The Huron Signal, 1885-8-14, Page 88
imams mad teopeaNs leea•.auaratrea i■
law Vera.
New Ines, Aug. 8. 8•ta.--:QatuIV
is putting forth .:goals of an intensely
emit stay. '1'becn,wda are Besse.
At 8.50 I:euerai and staff
trooped slowly unto the pias. from Broad-
way. At thus time a iaatsdrwd members
f the Lied.raui ..ciety tiled up the
ste.• the ctva anal t h t hall l sang with to
':) tun, Dr. Newman recital the Aerial I
e burl of the Mvoth..Iut church, the
u0Ir•Lna u
eoespronounced awl the
body of the tlletons hewas woolen
odto the tolan. During ahee
s lemas-
Iw his fa. ,•'y stood at the foot .f the
a\tt, l'r,.tdwtt Cleveland and the
&n• president and tht Aaeml►en of the
new cabinet shoed at the right, the had
..f the seaket. 8heemau and Sheridan,
ea-t'twaidetiu Hayes end Arthur stood
close to the casket. The guard of honor
bore the rwisius within the tomb after
0.e prayers were concluded, and at 3:03
ts • .. J s:iw placed them within the steel caw,
rcssnr edict the chorus of "'[u *pint 1 1 thee waled. The family un
• * 14'MP '4116 `i l'1
Uuuu; 11R 111(1 UINa
COMITY CLIPPIMOS. I awl hope their loomed life wiB bwsa gravelling 6Ulde.
us Woken sea of euusubsal base.
Nees fares ail Puree of pares ow so she 1' hef uaeanitie:t ewiwdhamat*(allow- YRAN1t TRUNK
new. aarasaae. I s g renews* to Ueruo saes lent en artl0le
un the bog mi11 reeentl fitted up in that
own : -Iu the . torr :gym sir Burd. wdu
Rev. Father Shea • ptctiu will be held glad bee. opera ug ib. (.wen street
at a..te•tth, *bout the ..coal west it duorini msU, liaduut that he had out as
Sepler bee. Needs time to devote to that brawn sd
D. Meekly'. of Sesf,.rth, has hews ap- , las bowmen Y he would desire, took ietu
pointed medical examiner for the Cath.- ; partnership Mr. Jaw Th.mpsus, a Hay- 1 -
Exposes.nags.Mated. Mlttst•
ri..t ford I Ar. I Mlle •gars I -:11► WAS i A p'r
yl sted.r Mired. Rs s
derision! ' L. I 41sa.raI I.1a F•••1 I Ilea
Heider ick 1 Ar. Mcta rue I 3 LS 1.-"'
He Mutual Beuefit Association 'of that luta. the latter .f whuo b,uug a praot,t-
P33 p.m
al miller, minted to take full ov.rsai bt' Legal.
.echo N•IUiatus, of main street, north of the buuuesa, The Got tutor of the EAC
2 test ui height leaks Reticulum& Ibbs., 01 (Leftwich, for C. ttasuart, Jim. J. A. M.avou .
the changing of the mull trove a stone to E. N. Lawrie, ttayf-
a patent prows ..iIL This has jot
bele completed, mad the unit, as cum- u C. HAYSti, $t)L1ICCl'UK Ae
plated, has a capacity u! 100 bbls. pee lir
day Its situation is central, its size
ample and being the citify mud of the
kind within twenty awe or thirty miles
Ms Gummi u assumed. N. expellant has
been spared iu aneurism tno hest
mschiuery to every department, and
cal ver. The clergy and physicians en- I mer ..ver $3000 have been spent on nupruve•
terel carrilty[ee as tallows :-Rev. Dr.
