The Huron Signal, 1885-8-7, Page 1•
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i lrO(S S • YwR IN LLIOVDDY abirPt:1Cs
atLUIlf..T ems, attltklrYY( dos.c
North [ft.
Lad M deeptoeed 1e W ,arts of t be surround
Ing tlbery by hes melee emits and trains.
ties tsis••ae saber as is LM. part of
It hes • larger eircnla-
the oea•trf. d Is ese o the raciest, Newsiest
sad mow 1 reliable Journals la Or.tuie
pe meeteig, ss 11 duce. the fore -Molar easenttals
sad beta: A gro
addition LollarLolabove. a ttr•t•eles.
tastily paper at as tile -astute a
melt dsetvwale adeeretaisp medium".
Tssme. �a.ell la advance. pasta, pre -paid
b►publishers: $1.3. ll paid before as inter
IMO ifsot so paid. This rule will be tri.Uj
Bares or A mean. -Bight eseb ps
toe for inn Issartlon ; three Dents per Ilse for
sash seheeneeat inert toe Yearlyhalf yearly
.d seertsrty eeatieets at reduced rates.
Joh r*tericieat de have shies -eines
s1 .Mtp&.4.,slag and beet facilities
to iM Imes
w ta sat work la Qoie rash, are papered
to he la that Ilse st prtc.sthat osn•at
In homes. and of a Quality that const be
ereageed-- Teresa Coati
FRIDAY. AUG. PTs, 1885.
The Hamilton . peetator never tires of
lying about the Reform party, sad in
every issue endeavors to create the nu -
Kerma that the Northwest retellion
was under Liberal auspices. Tu intel-
ligusit people the absurdity of such
twae}dle mast be sprit at. but we .up-
powthat kind of pabulum is fast what
te wanted by the readers of the lfpeeta-
to. The principal men responsible for
the Northwest rebeltios are Sir John
hilL SINTSN0110, UTJ$ O=S WISINUe. !speech ; and unless llaleomwsen eds
his biggest sigh to Ire Lewis, to be weigh-
ed on the market -scales, and the weight
endorsed by that most accurate of mox-
tals, the goalie' ouunty clerk, we fear that
the master in chancery will lose his re-
putation for veracity. There was "Aar
in the eyes Of tbs poor
pector+r, and the question of bait was
the all important use as I got loose on
one of my must cherished fish yarns.
But, spue.king of bib. I have to ly that
we don't known what to do with all we
retch here. In fact,
in large quantities, and cease from fish-
ing, to prevent criminal waste. Bess
and pickerel are freely oaeght, the form-
er being most esteemed. We don't aro
to keep anything under a pound weight.
After a trial regularly conducted,
Labs Reel has been sentenced to be and rletbeas - Tlaa Masa
hanged by the neck until he u dead on Mita etawfaaes seslsig eta Ia"e•--T+s
the 18th of Sept. A ,frons effort was Naar era' ► Rainy seas la ,'eels--
. watts olio.
made by his counsel to secure his ac-
quittal on the plea of insanity, bat
the jury returned • verdict of guilty
against him, and the death sentence has
been passed. Despite this fact there
are many who believe the sentence will
be commuted, and that the arch-agitatcr
will not suffer the extreme penalty of the
law. Already the French-Canaduns are
moving ie the matter of coatmutation,
aid great premium will be broseht spun
the goveenmeat to affect that end. The
following .ptnivas (ruin some cf our ex -
ohmage' will prove of interest to one
nue the Toronto World.
Thit ltiel should have been found
guilty was only what was to have been
expected. There was never any reason
to expect anythinr else. A great many
people Liege at the idea of his being
banged, sod • few think that we can
afford to spare the wretch's life. Th.
government will certainty be vigorously
importuned for • cummutation, and the
example of our republican neighbors will
be cited as a good precedent. We incline
to the opinion of those who hold that
Kiel will find mercy. There is little in
his ease to entitle him to consideration,
but great offenders often go uuhung.
