The Huron Signal, 1884-11-21, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY.' NOV. 21, 1884 . Ws+rs•wed rive r r 4 "• • • a- ., ar u. I brur r..6aird 1 t •.u. . I ,•1 in, 411.../ iter -u 1. w Irwin au of .. N. ,a.eu er bad. The • r r 111 l.....hr.•. 1I •11,, tag.• 1 W t , • : n., w h. , Igo...0 a, I..q lly - s 1..4pIr. Ate eine- 'au us. Pipe A. •.e1. t'. Test u1 I e t r. ,r:;..r... dote I area . u.t •up ire book. I op ,raw .• ye purl door. Wna . wade.. 4oue4. Quit • uwr.. ,a.nCwta 16 Ir fora dove gimmes'. eke i ea ova- cau..ot:wt. 1 tura Tu war os seat .ear r .m Sett lei .ala v!...1 my •ear -jau,iy!tis s.1e 1.t4ut+w.:r ism • SUP IV. yet w.t., .yaph.u!s, 1.u wara.n,(; wiser. , wart Ant twee... lady Maree,n wiabed H . ,cora_, would all depart. My est revue' i+ turn .he Dumb. W .. re nes a t. til w.' b; ran 116! Istt;hr-!.n•tat The Joys of 70 . L r -o eau t Alla so to startle 1. '.au ie or tease 11 fad+ top •.•.•:• a:re Of ( Ipf :'s iota-. , ,. an 1. alae Truro', still tone u r .re'r• "lir sure. • 1 Wink.' n• Watery Will bens atf:, retest " 80 there at ogee with ref.. kened step 1 .ase Iuy mei:chid 1. e. Va . bops - that watnhst salad agate Emeses o•'. ny listening rsr ; Thank heaven! my •.strut Latham slat .iatied bee tbinr tit year. Hark ! them site is ! and Now my beast 1 as+ p.p.ujaj. pow (.and. li..t her side -I du believe, That etre. tae. has iw•:.n, Oh ye who Urs to sit w .l dream tit fume married ice.. Pray Recces wi h L.,..rs :.•rt..r that You-4.r1,tna•r'l•t« Pulpit WN. It is a emitter of debate also, belchingI A Ane steel eagr.ving of Persub's this yuestiuu of true preaching, whether chorusing picture, "Sleeping Love," has a grain u( wit or humour 'humid ever be been offered by the publishers of f:u.ky'a admitted within the pulpit. And this Lady's book to every um. wnseriber to seems to have been • lung debate us the •gaasine fur the year 1883. The 1 uouce Sherlock girded at South, that pie is a very artistic one, beautifslly d primate . fine wit two centuries alto, fun printed on thick paper a • auto manatee same bright strokes in a sermon, whereat for handsome framing. The subject, a South replies : 'Well, now, Sherlock, little dimpled Lore, adorned with smith - suppose it had pleased God to give you 114(but his baby charms, is lying on • amt, whet would you have done about it '' Sidney Smith did nut often give play to his ever -flashing wit in the church. Still, now and then It would fly forth in despite of all his care. He was the pra•cher .mtth .mom for some great srity, anti thanking to get on the giving aide alhis hearers. lie said : • )f all Indium on the earth the English are the most dis- tinguished for the love of their . acies.' arms and shoulder one little downy wing at J. Wilson $ drug store and get a free But it turned a pco.radlection after all. is snug:) tucked away, while the other trial built.. (1 'So he was much disturbed by the wean peeps up from the back with pretty sug- show the boxes made when they emits. e to gewtivtesa. Oserhead are druo iisg, tkeini, is believing, Read the testi the table and said : 'My friends, I have trade a wi.take. I should have said : You are diatingui.lied among English wen for love of your specie :' He dis- liked dull serul.•ns and preachers, and after hearing one who was post grand wester in this art, said '. 'Bless me : the U1411 preaches as if 6111was to be taken out of men, as Eve was taken out of Adam, by Graf putting him t.. sleep :' 1 heard a story last summer about hies from a tine old friend in Loudon, which I have not seen in the book'. My friend ask she was dining with hint in • com- pany when some talk was made about. the curious fact that we have to note so often of ministers who do not knew when to stop on accouut of their aire,but keep oil preaching t. ng after the loeuple have lost all interest in what they have tosay. 