The Huron Signal, 1885-8-14, Page 7rim HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG. 14, 18ta5.
Tun and Tancv.
Why M it lug fora buy to be given
tsar's clothes 1 -Becalms he sequins
lame habits.
Refurnier (earue.tly) 'My (timed, do
you drink 1 litrarger-'Yes, where shall
A man is a bel i1 he Maim his owes
horn. Has a bigtler foul if he blows surae
close IsMw'a
It is nut hand for a man to weed his
own business, but it is the mor..tuay
which be eta t .tend.
Fottr pockets in • vest without any
money is thews, although not popular,
are aatertbeless Ilona mute (Liam seer
'I don't like that song, anyway.'
'Why f 'Dost( you know that 'Howie,
Sweet Home' is full ut Payne.'
Little Lilly -.Duel you think, elector,
that I look just like m7 mamma f' Moth-
er -'Hush. child, dont be mem'
As esc r y.: 'The Weston'
Lamm is the sarn
a of telegraph com-
panies. it s, nothing het Rubble,
'What is the difforeno* between a
newspaper cru sud a pitcher r uks a
bees ball inter. About $14(100 ■ year.
It is bow said that the dor of cloves
is an excellent preveuuve t.( tnosauttu
bites. Cut this out and show it to your
When Edward Everett Hale uses • Stead Lamb :--Take steel or bread,
bre ball metaphor u. • serious Phi Beta
Kopp oration it is tome te ask what we cut into smell pieces, and pet in • slew
are cussing to. pan with some thinly sliced salt pork,
'Peps, there's something I want to and enuugn water to cover it ; ower
kww.' 'N hat 1s at, m child 'i 'Wby closely red stew until ender, skim of
u the note calld aim!. 'Because u u all the scum, and add • quart of preen
ch.a.eeble, my darling.' peas, addii.g water if neemeary ; whim
'It's no nee Nelms( ramp wrist, doctor, the pees are tender. emus with paper
said Pat, when the payaacian began tak and hinter rotted with Boer.
rig the pedes. 'The pain is not there ;
ft's in my head .surely
'I make no hoses .1n,' said the shad,
boastfully. 'Yea have no need t.•,' re-
sponded the blemish. 'Nature has at-
tended to that suttee doe 1st.'
'I wonder,' said .1.ase, 'why the cap-
tain of a vessel can't 'hoop a mcm..rau-
dum of the weight of ha anchor, instead
of weighing it eeerr/ time he lutes
}touseholb Hints.
(..rtes and bosoms cagy he helped sad
oftentimes removed b, the cosecant ea.-
pluymeut of the „irate of sapper, spread
am a plaster.
Fowls like mewl, est Nora They
should have all they wasted el it The
slipping. from a lama mono are just the
thole for them tis.flower seed, whish
Farm anb 6arben.
Scathes Fauowisa -hits dear, i- de
(Lltieetev has the frt$owient : The sem-
mu tallow was (..rsurty thought to P*
almost i.diepeseable ts grommet as ei1'a
large mop tf whet- Of late it is cwt
pruning as Rued • preparation as it wee
formerly thought to he. 1'rodosbly the
tntpn.ved honours and oc.ltivaMrrs, whisk
can be easily grown without trouble, r.tluw doe roil deeply, w .wally a lis
fusses a food d wktc t fowls ace entrees; n ewer ed .• far u the wheat crop to
lug toted ...etreaed this pees( year sissy far-
t3tonas. set he made to useful bymews grew better wheat due barley or
placing them around plasm. nd woes teat ltd „d thee after.+eeP of duvet
• mulch. Thal' asst "dye (ruse, est' *wad „des.
nilly evergreens, they are very valeta- Wuus Amiss rub iTthat.-A New
bleu Oueadvantmge over ordinary mulch Yurk tanner observed that e�m( etth
to using stares hl' _that weeds are not w apple tree. that had been apples
uohrl:hed wood sobs. (oawireapplpples which
likely to aprimg tap a.r.nitf (lieu,. kept all winter without manse. while the
1f your children shooed get psi, neat as the fruit roiled badly. Ha trees
owns or pebbles as their ren, d.. 15111 wen infested with apple tree blight. He
nee pins, knethn;,t readies ,.r overtone yi icy•p{olied wood.•.hes, at the rate uf'
of that kind nn reesonse them. The ypp ►+abets to the acne. to kis esthani.
safest wav u to miss • svnuge and worm
and washed the bodies 4 the tress with
water. 11 insects should lode iu the lye. The orchard recovered from the
mer, id the ear with sweet oil, which bhtlrht, and the apples world then keep
will kill the animal and float It oat. well in an ordinary cedar all winter.
