The Huron Signal, 1885-1-9, Page 81
eet/ms of IM mem Ad
Pew &Jiro - A. WAfiM.r Plug' w
d melt with his tear, on the lest lay of
1 leitmotifs -The m aiei ] eiectiow ]bliltat, Jae- ;.- :ba weeks a(lo pee -1
4 pie i. tko ricisdtu# (lo.orgkown warm
for this tuwwship were pretty lively ll* i .d by Its: iwtwing of sr
year for dpu•y-rvera the election iwps, evideetl t►w work of ens is.
resulted ie favor of A. Allan. cen'iary. AU r1 those who Mined
were, tarioMly enough, strong supp et -
Sween no Crlutaite. -Oa Sunda}
neat Rev. T. M. Campbell, id (Iwlerich,ere of the Mood Act. The authorities
will preach a apeei& armours 1" the Sat were communicated with, and the caw
bath ,obese children, and familiar hymns mess Idae ed in the hated,„( (luvermniut
will be .ung by the yuuthll'l Ixswgroga- Detective Murray, who worked it up w
Oen successfully that he not only arrested
&•Hoot Txt•..rat: Ei.geTloal. John
Liakl•ter's terns haring aspired as trus-
wotee fur S. K- No. b, he did not anon
otar for n-electwn, but resigned in favor
of Jarmo Kirkpatrick, who was opposed
by T. Watson. This the first time in
theauual. of S. S. No. b that a poll was
demanded. The election was made more
interesting by the fact that for the first
time in our history as a ter whip tiro
women voted-- both guisg 1 irkpatnet.
The ladies favorite was 1telitillsod by •
majority of six.
l )arrtteev.- It is with heartfelt regret
that year oorresfoodeut records the
death of Frederick Horton, at the early
age of 38 years, after an illness of tae
weeks, from a fever. It had been hop-
ed that he wot:hl recover hat the d!s-
rase developed into a new form, sail
despite careful nursing he harmed away. ignorance.- I thunk it a pity that they
He was • kind hwband and friendly I are not better instructed conceruug the
neighbor, and his (•ntuh.r form aid I world m which they are to lisp, and the
freak and genial tweeter still he missed I natural laws that omens their tieing.
hi a !sere circle of notate* te and friends. Taking it for ,;rants,) that it wt,uld be
Francis Sadd.y, but hunted up oeideuce
sufficient to ensure hie conviction.
The prisoner was tried here tuday be -
tore Cuunty Jndge )filler, end when
o.wfront.xl with the evidence pleaded
melt~ and made • full confesaicn. He
states that ho was hired to commit the I _ -
arem by two lordlier' named Gibbs, who IslNMfNtisgemels. .
had decided to revenge themselves in-
this way uu prominent supporters of the 1 -- Benue, Jon. ! . -Tb. Belgian delegate
Scutt Act. Pri.nner was .,attuned to to the Como. conference, who was nem
bre piers in the Kingston penitentiary. to Paris by the president of the African
The Gibbs have skipped the country. .lnternatioual a.sutiata•u ti negotiate
Thu people of Halton are . ery grateful I with Ferry iia regard to the claims of the
to Detectite Murray kr his energy in i association un'the left band of the Congo,
ridding them of three such character.. ( has retarFerry. He reports that Ferry re-
- fused to recognize the a s..ciati. n'a right•se and Iperarev. and insisted that the past of the aae.c.a-
tluu on the tett mink el the Congo he In -
There is so mach said about eishine eluded as French territory. This dispute
to keep the chl!dren in •'1 scenes and threatt•ms t.• affect the result of the Congo
Weis elm aU Paras of Memo en eat es.
Mows tsetb•e•r.
Robert Dickson, of Grey, 1+•• add his
fares copilot lei ..1 1.6 a01ee, teeneDiak-
sea, of (►:foie county, ter the ileal of
99.600, Mr. Dickson is likely to !wove
to Brussels and take It easy the reit of
his days
John C Adams, in the employ .4 John
Brandon, Londesboro', met wtth a seri•
Irtt/ acadent recently. N bile "reeking
, wear the boiler sore of the tabs came rut,
'scalding his face and breast severely.