'Yes, yes,' the cid man cried, It's all true. Wo are all alike there. I Why, if I was forced to retire from the 11,41.. 1 should still take soy old ser- mons into the garden ane read them to the gardener until he went oy into a deep slumber with his hoe in his hind.. p I wonder a so, as I write this, whether eerntdrrt on any sure method of I keeping our people awake to the end of the season The finest preacher, t.. my mind, on the planet heard once of a plan to go about with a feather brush well which lie ezercisw 111a wntt'ry way and laden with snuff and put it under the ilia '*„sial habits of cleanliness must win I sleeper'e nose,but he said be thought the the sermon . 1 sed • note of aort worthy "Yowls. Lavio: Clem M lemma. As numeroustestiwonu►h will show there as nu mute reliable cure for deaf- ness than Hagyard's YeUtow (hi. It N also the best remedy tor gar ache, sure throat, croup, rheumatism. and for pains esti lameness generally. feed Internally and externally. d '2 else rla,esaas lin. Helen Pharvix. No. 331 Dayton St Chicago, 111., is uew w her sixty - soft, gn..amongsy couch, fast asleep among tr.,- eighth year, and stats* t',at she has suf- wild flowers, his round, white limbs fared with Cotruwptiun for sheet ten approaching the cal umbrage of • pond years, was teemed by uhy.icians,all o water-lihea. One little chubby hand of them pronouncing her c,ae hopeless. She had given up all hope of ever recov- ering. Seven bottle* of Dr. King's Newa Dis•vury for Cuusuwption completely' cured bar. Doubting ones, please drip her a portal and satisfy yourselves. Call rests lightly on his unstrung bow, which u lying under huh, while the other hand is softly pressed upon his cheek, the plump fingers threading the was y tweet. •.f his floating hair. Under the right ba• -�-� we shall. aver hit Toe frog has th • repat.ti niof being • diss.dtate character, but • .e great care for him many admtrets among the neat I better flan would be to put the snuff in people of the country. The buhfr•.j., l.like old Sam Juhni in, never wean utoibd linea. His shirt bosom is inl- tMt date -creamy in the r:chueas of its panty. The bntifrug diets not slobber on his shirt hsum. No matter how convivial he may be -no matter how late he may be out at night, his shirt bosom, the nest moruintl, looks as though it w.trw;nmwly Isondti.d. The principle of nettnsm is innate. There ere always streaks of sloventiarss athwart the escut- cheon of cultivated neatness. Mr. But - sail, for instance, is always neat. His' shirt u always clean and about him there is as air of gentility. He seems to make man who was preaching one sultry day. and, noticing how his hearers were near- ly all asleep, came to a dead stop which woke them up and than he said : 'My dear friends, this sermon cost me a sight of pains. It's a pity to throw it away, s, we will begin attain with the text.' Here, in New York, in the last age, a sound but sleepy divine adopted another plan. He said : 'i notice about forty of ns are asleep, so l will postpone one the rest of niy dis- curse until we are all awake.' A preaeher down in Connecticut in a like sorrow and trial, said : •I come now to the third head of my discourse, to which i ask the candid attention of those who are still awake ;' and a good old than in Massachusetts fell on this no special effort in this direction. The plan. Ile said : 'Brethren, this is a big truth is, his church' - Nwi-if-I-spea principal of neatness is in- ly, these at the door wont'k t+. y+.u.4t- to berm. Now, there is Mr. Br.tticrash. liar me, while if I speak lobe aud, Iblse hall