The Huron Signal, 1884-11-21, Page 3•
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. Stela
It was the loveliest pleas lee many
miles aruuud, the little red farm-b.use
se adi-i Nolated is the nodal of au
orchard, halt -way to the hillside, sad
shut in by a strip of wood which ouorsal-
ed it tree the village below.
This latter defect might have been
remedied by judicious openings here and
there ; out Mims Phoebe Rowel was of
the old-fasht.•ned, a,neervative kind,and
often retuarkd that what had been good
enough for her father and grandfather
was good enough for her.
Cu...gsseIly she was opposed to all
change and iunprovement uu her farm ;
and this. in truth, had been the cause 41
Stephen Greer's dismissal, who, being of
the progressive enter, could not be
brought to manage her pace iu the slow,
old way that she preferred.
Stephen was working now at Fanner
Lawsuu's,lite WHOM up the talky, and
he hoped to be able seem to purchase a
little place of his own, and to ask Bessie
Brown, Miss Phoebes comely, r.ey-
cheeked maid, to share his home with
Whether or no Bessie would consent
was a question with the googlies ; for,
though Stephen was good-looking and
clever, the girl did not seem particularly
to fancy him.
Score hinted at • eking which was
suppr.sed t.e have existed between Bessie
and Miss Melte'. nephew, au orph n
boy wh she had grudgingly 'brought
uu' and easiate-L to educate, and who had
disappointed her expectations by falling
nto idle and dissipated habits, instead
of working steadily, n the farm.
Three years ago she had given him a
little money and sent him away t., seek
work fur himself, charging him never to
return or write to her until he should be
settled in some steady employment.
Re had gone West,made .umgmoney,
and, as his aunt heard, wasted it in un-
successful speculation. Thenceforth she
.had given him up,' as she expressed it,
cant -moat that he would 'never rime to
any good.'
But one bright, mild day in early
the orchard, but, to his dismay, encuunt-
spnng, about six menthe after Stephe" Feral his aunt instead of Berrie.
Greer had left Hillside, a young poen f lire bearing his account of himself she
stopped at the Fanners Rest Tavern, a had been kinder than he anticipated; hal
given him a stool supper, and, as it was
important that he should reach his des-
tination in time, had gone into her bed -
Loom, whence she returned with a new
tire -dollar bill, to help him on his way,
and his father's silver watch. whicn she
said might now be ..f use to him.
knowledge ; an3 the guest, having par-
taken ..f the meal he hadordered, went She had not eked hon to retrain all
night—protabby she feared his meeting
n his way. replying, in answer to a with Bessie in the morning ---and, it be-
question,that he should rot pass through in •wild moonlight night, he had re -
village, but would take a shutter .0 ed his journey, sleeping a whale in
route to the mein rand. the shed of a wayside blacksmith's forge.
About an hoar after he had left,
tephea Greer came riding Int. and
seeing the landlady busied about her
d borders nkin" the beds and
retained to her repeated k.ucks u d
oalb, had sailed David and induc-
ed him to break upea the dour u( the
roo.,wben they diseuvered the old lady
to be quite dead and cold.
There were tracks til • mina's het, evi-
dently le his atuuktnga, outside the win -
do, east a few threads of coarse woollen
Meth appeared caught upon a rel on
nue std. of the sash.
To. secretary had not been forced
open, but unlocked with a key, which
was lett remaining in the lock, and none
of 11. o onteata o.1 the drawer bad been
disturbed except the money and au old-
Isahtuued silver watch that had belonged
to Robert Steel's father.
Who the guilty party was Bessie had
not the least idea. As to David, a am-
ple, pious soul, who had spent his whole
life in this neighborhood without a word
of ill being said of him, no one ever
dreamed 41 accusing him.
Among thew who., un hearing the
news, hastened to the scene of the crime,
was the innkeeper, Wint.rby, and he at
once iulurrued the magistrate. whom he
found there, of the appearance of Robert
Steel at his hostelry and his strange
speech and behavior.
This seemed at once to clear up the
mystery of the case, and patties were iu
*tautly dispatched to scour the country
in search of the supposed culprit.
