The Huron Signal, 1885-1-9, Page 1itf•`CIM r
hew Adrer.hameads This Woods
ion Piglet Nettle. 8travea �nillr lis.
[rouse Join V*rose.
Iowa N. C. Cameron.
1: and Weise are--4iy if -
see hogs Wasted -ciao
Hoese.$h fur Wasted-
GO17 . O J.a. AY. JANUARY 9, 1885. I KaOILLiCCDDY BROIL Pussa (ss.
111.511 A Th.bR IN ADVAN ti
_nuc..�...._.*awt,•......1..---?�~ - ---�--
►7 taw
premises of .ii eater, &beet as 1st
of°ember, a email ceroid rd avid whits
17. Pe aysas Kotler lII'enrea0. Y. �O�f&tn�. mpaoytor. The (.roar u requested to prove pnr
hri•hlesieg and tie -idea. Itiarna.. f 31 oLarsre wad take 111 away. lend
UGLY Il'LkN AN, Lot SLL, L. H., Asl.listd.
3i I. 'wrinkles of Drysdale. nod lmrir'a farce.
Vdti►e TitiY t Huron ..,ad, uo or about the Deur :ieWte
SANT. 8 reit i eer:leg heifer with home cursed m.
EE ss Weald. i atioa 4trltni to Us nareery will he
9edarlc► Ike. 1 :♦s am p.m i 3ti p.. geotiWb rewarded. le W Jllam Seisms.
I Ireteard I Ar. ; tib cat 1 his IPS eal11rwwt.
1Rlra4. Express. _--� 41.. neeTing.
Stratford t Ls iMeara nolo pee dial *.m
t'' -- - ► r 1.10...1 I ails fi as i 9_i W. BALL. AUCTiOlY1<SR FOR
fentsfh_Pv, ii. the County 4 Heron. Hales solvated
W ---�;- a aur part of the County. Address orders to
• BIC11 tit. L iJ ti, Ali Rti�y tea Oo+Jertch P. u. UM.
• pe,ul�t. l)dlee sd
ad rsasste... Wrest PAIN KNOX, 1; ENEtt.AL AUS•
titres doors belowtlas& el M•wir.aal, Pit TIONREItwad Land Vata•tor, GetlleNrb.
tiuderteh MII lost- !laving had coaatdPF8We espenence Is
the aectios►��
a�.ria ing trade. he tit a position to
discharge h thorough satisf*ctien all moo-
atimivas entrusted to him. Orders Irf at
Martin's Hotel. or went'iy matt to my address.
underfelt P.O.. carefully s*teadsd ta. JOHN
i..NOX Comte Auctioneer. Ica' -41
She People's Itotiurnn.
I Oa11'. -N TINADAY *VCNfRa,
/ batsmen Knox clue.* and coso street.
a ter tlmt._ The Studer will es su,tabiy es -
weeded. 'PR140 ' U1*LK. ltatedtos-st. 1SRT }fieaical.
of Adi2ith case. between repudrout•s 1,11 E. CASE, M D. ,
• Termer. eel )t C. Cameron., reindeer., s large 1 • oat. Phrriclaa• Surgeon. Aeeouchrsr,
heed bwttlak. rube. Toe ddor will be suitably gee. Oglice /Tb.t forgoW: occupied by I.
rewarded be frog -lag it w.Uh the owner. M. C. Huichisessi Luwgaa*ou. Nhibt oak* Mar
CAMERON. q;7. tie's hotel. /ldr•
01SE-w11J1IK u•Aa rEU, tether- ' B. WHIIRLY, M.D., C.M. PttY-
Cta�M i m stoat tr,l to lessen tb.
ltitrit se.,. A4Isras, Box 1'.
Ova. left -P
• MICIAN. derg oa. AcwwaLcur, etc., M.
C.P.A.. Oatarto. pace-TheSquarer, : doers
BestN'.haa • Drum d .re. e* stain. DOD
(MWN. Cormier ice. there aid residence
Bret, tttleet, mooed dour west of Vkloris
direst. 131.
. etas. dargraai sad Aeweeber. Graduate
4 ?promo ti se versty. Once opposite ('amen
wt Cameron. Bask. Luau/tar. Il not to
°thee. eagalre at the Dank. *U�T�t..y,
Parakeets. rienmess. A,ymwebs Tei,
Aloe M lir. rlka,oa•ss reeldaice. mar oke
mei Dederick. G. C. t>MAa *oe. J. C. HaSls.
and plasterer. thanks the public for their
iau.d patronage Ha is.1111 ready to do
York in bis lin• la } •aper:nr m*r,tt.r.
to reit the times ienmst.v trivem for
when required. 1977.17.
iNG est the West ltiemeef Harm Agrl
Society. will be held .a the Wort Homan. as.
