The Huron Signal, 1885-8-14, Page 2• • THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, AUG. 14, i$$5. QUEER. EMILY. Ai Meese Gene Dr. Claremore Jose was as esMtp*ia- tag yoeng gentleman who smut to sten seed is his profession. tie was trot Meter is the seals of being well-read, and, is fest, h ehad rely jaartyem. aaegsd mem eta � the q.slitytsg .I- assieatisse. But he did est aspire to ecientiie dietinotios, and took no hither viler of his selling than to moped it as • mem by which he might possibly make a fortune. fie considered that he world only be wsetieg valuable time by slaking a hospital appointment for the sake ..f gaining experience. Instead, therefore, of going through the routine of • snares doctor's early career, be took the bold atop of renting the g.oaad-thoot in a large house in • fashidosble quarter. and set- tlag up immediately as • consulting physician He was shalom enough to poresive that he was bed .qualified to succeed in that branch of practice, beteg at heart • men charlatar. He had acquired the art of making • great show of • smattering of knowledge ; he had carefully cultivated a bleed and impres- sive grasser, and he thoroughly realised that the great secret of amassing wealth a to be utterly unscrupulous in the matter of fees, and never to release • patient while he an be imposed upon by humbug. As though to aid his ambiti- ous designs, nature had endowed him with • good preselect, • high end shining forehead, wnich was enhanced by pre- mature baldness, and a soft, melodious voice. Be found it uphill work .d int, of course ; but be had so fur dis- satisfaction. Hi —Mthptr- aible into society, and made awful (need& He was always p•rtioslarly careful to be polite aid attentive to the wives and daughters of physicians in importance, and Dr Jones iueenubly be- geod practice. In fact, het showed his gen to adopt a more genial tone and man- eegscity by assiduously courting Ihe nor during the drive. Their destination suffrages of lady acquaintances. The proved to be • small hone in an envie consequence was that patients son made tentious street near Highbury Station, their appearance, while n.ighburing and the formalities of the bwlness on doctors, owing to domestic influence, hand were quickly despatched. Tb• found many opportunities of putting patient was a middle aged man, whose strey guineas into his pocket. In a vel behavior and conversation seemed to abort time he contnved to gain the re- pdtetiuu of having established a practice, and spun came to be regarded as • rising man. Dr. Clarence Jones aid not hide his light under s bushel, but was rather ad- dicted to boating of his success. Some of hie professonal brethren smiled at this, kisowing from experience how slow and laboripus is the work of making • re- munerative practice. But the wisdom of his tactics was proved by the fact that even these sceptics had no suspicion of the real coodition of affairs. The truth wu, that at the end of three yeah Dr. Jones found himself hopelessly in debt, his professional earnings having fallen far short every year of his modest re- .quirements. His practice was increasing to be sure, and in all human probability the time was not far distant when it would yield bim • decent income ; but meanwhile, justas it was more than ever neceea•ry to keep up appearances, bank• roptcy and ram stared him in the face. Hs had spent his small capital. creditors were pressing, and he was literally re- due.d to provide his dally wants ty surreptiously pawning his personal ef- fects. isheyne, bet 'pen ray weed A in seder tseoaeeesent,' said Dr. Jesse, I'M r porters& bat &voding her elleemtl*s'e twinktiag eye '1 expect adhere hare, se(thre d jest the Mee( die day, Mt' hsM ard, et W t some yet, ttsd se the weather 4Ms�ri 7 )Ix. putt it aQ to ,' tittle Iltr. (lpi'r'' with a tela( mile, ' Wbw 1121 yoe say the plass was I Highbury ! That is • long way off,' seri Dr. Jose, eadea•oriug to look quits me - moved. 'We shall be back in lees than an boar. My o•rri•Ke is at the door, returned Mr. Graves a loth impatiently. 