Before noon he was discovered making
for the nearest railway station, and was
bruirht into the village soeurely hand-
cuffed and lodged in jail.
Ile finely and indigantly protested
his innocence. He had returned from
the West some time since, he said, and
had been working at any chance job that
he wield get, until, hearing of good oro
plo.yment to be had on the new railroad,
he had started thither by a route which
necessarily led past his old home.
Mindful of his aunt's parting injunc-
tion, he had no idea 4 stepping to see
her ; but he coufeued that after leaving
the Farmer' Rest, and coming in sight
of the litre red house on the hill, the
temptation to call and speak a few words
with his old sweetheart, Bessie, was too
strong to resist.
1u the early dusk he had passed through
ew miles from the village, and asked for
a frugal supper.
He was poorly clad, and evidently de-
sired to pass am • stranger ; but one tit
the stablemen recognized in him the long
absent nephew of Miss Phcbe Rowel.
The man did not, however, betray his
_ 1
SD-eaik ik, window by whisk the bur
glsr had mitered had sprusg up quite a
belle wilder°ses of weeds
Beene's companion approached this,
in order t., get • glimpse of the reuse
withiu. At the same wawa' a strong,
spicy odor arose frau the trampled weeds
beneath the window.
'Why, Bessie,' she said, in surprise,
'I didn't kauw as you had sweet alyssum
la that sweet alyssum' Bessie an-
swered, indifferently, leoksug down et
the delicate little plant. 'I don't kwuw
how it calve hen. 1 never saw it be-
'That • odd. I never knew of a bit of
sweet alyssum in this neighborhood *s-
espt what Mrs Winterby brought from
h u sister's last spring. Metebe she gave
Mss Phoebe wane of the seeds. At any
rate, III take away a sprout. Dear,
dear, what a hot tit em there is springing
up awouw the grass' and here's one
she hurried straight le the lawyer who
had be= chosen as Robert Steel's wea-
We have bet little moire to add W this am referring to the good natured, ever-
trus slur/. Following up the clew se ready,old laab►uued graudmuther of days
fortunately, s., alumni wonderfully offer- gone by. She was my grandtautber
ed, • clearer cam orf .ireewtatantial ova- and yours, sad, indeed,s..rybudy else's,
deuce was made out against tttephe. when one was needed. I remember her
Greer than bad eervd agaitst R..bert as gray-haired, entail* taped, and heads
Steel. crippled with the hard work of pioneer
On hearing the whole, Stephen, to days. I remember her sympathetic voice
order to defend himself against the charge
of murder, voluntarily pleaded guilty to
that of bun:lary.
He had, be said, on that fatal evening,
remained in the village with sums friends
until about nee o'clock, when, startiug
homeward, he had been led by jealousy
to turn a little mut of his way to satisfy
himself whether his rival, Robert Steel,
was really at the farmhouse.
He hd seen a light in the kitchen
window and another in that of Miss
Phoebe's roost Glancing through the
•Msa�esMaa "
'Ass she dead yet r
1 should grieve to bear that she was.
growtug in the moss and dirt inthe axn. i latter as he passed, his attention was
er of the window sill. The wied must a
blown 'em here, I'm thinking.'
Bessie nada no reply, and she was un-
usually silent on their way home. The
circumstance hod set her thiuking. She
knew that Miss Phoebe hd never had
Lily sed of sweet alyssum. How, then,
came it to be growing on the place ? From
the scattered manner in which it grew,
arrested by seeing the old lady at sit open
secretary drawer, unrolling a bill from a
large bundle of bank-uotos, which she
then proceeded to replace iu • little inner
drawer, and, locking it, hung the key on
a ail behind the secretary, and left the
room. Proceeding next to the kitchen
window, he saw her talking earnestly to
a young man, as the latter sat at the
the seeds must have been dropped asci- table, eating, and it instantly occurred
dentally. and '.n the si 1 of that very to him that here would be a good oppor-
window by which the burglar had eater- Lenity of helping himself to the money,
red the bouse. She knew, she felt in her the sight of which had excited his cupid-
inmcst heart, that Robert Steel had ity.
