The Huron Signal, 1885-4-17, Page 7fIk HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 18bL, Fun and Fancy. Dr. Frederic Lite . - 1f my et,:.oacb is in wurkieg order, 1 me au worko,g order, when I take guud are tad my takes good care .4 me. Barwae•Toar KleLamanix-Pedestrust, (who hs. drop.peo half -a crown i• front of .the Wlud') -'Why, you humu- bun, you're nut band !' Beggar -'Net 1, sir ! 11 the card toys 1 am,they must have given taw the enter( uta ; tui deaf sud dumb !' The editor who tow a lady making fur the only empty Beat In a an, lemma 1.11114 self 'crowded out to wake loon for were interesting uaatter. The most •uccesful counterfeit of the .urine u said to les nude of elms mined with elute bane need by a pro..•e•s uta• known to urdtnery worker• ns metal ail gla••. The euunirrfrit leeks exactly like the genuine 10 cent piste, but eta being struck with a hammer it a cruaLed to pietas. A Comm.* Woe tit - 'You sea,' said .'nets Job, 'my wife u s euriote *outwit. 6b scrimped and saved. mid almost starved e11 04 us to vet the perlur fur mashed ince ; and now she w44I4 1 101 ono Of get intl. it. and !tont even had the wiuduw blinds of it ..pen fur s mouth. She s a cuti.,m woman. A NEAT CorrunasT.-'D., you ever Mimed° r she askI, hilt they est together, her hand held intik. lie repined . 'lfo; tare.. in whto't a to sad hole has b ren out 11 I wooed to, new would be toy torn, and where only • patch could ren tire.' 'How a;1' ',Because I hold it edy !natters, is as fuliues : The frayed beautiful band.' The engadrment 14 an portents around the tear were carefully t.uunced. sm..o.oi.od, and a piece of the material, FIG! KATnu.ySizagixo;. 'llentlemen '"'""e"" with very ti"" n.ucrlay o. nae' add wind while plant is ret sill d will be for you es my whether the de- put upon it thrid it y• Linos . discover r the weeded Household Hints. You veil keep tinware bright sud tell looking without scouring after washing Farm enb Stream. A little kerosene say a tabletie..uful to leu quarte •d pretty het ws1er -e ea, u with water rod • cloth free true' gtuaam, i good to sprinkle h scree plants with to by rubbing •itb newspapers. Ind thew of Insecta tirduu'el urlaulie K.ome Ingenuous mothers tusks very acid a gond, tnt•- usnt cape fur the boys out of the phones I 11 any =ea refuses to keep turkey be - cam. they will wander, let him get s..ise that were reseed a •oder a am'h x1 haus and he will not be truubleu •t all. Early turkeys are the ,only ones that then a ••y o tutil its. When tine@ are hatched I put the old one with the little ones a a board put *ieteen feet square and two feet high and keep them iu uutd the young tines esu dy over the two foot steles of the pen --[D. A. Barked. .d their suits. Listed with red dautwl and neatly stitched, they save buyiug ant the st. re. A correspondent of the Prim'. Form- er Insists that t.• ensure uniformity In butter, "snake the hest butter," there must he enough at each churning to till the tub or crook it u to be packed in. When a knee emu's off a door handle, you cru Listen it on again by tilling the cavity its the knob with sulphur, then heat the iron end of the handle which goes 111 the knob, just hot rn0Wght to melt the sulphur, 4.0* the knob in rut let It cowl. It wet hes firmly filed iu place. The blue denim, or stuff used for meth's menials, Las been applied to de- coretite purpose. in some Amu heiress treatment for an7cow under any etreum- east, its weft, peculiar blue (wing eon- i steric„. o rguside. Mimed very beautiful in draperies with 141115 4 f walls sod carpets. It would be I An excellent present 1840 for emptied cert eff erne .,aur A lung gilt pale, a frust cans : Chu older in the fire, tie the single 'emelt beteg duvets iu a fest,.