The Huron Signal, 1884-11-21, Page 4• ti i te LaselaTurrastrw y by Use earliest mails and trains. is u..virtually settled that Cleveland is admission it hes a larger cireula the next President. ieaeasay enter newspaper in this part of I r eetery, d I. nae of the rimiest, aeweisnt ' sail reds • reelable journal• in oaten° 4 THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. NOV. 21.1S84. • HE HURON SIGNAL! Fosersrs..*white elephant is dead the river, which have causedlltisshtgse- DR. MARTIN SKIPS. '°rimiest lihel which he had mineral •very Friday 11•nfas. by yr ! We may aunt look for the death of that Sawa- at their Ogee, North is ' other fraud the N P. elephant. off the Bemire, QODERICH, ONTARIO tadespambed to all parts of the sussomnd Kaaba has admitted his defeat, and it ' as tt does, t e fore-eew fngellats weep a addf km to the above. a tlrwl-else. ramals sad fireside paper it 1s therefore • Bannediestrable advertising siedo.m. e.-41.511 fa craven..•. pilotage ►re -paid gir..Wayne; $1.73, if pain before sea mon:la .. f mot so paid. T. rut will be trktly ea Or Ant•tITIsI'(u. E.ght cent• pa ur Seat insertion : three cents per line fur mbsegueat insertion. Yearly, hall -yearly ttarterly dintrsct• at reduced rates. ffit%Tllisi.--..1'e have also*Arst-cl•se dubbing depart ment in connection. and power ' asmost complete out fit orad best facilities turningIr out work in Gud.d.. are prepared do business in that line at prises mist dsanc beaten. and of a entity Hat eaaMt he creased.- Terse Cask - -3 FRIDAY, Nt tV. 27lie; IflMM. The anti-Scottites In this section mast .in their heart of hearts feel ashamed of the position into which they hive been striven by the p..•r judgment, had coun- sel and irregular acts ..f their chief men and rulers. From the beginning of the agitation to the present time they have beethe vic- tims of their own blundering. an steno before the country tiepriv every vestit.e of respectability to w Met Jour A. MAo DONAL,' has been made a Kutght of the Bath. He will now have no excuse if Le car, t say '•t hese hands are clean." A Nt Mata of our town c ,encillors who lace hitherto p•.uh pt' .:.ed the citizen s railway committee are nue eudeavor:ng tat furry fas.,r .::h that lw.ly and ars seeking affiliation. For the benefit of uur readers we take this opportunity to remuk that favoring rail- way or other projects just before utuni- cipal elections and fruwuiug thaw down the balance of the veer ie the ounstant 4 BAD (RU 11'1). act of the repo1 ward art+.Aiueiam, Some of these chaps are noon busily enoa;geti m caueassing their chances in the wards, auJ are using their tails ay st m{.athiea 11'atch teem f as a lever for election there is not one amongst them who in any way or shape aided the citize committee from the nice; n t• present moment. or has ns' the to -/Ly We believe it ie the intention of the 'eh Scott .Act people of this maltsto hold • MAWS ineetang at an early day, and they had af.orstime made claim. thereby give a public acknowholgement They started out as honest then in to Rev. T. M. Campbell :.f the.r appre- favor of the continuance .•f what they t• Lion of the valuable sert-i.es which he believed to be a license system which 1 during the recent campaign. was backed up by public sentiment: they \g the men who did earnest and have ended by beano guilty .4 • futile endeavor to thwart the w•.rking of the popular verdict by *tailing the bal- lot boxes. They found fault at the beginning be- ! cause the Scott -Act people ueel strong language when denouncing the liquor traffic ; and yet before the campaign was cloned the were t e e rein he hest epithets Y g P and must libellous statements against the temperance advocates. As s party they hate sunk to the level of a lot of law blackguards, and it is time the decent men stood aloof from the fel- low. who rejoice in a record like this :- The party that has insulted the w.. - men, by lucking the doors .4 a public meeting place upon them. Hy throttling and striking women who attended public rneetin,;s. That "filled up" whiskey -suckers on condition that they w• •eld interrupt "ppo- sitionspeakers at meetings where "free diecumaon was int heti. That slandered all and s'in•lry who tio- posed them, and had t,. retract when an apology was demanded. That libelled the leading ruen on the Scott Act side, and then advised the character -thief to "skip the country." That connived at the stealing of the ballot -bozos after the people had decid- ed against them at the polls by over 1600 .