Macdonald, Bir David Macpherson, Freie tie Turonto Nines. • -
Ettgar Dentary, told Loma Ilial. tion. Reel, the Caoadien Guitew, has been
of teary then are Refon.eru—all an
found guilty of tres•on•fe1ony. It is the
opinion of The News, as well as of tits
dyed in -the -wont Tories. The minor court, that Riel is guilty, but it is not
participate were also Tories, unit ',f c.ur opinion that he deserves any mercy.
them; Scott, having told a Man reporter He is not nearly .o inane as Gnit.*u,
that he was "a Tory from •may back." the murderer of Garfield, was proved to
he, and yet Guitesu was hanged. Rid
should he treated likewise. His history
as an asseasin dates back to the murder
of Scott fifteen years ago. His latest
ezploits show hien to be too dangerous
and bloodthirsty a teen to be let live.
To use the weeds of Guiteau, "he must
be removed.- It was never the inten-
tion of the government to hang him, and
he will not be hanged, yet he richly de-
serves it. Ws ,sot bons of the "profes-
sion*" insanity business in Canada. A
man who is .ane enough to organs two
rebellions and awe the death of scores
of his fellow citizens is case enough to
furnish material fur a hangman. Riela
comrades had gi'seances ; Riel had
sone ; show whet mercy is to be shown
to the misguided followers but .bow none
to the arch assassin himself, who suffered
nothing, dared nothing, won northing,
A number d Riot's o.s.ed wen Donne -
ma Government appointees, and some
of tiers were under salary from Sir
iQw ' lolls while tarrying mala against our
volunteers. 1p addition to all duo when
Roil was granted pertain documents
whish implicated well known persona
were foetid ttpttk►im,aad were suppress.
ed by the Government. When the
counsel fur the defence asked to base
the documents produced is evidenpe,
Mr Cbwstopher Robinws, for the Otte -
anapest. objected ae follows : .
With r ps.rd t• another whleb•
air learned eat will *Loh it rest
ie mate ear t�sy mete new. as oorrw
ter easiest pepdIt eras - �e +aa
the pr �wwiiaMMa�ot-tia, dl dist WM is 1e
toss owraeisd them a eseammees se et*loam~�noo but tried his beat to raise the Indians
w1. M� be dl ti. ac if and maassrn the whites
4�, •seramq a masa Wolf From the London Free Preece
fife /etre+ sa Itsp.etiea That Rist must die tee death is now a
of osyrhlss elate out M la tee nature et f s* conclusion. Sep long as the
i his or whisk t. to ovi
IsNissr�c icy motes+ whisk It ho la evident. against him had act been legal -
"I° p4b11e I111*11as std III the t*ureet of socia ly formulated there was reason to sup-
e'y 1* antm+eees esanbe<' pose that he might have bees held by
The Reform patty ls "till" to gut doomed to have not been altogether
full information as to who are Rico's responsible for his acts. Bet his sanity
guilty co-partners. We are meddled has bean made manifest ; only it was a
that our leading atateames have bad to sacity that was mingled with a diabolical
communication with the rebel chief, and
craft, bent upon the .orifice of fused is put up, and we take boats to some
and foe alike in the pursuit of personal
barn not new, of on any previous mew aggrandisement. TFat such a mat. spot on one of the many islands where
eon, offered him financial or mord aid. should lure any claim to • further clam- we have not yet landed, and while some
Ws wast N have these suppressed deem- miry it asoma impossible to suppose. An prepare the tee or coffee and spread the
...sot to bo,. men, example will be mads nt him, at least, cloth on the clean Neem, the other pick
ands }t1A1•�d which will strike terror into any restless
esedlgories Would to the light of day ; ane that remain, and to the WARMS of berries or fish, or lie es the soft mossy
wswast to have au the guilty punished. remetabliahing the reign of law and bthat nature has spiitl, and read or
Draw dieSpectator and its friends stave natior
bed the new empire of the meditate. These little outings are very
for that object 1 North-West.— popular with us, and all hands are ready
Br the extreme solicitude expressed for the picnics. The brat day we went
for the Reform party, and the amount of off to one of them we made the terrible
BzLLa-14•1111 WAND,
LAX Joesr., Mvaaoea,
August 1, 1885.