never crussd that window -sill. Wto, Cautiously raising the sash, inch by
then, had left that mysterious trace to inch, he stepped through the window,
rise up in silent accusation against him 1 unlocked the drawer, and possessed him -
Restless and agitated, Bessie slept self of the roll of bank -notes. All this
none that night. The next morning,be-
fore the sun was fairly risen, f•ounti, her
on her way to the Farmers' Rest. It
was a distance of some fire or more
miles, yet she th ought not of fatigue as
she steadily tramped along the lonely
road through the increasing heat. She escape.
seedy, Nut in our family alone, but in
had invented a little business errand to I A struggle took place And to compel • hundred.
Mts. Winterhy, and on her arrival, have I her t o relax her hold, he hal seized her Whohad catnip arid smart -weed and
ing dispatched this, she adroitly turned + by the throat ; but he firmly protested o►ayweed and oakabark and spice bush
the subject to the garden, of which she , that lie hal no thought or intention of and wustarl 1 Grandmother, of course.
knew the landlady to be so proud. Of ( injuring her. He wished to escape whoknew what was good for earache,
course she was invited to see it, and it i unrecognizei, and when she sta'a;ered toothache, jaundice, languor, less of ap-
was not loug eie she descried the plot of toward the bed he had hastily effected petite, rheumatism, biliuusuess and a
sweet alyssum of which she had heard.
'That's the only sweet alyssum in this
part of the country,' Mrs. \Yinte:Ly ob-
served proudly. 'It's a very skeerse
yarb and p..werful sweet amelling. 1 I en from the Igroual is agent evidence
dare say you never naw any of it before, I against him.
Bessie r Stephen Greer was sentenced to a long
'Only once,' Bessie answerel. 'I sup- !term in the State's prison. When at the
pose you newer' give away ay of rite end f h h ftxth
f Hillside of th
and soft touch—her steel -bowed specta-
cles-- her quaint old snuff -boa her
bustling look and anticus tones as she
same cause in the back way
out -
'And sr, that boy's bad to give up and
go to bed, eh 1 Dear ate' but it's ter
bad, though 1 guess it's nothing serious,
land I hope you won't worry. Let's see
him. Ah—um ' Stomach put of older
and he's gut wine fever. Had my el'il-
drou takes, this way downs of three and
in two days they were out playing.
It was worth • month's sickness to
see her bustle around after horseradish
leave. to makes to take drafts for the
fret ; cloths to wet in cold water fur the
head—mustard for the back of the neck
—• tit of rhubarb to sweeten the stom-
ach, and to hear her say :
'Well, now, who'd thought it ; but
don't worry ' Morey on me ! but my
Dant lies been sicker'i► that fifty differ -
eta times and isn't dead yet. Just you
and called
i go right down and finish yuur baking
land lesye me to take care of haw. 1 just
dote on sick folks''
And didn't things turn out just u she
predicted 1 And three days after didn't
she come down into the back he where
I wan eating sour crab-apples and fling
up her hands and exclaim :
had taken some considerable time, and 'Fur the land s sake' but does this
meanwhile Robert Steel must have left ; boy mean to kill himself afore the sum
for, as he was in the act of shutting the mar is out''
erawer, Miss Phoebe appeared at the open If mother had a pain in her side she
doorway, and inetautly darted forward ran over to see graudwa. If father went
and seized him as he endeatured Go lame it was grandmother who had a re-
he retreat through the window, catching hundred other ills 1 Grandmother.
his clothing on a nail as he spranz to the And if her remedies failed to arrest
ground. It was in thin way that the disease and the doctor was sent for how
seeds were scattered which had now aria- kindly courteous he was Everything
she had done was professionally justified,
and he seemed almost sorry that she
hadat worked a cure and deprived him
of his fee. He would take the vaso and
c these weary years a came a warrant a cure, but, of course, must de
seeds r rte man i e was one e ___- pmaj upon her to a great extent. Such
'Well, I hadn't any to spare in the + pr>,peruas little farms in the country, a compliment was worth more than a
spring—not m ,re n a thimbleful that 1 land Punter Steel and his wife, Bessie. new home to her.