(c., tic., dc., tic., Now, in all common sense, we ask if it ia possible for any man claiming to be decent to keep with a party which has slot only earned, but which actually boasts of such a recor.t ' We know many men who have been allied with the antis who are respectable, and we await patiently to see what they will du no'r that their eyes are opened to the rase•lit.es of their party. As things now stand there is not room on the anti platform in Huron for a de- cent man to stand upon,if its record dur- Ing the recent campe.iggn, and subsequent developrsenta,be taken as a criterion. We don't n.ean t.. say that all the antis aro "toughs," Lut we moat emphati- cally state that all the "toughs" are antis. 1 IT it eateesotly reported that Cunt* ble Yule wail reign his position ad sight 7rateittean at the next meeting of the wa a ,slash. Constable Yule has been good officer in the past, and we rerret be has seen tit tr. relinquish the pub - position from business motives. How - now that he has decided to retire the position, we hope too see • fit- ling t •ing suiecessor appointed in his stead, if the office u kept on. It is no lazyman s billet, and we hope to see a man of nerve and action elected to the position, if the uncil decides upon filling it. Then Borne who believe that a watchman is required, but from personal know!- , we know that recently, in the ab - o( Constable Yule, occasions have arisen where the presence of a law cheer teal sadly needed ('const ibis Yule has bees a terror to epi! doers nn times past, we woiald not like to see a clod put fa his steed. it le ton near New Year 1st the town eouncil to appoint any man lin cannot be endorsed by the majority of the people. Ws have every reason to believe that the enmity council ..1 1885 will be highly flavored with Scott Act men. All along line the antis are moving to put eos- in the field, and such being the it should be the aim of the people serried the Act ia Heron by nose of a majority to see t.. it that the who represent the priseiples for they stood firm cm the flab of are not ernwdsd est. (teed officer. .11 new tdaose.t/ aper. ly aid is •eeea1 am U I Amt. faithful work for the Act throughout the County, the Rev. T. M. Campbell stands perhaps the most prominent- ly ; and of the men who were most bitterly assailed by the libeller and the falsifier none carpe in for a !treater share. Therefore it u but fitting that his friends should seek stn t arly opportunity of pay- ing testimony t., his worthiness as well as of hurling back with scorn the slanders which his traducers have\endeavored leo cast at hint. bre to the authorities for assay res past. But, pir, will the septum editor ad the elintua Scar ru tell u to pills terms, it' what way, and to what eateet the settlers of Huron Bider, or su/ge more from the position ut their toasty town, than do the settlers of Lamborn. Simone, Grey, 11'entwurth, York, 1''rua- tenae, or Carleton, with their respective c• uuty tow's' of Sarum, Barns, t twee Bound, Hawtlton, Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa • none of which towns or cities are au beautifully and pleasantly sitwted, nor their climate uture healthy than that of (:udench. But, again, sir, an incident worth reciting on this sub- ject, -but which has somewhat un- accountably escaped my memory until uuw-ooaurred at the assns acute fittest' yeah ago, befor. Chief Justice Hagerty lit 1 mistake not when, the Clinton lana been); a usap•rity on the Greed Jury, and thinking a• clinch the county b.wu at e r at onto, embodied in their vresent- enent to the eourt,an appeal to the judge to use his indueu.:e with the Government for the remov.1 of the county town ; to which his Lordship replied in elect. that although the Government had the power b, do so, it would be liable to action from i.artiea whose veined rights night be unjustly interfered with. Now, sir, I would reepoctfully suggest to the good folks of Clinton, to "chew the cud" we!I un this rather important point, and p:rtrpare themselves for the Indemnifica- tion of the (:,•verntuent before the E.0 give* us any amore of his "rot au! non- sense ' abut the removal of the county town. And while th i are at 51, they essay as well bear in muni that the bund will have to be somewhat Iarderthan it might have been bfteen years ago ; as fu: in- stance the "Big drill" man will no doubt try for big "nug.et :" the hotel -keep- ers have alt enlarged their premises within