Did you ever ;o huckleberrying 1 The
huckleberry is not so general as the
ruddy raspberry, and in the more settled
Portions of Ontario the bliss fellow maul -
festa an affinity fur swamps and low
ground, where one must wade in mud,
or bug, or water ankle deep a good part
of the time while picking. We are tours
fortunate here, on the Muskoka islands.
There is iii swamp land hereabouts.
The islands lift their pine -covered crude
proudly out of the water, on substantial
foundations of granite rock, which alum
Aug. 3rd, 1885.
Well, here to • wet day. The rain
themselves through the gray, green and , keeps up a constant patter un the can -
brown mum, which form yeas overhead, the wind blows fiercely,
THa !ATt'RAL c••RPRI and the frothy waves dash themselves
angrily against the immovable rocks that
of this rugged region.
W° here G, atop
form the base of our little island. Look -
either upon the hard, unyielding rock, ing out the tent door at the islands ever
which would wear away shoes of iron and the way
they appear misty and iade6-
braas, or else tread the soft and aprinvi,g nit*,saiNtaaboet is venturesome enough
mora, so plant and yielding, that the to cross the waters for the daring's
weary feet [eel new vigor as the tourist
sake. Yet to me this wet, dismal,
roams over the sulitary isle in quest of frowning, ellen day is
berries, wild flowers or ferns. The snug
• est oma const::
heels island owned by our party is coves -
from the bright, ever bright, dry day
ed with huckleberries, and every day we of the past fortnight ; for we were
have eaten heartily of the dainty bine gMtiog into an idle, muooiunow awing
berries either raw or boiled, or our came lire. Fishing was becoming
The appetite never .,seed to weary of tiresome, rowing irksome, and the ether
them. But as many of our set are de- little occupations of outdoor life were
prow of "patting down" a half dozen boring us. This day or two of rain,
or • dozen of gem jars furl of ber- therefore, comes as a pleasurable change,
nes, we occasionally go to some un• ust as woman will appreciate the **-
leroceapied island near by, and return js • sure of • homely and stupid man after
few hours laden with Ona and baskets a long pfd soeot in the society of
of huckleberries. Little at present grown none but the fairest and wittiest toy her
upon many of these islands but pine, own sex.So I •m enjoying this damp
hucaleberriei and juniper berriea. On day, because I know that it is • break
many of the islands then is not a single
for but • short time in tie delightful
Mick of hard wood
weather we generally find here ; and
ass ttrcuxssur osowe that when the bright, grand sunshine
on Inc bushes, not over • foot from the again green us, we will find fresh phis.
ride the waves in line style, and look
beautiful as under • Lig enrich of canvas
they scud along before the wed. The
cantle to many of the tourists is his
vehicle, bed and storehouse. Iate its
fifteen or twenty feet the paddmr wilt
sued all that he nestle in tit* way of
necessaries and comforts, and he movea
along the lakes free and ittdepeudent,
here today and away tomorrow, like •
nautical butterfly. It is getting late in
the afternoon, and the storm shows no
sign of abatement. Our tent has been
carefully pitched, and the canvas is of
good quality, and we have found no
leaks. There is a heavy sea on, and it
is yet uncertain whether or not we will
be able to row over to the pnstufbce with
this in time to re•chyou. I will likely
write yea another letter from here Lefoty
my return, but as we have no excursion
so far .napped out, I don't know what
there will bo fresh to write about.