got from my sister Lambkin down. South. I as happy -looking a middle-aged couple as And if death gismo grandmother was
Mn. Lawson wanted wee powerful ban, could be met with, while a family of them 'to weep with the family and to
and I did send her a little pinch : but' stalwart sons and comely daughters were
console all others. It was her poor old
This was the account he wave of him- when I asked her a while ago how it was i growing up around them.
self in explanation of his possession of ignoring she said she never got it. 1'1! There was a fine garden at Hillside.
the watch, which latter Beware reluctant- have plenty to give away this fall, and i stocked with rare and beautiful flowers,
you're welcome to some, it you want it, ! but it was observed that among these the
Bessie. It's a nice thing to have in a simple and unpretending sweet alyssum
garden, smeltin' so sweet of an evening, i seemed always the favorite with Bessie.
and some folks like it pat away in a —(Susan Archer Weiss.
clothes press. It keeps away moths, I've behind'. She was with the m,.urnen--
beerd.' IIII Ayer s Ssnapari's works directly and
promptly. at purify and enrich the blood, at the grave—back to the hoose to cheer
'I 11 be glad to have some, I'm euro,'
improve the appetite, strengthen the the heart -broken and leave them at
♦ Iusa.dy revewn..
A man enay possess the fortune ed s
prises bet can never posses happiness
without good health ; to mown whiokthe
blood meet be kept pure and every er-
Men in proper action. lterd.•ek Blasi
Bitters aunty the blood and reguWe all
the organa
In the history of medicines no psep�i
ration has received such universal esslla
mendatiou for the alleviation it auris,
and the permanent cure it effect. in kid
ney diseases, as Dr. Van Burro's Kimsey
Cure. las action in these deerssMll�
oomplsinta is simply wonderful. Nola
by J. Wilann ism
Pr..[. Low's Mario Sulphur Soap is
highly reconinierded for all humors and
skin diseases. lin
s ew•oro wa5n
12 Horse Power
Mcl'h.•rsen i l'e'e Make. itratford,
For Only $15.00.
1 Good Coal Stove Superheater.
2 Heating Drums.
A loot of A 1 Ceder,thingles. Met cat. In mu*
hen 1 and Y, at reducenl prion.
fall on
"user ' ly ideotificd
hinting seeds, stepped for a few mu -
tient. chat.
In the coupe of their airs. Wint-
erby mentioned their late guest, and
their suspicions t.f his being Robert
Steel, Mims Phebe Rowel's nephew.
-That's not likely,' Stephen remarked,
artlessly. 'If he were Robert Steel,
what n.deve oould he have for wishing
to conceal it ! Or why should he go
through the neighborhood, right through
the Hillaiide faros, and not stop to see
nis aunt r I the window, while the woollen threads
Or G, see Bessie !' suggested the land found upon the nail pronounced by halt said sweet alyssum, he said he'd neve
'o terasr
lord, who was standing by, and not loth a dozen .elf -constituted judges to cor- heerd of it but once, when Mea Lawson,
o say thenre Wwas Stephen • little. 'Folks used a more than ordinary respond with various dilapidate.l per- was wishing for some, because it used to
iking betweea them two ; and that wastions of hu garments, grow in her mother's garden. So then I
I tan of his aunt's sending But the most conclusive evidence gave him a pinch, and he dropped 'em
°e '°' cT' against him was that of Stephea Greer, I in his weskit pocket, careless -like instead
him away. She wsan�t willing to lose
Besie's services, when she knew she
couldn't get another like her if she
searched the country round. Now I'll
ley a wager the id al stop to see his old
sweetheart ; and if you're on your way
up there, Steve, you'll have • chance to
make his acquaintance. His • fine-
looking fellow, 'spite his shabby clothes.'
Stephen flushed s little, but made
light of the subject.