that time, for the acoommuda- tiun of the public at courts and council meetint s ; and many others in a similar way may expect compensation in such a case ; and besides all these the X',r Ern'. pet railroad. even the Grand Trunk might possibly scare up a claim of not diminutive dimenti.au. Then, air, will come the lawyer's harvest. And now for the \"..e Er.. and the Goderich citizeus' railroad committee - but I must promise that I speak solely ( myself,no for se and inn wise in the name y + of the committee, which will son show the public that it can wool defend its own position. This self-sufficient young man charges sears dozen and half business men, every one of whom has had tar more practical experience than himself, COMMUNICATIOITS. . in taco he had none, with being "blind as bats,talking the "purest buncombe We do not hold ourselves responsible r the and nonsense." with "buildin_ castles ttf ay;r.luns ur our 1'c.rrespondeo.ts. eon 'bu- a C. and then sella us that ten to this departtuent must rintlne t « In- care]a, selves to tubtie Questlune.. and be brief. 'a ratln.ad to the moon is just as likely to be built as another line to Goderich," t ar.se'S `'lab'• ut, sir, does suck language as the above C..Ihorne, Nov. 19. 1884 each a subject as that at present Tc. the Editor o' The Huron Siam. Dote SIE. -I make bold to ask space in your valuable columns for the follow- ing communication. I them: that the fanners of Huron are very backward in the matter of farmers' clubs. As far as I know of there is itot • farmers dubs in the whole county, though Huron is one. of the utast important aunties in the province. There is no doubt that there is great room for improvement both in our farms and farming. Our farms do not produce nearly as much as they could be made to. Our stock is not pearl as valuable as it might be ; thousands of cattle have been shipped and sold this fall in Buffalo for 3i and 4 cents per pound, when our cattle should ue worth 5 and G cents per pound at least. There is room for improvement in the dairy,the, orchard, and in fact every department of the farm. And, sir. I do nut think there is any way we could work a change for the better than through a go.•d farmer,' club in each township, when matters of interest and profit could be discussed. The Minister of Agriculture has made i arrangements with the professors of the Ontario college to give a series of lec- tures in January on agriculture in places when they are wanted. 1f se had a 1 farmer' club in Colborne, we could nuke arrangements to secure one lecture in our township, and thus reap some benefit from the government's literal policy. 1 hope that some of our Trading farmers will take this matter up. Our esteemed reeve a retired farmer) might take it up, and thus place the people of Colburn under another ohligratirn to him. Hoping to see this thing Liken up in earnest, and earned to a successful conclusion, 1 remain, yours truly, A COL.oE:sa FAI MLI:. un er consideration anti that toxo by the auld-be-considered leading journal in H talent does It dance ..f impertine in "pricaed on, indicate the possession of innate ability by the writer, or rather betoken a super abun- e most arrant cheek and ' The Era boasts of hav- r little bubble, and "let 4he wind out" .f our railway scheme, Ignite regardless of .he fact, if such were true,') that he is thereby doing all is. his little power t.: injure the villages of ;Elora, Latuwel, Brussels and Blyth, and the owners of the fertile gelds surr.und- i ing them. But what cares he at present so lung as then is • hope of crushing Guderich, and snatching the county town. Now. sir, notwithstanding that my eightieth summer is now ended, thanks to my Maker, 1 am not yet so far one in second childhood as to build "cashes .4 cards" just for the fun of seeing them tumble down again. I hate lived over half a century tot the banks of old Huron and have seen it in all its moods and change. of fortune. For many years I took • full share in trying to forward the best interests of the county, as well as .d the t•wn ,.f Godesich. This is the third time 1 have been in the front rank, in attempts to carry a railroad through Huron, for the general good of all, but not until now have I had such language as above referred t.. applied to any work I have ever had a hand in, or to the parties associated with we. But, sir, althouvh it is a long while since the mocking cry .1 "Go un, thou bald -head" was tint uttered, we need not feel much