P. S. --I am beginning to think that
a rainy day in comp is not so delightful
a thing after all. T. MoG.
ground, and the berry, after becoming sun in the rowing, the fishing, the
ripe, keeps for • few weeks w the bush picnics. and various .putiuga The rainy
before it spoils. The season consequent- yy in camp is
ly lase for a month or two, according to • eptT 0? rise !AL +A Lr,
the time of pinking. Seated on the soft
moss, and sheltered by • pine tree, the an antiseptic which prevents the sports
hand can be quickly and comfortably and recreations of camp life from grow -
filled with berries. When a good spot tog stale` Others, (but not in our ramp)
is found, and the picker mettles down to Isar curse at the rain, and inveigh
business, two or three quarts an hour against wet days, but as Cr me, 1 try to
eau be harvested. There are no nom- keep dry, and enjoy it. There is
plaints as yet about the "patches" beiog another reason why I welcome the rain
. `•k inned..' today.
ws ears PICtrtca KRIS A •'ARLLaaa C1*PIR
nceasioully. A rather substantial lunch a week or so ago left a fire behind him
on • point of the mainland sot far dis-
tant, and although our party on several
occasions thought they had smothered
the Games, the fire broke ort with re-
newed vigor yesterday, and gland
fiercely at us across the water lot night.
A number of camping parties bad yester-
day agreed to send over members with
pati today to put out the lin ; bat
owing to the storm the resoling did not
come. Bat the rain tame, and we are
in hopes that the fire in the moss and
tree roots will be pet out by nature's own
lin brigade. We bad preaching over oo
Johnston's Island yesterday afternoon.
Rev. N. Wolvet•ten, principal of Wood-
stock Baptist college, /aye
• CLtAI AND rOletaLl 1a&WUN
Hoo. Joss OotrnaAN lute lately been
the recipient of a valuable present, in
advice given 1'1 the Tury organs sou- mistake of not bringing enough lunch
of • ee in and lo: st Ottawa. corning the Reform lesdership,ons would with us. Now we go loaded and double
Rat suheidittatea is the Inland Revenue' almost be led to suppose that the Tory barrelled, as it were, and the way the
dMp.rl�t ar. the ' and the Ham prem cess ss &axioms to aabs Liberals in victuals dieappe•r would spread *miter.
isohn 1v� f..b ted him Feud beaten object of power in the Dominion. Now, his under -we ell nation amongst the people who run town
bearding -h°6118.
d ven of their whetanos ac- know if that was to suss their printing noeas mite WITH TRI CANOI.
charity, and IRt
r jjagly We understand circulars
were seat to the different officials of the
department throoghost the Dominion,
mod,as • matter of oouras,thoss importun-
ed had to "whack up" for her of flee
deplesasre of the bead of the depart-
tmwt, Over in the "Ould Sod' when
the H.aorsble John and ourselves came
from they would call • healthy man who
.olisitd aid a b+oenyfi ; bet here they
sate gas Minister of Inland Revenue, the
Hoaolnble Jobs.
How. Tom White is the latest ad-
dition to the Dominion CahnHmt. He
hes been appointed Minister of the Ia-
teriet, +ism Kir David 11gkephersee, "re-
k♦moved" for blundering on the Northwest
policy. The Hoa. Tom's wide to office
lir fe els fast Ills/ he believe he
'I .lying when polities! exigencies require
it. M• will Ines peeves sewn of
.ae.rsgllt.te alt John, who is a craw
um a ...ammo uiriposiou“
nisihrRW hese tried sag sa-
teesed ler his share ie fsmesWg the
Northwest troubles, we think the other
prifteirld in guilt, Sager Dreamily,
subsidies would be cut off. and without
their present opportunities for plunder
many of our Tory ronftoet would go to
wall.Snell htat eabe the se we commit
I saw the prettiest cam* yesterday i ever
oat oyes upon. The cumin* hailed from
Peterboro', and had spent a month roam-
ing over the chain of lakes oomprisiag
Qt-asr VICTORIA u reputed to have
accumulated a G.rtene of over $40,000,-
000, and yet tf any of her sone or daugh-
ters get married she allows them to go
•begging to the British parliament for
en annuity. Hoarding up useless wealth
is not • good occupation for a woman
who professes to be a eonsiatent follower
of the Saviour of men. It too neatly
approaches the action of a miser. Ec-
centricities of this kind are fast leading
the people—the great, throbbing, heart—
of England to believe that Queen Vic-
toria is • woman of very ordinary type.