He puts on a clean shirt every morning, waken a toed many wh, sit near the yet he in never neat. All sorts of stains puli"t•• Now, what shalt I do in this will go out of their way t„ settle on his sire djkintua i' shirt ho.nn. Hee cannot he neat. The -- -- A Says tension. most elaborate profession in the richt of of neatness could not teach him the att. He was born to he slovenly in appear ante, The bullfrog is much neater than the catfish. The catfish wears an slater with a yellow frontage, and he may stake an occasional attemipt to be cleanly in ap- pearance. hat he ha. never *acceded. There is . rte thing which stands in his way : He is • not carded of his dist. He bites off more tha:. he can chew and slobbers on himself. The frog looks with something like disdain on the cat- fish, and it series him a good purpose to keep out of the brad -mouthed gentle- man's way- The catfish would not hesi- tate to lacerate the pure bosom of the fn,. The catfish is a cannibal. He would eat a piece of his grandfather. A tree Vatic Waste not your substance in riotous Elias, which feeds impure blood and clogs the system with d,eeaso. Open the channels o4 health. purify the hl ..,d, and regulate all the organs with Burdock Itko2 Bitten. 2 etas re1. reatlto.le, In Germany women do most of the mental out -of -risen' work. Switzerland is the only counry in continental Euri.pe where peasant wo- men are not obliged to do ►11 the hard work. A woman wan seen recently in Naples carrying a coffin on l:er head, chatting gaily with a man who walked empty handed at her side. in Upper Austria, :Trite, •a correspon- dent, I caw a slight and very pretty young girl carrying w star up to the seemed story of a building. while a roan I waited there to put it in place when she arrived. Not unfrwlurntly a woman and a cow are semi together palling a coal cart Marini/1i the street' of a Doth t,erenany city, a man toching them un, gently to it. sure, with a whit, as be walk, beside' them. ie i)enmark it is not unusual to Pee a woman high up in a cherry tree puking Hie fruit, while a man lies at the foot ereithig to place t he ladder whoa elm shall be ready to conte down with her b.rden. A correspondent reports heels' etas a' woman in Hollend drawing a as�toat+ bent neatly double with flim M�arn ne she trudgedM along the bo-akb s. swan *hem at hie ease in the beat ttssokiag. � war tiarataaeist teriltksilourM. 1f a boy is a lover of the Lord Jesus Christ he can't lead a prayer -meeting, car be a church officer, ..r a preacher ; but he tan be a godly buy, is a boy's way. land in a boy's place- He ought not to be too solemn or ttw, quiet for a buy. Hovered not tease to be bey because he is a C.irisuw. He ought to run. jump, [O'sy, clim, and yell like a real 1, .y. L'ut In t all he bought to show the spnrit of Christ. he ought to be free from vulgarity • nd profanity. He ought to eschew t •uacco in every form, and have a horror eV intoxicating drit.ke. He ought to he p'aceahle, gentle, merciful, generous. H • ought to take the part of small boys against large ones. lie ought to dis- courage fighting. He aught to refuse to be a party to mischief, to persecution, to deceit. And above all things, he ought now and then to show his odors. He need not airwave be interrupting a game to say he is • Christian ; but he ought not to be ashamed to say that he refuses to do something because he fears Gid or is a Christian. He ought to take no part in the ridicule of sacred things, but meet the ridicule of others with a bold statement that for the things of lied he fell% the deepest reverence --(Royal Road. ..d beard the game Before. A resident of the West End recently employed a colored gentleman to clear the winter accumulation of ashes from his cellar, and the job being well done he summoned the Menegamban to his presence, commended his work, and in- timsted the possibility of further em- ployment. Glad to take yo' order, sah !' said the ash landler with a satisfied erin. 