surprise to hear its response from small minds, even in this the nineteenth cen- tury. 1 shall very possibly have to re- turn to this subject, sir, but to my next I purpose to alum our readers the utter ignorance or wilful misrepresentations of the Nor Era in reference to the railroad period .4 'b to 'fab, and in the meantime I beg most distinctly and widely to differ from the opinions of the "sage of Huron" as to the future pnepects of Goderich, and I flatter myself that I am yet as able to form as sound an opinion on that subject as any inland juvenile journalist or boasting boy of yesterday. THoawoi Kvno. Goderich, 1st Nov., 1884. The enemas of Ilsefes•ry T•w• fe.tealle.. To the Editor of The Huron !Signal. DEAa SIE, -The claimant to the coun- ty town. having just awoke from his dug -day lethargy, (fin- the full enjoyment of which he begged • truce for $ time,) and finding that the pe••ple ..t Goderich hare- resolved to have more railroad accommodation, at once attacks the citr- zees' committee in the same offensive and insulting manner as when he, some time ago. called our merchants and other basin's' men "dead as doer nails," do., Sc.: but, sir, it is quite evident that the simple word "Goderich" wall raise the Ern'. "road" sooner than the "shaking of a rel flag in the face of a bull" would rouse the wrath of the quadruped. And, simply because he is his reverted fath- er s son, and has been ehriatend in printers ink, he new assumes the ails of A Sort of second Soloman amongst the Clintonians, and smuts to think that he can fling his gibs and little witticisms alt around him with impunity, and especially on (i.dench and its inhabitants. He shoves aside has ren ionot the county press and installs himself sole protector of both the public and private interests of the whole of Tinton. tote mires onthecnntem- plated ehange of the county town of Reit, and tries to draw • parallel between the posititme of ftandwich and G..derich hne- eases they are both on the edge of their respective counties, and t♦wsby deceives his readers, as far as he is dle, in Oo. evident hope of indtsesng the settlers of Heron to support hien in i his ehildi.h clamor for the removal of the goal and sheat "Sees from (Ieda st to - eis Clinton, whilst be well knows stet the ttsebi• iw poem to ant h.mdse asmtlwieh V en the versed the eolsty ; bap aero d its M•.M ah wlnfam.tiev, and its.iasity I b tya to ter appatal tattle et the hiders sad tpltgi fir 1Dsltrsit set ether prase shaft sin iert.i fe.RdermNs. London, Nov, 11. -At the Lard Mayor's bangnet kat night Sir John Macdonald said that Canada was proud of the fact that she war no longer the cause of trouble and weakness to Eng- land. Ile I. uked forward to the time when some forst of confederation would be brought about between England and Canada. If the great confederation should be made of England and all her oolunist, he thought that any power which comes into odlision with England would be obliged to count on the resist- ance, net of England slone,but of all her auxiliary kingdoms. One of the funny things in the recent usmpairn in the Stats Is the position en which certain Irish Americans and Como selves. Patrick Ford, .loon D.voy, sad Rullivan, of the land leavue, for many ears shared in the fortunes a.d mis/or- ons of the Democratic party. For some reason beet known to themselves they deserted the old party ow the eve of the elections, and worked like beavers for Blain.. As ill -leek would have it, the Demeseats, after twisty -three years' weary waiting, sasseeded in coming to time hoot, and Moira Ford, Deeey sed fflellivss did sot share he the Osten, aha is k likely 1iid1 ihey eras Awe lathe yolk y The Anti -Scott Orator a Fugitive from Justice. A BARN-BURNZB. Iagalnat said Marten. Mr. Campbell aid -- - Aa mimeo Arrested stir Yb.SU.a tie/Mei trw/$psora The Wetter abar•l Wan Toad Irarty• Ibe Stern. T new. T. m. I ampbell Already tladleattJ. As outlined by Tut Swett last week, the arrest of J. T. Mitchell, ..f the W'cogitate I - Wet k, and the "skipping out" of D- Mattyn, took place it' der form. Constable Yule on 'Thursday ..1 last week proceeded to Wmnglaw and arrested the 1'.1.11.- man, giving him in chary* of Constable Pettigrew, of the auction town. He theta started for Martyn's house at Whitechurch, but oilseed him there. The wtittr .1 the libel had previously left for 1Vinghaun, and upon beim. informed by Mitchell that a constable was after him with a writ, he agreed in the most grandiose style to accompany thein to tiodertch, without waiting for Mr. Yule. He said hs had good authority fur the truth of every slatentent in his letters. Upon reaching u.derich, however, the miserable fellow was undeceived. 