The Huron Signal, 1884-11-21, Page 2g
T • wtaes of w Mee wase Mae and
Nbeewtae ra...d ea Messed.
ursaI!1u tOXIITItl'-iNclta.
It amass triton the Med that while
1 1 Mr. Bbke beide a impossible to secure
1 emiestiteencees for politicians whose nu -
vivo he is anxious to have, '•s word
hem Bir John would throw open twenty
seats fur a man whose presence ie per -
lament the party needed." If this be
trim it shows the existence of • lamenta-
ble state of affairs. 1t lets it be clearly
MOO what slaves to party our represents
r ( titres real ere, and hew they cues. andI! go at the beck 0 the party leader. The
uenetuents who elect represeutatives uu•
4 iter the delusion that they are sending
INS le patu
rliasnt to represent thew,are
I asNth to be pitied. They are really send -
men to du the bidding of the party
; leader, even to the surrendering 0 their
1 eats when the party leader requires that
fila *'call be dune. his all very web so
far as Sir John Macdonald is cuucerued
to knew that "a word" from him "would
throw open twenty seats," but it does
not say much for the self-respect and in-
dependence of those who are supposed
to represent the people.—[Tur,uto Tele-
The Hamilton *relator says :—"It is
proposed in the new penal oode to give
defame.] special immunity (nen assault.
The code provides that any person who
shall, lave in kindness, lay his hands
upon a clergymen, shall suffer imprison-
ment fur two years. The Toronto Tele-
rnt object& The Teltgron u right
Nbody in this country assaults clergy-
men, and the gentlemen of the cloth
need no special attention. But there
is a class of people that do need special
protection, and this class has been over-
looked by the code makers. Editors are
perhaps the moat assaulted by the code
makers. Editors are perhaps the most
assaulted people in the country. Every
few minutes a burly ruffian walks into
an editor's den, demands to know what
he means by putting that in the paper
about hint, and proceeds of assault the
editor. Of course the editor invariably
kills the asasulter and throws the re-
mains mut at Cie tuck window ; but he
ouvht to be spored the trouble. This
constant killinv 0 ruffians has a tenden•
cy to dietu:b the editor when he is on •
train of thought. He ought to have
special protection. —[Es.
IoM tram.
The family ,.f Mr. Knuckle, lake
slicm are very destitute circumstance".
Y'►s mother is very low at present and
if . father has not .lone any work fur
marl, two months. They are deserving
el help from the council.
Ra&wiors.—The church service in the
Ls.barn Presbyterian church has been
changed to 3 p. m. , and Sabbath school
to 2 p.m. until further notice. The
'ulpit will be occupied by the Methodist
ministers from Guderich every Sabbath
for some time.
Coarse Forytn —A corpse of some un-
known person was found on the lake
' beach near the boundary ereek between
Ashfield and Colborne last week. The
body was allowed to remain on the Much
for some days, because nu person would
remove it without a coroners inquest.
The body when found was entirely nude
with the exception of the feet, which had
• ptor of 1
IaamNe Better than Precept.
"If I caught a boy mine smoking 1'd
thrash him," mid a sturdy mechanic once,
in our hearing ; and he puffed the smoke
from his mouth with all the virtuous in-
dignation imaginable. "Why would you
thrash him 1" we inquired, following the
question by relating the street incident
of a gentleman with a cigar in his mouth
pointing out to his son a group of bys
whom he saw smoking, remarking that
it is very wrong fur boys like those to
smoke, to which the little fellow inno-
cently replied, "If lt's wrong for boys to
smoke, isn't it worse for a man, father Y'
Of course it is. If with our judgment
sad superior knowledge we do not know
any better, what can be expect from the
inexperience of mere lads 1 They cow -
mentos the habit in thoughtless imitation
of those who are older than themselves,
and wbo ought to be much wiser ; but
length of years is not always a sure in-
dication of wisdom. Even as the future
powbilitsea of a great tree lie rtiysteri-
uady folded up in the narrow confines of
a tiny seed, aro. in like manner, all great
truths lie in small compass. The while
gqwlion of how to deliver our country
loom this curs. has a nutshell for ins
Wink f Train up the youth in the
path o total abstinence, and fur their
gab, if not fur our own, let us walk the
wawa pleasant road uureelvee. Then
will these pest houses that disgrace our
public streets die out, and become things
et the pest. T. H. Evans in Youth's
Temperance Banner.