'And what is your name f asked the employer. 'George Washington,' was the com- placent reply. '(:corp Washington,George Washing- ton,' pondered the inquirer quiaically ; 'seems to me 1 have heard the nava be- fore The darkey's eyes rolled and the ivor- ies glistened as he delivered the follow- ing crushing answer : (Golly, 'boss, think you nater heard of it bolo' ; 1'ee been hollering ashes roue' here demi ten years HRaarxrin,- The Kincardine Reporter says "A great catch of herring batik place off inverlaur.n rensotly when the nets of Campbell & Striker were so loat- ot1 that the boat into wbieh the fish were MOW *early swamped, the fishermen `owls, to strip and get the beat 'whore ss haat they enild- A gale was blowing at the time The WnfeAasan says that Mr. Newman lost all his fishing sateen a Marna. at t time too when the M•nenn was peuabi.g wall " rimotatasti-A tees w'6M einnt is o n eotirwt with then* Aemeher, withal mawa few weeks ~�eiM. _ plea bottle by Jame w11.. >r shadowy tawgths covered with rich fuli- mouisls in the pamphlet on Dr. Vat, age, and the backeround reverie • deep Buren'e Kidney (urr, thea buy a b.t.1e perspective of cool forest *hada. The and relieve yourself of all those distress - picture it one of strikitw simplicity, yet ung lysins. Your I ruggest can tell you admirable ...imposition, and the ti;;ure of ; all about it. Sold ►y J Wilson t;uuenehll 2na the "Sleeping Lora' himself, with drool•iue eyelids and softly parted lips that offset the rounded beauty of baby• hood, is one of the prettiest ou could well conceive of. Messrs. J. I .. Hanlen- removing all obstruction. lm bcek & Co., proprietors of fJ..lry s Lady's hare produced this charming plc - Carter's Little Liver Pith; are tree from tura most successfully. It is much ad. all crude mad Irritating matter. Colleen mired ny some of the most fastidious coneuieseurs. National Palls, area wild purgative, acting on the etotuach, liver and bowels, Carlyle on Weak.* aleaster. able to take, and expel all kiwis of Carlyle met Daniel Webster at break - het fnnu children car adulu lea fart one morning, and has left a portrait of this noticeable leolitician : '1 will war- PITT THC Iowa Dv.,rcrTTe.-Poverty tent hi,u,' be says, 'one of the •affect with I•arfret Lealtb is rather ti. beehusea logic b:,dere and parliamentary athletes than aches and dv*prp+ia. Trythe anywhere t.. be met with in our world at magic effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN pre -est -a grist, tall, broad bottomed, i / Hr-.tLTH yellow -skinned wan,w,th brows like pre- cipitous clills, and huge, black, dull, For rough conditions of the Skin, wearied. yet uuwenriable looking eyes Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption under thew ; awphorous, projecting nose and akin diseases, use Prof Low's Sul - and the angriest shut mouth 1 have any phur Soap. m where seen. A droop on the side of the upper lip is quite mastiff like -wai;ntG- emit to look upon ; it is so quiet withal. I guess I should like ill to be that titan's nigger. Ho aver, he is a right clever m.t.. in hie way, anti has a husky sort of fun in him to.