OodmitL on Wudnr.Ly. Jail .ry !Ist, 1M6,
at see o'oloek s. et.. to receive tho *•.null te-
'poort. sleet officers and dirac:orr for tie ?ANA-
ti,r year, and other batistes. Jots 9 tasrxu,
ler-:t ,Meretery.
NTITI•iE: during /brie attendance at
1k next tern, at the Nowsagt s ix.% would
find L to their interest. to communicate with
osis cake. 'cyte C JS Ali,?R .t LEWIS, kAkRISTERS,
itIISS SKIMMINGS WILL BE ,',.-7 and ri.•e.
wooed after the Carlm a
ae veattrw. • .4r'ua'a- Ji. J. A. Mourner.
to receive a tee pupils tea iwesrar:trm la N. L1twu►• /wIC-
onusk. ter Pianoforte or (rasa tcshtn`rt.y 1) C. H ayen3, lt-1LiCIr(bR oto,
Terms. *Myer gwrter. Si ade, On' l O e :e eorwer of thecare and West
1) K I N C E S S ROLLER SKATING care_. 1 11 •• 1 r ft. oyer Rnaierit emastore.
1. fol N E. t elbor•ne atm t. eppor:to Jordan's ____ ' uttered oat Mwotat centre of interest.
I,rus story. --1 A 1:1L0 W d
lyes fur the :eitiNA. oI'*". i t ,tit AR
Ht.d:O�i RHr7Ffte, Solicitors, eye
Meraiep..... ......frown iso, M :'!1 *Am*.''�"r' :b. J. r. Cheraw. 1'rsnito.t. les
Tos 1}i.
Attendee. " to tis " ClAMEItUN, HJLT R CAME6ui11\.1
};• s 77W to leis .. liaer.etenk fiouciten In Caaw
Horning. i.a•He. Fre•nluuea Skates. tee. . Jastiek mod vVtntt'bare. M. C. Camernw he.
Atterwonn. A taatwdea isetadtnrr Miaow. M. O. 4;aiwen►p, G.vieetsh W. P set -ere attack of sore threat last week.
for lames, 17
Afte(a000, Ado ...• a 1. iaclua.r atm**
ardent,.... Loans arse insurance.
Eve sig. Adraimies tin:loadtasa......
~ (ileatta""%"""" s-� fsikb-rUf3 AT Mr. .1. Breckenridge has taken a post -
1' et of Woos .. ...... tion m the tth►eery of C. L McIntosh.
Twelve rotate( basses. . • . .tbfit.A, T T d - • -Priv
We use the ate N-..k.e• d« :srl IOlrR al• flirt Y Mrs. W. H. Carr, sof Detroit, u visit-
MUKHA Mc. Jt �dtr►ek April l7th lyllt. iMt
AMB1ttiN HOLT t O , Gude
Tice midnight .suds. et St. Georgse (Maus& llosoox. -A biography of 1tMMtas which were meneersil to the
"A duet's�n ye,tfalt(s'tutee Ikfgw confirmation. Phe matohntjtht eetlny resdtng, especially if written by cite mill banes. conducted by Mr. notch -
411 pr.ot$%. services in trio North street Methodist • the famous journalist and veteran i... and lir. Kent, who took a deep ie -
church on New Year's Ere attracted a' this remarkable man, ought to be inter- Station on Wednesday, followed by all
church at the same hour was ala. largely war correspondent, Archibald Fortes. It West in haat. The :!oral gifts wine c
Toni TOn05.
attended. °7
is not, therefore, surprising to see ttesrtifwl : A wreath of natural doweae
Tux ()rev Rime. •gather panni
T'..,• open wittier u ac�. w of &sheer to al
t* business. yetitallowagleke hoar brood woe
ad carafe) &ttetition M limo:roe, will make
things haus in hu hoc. Give Lain atoll.
t(.•uenn. tkr.8*.-The place for a honl hooka
rd all kiwis at lowest wee is Mrs. Veneer.
i[oesseel $beppad'.L The pupils of the high
me put*he echuols .he*W clear this in mind.
It ham Lean en upeasteamon. but th. r i*e mew
will always Ir-.•osafortably clmd. and well clad
too. if 1..e patresirra F. or A. Pridham the
tashioaatil a Ooderfak tailors. -ere thenr styles.