11e found that the stories told him were shamefully false, and that his remaining in the country wuant certain conviction. He declared his intention of vindicating himself by telling who his intimating were, but that meant suite for slander against those who had stuffed him. and the result was that to save himself and his quondam friends "Ile folded his tent tike the Arabs And as silently stole away" on Thursday night, before Yule's return home. THE .'Anes&LL LIBEL. On Friday morniog'J. T. Mitchell was brought before Mayor Horton for his preliminary examination on a charge of libelling Rev. T. M. Campbell, of this town. The libel c•mplained of was to the effect that he had been divorced from his first mfr for adultery, and before entering the ministry was a horse -trader in Belleville. Previous to theMitchell examination had interviewed Mr. Campbell, and with earnest entreaties for leniency expressed his sorrow for publishing the libel, and offered an ample apology to the clerty- men if he would withdraw the suit. Mr. Campbell expressed himself as dslruus of having the matter ventilated in court, that the heinousness of the libel as well as its absurdity might be shown the public. J. T. (:arrow appeared for the pWntiff,and the accused was represented by P. Holt. Thos. McGillicuddy testified that J. T. Mitchell was the editor and proprie- tor of the 1\'inglam 1-idrtte, and iden- tified the proper produced in court as the paper received by him trom the office of the accused on the Saturday previous. He knew Rev. T. M. Campbell, and he was the penin intended in the letter in the t -ideate. Rev. T. MCampbell, swornsaid that the first chatyc. m"f beings "pred, es- tinate se.uudrel" he must leave to his congregation and the community. He did not use the language at Dungannon imputed to trim, nor anywhere else. He did not call Intel keepers "devils' and "socursed" at Dungannon or any other place. The charge of leadinz 300 women and boys to the town hall meeting in Godench was absolutely false. He did not ask one women or boy to attend that meeting. He was never married except • to his present wife, and consequently was never dirorsed. He never lived at Belleville, nor followed the purse trading business. Mr. Garrow said he could not ima- gine a more serious charge than that brought against Mr. Campbell. Prisoner's counsel offered no defence of any sort. The mayor said it wasa serious charge, even if It were true. He could do noth- ing else hat rend the prisoner up to the assize... His worship said he would ac- cept bail, prisoner in his awn rernrniz- ance of $400, and two sureties of $400 each. Messrs. E Martin and G. Cox went security for the prisoner on this charge. THE ArHExu' cAnif. The libel on George Acheson was pr o- osed with shortly after. Thos. McGilli- cuddy gave similar testimony as in the Campbell case. Mr. Acheson swore that he was the person intended as being in jail in_Crlifornia for stealing $3,000 worth of silks, but the mayor refused to rive hint an uppnrtunity of simply con- tradicting it in court,as he had give Mr. Campbell. As the prisoner was already bound in 51,200 to appear at the assizs his we.r- ship added an additional $300, the ac- cused in $100, and two other securities .4 $100 each. TUB t'IDETfE x ArOLcail'. The f'idetto last week contained two items concerning the libellous letter. The first was some foolish crowing over the fact that the editor dared to print Martyn's letter, and the item folio -twine made the editor eat humble pie in the following fashion :- 1 "Troon enquiry we learn that the charges made by Dr. Martyn against Rev. T. M. Campbell, of G.derieh, in his letter .