'Well, as I have said. I should be sorry to disoblige Bslmyre ; sed as tear my patient', if they don't keep their time, they must wait,' said Dr. Jones, opening the door to his visitor, and signifying that he would aeeompawy bon. He felt relieved to escape the quiet and psnetretiaegare of tittle llh,Oraves fur he w.. painfully .onacioos Hiee his attempted air of superiority had been a failure. Of course, he was only too glad of the opportunity of earning• couple of guineas on • dull morning, but it was eontr.ry to his creed to allow any tine to seeped it. Above all, he considered it essential to his dignity se • physician te appear a trifle eondesoeodine to • general practitioner : and he honestly felt stioge of contempt for little Mr. Grave He might be clever enough—and, indeed, he was really • worthy disciple of the healing art. Bat what, be said, was to be thought of • men, •Moho, wantonly neglecting opportunities of .massing wealth and obtaining celebrity, went about in thick shoes and a shocking hat, visiting all the lowest and poorest parts of the district 1 Little Mr Graves showed he wsa a good fellow by not taking umbrage at the young man', impertinence and self - quits .taturel, he wee estndeaabfy ttdeedl- J sad 'pert, sad, Ise 1 time, be lust his fortitude sad self puessesisa }y .seined • detest .ort el • jai& be eas decidedly disposed to se, Dr Jules meld not .is ..e bats me.. et kis spirit, +gide d bis at0 tortes.. 1111leii, Int, Mt +tr arum 'Md. don't it i Bk. ago l gut, r 111 u pee w•• tie egad fella. d . it 1 inn, yogiveiling think .ti i a$ lt.' 'Ea yrs No earning your living, re- member. Ilesawbile, bow the demos ma I t -t earn mise with you •boat the place r 'It's • lead matter, sir, and will be easily arranged, no doubt. Bring.your friends to see me • erten' ere. efitat always fetches 'em. Mesnehtlee•Lord bless you, sir, don't mind me, 1 won't interfere with your patients. Fur that matter, if you'll lead mea suit uf$.oeot togs, I'll show em in and out as grave as a judge.' 'I shouldn't mind so much if I owed twenty thousand, instead of a paltry hundred or twu,' growled the unfortu- nate doctor betweeu bis teeth. 'That's .flus the way, sir,' said the man, shakiug his head. 'It's the small fish as gets caught in the nets ; the big 'ens break tbrosgh 'ea. Why, look at this 'ere.' be added, bringing forth • document from his pocket, and umluld- tng it clumsily, 'ore's a tate in point. An absconding bankrupt got dean away with • 'undred thousand pounds' Jost think u' that, and s-livin' like a frghtin' sock in Amer iay " Dr Jones mechanically took the paper which the man handed to him. It was an official hand bill, issued by the police, containing the description of a certain Anstrether Meadows, • gnaadom city speculator of sea.iderable notoriety, who had sbseueleirwith • considerable City of Meader, after ruthlessly robbing his sustonems and friends. Dr Jones had is in hearing—there is not the least heard of the man, and, indeed, his name lens ocaswn for playing comedy. Yesterday had recently bean on everybody's lips. I I did not interfere, brogues, it was, of The hand bill was b.ddad with an otter course. desirable to deceive my col - of a reward of (:500 for his spprehensi•on, league- and a full and detailed descriptive was 'I don't know you,' said Mr. Roberts, . alt highly gwtided and imply names* .d is .11 he saw, though on truth kis mead was entirely preso'seupied with ether matters. At t regtb, as they were 'Moll- ie' thruegb the grounds, he staid, eaw lesel7 : 'by the wry. i .iooed . eertilcate yew ttwday flat Dr. Behayr a Ham the eeriest .troll. T 'what name i Do you rsooll.et r '*•lysed., 1 tbisk.' "Olt, yin,' was tk. reply. 'Be oases in y..taed.p ensiles. Would yott like to see him r 'Yes, I tbisk I should,' said Dr. Joao*, cereleeeIy. 'His vale rather ileum/Mod m.. Don't trouble to some of you are busy. He is quake enough.' 'Yea, be is quiet monk, .o perhaps yon will seems my roaming away from you. I must go my rounds. Hi, Ed- wards !' to an attendant, 'take this gen dome, Dr. Junes, to ems WUliaut Ro- berta, No. 93.' A minute later, Dr Joins was sabered into • stall private sitting room, where be found Mr. William Roberta, wkuss aoquaintest. he had made the previous day. Mr. Roberts gave a palpable start se his visitor entered, but immediately assumed • vacant eapreemo0, .ad dam- ped his eyes un the book he was read- ies. 