The Huron Signal, 1885-1-9, Page 6THE HURON SIG AL, FRIDAY. JAN. 9, 1885 the Poet's Corner. Naw rubes. a wise ►ave .camel earl other. Or cultured friend or brerter. la Min teat lading year 1'e who by weird or deed. Have made a kW bun bleed Cone gaiter bore! Lel ionised asthma sad Waning. Forget their strtfi s beewstns. And join in trieadable now lir links no turtjer broken : lie sweet forgiveness Spot.,• Under the Holly Bost. Ye wbob.ave loved each other. Maser. and triead. and brother. 1 . tots fast ta.Lty year ; Mlother. sad sire. and . euu.i tea and maiden mad. ('ane gather There ; ARA let your brans grow funder As moneory shall ponder Each dart unbroken vow : Old lover and ytfiioger wooing Are Sweet in the renewing. 1' oder • ler Huey Buuiil {Charles Mar TM C. r. IL. M ISM thee. The failure of George Stephen denim his recant vet to Zsgtand to born,. say erore esusey for dee Oa'.adiau Pe - die railway, may be due to smart extent to flee dullness of tM Louden Dose.- 1•tark• et, bat It is probable that the kne,oledae Su nuc . that's beautiful sod bright. Uwe truths w whick it wee etraperr. The world has h,arncd ria• . Hethlelu•m's Wrist Shun ter the infect Jonah' manger. 1 sal t'hristinaa take in wets -byways an,'ean The ch.:d r;od and the mother human. Ilse left ter eighteen handy' d , can \ lua.er ea the name of woman List all the rstightenea bums tit earth Oar debt of gratitude he voicing ; Anel let this year of Jesus birth frenaln a day of glad reju,t.ng. (Lila lt•h"e'er. Teen, prated the 0.11* mote mod and deep ''lied is out dean :UM dut:. 4a Trey' Tu, w:..ni: vliatl Thu rye ret ore, ail. With prate or. oar(h, skid w... to men. 'Longfellow • pmsi.Maeu Silas * Josh White was asked r y bow be Marl to adopt his particular lime of ate[atare. H[* answer was . - "Well, it was bawl on ut,,portanity ; tt required nu lutist gumpta.s W ass 4. here to tit in. About every line had beoa filled by somebody Or aadber. The by English investors that the tete se i r I%tiI Des s aueose8 wits erteow Itfl' ware it weld . pre air ►rtes sever likely to be a Sara* ower+.. kit.l I. um he eat %Wdy na;mug tr. succeedu Cully as much to do with it The rail. I him. Qnu.N nt.rna ba' beau flee lead road u getting into. very reel odor I,of savers! pre. t 6,a1 nlelesel)t era. The cantles.English financial les. A tate syn. i I i PMtd' had 'then to r..grotphed tsrtat thur- tout;h1). wed i h•ent't, Twain, and no mud money, a leading Enottnah 8rauaal .pews ne other p.....1.4 ha, r.ip-iod into other paper, contains a thong e'msl..nwnanon. Mencl,es In the sheerest of something signed "Shareholder," in wheel the entirely •'rl>.1tal you "utero, 1 bit 00 a dealing* et the syndicate Aid the Ostia •t'u.Lit.51 n --a taw aptneatton of old dies gevernmeat with Englah investors 'wi"isJo.ico sn, a«f 1Itthwere "e.SD) TL. u.7 ,;usintwouwit ankd e aro severely criticised. Ti.. writer, who with the small pruportfon 4 mankind is ectdently a banker, continents that who have the true appreciation of those several customers of his firm wile yualt':e., while the peculiar ertbutraphy Iinvested in Canadian Pacifico steak have would take with the rmutautder. It was been twtly victimised. He says that he Leaks upon the C. P. R. as a job «blade far outstrips, to point of ir.pude't• a said iniquity, any of the American ra lway swindles. The investors put then u.uuey into it on the strength ..1 the gu.ireutet. pr.