• n cylinder 'Pith s piece o1 twine, fi11 with wpm" it, with hanging Buda. let is cheap; g0"d ail, in which plant sweet euro, cucumbers, rely wax beaus, melons, try it. t.uuatoeu, etc.. er even early peas. two A novel ear of mending a w. .len or three weeks bef..re the wil a warm and dry enough for outdoor planting. When that time comes place the cans in h.4e• wade for each, cut the string draw the mold around, and slip the 'can up to verve as a shelter front 11 an of the Jury,' mid an Irish lawyer, yt pieced ender the bele. A heavy " ht t! the weather sometntle• try tug. llfonu fondant shall be allowed to come into raaonly possible to iacor r I don't think it pays me ta heave • court with unblushing footstep., with • place by careful obs rlstIoa. hotbed fur starting cabh*,e. The plants cloak tat hypocrisy to pus preach, and A New v&ato means cr calls attention ere apt to get leggy or slim before plant- ing out ; and then it is only for early cabbage that early starting is especially prufiteble and the market here wants mostly late cabbage for storing in the cellar fur early winter use. An early cabbage started early is apt to bunt its head if allowed to 'rim up to the late fall harvesting. I sometimes fail of getting good cabbage, but it is net fee the reason that the season is too short. If the wed is sown in hills right where each plant is wanted, the season is lone enough e. grow • very big ashba¢r if the plant hes no serious pullback. This applies to the market furnished by smell country villages. -[7.. E. Jameson, ''t. Mary Ann will be the next viotiin She will follow Mercedes, J.►sev Belle, wed all the othu good cows which have hien fed to death. Fifty quarts a day ..f ground feed of the richest Lind, tuget•rr with clover, route. Geishas/es »i..1 apples u al.no st incredible as the daily feed of a cow. The story 1047 be true, be it >• cruelty to guirnels and grimly unlawful draw three bullocks out of my client s pocket with impunity.' A Long Island Dutchman, in reeding an account of a meeuug in Yew York 10 a very simple fact which merits attet- tiem from medicine taken. If the modi• cine is mixed with very cold water, and a few 'wallows of the water he taken a city, came to the words, 'The meeting preparatory dues, the nerves of the thea dissolved.' He cuuid 11.41 define ,ergot of taste become sufficiently ba- the meaning of the lint, w he referred numbed 1.. make the inedieiue nearly to a dictien*ry, and felt satisfied. 14i • tasteless. This meth•d will not disguise few minutes • friend came in. when the bitter tastes, but acts well in oils and Dutchman said : 'Day must have very salines. hot welder in New York. I ret an If you have "gumption enough to egount of it'nesting vete all the prr,plea dove r nail, you camanufacture anufacture • had melted 'ray. very peaty fancy table ata very •light M. *chilies relates whet a droll 'lend- calmer. Take the handles of three er he mels when et a dinner in London. worn out bemuse, topdpaper and paint 'Today 1 was raked at dem art what fruit them black : "ebonize" them. Fasten them together firmly, crowing then" at sheet two-thirds the length -the oily really ditbcult thing to do in the whole process of manufacture -nail the head of • tour barrel ou for • top. Cover it with dark crimson felt, •.n which you have embroidered a bunch of daisies, cluster ,.f leaves, or any pretty design. For an edge, add • pretty woolen fringe, which you can buy from 76 cents to - _ - -- --- $1.25 per yard. Or cut leaf punts of lilords of Ikljsborn. the felt embr iderine each, and put o• a Joul, a row. the point of one appearing A man must often ezereise, • r fart, between the curve of two others. The result will be a very "cute" little table, take physic, or be Eck. -Sir µ.Temple Quite au addition to every nem. Kind wards prevent a good deal that PlsnTa RAI: Rtua. -The pxettieM reg perrereeueos which rough and impea rious usage ..ften produces generous 'muds. rods 1 !pier seen are made by cutting the -Locke. rags an inch and a half long and abort a It Is the prerogative of Cad alone to half an inch wide, or sca,rdrng to the truly comprehrrd all thongs. To Him thickness • f the Runde. Then with a bill of wratping twine put tweply-sevsn there 141 ;wthmg past or future. Every strtchee on s needle. Knit once screen, thmq 1s present.-CSertvnt es. 1 would hate ..f those et tjse table. 'Some sneers,' 1 replied. The company were at best surprised, and then bunt int.. laughter, perceiving the process by which I had arrived at the ex- pression. I. who at that tete bed dic- tionaries, had found that out to care • t.g meant 'r,4 sneer at • person.' So, when I wanted scour figs, i thought tigs and sneers were the tome.' then knit ens stitch ant put • piece Th. 0,1101000 man is tn. victim •.1 across, the end from yea ; keit • stitch event*. Whatever h.pp.us is tou mach aid put the other aid user, drawing for Lim, he is drawn this way and that then through tightly ; knit Another way and his whole life is a hurry.