• .heed ivaevame.
H. B. Cochran, druggist, Lancaster,
Pa., writes that he has guaranteed over
>N bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for
, bilious attacks and kidney
kidney troubles. pit n.. case has it
fed those who used it In Ca -
a k 1rivea the mint. general sat Wats-
Lyn/mot-el.—The following ludicrous
lasideat, scour ing to the Kingston
.Nees. recently happened in that city
Ow Saturday • packing ewes. containing
indigo, dirrectted "C & Sows, (1." (Cook
Ben, Gananoquel, arrived ova the ferry
from Skinner's drug eters The
Is ihi.king it was for Calvin &
, Garden Island. The authorities
Mane* Raids. in Ifteginkii. }touseholb }tints.
The peanut settle° of Virginia cow
press ilea °empties on the soetk aide (di A Felty way to rue nbbuw in a wil
tke Jasw River from Norfolk to low c r to put thew directly swum
=ape! markets red shipping •pl res.
�y _ Wkaae° tke tnuN
►tobwebsrg, thus. Iwo cities bei. tki, the middle of the balk. Two rows of
�vp slid y
crops of &wtkaids Tidewatearer, Vagina:
In April the stare time of women and
children, and on may dare that of mem,
r spent an popping, that is, in crack-
ing the hulls of the uuta to get the
An acre 0 land re.luires about one
and lute -half hue/oils of planets is the
shell, and u supposed and sad to yield
from fcrty to one hundred bushels an
acts, but the experience of the writer
liviwg in the upper, or Petersburg see -
tem, shuws that tram twenty to sixty is
a better and truer ..tint.. Sod for
pee must be loose, and jvquires lime ;
if defieiett in tnat it must he applied.
Marl, which is ■bmndant herr, though
difficult to get at, is an excellent sub,ti•
Wte and utten extensively used. It
as scattered over the pea laud, then
plowed in ; then the land as harrowed,
ridged (ridges being two feet *peril and
—dotted. A dotter is a wooden wheel,
fifteen or eighteen inches in animater
once, with a knoo protruding ; it is run
over these ridges. leveeing them slightly,
and leaving a hole wherever the knob
sinker. Into every hole apo• is drop-
ped. being this evenly planted, at a pro-
per distance apart. Thr first planting as
done from the truth to the fifteenth of
May, usually, except in late seasons like
this when it is later. When the little,
brught, yellow bluesum:appears in June
the plant sends down and out "pugs" or
roots, and at the end of each Dag a pea-
nut is funned, in starting, being but a
soft protuberance, like a tiny potato.
After the last working in July, they
are let alone till October. A plow u then
run through the tniddle of the row tear-
ing them out. The hands follow after
picking up the vines to shake the cling-
ing ground from the pugs and nuts.
They are then stacked around poles,four
stacks in a row, as a rule, each stack be-
ing tire feet high. Then they stand
about two weeks to cure. After curing,
s process often delayed by wet weather,
which maks the exposed peas on the
outaide of the shock black and often
mouldy, they are picked off The pea
picking time in November is a merry
tame for black.. They only get twelve
and a half cents • bushel, mut they make
the most of it. It is a strange sight to
Northern eyes to see these people men,
women, children.) with their swarthy
faces, shim,:; eyes and gleaming teeth,
seated in a circle, the empty vines dung
at their backs, and reaching high above
their heads, a thick, warm barrier
against the wind, and if it is cold, a fire
Awning in the middle. They sing. gossip,
joke, argue, quarrel, laugh, all in a jum-
ble, if there are many there ; sometimes
there will be but two or three ;
times forty . r more ; sometimes the inen
make a big fire, and pick tilt midnight.-•
[By M. W. Gleason, Nov. Cottage
Great Events from Utile causes.