•mi*ed by the Canadian g•wernment, and in the belief that the eureta:r,ent would act fairly by them. Ile gees on to say " But what do we find 1 Not co +ten' with wing the euustrue'nuu of th • tele se a lever for the purpose of hurr:.wiuk money in Landon ; not content *It.. sharing in rho plunder of the 'reheat - who had originally ixsstwroti of lilt •:.,m1 pany's cuu,mou stuck, but who • shutr quettty saddled it upon iuvest'rra ., ;'t.- coumtry ; net content with this and :I,t fact that the line. but t with bngi st- mo..ey. was, after all, designed suleo'- .t order to vary tare effect a posttest cow pact mails between the Dotuimin, tot ernment and British Columbia ; scot c.••' - tent with all this, I repeat, the mai,: •u lators- I can ta11 thew n•.thw.. els.• who have already dragged the na• le o - the t'anadian goveromunt iu the uurr, h the conscience, the unblushing im- pudence, ) y NV lei Linen. s. •nand on Civil first Christmas Oa; tv..otob.•areal ;tog,ver.ottake : To a roe. out rote ; to uuareti, sot devour : To heap, nut crush : of need. to ite. not live I i. bastes Kingsley. The poor w.11 ..any • erre forf[rt. Toe ,:.-bt•.r tido•* 0•31 of .his debt. DMA, they eaebcnjoy their cherr. !Ymb it were 'twist nun' 1.11 the year. ITrotna, Hilh•- faLADSTOiV TM 01'.ATORY, r sore air Na/ress• As numerous testimonials will show Nen is iso +owe mistily. cure for dual- isms than Hagyard'a Yellow Oil. It is ars.. the beat remedy for ear ache, sore threat, croup, rheuliwttsew and for petits and lsuuunis generally. 1'a4d intterually and eater"-.Ilr. bine rky.Masr. OeNde.e• Mrs. tlt lea I'ha. i N... Sal Dayton Se , Chwag• , Ill.. is now in her sixty- eighth year. and .t' oe that she las sul- fured triol ('onat , ption for ah••ut ten years, well treated by now l ln�'sicnausoill 'A shwa pr.nrouactuu her L tee iwpeless. "he had ;tarn up all hope 'A Vero.. rooter - ,ring. Seten betties of Ur. Kiug's few Discovery f..r Consumption nnupletely cured leer. Doubting ores, I•leasu drop her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson s drug store and get a free trial bultIt. _(L A Riwat:-'--.elf Opo 'TiAegw• w„ no' • W any 'oe serndind the boat four line a vert .of acand Dumb enation aggregation, rhyme ua • t tlsgr.1Y, ' the rews,Lable no the• earns advatace agent would call it. little dgeesmn for the Teeth and L'at... Ask 1t we. resorted to because it paid, and Your druRtimt or "'trout has mien adhered to for the same Seeing is believing. Read the testi rearmost." manias 111 the pamphlet nu ih. 1'au Buren's Kidney ('ure, then buy a beide ifs hill was sissy. and 'native yourself of all thews distress- So situs Your Urug�'eat can tall you tiff tie year age the INS (lot. Hub- all about it. Sold by.f Nda,ullodencb inarJ, of l'+usuott(wt, was r Ioeu.ber of a .Jus :.creno which met perio.iieally to play K l Pi11s area wild pnr'stiee, whim. Osie of the party. who was local acting on the stats who liver and (a,wela, local- ly fatuous tut hie slureri, habits and removing all obstruction. lm casco dross, a-wuiyhed his friends nus a Carter a Little Liver Pills aro 1rme from cert•:n occasion