Roil Jelly Cake : Four mg* beaten Ft.arvtawr Couc tx Ueda+. -N 1►i.'
very light, one rep .f sugar, nue cup .4 Purl- Gausses was in this a•aatry. he
butt., nem tw1"fsl of ere' of tartar, said that more hums died d colic than
had -spoonful 4 suds and a pipet of soh. of eny ocher malady, imp he esatgeatrd a I
Bake an long tins in thin sheets, spread remedy which has been •ica•
elide warm with jelly and roll, and c, by many horse meioses. The ."-
wrap in a towel to keep neut. It is was Jr. simply stated is ..gnats in
eel good' jeeuow of could on tepid water ---that s
ooa but not too mid. Water that hell
tba temperature, the air in the sues -
e'er time is right --say i0 i. 90 decrees.
Tit treat way to apply it lobo use a large
1isunel, holding about two quarts, to
which • rubber tette. three feet long. is
.sttachd, and this is ten,riasted by a tin
;battle about 1uerteen incise long. taper-
! hog to • quarter inch opening. 'Chu ..d
To kill bugs in pen pose almost buil- ahuuld be protected by •• of sadder,
ism, hilt water upon them, let it remain so, ea to prevent 'Djury to the parte.
ah..ut ten seconds and then per elf. ' The funnel u filled with water at Ike
This well not hurt the peas -they will level of the burse's rump, sad then Cif
sprout all the quicker for it and it will ; up as high as pneaible. Four G. ere
destroy all the toes W once. W. kava ! quarts will magnify be soficient a. start
practiced this method successfully lair the wind ; time Maul clear. Relief lei -
Yews. stye the fors?. feta•. tanner. , lows at once. There are many causes of
We should do it just before planting tate I oilic, as a sudden change d fond, hard
( work or active esercise after feeding,
'Wht7It I11WaMiee-- , very rapid eating (is after lung fasting
and hard wore), the skid expenenced
The tow ..f the harvest is to resp ewe, Ohs- --- - - when exposed to ton vapid cooling es
after sIreauu -these are some ai'fl4e
a habit - st w • habit and you reap a• lower machinery. It ie the aid ma m
weemon mum, and are mindenom tube
w ten
than you sass. Boact and you reap muades, his fact, his hands -is lap, t
charaete. ; ars • character and you reap trolling and dtrectidg that machine, that avoided at any rate. Care will almost
• (wtnsy. gives it power and efficacy. The alae- rlw•ys preemie colic, and the above
A wag harems been informed that • rueful use a the body depends wholly .impl• reined, will generally zure tt-; H
certain cow promo:ee36 pounds of beth ypvt the mind --upon its abihe to have .ever known it to tail.
in a week, escfuised : 'Iwo., and what direct the will. if one ties his arai i. n -
did the owner's family do for butter all sling it herniaee weak and anally cq„war_
It has been wed laid that there are tea acquires vig..r and strength as dented,
reasons why sax.. people don't •lard ism as'rm s mind, by alive .:.rouse in
their own baseness , one is that they thinking, reasoning, phasing, stealing.
haven't any bootless, and the other es
that they !wrest any mind.
t rest of the year Ire. Keno it in alive siereie., n Sacred Clinember.
and i
A long time ago I west over the hoses
and came tm a rn..m which had been .veli-
gioualy clued for years. It was opened
by special order, sad there issued *ova
it a certain hallowed cdnr which exhales
on opeuing a long -closed sanctuary. The
blinds were drawn and semi darkness
prevailed. We drew sear a table, and
A my guide explained that this was the late
Prince Consort's roam, and everything
was today just as helmet it when he died.