'You needn't wait,' said Dr. Jumps to the attendee', in • confident tune. 'I want to have • little chat with my frieod here.' The man somewhat hssi*&tinely with- drew, while Mr. Roberts, manifestly ell at saes, stole s hurried glance•t the doe - tor out of the corners of his eye 'Well, Mr. Buberta. You remember me, I suppose,' .aid Dr. Jones, pleasant- ly, when they were •lose. Mr. Rebores grunted, without looking up. g1g� —ti see you do,' replied his visitor, with Amassed &debility. 'But, really—as no fully toady to aberration of hs intellect. margin. After a moment's scrutiny, the young hnan sprang from his apt with an involuntary exclamation. 'Do you know him, sir 1 inquired the bailiff, quickly. 'Knew him ' No. How the deuce should I r said Dr Jones ctnitrolling himself. 'I was 'opine for your sake, yet; could lay your huger vn him, for then o a nice 'I wonder who the patient is i' I little reward offered,' returned the man. 'William Roberts,' said Mr Graces. i. 'Five hundred !' said Dr Jones. rather 'his matter -of -fad way. oontemptuoualy, as he glanced at the 'Yes, I know his name. But how the document. dance can people in that position afford 'Aye, a tidy sum, ain't it, sir ?' said to pay Balmyre's terms 1 His asylum is the snap. 'But, Lord bless yer, It's all one of the mod expensive there is. auminery—all a blind. He's hoff long 'Ab ! that has struck you also, has it r ago, a -thin• in Ameriuy, as 1 said just said Mr Graves, weaning] mow r 'Well, tt'e odd, isn't it 1 However, 1 Well, wherever he is, he has got a suppose his relatives will starve them- fortune with him,' said Dr Jones, hand - selves to pay for him. ing back the document with an animated 'Did anything else strike you 1' inquir- expression. 'Make yourself at hcme,my ed Mr Graven man.' he added ; 'order what you want 'No. What do you Mena r said Dr As youeay, I dare say, this little matter Jones, innocently.of mine will smarm be arranged. 'Have you any doubt of his being He homed away as he spoke, and en - mad C tered his consulting room, where, after 'Good gracious, no ! Have you 1' de- locking the door, he commenced to Dr .l mel, in amendment. stride about in • strangely excited man- 'I stoned tib certificate. I wuppose it ser. After a while, happening to catch is all right. Bat when I reflect I feel • sight of his flwbed face as he passed the little uneasy,' mid Me Grave., senoualy. looking glass he paused, and gravely 'I never saw • clearer cane in my life addressed himself —never !' cried Dr Jones, alspping hie 'Come, Clarence Jones, steady your - knee emphatically. 'I would stake my self. This kooks like a stroke of luck. reputation that he is as wad u • March It may even be the fouitdatior of year hare.' fortune, but you mosn't be toe cock sore. •Ahem " coughed Mr Gwep..grsraly. vett.ay lie ett•takan. In any ase you 'Look at hi. manner " need • awl head tqptay your mrd. pro - 'Yes, his manner was eoeen'ric petty enough.' wed 1 For its southfsd and egaldil iaiaasee �-' •.add +ding to this island • gram en the emit'. fee to removal sad I/e.daw•. K the on.mel .vegan Art re of the inter- pee „p darsirtrft, A 's view. 'Buwever,asyo. dollen Italsayre Vgrur Has we, pall Is rArtres did ad pet y:,w ep to It, ['appeal It sena er gray haw to ite wow dark ulual•w tit• "meth of to hair, all w .aliokaeoideat Ives It • bauti(ul, eofi, gloomy sad 'Dr. Below" W "ever breathed • B Ili" appear.ssa• word to serous, or to s.yefirm' mid Dr. deem, solemnly. 'ltess.esher, he hes his repetition to eelesM t• My strop advise to yoe r sot to frighten lues by reeealhg whet hos passed tedsy. This. ler your sera take.' 