-; drawls in a hxndfast, di- dactic manner about 'our repuhlicao in- stitutions,' etc., and w plays his part.' trated medicine only ; very scall : very easy to take ; no pain ; no griping ; uu pur.ting. l to Freeman's Worms Powders are agree - 1'1:.'1. Law s JLi.;t,- SULPHUR Soar. - All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Ir. E. C. West's Nerve and Bram Treatment. See advertts:ntest elsewhere Sold at %%aeon's drug store. ,3b A■ avower Wasted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cureWe say tlsec Ile -ding. soothing and cleansing for all cannot, as th,.uesuds of cases already eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful pera:anently cured and who are daily re - for toilet use. lm commending Electric Bitten, will prove. Smart -looking your; man to million- Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, nitro : 'G .o.xl-nwrroing, sir ; do you wish air :.ny urinary complaint quickly' cured. Mot- to hire s c,echman �' Milliooain : `Nn They purify the Mood, regulate the 1w.w- sir ; my daughter is already engaged.'ala, and act directly on the diseased ( Are you troubled with Salt Rheum. !tough �� Every bottle guaranteed. Ft r Hands, or lid Sores of any kind treat cannot sale at u0c- a Dottie by J. v;ilson. 11.1: be healed! /:ten though it be of years stand i ing McGregor 4- Parkes c'arb.li t'rratr will • A itarllling,M srerery. eure it. Beyond the shadow of a doubt it is be best trialing compound ever known. Willa i Festering', /'rust Bites. Burns or any fikba Physician', are often startled b; re - Trouble. are alike cured by it. Bold at 13 cis. ,Markable discoveries. The fact that 1h. by Geo. Rhynes, druggist. le.nt Kings New Discovery for Consumption A thing of beautymay be • for- and all Thrt.a and Lung diseases is daily y joycuring patients that they hare given up ever. But no man thinks Nu when he, to die, is startling them to realize their see* his wife fish the photograph o1 a, sense ,of .luty, and examine into the b autiful actress out of his inside pocket. merits of this wonderful discovery, re- - - - suiting in hundreds ..f our best Phis.- * tette NOV lag rrr"ss' cians using it in their praetice. Trial Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kao., bottles free at J. Wilson a Dive Store. saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Regular size $1.0). 4) Kings New Discovery, for Con- ption, which caused him to procure National Pills act promptly upon the ago bottle, thatcompletelycured him, liver, regulate the bowels and as a pur- gative are mild and thorough. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GEa. BA11Pt RY CABINET - M INER/AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Ooderich A good aswrtment of Kitchen, Bed room. Itta!•g Rooms and Parlor raralture, such as bleu, ('hairs Blair. cane owl wood word., Cupboards. 11edsitrada. Mature.... Wash -smart Lounges, defer. WLat-Nuts. Loukia11 titaness. N. IL - A complete mous 'meat of ('onus cud ti►rouda etwoya on bad alae Hrats.e fur i at reaaurabie rate . sit when Doctors, change of climate and everything else had failed- Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is uekte.•a Aralen soave guaranteed t.. cure. Trial Bottles at J. The greatest medical wonder o. the It'ils.n s drum stunt. large size $l. (1!. world. Warranted to speedily_cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt lteum Fever Sores. Cancers, Piles, Chilblains', Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded 2.-ic. per bis:. For stale by J. Wilson. ly. Area, Slim gF t.. thick still more of that which I be'.an If you are suffering with low and de- thir.king well of. pressed *pinta, hoes cf appetite. general (Geo. Kers, Manager Ontr-io Bank, debility, disordered blood, weak const - Pickering• tenon, headache, or any disease of iktii Price 2:. cents at all dru lc'ists. m • ious nature, by all means procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will he sur - A IIteens's TaaTrtt»Nv. - For a Gough, Cold or any Bmnchlesl affecion. Pectoris," in my opinion, is just the thing. I have used it in any family fur • Cough. and Colds for the past four years with the most unrariod success, and to- day my opinion of it is that i continue Postage Balm. ynspl ew prised to see the rapid intpr,vrment that will follow you will be I'ostnge to Gnat Britain 5.