Early the next morning the little inn
and the village were in • state of great
excitement. ilius Mei* Rowel had
been found dead in bed, with marks of
fingers upon her throat ; and the bureau
to which she kept her money had been
broken open and its contents abstracted.
From far and near people hastened to
the scene of the tragedy, and poor Bessie
was welhsigh distracted with the multi-
tudinous questions with which she was
She had but little to tell. On the pre-
vious day Mise t'brebe bail permitted
leer to go to • meerymaking at her cent's
is the village, on .onditinn of her being
bsek to her work by sunrise mart morn-
attg. punctually at the
She had esteemed pa
appointed timse sled farad David Armies,
the old arae who had Stephen Geer
pi..p, quietly atteadlsg to his early
tnnridag tf! aka
To bar ...,,des abs observed her leis -
tress' froom wiadow rayed sad the
'Sired open, sad warrdidas rlasasth'ef
ws•aR. W gee to abs whimer s.&
brim Ill.
111111 saw les rheba Yee wpm the
IM moo heists
Only one person believed nim, and
that was Bessie herself. The rest of the
*Glen money, people ea'd, ke must have
concealed somewhere along the road.
It was remembered test he knew of
the secret place where his aunt was ac-
customed to keep the key of her secre-
tary, which accounted for its being un-
locked instead of broken open.
To strengthen the circumstantial evi-
dence against him, his footprints were
of just the sine of these found beneath
fingers which closed the eyes—which
helped to make the shroud—which ar-
ranged the lifeless hank. It was her
voice which kept whispering :—'There
h thing—d 't take it so much aerser Es"v^sarun
a eases Mete a
At the Foundry
Gd,elek. Oct. Mk, MIL Mate w
TOLD 111 TWO IKTft<al. a •l,
FROM THE SON : "".rk,oetdct.211. MIL
•• Gen:;twee My Pathe• resides et 6lsser.
Vt. He has been a gree'. aalterer fru beef -
and and the inclosed lector wW tell pawl's*
a marvelous erect
Ayers Sarsaparilla
has had In Lis dee. i think bb blood at
hare contained ter humor Inc et best tea
years; but It did not show, except to Ikeda
of a serol aa
mous sore on the wrist, man .Mai
eve years ago. From $ few spots oldie e►
peered at teat time,ami It gradually swami seas
to mover ht. emirs lea
body. 1 mews yea Moves
terribly ats,eted, and an objsa* d pity, idea
be began using your medicine. Now, tbao.w
few men of his age who eejoy as good health
he has. I could easily name arty o•s
Le lib would testify to the facto r d.
• Yours truly, W. H.1WILLIZI." 1�
a duty for ens to state to you the` bafadl R
se Ma.
bays derived trona s a
Ayers Sarsaparilla.withfato
Six months ago I was eempleteny env red w
• terrible humor and ssoes Marr. Ile
humor caused an mammas eau tatsles
tubing, sad the skin armload se se M .Or
the Meal to low 1n sassy please wbaas.t
I mord. My mambos were geese. and 4
leer. e a bantam I eammsaeed the mss et M
S►asaraarr la Apel Met, sod have spar
ft regnlsrly snare that limo. ply eaM
began to improve et es. The seen lion
lett healed, and I feel perfectly well la every
ro.; —being now able to do a good dere
seori. although 73 yeas of age. Many lapis '
what has wrought such amino Is my sass, Ya I
I 01, lei 1 Lave hers tried to tell you,
S.tZU *:Ammar. Glover, Ct, Osa,
1 Tours gratefully.
Nista Pm1Lrnew.
l ere . poor ing — •'n 1
t heart ' He is far better off than we anti ail Semoreadu• Comw
pastrte, Sw7
etas, l:rutc'a. itingwomn, lllutakab
are, and yeti want live o n for these left dope. noas, Tumors. and sreptleme d 1
the Skin. It clean the blood of all Wein
rititt, aids digestion, stimulates the maim et
iL. bowe'ts, and thus rstore@ TIMM" ltd
st: cngtheas the Moots system.