Saunders art Hew ate bony sending out
their -invitations' I.4Jheir numerous (stun
era, sad tiwt diet will respond to the call
promptly. They desire to 'Lent thow, °ft►etr
patron.. who bare alrradI called. sad settled
up (or 1118(. They will will ma.etaln their re-
*utat:oa as The Cheapest house under the
Fronk McGeeltor !.as returned for the
Moa Hattie Dodd has returned from
Mar: lam.
Mrs, Groloime Mo. rhouse has retuned
from Chicago.
Geo. Thomas. of Tomato is the guest
of G. N. D:avt.
Mrs. Black. West street, left for To-
ronto thee week.
Miss )arks. of Rrucefie!d, is the guest
of the Misses Cook.
Mies L Trainer, of $trathroy, spent
her variation in town.
A. B. Iiendersen has returned from s
tint to friends in (.alt.
Mr. 'end Mn. Rute.el hare returned
from their wedding trip.
Miss Pretty has returned from her trip
to Toronto arid Belletale.
Miss Lirzie Cattle has returned to
Alma c llert% St. Thomas.
-1111 tt- numerous editions of it published. First from the wilt friends. one (em Meat
k ling the General will ke held during the there was the English edition, of worse t%ilkins n. and a beautiful cores of artl-
; early part of next week. For date and at a high price, then a reprint at $1.00 bcial dowers trout l'Sriatisn friends. The
per copy, hy an Anieriean "hiorb-rriced"
publisher ; now follows the '' Literary
IV e.t.a WN " edition, Targe lauds,ute
typo, neat cloth Wilda g, for only iso
omits' The'ablieter, John R. Aldan.
19X1 Pearl street, New Yore, will said a
100 -page descriptive emtalarue of his
publications, covering the enure field o f
standard literature, tree to any appli-
{The weather has leen very unprt.piti-
MID f..r •katiuy this swoon.
Mr. Harry Meyer*, mayor of Wing.
Asnn, was in town last week.
Miss Tilley, of Gait. is the =nest of
her sister Mrs. Eushy Elmo*.
A brass hand is about being formal in
town. We wish therm success.
R W. McKenzie baa been rid up with
ul.wrated sore throat this week.
Rev. J. H. Corson returned r.n Friday
last from his Christmas vacation.
other particulars see dodgers. Tickets
for sate a: lorries' acid Mrs. Cuuke's
A B►a•sexow Row. -A mw 10 the
British Exchange hotel on New Year's
day,rueult.d in Janne Atkins beiwg tined
0o Satutday, for assaulting Robert Rob-
erts. The Mayor presided at the dis-
pensing of justice.
Rev. Mr. Steele, incumbent of the
parish, delivered the filet of • series u
lectures in St. Stephen's church. on f n
dt�y •venin, 2nd ,nat., before a large
and intelligent audience. The collection
which was in aid of the organ fund, was
The next meeting of the (:.xlerich
Howse of Commons will he neld om
Saturday evening the 1($h inst, at the over the tilos ti office. The sub-
ject for discussion will iw the Chinese
I1i11. A full attandatce of members is
earnestly requested.
B. Robson bas sold out his business herr
and intends removing to Petr.,lia. He
was a good citizen, and we regret his de-
parture. Petrol,& will be a gainer hy
the change. He wit be succeeded by
Geary* Stewart, a promising artist. Mr.
Stewart will have the aid Its *roue time
of the well-kwuwo Clinton photographer,
R. 1). Bailey.
"MATRIMONI." ---A rare treat 1s in
stars for all who will go t.. Eh. lecture
room of North -.t Methodist ehurch thi.
Friday eveniyt. Jan. 8th. Rev. T. M.
Campbell tti4deliver his popular lecture
on "Ifaitimidny," also an excel'ent liter-
ary vocal sand instrumental music pro•
gramme will be offered. Allyn Melilla only
tiftrt•n cents. Children under thirteen,
ten cents. Doors open at 7:30.
Tint Hi'aoN L1v& Sura -k As.,a'*ATt07*.
-A meeting d the officers, directors and
all others interested in the Huron Lave
Stock Associatiat,will be held at Rotten -
berry's hotel, Clinton, on Tuesday next,
the 13th iris&., at 1 o'clock p.m., for the
crowns .ef deckling tris advisibolity of
Milting •a sprint:sale. All ponies having
turned from a v.1* to Lrncehehd. that westing, and if there are not suthci•
Mrs. 1 . W. McKenzie has had • it entries to pettily the holding of a
sale, the society will likely be dissolved.
Miss Atinie Dawning returning to this M. Y. McLIA"I, secretary.
Ladies. college at Hamilton this week.
( Lott Thursday P. D. D. G. M., F. F.