- stick, pot the rag uver.a*d w on through Emerson. the needle ; that knit beck plain end go If the htxnau intellect hath once taken en w•+h the mg* es before They are s living to any d••ctrine, . . it 'trete. at to hare half of the pieces black; draws v.erythirtg else Into k*riu.iny with y..0 c.ui mit the colors together, tar at that ..aOttur, mud to its support. - -Lord range therm in rows. A pretest way Bacon. stilt is to knit three pieces .4 • color It searches into the 'prim of natural three consecutive times across, which bodies and their met lona should awaken bnngatbeat in pretty spots, hating every us to admiration at the w..udtuus wisdom ' other spot Mack, and have strut three of our Creator in all the works .1 nature. I inches "1 each end 'd the stripe black or Dr. Watts. e any dark color. When the stripes are Father, it is • greet gift of the mods to ( nim•lr the desired length for the rug, sew then" b•,.ether with strong thread, od be horn with •hat rad std cont"mut elf I retch and tack it wre", ode up .•n • ell wjtutite *tad tus5unes•. ramlB a a' donor ; ..r 'atter still, sew the sides to a hi,ber lot• novo. to have lied and utle.l• silt 'ranee. pett104 •hurt pieces across ed, than to have shared honors worn boy the ends no... brush the hook over dishonor -Chrome Eliot with a maxi flour paste, having seine Mies Hannah More. a celebrated writer I .Ise 1, tt, end let it dry while brine wh. died about fifty year' +.., had • stretched. it gives them • good stiff good wwy of msoagiui tele-brare:s. it thoimiatl-en. They nuke eery pretty is mid that when she was told any' emu 1soft rn¢s. These that I have made are derogatory of another, her inr*rriblo re- p,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 b-suliful. The Diamond us that there are three things which are put them iwon a kettle with • Rallen Jt[ nes never sa isdfied, but if Hist Scripture ,�] y w were to he written nowadays they night t�t bet Ile " The effect wee s.rsetimesl►,�1 t 414 1,astiful a11bgs. � fact ♦ O*APT*R 011 BOO Pa. M.Mtsdy of IssrrW to •11 toned 4.ewr• wl•e.. A bug is one of the best suds • farmer ein hare W help turn his farm t.s rood aoinent. Neither a barnyard nor a pen is his realm Tt is queer that so many fanners make this mistake and wait on their hogs all spmmer, and then com- plain the. there is n,. money in them. Give • honk • chane. and he will consume • 4rtat deli of coarse material. not ex- cepting weeds or even thistle*, tend turn them all int,, money. He will ales make Of "di soup tt a most common and sae osptible t • we, lotions mono 111 » finch Lisa slack Is prepared of beef. The troebie with the average Amrriewi-preperd Meat soup is that it is 4re enemy and thick. ...rinse soups ere often tniek. but seldom • a 10447. Everything tubo. to be run across in a i eendnnarien tamp, from • swell sardine 1., r room et • grazer of allspice. But the delicious French soups are always clear. During told weather the 'tock- for beef situp could be kept on hand. At soy semen it "'Wield alwaysy. 1e prepared the day before using. The skin is a wood beimpiece of this purpose. Flare the beim well cracked and extract the manna, which ;should he put in the soup. To each iwuud .4 lean beef allow oma quart of water. 1'ut the beef, hen., and »eter w into • close kettle end set it where it sill br heat gradually. Let it ed) very slowly for six or seven hours. Look •t It one., w a while to see if the :cater is sinking tee rapidly.Should this be the caw, re plenish it with boiling wster,taking care, however, not t., add loo touch of it. Wheat it has toiled seven Lours, set it •way and let it stand closely c..vered till the next day. Almost an hour before it 14 wanted for dinner take off the .1.ke til (at which will le found on the surface of the st.r_k : remove the meet, which can be used for mince meat or 111 making • nice salad with co'd pt.:atues and .1111.14.bet