Dispatches from all the priseipmJ Philadelphia.®silts, which moron will be largely
Nswrws, Bishop Harris, liusboph.+tterr i towns and attes show that the day has I A lamp expLad.d in the sitting roan I increased by the bnildiu8 01 •saw dao
Rev. Chambers, Rev. Dr. Feld. iter'- { hers .•tOercrd AS 4100 of ur.urulnK over { of Deunie's bore!, Seatorth, ou Saturday Arum tbruugh the mill front basement
Dr. Brnhentoso, Roe. Dr. West, Ho,. the uatiou • lona. I evening lust, setting the e.rpet and furu t.. attic reveals the fact that • roller min
Father Desb:n, Ret'. Robert Collyer, . I'eavin.Lruta, Aug. 8. - Hsmlitun
',gongs .f the room an a Were. Thr u }ntirely different front the •,id style
Rabbi Brown and Doc liars Dvul:u Fish being prevented by ill -health tram' dames were smothered before much t exist will with which newly every person
ShndY at.1 Hands.
sets :lig as psll br.r.r at Grant • tuners'. drtuage was dour. ' is so familiar. " " " The mill hrarp E, CASE, M.D., C.M.,. ;six.P.n.,
the pr . -went appointed Autt:ouy J. ` A cdeiwnrd, c.0sistuu of R'' •':.:I l'' -en rebuilt under the d:rrctaon .f J. 11. L . tint. Phr.ician.:(
Company ••A re :tilers were .0 the P .h• 1MIce ITiwar tunncrl .• uplw! by lir.
Dinkel to versa in bis stead, 1 nieces was on exhibition at the I.:win er- IGohciutan, of Godench, who has had an 1,... CH.,.
I Lampasas 1Nydkt eakorMar•
coal hctel, Blyth, for • few days the 1 extensive experience in superintending "tea hotel. ltin-
bn,lles .f the 24 Inters. Sixteen amyls ...k. The wan who made it trust have the erection cf many . f the bed mill to
:the Meade post, !'niladrlphia,of which t:nnt it it a twitter of acme amtwrt to wanted a job badly. the Western States and on the Pacific ' 'i B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M, 1'HY-
Sl. The work cn the bolting nisch- el , idl(•twN, 3urR.ou. Accuurkrur, etc.. M.
General Grant was a t- teanir. were di- know where the rcrosins of the illus• torsos with a wagon 1.x1 a parrots, 11e' ('.Poe- Onu:lo. I'm .--The cure. 1 door
wetly in front .f the testa of black thous former heads of the uatnin naw lunar/ea, etak a nos, white nice etc mosey has listen all done by Mr., 'W
Hiatt M vVIWs's Urate groes, up .senior. lallal
I ad n1 [h • Dartd r W:.mi baud repose •
Sead4tth, has the tartest suufl,wer 111 sew brut was to muter wt. a cc.rti.ct ER dL LEWIS, UAtticlalEttt+,
w went ey were Uudeticb
'cool Ucer the Nater, ' by Schubert. and I - wwa It measures 1
h b f "Th Pilgrims, by Tann t( few B
the chorus u a a teruu the tomb, remaining
on )' a R. Geer], Brussels, has a burned t.•ad,
u b' b
drawn by 24 jet blade horsey tit alacL . twin -tents an e m amigo
trappings, halted in the plaza in front of f tinily carnagea were drawn away. Two hundred and one tuba of batter.
the city hall dmfs Commander• I the d I••ony expresses the opinion that purchased Erten Blyth merchants, were
Lift the rr• 'the demonstration was the Rrmudeat the 1 shipped ,ipto.d to Montreal on N'tduwday,
liraWbite,wife 31 John White, propri-
etor of the Elmer Tiwoe, len on Tuesday
fair • visit to friends in New York and
minutes. They then vett; their oar from &,tit eco California. on exhibition
At 9.33 the Mip.rsing funeral ear, rugae. Volleys were fill by ditraetta to his more window. 1t u quite x a cut i•
d th asr.f-war and the
sum -
wan then gave the .oleo, treat[. (stn.
mama," which wu .obeyed by twelve I c.utary Rats rise swan. the
wets, wbu burs the remuaine out upuu the ill' *111 ream w Maier t McCl e.lot in •
portico and down the steps ti th. funs- I day or s, and remain tiering cb0 sum -
Otos wracr of tar *guars
ore and w'es
Ora. t:'I.•..ien.'orer Butler's Iwukstorc
Meat? to end at l.wrst rates of interest.
O.dderack. y 1. T. lui.()arrow. N'. ffuutt.. I1
Barristers. dudetwn In Cbs.orry. kc.
:' ldertcb and Wlisham. M. C Crewman,. .
of P. Holt. 55. 0. tClaatuaron, Oodertch 17YS- 1
Mama. W toluene
right sod company "E en the left ••f
the hearse.C.l,rtvi turn were to the
WHAMS urx►-a l•0astlfE rT$ Wass S. slap.