The dust its nearly an inch thick on has
writing desk ; a half used quill was Tying
crosswise where it bad fallen from his ,
hand or its rack ; there wets several '
articles about a p•psr weight, a book,
Said Mies Lemma M. Alcott. remedy,
when sesaick u13 hoard an Atlantic
steamer 'They name ships Asia and
Peau. and Scotia. i wonder Irby it
doesn't ,aster is.eaiebody to nate
Nausea r
Gentleman, who caw aboard last
night after • eery jolly dinner -'Er -
Captain, how many hours is to Mount
Desert t Captain, --'Depends altogether
on :he boat you telt*. This one goes to
observing, aogars vigor, sereugth, pow-
er of concentration, sad direction.
Plainly, them:, the moa who exercises
his mend increases power and elSeemicy.
and greater ability t,. direct the efforts of
Ins physics! frame -him wink -to better
rsultsthan he can who merely or mainly
uses his muscles. If a mon roads a book
or paper, even nne he knows to be er-
roneous. it helps hem by the efforts to
samba( the work
Teacher to little girl oupel-'Where
are eoa, Nettie t 'Pepe is going to
take ue to Florida again. 'Ca. you tell,
cue what the impend of Floods is i'
Ysi m. It's the mousy they Ret from
A Fourth Street boarding house limp• • wanted their "picture' taken, but 'had a
er was at slum to know why one of her special favor to ask. "Her folks" he
exclaimed, "Rc a gor4 deal on style.
They never saw me and tf I send .them
my fate they'll he dead agin' me. I'm
a sight better than I look, and, when
pert :r co me to know me they vote me a
incl: Now, then, what do ye. say 1
WI!' T .0 stand in T She's willing.
Those our whiskers of yours'll take them
at once and create harmony. You look
like a build capitalist and they would
take me for a petty larceny thief :" Of
eebr. M UN•tia.e a e.b_Ysesr.
A eery gno.d story was bold the ether
say by an American paper of a young
man "sinfully conscious 4 an eaerior
AYER'S C.A.NAIRNI""`" l f ll
Cherry Pectoral.
Fie etas. eompl•lmas are so isenta sl' V than
aims* r taw
esttag the Arun .rd tau:
pass eeteied wilt by the majority of w/rr-
em fibs esasnar7 eesgh er rs
met. ealikog
pasha hem ar. a vWasdag er esse- ea•
.* is tato.tbat the bsgtmmaag el • mist
miesearea's augur ratzooau. W
Iles pros a�pewees e,eey • tatty pewee lobeteethbMegth throat bad Meg dimastr, sod ahesY be
eines u all cams imams delay.
A Tvabt• Cough Cored.
"la Dig 1 took • mane sold, IMAM
e7 1 1 had • serrt►M sough d
might alter s • .l
hs wlta5W Wes" 'sa11.
�•M ase ago. 1 tried Asia's C..aeConnella
4oat, nInch relieved toy law, Iodated
Weep, te
.hesad &Bonded a tie rad necessary
ger tiro moonily of w streagtS. By the
eoattassd w of the my r
• par
meat eve was .then . ad. 1 esow m rears
•.l0. haN aid hearty, sad sae 1ans1ed year
Oaa.ay vacua*(. /sued /sued MO.Hoarierwsa
Hoarier Ianaara'
Roe . '
ktega•, i., July 13, test
scarcely worthy of his character. Ac- and to the right, near the ab.ndond
oumpsmd by the you woman he had quill, a little carted frame, and in this
just learned, he t into a photo• frame a tortnit•I think I ass it now- i
grapher's and drew t artist aside He
the youthful Victoria painted by Wolter -
halter. Her Majesty has • sweet fair
face and rosebud mouth and abs wean
an apple green gown, the tint just glim-
mering through souse folds 4 Ince. This
picture was always by the Prince Con-
sorts aide, and when this sanctum was
vacated forever no one dared to touch it
or even the smallest object in the room.
By the Queen's orders it stands today as
it stood then. The dust a a little thick•
er on tapestry, chair and table, the quilt
still lees in its old place and the little
royal picture smiles as sweetly as of yore
from its haif-dimmed frame. I need not
my that this chamber es never opened ,on
• revel night, but I mould not help
think oaf it as we walked once more
through the other lovely but leas sacred
apartments.- -(London Letter.