' Tosser K
said Bessie, adding : 'It's a pity Mrs. nerve., and brace up the system. It is
Lawson didn't get her seed. Who did in the truest sense an alterative medi-
you send them by'' Icine. Every invalid should give it a
'By Stephen Greer, one evening when I tom'
night with a feeling that it was fur the
And it was a holiday when grandmoth-
i er came over wits her knitting or sawing
he stopped jest outside the fence here, I Try bervutme. for an afternoon visit. She had the
while i was fixing my flower -beds Het 1•'or all kinds of pain. Poison's Nerviline king chair and the cosiest corner, and
asked what I was planting, and when I is the most *fitment and prompt remedy
in existence for neuralgia, lumbago, and , no queen was more respected. She re -
headache. For internal use a has not membered the war with _Mexico, and the
who declared that, having rewteoed at
the village inn till past nine oefeek on
the evening in (meatier, he bad then
started for home, when he had seen a
man comate hastily down through Miss
l'hnebe Rowel's orchard from the direr
Coe of the house
of tying 'em up in a paper ; and thats
the way, I take it, they came to be lost.'
Bessie's heart wan beating so, fast as
nearly to choke bee. To conceal her
agitation she cooped down to examine
the plant, as she .aid :
'That wasn't like Stephen Greer. He'.
He had a good view of him in the always careful and cautious. How long Are you troubled with Salt Rheum,
moonlight, and could take oath that ago since you saw him that time 1' Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sure. ;
if se, go at once to Geo. Rhyne. Drug
Robert Steel was the can ;and, further„wee, nigh upon two months aa'+•- atom and get a package ,f McGregor of
that he had in his hand a small bundle
Stay ---now I tekiltect --'teas the evening' Parke's Carbolic Cerate Price 2f cents.
not found upon him when arrested ; and Steel stopped hero to get supper. ID was never known to fail. b
that on seeing him he skulked in the
fibs, apparently endeavoring to nun•
e,al himself—two circumstances which
Robert positively denied.
It was in the early April that this added. with • sigh ; "twoetd 'a been
equal. Retie( in five minutes may be
obtained from Nerviline in any of the
following cnmpsieta, wiz., Cramps in the
stomach, chills, flatulent pains. Buy a
10 ant sample bottle of Nerviline at J.
Wilson's drug store and test the great
remedy. Large bottles 25 cents.
Smart Wed and liellsdona combined
with the other ingredients used in the
best porous plasters make Oarsoe's S. W.
& B. Backache Plasters, the best in the
market. Price 25 cents. Im
ails Stieams tared.
fall of stars, and two .,r three earth-
quakes. She re.ollected what everybody
had dreamed, and how it came onto and
who married who and how they proeper-
sgia. She had seen two or three presi-
dents ; been to New York and Niagara
falls. She was a medioallcollege, an en-
cyclopedia and a book of adventures
combined, and her going away et rigid
left a vacancy that ahe alone could 611.
Is she still living 1 If so, may the
world reverence her. 1. she dead 1 if
et. may the sunshine of Heaven have
nude liar the happiest angel of them a11,
I know it, because be hadn't hardly got
out of sight when Stephen canto along,
and my old man got to jokin,t him about
him and you. Bessie. Poor lad'' she
The Capadan boatmen have material-
ly modified their original views as to the
difficulty of navigating the River Nile.
They now admit that the passage of the
Bah -rel -Hajar cataract will be a very
.adores and arduous undertaking, .red
ty.aical event occurred at the Hillside I better if he'd never come back, to be nisch harder b, accomplish than they ex•
Thoy do rent think the troopsfarm, and the trial of Robert Steel would
throwed into the way of sicfi awtbl can be taken up that cataract without a
not come off for some months. t.mpt.ticn ; for you can't convince roe serious accident.