In einnist:ion with the burial of Gen.
f Brussels.
for sae, attracted considerable stteotwu
Armstrong, 41
c rn. a _
preceded thee::. 'he I [••cession started u Ge• ego Washiatton rests in a brick in Exeter the other day. John !Shuck- TAR. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR -
at - pry• man and Mr. Fie each bought a cock -a- iASdssbOrtn y'Z L rp
at 4.. { vault in )leant Verson mart is 1 -- ggrw;e tit:eei leceuu dour weet irt Victoria
At t► ;.2 lay.r ( i rale, Comply .liar ,,,moble n•tfin, whilst the monument to t,,0 Berry pickers are busy here every I [Street. 1731.L,w, amid Aiderwe:: canker and .lachire his ueemory is situated 011 the hill over. I It now terns est that Jambe Whining, day, -them will wont Ise ald►.at as many ---
ewerged from the city budding anti ea• I,..kun r the Potomac neer. foruserly of Brussels, was toe .1 the ptckan sa lerrrioas 1 R.y, SH A!r:g1lN d HAb11LTtt\
toted the carriage. The members ,.f the I John Adams lies in a vault undtsThe I teematers captured b! P ndmakwr1 Payeiciuts, surgeons, Aeuou.hrrs. kc
There will be t.. sere ice here on undsy &Hee at Ire Shannon:a residence- near the
c nimoo vomit' followed fotters j► church, at Quincy. MI. le
duringthe recent rebellion Iu the North -
12.30 p.m. - The head .of .the prices- tomb id wailed with blocka of rough ' weaR
siou is just entering Riverenle drive. granite. and is simple in design. On :stools last Mr Jamie Wilson,
All night long carpenters with saw :inn John Quincy Adams race in the vault y
Latimer sere busy it. lirnedway. 141.0 beside his father, In thecburcit ahocc. whdd working at a shinsre machine in
when day dawnsi tt resealed the pre. -n either aide of the pulpit, are tablets
• w. a 'the saw still at the 12th rel. ..f Ashfield,
f hastily erwcteii reviewing stand* 1 i• in brass to their wetnory. ; had tutu fingers of his left hand taken
t In the fronts of utany houses were dis- nowise Jefferson's remains lie i : a ed
t :a3ed ernblena o1 tw,urutnit whtcia were } grave in an tnrprt-teetioae oetsetee tnwc L ha miser$ assessment for the town of
,..t there the night before. Monticello. Wingham for this year has been deed at
At mine o'cloTe Broadway presented $ James Ms 1,s. n reposes in a beautiful two cents nn the dollar ' ' ' What will it
au animated spectacle. As far as the pat ..n the .13 Madison estate Whir
rye could reach the sidewalks were Orange.-tr;inia.
thronged with pecple. Sorry train and ,',cues !gonna) is enclosed in a vault
h E 'ed theh
be next re.vr If a bonus is granted to bring
morning, .wis:K ts. the saerawetital mer -
vices at Kinburr.
The fanners are busily enraged at the
fall wheat in this vicinity.
Mrs Zing. of Zurich, visited friends
bore last week.
Mies Maggie Flasenburgh, who has
sig t
in the C. P. L. months, returned to Zurich last Seater -
Rev. E. J. Robiue•n, lately incumbent day.
gaol Goderich G. C. $IIAsNnx..1. C. HOrseL-
T,N 1731.
Tourists Supplies,
H. the Count,• of Huron. +ales 'treaded
in any part of the GsaseIy. Addsess orders to
tioderich P. 0.
beau a resident here for the h OHN KNOX. GENERAL th
haat MX-
IVTIONEER and Land Valuator. flesh -rich.
Oat. Having bad considerable experience h.
the aucttuneerin,, trade. he is In a position to
ever steamer ural its into the in the Hot waned cemetery .n •n mein- of Christ Church. serer, sat. • n Last Sunda when driving tc church di.charwr ntrttiorun.rta.rti.Larder all tom
great artery of travel. and the natives ecce overt.king both the • 'ty of Rao
:' 7th inst. for Britain, where he will )' g Kuri n. entrusted to him- Order's left at
3 ' great ltartiu s horse !sink sudden Martin's Hotel. or sent by mail to my address.