Warden carried tee pieces 4 steak from
the table up rote his bedroom. She
found it out when the eaw he bad rot
new hinges ow his trunk.
According to • sweat authority Noah
did not get drunk, seethe onganal version
has led people to believe. if this is the
cams the deacs.dante c f Noah can make
a good oast for libel against the de.cen-
detAt of the *runnel translators.
A Kentucky girl was struck by lizht- course the photographer cold not refuse
stag while d eetute fa her wedding. • favor w A•tteringly proposed, and
Withoat terming spoofed or taking the the distant relatives, no doubt, in doe
heavies eat d her mouth, she sim pug
• .* t 'Ten Orli had better stop
*tier elms dill we get started.
=ggbgrt !1e his Ra/ 1•w) -'Ten
ase -y wife hoe a frightful temper. I
seal put op with it. Father- in -law
(annoyed by frequent complalats)-
You'te right 'd I bear any more sowplaints 11 disinherit be ' Berbera
dew'( complain any more.
Mise is tams.
'Whom are man going with the - Y
pies, my little man t' asked a gentleman
of a bmall hoy whom he met with three
paps is a basket.
'Grin' to drawn them, was the reply.
'I want a pup for my little May to play
with. What do you say to letting me
tide one t
'i'11 sell you tette,' spoke op the fid,
with American enterprise. 'i'll sell this
yeller one for 60 Dents, the black one
for75 cents, and the spotted one is worth
ei d any man's money.'
'1 thick toy little hoe would bile the
spotted one hest, but you ask too much
fur iL 1',.0 had intended drowning all
of them, hut I'll give you 2a cents and
save you the trouble of drowning the
spotted rule
Twenty -Are cents for the spotted
perp !' eselaimed the boy.
.end it. Tates is to h ; reinto 4. high.
t abets rood mosey
skating rink. Oh, no ; I w't take less
than •1.'
'Hes Toe inte.ded to drnws-
?ake the black tone at 76 emits.
'My little boy wouldn't like the black
'Take the yeller one at half -a dollar.
He is dirt cheap
'My Lula boy wouldn t like his
time were gratified with hit portrait side
by side with that • f the young lady
Aa unparalleled sensation is being
tweeted all over Ontario by the wonder -
fel ani unequalled manner in which
)Neuralgia, Toothache, Rheumatism,
Backache. Headache. is removed by one
epstlotion of Fluid Lightning. N.
Antigin, disgusting drugs need to be
taken for days. It is an instant cure.
Try a Afic. bottle. 1a
tfbe Tewsr of Lowden.
Sines the explosion in the Tower of
London, by whish sw many stands of
mess were injured, considerable
i ttention hu been given to the old
fortress, with a view to restoring it in
some measure to what it was in appear-
snee in days long tone by. This matter
has been kept under notice by Lord
Chelmsford, as Constable of the Tower,
with the result that the many buildings of
a temporary nature, only used as store-
houses, are to be removed, also the great
stores of tittes. carbines aword.,hayvnets,
and pistols, which have been kept there as
the central armory .•f small arms for the
Army, Nary and Auxiliary Fomes. The
removal 111 thew will admit of the resto-
ration of the inner line tet defence, and
improve the view of Iheold structure from
the river. The small arca will be kept
at Weldon. where ample accommodation
for the purpose exists ; hut the tore of
ancient and curious weapons, as also the
national armour oollsction, will be re-
tained at the Tower.
'Well, then, you better tell your lit-
tle boy to play with his toss,' and he
eeneinued towards the river. No party
dna disd-bnat hit way ala me these hard
time. -(Relt:mere Tine
It levee rills.
Dr. Fr•w:er's RMt ut .4 Wild wee
birry 101 sever d vee wave then b
mile Drosses., Bork Aoosisett or
P e7 forma d plaint hello
is dl.est imeisikesesep le few doses ewe
*bee other nems ei 1l
(abate 15555 era
Rev. Atm Jones in a recent *eremite
on Truth said : 1 knew $ fellow in
.,ter i• who hail been married 10 years.
His ode one morning eugwetd that
that was her birthday, and he said to
himself. "l're g..t a good wife; she has
been kind, self weribeini. and true in
•II r•-itooeg1 ; 1 most buy her • present.'