•f correspondence which appeared in the last issue of the rotten., are utter- ly en•undless and entirely without foun- dation. Recognizing the fact that Mr. Campbell has been unjustly dealt with by us, we hasten to set this matter right in the sight of the public. Durror our sheen. the letter found a place in our adumue, and we have sins learned that not one angle charge is true, and at the earliest pnesihle opportunity we deem it roar ditty, in view of the fact, to make the amends I.nnnr.ble." Dolene rural "P rc ATl." On Wednesday Ind "Due" Martyn's Mother and sister-in-law were in town, sad interviewed Rev. T. M. Campbell. They said Martyn had written thews to use Mr. Campbell and express to him his deep enntritiron fon till wrong' that h not give a decided answer, but we under. stand he has sitter signittirtl that he will eeceptMartyn'sterms on the fur, her con- dition that said Martyu fur'ssh him with the names of the persons who gape the "Duet's" the information which ted lu the puWic*tion of the •libel It Is vuderstox.d that Martyu will ac cede to the tonna, in which case s•ui$ ut our local alaoderers will hunt thee:selves in • pretty warns place. sweet Let i Sipa. R. Adams, meroshaat, of 1. gelesb.tn•, has beau boycotted because ..f the netiee 1 part he kook in the 14o..tt Act contest. Mr. Adams Its plenty of pluck, ural will hold the (ort. Scott Act matters are assuming a &gore ttletl aspect. 1. 11017 looks ea if the Act will get a fair show it' Guderich. Sentiment in favor of the temperance Iside U growing atnonger daily. I ever 100 women have Totes in lode - rich this year for municipal purposes. If the vote turns on the temperance questwn many of the ladies will poll thtir vote', and they will be alm.rtedict for a "temperance" mayor and c,wncil. Several ae irwrttve nevem. b i- ttsrap. t bt•e-e to est terra Fermin* eider rheas Ea/ora •eesea'. trap. - • t1'....dst.,. Not. 17. - Yeetetdav ati.nto m at..ut 4" clock • tramp called at Ira Hunitimen's, West Zone, and after gettmog smoothing t0 eat walked to the lent sad art firer 5.. • straw stack, a Inch s -"t ;;,•mwun.;atatl to a barn onto tattling 100 bushels of wheat and 200 bushels of henry, also 30 toms of bay, c.ouauwutg •11 a aliIiNI, He theft pruoetdal to Ales. McDon- ald's, tat S. 1''ind:n4 that gentleman washing his hooey, he nskwl f.•r a night's lodging, and being refund, walked to the other gide .4 the barn, rr:uarkiog that he McDonald'. would be Sorry fur it touched a match leo the straw stack, 3e- stroying it with the tasni and the whole seasor.'s crop. STILL A.'OTHa1L He then nn across to lot 57, 7th ata, and .at Ire t.. Thur. Ratberf.,rd's straw stack, destroying two barns with the years crop and four hug. s ALSUeT a VOL'ETH. He then went to lot 1'9, 8th con., and The Hamilkm :tprrfotor nays : -"•Tete was detected scatter tin to Walter Scott Act catnpaign was very warn) at 1lesduw. straw stack in rinse to drown (ioderich. and it takes the Scott Acton • it tot but not in time to estttb the tramp, long time to coil down THE SP./. AL Is who u sial at large. still busy "nailing lies," and proving that the Scutt Act is better than the Crooks NI/4 nese erase Y. Act... The temperance hotel is duin_ a flour- ishing business. On Thursday the stable accumnudation was found t• be too small for the large patrunage. Some of the high-priced li.{uor hotel stables had rather an empty appearance. There were more teams at Treble's temperance hotel stables than at any other. There is no truth in the story that Mr. Treble, of the temperance house, refused aocomm.,dation to persons who had voted rgain.t the Sant Act, The story was gut up by interested parties. The man- ager of the temperance house will treat all well who apply for a c. mnus ielateon. He is much pleased with .hu business dune so far. Age about :It) ; light complexion ; red mustache ; high cheek bones ; grey coat; new bouts, with red tope ; wore smell cap,. A WA5:4INo. If caught in West Zorra lynch law is feared. Mares Presbytery. A re:ular meeting of the rreshytery oaf Hur.et was held in the Presbyterian church. Kiupen, on Tuesday. Nov. 11th. commencing at 10 t..m. Then was a large attendance, both of ministers and coders. In the absence .1 the woiera- t,r, Mr. Prichard was appointed moiler *tor pro tem. Rev. Jno. Logic, .4 Km Tillsl 'ha h f I TU. ayrNt terse R..dgereille and Exeter congregations, and holy. Mr. Eakins, a former pastor of Nino subscribers undertook to boycott Kippers, being present were invited t.. THE Goutitnsi St.:sot_ THE SIONAL at as corresponding member..member..Mr. Logic. advertises their tames in its last issue, it' resp•ndiagg, gave some interesting re.• and hopes to worry along without them. muuscenoes of his espy connection with It calls on all friends of the temperance Presbyterian work hen more than thirty - cause to flock that game by meeting the Ave yeah ago. The moderator reputed ury, tam, ormer y pastor of boycotters with their own weapons.