• Lawreace,assiated by P. G.'. L F.
J. Beck and J. Roberts, and Bro..1.
• Butler, metalled the following as odicers
.4 Huron lodge No. 62, 1. 0. 11 F., for
the cerreot term : -Bre. Jsa. Yates, J.
P. 0 ; J. W. Smith. N. (1 ; A. John-
ston, V. (/ ; Green, Secretary ; Matth•
ewe, P. Secy ; N. Campbell. Treasurer ;
A. Kirkbride. Warden ; F. Pridham,
Conductor ; H. Robinson, R, 8. N. 0 ;
B. Faults, L. 14. N. 1: ; Drew, R. S. V.
G ; H. Stowe, L 19. V G : A. B. Cornell,
'needs (hard ; John Nairn, liuttide
Guard : Brea Soren', Yates and Van -
stone, F. (' ; Bros. Kirkbride, J. Nairn
A Stowe, P. C.
"ALDI:x'a Joe -rotor (v*." - is the
title of a new illustrated weekly paper for
young people. the publication of which
herein. with the new year. It is a new
departure of the prolific "Literary Revo-
lution" end will therefore be examined
with particular interest by some hun-
dreds of thousands of readers who have
cone to look to that enterprise almost
exclusively for their reading matter,,
Its subecnptien price is only 75 rents a
year, though tt will rival the high priced
magazines in tris amount and qualityof
its attractions. A specimen cow wil be
neat to any applicant forwarding his ad-
dress by postal card to tho puhluhers,
.John R. Alden, 393 Pearl street, New
The Wingham correspondent of the
Clinton Near Ere. says : - "Rev. T. 14.
Campbell, of Goderich• preached anni-
versary services la the Methodist charch '
here, last Sunder morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrd Ge)rie Parkes have re• - i to large and appreciative audiences. Th.
entries to make should hand them en at
sermons were very forcible and instruc-
tive, with considerable hearintt on tem-
perance and the tutees,* of the Scott
Act, and a Scathing and just rebuke of
the heathenish and foolish fashion of
The Chatbani Bolter)- nates: -N. Logie, dancing, the pernicious and odious habit
father of Rev. J. L,tie,of Valetta, for rnany of amok in, and the sinful and debasing
years a resident of Tuckersmith, Huron theatre, sod other besetting sins No
Co., died last week at the advanced ate reference was made to the libel suits
inc her mother Mrs. Jason Milne, Gods- ''f 82 years. He leaves s Tarr large tom- against a fellow named than Martin and
Gsiericb Jan bit• 10114 IICTJm 000 TO LOAb--�� i
-Leh. t -.a.
uses% rue *evils M 1ee.:, h7.RT MoW11015, UNSY Tt) LEND. -A L A RII E
arnibilalgtqi •rm sriNglea 11,1 amount of Private Feeds fee weenie.
KyP+, -IONS.--it lowest rates oa nr•t-okrs M
A ortionitrrrtn ........... jSte t! to GARROW t FROURFljoT. APWy
Ahewttgx.t ' ....... .. late S
L v*at•trs, - - - ' 7" W20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEN D
t,,,, r, . „•, ea Pare sad Tow
ltorwltts. I.adtt•s trite er. nt lwaar.,-.,Ice Property at !owes' in-
Atterawoa sad evening Ad. e........... opt terse. Mortenses purchased, no Cumasission
(Ise of Skatre•.. . tae obarWd. Orinreyanda>t Fees reasonable.
7f. Skate l,•hrs►w•a. ... vie N. B. -Borrowers las obtain money in seed.)
Look est ter iodises. it title to astts6 *ory. -DA )t. t JOt1N
Jaa 1. lilii J. ('. HA ti*tMO . lfass,ter.MX
The anneal meeting et the Colborne Rrasch
Ag.-icslrnral tiwtiMJJ. will bn held at rimttb'e
Hill, ea Teeredar. Jana*ry elk. !**. at ewe
W. lock FAIL. to raroelvw the annual report.
et. -,•t ortorris and direst -ars ter the eeee(+s
-year, and other ba.l*es . Jaw( %astc0s,
jtpt tt ltearmory.
Fir:. Wit mut Mori*, (s.,armare Avesr,
(JOUt7R1e it
Sr 001 w, eusoeite t olhern. Hotel.
The "Leaden Apeno.a." in.a,rporated 17M.
The "National, estsblbyed till
The '• Hand -leotard.- oke only Company
llonseed to insure plate Maim la the
The *bore areal! fire- mo sod aid ret•b-
f ished .wmpwatea
Risks trim at foorst re.A.