Last Friday Wm Dukelaw, 12th con.
of Grey, died et 001.12.1111111)11011, alter a long
illness. aged 22 years. tie was buried
at the Cranbrook cemetery oo Moeda,
of this week.
The Philadelphia Iteemill is is•powsi-
ete for the darlag lalaertt.w that Santa
01ar 1. the 1reateet stairs to the ua-
weittes meditation
The crawl) iiit which resulted in the
•t u 'I .tam
president ..f the °Wors.e agricultural
erillege, and at ow time secretary of the
ileumsAssecatlee et tlutano, was
Addison's disease, which i trtteul•rfy
aloes the nerve centres. int Sunday
Let Mr. Johnston ass able to go t...
N10114.4%. church and 1111 leesidat • isit•i•l the .air.- I
ealtural college, but un h...rtwr., he had
'to he helped H
to bed- - was 3i11 ears
and fire months old, and a clever young
lawyer. u
Bios CasaTu. 1`1,4)
-London and
Provincial bunk is seriously stated t..
have jest passed the following resole'
Lion :-"The Beard brio{ of .,pinion that
it is s many grounds inexpedient for
clerks employed by toe bank to .:ontrati
marriages on insufficient means, resolved
as a general rule, hut subject to any en-
ceptial cireatnstaucta *bleb may in -
duo. the Board to dispense with such
d b f Wilma Jo tampion formed~
tach sympathy is xp
ctessed for :.i. (hest to keep them in i morsnce, how is
family. it to be done f Certainly no one would
I. 0. G. T. Eeirsetisms:cr. - !Ant .1 wish t.. keep tlseir children from all hu-
Frtday eventig drew a fair audience to I titan untercouree. My plan 1s always to
the ertwrtsinwent of 1. P. G. T. lodge make the beat ..f what can net be helped.
No. 213. The programme, which was With that end in view, 1 Youk1 have
well rendered, uprated w.ta 00 0mus1D1 mothrn tell their chiklren of the bad as
u dialogue by t wo mnub•rs u+ktled "Those well :u the gvexl there is in the world,
awful Pods. ' Bro. Brett, of Stsforth, and Low beet to avoid evil. We aro eo
Distrix V. C. T., gave a et .ring address apt to put on' telling the (lithium what
jig int a tempter's duty on the Scott :act
question. He shower: ti: b.nehts 'of a
faithful adneinest-ati.en of :hat law, and
received a hearty role of s;inks. Mrs.
McArthur and Miss McQuarrie., cf Dun-
lop, and Mr. Linklater else received
thanks for 'heir contributions to the
evenings pleasure. Dur•ag his stay
beet, Mr. Brett was the guest of \l.
Gluten., sr.
• Wary R U a tassel.
On \lodnesday of last week a metal kept buoy, and if you do nut gine then
we 'value they must know : and in the
meantime they get a wrung idea flow
ammo one else,ur find out from, bitter ex-
perience. Children will hear from those
of their own age what their mother Inas
never spoken of to then! : so they think
it would he safest not to tell her, and
thus their c,mtdenre is lost. Try and
draw Gut your children s ideas, and if
wrong correct then!. Don't le. -ave the
childroi in ignorance and then call i
providence if they get mato trouble.
Their minds as well as hands must Se
c.nfertnce. The Congo onlainutee today
discussed the Eti lislt l.reeject Leading tht
powers to adopt all ponsihle means 1"
prevent the slave traffic in the C erg..
territory. This propos* and that of
America, to prohibit the sale of alcohol
equally on 'and and eater, were atie.pted
A s mer. wart*.
Korti, Jan. f.. --(fen. Stalwart arrived
today, h'vita t wade the match to tielen l
end return w a week. He left the (lards
at Uaidul in •.maple ft.rtitir•l iasitiem,
with a plentiful supply ..f geed' weterand A few ..f the Mandi'n ad-
herents were captured. The march com-
pletely surprised the dessert Arabs.
Stewart highly praised the in
which all of his wen worked. There
was not a sick men e. the column.
Gott. Stewart's cniuwn captured 25
rebel se•oute The tut r^harts report
8,000 rebels under the Etair of Berber,
t occupying a s:rung poaitiun up the river,
near Ahoogli. It is re;oet Ped that a hand
of rebels, within tie* daysmarch frees
rule, that io future if Any member ..1 aha
mad' whew income is leu titan /1730 a
year shall marry, he shall be drsgsaliled
from c•ntinuing in the bank's services
and a ill eoo.rdutgly be required to retire
(nom it.''