Meanwhile the little red farm -house 11at a good-u*t red, kind-hearted lad
was deserted, except by David Haemes, such as Robert was coned ever ha' plena -
who retained charge of the place ; for
Bessie had gone to lire m b\ tier aunt in
the village.
lite had not visited the Hillside farm
for many weeks aim* that fatal event
whit* had given it an evil name in the
iRut one day • neighbor, having some
basins. with David Barnes, hallooed
Meanie to accompany her back to her old
11e plea bad been bleak and bare
tibia she left it ie April ; bet she now
Mimi M is all ib. Iuxtaiiatsee of early
saeeaar ; the trate la fall felly.. Mas
Pauli~ bee be ripe sod peaks is
petieserelkeemet brew,
Ws e),okd up witigraM M* lees&
ed such a thing in cold blood. If his
aunt hadn't been an hard on him from a
child he'd ba' turned out as good as any-
'Robert neverstole that money —newer
,erdet.d Moe Phoebe 7' said Bessie,
standing erect, sad apeakivq with each
firm and elwtost exultant emphasis that
the landlady was .tattled.
Then she tonic a hasty leave and her
rigid homeward, flushed, excited, and
with an eeoainwl sobbing easlama*iuo
of shank Clod !' on her treelike( lips-
Ok, Usual little plant, appeariet in
that halal wiled.. like aim suselia( sent,
te.barthe Oat met the
sally I
Amit Nth Ibis tf u M >r leer bent
Wheeler's Three Phosphates. Ed
of presenters aselee er eztteme 'ssat
tede sad debility wittbooeet t ca..
1M V Moiled be est sad sew
wen.l iFhat is the deampol came,
retried ryes et.
You can depend upon Haoar1's Yel-
low Oil as a pan reliever in rheumatism,
neuralgia and all painful and inflamma-
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Tlic \Vesien Aih'etiso
FOR 1886_
$1,700 IN PRISES. 11,70
I. Ralawoe of 1.1 tree to new subscribers.
1. Aawes= tea Mess each week -trinomial
3. I1MAlBfalty plated by new Web -emit
OM *be OMT
"N.. ; she lingered and suffered along,
"pining all the time for year. the doc-
'tors doing her no goad : and at last was
'cared by this Hop Bitten the papers
an much about. Indeed ! indeed '
"how thankful we should be for that
"medicine ".
it. Legal
T. F.duoatlonal Department by J. DtNnll
0. Ladies Ilepartment.
e. Youth's imMppaartment.
10. Letters of Tavel in Foreign Comtrks.
II. Lights and tihaeows.
12. Quiet Momenta,
13. Preachers and Churches.
1e. Curious and t's.ful.
1... ('harming Aerials, Music. Plcturee. etc.
Witticisms of the week.
1T. From Across the ttea, and The W
It Personal sad Political.
If. Current Opinion alp sorts.
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News and Commercial Reverie;
latent Telegrams from all over
by • prominent libLetd.a
answered by Msamfa
National Pills are ensurpaased as •'
safe, mild, yet thor.,ueh, pureattre, act-
inw upon the biliary cedars promptly aad
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mattes will Mow Wiresw•�ew�
er team et the heats, I. heart, tielmseh. Freeman's Worm i'.owders are safe in
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the lessN that the wort d repair mar k•
• wade twat* ..iessee .
J. Wiisnn is always alive to hie busi-
ness, and .parse no pains to secure the
beet of every article in his line He has
seemed the for the odebratedih
eines New DVoeov.ry for Censemptiea,
the rely embus mire known Inc Cow.
. empties Omaha, Oelde. poaesssee
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os a peattiee 1118111111110. 'pial bottles
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a mammy .Uweverr-
Wet. Johnson, of Hump. Dak., writes
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all eerwedies tried rave no psett,R.en1
lief, until he procured a brMNtii.. dd
King's New Disenvery for Ooiaeeptins(
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mid peodeeM& a permnaatl esra
is ie goarseased to ears all Aims* of
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'M.1 lett(* few. at J. Wilma% bre
atom LWOW M* $1.00. (S)
ONLY $1.00 PER ANN.;
For the largely etre.Mtrd
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los i...l 11 ta each .pii4l�ider4
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11 Home and Health. =ow
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A �W PrIataa waa/ed t •
..ereeerd .witahe � .�Ma
hoer rte yenta: eie.. row -