1'to he scot down t..wn that day and
walked i.,t. • store and bought himself a
new hat, t•MmolinJ himself that nothing
would more please • good .if a titan to
make her heohand a preaeat of • neer
hat Ho s the meanest w I ever saw
mid these are a guest any mem just
hoe MS.
Sow me rut as rig I• •
Orae.. - A ■atheies Tribute.
"While la the .ourtr7 hart winter ..y 11111.
boy, three year* old, was tai... 111 with .romp;
11 ••••1114u If ie would die from .maga.
Marna Oise of the tartly seggaas.d the w
ed Area's CUMULI Pr.Tuaat, a bottle er
',kith war always kept la the ►ow. T►le
war tried in small amt freeueat doses, .ad
to our delight in less than hall an (war the
tettle easiest was breat►uog easily. The dos
ter aid that the enamor Pntoiui k.d
saved my darnag's life. Can yes wonder .t
ear g> tan' Sincerely yours,
Mets. EructGsDxar."
La West lSta St , New Yost, May it, Ira(.
" I have aced Astra*, CwsaT racreLl
=family family for several yearns, and do not
basttss to prowawore it the rest .I.,tsal
remedy fur a,ughs mrd adds w• hat. snv
Lae Crystal, Mtn.., Mash 1l', „
" 1 for sight yen from Daonekttia,
gad sifter tryl.g many r medles wee ss sae
I was eared by the use of Asia's C'oxr
a * alas, l4 ., Aril 5. bra 1tal�o
"1 .rata( say among\ la praise of Area's
Maur recToi31, M•ev1.g as 1 do that
but kw it w 1 sbosld long sloe* have did
Dom tang bambini G Bnaen,S."
ratastlat, Twaas, April 22. tat
We mat oras Weed= of the throat or
temp endow which armsot be greatly r.imved
by the w of ATU's rs(TOLL,
eel 1t will sharp awn *hes the chases e
sot already buyosd the coated of -"da-
Dr.J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mese.
field b .11 Druggists
He is sliowiag • epleadld aesertment of
r10, 1 ::414;9! If
rash. Be CORNELL,
China and ll1assam.
('not .n and look ..0 you dna t t...)
No Trouble to Show goods.
Court House Square. Ouatcricb
Dm. 411. 1St.
Oppoettr Martin's Hotel. Hasalaes ekreet.
WIAU Funerals attended perasse117.
• ` First -Class Stock !
T„ r ltoo24x 71to11
Gude. lett. July lith 1OK' toss
Note Papers
—GCT YOt'R--
Newspapers and Periodicals
AT 3115* Ct'OR1C*.
8oereaaer to Geo. Sheppard.
Gedericb. Der. tit 1511. 11r'
or working people. Send 10 cera
for postage. sad woe will marl y*I
rota • royal. valuable simple t 11
of goods that will put you .n tab
way of nuking more money in • few daysthem
you .-car thutufht pomade at any bottoms. Ise
capital required. You cab lit-. at home and
work in spare time sly, or all the time. AU
of haat(: next., of all ague, grandly successful.
Mc. lo $5 easily earned every evening. That
alt who want work test the busineui, we
snake this eta offer - Tu all who are
ant well eat We will rad 51 to pay for the _
trouble of lag us. Full particulars. dlree N
as. oto. sent tree. 1•eaee ps, absolutely
.Iry fed ail mwho start at once. Don't delay'
MISSOi tttox & Co. Pentland, Ile. Nut
The ,c.drrsiirned can 0111 semi, a full itne of
the celebrated
S�c�iiiillcr Chdl�+d Plows
in Nos. 10, 20, 28 and 40,
At Reduced Prices.
Speo! iltdocenlcltts to hots.
Hate also for .ale the Canadian "limina"
and An,rncan uf*on.
M cutter
Ouderich. out.
May Jath. hut' ls7-h.
Teo the Went Groner. of the Su rr-oan,li,"f
wew1.h to ,wy that we are prepared 'o +eke
your Wool in ,.zehange for gouda, or work .t
for you into any of the following articles. rat :
Blankets -White, Grey or Horse.
Shirting. -Grey or Check.
Clothe -Tweeds or Full Cloths,
Light or Beatty.
Flannels -White, Grey, Colored,
Union, Plain or Twill.