New Grocery store) C. A . N A I R N
TMsub.eriberbais.a.outxathat be Imes )IAS EVItltl'THI\li
opened out • mew res er> )tore
ed tale awn W .alas%bw waetl o li.rTlr.plr
Goods are all New and Fresh'
..41..r been purrba.eI fur t'a.h. rod as this
prices xoom low in tlr city markets.
He Intends to Make His Prices
Touch Rock Bottom•
Farmanpredose taken In ese"sage ler Goods. NEW AND 110CESF
and highest priers will be give•.
nolio t forget the spat ter New ('ash More.
-_F1lH `
neat door w M13 owe Grog Store. Gudrricle. l
deru.g robbery was peepuitawd near the food for thought some one
elm ail
this place. intercepts the Kh
raabh•btstites from bringing supplies.
f Arthur in the cuulit id t\ el- wrath at ma.5Ner,sear►.
Lisgton. A peddler named Simousky
was mel on the road by three men, about
four o cluck in the afters an, who took
him from hu sleigh, ga.tge.d him and tied
Lim to a tree. They then rifted his pock-
ets, pr.curiug about $ 00 in money, and
drove utf with the horse and sleigh. As
hal since trarspired,they ha.1 not gone far
when the sluisn upset an.l the hind bob ,
The Framer.-t'alse.e War.
The Paris T. mp.. says : --The recent
victory of Gen. Negrier near Cho is the
prelude to the offensive action. Gen.
1)o Lisle has resolved to occupy langs.n
without awaiting reinforcements. Gen.
Negrier is marching on Leingson yin
L•x:kran Valley. Operations in Ton -
pain will henceforth be directed hy(en.
get uruaen. They then took tee dozes
filed with jewelry, which belonged to
the puddler, strapped theist .on the froat
bob, old, helping themselves to a couple
of new oterc.ats, they Pick the horse
and front sleigh b•.h and started on their
read l)nthe following Fielse merntag,
about four o'clock, as yawns Mr. Swan,
• of BruceacId, was ceturniug home frnin
.• ' a party, and whet: near Brncetield, on the
YioyOeld road. lis came across a horse
attached to the front beb of a sleigh
standees; on the need. Mr. Swan took
the home m charge and had it eoraf•ert-
ablT Pared for at Discus hotel, The poor
brute had be•ca driven is far as it
could cu, when it war at ardoned by
its morally driven and left on the
road Had not Mr. Swan carne across
it when he did it would certainly
have Innen, for, although it was stand•
ing tap, its Inaba had become so thor-
oughly chilled abet it Goold scarcely
muve,and it was with the utmost difficul-
ty he got it to l;raosueld. After aban-
doning the hurve, the teen hearted swath
-ea foot and early in site warning called
at the residence of Mr. Cudmore near
Kipp., and were afterwards seen in
lle.aall Thera is no doubt but they
are the me men who robbea the ped-
dler, as the horse and sleigh have
been itieuuhed as bis. and Inc same ng,
acnus,.,anieti by two men, passed through
Bresse6 un Thursday evening. At that
time, however, the jewelry boxes were
strapped ea the sleigh, but when it was
fogad by Mr. Swan :Ley were gone, and
although the men were some seen by
several, they did not have the boxes with Grant's 7lef1aM1.
them, so it is likely that they hid them
in the t ieinity where they abandoned the New York , elan. ';. -The following is
hone. Detectives aro new on their published
trotk, and it is to be hope.: they will be "New lurk, Jan. 6.
lodad !,•t ti.ey may receiva fitting psn-
ieunrent 11)0 horse ham gut urn' il•
fatigue, and is not uow any the worse.
1, s under the charge of costeble Dun- raising subscriptions for my benefit. i
.: sou town, sweatier to he claimed appreciate beth the r otive and friend•
L; the • 'ener. ifierfurth F'tpotuter. ship which have dictate.) this course on
your part, but on mature reflection i re-
_ _
te_ Prestress.