by appearing with a beautiful white rose in :Cls Lutt011hole. krblr. mine lir. Hubbard, ho s..id : •Hubbard, did you weer see a finer rote then that 1 Now, where do you fid• seine 1 g•-tthat rose r The ex Oct ernes la ed .01m:e rail, at the dower remiss is the dirty lose• bole, and wusserad : •L.Jks as thrush it iniekt tare grown then,.. -- The poetic end perfervid usture of ci 11E.iLTa )rrstas fs illustntsd sit rho addresses For ,rough conditions of the Skin, presented to L.td Rip,.n on his rete fn Shamp ping the baud, pimpies, Eruption nettle fruit) India. It n. w be that thliy anal skid diseases, use Prot. Lure's Sul - ars serrite. but after the n. d,:e stand phur Soap. Ut .aar.e in ludia ter the natives by the All \erc•eus Dr itity curvJ by the use !parrots iteamet Europese uflicirlism, of Ur. C. 11e-t's illarvu nn,3 dtrain Treatment. See olv arttse•heut elsewhere Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GEO. �JaEtY, CABINET - MAKEIt AND UNDERTAKEN. Hamilton Street. Goderich ♦ geei seseetesset of Kitchen. lied roues. linens lt..wm and Parlor Eurallere mach ssla- Yea a U aCatytlm(r Metro harIC� %tiedng Cupboards, upb, Ikd steads. Mattreeme. _mart a N.N.- A es.tptlete saws'+eat of ('uaas and Shrouds alas) s on bared also He arses tor urs at teese.sYe rate . Pietism Irrs.sha a speeialty- A call elicited. 1731 BOOTS AND SHOES all crude and irritatiut matter. t'oncen- trnted rut beim ouly ; very small ; very easy to tee.. ; tot pain ; no i;riptig'; uu purling. . lm Frerwan s Worm Powder are agree- able to take, and expel all kinds of worms from chikittwt ..r adults. lid PITY TUI. Pork DY.PvITI.•.-Poverty with perfect health is rather to bechuaeu than riches stud dyspepsia. Try the matcic effect of a dollar toile of FOUNTAIN they are to a •'teat dr; tree deserved. "Fur a thousand years," said wee ciepu- field at ttiila•ne .ett,j at'•rr. ,'Jb, t.tiou, -Indian history has recorded nu To RWd0* itteual-c)--Cleanse the err re such mine.- "Thy loa.:y name is this .c alp with Prof. Law's Ma;1ic Sulphur udencr 1 ma say, w announce m the a.untrl e tamp ami . }e." But the rich- Sow A deli htlul tnediente.l soap for 1 papers that they have effectual soother i ort ,•: tl•e» f •.mea short ••f the adulatory the whet. K lm. l'isl'e y -ile.e • h f I' rads in hM- - ITEW 0.00na_ REMEMBER Have the L r t t tock, The Latest Stylest The Most Leliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, Please Call dt E -amizsre_ No TiU)UBLE 11'ATE1-Eft TO SHOW CIOC►D$. D0--V�iN1NG-, Crabb's !Mock, Corner East stra•at and setu►re. t:. •deride, May 8th. 1884. 0 OTS&SHOES Clea nntat` 1. o . pia '. tl • deal ;� that they have entered into nJi- Kati.'nal Pills are uput•paesel u a presentation to tj•ieeu Victoria. '•Hero• �Q��'1 � e 'L„Z once with the Yanderbilts; that they tofore, he said. "the years of my life adv, lead, yet thorough, pCrtatWe. act • have a through route here, and a through hate Fran numbered from the h.•ur t.[ inl mem the biiary uremia promptly amu rte • t announce to the Politic that then date opened business in the above Scor Tile haebwrwee e( tete r setts T I d l h n i -rth Hereafter, they shall be effectuallyo in the more n eh b i S Goods k t lin 1 • txcu pied byHorace lNewten. Ifating purchased a large and • a Barra route there, and o not uuw w at 1e . ae alrliltese Mt or Arleen Y. rtck,,ied frown the'neottient 1 beheld the Says Dryden : sell assorted stock ltp,nny . simmer . etc sn figures, we are determine { eta l.esidee." beauty of thy eouutrn.