'Arad • IMAs be yours, I dam say,' laughed Meadows, who appareetly.could ,tut help adesinag his t utter s outdoes& 'Hewers', perhaps you are right. Mum is the word fur all of es Dr. Jones std ,tut paws to Gault over the segos of his maneuver. He went straight to the city in feverub haste, and run over t., Europe fur a year or so. sever rested until the ranMnm Paid by You'll owe* back • new mss, and I gums 11[edvws was safely lodged ti kis bank.y.u'Il find e,erytbirgg all right on your nue. hawing rot rid of the lrieadsy `return. At say rate year health is Werth mn,re tk•m )eau 11 luso by vao•Lioa.' bailiff, and seat rinsed cheeks with most led titin6Riss1 theerAll Meese. The Mealtime was well up is the eighties. Two tea stood talking earn- estly together ea • street sumer. The • ebesdul, bright-eyed seas, said �W his sallow. d, , 'r►loekiag companion : "111 toil yes what is the ratare b rosary ter theavyer is t• . ,muagh to ill my man, it will floor you before long, if yo. due t give up. Just put two or three inflame away, where it will be sate, sad where you can draw on It, anti let the red CO tv the deuce, if it will, white toe teake a pressing creditors, h. Indulged Is de- lightfulselt weigr.telations, an,d revelled in the agreeable prospect of eoatis.ime his professional career with hr debts paid, and • substantial sum standing to his credit. '11 only shows,' he murmured com- placently to hlmeelf, 'that su•ne people are destined to make fortunes, and others ain't. Look .t that fool, Grave tie suspected the man was shamming when I didn't, and yet he never troubled hit head to ret to the bottom of the mystery. Graces will probably die • workbome .urges+, when 1 .ball be a baronet roll ing in wealth. For, by Jure, there is more to be made out of this bestow ' I'm not going to let Balmyre of —the sly old fox ! I motel ruin him if 1 liked but I won't. I flatter myself 1 know • trick worth two of that ' By Jove,' be .tided, eseeptiahy slapping bus knee. 'Be hoe m early daughter, and be is et tush or tfllssoo I'll hies— i iii;; 111 be his sos-ia.isw, or tq seine is mot Clarence Joss* r—ILoadesTruth. given of his personal appearance. Dr gla.cing up .t bit": and turning Bulkily Jones glanced through this ab.trictedly, aside. Ltd then his eye lighted upon a rough 'That is quite immaterial. The im- wood cut purporting to be a likeness of portant fad u, that I know you, Mr. An - the /defaulter, which appeared in the 1.tr•tber Meadows,' said Dr. Jones, in a low voice. The moment haulm was pronounced the man turned M white as marble, aid beads of perspiration burst upon his fore- head. He oast • terrified glance at bis visitor's calm, determined face, and ap- parently realised the uselessness of deny- ing his identity. 'Are you • detective?' he netted. 1117 good air, if you reflect you will remember that I ow a doctor,' remarked Dr. Jones, quite soothingly 'Oh, yes ; to be sure,' said Meadows, Metering himself. 'Well, how did pee find me out t' 'I recognized you yesterday the mo- ment I set eyes on you, notwithstanding that you have shaved your mustache and whiskers, and dyed your hair,' said Dr. Jones, unblushingly. 'Yoe see I am sot hostile to you.. 'Thank God for that !' t•si(tBured the Mari. 'I suppose your design is to remain here until the hue and cry has died out, and then to quietly alipt w►etl rtes polite have given you op,' said the dos - tor, smilingly. 'That was what Airalis did,' returned Meadows, mentioning another notorious Dr Jones signed the certificate with a clear conscience, mentally contrasting the present case with others he had certi- fied to for Dr Balmyre when Mr Graves had not been hu companion. When they tool their sesta in the car- riage again to drive back, Ir Junes glanced at the house they were leaving and said : Io such circumstances ea stseaie cow 'ciente is often • useful ally. Young Dr. Jones, having no scruples whatever on the subject of hie liabilities, was enabled to devote all his energies to the difficult task of evading them. He was quite unmoved by his tailor s pathetic appeals, while he succeeded by sound argument in convincing that taow suffering individ- ual that hu only thence of getting paid was to wait. But his powers of reason- ing and persuasion, though efficacious in some eases, often proved nnav►iling. seta' 'And his conversation. The man is a that the air becalm darkened with write gibbering lunatic. You heard his &n- and legal processes. The p*ex yonni( ewer when, on his saying he was the man was thin fairly driven to his WHO Emperor of Russia, I jokingly remind - The ,alh.w mei ami *Lid thowth the irooia he had in the fin wwid have to be watched • little longer. Do ars seely. Do not delay, if suffering any forst of B„wel Complaint, however mild appar- ently may be the attack. but usa Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wi'd Strawbewty. it is the .14 reliable cure fees all farms of Summer C plaints that require prompt treatment. Alk your druggist and •:1 Sealers in patent •owlicines. 