0oderien P. O.. carefully attended to. JOHN
all $ -res uta• piactscatly 1 awl the James rn•rr. A gothic re
matc fur u leaf six months. If the f ht f kit aline which made Billy i los:-cr
were a •.tar. neat 111.0. a ng ,ora lg , ON' loamy Auct oneer.
suslsaded in the city. Sabbath day temple of Virginia marble and granite country. donate, c.. sails him, he may unmana,eable and gave hits • strong
s•;Ilness tiler reigned in Rnooklyo. Jer- auemount* the grave. ! never come back, unless on • visit. desire to nuke a dash through the store
sty City, and surrounding towns, t_ Andrew Jackson reit* in the garden 411
L Itodete proceeded to the the Hermitage, eleven miles from Nash { Dr. L L. Hopper. of Exeter, has suc- windows, but he was checked by the pot
At 8.30 CH
ag crooded in obtaining the degree of L. 11. i office verandah, which .:upped the rig,
Fifth avenue hotei and summoned the vine, Tenn., in a tomb 18 fast in Jisme- C S at the Edinburgh college. He l and gave Martin a header of &twat 13
l•alebesrers to their carriages. The peas- tee and surrounded by a fine group of leaves L:ndos. England, in a few days ; feet, with no serious effects.
dent's carriage. drama by six h hamm was
ca;ied up to the direr next. but had fully
an hour to wait. In anticipation of the
resident's coming rut. et, enormous
cruwd, which the police found at dithct:It
to manage, gathered mammate the hate:
entrance on Twenty-third street.
The Grant family were qu-etly gather-
ed in their parkin orerl• •;t the
sonar*. It was announced that Mrs.
beautiful magnolias.
Martie Van Buren u buried at Kind-
erhook, New York. A granite colutrn
15 fest in height marks his resting place.
William Henry Harrison is entombed
fur Vienna, where he will take a throe H. Barker had a
mouths' cs arse in the hcspttal. batch a .f "Shooflies," of t;arbraid,
Last Tuesday evening Thos. Hall, of putting up a large addition to his stable,
the Revere Huse, Brussels, lost his! and A. C. McDonald is repairing the
driving mare. She was in a fold adjoin- roofing of his residence. 1 ►n the. Len-
the to an in regime ju.up a pie- ,lirstuo arm s
teen taTyl Tyler
r e Cifn the f. MONEY TO LEND. --A LARGE
John 'ljler retch to the cemetery at ket fence one .f the picker penetrated ; oto architect last Werk. 1 1 amount of I'rirats Funds for invescment
within fill of James her burly anti let hoc eo:raL nuc. The Abad fall tram a awing wwa met with ,t L,wi!.t rtea os ereteisrMatitaaes. wpWy
Monne. Him grave u surrounded site. Susan c is a uUUftwY.
r - disrnnn+. s. w.• do n.N asl,. tow: gnNft. 1
cluster of sweet -scented magnolias. Alex Gibson. of t roxeter, who is an last lf.noay night• ehe,with a number ,
when she -'0+ I RIA ATE FL'NDF, TI f LEND mark an C*dr an p1.en e,tt.:e.. a: 'h' bwrot
an the miil other girls, was swinging, at lover.: in- ilt•Iag print.
-AT --
"The Cheapest !louse under the Sun '
Nest door to the lost OCT -e
God.•r:eh. Aug. :111. I'O(.. __
s^'^' ""»mss--- _
and still ahead tit any.
T. 1t.1.1,1- ".i.. ,.fa.,•:
B,!,t Quality Standard Nails.
$ 2.6S PER KEK OF 100 Las.
\!1 other Ilsrlwan, Paints. (1:1.. 17:x••.
Agricultural Tools
sod Machine Oila to 1-
Use Britton Steel Vire FQ i
6c. per lb.
ries ass
Loans anb insurance. are of Lstra gmst t o u•'. au i i•r; •••,
C `
Tv 6Islxt per ueut. Private funds.
Also edema for "Credit dBAO6R . LEw'I+.
Oodericd. March 3th. Mk ItAe
5500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
at the North Bend ea the Ohio neer. icb. 17311.
h bung d w I d f new barn was put up by -
portion TO ,C1,1....!
