month cul of the twelve. low in intelledtenee, pr•.ht,bly Lacing no THC , o,esoatao inferior except the inhabitant. .4 the Andaman Islands. • They ate sharp i was m° d'oaM particularly enterttsn f 1118 1.. 111e early co' .ts, prorldin thiave.,as many the c..l...ntat, know i" they were on, ".peaking %erns" web the their ',reeve They are tietcher.•us asnl creel •m,i corn ao Arlly. Like our nati•ts. This jolliticahon rp.wnblim the MoAb Americ•n Ie riIty, t'i , paint war donee of the New Zealanders, ..r the their hoiita, but only ..:1 the .•; .sn.n of iso.! man .4 Ameriox,, with they excephem their masa „sae, l'•arobh..ree, a ttenrr that it Inte..duces mimicry ',if birds and al '7tnlleir which ; ortrap.,n is ,❑ r, .n,nial. poo: nils*, t•• r .I . c *. They are. .u. !let 1 .a, noun. n. special . creation, such darns to the itdtaa war .lades, Lut 1 , will rope, 14• as the "sulking ret young min'• a mystic u turther on. Ear rite ..b00%% 1 am..n;t I h,tn, the conquer imself. We told you about that once before. He has since got some full- blooded brown Leghorn towls which he 1. very proud of. They have given • large number of eggs. Hen! M how this iftdustriuw hey makes his pickles. The cucumbers should Tint be larger than the fincer. In Salting them put a layer ..f ta't on the bottom of the cask ; upon this put cucumber* and Salt in alternate layers at the rate of three quarts of salt t. • bushel of circum• ban ; add a tittle water t., make brine, g and weight the whole ; the cucermhen WHAT w•11 • TYCO sof r a r' ing ..f a wet.: ...ring trier, the euecess(u 'nay d all an:.mall are jasdy en- capture .4 • number o1 young w.en..n f. elute. einnirlrt •:w. Aoyt�u,: the wti,•...•r a.. a charm 1.. 1, gluon seer /tentative nwtroneot •.r ileitis to lig anomie. Several hundreds will *.sent tarn hife tarry can include r1 their h'e, fly. fighting men only tekiny lett in !bill "4 fere. Etery *1110.11, el,eth this clan. - but the w.. en, children an. fir kangaroo. •K ,.•.use, b,rd ,•r reptile, „p,1 mien add no amen part to the ven.rl fish or maim i• f.•nili tr t.: hcn. F'. r cxcttinelt h their •hill r.. y hsps an.l they drink, hrfure the whip min cam., h, . hewing ••f a kind .4 dr.a,a trade by prepared a mixture *loch if net 1:11.•x, strrtchmg a Wever .i .km ..leer their eating we* at least ex.oa'ratin,g ; he did knoea, not taste fn*0ef , but smoked • weed THE ...v.+ ter:i situ should be covered with brine within twenty four hours. In freaheuutg, place iu • tub and c•.ver with b,ilinr water i once • day for there drys, or until fresh,. Then Were in tabs and cover with vine- gar. Add one teaspo...nful of m lel 1 spices t.. the gallon, and a little alum. They ste w,.rth (nein forty to sixty cents ; per handfed. aesewiuy to Sarson. et,, If neither party herohelot out a n in my line of business, would like to o- • keep is in stock ' Beware et eobssitisa bibitien candidate, khen the temperance jaad imuattume bold by drurgiats trod people should Dominate said support a cout.try merchants. man of their own. Les. was up- I ,I,h L, National Tanners' argued that ., the practise 4J supp.ertieg the see of barb wire as d•esageog more posed to the ori,.ns1 report because he a 'Hived States Kat 1 Hide and Leather Aesnetattan *.edema. Duly pruhibitrun candidates were carried I bides than any other cause. imus the minor elections for munici paj nail Mires Cared. officials, *chola trustees, etc., a third I Ary you tmubied won Salt Rhes,. party would be termed. ilia views were Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores supported by secaral spe.Jter, all of I if see, go at =ice to Geo. F.lrynas• Dru. 7 - Pa 7 k ' It esu never known to fail. �I b whoa were in favor of what they rather Store and get apa�),a�e f , ;Oregon a, indefinitely ea reeled as a rt +h h furke's eit%inteeC�Mtii ' Price till cent.. w vote fur a pruhihitioni.t irreeepet)* tits of his pellucid views. if both parties brought out temperanoe condi- THE kipinv of Tom Davis to New dates each elector should vote accordieg i lock Las attracted publ.. atter nkeealag •wlndlers. t.. h.. p4.lttical views. A lengthy die the "Sawdust swindlers •-those enter. c,r.ilrn followed. In spite of several ' prising gentlemen who pretend t.- sell disclaimers, the fleeting eeenud to be incounterfeit money t.