2 end. and saw no alternative hut to oak• known his embarrassments, and thereby jeopardise the success which had almost seemed 'o be within hie grasp. One morning( Dr. Jones was &••amus .sated in hu cunteltimer, om, waiting for patients, when there came 0 knock at the door, and a little, shabbily-dreaeed, bright eyed, elderly roan was presently ushered in. Dr. Jones itrreted his visitor with 'mingled feelinn. being disappointed ,.f hesitation that it is a clear case At for homed( if hs hopes as to paying hum discovery.' 1 an i an relyon you 1' of • patient, yet relieved to lied lee was all events we shill her what Balm)» on the next da) were realised. suppose 7 tort • sheriff's n.ffteer. says. When hearties the nest morning, Dr. 'Implicitly. If you give me my prise 'How are you, Mr. Graves ? he *aid. Mr (:rare• smiled at this, but he only Jones wrote a little note to Dr. Balmyrr, 1 shall be in your power. Iuatinetivsly adopting thecn.descnding anewerad - stating that ha had • great desire t.. pay 'V1'ell, you a» •cool hand, anyhow,' Mae of • physician towards • general Well, there was no aierclte'. if the a visit to the asylum : zed, addin, that, said Meadows with •laugh. Rut what 11r11Outimer 'What van 1 do few you 1 man a lees mad than he appear to be, {taring been snmean• od to attend • cm- you say n frac enoogA. Come, what as 'Nothing, thanks,' mid the little man, he hes ,only himself to thank.' siltation in the neighborhood of the in -it to Its i' briskly'but you can do pommel! a turn, With this remark the little man al. etitwtieon, he should he glad of an author- Dr. Josses named his figure --an en - 'What• sow are so diapered.' t uptly changed the conversation : but lee ' its 4, inspect it He sent the letter commonly stiff one, jodging by the raga 'What do vol mean I. ingwired Dr. had not succeeded, even when he set his I round by a set vane, eh., in reply, and indignation of lir. Meadows. Au Jesse, a triia taken hack. +/tergal down at his own stomas, is ane- 1 brought trek one of Ike Belmyre s cards swgry argument then ensoe.d, however 'Itslieyre has 'shell me to Rn cp tri pletely teetering that gentletsat's eyaan- lilt with a tee words in the grant man.a ending, thr,wgh the dooctx's irwnes., iw Hishbwry to xis, t i ore of insanity amity j handwriting scrawled on the beck of iR ed him that a minute before he had claimed to be the Grand Llama o f Thi - bet. 'True,' he said, 'but that was by my first wife.' 'Vas,' returned Mr (;raves, pensively robbing his nose; '1'm not sore 1 hares' heard that joke before.' 'Why, really, my dear sir, cried Dr .lones,getting quit,{ hot and angry, 'what is it pot suspect 1 i have not a shsd.,w DIVERT THE CHILDREN The latest steamy sometime i. Loudon a caused by the announcement that Loaf Chief Justice Coleridge Si about to marry an Amerman lady whom tet first met on the steamer on which be return- ed tree the United States three yea» egg.,, and eh,- threatened to bring an action fur breach of promise if ho d.d o.•t merry her. Society is very tomb sgttated over the approaching event. Ha Lordship's children are said to be eery angry. WS, W. she.to fea..it ab. Teem or 111tore. se lake Them sum. It does not require expensive toys or toe, elaborately mm tri rd dresses re In the history of medicines no prima ration has received such universal own; ggssldation for the alleviation' it affords and the permanent cure it effects to kid ney diseases. as Dr. Van Beren's Kianey Cure. Its action in thew distress onplaiots is simply wtnderful. bold m by J. Wilma. 