the stock. over the hre and throw in a little salt to bring t.. thrseum. When this has all been .:.irefully removed, put in suchvegetables as are dented. If w theare cut hue it :■ 'Julian' *cup. If young csbbage,yuertered and boilyd,and young carrots and sunup. oro put in whole and dished up with the soup, with the addition of t.aated crurts, it is the French family soup, aat.rl.nd 10 tette.The vegetables are better when c•n,ktad by themselves and added with their juices to the seep. The era*.uinf, too, is a matter of taste. Vermicelli or macereni which has been beiled feeder can lie added if desired. (►Hien atop 14 made by frying finely diced onions in butter and turning boiling water over them. T.. six geed sized onions allow a gallon of bailing somewater. Throw in some i.nley, pepper avid salt to taste. Serve with a 'lireof breed fried • light brown in en,h plate. Pumpkin or squash seep is almost • national dish in France. indeed. the hist ma mentioned vegetable is srce'y em- ployed there for any ether purp•'re than for soup snaking. To two quartet of thoroughly cooked pumpkin or squash allow one quart of milk, plenty of but- ter, pepper and salt. Serve with toasted 1 bread The most common of veeetabls soups is bean soup. Any kind will do, al- though the best ere the French beans.I Come in and look. t.' you dost buy. the hand rich fester twin any other ani- utak • quart of them overnight in Juke - I if *Hosed d put the bogs wenn water. Put them over the fire 1 N3 Trouble to Show G tithe M e w*/ Se iMila.0 M Whale li'la'c I i pitta! s with iMMMte. Mr mud Mrs. I'arru*ne were t•lLug over the lurulahtn of their sive house Irl the armee. Mr. P - 'Well, 1 *tapir se es roust hare 00410.. til thee. auttcs they to 15iatu4 so touch abort.' Mrs. 1' -'1'., as•J stow et theni t'sostoey wall aid terra brava Odors*, and •11 tiro latest kiida' Mr. Y. -'1 weather if we kin get one 4 them 'esthetics 1 Mrs. 1' - 'Dalt of 'cit, indeed ! Why, !Ilya Dolma" said they was @•.tisk ra, T W b e" t of it lila a - 5115 with LIN• We.•kh Jm r• .1 rppar. w lie banish l Wale I nit a et nes. EK • e £ reii/fri Juq.w•I of reattr•. serlrry. -ver•• �&t ear v- Pebfit>igtt leery lNteee/eg, .'1 $3 Pr. facie TFt W Kelt ' 4 SaM 'a 4Nrmrt Jou, tis." which toss a t. • t tyre 11. meow! y. Lir. � peen by In eimeo►ew.rr. mho- et • a.atr. I5 ts IN usi •,.a amVe* 014.44, ev*t wi•i.ui ILO .ilea of • altieetrr�••d wore. gird w,it . rue's •" faMbtsUf is se1.1. • el asionn.irla the 11.1. teasel. soma, seta poi that Iw't einem. of the 4*7. *MA.. u. , latus booth d spat, and •14.0 s•eKlu.4 alai• 0... VON • a prwuif.. 1, p1w .•. Tee este..e v rr• p s ..• nein' their w 10415., w i ora : 75044010.41 1 e Ibhmiyg{ e. w 1r.1. erd lad Ms 1 ata •o glad we ween t out au cuu1prty, Mw Juurrahar Is•vidr1 117 ,i to. mg la firer Peter, where p euplr toad here seed w.tk the te,s •Ilgh'• w land int.., i.."of your iguuuuce ; they would hats theateltt we hada t a uarx•I.r•, t.. ala. uu'ael4es auk. One 'esthetic, indeed ! An est tomer once con tidestly an pounced that a big 0.•0111 th'it 4,t. al, I./r01111:11111:4 schin, the earth wood,' mit .1. • roti thecenralsaitl . Tse lemon widest .1 car) heels_ eu o ger °,aired w 4,. • brit.( =Song ;,ort .. a On�11er a • sf Cowl' anon u ee ts*Ntlg lura MM. W.• tar thaw e.abi..l M ligature fro's. Uma time rye. •al deport eda15, *bub • lee. u, l o.. n1• ave./Au rhea. Met. racier .• '4N. • iA 1'4•'... t ..r torero ofas'leba. we ire.+.esIano Oriu ..1.11.11•11. eruu .1451151,peemal.•Nes;NANits 414 that Sr.. sour.. o isop,nrs4 a,d ren•n r.. i r. In politico INti rep TT Nihon.aghly Lute it "Hew de you know r lir was woke. peneest. 1 1. .r . 51144 Ilwt b, ter a cow ar4.uun., oro" "at Patti' ka•i 1g, ""1•••rsl "1 don t knew. ' he replied : "Lr tat by {•art" eo aide•' uta (n 1'..44»rise pill either . 115 1 am safe. If it dere not tt., stades; rot o M 404,' .. 1' as 141 nips knock the world to pieces. 1 shall tie u' ,t, power. Ina tree std ata: 117 .1c4e:oq n m1 et the N.lt10u a.uaidered » prophet. if it do e. they era" td irci•w:•ag 11.1 •1 fontrtbaler.. aus't blues tate up in the fSWSI+4in!:4• ' Itilkn zi: Te. Flirting In a carts i town, • y,.ung 1na14 cuuulte.I • clairvty wit tau tit., future that lay 111 some 1 5 hitt. The trply was : "You will • bS pear up t.. the ate of throe.' "Arad after that ' "Atter that yuc will bare got used to it. CSA.NAIRN IL'.