Sheeting. -Broad or Narrow.
Stocking Yarn - White, Grey,
Clouded or in Colors.
Carpet Warps made to order.
Our facilities for this work cannot be sur -
=We w111 endeavor in most caste lotto
day day it is brought in. H required.
Custom Spinning and Reeling. or Spinning
on the Cap. coarse ar fine. karat or eon twist.
as required.
We are In • position to do all kinds of cue. ! _
tom work. usually done In a full wet curtain
min. and we will gua eta do for you fully 409
equal, If bot a b
Iltale bittete r than buy in our
A call respectfully solicited.
Like many other things, it is easy
enough when you know how. This 1s
the way it is done ; Soak • fresh egg for
several days in strong vinegar. The
acid of the vinegar will eat the lime of
the shell, se that while the egt; hooks the
mine it will be soft and capable of com•
pression. Select • bottle with the neck
a third smaller than the egg. With •
little care you will have no trouble in
pressing the latter into the bottle. Fill
the bottle half full of lime water and in
a few days you will have • hard -shelled
ego in a bottle with a neck a third small-
er than the egg. (1f course, you pour
off the lime water as coon as the shell
hardens. How the egg got Mtn the
bottle will be a conundrum that few nam
1. t'*saNal Appeal.
ow Grocery Store
The .ab.criber heirs to announce that he bas
opened n111 • new Grocery Store
and is prepared to do hw.fiems with the yds
of the town and surrounding section. 'fie_
goods are all New and Fresh,
and have been purr hawd for (-a.h, bad as the
pricell air low is the city market.,
He Intends to Make His Price
Touch Rock Bottom.
Fanners prod UM taken in exchange for Goode
.u.i nuttiest prices will he given.
afrIkS't forgot the spot the Xe. (;ash Atom
nest dour to Itbynes' spot,
More, t;udaxacb
ueeeries. Dec. 21, 1St. left
1 'Cod yo' help me er little die tsawnin',
hoe r inquired a limping old dark!. I
Toe the wigs/sal Uncle Tom in Mistah
H.e.afy W'i d Iteeelnh a story, *stifled
'Dat Little Ole Lig Cabin i. de Lana
My name is Hams. soh, Oen ge Nene
1'ee tryin' ter rases money ter sit
obbsr ter itrookhn.'
'No,' smiled the gentleman importun-
ed, 'i don't believe i a de anything for
yna today, 1'ncle Tum.'
'Ham yrs' ne►ober read dam bank awn -
Aimed. m.h i'
'No, 1 never did.'
'Den yer addiesehnn halt hen madly
negleted. hut i trek yon fo or gem-
- men of addict/hen, 'deed I did.'
Restores grey
hair to its m
tend color- r
moves Dandruff
stops the has
from falling out,
increases its
growth, and ural
not soil the skin.
As a hair dies
sing, a has ne
supe.ior. Gear
batted brainless.
Harkness &
London, Oat
Sold hy ail
and Patent Y„dicl..
re -Send for Catalogue.
an •nrobbed
of (britrvt-ieti.rttma.11ree
prolonged. happiness
and health re,.torra
the use oft be
=alures ssis .raised by etcenes of ariesit any ki$dd,,l
firIlslial Wewh.e.e, and all db,e•see that fril-
1 low as • segwnee of Pelf -A herr. as low of en-
errt e Hiof memory. wolverine! laswitnde,
p/.alre in the hark. dlmner of vision. preme-
ture Nd age. and many other dlsemer. that
Mad to imsity or ens•nmptlos and • prews-
t ere grave.
Mid fee elrenl•rs with testlmnelal. flea k
mall. The Ili SIGMA *TAO I. sold .t $1 re
brit. we six boxes for Se, by 01 drttgg;twe. 1
will be rat free my mail. meanly wlsd, r •
re etpt of pr10' M /atdre.dny
5..1. ('htt1 tY. Drag nn. l
1st seta,wit et., *leer. Oh
pe-Seond for Price Lists, &e.
then. ReTwas
awlafA.•a ter ttedertdls
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leek 1.t. aaes.nrreed Ora
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July yid. 13.0.
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Deranged R'owuaeP., a' irrrgwlar action of the Bawe6.