Lowal,Mliuist.r of Nar,Admiral Peyruu,
Minister of Marine, acting in concert.
A Hanoi despatch says teat after the de-
feat et 6,000 Chinese near Chu by
Negrier 19,000 Chinese returned and re-
sumed hostilities. attacked
them and penetrated their position de-
fended their petition defended by forts
and tiers of batteries and repulsed and
routed the Chinese. The Chinese lost
600 killed afe a large number weuuded.
The French captured two batteries of
Krupp guns, a terve number et rides,aal-
esunition, provisions and some Chinese
standards and convoys:- Frswek--
losses in both battles were them efticets
wounded, 19 men killed and 65 wound-
In Goderick, a lltoadav, Dec. Sob. the wife
of T. K Perry..4 a daughter.
to ,..enrich, on the rt De .. Use wife- of
Jonathan !Malty. of a daughter.
At the evidence elf the bride's fa: ker. Col-
borne. on he iIth Dee.. by Rey. J..Pritrhunt.••r. four." daughter of Gordon Young.
Eau . to Andrew (wive, Arent men of the late
Hugh Lore. township of Stanley
Go•lerteb. Dee. 31, 1101.
Till: ooVKENMMENT ENDOW,* Ile leshowing aS$. 4idasarttnee (
The icult r Clea and Glassae.
Prov me rsr.Tu catwalk VOL. K. Jt ST et s
"rhe Ainer4.ta .tprirwltarise 1. especially
w(rtl, of tatetioIbesmear of the remarkable -
*meets that has attended the unique and un
firms Aruna of its proprietors to iuere ow atxi
le Mend ha dnuW Mn. Its conn•nu are ,lisp)i
toted every month for a Norma• edition.
Iwhich also circulates is Wel). "
This tribute is a pleasing incident 11i the
1 mars clbus nearly
Career of this recognized leading Agricultural
Journal of the world.
(tit ni.,,,,iu ago lar Americus .4g.-.rafl ae•ial
( entered upon a sew career et pr..peollr•
sent today if is ter superb'r to an, simiilaar per-
ieslteA( Pier pvredtausd In this or out olbrr
•ounuy. Wilier in editorial strength : richer
in engraving, : wilted os leer pap.:. and
[presenting to every tone I00 columns el orllil-
Cani n•ading matt.r (rum the ,)sleet writers.
ant &tarty pen Iuu«' Hr. Gezira, Thur.
Ibur fur many a qsa. irr of a century fee Pei
tsar -la -chief of 11n• .4.,'ri'raa lgreemIturi.d.
I Joseph Harriet. 13) run It. Halsted. l•ot. 111. 1'.
N'eld.end Andrew' ' F utter. the other
l.ine Editor!.aststher with tTw utllr. wrttrrs 1
who hate tradte the .l arrricon Ave. -Whir -id 1
I what it Is to -day. we Mill as IMtr peat..
Every subm riber. whose subscription is lam
ineetately forwarded as with the price. 11.s•
per year. and I", coals este" for posing.' o .
i Cyclopes -die ,taking 1.05 is al: will ruse:, .•
me American ukuriat IEng'tsh or
!Grrmsnl for all of 1 sad be pr -. - I w:t h
tb• ,awnless aet4rwMtat*.I 9amlte
0I .
In Ieeburn, on Moeda.. January SPL, IiA;•
Frederick Horton,aged Js years and 4 mouths
On Ss'urday, the99:h of llecerber• 1a1. at
Sherroek, in county Cavan. Ireland. in the
eta -my -third !Mr of her age. Ellen Galbraith.
beloved wife of William Sloan.. The dece.m.
ed wee mother of Saml. Sloan produce mer
chant, of oodeekb.
seedsit. a ■araels
GoD.RiCN. Jaa. S. 1Pa..
Wheat. want V bash . .... . Ito r to fat --
itr•t winter wheat . e 00 w 0 to
Wheat. i-pringl 1 . .. 0 77to 07'7
Flour. *fall) r bag-. ..... 1 fin 0 = St
Fleur. Imitedi Y hag .-. 1 SO M 2 jt
Flour. )strong ha;.era) V bag .. . _ Y'. •e i. 451
Oats, 0 o a le a.
fear. V bosh . 0 SS !R 0 S
PotatHarleoen V tea 0 W M 0
os eo ox.