Sllgirs 31 tS.1131
Pr►iil i
A. low as uses:.
l: 'ra Mord same.
Red and Brown Wearitnt ( 11000 Yarn
Holywood 7 y beam[ lied 2 hours •after per bturcl
li S McAlister rat the Point Fun to llanitON st PR We venom afford •n dire ` :0 or 31 per rent.
t.rmnt would nut amend the $.:neral, and m
- ttscdsded t t* . bi amt Me J ti 1' ik a interred as a pretty old and ettpemenaed titanof g on Farm and TownProperty
valuating the Hew* scowler mitt, melon- and in the murdng removed to her hurtle chanted. Conveyan/7g hese morons e'
N. H.-};orrowers ram obtain tmonej i■ uneday
ha• oo . s y a M"Ung
Gregor. She esu rea,rted before by spot in the family garden at Nashville. beams.. was in Brawls last Monday fell she was carried auto the hotel. ter,.[. Murtt,,,gee pun•basrrf. mo ('ommerM
sty, etc. After a careful inspection he here. Her parents at once sent for if title rs sati.factory.-L-laf uA ft JOHN
presented a certified report showing the medical aid, and we regret to learn the 3.1'ON Barristers. kc.. Oederlch. IT.51
property to be worth over 88.4.1). This anjuriea sustained are very serious. RADCLIFFE,
et liked settle the •iuest:ou of the .. vtsdet p
bonus for Howe. Tbe -- GENERAL LNSt'RANCE,
Thi Sesfurth No.: has the following is Last week, Mr. Lewis Smith, of REAL ESTATE A tp
reference to a former Goderich boy : -It Brockville, who brought the first Hall MONEY WANING AGENT.
ith pleasure we n• [iced the geoid Thresherainto Canada from Rochester, Oii, pirst.eau ('.rpeaf-s R-pr's'ar"[
Titanance .f ' enterprising legal ,
183!►, paid his annual visit to the ar Mosey to Lend on straight loan.. 0118e
tent. L. E. Ihocey. upon our street* ph Hall Machine Works herb. A lowest rate of interest
going. in an, easy :o
few days after Mr. E. N'. Sheldon, of sufA FFM ser and ,door from Square.
Chantry, who imported a Hall Machine west Street. liodericb. axttf
in 1840, was in town on the salmi ma- 000 PRIVATE FUNDS
cion. Both of these gentlemen con- ,
tinted to deal with the ate Mr. • ,
Dr. Newman t. be .tail wee: acid i:1, The tlput u markrl with a limestone
though not confined to bed monument with dont columns.
The party gathered at the hotel ready Zachary Taylor was originally interred
to take carriages for their position in the at Cate lid( cemetery, L.wtavtile, Icy.,
parade were Col. ar.d Mr.. Fred. grata•. but was afterwards rcmoveu to Leutng-
-Mrs. llartoria, Mr- and Mrs. 1 . "- ton. where the body retrains in a tine
Grant, jr.. Mrs. Jew (:rant. AIH. vse't.
Cramer, Mrs. Dent, Miss Crammer,' Ge::. billiard Filmnre lies an the Forest
1 'trsswell, Stephen L. Moriarty, menta Lawn oemetery at Buffalo. A lofty shaft
keener. and WY. J. Ari:e::. At 10.10 of Scotch granite marks the grave.
reenely the grant family took their
Nan Volta:, Aug. 8. 1..4•) y m. -The
head of the procession has just reached
the tomb in Riverside park.
2 p. m. --Following the Grant family
to carriages were Mrs. Rawlins Holman,
daughter f General Grant's friend and
The remains of Franklin Pierce are to
be found in the Concord, N. H., ceme-
tery. yesterday. haring returned from hu
A marble monument has teem wedding tour the previous evening. He
erected to him Mseaury. brought with him his for bride from the
James Bswhaaan occupies • grave in sister province of Qnebec, who is an
Woodward Hill cemetery at I,ancuter, amiable and accomplished young lady -a 1 Hall, To lend on farm and town proper•y.,t
Penn. A simple block o•` Itahao W$lbi11 fitting life partner f -.r ,Ur talented young . a,, Ruehester, until he opened a branch ret interest. Mortgages purchase 1- \n .,.a -
friend. here, in 1458, and they hate@ ever since jnom,o nr"a11ra4 for theTruatand Iwwn
W .( ('.nada, lke ('ana.ia,t.•.t
The Brussels 1' •.' ears :-Last week represented the Joseph Hall Machine Credit Company. the London Loan Company
r v O kf in their res ttv Localities, Mr. ott'aruita.