- having vtsatrd I'aytfeld and 1(ethaoy [Waterloo Chronicle. Y ypr c ngreygations, and that the had "Bo ,'o rlwu," -The hotel -keepers of ' at raise $400 annually towards the sup- Goderich and • few sympathizers have I Id7 of ordinances.At their request. boyc,ttd both THE SIGNAL and -*Otte itev. D. Forrest, graduate of Knox Col - newspapers for daring to advocate the 1 sego, was appointed to lobateamong them adoption .d the Sc. tt Act in t!te count- I [a six months. He ata, rep. pied hay- ed Huron. }loth these papers lave tug received grants from the Hoene Mu - of earnestly for the passage of the • son committee, for the congregations Act, and now that their opponents have of Bayfield Rood au l Berne, Gaelic adopted this most contemptible way of Meter. Goderich, Grand Bend and Exeter. trying to injure them, we hope that not t Ray. A. Stewart, on behalf of the corn - only will the friends of temperance, but mince, appointed to visit Bayfield rued all right thinking people come to their , and Benne coongrwgatto s. anent their assistance and show that clam .4 indict- ` failure to cows up to the minimum et duals that be,ycuttutg will not be tolerat- ed in any form.-{Lucknow Sentinel. • field road had rained about one-third of the amount lacking, the other cungrega- SIR JO tams, NEW HONOR tion had done nothing. Both c ngrega- tiuns, while acknowledging their ability The tore. Makes Mile • 41;rwnd Cess as t,. come up to remitted amount, refused lbs order of toe Saab. to do so. London, Nov, 17. --The .{users has at Mrr, Gladstone's request, ci.uferred upon Sir John Macdonald the grand ems" of the order of the bath, in recognition of his eminent public services. He goes to Sandringham to visit the prince of Wales next Saturday. The most honorable Order of the Bath is said t„ have originated in the time of the crusades. The ribbon is of crimson, the motto, Tem jrnrta 10 nous, obese joined in one,. It is made up of military knights and civil knights grand cross, K.G.B.'s ; a second class military knights • and civil knights commanders, K 11.'s; a third clam military and cit it compan- ions, C.B.'a. Sir John Macdonald was in the second class, and he has been 1 raised to the first rank, he is now • G.C. B. Of the civil knights grand cross there are twenty-four, the Earl of Duffer - ie being the .one last created. Of these, eighteen, including Sir John, are mem- bers of the privy council and are, most .4 them, eminent fur the service to the state. There is no doubt the Cunaervatire y, rep•nat issuing one so. lyay- From the congregations ..f Hallett and Lundestaoru, there was presented a me- at imuus call in favor of Rev. D. M. Ramsay, signed by R9 members and 29 adherent& After Mesas. Elliott and Jackson had been hear•1, in support of the call, it was agreed to sustain it as a regular g.epet call, and in the event of Mr. Ramnsay's acceptance, provisional arrangements were wade for his induc- tion. The Assembly Remit, on marriage with a deceased wife's sister, was next taken up. After considerable discus- sion motion was made that the Presby- tery defer ezpressuig its judgment till neat rneetinh. In amendment it was moved that the recommendations of the committee be adopted, viz :- The church discipline shall hon be exercised in re- gard to marriage with a wife's aunt, and wife's niece. On a vote being taken the amendment was declared carried. In the aftenanon the Presbytery again met for the induction of the Itay. 8am'1 Acheson int. the charges of Kopp•n and Hills Green. There was S large attend- partyin this cntry will be delighted at once from the congregation. Afar the the ,00nor which they claim is thus done Presbytery had Leen duly constituted, their leader, and the Moil, in its even- the induction sermon was niched by irnQ edition of yesterdry, had • d.wble- the Rev. Mr. Thomson, ..f litad eryllle, leaded article full of rejoicing. who selected as his text let Corinthians, chapter 1, terse 23, and delivered aa appropriate and thoughtful address. Then followed the induction ceremonies, which .ere perforated by the Rev. Mr. Th:,mson, of Brucetield, after which the Rev. Mr. Barr led in prayer. The Rev. Dr. Cr., of Goderich, then spike briefly on "Pulpit Influence, whence derived and how retained." Mr. J. R Miller, of Goderich, next addressed the ooegra- ration ou what might be termed "Con- ggrrgptional Ethic," or "Plain talk to Members." By his apt illustrations, hese., teen. an Pares •f mare■ get ea lin eombined with humor and practioal.ad- eyes esebaimer. Mee, he entertained the audience for nearly three-quarters of an hour, and The youugh