Har.ito. ..... 400 Mt1
Butter. Y a.. .....».. 0 17 !+ b
(314ee t• dor. (tlat..kedl.... . .. O IR 4r 0 JI
ee.+r, O 13 0
It ewt.................. 0 de P 0
!)ran, p cwt - - ., a i0 " a
Chop. n cwt...... . ........... b tat ' 0
Wood.............. 1 Si ' t
11 i' rM tr. I Juat oat'. trr Pages sad .ter
1e t,Ns Fasars.twgw t4trwwlty tamed ,n cloth.
k •n• gate.
I. to and look. if you don't Lay.
Trouble to Show Gooil\
jg , This entirely new volume is a remarkable
la istee.•b•..r n•frien.•e ,.,r every
department et human know•edt-, ine-Intling
It as Agricultural Suppknrent by Dr. Thurber.
nO 1 Mad Ibree t-rewe damps M malas& yew
SO apr viae• ropy amevteas aarsrslrerlos. as
IC, j *Nasal fort -page /ormolus" Ltd. w lab tee
O:e 1 HIe•Ira11e.+. aed •prrtmra panes of our
60 Tamil, t)rNprdla. t'mai a++en wasted
t'nurt House ='qua:!. G.derleh
44.•. rah. Mil.
ote Papers
Cards of
B k
•:For le•l !:
Newhpapersand Periodicals
AT Ult.,.
t'a!!and me e 11K1"TM t' -19.' '111.T1ti
ureeseer is Gro.-hen:lard.
Godcrieb, Ile.- _ 11".1.1 left
Semi six cent:. for postage.
and tee ei refree.aeoatlr bet
of goods wbioh will help yos
owns r ht ,Reg
than anything else la this w e,tb1. AI of rather
• so • ser %odd here on )Monday - PUEUSRERSI AMERICAN ..n..,n'-n.-T. ' t4fettwe.,' carnes hs7see tare .. rr►en.abeotule-
Sbeetslkias... _ . O 10 " 1; 116 1 every w here. 1L1;{,IJLIto now, y
The asses) read
W d ' 11 /► t Jed kt *u ' t,l.lress
.rx. $S0001 1 .10111 •tri hour
nystt t 1 q
James Wells, who was furnishing music
frem a tambourine, tell oiead in his chair.
He was in the act ..f putttnit an oyster
into his mouth and actually died with
the bootie between its teeth. He sag
48 years of 040.
000 can 000
•',Ay'', W. JI la.. President. ;►rewlit.AtonceaaltreasT•t'akl >...ltauNf
)M1.H1 1:\Hol\I r.... )] •Wy.. t
731 triads. . hese tarp.
! t]! f4E1.1.1\r. (WI ]:1 TOCS NF
.l:ao • Weit.delected !tock pf
A* Ogre red to Use totems. of ser IMP
.Ile C.aMtap rart•• FRESH GROCERIE.S
President -elate Clevehtud'a resiura!ton
of the office of 6 tern.r of 'New York
State was pre.eutet to the Lei;islsture
en Tuesday.
A Terrible nesse.
A Panama despatch says ' Senor 1s-
rideo Vidal met his death in this city •
few days ago under most peculiar cir-
eumet.*nces 'tVben about reriling,'feel-
ing • pain in his chest, he rubbed him-
self with alcohol, and then tenured some
of the spirit on his undershirt, in the
belief that Ile would derive henetit thee.
from. He then put out his light and
went to bed. Subsequently, wishing to
sme ke a cigarette, he struck a match.
The spark frum the ntatch u.u.uged the
alcohol en the undershirt, and in one
moment the unfortunate man mesa In a
blew. His crietiarought assistance, but
before it arrived he had suffered such
severe injuries that he died next day.
"Mt Drsp Ste, -Through the press
and otherwise I learn that you. with four
other Mends of mine, are en aged in
A white he often told m:Jles a black
et cry. It's a pour musiri: n whc can't
D' -w hi( own trumpet. 11. who would
e tht eel; ruotet first break the *hell.
Every ^Ices luta its pack. Thr man who
wishes ie enation believing in his friends
shouts .rree put them to she proof.