Interest. 6, si and :per vent.
in one
u mark, the spot.
first secretary of war, the general r f his Abraham Lincoln rests is a sarc.pha-
o;d staff, his ea -cabinet oIicers. J. W. gas of white marble in Omk il!ides
Drexel anti member* .1 the Aztec club, cemetery, Springfield, Ill. The m•onu-
scrvivora of the Mexican war : the press- ment over the vault is coca;&sed 01
.?ant's carriage. vice-president's and marble. taraure and bronze.
cabinet members of the supreme court, Andrew Johnston lies nearha oold
1 t.ited States senators. house congrea- home near Greenville, Tenn.,
conal committee. :;ovetnur Hill and ttful apr•t on an entinenee. Y marble He war wounded st Pezwan and not have teed mare threshing mac Mel
suite, the committee of state iegialaturs, aonumen., chastely ornamented. adorns only secured a medal but was granted $ I themwlves than any three men living in
ex-Ppsidents Arthur and Hayes and the i.i(slity. penst on for lite. When the rebellion Canada, they all unite in declaring that
members of their cabinets, foreign James A. Garfield lies in a tomb in broke out in the Nortewest he joined the New Model is very greatly in ad-
ministers, diplotnati.: cor.sular .thcen Clerelaed, Ohio. and until lately his the 7th Batt., at Landon. and went with - vane of, in fact. A, A PERIM.1 Gnaw
under Grant's adtu7trstrati •n. the goys resting place was systematically {•card• them. Mr Dress can tell many an in- , +Acta, THaLtx►R AND r eum-
rrn,r. of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, ed. tereatang tale of military life. pletely di.tanere all other train thresh
Connecticut. MLwwchusett*,New Ham7- 1 half w con
shire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Indiana,
• Ilinois, Maine, Michigan, Lows. Wim.
cattail, YIfntli t)ta. Wort Vitttisit,
ado, and Dakota, with their staffs.
2:53 pp m.- - The catafalque w jai( env
tering Riverside park. The detains to
the tomb is two and a half miles.
The catafalque passed 23rd street at
vne o'clock. All heads uncovered as it
mowed along. The congresional com-
mittees and other otlicials from Washing-
ton were distinguished by broad white
sashes. Governor Hill uta. the only
governor who wsa attended by a mount-
ed staff. While the procession was mov-
ing • fleet of United States war ships,
lving in the Hudson, find minute
George H Drewe ' . 1 nd .m. was art r pKv R Itorrowen an obtain money
ing in town with his relatives. He is an Jonathan Yorke, of St. Thomas, who day. if idle Itatdactory.
old soldier. having served in the Royal ! also bought a Hall Thresher in 1840, u DAVI/PON R JOHNdT0 J.
Horse Artillery. He was 10 years In 1 expected here soon. While these gen 11".* Barristers. d... tloderich. 1
Indra and in the Afghar. campaigns of tlemen have been constant and active
187e and 1881, under General Roberts. !advocates for the Hall Machine, and
The pr cession seemed stretching
a:uthward as far as eye could reach.
The sidewalks were neat to utpoassible.
The day, however, was pleasant, and the
people were all good natured. Even
the lung halts of the traps 4.1 r
toward exasperating the crowd. A few
of the soldiers became faint anal ver:e
onlaged to drop cut ad lies, be: their
places were iu►meleately filled sp.
When the cortege entered the boule-
vard the majority of the sp.etstnrs gat•
el in astonishment a: the irregular
lines, and apparently seaward positions
of the troops, for in ,obedience to orders
upon entering what might be called the
second stage .f the funeral route the
ttrrno.'wppSa mover' along freely with but a
semlttance of order. As the nada o!
the column approached the tomb the
d ill reverberations of the ¢nnk from the
teen of wer could be heard, and the
trntpS broke into columns from the left,
m.rehing t•, right and east .•f the r•sd.