►nce.-, "She knows her than, and when) au rant A �j Q to give the 'Public the bene-... Pu tai! tie &•wad : Mr. (;Ldst.so s I The upshot of all this u that the shares and swear. - QUICK SALES S��LI, PROFITS WILL BE CUR �( 1 orator is ,as for flat matter ail urate of the. company are wow standing at 47, .-HAPTatt IL Can draw y..0 to her wit a single hair. t TO y ry \Cal len. Maes.. F'. b 1.13 t. Gentlemen-- 11ut it tuns. i:8 beautiful haft to have is the retlectw.n of the intellectual be- and that " the line has been so pas sedsuch power ; sat; beautiful bait can ler eti►'YlraaP call and examine our goods hefurepurcllas►c elaPwhetr 1 .•tn'.•rrd wi.h atta.•ks 01 si" uraAurhr." tai; el the orator. It u la buret' and to the Dominion government that at the \•-nraieu., female tr•u:de, for years In ei,eurrd by the usy'uf CIXPALr's Hitt which furnish Coe t•'n.ue with language, lengthy, berates(' the naiad mud brain, end of ten years there wilt not be an ir.ch w the peat terrible and escruciatin>; wan- Rr s I:wt:c. S •ll fit :10 cm.by J. 11iellwdl are keenly apprtcint:Te of the ditlicuh u of metal or a ullar's worth of land that ner. ties w!ICh luny suggest titenlselvee to we can call our own." The ;;tat of N4m N. m.dieine sir rloctor could give nie heareta. 1f 31r. tint l,tot:u seldom l I d Ho Bitten uat tou^het a theme with out A.3.03..1114 it he never touches a theme wlu,.h h,, does fur the Immediate lwrp.,ee in fraud exhaust. tits ural ry is del tette, homiletic, Lw• .eccbiag. cum nom taterial and micro- ' eoo:,icslly w:ru• .', because ilei dues net forget how tarty the process of convic- tion la, and how inany obe'aclms must be din)osed of beta the desired result is ubiained. It is out lung eiace one of his relief sir carr un t p AO Answer tsa.sed. '• Shareholder's" complaint u that the 'Thr' heat bottle I Can anv ane :,r:ne ns a cane of Kidney (lorlerich. March r.► I 2. amalgamations and guarantees of Ow Nearly cured site : or Liver (amplunt that Electric Bitten � -- - stock of other roads are sffected without The meant' made toe A3 era and ttr•'ug wet not speedily cum• ' We say they asking in any way the consent of the as when a child. canna, as thousands ..f caeca ..heady 'And I have been so to this day.. tilriteiu.unber the plate, nest door to J. 1%Iles .u'a Thug Store re -Custom work will receive our special attention on -None but the hest of material used and fret -clans weeto'en tui :oycd. -.ar•itepairing neatly done on the shortest notice - • - - - II' permanently cured awl ho are daily re- EnKbsh investors. He justly cwnaiden My ftwba,l( was an invaldd f"r twenty, commending Electric Bitten, will prove. FOR 1885_ this a disgrace to the Canadian govern• years Witt a atriums - , Bright's Disease, Diabetes, W••ak hack, \Tts1rll \jijjt e Inert and the directors of the company, 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, or anypurify the complaint quietly cured. si1700 fly PRIZES 11 700 and an insult to the defrauded share- 'Pronounced by IG.swa s beet phyai- i