Noderirdii Der. MN•, tin Rtes
Tho wnder.{ar.r haw tweed est a re-
pair shoe on Haalltoa street, melt door to
J uba 1f.1.8.11s tailor sheik where he will de
all kiwds of repairing in horst and noose. All
wart IR[e*ranreed. ad rriowable *news
ceaeie4. G:re tae a call Louis Wtssaww
Tows of (lederlia. la the Cwaty of Heron.
-Ad Proviso* of Ostarin. Gentleman. will Mi -
to Ow Portia/seat of thn I)omtsionof Can-
s* tbe next owseloo thereof. for • Bill of
vers• from his WI1r. 1.111L1c COL termer
R Of the mid Tows of Dada/lob. bat mew of
California. In the ()sitorales et America.
es dor gr v ds of sad and d eaerties.
Dated *th
t e said T s of Godcrich. th1.
Theca day of Auu1em�meo•te_A. abet.
Solicitors for the said Petit -tower. imams
Ra*.roan Cee. shale m
r�$ale or to,St, -
V tbe Tew etdp of Aalt41.14, tie tae oesatir
f Bsaew, h ale ftsowt the Death , . st-
QivYew.lf of
A 4d eswoe•.M7 *
to Q 1*d♦ (. av e1ser IROW,. 11a
HVL rPer-
-C seem of the meek M if •f int •
lo the ash w+esnOmaMrta waMrm div
mit read
emIsis ie .s eat* smear
Mafd QA�wasM� stat
• SMNag loans paw
ea she Mem osr a.l4Sataa W W. R
Alt, tio4erlek.
4'I'0 Let - k A link Ola
- et W 0 rw th. teerttsad e
if of otoNid
OWN 1►erfakeea. he.. Ordecieb. 1731
1$r. hire *ad Aorlde*t insurance Aeewt.
ft^presesungarstclsmO.rapani-w. Alaoseeat
tor the CAAADa Lura Moor firaVnaxea Ca
Money to led os Mortgage, either 1s Tows ow
Farm Property, In my way to salt 18. berme
•r. Oleos -- moota1 tare. block Doenieh
To end ea farm and town property. at low-
est interest. Mortgagee wirehaired Ni COW- charted &(rents for *be Trust emboss
Company et Caned. the Canada Lambed
credit Company. the ,nnann Iran t'onspaay
of Canada. Interest, e, 64 .nd T p..r a*nt_
N. R. - Borrowers nae obtain money ►n owe
day. it title esoktts.lnry
13"0 Barrulen. t'.:.. Ceodeetrh.
*:M /i ATo WAN AT -5-171i
art prepared to loan mussy at' per real. pay
.tile hs rDart ee
Apply tea Anneiree farm security.
CA1fOw0!f. MOLT & ('AMBRON.
Barristers. Dol er . c h.
Aeeets teethe Tweet° Demirel Tenets (7.
Messes. (.&arise. HOLT & Osmium( hese
Mee alerie atweest et private reads re lea
sn trwlaes term ssewrity.
0ed•rieh. Oet t. Iss3. 191 1 ' (
BRIT'880 ASKCO'T, Ti moeao- 1wblished
PII( "S1X INS. COT. et Loxoow Vnsladi 1Dgoblated 1701.
NA RITMO iNS. 00'T. el &&&woes tees
FetaMbhed tela
Maw taken to the abeveirstclam ')*e at
the lowest rates by /Whack pl►kTON.
Tic enmeelgeed in aims Appraiser .f the
1Momy to Loa* too Int-, taw seemed y. from
Ile s per pest -Chargee eorrleewa.
•r' -11t amt. ”ort
H �It1l1(tLV sNl` ACT OF 1$ ,
CANADA. )) /n the ('s ty
[`sow mew or Owe tam. neon M the Comet,
(moue nr num*. of Nitres
I. tea averse tit
ea /s.asl.rta.
pry Thsnrla the fifteenth day of Jsasary.
A.D. teas, at the hoer eat twelve o'oloe!.
11r oadersie*ed wilt appy to eke Jodie ds•• of the
said Coen for a discharge ender the acid
ADated at Tornwta, 1sseeet8r Sth, UMI
AL/MAMMA T. 111(1NTOr)MK1*%.
1!►taw Yettihritswit
Rev. Robert camei*, baft9et Howey.
man, Brantford, has been made a chief
of the Rix Nation Indians, with th. name
Depseih-wathi- -chs Shia of plain .pest►.