- EVBitVTIIIN*i YOU WANT P,vfeeso, (tat IOW faith wm elle ail uta. at Interview'. rer.e. « cement erten w Cau ata. rhe Gear' 11ip.e, rind !a Knn.to. !his "Opel timid, tat. Ur. Dun, ! W d.•.n. Prot. M Li. D, Cat. I.lnd,e Iter. Prof. Clerk. M.A. Air F'raae,s Ili•*►.. Logi r Huwre Frisch; tar. Win. 41ot5Mo.5. i'. ishan 5'rehtui. O ai• ter .Cent. 11eh. 1,. x hunt Medea tad, n 1' I setsoe. Pesdteeen K o.e. .1. a. Lwgtrr.Jo:n. New. RO*,lar.nce.elny{. O t'. tlree.er tie•..tit H:await, Jr.. Ju1u ilea la%Joaquin Mirl• r Jolie 1.1 -*rite; pent, J. Hueter -orris-. )rl•.11actt*r. !ilea. Kole sew - new Mcl. an. it.* Lwi-s Murr•l. Slier Jeanne 1.I; r. r rtrh h mod "their. et•esels 0041;ee 144',.5. *'41•' a esu. C. BLACK i'.TI' It•' HINSOTN, Publisher, i a.rd,e •Iwai. T.r.*I. w�is�a s Presoirdca Put tore. All the IO i. ILpr.ar aDJ 1ie1.abit Mill CERIES • s NEW AND FRESH 1 -FOR - - 85 Ile i• s:,owing a splendid assortment of China and G1assre. tea• s '.w to o r.. next .Horning with one gallon of water. in the field and feed them there. No Boil for three .,r four hours. Add kern is complete iu it•arrangemeiits us- union if desired, and one or two C. A. NAIRN, km provision a thus made ter the hogs. thinlyalined p..tstoe*. Siemer until It will du to put 'tile in the mine the vegetable• are done. Caraway or Court Rees Square, C.ederieh field with sheep while the ¢r••• is fresh dill seed is a good addition to the sea- Dec.nth, not. turd green, to eat .f the aer•e part. but g p after *while, when the strewth ie not so rapid, the cattle 'thread be taken out. for the cattle's good, as they de not re- lish grass the sleep hare walked over aid which has been tainted by their ex- crement and urine. Neither do the sheep du well whey forced to est (awn the same ground which bes been occu- pied by the cattle. It is a mistake, then, after the freshness of spring is over, to compel cattle and sheep to falai on the same ground. Colts will d.. Net- ter with sheep, ss they do net reject either grass or hay tainted by their deoesita. The only danver is they may chase and injure the sheep. A closely eaten pasture is suited alike to horses end Steep.- (Tr•eklin D. Curtis. allow ane eall.m of water aril heel OTasero,t a Are yearn ate. Flan • few open which app fhomoghly. Add a lartte picot of butter.viand u Llan ties. K as4nslly sprend es to The Met M *ter' Hest on egg to • froth, add • little milk es••verhtststlrsbsdy. lassar.you hewa• I the eouree of or cream and put tutu the soup just he tenth@ &MLcted, sad en °Menta eft/slam gods. sunin of beat soup. be ail the of: Lt: .ayLe0oriso.:. Solo Agent for Seigel's Pills. Ointment and Syrup. JAS. WILSON. Coir^ d•, Oct ifot, 1(44' 11t6- OlttTF:Ft'L- (`ti.11FemltTI (;. EPPS'S COCOA, Split -pea wup cast made a some BILE 417 FAST 'S7 • ,h0fY+11gh knowledge of the nate • way as bran stoup, except that it requires A MARVELOUS STORY 7/''''''''''..: wl 1»ver •r o4:• Kurern %17'''' loe• 0prrrt:0ne of pus• broil"ng, l:l inn'' a• + ' vtr, rn and ty a c»n•hel T..esete soup can be mads is the two •teed u tiuw 0f thr rine prop'rto.+ . wrll- telecred 1'd+w. Mr. Epps hr+ provided our following way., and no one who liar not Tt78a O TWO LLITLit. ,x•ewkths: toll.* with a 4,11eately ;t»vnnre4 setae it an have any idea how god it �ty��J 1 l.evera.re at Matt may we0 us many heavy FROM THE t7NA • "3gCedsr st. ( do.aors' h;R.. it is hr the •,schelous ure of u : To .ale pint u( canned t.nimat•xa o1 FROM Wes • Y"rt,Uat-104112t such wni. le•of Met t14a! s • eMrtituti'n may four lade raw ones add our quart of .. Wsllrvw )l7 tacker resides a: Crone.. (tq',rradudtp Miill up until .10.ug rru+ugh to boiling water. Let the vetretebi(15 be.il Ct Ile ism teem • root sufferer from seed- I rrwtei areae tradrncl to dle.s.,e }puri r.