2m , AYER'S a .i Hair Vigor • e atsretelerl. sere the sag tioekaem K 'narks a writer iu the HoatAr f.f, to ahs youth, 1.4.4 ce gray bur to • .Mtsr.l, rtes • child happy • Drees the cbddrea in brows color, or keep black. wall Morin& rets simple, clothing and cover them by Its tet light or red Mir may M derkw4. , easy L.L latr th.etaae4 n.•4 a=� CMS' a large white apron ix fn•ek that tlw 1.sot tees., cored aa + m easily be washed. In fine weetbet hews failing d tete heir, and etlatF spread a blanket on a warm but shady tats • weak sed mealy grown to vigor. 11 pre.wts sed easel Kort and d•ndrul, and place and let the baby have •large ironi:ts ply ..urs 4.513.. retain to eke spoon and dig in the garden. He will his. A. a glade• lair t)eeeslntg, 10. enjoy it wonderfully and It will do him soma t. saagesued , it meters, settbsr sal ser dM weeders tm. War oft, showy. sad addle 15 appearance, and imparts • mama, good, and may save his life. I speak from exeerience. Three little girls of mine, one after the other, died in their fled or second summer, duriag the trying time of teeth -cutting. They :rad been Ma edy mord for, when d.* ilia tis fr.sk air ie • carriage. I bad t T mid studied shout the care of cbildree. hal physicians and medicine, but all in vain. I was almost heart-hreken. Teen i had • boy, more delicate than either of those I had last. How could i hip* to save 1 him 1 The truth is I had been overtask• ed after my marriage. and au lost my torn health, and healthy children met hare • healthy mother. An aunt of mine told me to try letting him dig in the sand or h. I tried it, gave up all medicine ape.•ae, tied l-•mng terra.,. elite. P. Iaxwra writes trews KIM", O r !nip3, t*p : ` Last fail ney barer t..titmeaeed Ig slng ooa•tt, awl lu $ abort rim 1 Menu* scary MN 1 wed part of • bottle d , A i aa's Hatt t'to..a, wlicb stopped tie fall - tug of tbe hair, an4 started • mew grew*. 1 1.0,5 sew a tell Med of lar e -w. vigor- ously, a..1 am convinced bet ror w of y.•.w profanities 1 sOswld lava Mea *ousel; b•:.t." J. W. $nwrx, prrprt.t w er the McArthur (01..' rq■armmays ."•rt We H Aia VISOR 1. • WOO eaaellent prep.trat.oe for 1W lair. 1 Peres ret It prow my owe espsrtetitie. 11e ata pr.wm4M We griwt► d sew ball, lad rias} awl soft. Tl. Vomit mit Ye alio • rare rare tor dandruff riot within we O .' . .1se hu the prevention ever fallod I. gins vmtire int sltion." *15. Snore Pataa•taf, leader of tie aqrrlebrated •• rairbsire ►.roily" d Seott.sb i'•.rslote, .v tee front BeAloe, Aye., res.., ewe •• Ever 54510 my Bair began to give W- orry v.Weucs of tie Mange Mattis $seY to„v pr.euretk. 1 Imre teed Area's HAin %I....11 Sed o harm else able to malatata for myself and baby, made a specialty of e„ey..k•ra h Me aa,.,an w studying and preparing nourishing diet tot,. excel. wd Is roes Gess, sea 51.01151. le the eye. d tie potato.” pleasant recreations for baby and yam. o. A. PaxetmT, writsag twos n lie f, praying duly sed constantly for deer o l r:rooms, awe, Awa A, tear, sap : hteetlinv upon everything mid far lam B�irection and guidance, and then WW1 sore He would order all for the w� best, and so giving up all worrying and tet ..re. So we both grew strong and 0r. healthy, and have been so ever since. My three boys and my girl are, thanks b W taassaw s* Dr. J. C. Ayer kCo., Lewd', Maas. 5034 by all Drs rascal. 'Well, it igen excellent plan, .o doubt. The polioe would never think of looking for you here,' laughed Dr. Jones. 'How. ever, to Dome to the point. Of course, I have no wish to denounce you.' That is your ga.ne, is it 1 cried Mete Tor, ears ago about twnthIo1 d m, bare e ..1. 1t thtnood very raping, s.41 w.. .r..wisg Mid. tri asl.g Ataa'a Hate r.. tlw fa,ltug .t pysd an l a Mw gnrwtb eo.0n,.ueod, anal 1t sleet a i.o,,tb my ►s.4 e..wptrt.Iy eo.,-u-4 rlth ,tion Wr. 1s r.n.tla u«t 4, grow, asst 1..nwes gout 5 .re a fell. 1 regularly sea but wee w t1.. tl.:••& b.1 .ow ass it , as drsaw/ng. ^ ere M,s ►sadn4s of .Impar ttetlm0Wle the .mercy of Hsta Vrooa. la mods but drew., with • fierce oath. to God, all well and strong and • great 'Well, you see your secret is worth 1 blwing sod • oosefo tt to me. something,' said the .nweleonte visitor, Children are—Ed alit sensitive than in business -like tones. 