After forming a fine, arms were presser -
ad and the °stating. ai••wly palmed.
Ake? the cortege reached the tomb. an.]
Gm military sad viten or *it:sate ns
had mothered mend, Commander;in-
okraRowlett, of 11013. A. .pectli. conduct-
111 the bTb. then sans a
o to the
der. The
Mr JicWdliams, who is a divinity Ing machines, After near y
50 011rk TI) rWAN AT 6 PER
Aug T )R
'rare prepared teams mossy at 6 per cent.. pay
able hell' early. m
on east -class fano security.
Apply to
Barristers, aoderich,
Agents for the Toronto General Trusts ('u y.
Mews. CAsamox. HOLT t C1*Cwov kat.
also a la . amount of prisate funds to los a
Naber!.. student from the Presbyterian College, , torp of practical experience they should ea0ode iL.farmrm ty•
Montreal, preached in the 1'. church, j be able to form a correct opinion- - n-
•-.Rei•-11141sea_ to the Queen Vile- f.ttot rib: ort t}uwdry „f• last week, both 1 tan& Rafnrmer. July 24tb. 3 1 N8URANCs CARD.
is w morning an• evening, we un sr- !Girls.1 W. r. r00 T.
Mr and Mn R. Duff visited friends Cecil Advice la *man Fin. Life awl Mar,w. burro nee AOrot,
stand gars universal mtiafactiun. He j If nun ladies who, through •ser,cta- ao r.) O.
here week. has one year in arts to pat an before het young
tion with young men whop limi.ed Lt Fri ie. opposite Colborne Hotel.
Emily Hillier, of cotton ch, sheet kat takes his B. A., and has still toee put in tsducatiun and vert of ideas compel Tib .. Loadon As.nrnra•- lneorporated los
week here with her cottons two years in theology 8.1 re h. u ( poverty t» Tib N ind-i -hand: 'the tact
th the use of slang an lieu of correct expres-
The " hand-in•tuod,' the only Company
. m on seri to preach. gh mch,a'tendSeaforth shots comprehended the meaning of Il sed 10 Inure plate alas.. in the
and he certain) r.dects credit on froth many .f the terms that put into their The above are all eras class and o' 1
' innocent months they would be shacked 11.8,1 eon its.
institutions. Risks ra4'w at fow,►r rnlea.
While the wite and two
.1 the vulgant♦ of their companions. Oonerrch. Dec. 5118. 1061. 15TS.
Almost without exception words and
are drawn from the alums : they are the
inventions of the most depraved elements LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY
of human society. and should be avoided
this eek l and d
Ost'r-ASY. We have this week to
chronicle the demise of an old pioneer,
Robert Young, of Colb..nie, which
ooeered at the old homestead on Satur-
day, .July Ilth, after an illness of about
two weeks' duration. Deceased was
born at Ma boa, Ayrshire, Scotland in 1 rustling away, threw the ladies out by all persona with any pretensions tt
March, 17117, and was consequently in oppoette Carroll.' hotel Mrs. McC.n- refinement and gentility.
his eighty-binth year. He left his na- ne1 and one of her daughters were
war land in 1815. and came to the man- thrown against a telegraph pod and see- Kingston has no mtr►rue. and the
tune province', where he travelled fox 'rely injured. Mrs. McConnell received pude body of the girl Elisabeth Hawley
. boot seven years, after whirl: he return- • severe bruise ••n the back and other was left in the water at the wharf for
e'i to :Scotland, where he lived for some injuries. Miss McConnell had her tread five hours, with crowds of juveniles go: -
years In 1800. he mttrie,t Ag. bone fractured and was retrieved to her ing at it. The medical officer will in -
nee Young, of Renfrew. and again em- home. The other lady escaped uoisjur- sist on a morns. Ming built.
tinted to Canada in 1*33, settling ed. ---- - - _ _ -
in the Huron tract. Daring the pip The Lucknow Sentinel says :-The wap' t
✓ iotd cf rebellion he curial on the marriage of our popular banker, Mr D. Mu° t wb:«i vette o(d r. Alasa e (yetttMa7
business of butcher in (. - leri. h, and was E. Cameron. and Miss Miry E. Whitely, aged is year. and 1 months.
well 'known to many .f our old-time *send daughter of Mr R..1. whitely.
residents. From his fifty fifth to his is the chief topic with the fair ser this
Isixty-fifth year he ware spectacles, Mt week. The happy event took place no
one day he lout his "glasses,' and was Wednesday morning last in the pr'esenoe
forced to read without them. and ever of the members of tin family and a few
after used his nake !eyes for all purposes invited friends. The marriage ceremony
Up to the time of his death be Arad wee performed by the Rev. John Mae.
without artificial aid the finest print. nabb, of Lucknow, assisted by the Rev.