Ewmesfy es eespeesi .1 Freese,. is
highly tlDeal sed by 1M people of Fern
bor'ow4b,on the streets of which town she
is often ,Tees stent, ant may •'.hoppint,'•
bfit oo *mods of shanty.
rich ily of chaldron and grandchildren all1 1 h tb I
thought the subject and persons un-
worthy ..f public notice. andsund.s.rving
even ut the little and cheap notoriety
they surrrptiodbly and unenviably
brought on themsel,e.."
--N a have before us the December num-
oxer of the enti.ult E:IK,• Monad,.which u in excellent number, replete
with valuable papers on subjects of im-
portance to educationists. The magazine
is owned and controlled by teacher* and
ex -teachers. and is independent alike of
publishing houses and of the
department. Beginning with the January
number the price will be reduced and the
contents adapted tore to meet the want
of public school teachers. Among those
who are to aid in doing this the had
toaster of our high school Itaa undertaken
to contribute to each issue a page or two
of exercises and drill work on Eneli.b
, composition and grammar switebls for
, fourth and higher forms. To members
of the West Huron teachers' rtasociati n,adiosthe subscription 1s only 50 adios a year,
to others 85 cents if sent through the
secretary of the association.
GOLnilt Wstoasr..--Thetoltowittg 1.
re -
testtet c►
item w:en ing a venerable
and respected coup'• has been banded
into 0s Dy a subscriber w as one of
•a (Ca paper ere ; e rev
Miss Emma Cox hes been cuihne her eomfortly settled. He was one of the
sister at dl4'ingliain during the holiday Pioneers of the Huron tract. His son,
s•w•nn. Rev. John Logiewas rast..r of Warrens -
Mn James Illation has been very ill, valla and Exeter congregations for about
l he removed to North
e• are sorry to learn, of inflamd C*a
testion r20 .lin . Sinears ce his return to Canada he
the lungs. has !(sated at Valetta
The number of New Year's cation A SPLENDID WORK. --Referring to
showed a falling off on previus years in I the excellent b.,ok now being eanvaaeed
(io b' for by fiantord Stoles, a road local
Mrs. W T. Welsh returners nn New , authority speaks as follows : -- "The
Years' day from her visit to friends in ' history of Canada," by the Rev. Dr.
Stratford. Withrow, is the best, and indeed the
D. R. Hodge left this week, ocean- only good history of this country. It
ought to be in everyCanaddian home.
Its style is exceedingly racy, and the
reading as attractive for young people 8e
some fascinating novel. I recommend
it heartily as a hook for every home.
T. 1 Gam i, Methodist Tnister.
Oederich, Dec, 30th, 1884.
paaied by Master Curuella., for Picker-
ing College.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Saeyd and family
spent New Years at the Nile, the guest
of H. Dodd.
The first meeting of the new school
board will be held in the town hall on Pet tccts Rotten RINK. - A atm
Friday evening next. consisting of E. J. Kent, of Detroit
F.d. Duncan has returned from a two
week's holiday trip, and leak. as if the ptceident, Then. W Fullivan, sec. tree,
and Murray et. McIntosh, rummager of
gait eneaa
*motion agreed with him,
rink• has been formed to carry .m a roller
Mrs. Cattle has returned from her
visit to Maysville. whither she was called
by the death of a relative.
IErs. Ilwgh Ilfe(itattwn ha. been .pend•
ing some days at Kintail, the truest of
her brother, Alex. Yuung.
Miss Maud Wilson, of Sedorth, who
was the guest of Mn. Campbell, return-
ed to her home on Monday.
Mrs. Joa*ph Barry, one of the oldest
reside.ts ..f Goderic}i, came ort 00 Mon.
da last and polled her Tete in 8t. 1).-
vid's ward.
Eno'eLAT1 NO AND PLAMRat%rt. --
Edward Sharman is still to the froot,and
is ready to fit: MI order* in his Ilse. Bus
Th. Hawkins Troupe of Jubilee Ming.
ars will give two nights of their exquisite
ringing in Crabbi s hall nn the 15th and
(lith lost. Popular prices.
Hoer I' %TRW. va. -Miss Skimmings
has had wonderful messes in her sale i4
the "National March" in Www, *seine
g old op to yesterday 110 tepiea ,/
The Customs collection at t8 Port of
Gosx .rich far the halt year eildiffit
3001., eras S4,996,110 : for ti1`afltNpfltii•
iag half year of 1158: -101,111,111.
14. V Pentland, a pupil of the Gods.
rieh High School, was a .eceesful Mat-
rie.Mnt for the "Freshman class- at the
reewt Victoria university examination.
Trey Savage spent New Year's week
in town. the .nest of leis father-in-lawt
Certain Murray Mers*..r, and returned
to ice home a: Buffalo on Monday Inez.