The urif}• the 1; Dull, tt'i;uste the leer- els, and sit directly tin the diseased held • u ars. • t cups 'Incurable o - party. Every settle t;tatanttred. For SPECIAL FEATURES. oofteagmusgatte an accoout of the differ -1 Ala editorial statement accompanies w r.otl... of yoour Li' ten eared t arlr at ;19c. a bottle by J. Nilson. [lJ: . lytene, at fiat free so new ,nberrihrre. ease between hie owe uraturio*l method tit's in2igsant letter to the effect that the him, and I ;:n. w ..f the• =• .t,rreges ter pages ua`;R at!y and that of the Yriw.e Minister. 'Cites of eiuht nasus • tatarsiallls Nscevev}. nom,. '•Whin,' Is rand, "1 *peak 1 stoke guarantee given by the C. P. R. at fire • fid' Itra"titulty prifired by new tt'rb teatdtn;e In my neighburh'.od Cha: hair l,8ett Physician are often startled b; tin fen's.. Me. Gladstone oast:. el. mg, mid whenever Ontario Quebecscram fr :n head•snd to ht.ad.and. But per cent. on the debenture stuck of the tatet�l L your bitten. markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. ►• S�lemdid Attrirulrurwl iNpartt.ett4 railwa suet ix T y.. rietItk Hills, hJ a d DtP ul YHlt.rtrn. • ! Per And many more are nung them with King's New Discover). fur Consumption Letp.1 gserirs asawered b• tt .H. fJartr.ro. re comes to rtavtatioa twat he ca,luot otnt an the ordinary stock uf that r.ad, of t }•roefit. and all Thr.,a and Lung diseases is daily l swum the the taster:, W eitplire AA T. Edueal Department. by J. Dearness, They almost cu�ing'patieata that they have �rteu up source." AN the dfeser:atfn a on rhetu:fc 1D•. 1I-iraees i to die. is atanlin,t dorso too readied their s. ladies Department. since the world began, fm:n Aristotle to lm 1'rtlae trf duty, and examine into the lye I rturnota racmintF'dn y.tl Countries. (Neer •, Tacitus and Quintillian, down to What. ly, Alia-u and Arnold, ma)• be i merits cif this Wonderful ditbest ry, si- u, t.i,fhu and »hwows. eaacchal before Me harpy and terse an to the didicwlty experienced by the U•�- salting in hundre• i o oar best 1'hpsf- IL Quietrhers and ('hurdle... ' illustration is rncouatere'1. For the I minion government in raising money to Moot people wills .rove of the .e - clans-usint it in Chef- practice. Trial IL Curious mod (:..tutu meet the demands of the Canadian S i betties free at .l. 11'tla„n s Dru: Store. L.. t •lanntng fi05ibe Heaie. 1':a tures, e.a. reason .utbodied in Cha figutattve defeat- gestiun pcuutsiurd pin the tulh)wil,r Id. 11'ittirtems of for Werk.`) be has excited much unfavorable comment iu the city. The interpretation which some hare placed upuu It a that, swine Mrs. E.. L. Shirk. If em& Regular size /ILO % ft! ti.,u of two oratorical echoed., trots of ( Pacific, it is compelled to have recourse rhyme : 1.. From. Acmes the Flea, and The -tR Personal snit Political. 19. 