• per 1 ounce by 5. 1. route. Iteewistration far .h•. life; strength and activity will return ; Money order+aranudonall moneyorder til- pain and misery will cease, and hence - flees in Canada. Unite 1 States, (treat Britain• t h you trill mimeo, in tt,e raise of Prince Edward Island. Newfoundland and In- P dia. Deposits received soder the regulationsot the goat ,411ce savings' hank 1.1 ween the boars el a &-O. cad 6411 p.m. Ite,e(atcrad letters must be posted 13 minutes before the close of each mail. i -real with n Ylectric Sisters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. 161 A Rgwano--O f one dozes "TsaecR- t Ml•r hours s a.m. to 63) p.m.. Sundays es- ay" to any une sending the best four lit e '-tlitii1. rhyme on • Ts.s.RRRT," the remarkab e roaE1ON PONT AMC. having been admitted into the Pea- little em for the Teeth and that:.- Auk tat l•nion there Is a rearrangement of postal your druggest or address. rates. u (Dhows For Austria Belgium. Denmark. Iceland, /aypt, Preset.. Algeria. Germany. Gibraltar A siewal.g Is at1 M.aklad. Great Britain and Ireland. Greece. Italy. I.ux• cnherg. Malta, Montenegro. Netherland, Nor- to these times when our newspapers are tbewled with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you] If you are biliees, blood out of odder, way. Persia, Portugal. Azores. Roumania. Russia. St- Pierre. `tcrtia. stain. the Canary Islands, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. And via United !States : Bermuda. ilahat.... ('aha, Danish Colonies of St. Thomas, St. Jolla. tit. Croix. Jamaica. Japan. and Porto Rim. !Newfoundland 1. Union.now in the Union. l N1liver inactive, et t eneral debilitated, hat the postal eaten renals u befnret. Lettere there is nothing in the world that will 3 cants per 0na0.. lontal cards r omnis each- entre on, le lewd, eiekl as Electric Bi Nrwep. t roeinatts for t outs..,- nrwistrw- cit y bl y all sitters. British (ietnea. s'e)lbre. Grewul•nd. French y fifty cent, a bottle ('olonhd. is Asia. Africa. Ocranls and Amer. d James WIIMNL [2:1 ice, except Ht. Pierre and Mtvncbn• Perch vJo PwrwtanGult, Part ugae.ef'01,mics in Asia, - tion fee . rents.area easing t.. w mankind, and For Aden. A Ina Confederation, Firazil, Can had for only fit Africa.Il.reanlea. Trio d. H nigh (tohriniew In A'rlra (Meanies and A menta, except Cuba and Porto Men. Straits Settlements. In Siena40,000 49.011E13 parei'-nant and Mauler' Lilacs I.r• Pr' of WILD ad IMPROVED LANDS, for 'aka .s. Books. Re.. lc. for t oz. Other registra- wow {A, 11.' of ow I..H.IN.W-R.It. in Halt riot fess ler IOAN,(t(`H Went India Islands ria Ilalihx• Mme 'stew traIwomada perHwrwnowereoawar. •wtiea Ns- w.Mleed Prima water formerly. Prepayment by *wisp In all ears. Australia, t.sc.pt N.w Qom\ Walla Tie- tnriai, and Quoeadand Letters ;, ., gapers 1 omits. Australia, New Smith Wales. t-Iseerla, Qweroaland ' I w•tMts 13c.. paper* Sr New Zealand, via Paw Frwaa(wco' - Letter tri . papers A. YNKs;TrIhs5. Therm P K.ater,eittor of FL Wayne ind-, writ..: 'Foethe past lira !!ears 1 hay. always need Dr. Ki.g • Now 1 twit le adr m7 remanent aid the tsw- rharar Diemen' for coughs of tweet severe I n,41owe_w_ m 1 s'!7. the i pet a(�► rr ehataete,, es web as tar tMw d a milder p m A i; M .Aq types it never luta Ito eiffeet a .p.edy nM., t0 Mdstt '~rad i, tetra si tlellsl ens e cure, My friend. to wknm 1 lay. tet- Obeetnut sad Stowe $7.00 eaimtwended it speak mit it in same h' r markets. sett Maws, ". rice o.1d.s and lzesrWoa Rates to alum the lands. Write ter sad f.11 ppaarrtticnlars to W.W. JON Ks. M St, MST HURON. Wish., gen. ter Ir.b l.s3 rn OAL. terms. Hay been reared by M drew rough I leer for floe years, 1 am - Masi it the reliahlo and me sere far.e��g, els. nail .t Wiktsa'u Drag A`tl•e gill ed • Fres Trial Bottle. Lew aim SL (s) - - $6.75 1ba.ttt�, y- - - $6.00 am Ai O esetteseisp see et re armama nib Octroi► Aran ,Tel' L Picture rramine s epi. salty. -A call whetted. 