Lek .f' '. your wife ; never mind your.
self. el a tl 10 ek after you. The want of
u .ney is the r.x'..4 moth crit. Egotism
it .-n .lonabet .'rah oe. lelt••r. if you'd
ow a ,aan'a chs:aeter. follow him
A ase 'T. n t re women women love
a •. n. Tile • • rest rnad i .. honor is to
el or,: it. Dole- whispev wended and
its eels° te hoed by all. Tit a not the
e1 -k - •, h aha !ow,leet tick that :goes the
Mee 1 owe a the rain,-ew of lite.
D .n't •' rpltln .f the hero Inti) you
hese lace: h.e.sired. They who live
in s wt. -et, i r.,. death to ii -trey. - Truth.
Mow wed et. Weather a r, not Is,
rho n.ut .1 ' heli.••es 'es ran forecast
he .gnome) ,"g .4 a pig, or
son 1• !.••ret men ig-
, ou thea , who believes
e twe'1*tu a' • a *meal eye-
waslth , ,td t.'mmand a
mer ehe., ad eererty and
and thea, ice in such a
e em;t dos. h^•a twenty
tti Y'$ el' .:. It is f.,.
roe M ese,..:a 'hie In the
d., tayi itt•.hc.geon
westhl.r .• ie
t so ph..-. of t
no ease ... ie, st
that It s Blim
t • o wheel any
• . hent a le •
)k tart n 4k•,
doe « *list f•
year lower Is
attp:...i.. tee`
trot 1 tow* t .
i . ae"a1.
Janie• Chapman, a convict from St.
Th. as utas no tweeter liberated trum the
K►mgst. n penitentiary thee he stole a
l$uaotity of perk and was again arrested.
Partial Marne from different tuwnsin
iesex county indicate that the majority
agsirst the removal of the soul and curt
house from Sandwich will reach 2.500.
The (green's Bench Divisional Court
has confirmed the judgment giving a
plaintiff damages against the Ph'nnie
Lenge of Oadfellnwe for injuries sustain•
eel durint at initiation.
South 1Caelina hoasta that she it the
only state in the unseti in la!itch It is me..
possible to ..btan a judicial divorce for
any cause. Censure ..f rnanuuniaul would
Cense with a better .grace from her th-tn
it does from Illinois.
Rev. Dr. Withrow is prngressing favor-
ably, and in about .t week will be able to
leeie his bed. The condition of his two
dauzhten. wh were also;.nestroted with
typhoid fever, is net 'serious.
Daniel O'Leary. pedestrian, endeavor-
ed t. walk • mile and en eighth at In-
dianapolis recently while Cutter, cham-
pion oilier skater. traveled two miles nes
skates Cutter won by three seconds ;
time 8 min. 33 ere.
The seczetary of War transmitted to
the Senate today a rep .rt recommending
the purchase et the Portage Lake and
Laky Superior Ship canal sot a free water-
way for Inc finited States, at a time Of
x;.,0,000. -.
On Monday evening • boy. abut 12
years of age, named .Vgrro, son o1 Con-
ductor Also., of the G. T. R., made an
lard it as date to myself and family to attempt t o jump en the yard engine at
decline this proffered generosity. 1 re• the U. T. R. ya.d, St. Thomas. He
gret that I did not make this know, slipped and fell, the wheels of the tender
earlier. passing over him. cutting both legs and
one urs off He cannot recover.
"Very truly yours,
" 17. S. (IRANT.
Te Cyrus W. Field, Esq. '
aIlls the Tlmraerw. data.
San Francisco. Jan. 7. 1Kdtenn.l
(;rton has returned from Au.tralia,where
he went at the instigation of Kim
Georgia Berra,. a daughter of the head
of the firm of Baring Bros. of London,
for the purposes of identifying Arthur
Orton, confined in ti.e Paramatta luna-
tic asylum at tlydney, as his brother.
He Hates that he did identify him te be
such, and is therefore thorough) con
winced that the element recently dis-
charged from prison m London is really
Sir Roger Tiehburni s hetr le the Tiek
horse estate. The real Arthur Orton•
now in Australia, will be taken to Loa -
don to farther establish hie identity.
♦ •taeawder.d 0011ese.