Gonruecn Roils* 08871.0 Rent -
Thu; anatitutioa is mow npsn, and�y
the sole mase4ement ,►( J. C Harrieel,
r weht 9. be a cheats-&. He that
the floor is is tip-top (moditlos, and in-
vites kis old pets ase to give aim a all.
H. has Ane1ly derided to ass i e Cham -
pies skate.
skating nnk in Guderich. They have
secured good premises on Colborne street,
near the square, which affords a skating
surface of 32x49 hist, and the ward wood
door will he brought into the hest possi-
ble condition. The skate used is the
popular Wie ilk.kat*. and the terms can the company at the .vent
be "ion is tM sdvortiwmontt in avioth.r About tifty of the relatives and friends
teleran. Tartly there is a boom ire the <ef Mr. and Mra. Richard Walters, st-
roller skating business. .ambled at their residence in Wingbam
else day loe week to celebrate their
golden wedding. The company spent a
pleasant evening, and the 50 years of
married life seemed to sit happily nn the
venerable peer, who Pt r4 presented with
On Friday evening D. D. O. P.. I. P.
Toms, assisted by P. C. 1'. , W. B.
Mathews, and Pat..1 J. Brawn, install-
ed the onions of Moon Encampment
No 28 for the current term. as follows :
-Pat. W. H. Morney, C. P ; E. C. noiaerous and valuable gifts by their
Ilamoll, H. P ; R. Given', S. W ; W. friatda A sumptuous (ewe had been
✓ aastone, J. W ; F. Pridham, R. S ; H. prepared by lady friends of the bride and
W. 8a11, F. 8 ; N. Campbell, Tr'earn'er; groom. The former is 71 years of age,
and the latter 73. 110th are in excellent
health and stints. and appeared to en-
joy th.etselres immensely on the Goth
.anivermry et the tying of the harnes-
sed knot. The large company wished
them many happy New Year*, and all
smeared 110 enjoy the festive ocea•inn.
Rev t: Cornish was present. and oflei•
sled at the golden wedding of the happy
( /}trtra.v. -The followtoq was mislaid
bet week W. see merry to rend
the death .4 C. 11 Nie.dle. one of Mr.
Hutchison's millers, who, although only
ant (loci►rieh for sit month*,
C. W. Andrews, Guide ; John Nairn,
Sentiee'l: J. W Smith, 1 W; J. Rohert.,
2 W ; W. B. Matthews, 3 W ; A. Kwt•
bride, 4 W ; Jas Tate*, 1 G. 0f T ; C.
A. Nairn, 211 of T : Pat. I. F. Towne,
Jos. Bock and W. B. Matthews, Fin.m
A Nouns* Alecto - On Sunday even-
ieg Rev. Dr. Vim made an earnest appeal
heavento hie heaven to seeept the gospel
stem.g.. He &Bode4 to the departed
year. with its long ten 01 w,ournfel
.,sets. H• tt.eeh.d in a feslsr,j ..weer
upon the oases of the late Re,. D.
Ala. sod iestsrteed ha 40 'sera of
remail.• were interred ill Lindsay .Ml
Friday, ker. Mr. Jones. brother of Dr.
Joss, of lipdertch, otticiating•
We do not !mitt wiry/wivesr's1N,osi1:. far
(* thea
intone (t our t'urroa,n
rdewt.. ('ontriba-
trty t.. this drpertu►cet nowt confre them-
e -hes to public gsrrn
t.u., mud be brief.
/&edea Thom.'..
To the I.:tertoer of y:.. Andrew's Ward
Leets AND Gsxr.ttasx, --1 talc. this,
the earliest opportunity, to return you
any sincere tlusnka fur the earnest and
hearty support gtren Pte in the recent
contest for school trustee
For Mangers years I hare represented
you at the Board and have always en-
deavored to act in the beat interests . f
ratepayers and *cholera. The fact that
you have for the seventeenth time &tau t
by me, and- pieced Pie Si the head of the
1,,.11, shows cunt you, at any r*"e, appre-
ciate toy public services.
In the time to conte 1 will endeavor to
so conduct unveil(unveil( that 1 will continue
to merit your confides*Ili the future.
1 remain,
Your must serv't.
GE". 5855:(.1.
s th
The *&list' e tireihre■ Priv lied
maberwiee Metall wN
en he.
It may be a question of advantage or
disadvautage.,but it as much ,sore a ques-
tion of right and wrong. Our Saviour
paid his tribute : why His church should
not Fay hers is hard to be understood.