Iu the relation of cause and conse-
quence there must, of course, be greater
pauses in readiness to act. But it is
legitimate as it is curious to trace the
successive links of a chain of events back
to small incidents.
'How momentous,' says Campbell,
'ace the results of apparently trivial cir-
When Jlahomet was flying from his
enemies he took refuge in a cave which
his pursuers would have entered if the
hail not seen a spider's web at the en
Louis VII, in order to obey the in
junctions of his bishops, cropped his
hair and shaved his beard. His consort
found him very ridiculous, and treated
him with contempt. A divorce was th
result of this trivial incident.
Warton mentions that the Treaty ,i4
Utrecht was occasioned by a quarrel be-
tween the Duchess of Marlborough and
Queen Ann about a pair of gloves.
The expedition to the Isle cf Rhe was
was undertaken to gratify a foo:ish pas-
sion of the Duke of Buckingham. The
coquetry of the daughter of Count Julian
introduced the Saracens into Spain.
The murder of Caesar in the capitol
was ahiefl owing to his not risinc from
his seat when the ,senate tendered him
some particular honor.
The negotiations with the Pope for
the dissolutions of Henry VIII', mar-
riage, which brought on the Reformation
are said to have been interrupted by the
Earl of Wiltshire's dog biting his Holi-
ness' leg.
The Duchess of Marlberoughspilling a
basin of water on Mn. Masham's gown.
in Queen Ann's reign, brought iu a Tory
•If the nose of Cleopatra had been
shorter,' says I'decal, 'the condition of
the world would have been different
Luther might have been a law -Firer
had his friends and companion escaped
the thunder -storm. Sctl•nd had want-
ed her stern reformer it the appeal ..f
the preacher had not stirred him in the
chapel .of tit Andrews. And if Mr.
Grenville ham not carried .n 1794 his
memorable rssolutios as to the Stamp
Act, the Western world might still have
been bowed to the Bnti.h sceptre.
Giotto, the early Florentine painter
might have continued a rude shephenl
boy if a sheep drawn by him upon a
stone had not accidently attracted the
notice of Omnibus.
Abbas two inches wide look very pretty.
Late tears, with an equal quanticI of
make rusty -gnat apples, ake exeelleat
preserves. Use half • puuad of sugar to
.Doe pound of fruit. 1f you cannot get
the pears the apples .lone are Dior. Cut
thou io quarters, stick a whole clove
in each quarter, and put a few stake of
cinnamon in the syrup.
Alter sweeping and getting the carpet
as clean as possible, it may be brighten-
ed by going all over it with a clean flan-
nel cloth dampened with water to which
you have put a little ammonia. Too
mach will take the outer mut of the car-
pet A tablespoonful sit ammonia to one
quart 0 water is about the proper pro-
p ,niton.
A nice way to cook turnips is to peel
them and slice them and cut them in
pieces about au inch square. tical in a
it'll►. water until they tender. Then
bruwa them in a saucepan, with a hale
melted butter, pepper, and salt, or, in-
stead et browning them. pour a little
Dream and the yolk of one egg—well
beaten—over thele.:
An elegant and effective border for the
ends 0 • table start 1 made by getting a
piece of figured plush, which can now be
obtained at alntuet any large dry goods
store ; cover the figures with bright col-
ored silk in Iplaiu, lung filling stitches,
and arouni the edge of each design sew
tiny gilt braid. This braid you will see
on the handsome velours table spreads.
A nice relish for meats is ands of ripe
tomatoes; pare and weigh them, then put
into jars and corer with vinegar. After
they have stoat iu the vinegar for three
hours drain it off, and to seven pounds of
tomatoes allow five of sugar, add this to
the vinegar, and after seasoning with
spices to suit your taste, pour it over the
tomatoes. Let thein cook slowly for ten
An appetizing way to cook chicken is
to cut it to pieces, as if you were W
fricassee it ; dip the pieces in beaten egg
and then in fine brtat.-crumbs, seasoned
with pepper and salt, and a little very
fine sage if you like that ; put them in
the dripping -pan, with bits of butter over
them, and a little water in the pan, bake
slowly till done. Maize a tick gravy in
the dripping -pan after you take the
chicken out.