1'nrrent Opinion all sorts' al. Iteadabieand pointed I4tt'rials : i:eliahi.e News and t•„rnmrrr-ua: Repan.. and latest Telegrams from ah titer the h,,•.. bir. Bright's single speeches are better to this questionable expedient. The it is but a step nh article concludes as follows • Ilown to the dap -ho. " The idea of a company which has The way is quite ate:p-oh That leads to the dee;• as. rover yet earned a peony onits own ci slipped on a grape oi, tuan capital grteeing a liberal rate of in- .lust by the day -poll. Corns Tetter. Chapped Hands, end all ONLY $1.00 PER ANNUM ! terest on the stocks of an infant and sub- in a store near the dee-put iSkin Eruptions, yuaratttercl to cure in I -or Nee most L.rgrly rirruiated Pamiiy sidiary property a certainly, to say the I bought this small tea -Cwt. •• every instance, or menet r,•r•'oded. 2:,c. \yeekly in ('aced., era pier otdy Perhaps, to end the agitation, r bus. For sale by f. Wilson. lye 1 two papers In Mornvral and least of it, an extremely novel one, and per ` two 1. Toronto. We'd better henceforth call it station. , •-_- aeser 41ve aid. : ('llnn('F: Olr SIX 1'It1:M►t'MS • 14 you ere Bufferin* with 1•.w end do. i one of the fetlewtan pop tar I'rrtalams wit pressed spirit., loss rf appetite. general , be forwarded to each Subscriber for Moat. on c"n i- additional amount re u red to . etc. Order arcordiine to tutlfn, headache, or any disease of a 1Nl- Iruer - than any thin; of Mr. tilatlet.ne. Yet it tney be doubted whetl:er there is any- thing finer in nineteenth century oratory than Mr. t1h lemic n improropt-u speech on Mr. Diva.li s buds et of 1853, or than M itereration before the diruton on the second reaming a,f Lent Itatretl's Reform Bill was taken in 154116. in the same way his trtb.ts to the memory Lord Betio -nth, Id fp. 18141 was i•.t Daly a .nae-' nut calculated, we Imag.ac, either 10 ta,,ient of time and jod•'rnrnt, but of favura1ly impress the wadi, with the that pecubar .lam of ceatorial temp t- , rail - nit' t•. wMrh it belonged. It also management of the Canadian Pacific rai, furnished t remarkable .ilnstratt•.n up way or with tlu Lranclal stability of the Utadatene's ieheity in que'atires, an Domisto. government" ;w'tl. mens uf debate now pt 't fully o11ru-. tlat..al •f Mr. Ulalstene as a speaker beers n"tiung unsaid : "It u Eclipse flim., and ,.11 the rest nowhere. He may not have :wpreesire dietw.o impressive y simplicity- nt Mr. Durtrli's humor sme *1i-.s.a,but he has made ten eminent - I aarkler'. *,Acis false ; The yrentest timelieal wonder in the world. 11'antanted to speedily cure Bunts, Rruisos,Cuts,Ckerw, Salt Itheum, Fever Sores. Cancers, Piles, Chilblains ()o Clam ehnle, iitr Hsyward's dies Paeihe has got to the end e1 ;to tether in England. The dissat .r_ +un of its ahareh••ldere at the way the read Is AI / I4AN LINE It t) l• :A L MAIL S T E A SII SHIPS ['.rt h you w111 rejoice in the prance of beteg managed, will probably rm�ct ser- iously upon other ('Anadian euterprisea. 1 sumesetal speech.* to Mr. Bright's or in view et the strong feeling now snout - r. Diane O's one His feet is ever in ed by the virtual breach of faith on the the. -.error • hie lance n ever in the rest. part of the government towards English Ha. thrust« doer the suottet W all isysitars who have put their capital into corner. Hight or *rang, he is always the enterprise, the glorification ,ver Sae real, eattual, P^weft, ,s_tte•-ted, u:dnte� Y untie -Lea. rhe is a great dehater. • great John's reception in England seele to prrbs'nc.r• ry •parker. ' Ile is alto an have been a little premature. mit .maty neve ew' a apwnker, ind that rip! inn nil be is tact rx'a.leneed than CLIA[$,.. -.A name well known is M, I n nip 1serw is 0., writer the onnect ion wtt!: the flair Renewer,wbieh fen. rf w use rotes it is easter 6* he.'t tetoreu grey hair 1' us natural actor et will t'.e i teanfn..i'•n i.1 the iefleetsors a 1••w *arks u.,. $ .hi a! 60 cents per and ant. -loltion, .4 this :.ter..,y style t,. 