$40,000,000 hoarded up by the Queen,
and bee sons-ia-law all paupers on the
British public, is a strange aught to con-
template. There is no other woman in
England who would be guilty of such a
01.1 Found Guilty of Treason.
Tao 1st. e( sealeelbsr eataed as ate Mar
orf s*erenen.
Wiwi r slues ea a p.lttleal leasee,
•reseed ss.
Mr. Parnell reckons on the return et
85 Inah members to the new parlia-
The emperors of Austria, Russia and
Germany meet at (Fasten nn Aug. 21. INorwegians and Swede& to come and as -
The Count of Paris will issue • mani- slat bee, and give each • share so the
festo t• Royalists on the eve of the
general elections in France.
Mr. Sandhurst, the head of the Bir-
mingham caucus of the liberal organi-
zation of England and Mr. Chamberlain's
right hand man, will visit America next
The United States minister at Con-
stantinople has been specially instructed
to resume negotiations with the ports
for • modification of Turkish tariffs on
American imports. S
The •tord•y Renew savagely attacks
Dem DeBradley for allowing • memorial
service to OilseedGrant to be held in
Westminster abbey. The abbey, it
implies, is sacred to- Englishmen alone. —
In the hoses gqtI__.oees Beduinstte $
night an amendMe f;IMtiatnilel b1 -Ii,
weeding for the li ngi.R of persons
souvinte.l of outraging children, was re-
jected amendment endment ranee the age
RrotiA, Aug. 1.—The jury ►t the Riel
twere out about thirty minutes. They
returned • verdict of guilty. JudgeRichardson, when he began his charge a
the jury, confined himself chiefly to reed-
ing extrema irum the evidence. He then
reviewed the law upon which the court
was established and the trial conducted.
The charge was coucleiled at *:L6, and
the jury retiree. The pith wasdmisis-
tered to the guard to keep the Ory with
out meat or drink, fire or Lod *ing. At
3.16 there was • murmur is deo court,
he pry it was whispered that try had
agreed. All was bustle and, excitement.
Riel prayed fervet.:ly, kneeing in his
box, and looked unno. ved se the jury en-
tered with a verdist of gFreesiauilty. Freesia
Cosgrove, the foretuaa, while crying like
aideda child, announced that be was aby
his fellow jurors to recommend the pris-
oner to the mercy of the crown, and the
judge said the reouuimendatton would be
In answer to the question if be bed
anything u say why se.itence should not
be wised on him, Riel addressed :he
court over an hour and said the verd:otn
of 'silty was a gat advantage bossism
it showed him to be not inue. Habd
a missions
to fulfil and re long as hs wait
looked upon es insane hs could not do it.
Now he weeld begin to auccoed. One of
his difficulties was beginning to disap-
pear. Hs thanked the jury for the re-
cemmendation of meaty. It would bo
wig, now for him to make an incendiary
speech against the selection of the jury
and the legality of the court. bet he toast
take advantage of the situation to show
himself resp.,wibls. He had a call from
God to do something for the Northwest.
His sufferiag would prove him to w a
prophet. He himself had antlered twee -
teen yeses, Rel fifteen, and he bad two
mon years to suffer. The Saskatchewan
troubles were only the continuation of
the troubles of sixty-nine.
The Dominion gnvernmeat had mot
delegates to treat with the rebels of sex•
t nine and it was reasonable to expect
that they would do the Mme in the baa
katchewan, and grant the rights of lbs
half breeds now as then. Ile esplsised
the plan of how he was going to invite
the Irish, Germane, ,lows, Bavariaas,
Poles, Scandinavians, Italians, Belgians,
on the resurrection from the dead.
Among the congregation I noticed Hon.