A woman whn ought to have the sym-
pathy of all other women, on account of
her husbaids tastes, asks fur directions
for making pie -crust of Graham flour.
The directions are gladly given, but if a
pan's digestive organs are in the state
that • little nicely -made pie -crust which
is not rich affects him unfavorably, it
might be better for him to eschew pie -
crust altovether. Mix half a pound of
Graham flour with half a pint of sweet
cream or milk, half a teaspoonful of salt;
roll this and bake as if it were common
pie -crust.
Here are directions for making salad
dressing which will keep several weeks,
and it is sometimes a greet convenience
i to have it en hand. To the well -beaten
yolks of four egos, allow half a cup of
sugar, half a tablespoonful each of salt.
mustard, and black pepper, half a :up of
cream, and a third of a teaspoonful of
cayenne pepper. Beat all these till
thoroughly mixed. Take a little more
than half a pint of vicegar and let it
come to a boil. When it is hot add a
tablespoonful of butter. While hot pour
this over the mixture, mix well, and
when cold pot it in large -mouthed bot-
tles. Keep it in a cool closet.
. a F..rfw Week.
there thought the indigo was a disinfec-
tant sad dietrihuted it among the vil- I•
losers, the result hosing that "the teen a
painted blue.'
pre In the at,
in the chilling winds, the damp at-
nnsphere, and suddenly checked p+erepi-
ration, colds are tasking. Hagyard's
ectonl Relearn cores colds, c urtse,
atheist and bronchitis, and all ass -
plaints tending towards ernsemption. 2
Xi people trovhled with eold, would
Ayres Cherry Pectoral before going
.burn` or pliers of entertainment,
wawa avoid coughing, greatly to
plm1M'1 e1 both speakers and hearers
A toed singers Mad that the
wads fully increases the power
s.aikiliq► of w relies"
Lw'. Warm Syrte will remove
of worms from eltitira ee
A writer in the Popular Reienoe
Muwthy, Dr. C. K Page, says that ab-
stinence from fond will invariably break
rep a osmmon add in twenty-fnwr to
fn,ty-eight hews if tried at the outset,
whatever the so, ma or oe.wpwtiuw of
the peke& flklppin, • mists nasal in
the ease eta panes who takes but two
trio,. • dor kabitaally. es tap masts pre
ik. sites al a tbe..emaler,wp) *smetim.•
W*s weseedkag meek be eery
! Burdock Blood Bitten act at the same
time upon the liver, the kidneys and the
skin, relieving or curing in every case.
Warranted satisfactory or money re-
funded. 2
_ •
J. D. Hawley, son of the late Hon.
R. Hawley, has been elected to the State
Senate of Michigan. In aoouncin. the
result the Detroit -Vous says :—"Haw-
ley s majority in the second senatorial
district has crept up to over 600, showing
• change in this district in two years of
ever 1,400 votes. Had Hawley succeed•
ed in capturing the indorsement of to e
working_nen, his majority would have
reached 1,000. As it is, he is entitled
for his election to the record he made as
a "workingman's friend" some 17 years
ago, when he took an active pan in the
eight-hour agitation. Greiner has 1,000
majority in the first district. and Dr.
Hesston s .wall majority in the third."
Prominent a-fig—tie Slit =11
dt.coveries. by the -many cores It hieeweted
S(Orryror's needy Core leads the ty, 8uh
jeered to the minded htmlral aaylt{ta, 1i
has been found to contain non. of those 1n-
jartom. ingredients characterising the worth-
less .peciocs daily otTered to the 'labile.
Every ingredient prmesses a p
amity to the n various eompta of to Ilea
established pounded. and its efficacy be
by testimonials hourly received.