•dr of 'little maladies art aoatlnr around tar till Ihnrn'ghly mired through the water. nis,and tMi•inclosed attar wl:ltell equwltM : rr.4v t., arrack wherever thtr• l w work Then add .me teaspoonful .4 soda, when a OIarvs:ous effect I mint. We may •seep• .451,7 *fetal shaft by hoe trig I. urs. lv,•s wr11 fortified wtris Purr moot met • properly ntnr".I 't fronto." - Yea :ferric. Wireter. - Made simply with turtling waterer milk. re41 onto in rackets byGro- cers. :abetted ales '7*lrte.' EPFS a ton.. Hnmr►npnthle tlllaw.iete. howlers ids." Bole impel ter Cantadee C. L. Couto*. Watered. it will foam. Immediately add one pint of milk. Put in plenty of butter. welt and peppier to taste. It Is then ready t" serve. Tomato ally) cen be made with- out milk. To six lame tomatoes, or • pint and a halt of the anned vegetables, Ayers Sarsaparilla vi has bad a bis ease. 1 t ink h!. blood must have co•tata1A the bailor for at kat tit years; but It did rot chow, siesta 1n the terra . • +. sore on the wets, until 'boat Mr. Gilmore, M. P. in his speech dnrirg the Budget debate mid :-What is troubling the Govern meat now 1 The National Policy has been five years in existence, and why are these delegations coining here 1 The a essentially French. To two quarts ..f protected industries have had five years sorrel add a 2..od handful .4 spinach end p • fair chanes, four of thein very pros- • few leaves of lettuce. Put them into t perms, and yet they are still aurin? - • frying -pan with a'erse piece .l batter • they are never satisfied. Scripture 1411. end er.k until thoroughly done. Then fore it ►s mint to the table. Sorrel is a pest t.. many a farmer, aped almost takes pnencesion of his freshly broken fields. However. sorrel leek's a fins mop, albeit, like they pumpkin. it "Come, we 0:11 <o IMO .4•k if tat in naive color very r * have edited another -the mans ureas. ludicrously painful. The tale-b»sw�1f� wag , k •tammera•l out a 4 th'istl'e They are never satisfied ;they are here any • er y : .4 the et,tement : out the ,o•,d hely nes 1 '1'55 dear and tear of human life- not thing, and another dale inexorable, and odMe took tile scandal counting Arab. or Lai/tient. for that seenie wanting • little more duty on their, snugger to the mendalised.to make in- 1 does not rause much trouble w the .ether wanting • little mere duty on .tuiry slid compare accounts. is a not ■,ertu.. Priem from the date of the •nlmethis g else. it The truth never ca0 bis alcor likely that anybody ever • seco'nd time Eitolish oecuprtaou of the Soudan. Jul perfect, ' "10 eientwred to repeat • goiasNO9 story to jlaat% to Jlar.h• 1884, has been Teri But 1 notice that there are to. delega Hannah Mora One would think her runlet. From ether came* than wounds, ties caning up here Nonni the fernier', teethed ..f :re•trnent would he a sure 776 Witte', troops, 4th milers end 9th of from the lumbermen, from the fisher - cure for sww"d51 - f El. the Turban soldiers died. There were Hien - three classes that compere a large ads. invalided hem+ y.1KIO soldiers, 417 majority of the people of this Dominion. Tse Ota Testament awvlaeA &Attlee es be sailors, 41* Esst Indiana. The total They de net come to this Covernm4nt teat./ trey tis. killed were 4.15 soldiers 44 sailers, and u or this Parliament asking for any favors Indians. The bombardment of Aloe- on that genre They ere depressed; they A Lmd�•n eable.ay• : '1eb" r,'vi't!.i ads- tndri* cost 5 killed and 27 wounded : suffer from the depression in commerce own tat the 1411 7estrmrnt vel "gni"' ; battle of K.•ma•in, DI killed and 162 in common with utters. but they know Mr r,,ntw to the (root. W the puhGc •.n the lit day hot MAY w,.ondod ; Tel•d Kabir, Iii killed and they need not apply here --they know T1m titillate 11* wm invented in .ammrrw• next. Several An,enan nul,Ii•hers have �. wound,' ; u El Teb, 35 killed and that no lumberman, no fisherman, no dam, Holland, ny Nenteda Van Itet.- made efforts 1" f..rest.JI the amus I", Etta- ( Ili- wounded ; Tarnish, 10; titled end farmer neral apply here. They must r1 j$ sohoten, who lived About two hundred lane lay attempting ter secure avance iv; wounded. and bear it. years ego. , I made a thimble to pen - pr•tifa- American book pahinhera have This butcher'' hill needs exfwmt.n by f...e. „w Me Verb ares. Diet :he finger .d his lady -lure. At first thimbles were made of iron, but omly the wealthy woman onuld wear them. The German name for thimble means "finger bat.'