'i could get the grown people. A mere trifle le sufficient to make a child happy or miserable, and my own sake, m well • mere trifle will turn the current of its This so li!oaquy had s soothing effect, reward of £300 by rising my finger. for he seated himself in the patient's arm chair and deliben.tely knitted his brows to think. The result of hisdeliberation• ed n,ff w:!h coin re to But I prefer --for as yours—to make '1 thought you sneered Meadows. terms with you.' I thoughts and direct them to new chem were a gentleman. mels of interest To end s.-o...nt ran t30D�]fiIC373 • trial to co.etucs 10. meet d Its taloa. A� sty in plea'ing employments for young PLANING MILL was that he start pow his club, and spent some hours in going 'People used to think you were,' .aid children is certainly no Guy task. it I 18TA51L1RHSD Ietie. through the newspaper files of the past the doctor, quite unmoved. 'But, after month er two. He met a city acquaint- all, the title is an empty one.' enol, oat whom he made particular Inquir- ies concerning Mr. Anstruther Meadows. Altogether. he evidently considered that he had passed a profitable evening. foe upon his return, he saluted the man it possess:en with • friendly slap on •he b.ck,anJ premised him • fire pound note 'Haag you, then, name your price h +tied H..dows, after a pause. 'Belatytte limpet sae up to this ; you art both is the swim.' Dr. Balmyre has betrayed no confi- dence,' said Dr. Jones, pricking up his pre. 'No one has any suspicion of my 'err un. ed that yov might all., However, Dr .Tones did not loot con. , An hour later Dr. Jones presented hen- be as h• •eggesr be willing f. take the lob, i called to time to marvel at Mr Grilse *atm'''. self at to. dont of Dr. Ha my»• ce e- ased,rem yes &lore,( with me.' returned [h. inary ohteesays, for the diagre.sble' brsted estaMishm.flt. Ofarfrog his hands under ht. teat diseovery that in We *Mee, • sheriff's H. was civilly reeett...a by tea mediad ase s Pd oratorios of 'ottoman in charge, by whom be sea* tail•. amyl warrniag himself ttet.:rw t!• I officer had been pieced to 1N ducted over the vpaeiooa, glovomy his apartment., effectually drove all mind. As was boildirtg. Of tl•tmf.e, 1N eexpressedhim- 'Wear 1 ea elvers ghd in "bilge Dt• other thoughts front his his terms being agreed to. Meadow., se o,rdingly, gave him • letter to an individual in the city, tt'rogh where axency, in • mud shiest way, the re- - quisttl Nes was to he paid. 'It is devilish lard Nees that 1 sen»Id have to piny through the moss Wee for requires forethought rid attentieri, for active children are Bonen tired of their amusements and ready for something else ; but as they grow older and the hos obis te maks better nee of their fami- nes the task grows easier, and they wi soon learn to enjoy helping mother. Buchaaan,Lawaon : Robinson la$uwr as/s, D0°,4'1;1'116"B 4nds 05.1.50* mx ALL Renta OP ft is no wonder that young moth^ts Lu`mber, Lath, Shii't flea are often" weary and di e:ragtd. There ugh bvt1Aer's wraterbat of every M.erlt tion.) is no more arduous or exhaustive work for brain ..r body than the care ..f young children. The work of the husband and the father in office, workshop, warehouse or farm is as ply compared to it. If any man doubts this let him eschange employments with his wife for only twenty-four hours, and he will be epeeri ily con timed. tt.mrK•rn awed, r'.,.. it ie popularly admitted everywhere that Met,lregnr's Speedy Cure a the safest. most reliable and by tar the cheap. e st remedy for Co.setip.ttio n, 'ATM' Com- pltint, Indigestion, Impure Bl,e.d. Lure of Appetite. and all elmslar trorhle•. it is not necessary to lake a arrest gn.ntity before any restlt h prwlseed. A few doses will °.twine* yea ret It. Meth Thal bottle given free at nen. Rhyne: drag K ase, 1 m 5011001 FuIIITYM rsriq/LT7. '.'1 Ordenprnmptly'attrnded to. Oodsrich A*. 2, 1101 1110'1.1, GODBBICK B0I118 VORIS Ha v. (net tyre' role &large stork of fA BRASS & IRON STEAM FITTINGS —Waw__ BOILERS & EIUfflIES In Salt Pans and Boilers amllyr,n shoetowe ledg& xall arta.s Per sew work awl revolts w receive prem$ 5110.11... CHRYSTAL k BT.ACK, tlrsrb sew a. T. a. similes. s.tsefek. Feb. *. lase. raw