A. M. Rosa, M. PP. , Mrs. Ross, Mies
Agile Ross, Mr. Malcomon and Mrs.
believe our ootems would advise againstthe Muskoka troop. The deed was
their tread and butter, and it follows asend Miss Melcomone, of Goderich, and
about 16 feet in length, and was neatly Mr and Mrs H. Meyer, of Wingham.
a sequence that that: talk against the stripe with cedar, 3 -16th of an inch
leadership of Blake is only to stresgthea This party is encamped about a mile or
thick it w meetly snood, and the o shore our island, and they appear to
enjoy camp life. We bad no refining
service, as Judge igs was not or
Lomita Island i de Ust often hear
such hearty congregational singing as
we hear over st Johnaion s at ear open
air service on Sunday afternoons. Fish-
ing eontinees to be fair, but I have ao
big atnries for you this week. We bave
tag it alone of late. We presented theI no difficulty it getting all we want for
wanderer with • couple of newspapers, the purposes of the asap, and give a
and he left for a new camping ground. fraiew►t and liberal supply to a essiakn a
I teak •run an the steamer "Nipis 'neighbor. The bl.ek bass. w►wh alined
sing" ma T.esd•y Leat as far se Port ` here, are prised above the pickerel.
Carlin,. tc order ens" grub," a.d nth- 'Lhey .re gamey, and it is unmeine to
sr s.oaaa.riss• Go th* tutee' 1 had es 1 watch the excitement of some a oar
duty fogad guilty.
T1 there
be s roe le � lases. re- — --
a three it lib
'W. T. R. Fuseaus, will sanest East
w!t from I M J..e set i� we Darlene et the Riders interest se the
"gild line to sea the a.thoritiie bogie
at tin top, sad wort Arra.` sift -ties.
their own pereition. T[ Blake is the in. solitary paddler carried 150 lbs. of lug-
oapablm that they represent him to be, [age hidden somewhere about the dainty
why do they work se stratum sty to little craft. She earned two Hila, and
awake the Reform
from m the des whet the wind wan blowing showed mux*
lesion under which it labors -why not I canvass than any of the sailboats we
!et the i.ilre R� plundering
sleep, hole the' have wise hero She carried two pas-
Tories afe en inTh (seeiten during the earlier patios of the
u an inconsistency about their sellout outing, but the c..osi.t had been *l-
int we cannot comprehend. And, now,
since we are speaking about incapable
leader., wouldn't it be in order for the
Mail, Hamilton 9prt*tor, Leedom Pias
Prow and others of that kidney, to die -
Moo the supplanting of William Ralph
Meredith ' The Hon. Josiah Burr -
numb, the silver toned teem of the
reel% cataract, would like to lead the
Tory promisees in the Local house.
Give the warbler of Niagara a fair show,
gsat1 .a ; give him a show, to lift the
tail of the Tory rooster oat of the duet
le Osterio.
Northwest and Walsh Columbia. The
condition of the Jews was they must ac-
knowledge Jesus Christ aa the Seeioer
of the world. Gabriel Dumont sod the
Fenian, were active in hu behalf in the
States and their asewtsnce was the lest
reort. He complained that Areh►ishop
Tache and the ministate of the crown
had broken the promise of an amnesty in
1672. Dubuc had. (riven him the name
David as a souvenir in 1872. Arckbisk-
np Tache came and sad hu Lower Can-
adian friends wanted him to leave the
country because he would embarrass
them duringthe election. He and Lep-
in. got £40from Archbishop Tache to
go.He agreed only because his bene-
factor, Archbishop Tache, asked him to.
Aftec Sir George Cartier was defeated remin
emberQuebec, Riel was asked to give up rem-
ember for bum. Before the election in
1873 air John Macdonald seat an offer
to him of 135,000 to leave the country,
of protection of girls to 16. was carried and if that was not enough how meati
by•twee of 179to 71.