. t o The greeteat whispering gallery in the mnbbinw .4 the apa•llea'by a London world is that of the (.rand Canon, COI- alre*dy ex.•esd tblso "cur"' he- given svelte, over 1,400 et least mem mob The onnttrsr• 'domed •,,,•„purio„ nrw&e River A train of can crra•in¢ fere publication for the ybvtNd editiondoll; T inrokint the curse of fled upon Linden- the kid at the Needles an he lain) bass been •vent beck es none tog dot ((° plainly of the New Testament. The hetet made by diastole fa especially era Two 10.51 toed, of c`.nre,ts will heard, on a quiet day, et Cottonwood were. saresterd•s 56ea54. I gtA"ces .lm, and the whole diet will he • shortly leave Liverpool for New York. Island, • diet•nee of e•fghty•fner miles The fife and drum at poet 'Miojav i• die tingly beard at Bolt'. Heed, a distance .4 eiehty four miles. The resort .4 the matinee spin at the same place an h heard at Eldorado Canon. a d.15nee ape( ninety -gin m.lw* 'ares•. r,wtd LSOb/Mei 1• the telly inatentene•�0s relief for New- "Joi•, Hwadaehe, T•sAhaeh., ate. Rnb- ning s few drips briskly a s11 that is needed. Nn taking naa.eee5 wtedieines for week*. but ens nunnte's sppheatron removes •11 pain end will peeve the tm+t valnw 0f Kram'• F'tnid lightning 1)/ omits per bottle et Gamier /thyme' throw 'tote. h taken shark, 1 she vadat. p5tehee Cut. h des one detestation abet this 1100• or begged that no nonce he taken tion about that; broiling water. Just before serving .l two beaten eggs with • little cream. Hats gsares of pasted breed in the seep tureen. This esup is highly esteemed for invalids. A remarkable exempla of the facility with which deaf-mutes read the mutiote of the lips was given by • young lady of d Her who u entirely oaf. I seventeen h y teacher stood between the gaelitht and the wall, thus euthning his profile dis- tinctly. ie tinctly. His pupil stood behind him end read from the Mather on the well the words that he uttered. Capt. Wm. Sheppard, formerly 4.1 Clinton, and ex -captain of the II.4dorich township volunteers. has. ratite.' a oust - piny wt Portage Le prairie and they are utare& as high *s $.'•°°°, t.'r angle ad• ' addin the art oaf the tightest Kerjeltim. va*ce prints. fnresttati'n snows ohat Atau Kies. ('shut, and the trip to tad recent reports tr, the effect that the Com- , from Khartoum. and the recent fights mitten „f Cenarrw have f eased rennin to , under Bens Graham and McNeill, thus believe their work will prove a popular sldiog at inset 200 to traw hist ..f killed failure hays been with"' fomsdation. and 700 wounded ; and if the ,nvwl:ded The order for the revised Old Testa- are in tike orv+'r1rtenn M the figures Logone, April G.-Acongrsto of Mor- mon propawandista today reported that the missionaries had been meet Racdas- fol ie tteotlend and Wales. The London mission had been • failere owine f. the Bttawrhoste. ADrill h. -A coroner • in- powerful artumeet for nettle' oitof Lbs .11.08/ wee heli Materiel sfts'w.•o.n t.. wintry as fast as possible. meters *Mosler disuse eel death al Mn. - -- ---- f Wm. H . Stretf.,rd. it is •upperwd the teas. arose rams J. net ges. elrlr1 p rrpos*1, and taking 14*, lenge admied took ems laudanum for t General Grant un Pp•tnrday ,.sawed • ft clamed hernmehstee of the MAP. To letter tr• m frees J./ersen Davis which he orrwtitled him end teethed hies deeply. stop this sM• endear., reA M. gr, e water In a hath tub, and reliably fell ''IL' trod Davis, "Lha prayers and atx,d, insensible with her fere in the water. 1 unties of all those in the Orson South c0 ills The following m the verdict of star jury • honer end respectGenera ld "That 1110. 1tntl.•rl mime to her Beath ,I arsil, he would comma the dread by snffneetion, missed by her hiving tytew*4M wink talentI& he le sow one • (eller.her face ins penal 1oMediae fret triumphantly so he over ..n ly tilled with meter, whilst eideemeettlg este the an'sgortist with whom he (".n to otro ek s hemerTsge of Ih. !:'••r, ' Lowliest twenty yeas •!o•" Otte Winghrm Pr.shytoriane are to (tare en "roan 11. the kirk .It month* en trial. IlnIJ 17 of the congregation voted aplr,4t it dead' Sheppard. ni the hese him. (1ottench tp., feund a 4 year veld hilt (lend 10 the stall the other morning. The loss will be f 1 tu0 Referring to the federal appointments w the Northwest • p•rxsir.eit c,neen-a- INre told tease day : "The Northwest has Non newt a• • dumpiest hs¢Rrvgnd for 'the political gere et (JI ws." Turn ',the meals tett.