1:51 BOOTS AND -SHOES NEW 000D8- • REMEMBER Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Leliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, Blease Call =xam.inee \u Tltt►t BLE %VATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. _ DO -w N=�0-, Crahb's Block, C. rncr Est street and Square. G•derieh, May 8th, 18131. BOOTS&SHOES �o�rrnirig "Gcreddup tteg I. announce t.. the Public that they hate opened business i►1 the above Stair in the More ►a'ely occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large ant well :caseated stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine 1•4 give the Ptlhlic the Menet. QUICK SALES, SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR ICTTO Jstr•Plea a tall and examine our weeks beftrtepurchaeicg eho *here. -1101" Remember the place, next door to J. Vika'. Drug Store. _rot -Custom work will receive our special attention. ata'Niroe but the hat ,4 material used and first-class workmen employed. ts1'Repatrusg neatly done en the shortest notice Godericll,!Watch 911582- DOWNING & WEDDUF Sick finslach- and relieve ail the tro.btea bee!•, d -cat • o a b•hous state of the s nt•o. such as Der arse, Nausea, Drowsi t'.s, Distr.w after ea:.ag, Pa 1, in the Aide. at. Wb.le the'r esn* rorrk- able success has beea shown iu turret ICI( Readarbe.yet Cartar•sLittte Liver P. ,1s are stn any tslsahIe la Coowlp{t �ooa,, csrisg and ppi:s.r.nuug Bus annoying eomplaint, aline they Coo correct '-'111111P„,.-7.40r11 ..v adol.'Tas r, yG I(.►As2 sad all disorders of lbs stomseb, stimulate the herr Asd s,, std t.2ulate the bowels. loll if th.y only card AFsi lira to k Jawpo4 games In dere, >> 1'. htaoa. Topeka, Dec labraakalr iasourt.Rsa- 16Z/ are. nst;t.a..., am, New Mexico, Ariaaaa, Ro- * J. vtars, W 1♦ M mid Teta L.• 10. - neatly _ Ache they would Malmost price em to those who cy �yy ems. r from this dim ewensg raa.plm..l , bit fedi- H = V ne aly tb.N tasammmdoes not end ben, mad those who Dace try them will God these little pals t alm- sble In as many wily' that they will net be wipLag w,,•,1, led* witheat Own. Rut after all sick bad GREAT. uRLIN�`TON UTE' PRINCIPAL.+LINA EA h.. A014 Is the bane of as many 15.0 net beret : e where e K N S A. S CITY wise ethersour Mart- tier pill, care it wade do not. Carter's Little Liver Pilo sr. very •matt mud very tory to tab. Dwelt two pills mskea dor. They are strictly vegetabksand •d, set trite or a but h their gristle action plesm all who Pse them. Is •mats 5113 cents: dee tor $t. Sold Tbreaeh by Jrtswis @ svwywiwe, or moat by mad. Ttrk••ta s to Mt. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Cebbr••.o1 t.:•s Now York Okty. West • ' amm In the 1 5. aid Omtaea. 11 M be tae ■ahraed Ziagaboaq 1n die word 1..r 11n tis..... t. mercy Wag. h.. e... -,!+.r lw►err .r7errt lade 11!nn-at..,la aw0 et. 1'avt \sth.natiy rrp■tr•a a. Ms Great CarM A:, r,s.rs. • ,....i. In r...n Ih i•aa. The Ontario ntnal LIFE ASSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFIEE, - WATERLOO, ONT. Mvuu.% sltr.arT, al....s..