'rte by Jwira N'ileon. .� than Mr. Ulad..i.n.. There are few spa • el. whom., :. tt'•'scln.tl et is lees est is I tact• --y too ..4d. Yet n-itli..g is cert tie t ec15taa PesilMr's wrleerte. .»et n .t t that if Mir (iladatone's Canadian ('hit! o[ Pulite 'Any .Pus )ref wr• het'er literals -n it would, to day t' burr �. h is f ',. TDe tyk w the reran, can ~hien have arrived.' ' 'How mock did they bring T •'•'a .r ooh'• 'Two or thrne iwi11ions 'an, of Aeon, declare, •Ilocwl. That w111 help the holtl*y Yedsw Oi' n the hest trade a little.' :l'biladelrbta Cs1I. • maw wu►l-1 ter colds. V, kerns, *rake and plain/. f tr, opinion roue I ref results His S.ertary . yes. :.Ki mon Amen - M ... W A that Heel 'd'. how. Lok rained emu, , a. T. 1. r, MM. psi. 1 e1 , oi. is w1..1 fou. a.. Cwt Rfesst. 1, J Riywt.... Modern r- iIlp•.r two can M• ►t itmo t P •rlra(K.rstti,e• s(Srraie r"i I l.ar..1 '.w•t•++etf ford! ,ds•tp,Pdn 11 was never known to fail. s w arm M .• . Ne .e•^ •t'1 ..r. i' - *sree Yet ., .s gi art. r The Qnbrintie seu4mrtl. of '•T..kae es as ewe's a' 4Jleer ^ Loam• Dreg . ile.'dhe' have sew ett.nged y .Ss► •'• , seei en to "Tankee Boodle." soli Meru' i.e.ed Are yen troubled wan Salt Rheum, Pun;h akin, Pimples or Canker Sexes ; i f a', go at once to (leo. Rhyme' Stowe and get a package if McGee:71 Parki s Car Aic (`crate Pries 26 mots. debility, disordered blond, weak at ealinent va,•t• smal ad na loos nature, by all means procure a bot- A. Portrait Oalkrr. ase. H. Home areal Hc.lti,. tar itie «i liiestsie liitgs.. • Yg1L mill be slur- ( ('ba.-. Ica in • t ;a prised to sue the t7ip+d improvement that I,. - t;I:.d>•tnne Portrs,t. Fee. will follow;you w fl! be'ins tred with new F:• N'ellirgton am! Tim na . Me. P F. TMrlanrtlirry. set. life; strength and activity will return ; in and misery will cease. and hence- a -lARPnu wanteA fa every vrttnn tilt tw•'ial 7t:rs, aptr•e�ting in erste' +LTM will be awarded In )(arch tient. to ; r woes sureeeeful agent'. Por fix sam►ie papers. t•rnte to agents. rte.. addrras ADNATISE11 PLUM CO.. LONIN)]. OXT. __ i Electric Biases. St4d at fifty o�ftta a CAB! N-:INTERMEDIATE!►STEERA{E b.'tde by J. Wilson. 181 AT ttEUC('F;ti HATE.... d •poan11.all l.asilttsd. WI NTER_1 SERVICE. In these times when our newspapers are flooded with potent medicine advent - It ‘ dvent.I.11 Iatt`ool-LONDONDERRI--(;I.Al".On I tuementa, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure yon Railings of Mail steamers If you are hilious, blood out of .rrder, liver inactive, ea -General debilitated, From Portland_ there is nothing in the worlu that will curs you rt quickly as Electric Bitters. They are • blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only Frty- conte a heal* of James Wilson. r=:) POLY"K'IIAN .... Thnrday. Noe eft '1.i it'll?:I A N Leer II PAiTINIAN •. i1ee'r II (.sal train 1. -avis lioderlch on Tue,daye, at I t o'clock. tailings se /Mail Steamers From HsiIrliibl.x. POLYNESIAN November It I I(KIITIAN . December u MAKDIN1AN •sAltalA•• .. 