A society Inas been formed in Toronto to
work for the abolition of tax exemption.
The city council has agreed to submit
the question to the ratepayer ; the Otta-
wa city conned is also no•ving in the
natter. It may he that the movement
will tot be immediately succeasful•evaat-
ually tt sriol ; right and tine are on its
si le.-[(.*nada Pre.bytui tan.
newryrAt ouaat'rrtox.
Le 1'.rriaiwnn., a Conservative paper
of the Province .1 Quebec, declares that
the elections ..f 1882 in that province
were carried by the use of moneys fur-
nished by Mr. Seneca/. It rays that
c rbutrd !1100,000 towards
the Tory election fund in that pro. ince,
and Is Canalya
irnr challenges its tippets,tippets,anta t.. the napery. This is a very seri-
ous charge, and the supporters of Sir
John Macie•nald from the 'orovtnce of
Quebec aro doomed if they fail to meet
the challenge by arfordang the fullest up-
portuuity for inquiry.
A N11d.loNAIRr. i0.'IALI*7.
At first glance it seats somewhat sur-
prising that Mr. Andrew Carnegiemillionshas made millions in the manufacture of
iron and steel. should declare himself et
socialist. The taunt is levelled at him
that Redoes not art epato his belief.
This, however, is a shallow reply. Were
he to divide h. millions the world would
be so nearer socialism tomorrow than it
is today. Many a team believes in a
theory he is powerless to pet in practice.
But Mr. Canetti. has plenty of op,or-
tu..ities of doing Fond with his minimaminimaif he wishes w.-iLondon Advertiser.
w5a.5 lit ■R r
The Mun.tary Tints ewe.. to the de-
cision that Ontario farmers who only
obtain 20 bushels of wheat from sa sore
---average yield - cannot make the crop
pay at present prices. Sir. L Tilley a
patent procefor keeping up the pries
of agrcultural produce was never neve
needed than now. Where is it, Sir.
Leonard '1 Why are you dump ; why opus
you not, your mouth when your politest
freesia w .stab need peer a.sietaeee I
"Protection to farmers" evidently mow
low prices for everyting they have to tall
and high takes for everything„ that they
hair. to buy. -(Hamilton Trios.
The flood Template Intend Firing an
entertainment about the end of Jaatsary.
More shun.
A detachment cf the SavedArmy
commenced aork here iii the tem-
perance hall. The hoe.e ham bees filled
s, far.
The trustees of 8. 8. No. 7 hail] their
annual meeting on Wednesday, Den.
31st• 18E4 M,ch.4 Scheme was elected
toaster. David Baer retiring. A. Will-
em took a bontrsst of wood at $1 u; per
nerd, toed scrubbing et 1F, for the year.
A. Fisher has been laid up with as at-
tack d pleurisy, bat is now neloveritag.
Robert Stewart nspnrt• having't,srked
from a wild bear the beck of his farm to
11r, F..ser's *worm.
St. Et1Las,
nand f
- -
faithful eerviee. The assembly was hash- had paired many aired& Rev. T. M.
ed to perfect stillnessthe preacher Campbell, It*,, J. H. Ousel and iter
dilated epos the e.rtainty of human De. James and ay friends
Ws. "Not omlr haree Mod thod hoes were vera atter.tire M. he spirited emote
M11ed terns es,' acid tae, "betthe yo0ne, during his Meese Drs. M.Miekme and
islet asterism upon active sod [neral Taylor did everything they could few
sweers have bean taken anddasly anal. lino, bat he'd not mneh hope for him
Marine behamongiwd them among ether things
this, es • wise from the ,crave, "Be ya
she ready. for in nodi it times as ye know
telt the sae of Mei eneleth. The
exhortation MIs a deep impression epos
di present.
Inns the b.gisning od his trouble He
was care/ally nomad Dight avid day 1h
Mrs. Nienlla, Mrs. Hamilton and Mw
Haitilt•n. Martin Lafferty, brother of
Mea Nicolle, and Mien Some Nicoll,'
eater from T,.r wt.) to take eharJa of the
The (`hrietnisa examinoitlatt of e pe.
pais, el the public soh....) bora, ' , held
nn Friday, the 10th. Qeftit lento
numher nt visitors were 1455- The
pupas. as was to be exported n pal -
pile attending 144. Hellos a wee*
thn►ngh their several lemons imply
.atief•eta ry n,airisr. Ag t `learis
Mies (litlraith, is severing
ton welt the school. tb pt
nrportwoity n1 prssoNi(r
. ddreve, which twos Ili
very f.ttdgtttes 1111ei. '
• :iesm, sad a"%