man McCormick, "r JohrF't every one admitted aha truth of kis at1aM- Cormack, which is lois proper name, who ments- was recently flosued in the Winnipeg Before fadjowrniwg a motion wse 'm - goal for attempting to escape, and which aniunou.ly paved, expreeslmg the thank - has created such a sensation among the fulness ur( the Presbytery at the paasage The world.. is simply this : as lung as Canada is a c:l.my and the `,re:vier rot this country is regarded se an imperial of ser, or as a servant of the queen, then the queen has the right to confer and the servant the liberty to accept such dutincti.m. We wouli pre- fer, however to see no imperial honors accepted by Canadians. COUNTY CURRENCY people of Winnipeg', was formerly a resident .4 Brussels, in the county .f Huron. He is a bla.ksmith by trade and has been in the Northwest for about two year. and has evidently fallen into had ways. He was serving a term in 0 the Scott Act in Hon.n. and 'mom - mending all the members .4 the church strictly to adhere to its tering, and to see that its provisions are carried out. Prshytery adjuurned to meet in Blyth, n January 20th. prim for having stolen some articles of jewelry from a Winnipeg prostitute. Among the suceesdul candidates (nr the second intermediate" at Osgood.. Hall examinations last week was A. M. Taylor, formerly of Morrie, without an oral. Mr. Taylor has also second in homes. SAD AryAta. -Mrs H. .1 Whitely, of the loth an. Goderich township, was visiting at W. J. McBrian's, Hultett in returning Imam on Saturday, she fere- het' wrapped up her infant, and was hat' dose t. his obaeweter by the bei fully Pe - h ns inert ratios o.( the Iibellu.e letter In the to4a 1111 •ta4has creste.till g d, sell as at se a was ads da to who *MOM wise, Mr. Albert will Mef/it1e yet-ebM Aaro>e wish After tM nomination of Horace Gree- ley for the presidency in 11172, Wbttelaw Reid, Mr. Albert, of Baltimorelen , d at number of other gentlunsen had a Ma- uer. One bottle ..1 wine was left atter all had base satisfied awl it was sweatsweatto pies oe it an inscription to the ens*that it was not to be drink wail Wise the .lest l of a I)eenoeratie pr ±'!- f. Ail affixed their signature. to the as t, and Mr. Albert hreligious- ly preserved the ease se sisal and Aare to rem int Chilton As ton y end that now s k ie Iwith a was dead B ppm (1pn oriel took ea BgN- Veloth Marlyn alas stated that ha was wilwillies(.to make a fall and free apology, y to Vablhhed is the Moat. Jif if sad The Nile has raps, mad w W♦dyryl Uwe the not metalled ottil (Atrt11w en emelt tetepne. them I tette IMPERIAL a/r Job. A. Mae. LoltDON • ILao:. 88 and87F Rirht Hon. 41.('. B.. was pre Imperial Confer wY r. -open .i Th• ole ject of t discuss the prac federation .4 B which was bees at the insetting ago. The alt. the former pe( tut, o mpri•inr ly all ilte c•.loui Liberal and Cort smnnen. hH•ut,. favRigor oft a moth. ro estabttsh al Logue. The t• defined to be th various partsfo. and fur the l tenets, but t• rights • ter local 11117. Sir John Mt with all the ren by Right Hun, of the movenre ported it wit) testified to the 1 Dominion to tit enlarged upon t hid trained three uuunectiT', toward Fednn.eral the Colonial (;n bility of consult Mr. Forster's ed discussion, a Tee Mr. Allison, lwaoox, has be corrupt practice and this gives joyfulness. Pr misery loves cut a year since Sir elated in this wholesale bribe agents. or con Liberal mambet same count. 1 word of catmint of corruption ar even in the fact was unseated ft no extenuation who in the pr act in the Libel laves Liberal pl permanent suet will resort the ways which art only •one cure f prisonmeta, aro (cotTNhomeouyneitmorywrprheovrieuntr- Gas. Bribery Ragas of politic country with rt and the evils it serious as to we of the law in tk rime Press. flan Port Elgin. cadent of a ten em the bay to -d of two liras an. great excitemet raining at the boy ventured made two trips third time the lag all out. I1 imsams entant were never s third, a man n. get hold of the was in avery 1 of the drowns and Robert ft. fourteen years. sad three chi not been renew Mrs. Banda sent. She is t we believe. Geo. Bradfo short visit la Meek-southiog esa1. C. The Olde: Cheops Con PRESS (3424 tiraaulated nM lee. tatter erases oa delivery. TEAS AS flak lyssa a tela . Triawasser mer A vwp Ise Jee AMNe te chs twee. yard at lie A alae M 7M., werta pot ME II A Peeks. ttl.dsai e mbers. P -&I2?' We beep sem s0.S mese se •=14111 a 1 Mi A cessera Lasa wrap