«. Tbe only pure) Mutual Life ('ens Is t asada. I Total number o Policies in force, Dir•- ,la, l P,W, bt ta of K• jiI. cowman* aswan.ee Le she caecal I mo ` TOTAL AMgTts, ' l n s(. ' A. Joai,eyo m, `w^owe', TOTAL eRaste s Th.Oasts�atselmeat• Reserve* dateuee the Tieka' ARetN.:(loastesh "Actttartas Ta of Morality,' an* tome cant. IM.wat the NepAe.A bsl 'AP nki�� f dpe.rr Pry the nomi.loa ...1a.ev 1 T711ea n: a lShltirtaria jgWwrwwth Mae of the 111111 tiakmfi) (w•7 I. ms's hoe tie hat that la 1t a_e.�•.rettM)ear 01 las bwNsesa, tae towla�ewme ku�tl.it��eerw wig 7n, tYO .e.Oked the Landto °elf es t total of las Ifqwhe At..acMrisl,7'M►s aGa, • In WM MRN DR Y. Maa+w. i . MOD01NR. t).nard Awewt. • rA atM yeti .111 004 rowels. a .%seat•, 1aw•d .,f • eel Aa c�comfort Ives ., ah.wa 1.a;....1 e•r • e- „ I 1 ►rains, 7Ld . •.t MIRA. Si 4'0 e Pr.. , .1 ' " r-.cry,r - firm limn t: 1.M■ -e :.1. - A th1.e..'s°1111. MAa metier and reels Merle, La `'d` Dr_ wanted Inc (kid.rleh and Went Horne. noels � ' to W. a tto.Dtsa. (irwrrtl A ymit. Rtratfertt. "fghe knows her stat, Ptd wham yM wet M to Lose at low Plates of Iwrwrrin . gra semsem1red. Lose IMI. le/lin Det ft Nett be beautiful Mk Oa To ku.iwu Dsseatrty-Chaos the aria► poises G sod baastiid hat Neap eta Prof. Law'. Mage fislphar treretai by fat as • deYglittei sena ad sop ler sinal r> a Odd br eke le• Oil n Fun an A 11.LAXDga 04,11.5 anew ,.5 l _with tee tatt Tbr7 Owl Ihr•n5b al a kens dls *11 wtk tea bads The1 tell with • eke The feel et • HaatUta 1pl•a►lae along for 'How ars you p old judge of a y wall, thank you,' my tint caw today, was it / A tiuoka 'Inst me Pee,' tin who was looking windlass needs rep the rope is rotten defective, but eon think it will do.' 'Ever had a cyc Kanas taw who a aunt in the east. said the aunt- ' brought one from I law he couldn't ri every time he tried Chicago 11 raid and Cheater Arthu ante -lath good p ,uods. The conn that the chair of th tion will be held du 'Pa, I waist to g, my soli.' And in busy in the woods/ bor. Awful !-A such that, 'when a gen walking up the str walk inside the ge A young lady w1 lent Captain in a recess on her kr niece, placed their in the adjoining open, were the re Says the little Met audible voice, 'A I leave you to to happened. 'You Ental, dear ; two the immediate re that. Govta!toa Cola Speaking about 1 other day that (1 ped over it halt Janis, and Mn. J newspapers slande he wan a candidai him of swihdltui mean thing. 'W believe any of it 1 earnestly. 'No, i she. 'Well, toads is a fortunate ni abused tae and ala your husband was 1-e whispered, 'an. my wife believe it 11, n. THB E The M. tea .tsraea While we were bort, we could see church in every left at the edge church with mat it. 'There,' said Dunker meeting, biggest lueetf..ati not Mr rter a ream. taretan The railroad ei through the Anti. ing toward Mone small scboel ha rasp. wen Ilitc looking baggies w and inside we a sitting, the mum the men in their except on the •te lased I -'1• it will not to t 'It was again their daughters and or•ians now tuey would not In homes nor a sec sons are getting Sometimes at the an nee the weest of the Dunker, supper. They di they vote pretty was a time when with each other may nobody en jot Linker.' Thus talking beautiful ;beam( oak trees and h ea the right, wb to erwld be seer titro.gh a valksy, wast .loss by. I throng► a grove we oisett,,d a ki is which was a ani a very Innq, w Snow Hill, where the Sere nunnery. The 'Nturnery. ' Set Ike fields and m I looked with this strange sett stat 130 to 15( to haveba.0sal Nod it had on cupola and bell, bell, while the 1 ti t�tl. Close M Ride 11ov.tai with their gree little white set *mountain putt recollected flat shoot of 'Oral 'this old metol They haven't there now, tad other. The no this railroad 1 Baptista. desir the mac t r. ammeter Duane meets Ice yaw isolested thew eyrieg ►t+uee tea alai tIU tK I. frac► �Mt �i. eel cad a .a5 .5's b.