Lord Randolph Churchill conducts
bitleslf with perfect indifferenc to the
attacks of the chis! Tory organ, the
London Mondavi. In the house of com-
mons kis .oaiatss and admirers asperse
their nfider rs in him by frequent out-
bursts of cheering that almost amount to
President Cleveland named the fol
lowing pallbearers for General Orsst's
would he take to crime the ocean 1 If he
had the right to that money them bad
he not the right to ask it last year 1 Hs
declared himself the prophet of the new
world, giving some rather comical in-
stances in proof He wanted • medical -
legal commlmien of doctors acrd teepee
to try him, not on amount of the out-
break n. the Saskatchewan alone,
but on his whole career during the pest
fifteen years, and determine if the
execution of Aectt was • murder Ho
funeral :—Goa. Win. T. Sharman, U. S. enmplatned that the judge had charged
A ; Lt. Gen. Philip, H. Sheridan ; all against him, but fit entire confidence
U. S. A. ; Adelina David D. Porter, U. that he would yet be ap%red t.t fulfil bis
B. N. Vice -Admiral Stephen C. Rowan ;
U. K. N. ; General Joseph L Johnston,
ret Vigitnis, Confederate ; General Sim-
on B. Buckner, of Keotueky, Confider.
ate ; Hamilton Fish, of New York ;
Genn. S. Noutwell, of Maemohmtsetta ;
George W. Childs, of Pennsylvania ; J.
A. Legge, of Illinois ; G.ormi D. Jones,
of New York ; O►iyer Hoyt., of New
fellow pasn.ilas Col. Ross. 14 PP., and party when they get • big fellow who
8. Mah.ep 1. o"with. erith. The/ had I will jump two or three feet nut of water
sot let 81111.0111 a seeping gre..d, het 1 on their hook. The girls. especially, I
as. gla s .seem within a oke to see r•tehiag them ; bet ale. ! hr
mils or NS d ewer island. i guess that
tubes TALL Irma •TIltIl
will be told by the Provi.eial trendier
Wove long that will .sake Arth.r Stur-
gis Seedy as l.ered.b.s as Creighton
or Oaassrie profess to be over the Widget
me, the law of enespalsstion otiose i.,
and it geuenily falls to my lot to have
to pet the worms on the looks Inc the
fair fishers '
Twa CAnOey►
are Betties thieker oe the aka They
The situation in Englund is tending to-
ward the evolution of • de.6nite Radical
p.rty. The Whigs are tbor,ughly
alarmed both Inc their prieciples and
tbeemelvea A eombnistion between
them and the respectable Tories is gaits
sps.iMe, and may be hastened by the
Wrong setae Radisle will take every-
where moos. The signs of this .re re-
markable —the Liberal tone of aha Men -
fiord lately ; Hatingtan's attack nn the
Parnsllite. ; 0hambsrben's increasing
baldness ; the general newiness at Hie
prospect of an easrmo.s Irish vote in
the nest Parliament ; the Liberals gal-
ling for a platform frost the leaders, and
saying everywhere that the ery of "Old
es.e, Old suss and e1d .mkeeq. " was
.et pool .tong► ; that mere ph/ tike
"dualism with the laws" are useless. asid
they meet f.n the sisters with definite
proposals.Mr. A.mherlain, with big
meal aeiteeity, i• pr p.rmg to satisfy
them denim hem a Radical stand p. int,
and will se os this woes
mission. The e.•ics fol him that.
Judge Richardson, bolero D•ueng sen
tence,referred to the enormity of the pris-
oner's came, and said he amid hold out
no hope whatever, but to priers for the
When the jury returned to court.
Reef continued praying fervently till the
verdict was given. He then nage with-
out the slightest agitation apparent
This demeanor he maintained till the
end. and • senile spread .,ver his foe as
the Judie pronounced sentence
The lath day of September was flied
as the day of execut
it is nigh yet settled how the otiose
half breed prisnners will be charged. It
will probably he treason felnny, in order
to obviate the necessity of serving an
indictment ten days before true A
majority of the prisoners will he charged
with murder, although eons may he
isdieted for treason felony or hegira'
war. The letter charge is not neeeessn-
ly capital.
•sell OTTAWA.
Ort a w t . Aug., !. —The !'ranch Caen -
dna popelatlow hew sea greatly agitated
ewer the .ewe of Riel's en.vietine end The rsset.l iompleint fa apt
the trial wet unfairly conducted. mai
that evidence was suppressed by Se
government Petitions t0 the governor.
aretersl, asking for s eemm.k abs of the
eentent.c, will at one W yw�'sfL