-{Tulosi World (left.) he began mu'¢ your medictue. row, them aro �Ow•p ytW A Flo n•- few mel. of his ave who enjoy es good health 1'[M' i y�r !A v.' s he bas. lama euly awns fifty Ir mons t[ .,44"11 t ' AAew••�ai'' who would vett y to the futile hie ease. j sty 1,,08�am ��(i Sons troy. W. M. Plar1 II e v'•t . 4 'd'ti , wit lobate FROM THE FATHER. plemere awl • duty for raw to state o+ you the bsndgt 1 here dames& trees the ups a Ayers Sarsaparilla. ESI mantas wettest' memo eeyeever.d with • tea -tilde tumor rid aerofuows seer. The baron enamel se Mesuwut sod intolerable itching. Sad the alta •racked so se to mom the blood lo lbw In many plaje* whenever 1 moved. My mQRaringa ware great, and my llfe a burden. 1 ee,mnaneed te- w of 0.. 5anrAP*51LLa da April lest, mil Mem mid it regularly slues that tile. 4.7 ooaditton 1407.40 0+ lemma* se ones. no sores have all bealel. and i Gel perteet:y wail In *eery rvataet-blt�b* to do a Wee dire Ian selw want work ,ua' 14%1 the *'41»4005*• wt � and w 4l wtisn.d we will send gl to y for t ht ,yT �• 111 'rot ever Vol Y.Mb At'�� s1 ;A1'!t• �'��• -. ttRt"Yel'„r,�i Fat Y',,naei tit• -O, a ru *1E50 f.•- working people. lead IO rents for petite , old we will call ynu 1 MO.. a ru, 44:. , al-abit *ample des good. tt•at 010 put you in the way of plat *ria su..r'• marry la a few ears t h•n 3/fleeter •'u" h:.• ret an'. businer*. No menet required. Yon vas lite at honer and work Ir, •ear.• to40.. en.11. or ail the tiro. All of both .evert. of a". age. wrandlw •tar, ."4101. We. to 38 easily earned story eyeshot. That r :... elll `.e cr age; 7tfttiy 1legetro *Oat* .fit. tin « 'I To *ft Men are *i'* 1•*0 wmaiht sure a myth my ,•ase, n• N • ppaa 1 -.'.1 them, et I Met Mee tried Lo toll yea, tn,nh:e of writing mi. roll pertleuters, dint ft vr".'s $•r_swr•enz•. Olovar. Vt... OCS. tturi•. rte.. •rent free. Ima,1010 Pay ahsdutely rare for a:I who *fart al oxer. MIN't delay• :1, It:_. Teem gratduUy. Add: ale :47'; 7...7 R ('n., pet tland. Me. two luteal culture.^ li "n'3 fit..-!al&RT.ta teem Srrettos an l all 6tr;,ttlue, Compl:t;s:a. revolve' e'. as. Toro .' ma. 1112ug;-orr1, 11101. ht*. Farce, rcfls. 'ruiners. and Ernpttoss of the soon. Tt clear, tk• blond of s'1 ln.pt- rttler, ea% Aljestfew, 'orotates the senora of 41. bowel?• and dews resteree 51111It7 rid E.et„�ete the while •@Mausi entraining, gr Dr. J -C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Meet. gold by all br..5lst•; Mete bottle for I& New Grocery Store The sosbaeriher Mats to eaweuace that M at opened out • new thupecry Rewe IN Q'07:1TC t7S, 4444 ig pr,peret to 410 basilic* with tlupregle of ch... nwu and .nrronnding 110410, Tor► Roods are all New and Fresh, 5'A Mae *awn puri bawd fns ('mho and as the prices are low in the • it, wuri:rt. He Intends to Make His P ric e Touch Rook Bottom. rye ere peed .tre t•k.w t. wartaw¢e for (;cede, and memo mem et w Ul he Were. 5*'Istes ta7wrt the *yet, tit New sigh mare esti door to flt) nam mrlg ?ter' . Ilodertch. 0. L. MCINTOSE. (L.4*riaC see. M. Iii/. 1fY 1 AfYAR D 4 „da YELLOW 131 L r.1) ES__gHEUM ,Tl5M. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Ars p:wait to take. ,-arts! n !heir owls Purgative 1s a safe, ..r., and Aw.M5L._ eremer we worm. to CtriWo rwe ASO' ROBEB T'hunsandsofgravos t -r annnutly rohkrl ..f 'heir • letisas,11,.11 wr,4e1w0A, happiness and health r.etored hr he nesoftto mow GERMAN IN41 VIGORAeTO(1' ��wwtewwrr 4.4,4..41 141 ia••r5ev• of way kind 1 es hrNeslItsakme•sa.*d,tildisseen that fol 100 wa evil Or 51 *1 4.41 .t be•• a»Io.. of ea erg). torr of Mernorrnatter.41 teritode, main ell the hark. ;flamed, of '1 4.r.4. seems herrobl ee+'. and maw' other due••.. that 1^!nvnily or. emnn•p.iol and s press tare 77015. *awl fee nlrenlars w tb IMtimanlal• free by wall. The I5rtwta I felt ,. meld al 11 ger k•x. or *1* hose. for tit. by all Annulate. M 'd4!4 M ant Me rt "44,1 w-nrrly waled, on write of •rtre. by woMrvrla,• F. J. s lit: l:f. hnlgl•t, ts7 Oarmn,t 0' Toledo. Obin iso Homo aa Acle agent lot 601.1•rleh Ir