Striate, N.Y., Jan (; in May 1.M
Fred. H. Hopkins came to lidera from
Port Hope, Cauda, bringing with his
96.000 that had been left Ails by his
father. Ysaterday mnrniag before day-
lytht he let his baggage dowel frees the
fourth storey window of the W. h w
Howse with a cord andhams
a hoard hill .f IMO. lie Yi sped w
whole of his inheeitent• felr
and peened his geld watch fit tsi{h
which a get pelt a teem,
Word has been received from Ottawa
regarding the disposal 1,1 the notorious
fence Mosher Baum s diamonds. The
authorities titre have decidua that duty
must be paid on the diamonds if she
wishes to recover them. The duty will
amount to something over $800, in .dei•
tion to which she will he required to
pay all the expenses
Henry Light of ren.tdn, while pro-
ceeding homeward ow Seterday night,
was attacked tat three men, who knock-
ed hien down with a club and kicked
him, breaking his left leg in two plisses
and otherwise seriously injuring hist
They also rtbbel him of a silver watch
and chain and drarsond hrwastpin and
Rote riag. He lies to a critical cos•
A correspondent of the New, twyiaad
Panna says that the Brest fault of Amer -
UMW boom said haste is that they are
not properly or seisisatly curet Too
little eases is takes mrd tare little time is
Rives to the proem livery epicure
knows the revelation of • Westplsha
and of a Yorkshire ha.. And the taste
is equal to the repelaties. Thu is dee
telly se smeh M proper hrdiag of the
hog as N is to the pitapat' eerie' of the
asst. Ones ted pmrlt else serer rho
the taut of Yes ; cess et alley mobs
a timer earl better stmt lbw pee,
'MA makes a voe7 waste' caw
GEO. H. OLD, the Sl,ttorn, Gaierieh.
Jan. Ith. l mel . ilei
:•\I t:F:\, - 1 i 1'.i f1INGS
At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash.
T1A4.111 ♦ ciLNIA '.(1 ANNOUNC'EDliNT.
f: n.i er{. h. Nae. 17th. IMI.
Goderich Foundry and Machine 'Works,
asss~, Ww6 '''' thatFlouring dills Changed te the Gradual Reduction System,
Stores and Tinware
House Furnishings,
- E'tAT
Saunders' .Variety Store.
Heads of fami::r. whew
are getting inerr.ed. we: aM a thousand stat
oee satat arttclra W furnish a house with. at
"The Cheapest House ander the Sas."
Nett doer to aur Past /lace.
Geiorics, Jas. Stk. t!►•. 1577-
;200,000.00.2„........,...4 par
toots of large value, that wit: start yea If
work that 0111 at Mee hetes yea In 100007
taster ten else to Amens,. All
about the 111111.11111 Y with emelt b.z.
aA fasted el or all thes SaftweWier M
worn le
r se at their owa r was 1 W1 OW
5(1 workers alastutety arses4 D't
N. flaudres & Co I'ertawd. aW.M
a. -_ -_.. _ t
Has the Mast Fa,el lies In Use Crawly of H ranee
for tuning oat every deer
J011 'OliK
Os the Mreeet pesiblr eetke, laded
Hone Powers, Grain Crushers. S:rew t'uttere. A,neultur.i Firm:e..
Stoves, etc., etc., et Low Prices
J. B. Rrscntax.
Goderich, Not. WE lad
11. lV. R' eetme e
A Leslie and Varied Anortment el
VR1MK'v .. .*.T X B'Arg c ARTICLE$.
Suitable for
Jure rect.vrd
ladies Celret. Leather and Plash Rat. bele. W44Plodssad Lester
Jewel. Peewee and Dn
nssng Caws. vats !r PPtmb- Eland sad
8 i.
havg Marras. shaving nags. Tenet eatOem variety.
Hyacinthe Balls ire t,.uorn in glasses. lrarlae1lng Flower., ear.
P. JORDAN, Medical Mall, Goderich.
Inc -
Awe •tarp Jew ofScO-, ago-, Iliac_
Moustache Caps, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware,
Vases, &c., which will be sold at 0OI '1'
w.. 1\ITZETICIE=Teelss
flaatltee street. Goodssieh.
Deosatte0 11th. IV& 1114
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.