• dis!tnne,t 'ticket*.land shin packages .4 modem instead of the queer. A:iu there 4. .ea net seem te fev..r of a se.IKi independent temperance Sever er speakers r•. rt er en Iced the r'- lht Mi hes an • a+ ” T1 i ` ) n the ..tau of \ere j'urk to dent senSever of the meeting h saying I punish theca tine ad a has tit ALaR. tN •LL that their ultimate aim ren not the &sett � D y h 11mt fhae a man +ylo LibTn iter, Lath, i�'%L77Llies Act merely, b rota I.ruhibitNq Heptose Sawd..t instead ..I the roun•er• I Ilene he wanted to .oily got more then h t `- sad bu::,lr:'s eaitrorial of rvery do.rr►ptle.,( throughout the country. The report bert•ined for. for whir he 'nicht make heti- Sant FUITITU.E was te(err..l busk tu the _ornmdtee. The ane. use of the sawdnat they rna.ttprfeas YY►ECIALTT. wore ahs'dutel worthless inn could r..• as.t: Urrler proeuprly aurrKad iso. renreution adjourned till .t.:A thio isaew• i re ovt to any use. The ;oche may be Oodprlob Ang. 7. else. ttesci tri;, when the amended remota will be 7 l htl(ally ri11t or he may be +n •q :but en . -- _ `- - ..... GRA TEFCL--COMW►RTD O. EPPS'S COCOA/ BREAKFAST. fie a tbor,ugb knowledge of the .ata ttkt Len + which :� � 1 Mand kbgg1crtt aar•,�ei1g appiic t of the Ase properties of wett- wk•ctw4l ime, )Ir Rpm W oar breeetast melee with a i dies's1y de owed hevereae which ■ ay wave us Seas; .heavy such runlene tine tesorlal thaby t Jodie/et istltslia. r1p be pea4..tb' bole up said i irvnq e�t tie reels every tendency to dlae•ae..� .f setts nrtadfse are /..osteo tie rrea��� to attack wherever there is • crab point. We may preen* /sans . ABM draft W kkeepint ow -selves well Untied wick sure brood and a properly nourished frawne.'—ffM 'lister /lir r milpkfs.w e17J t o rackety .Gro- cers.e labelled tans ---••)AMas Sera lb., Homaopathk beanies, London hare." SM MVPI far Caaa4s►,C. t uetmem. llnntrwN CiEQDE3iIC7H PLANING MILL HSTABLI'HHD HISS. En oilman, Lawson : Robinson *.at Io. Ti no. RappoY Sas4, Doors & Blinds 7 ¢ma.le a tuna or I recetleut h union ecta e.l. * *apble person will tin, i fault wish ✓ f. apww. his decuton. The scoundrel wh • seeks somewhat similar. But new c1' ilizatiosi is w.'I regulated amt inessurwl, and has in:ndn,til plenty of the genuine executed w,th ineeninusprecedes. They firewater," anti hie old wee•i it entirely are always performed et Bids, with dwcsr•.l•• 1, and in its stead he legs 1•..r i bri 1ht Brea *uremia Ing the weird apse - it iikpow i* *!.rant tit With our read- ' en against the sudden attacks of Clpule ra, ('ramp. &'otic, and the r*nous Il,wel Complaints incident to the epa.•.n e4 rips fruit, roe: tables, Me 1vr Fowkt's Evtraet ..f e%'ild Stra.tvervy is the mild !specific for three tr oublea 2 The raiment, .•t Joseph (' mk, a preo,ni tient merchet.t • f K llearline hs., been /••end els the harbor after being two weeks m00ing. The h.anrnion Commerewl Traveller% Assorlauon .igl at peal * calk 1• teat !Le constituli. nali;y ..f the tax imp.. -e•1 .•n ire menthes in Halifax, !et. John and other Owes. IG,,tI, 1,4V. w 1 The renrentias ••t the • mean.. branch els boylntilp tl:o; othoe pe*ple. nit m npY, that he may ( Har, •i,•r rrr.rtrrd Wargo *tesek of ,bpaere•p. tis h.. GOMM BOILER !0813 ..t the Domini. el Tenrperauoe AIlia/totl resueiesi business ye.terd*y morning.Ievrslat..n tackle thus ,ree.1.. , they e, i linens( 'smelled. %%'Tthe Now hint, BRASS IRON STEAM F (Lone • g,. •4i sur .kw The attendance was even larger than w^old Ire '- r"rr— Mondap. business in nukir; a law the.world BO] TAe amended report of the r Hm•ailtee ennui.. en Stec .tet en'r .rcemenl was rlreclt.nell, - a watierta1 rr.N•MnoeAteml. ry ITTINGS ,RNS & ERflIIES the drift .1 the speakers remtarks aeiem pb„t!o scon .. nfer. .mei, lir r . re.:de t't a (�� 1rj6W Salt r •ulwtantslly the seine as that Mos* malaria; rime n •i•ould elpan.e ...A rh..r- ass and Boilers (lay s diocun:..n. Reverts from ramose trembly t•eie up the aye. •-m e,t4 ltitnl••e.l 1t i 'p'n .‘tioete*r Nwtka. conn•les on the verbiage of the act sed Css'•d l aunt•. this puts ,ii•tll '* u •n �T. • nor, vinyl, one repairs w rhe a' mach (' . 1 P to n r res .r s^,1 , y teesr w ee. in most eases the dt!ficulty of pynl.ptly .. ,•, « s h,.,n.• . oro.. Ser att.r,u :bass ;•rpronta tz•tr * i.l *!1 (' •m• enforcing a were neared. The mem- ptalnte. r" An ...mew list 'Dr' ' t1.,., N I ('H RS RT k BLACK, ing was ;.seed in this discussion after N rth • • Hand of c tis 2 w"ti. *ewe n• T. R t+olehcl► Ire b. gg yy, 17ty ,,.,....t»,.o:..t.eva.ori+ nw1 .aa,ret , , Mt'.,„ inastatePagigtAn