His mind was clear, and he conducted
his financial and o.thoe basins personal-
ly until snout • month before his death.
His funeral on July 13th, t1 Colborne
cemetery, wee largely attended. His
aged partner, who is two menthe hs.
Janice, survives hits, and he leaves he
sides a son, Andrew Young, of Colborne,
sed two daeehten---Mos. Kirkpatrick.
of Wawanoeh, and Mn Mary Did, of
Colborne, to nieurU his loss,
V. McConnell. clerk of Tuckenmith,
were driving into town on Thursday
morning. the horse became frightened
when crossing the railway track, and,
phrases popularly denominated "slang"
James Carey, of 1)ungnnnon. the brides-
maid was Miss Edith Whitely, sister of
the bride, and the 5r0amsman, Mr (Oen.
A. ytiddall, The bride was the recipient
of man beautiful and calmly presents.
Amid the s
e congratulations of friend., the
happy couple left by the 1013 train for
New York and other eastern cities when
they Intone to spend a portion of the
honey -moon. ri • extend to Mr. Came-
ros end bade over hearty congratutatier,
ODIEQTOEH 111e011AIITCS' 1118T1-
OIi.-ear. sit fast street and lllquare lee
Ohm heist to s p.m.. and from 7 to 10 p
!.wallee Deihl.R'.hly eta Il wsf/sled
1'.1!1,1-., Airelirtlre., 4-'.,.n
Wearing free nee of Unwary wad needles
Application for mesaeemelp eeeeleed W
!Allergen, la reams.
ORO. ttaidges. ALIKE. MORTON.
OeMM MMIr 108. tib• 111110 4:
East taste
Ga'...riots. Julynigh. I0*t Ow,
You ran Huy the (''
Crocery & fflssre
A r TH1: CASH -T.Il:1
Also • Full Linc of
Canned Goods and Groceries,
meso tie 9 Moue' on mm
(A111aal lis of fwtttvvef. Pb
.t, 4 end % per (knf. Interest Allmee i ..t
Itrlraits, nrwrriing M ewr..out
gag finis left.
OFFI('R:-Cor. of Market Square and North
Street. Gederlck
Oederieh. Ain 61b. llllt. 1tiM•
I u.• ,1-. making a ,l+tial'} of
porn reading from 25r. to Mir. per pound 3.
less la 5 pound lota
i art bound not to be utld.reold tot
I'roduce taken in exabannle.
Than:in,: the public for Licit patronage. 1 r..
your obedient Deman:.
. -OLD
_The Ofieffe.
Telephone Coos mnnkid ion.
uoder•ich. A ug.: t b. IRIS.
dusf l Faw I -•
Agricultural Exposition
t ' i:: hr- 1e1.1 et the 1 • y v t
September 9th to 19th.
largest 1•riae., and the twit .how of
1 Horses, Cattt... sheep I'iq l'nnitr7, awn-
=val. Omit. ultlira! and (fairy Products,
acainery lmrdewweu nod llawohcturtes of
all kinin 1., the Dominion of Canada.
Prise Lists and Entry For'[e eat he ordain-
ed from the lie.-retariew of ■I1 Atrf^ulteral
Norl.tle. and M.•ctitmice' institutes, .r they
w111 be sent anywhere on rippiirad ion by vesi-
cant to the Secretary. at Toronto.
Entries Close August 22nd
A !AMIE \1111111: OF
Are henna prepanot for that rim.. for toll pate
t{cedars of whi. h see sneers) ProgrsmwaL
Cheap Rates and Rxeursions of
all Railways.
The Rea Time rn Visit the t•ity of Tersabr
President. Mp
aaar .sa.j►
Toronto. At; tlek, l . Td twente. '
Court House $quare, Godericht.