13 , t Josuser 3 'sat teals leaves Olseg as& a W,d.ssdars. at Ii oeceleaewk. obtain PtMasa� esus at this thee. • few at e filei TI'reduiidd Moorland. moose. Oeewtsay. lid so 1 Norwa). PARISIAN (•IR('AlaliAN. Steerage $20.38. cs-013 RI0ii Liverpool, Londondt rry,G1anaa��oow London. Queenstown. Rel6at, BrisSol. Or,rdif 60. rev Hafnia sad as nesemalasa. apply", H. • R LI *this Use. NewM. Aoierieb. Nev. MIs. M. Mi .M Mel "No ; she lingered and suffered along, ,'pining all t[te time for years. the dnc- 'ton doing her no gond ; and at last was 'cared by this Hop letters the papers 'say so much about. Indeed ' indeed ' 'Dow thankfil we should be for that •'teed kine. ". • Sles1M.a Istuwverv. Wm. Johs.sm, eel Huron, flak., writes that hie wife bad beet troubled with .rete Brnestlitis for many years, and that *li remedies tried lute no permanent re- lief, until he penned • bottle of Dr. King's Few Dlaeovery ter Goner ptino, t3oegts and tDdds, which bad • umegisal .11..,, and Fadtlletd a pere.sas t can's. R is M C. all demos. .4 �/�� ar am!�b,.Tawtoa. Tal 1MSIea ire. at .1 Tri lee's drug dna Leos Sys ,l.00 (8) The Signal's Clubbing Her. THE VroaAr. and TEA %Yrwra** Auvatt- Ttirw will be wailed to any address from now to January Int. BM on receipt of only tli.lt. f either of Tim AurgiTIaiN A popular pre. mimesis required the seditious' amount for sante main be enclose,. as shove. with fell particulars as to which ts waisted. Smart Weed and Hellsdona combined with the other ingredients need in the beet porous plasters make Carson's 8.W. elk 1f1. Backache Plasters, the hest in the market Price 26 ciente. 1 m GODKRICH BOILER V ORIS 11..-r lest received nllargc stock sr BRASS i IRON STEAM FITTINGS BOILERS & ENGINES IN sic Pau and Boilers Halt s. •vessel Pieties. Hail orders for sew wort sod repairs will r,i*fre prompt sessstaea. CHRYSTAL & BLACK, Works ks w*ae 4 T. R. 01051A asdnMb. lam. fE l8N 17, C. CRABB --1ta•t -- T Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: G OCERIE8- (;rannbeee Smear. 1.1 It,.. for Si (t- by Ow' Ili. Ina-. Othrr angary w pr..uertwn. .guest. cast. site delivery. TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. Rla is Te. at Vee., equal en say 34r. Tea le Oar - lark. : Finer pricks at Sar. and tar. Orme. Teas Young Hymn. from rise. to We. Gua - powder Tea, lir.; the Snot impaled. Tic. 1b. A v wry nor Japan Sifting .t We. Ib. DR' Coons. Prints to 'lose at prices to adtntisb. Yeetery (Wien. reed wide. by pt.-, at tie.; wrrlwwst at Sc. A fine lot of tiros nnem. Orem Silks at .c.. worth 3I.ri. HARDWdRE_ well-s'•I cted stork of Scythes. tnatt1a, Hay Porta. Spade, and shine's. all tram the beat makers. PAI2V1- AND OILS - We keep nese bat the beet. and sell them at .art. met. ea commonest. Cln'.p.r • ,.peri.lty, and warranted trios from mineral acids. A good of eply e( r: Had- Olam and Builder ware on ti C.. CRABS Olalerieh. June lath. Ilal. 19114s Burdock B Loop BITTERS. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DY;PEPSI*. DROPSY, INOIOESTwit fLOTTEMNB JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS. SALT RNEUAI, HEART SUM, NEADAd(f Of THE MEANT, AMITY Off ORB ?IE O/A N. apSeleSs �I �1�W THE armarmdesetelarwd (tygn- a' aS T. LIAM l 11,""114.00: