The Huron Signal, 1884-11-21, Page 7es triad 'or b s, es, 1e s Stor Ifs ami mune UF NE AT sad Joe pa La. Des I.,la 1.s: • U.K. CO et Pr.' rand et ie Meat blue r%Y snA roe wilt r're• a faeeedi e do trEl4 A ,: tat resat Ili.. Iwo fHF HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, 'NOV. 21, 18M. Fun and Fsncj. A IMAMS* MOB eiu*Ua r'o. ewe of leather. with tea tagmuss of tele... tea, all M• sen of e . e t her, lwrlee • Otw diet•a Agrinifell wwwYYYiii t weight laden, thud , el Opleahieert• the wont. 'How are yM1 pleWg ,long f asked aD old irides of a young lawyer. •Very well, thank you,' was the reply. •l Kot my fat ogre tuday.' 'lfadeed, and what was it 1 'A bookcase. 'Let ore see,' thoughtful) mid • roan who was looking at act sold well, 'the wiadlaaa needs repairs, the bucket leaks, the nope is rotten, and the kerbing is detective, but uuuaidored as a Liu v, I think it will do.' *Ever had a cyclotse here 1' asked a Kansa. man who was visiting • country aunt in the east. 'A cycloue 1 (►h, yea,' mid the aunt. 'Deacon Brown's sun brought one from Bratton a spell ego., but law he couldn't ride it. Tumbled utf every time he tried.' Chicago Ilrrol,f : ('rover Cleveland and Chester Arthur are shut the same sue -both good men weighing 200 arming 'borrow, faded fear away, and her p .undo. The country may rest assured soul lav heipluas and unresieuu{ Int the that the chair of the immortal %%sabering. arta of a single .enaati.i. ton will be held down. la the Arms of a Ntsete tletseel:ee. The average kisser of the female per- suasion may not lam elect), what she es getting, anal ma) coubsd-r the kiss merely a wpsaks 1 snuck, watch may be soaped off with a chip. or be wiped QS on her among, cwt 1rt her read this desenptiuu of the true inrardne.sof the business. as tris to by Berard Taylor in his novel. ••tiauoah Thoraces, sod her 111111141 11111 dasderw. • chrome. Hannah (a very plain w.nnan, to.,), was kiosdd by a good-I•r,kutg fellow, and this is hew it caught Ler. "The kiss burned un and on, and every ttrob of her pules, seemed to break in &tarry rad,rlious of baht along her nerves. D:isolritt,( ria,s of color and •pkn.lvr furinnd and faded under her closed lid' and the blue i of a TH IA P. H. o"Y,s' LADY'S BOOK will he scot cur which should eer ) address on re. l ant toil• peal01 *high peUl.ber of Tam vannas Iiw4Al_ GOOEY'S LADY'S BOOK b tM oldest huskily mad•rlae to America. and b oo.oedcd b) the press and puWn: to be the le.dlagYoshi,.:, Magazin, sepa:isily sou lbdreatat104 p•••o,t,lycoy ere the largest erre (deal America•, pubiMeaa lua,it* retrofits brag found 1.a vvutsed costal/7 under the .u.. ems wilt markp etth.pe..firh -filth year or this Magazine. and it le 1 that a.1 •krill a..t o■I, rimed in ease ham In every depart meat sari bins Ia Its pes eines history. bet .U-paas I■ attractiveaa Trent, ■ quantity any ether magazine pabliah a t`.. the more price. 1 re Mapazluv. d taring Ieii, wlU contain: - rem gager of reading, ooas:rtang of Storms r ' ' NJte�. ien1eu.'e•. bketchrs. 1 w•tr), rilery. new life nest t►1 In her errs, u if the WugnoL:es. bl tie beet nua,p.z'ae earners ; spirits of manly upe'te.l Sowers were ale., Art and l., ••amt Nett*. Charades, tka- wh rim in the summer wind. the lyases Leswewu• Nitres eknag•nd 1 oe,ktlug. tsps g >iaePr.aticm1110:lprs:bt+IJes de•enpltuw was lappets in a spell 1.•.. delici nus to of r•etiws, dumeatt.• sad foreign. break, au exquisite drul,kewem of her clic pages illusuatlag I'as1lo.s nn culorr,and being, beside which all nsra:atics sou d sap sed 81101 n.dl y'•ncy.wurk In have Mien grow. External s,uud$ Ip- and black and whey. Pealed nu inure to her mases ; the ptprga• of Peleut Mash•. present, with Ps uufiutshel struggles, telttlamit&1""nviAtls• 1e IIIrslratkre of Architects el 1►csigas; iia lurturitig double, its prepheeiss of besidr• illustrations of Huuachuld Interiors and Stories. Each ••t:ecrlber will he allowed to Hake a eele.•tion each mum!h of • • l *ill trate Cut Pa- per Pattern" of any ti -sig„ illustrated in the .laguzine, a ithoul eat -n cost ; these pat eras are eolith more than the price of the Maim - slue. W • win also present to every suteierib- cr a Steel Engraving !fur :ramingt of I'rrault's celebrated picture -Sleeping Love. prellefed exprereily ter this Magazine. • tiodey's lady's Hook has faithfully 01 served its promises with the pubic roc 6 ty- four yeses, there cooed be no doubt about the .above Dew being f , tiled t.. the hiller. Sub- scrlptios prtue e0 a year. Sample copies, Li costa OCHRY'S LAITY'S HOOK. P. U. Lurk Hoz H H. I'rin_ADRI..'tIA, PA. 'Pa, i want to go whaling.' 'All right A Terv/blr Behnke.. my son.' And in a few minutes he was busy m the woodshed will lots of b:ub- her. An old man whom age had made help - lees and decrepit was obliged to depend Awful !-A society j.rarnwl ild.,rme w entirely for hia subsiatee eandcare upon that, 'when a gentleman and lady are hia sou's fauuly. 4,a. lute taking his 1.11.1 his feud walking up the street, the lady should s, walk inside the gentleman. son it upon n the tab,e cloth, and hu the that he often men had him to take his meals out of an earthern dish in the corner. The dish fell out of his trembling hands and was brolon, which so vexed his men and his wife that they bruught hia. • w0txlr1 deal for his future use. The nest day the little grandson was diacuvered at work with chisel anal ham- mer upon a loot of wood. •WLat in the world are you doing there, my son said the father. The little fellow did mit want to tell, and his mother asked, • What are you do- ing there my ran 1 Tell use at once " 'Oh,' said he, 'I'm baking • little trough like the one piegte rats out et.' .ether day that Governor Colquitt stop- 'What are you going to do with the A young lady was sitting with a gal- lant Captain in a charmingly decorated remise on her knee was a diminutive niece, placed their pear Ira r..neetunt ea. in the adjoining nn,m, with the doors epee, were the rest of the company. Bays the little niece in • jealous and very audible voice, 'Auntie, kiss me too. 1 leave you to imagine what had just happened. 'You should my twice, Ethel, dear ; two is not grammar,' wee the immediate rejoinder. Clever girl, that. Gov Veins Co(gf ITT'a HARII Lulli. - Speaking about slander, I hoard the feed over It Raleigh to see Governor pig-tnnrfh• my men 1 Jarvis, and Mrs. Jarvis told him bow the newspapers slandered her husband when he was a candidate -and they accused him of swimdlusg and lying, and every mean thing. 'Well, madame, did you believe any of it 1' said Cuiquitt, very earnestly. 'No, indeed, 1 didn't,' said she. 'Well, Dudarne, (:overn..r Jarvis out brute. l• a fortunate man ; 1,r eny enemies abused Ins and slandered me worse than shy Be. beg Will Gee Left. your husband was slandered,' and then -- tee whispered, 'and I'm afraid they made Mr. Lei, a candidate for the general my wife believe it.' --(Atlanta ('oust it u- .,un, spoke at an agricultural fair the t II. •other day, but he did the business for himself. The farthers to a moan swear they sent vote for hitt, and they have remote for keeping their went The ?candidate made a good speech, such as it mow- I was. He cave many valuable practical hints ; but then, you see, he forget to intention that they were a tine body of While we were passing s:ut to Wayne, -j men ;atis no life ere utterly neglected to remark that pendent as the 'Why, m.,ther.' said the little boy, 'I'm making it for you and father to eat out of when I'm a mail It was a leases thee me t.. the father and Brother, and graudhther after this WWI a place at the table, and was treated as sere of the family,and riot like • worn. THB DUNKERS. The n (el • onteen of • Peculiar there Inde pe bort we could ewe the Dunker* going to farmer's, and failed to all attenuou to church in every direction. Off to the the fact that the agricultural pipe- kft at the edgreof • woods was a mall, constituted the tone, anew, church with many gravestones around il astituents nd vuioue of the country. A Han who other physiological crea- te 'There,' said the driver, a Princes' d.ee•n'c know how to make an •gncultu- Dunker meeting, where they hoid their nal speech isn't ht to make laws for his biggest loe0easts. You probably can ( deestrict : and we betray no cooidence not seebigger lose feasts in all Pennsyl- vania,or Maryland, or Virginia.' The railroad underneath u• running through the Antietam Valley was speed- ing toward Mount Alto. W. came to a small school hoose, around which tsar. rriud1gBe.s. were hitched, generally smart - looking buggies with plenty of Termite and inside we could see the Dunker* sitting, the women in their little cap. the man in their long beards unshaved except on the capper hp.down t.. w little when we actually see Said I -`t it true that the Donders 'them. That there is sock a thing u the will not Wends musical instruments1 d that it has great inert - their upon the climate adjacent to it, no Heir daughters are mwasbringing in pianos one can doubt, but it is not s great river Th h th Rut their 1 have been when we predict that Mr. Lex will not tut under the gilded dome nest winter. A IIaN1ea1 ise1M. The (gulf strewn. *sista very Largely in school geographies. It is my candid belief that not one captain in a thousand can tell when he is in it without a'nsult- iwe his charts. All the wonderful things that we learn about in school, simmer 'It was against their doctrine, bat Gulf stream, an and orould now ere was a time whoa et warm water. rig they Peed t.. teach ua tney would not have •n accordion in the r. It for three day■ in a hoose eon a tion neem, u blinding snowstorm. with the weather o0 sons are Batting to be pretty hard amok cold it would freeze your nose if you can see • the at the Danker int heec tilts you ked it out of the natant door. It is a can It.e the worst fighters in the children trifle warmer than the rest of the ocean, of the Dunkers, who are eating Passover and it w toll of soaring seaweed, and the they vote They ("idolhap tate to Tutu. Now reed is no good,and 'bat's shoot the they pretty sharp, I tellr you. Then amount of the Gulf stream. In winter was a time when they never went to law k with each other, but now the lawyers my nobody artier a suit more than a Dunker.' Thus talking we began to descend a beautiful piece of road, ahaied by great seek trees and hickory trees, with a hill es eke right, while d+reedy underneath us oneld be seas another road ooming tbroegh a valley, the two apparently to meet does by. Looking to the right and th ougl a grove of oaks and other trees we observed a kind of triangular meadow in whieh was a white plastered church and a very long, red brick house. 'That is Snow Hill, said my aorlaaintanee, 'where the Seventh Day Ilapti is have • nursery. The railroad here is called 'Wtewnesy.' S.e them now working in the Writ and mills on Sunday.' I looked with interest and sorpries on thea strange settlement. The house was abet 130 to 150 het long, and salted to have lees extended from time to time sed it hed on the top a sort of cull =that tell, with a wheel to ri bad, whit the nunnery crouched under ti til. Close by were the beautiful Blue Ridgt Mountains, looking to inviting with their green and 110. sides, and IitW white settlements and patches of twaowtein peaklike and Beida I then r.seleet.d that Snow Hill was an off- shoot of Iiphrata. 'Ah,' said way raised, 'this old eattMBre.t is on its We Wes. They haven't got halt a lease thews now, tad they don't agree wit sash either. The monastic tat. does Dot suit this rtilreed spa The Sowewtb Day Baptista, dearly" ant On he outdone is the share/Use d their Ioe.Ioast, by the regular Dashers, Allred great antertaie- m.sts for peers, bet the rowdie�•• s6..wty melMs. ed towRome yearst� invaded, hoses was inved, the k drunk sad all tssll , WOW erookery brogan at a _ Whet the Followers 01 Oared 1Ri, s al sued theme rowdies a ...arse-eait was lewd! w emient them law 'waking 7a. is said that the onset desN- .II all is the lb esth Dy Dunksee.'r- ('iisth' ia Ola wlnww there is not heat enough to melt a ca e of ice, and in summer iti about as warm as boarding-house coffee. A novel std it is said painless natio of tenanting teeth has just been invented by • Swim surgeon. A thick square of soft rubber, Ierfor ted in the Mater. is pushed over the ..sending tooth until the hpper part (A the twit is wall enveloped. The contraction of the rubber exercises a steady and persistent hut nearly patele's pressure, gradually murdering the nerve and vessels and lifting the tooth from its bed without troublesome hemorrhage. The process requires four or Eve day, bat is not aceonpanied by any serious liability to inflammation. On the two fields of Waterloo sad Linden, splendid crops of crimson poppies appear every year The gr nand which nourishes thee. is packed with the ro- maine of soldiers. The preparations of opiate derived from the poppy have been used in the form sof laudanum and per.- gonr. go, pun has been stilled by the remaies of pain and death, and babies put to sleep by the dead bodies of men who fell in the deadly oneloeght. AYER'S Hair Vigor restore.. with Oft gloss and freshness ver youth tadrd or gray hair to a natural, rich brow. eoior, or deep black. as may be desired. lily Its use light tar red hair may be Mu Lined, thin hair thickened, and Wawa, often, tho;tgh not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and stfn•n- lates a wank and sirk1). growth le v'g. r. 1t pre'rnta and cures scurf and du.•irtur, sea kcal' ora:)y every disease 1.•cal.ar to the scalp. As a Ladles' flair !)resin 14o Voi.1s is unequalled; it eoutainu lteiti.dr.`.l acr dye, reudera the hair soft, pt'-orY, and silken in aptear avec, :%::d iea:veru a .Micas, agr,asWe. and laa,ug ).erf.ase. da. C. P. Bet• Rru writes from KirM. A Ju'» a, let,: " Iasi f:t.t cur Icor r.,lm,a et'lsi fall ,li mac. awl iu • .twit Uma 1 l.re,,n o ears: t. bald, 1 wood'art of a 1.01811 .•f A% 1. +H\tR Vto. ob. w�a:r:•.:•;q•,•1the ht..- fait ,f the ba:r, tad stoned a •v rr•s 1',. 1 Mare now • tall I -w1 4.1 1•.t•r re it: 1.4 ..gor- 011,0. awl .ant coil i„re•1 tb.1 let tor t,l,) use of y.ar'l.reparatws 1 1114444:.1 1...rr Iccu ert.rcl4 b *M.' .1.1T. 1nrw7v, prnpelet.w of ties 1(e er?hwr (O'ool Ii.r.1..e•-.", 1*,. ••.�t'a•H\114 ISH:a M • mea./ rare-L.o,t prrhr.at•ou /vn w" Ia•r. 1 speak of it drum say own eap.rieuee. its ese p,-.rw•n.•. the Ipr.wt:, • f u••w hat-. end auto.. it glo.or an.11 Tiro 1 erre is :.'nn A 5110 Care for 4.111.110V N,4 w;t',111 ..v 1.nrt r. type Ile the preI'.ratiuu (Ur dean! 1.1 5.4v 444:.10 saLl•ta.eti„u." Mc Anrrt rsiwn.ira(. bender of the esleb-slcd •' Vairbairu Family" of Scottish V.eal..h, writes from NM.rs.e, Foe "l.scr .:nee my hair began t., jet e vee.: evt.k•u.-s .at the ehnege when arrt:ug tiaN �ew44ties 1 have 1.1 A\ a's 11.\tu �-14•. sal so have been able to matetain eraptmrnnos of •,.•,tt.1114o "-v 1. ,.vara of e..•" rale a an.-.p1eu ie to mw:.len, era t,..s, i.•t••r., soul in fact every vile wino Urea le 1Ja eyes of tlse public." Vim. (. A. Pa more, wr'ttng frame 1s rho a fs,r/r.. �•,rs, .van., Apra 11. tea•., says : " Tw o ssa1s no. about Ia.-0,40..4 at. hair Wile •.w. It tlun.e.4 \cr). rap.8R0, NMI 1 was rut growing Lehi. ono us.uy .ti /via HAIR Vie .0 tine at'gn.ell WWI a ('l gr•wth aau•ueuc..1, awl in ab•lst • 114,.4.tn,. load w.• ro'upl rely o.ved with ■bort Mair. 1a I. roniinnsJ t. genes, an.t ,s u.sw r gond la b: fore;t :ell. 1 regntariv eyed het •e.► knits of the 4 wuoe, bet weenie it eocrearNiy a drumlins." Wo have bandroki of stm'hrtrntmorials to the ets^_sey of Avre's 11.ta Vanes. li tee.b bat a ttia1 to co riuee the noel Meg& sal of iia Taloa rwrrAarn ver Dr. J. C. Ayei' 6a. Co., Lowell , Mass. Mal by ail Dreggieta. SIGNAL JOB I)EPARTMENT 11.s the Leet( rsoaltics is the. Courty of Hums for tenting 0144 s\er) detumenus of JOB OIIK Oil the .10rt1418 pusslbie sulks. and at REASONABLE RATES. The following Is a partial We of the work we are enabled to tun. out : RE=vCEr) Steerage aid intermediate Steerage $21.40. CI- ODDRICH To - Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaao W London, Queenstown, Belf>.st., Bristol, Osrdif. R. • S • th ermegh Knowledge of the rowr Isein e which ewers the of �1 �aew;t.ste01well- the bsestA.t air} •st CihsHd •hies. it• dd <owhicA save us low heavy =Pun. It is th • js41*1s las e( gash et diet t • eeeatltotl.0 b f* beeroMll strongw eases te dsae lssa. are lleatten tcaetrl♦ u,•".tee sit as wherever Mere wee Ile 7 • tater shaft by a armory aradeeasdtrwat_ -0MS Haoyr. rsimplywlib Milk. us..1 crewed d subtle lbeernea ora Mamma, Wean ST atyp. - Austrebile, este sad .`steal r m.dy t. remove .11 ties el mesa a Al.IJAN LINE \1'a.►VE LETTER HEADS. LINEN LETTER HEADS. Muted wr Cambria. WOVE NOTE HEADS. LINEN NOTE HEADS. (Muted or Uareled.► MEMORANDUM HEADS. STATEMENT HEADS. BILL 'HEADS -4 Stmt. BUSINESS CARDS. POSTAL CARDS. INVITATION CARDS. WEDDING CARDS. CALLING CARDS. Maio said Fancy.► MEMBERSHIP C.3RI)S. ADMI.SSION TICKETS. MILK TICKETS. BREAD TICKETS. BALL PROGRAMMES. CONCERT PROGRAMMES. FANCY SHOW CARDS. MOURNING CARDS. FUNERAL CIRCULARS. ADDRESSES. BUSINESS ENVELOPES. RUSINESS CIRCULARS. BUSINESS NOTICES. SHIPPING TAOS. SHIPPING LABELS. DRUGGISTS' LABELS. LABELS FOR ALL PURPOSES. BILIS OF FARE. HOTELMEAL TICKETS. BLANK CHECK BOOKS. BLANK DRAFT BOOKS. BLANK RECEIPT BOOKS, BLANK NOTES, IN BOOKS PAMPHLETS. CONSTITUTION & BY-LAWS. BLANK SOCIETY FORMS. RULES AND REGULATIONS CATALOGUES. PRICE LISTS. BLANK FOOLSCAP FORMS. BLANK LEGAL FORMS. LAW WORK OF ALL KINDS. DODGERS. HAND BILLS. AUCTION SALE BILLS. • Tne mew lit(lt hour at H„ IJesd, a s «- Oe ergine lies, 1. eutapM(ud acrid mea- Ma Marr .'. J Belted last night for the Bayed tires ea.,wes uRwts►1 feel s.. Chas Tweed, of Colliugwu.d, takes and and l4Tocb heel pLybvY w r. charts. tier H••r life w.,• .vests. Oe ,ober die "t•aaN+ Kion • New 1)l.ee.seer) relief was lett, '•.a. ba for a short tient ..I a ear.. c• 1 ed, gaining in ie;b ft." m. 'uba Fret' Trial 11. • .n.. ' 'op e• . .4 all Thnat at 1 lair-, Dir••. 1 W.6.41.6 1/rug ::aura lassie $1.00 (4) LOOK OUT FOR THE ADVERTISEMENT OF G. NEXT WEEK. Ooderich. Sept. lltbjlrg/. Ficld iiiiJ GAN] Sds. • .. • .1 4. 41144 • ,. A.: ask 11011i' The subscriber is now prepared to furnixh all kinds of Field !►nil Garden, Seed of the BEST VARIETIES at rates that cannot be beaten ink Go.lerich. Call and examine samples be- fore purchasing elsewhere. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSUIPP LII V ERPOOL-LON DON DERRS-OLAJOtI Tits Snowre.r SSA ROVT't TO AND now ENGLAND. SPICED. COMFORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSZD. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from ebec to Liverpool, ' t . From Quebec to Liverpoo and Return, $110. Sailings from Quebec • • 1 PAR pp9L 56*IAN TRRUViAN MARX ATIA 4 SARDINIAN PARISMAN (URCA ILAN 1th Got. U Ah Nor. Iat1 .. reeelre w Memo GedlorteM ea tit •Ta, at 11 e'obsk.os Ing Orem ems - no Alen with AsaBrertl sa If are Nr you es• MOO Irranse. Ass an 1 , reload N mar l iabte and all IabeueRsa• • elY.nt A. A R21111i1142st tliderlek. 11EeI to- ;IN. =es. Get your Printing at this office. REES PRICE 1 East Street Grain Depot, Opposite Town Hall, Goderich. Marsh Rth, ltgl. its - U 6 lA-a week at home. gide outfit fere. Pay ybahs,lutely sire. So risk. l'apital nut ro uirtd. Itrader. if you want usinaas at which petwuns of either •ea. )uuug or old. ran hake great pay all the time the, work. with absolute certainty. Write for full particulars to II. Malt.' rt 1• Co.. Portland, t B t./ Ii1 (3 E R Maine. l9'Z - ink "ak, um ontb Iran ,.at. t. use • 7 _ar- ,ew is eerie .,..tea, 13. • .1es - r'14444•444404 clip swam ra ramp ' • :tabs* •• ,r . it t•nts.• Yes •&weld. •• • .. apt gas i,,,' h".Jt et 'red 1e ,:,r •,44.4,4 MB, GERMAN / NV l90RA T ( R wink b pa,snl s a sly a1 4 ,ser hillig ll• y eus'te Ise. ;memory Ivaca.d . y e meow. o et.. k,�,y medaal Neeaum . ad 14:.1 du a .1.-• Iw• lon as w sequence 1...'e1l-AV.4W se it., s d e!• ery(t. loos 14 laem• " et Ive.aeI tzeitt.4.. WWI to the bark. Jla.m•sr of et mt. p.. a s- tun. ohs age- esti: p_ .p> when slates see lead o. in.anit y or con .tae fence and ■ pn is. - 1 un• gnat r. $.'u.I for*ira.U14 a w"th test:n.. idol- h.,• by' Mail. The ILttt: 'f..TaR i• wad et: Ill per bus. or ria bears deer 'K, by all druggists, or will be seat tr(1 at. 1• .,d, sec,n.1) malice. M receipt of price. by »o.l syalwg. F. J. 1'11 E. ha'. brusTilt IA:-ueo.ntl !1*.,Tuley 0, Obis Duo . Rriysas Sole Arent for Dederick IS prop', areal • a) r ca •,,e. look out : • • el mire, 11. de n sae Men e•rnoa•P..and in Amor b.. ,lame mala,., : tM..,r who do 'tau mprove :mete 4..,•por'un Ittes remain i . '.t' n). 4Vr ofiir d a'ra - t- altc.• to note mom . We aunt a sou. w ()- pleb. hay • aa.: girl. Iu work' t.•r w .n• rhes ••eau lo.'atitles Ail coo• can do 11:e w•es k Aro party from Ibc drat sta.1. Thr luau.. -w will pay more ihai ten timer •os. Mr ry w■n.a. Ki. (waster outfit 1ornishe•. ;.- •• No mar mel.• re- tails to snake n•,1set ii.pldly. ! ou ran gevute your wanly 1 ear .• the work. or call] your spare n, .004(. 1'U.1 im'el,nst.ob sad all that •a nr.rtra. . est free, At:dna- Sete we< JI -1'.) I'ortland. Lysine. JOhN acTAtllIART, FAMILY GRC' E ifo':IStu3 t EELIR Alii Tho People's Livery victoria Street, ol'I'U-ITI•: ''Its ell (.1:Ul' NP. J. P. FISHER & JOHN KNOT Having purchased the Livery business of Jno. E. Swartz. formerly owned by Robert Kerr, solicit • share of public patronage. They guarantee satisfaction to all, and otter 'The Finest gigs AT REASONABLE PRICES. CALL AND SEE 1:t1 -Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Ooderlcb. Goderieh, Feb. Ilth, 1161. it>ti-6tn IAN cure..► SHOW BILLS. SHOW BILL DATES. CONCERT BILLS, TEAMEETINO BILLS. LECTURE BILLS. EXHIBITION BILIS. EXCURSION BILLS. STREAMERS. POSTER WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. SALT BAGS GROCERS' BAGS. MILLINERY BAGS WRAPPING PAPER. kc., SLC., t%. Hf7LLMITTH ladito' College, TEAS! Come and sample any mixture of black Tess. There is not •ueh a blend knowu to the trade. As•atw %.wellsag. Mage rr•aor. Veva them lea. ■Nlais. it sag•.. halwew. Irk lees. irker t4Ueberg. 347 price for Sugar... ('alined Goods, of Rego. Taperers Incr. and general stock of GROCERIES Will compare favorably with any in the trade. ileef. lamb, Mutton. Pork. Smoked Ham. Chickens and pucks of the first quality. Orders lett will have prompt attention. JOHN MacTAGGART. Onderich. Sept. IAA. 11161. 111a1/m GENUINE ISINGER SEWING MACHINE. LONDON, ONT FRENCH SPOKEN IN THE COLLEGE Music a Specialty. pts. Haugh Laurier. Gold Medallist. and pupil of the celebrated A bbe Liget. trireetor. PAINTING A SPECIALTY. IJ R starry. Artist. lrire:tort Jun ior Department. ruU IEploasa Courses 1. Literature. Mamie and Art. 40 ikiiolsr.blps .wwupetltively awarded annually. IR at September entrance examinations. fa'Teei,s Raae w SS" nor large. Mule Hated elrewlri►, .Ads'sas : •RKV. R. N. RN(11.113H. M.A., Principal gfe•Nert tee. begins September late Aug 7. MN Merific.te et',. :.. tea Let ter �i JgraieZpl Call at 11(14 Ilstwat for your Holiday Printing 1165(m CHAS. PRETTY, Having been appointed agent of the above machine. begs to solicit the usual public pat- ronage. and will supply machines on llltersl twirl■. Try the Genuine Singer, Residence: Victoria street. sear the M. ire Church. (oderteb. Go dericb. Ike. la. Ugt. zpll•1R A week .made at home er the Is oatrione. Best business now be fore the public. Capita not need .d. We will start you. Alen. we _siva. boys and girl wanted very te wart der tri. Now lathe time. Toot 6a* week fa ware time. or rave your whole thee lthe lawlsese. No other business w111 pay yam iamb es well. No one nn fail to Iwske .hwelm.s y. by engaging el ease Coutly a 1. tern.■ free. Mon. made feet.catty 'ably. Address Tara a ce.. Aosuste. Kam Mc()ILLICUDDY B prOSis-Ilarth EL, Oise, matt. 1. jMley BLOOD bilTTERS Cure's Di::TIMIS, Lass of Appetite, Isdirlestton, Biliovs.e *. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, erections of the Lirer and Edneyo, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Sall Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure BlN{ Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowls. Hicstc.,Nsy, F • YELLOW OIL CURE , RHEUMATISM Jz iaEX3W l WORN POWDERS. Are pim..at w tab. Cantata their ewe Pwv'gaUve. le • bee. mew, see rffecigne ,ef wows flu Obeerea e:aay •Cps not. 111. Is mreryietty PS dare before yet e•lambrate mluhty ea/ 1•..leav0 behead le .ssq.or lata plea week iayear tom tree. N. slob. Eve�y•'yytll■� m(peotrve1ired. Lire w111 n1e.Y Ilea, ass naal fsnt.ae. • rsaoalspay YE bore as.r��dt se :►lea y me mete wpm H p� wvlt. (s,g tp.tle.l.en to . L& htW �a se WILL CURE OR REUEIR RIUOUlVESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INofGEJTION, FLUTTEMN) JAUNDICE. Of 7141 mon ERYSIPELAS AClr OF SALT MUD, lir sr MEARTDU*3. As Wet NEA!>Mast.W TME dwr/erM (J �a un T. 111,101111 A KP.,