We are therefore confident that we hare a
preparation which we can ofi•r to the public
with the assurance that it will be found not
only • relief bet an absolute curs for Dyspep-
sia, liver Dom_ plat• indigestion. constipation
• tweet Wase.eseir
That is dally bringing my to the homes
of thousands by saving many of their
dear saes from an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colda. Asthma, Browiitts,
Hay laver, Lusa of Voice, 'holding in
the Tbnet. Pais m Side sad Chwst,or-
any discose o the Thrust and Lass, •
positive ours. Guaranteed. Trial Rot
ties free at J. Wilson's Drug Stora Large
rise $1.00. (b)
W asalmorox, D.C..
May 15th, 1886.
OlfJITIARILII—Having been • sufferer
for a lung time from nervous pr.lration
and general debility, i was advised to
try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bot-
tle, and I have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it the best
medicine 1 ever used. I sin now gaining
strength and appetite, which was All
goer, and I was an despair until I tried
your Bitters. I am new well, able to go
about and do my own work. Before
taking it was completely prostrated
Mar. Maar Sn'mer. .
vbee.aads say s..
T. W. Airline, Girard, Kan., writes:
'I never hesitate to recommend your
Electra Bitten to my cstomers, they
rive entire satisfaction and are rapid
.ellen' Electric Bitters are the purest
and best medicine known and will posi-
tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints
Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
No family can afford to be without them
They will save hundreds of dollars in
do.cter's bills every year. told at b0cts.
a bottle ov J. Wilson. 131
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce t ease of Liver,
!Kidney or Stoutach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will cost you nothing fpr
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will he well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed or money refunded
Price only fifty cents per bottle. For
sale by J. Wilum, ft)
Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is
highly recommended for all humors and
skin diseases. Ito.
braes'. Fluid•
Is the only instantaneous relief tar Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
oint a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minute's application
removes all pain and will prove the great
value of Kram'. Fluid Lightning. 25
cents per bottle at ("surge Rhynas' drug
store. h
Tttr.e site acted reels.
The best bled purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach' of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ten. inactivity of the Liver, Biliousoee
Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys,
or any disease t.f the urinary organs, or
• whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or
wild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitten the best and only certain cure
known. They act surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or nay refunded. Sold at
fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4]
few LItt Ar F..Hloss Weakened erne -
ease. BeMa/ty i a 1 a...lpatlea.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no natter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the Octet function
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
ttsge paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
, sole rgent for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for (lode -
rich 3m :
National Pills are unsurpassed as a
safe, mild, yet thorough, purgative, act-
ing upon the biliary organs promptly and
effectually. lm
Te tai Medlea! Proeeaasa. and all whom
It may rowers.
Ph'iphatine, or Nerve hoop, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wanting diseases of the human
system. Pho sphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Pomona, Opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimuhsnts, but amp,
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single
is sufficient to convince. All Drvggut
sell it $1.00 per bottle. Imweser &
Cc., sole agents for the Dominion,
6b Front Street East Toronto
edyou �t�ragstor°ttlte"b.'s)* DANIEL GORDON
•reit t1,
Malden. Mase.. res. 1, title Oewelemew -
1 sudpred with attacks of sick beadaeh..-
Neuralgia, female trouble, for years in
the most terrible and excruciating man-
No medicine or doctor could rive me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured me
The second made me as well and strong
as when • child.
'And 1 have been so to this day.'
My heartland was an invalid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary onmplaint,
'Pronounced by Boston's best phya-
'fncarside 1'
Serer b ttke ofnur bitten stared
him. sed I know of the
'Lire, of .1,11 persons
is coq asighhorhnod that have been
r� man aro using them with
great bems�.
"They almost
De taieselee t'
1m Mrs R D. Black.
Freemetl's West. Peelers On
le take, mrd expel all !hided worms
hems L._ e v eight, 3..,
Lea llndenaker,
Has on head wow the LARRsT .TNt tie
First - Class Furniture
In the Comity, and as 1 new for cad.
Intl not be andeveelsy1 any efts.
1 e'er Tapestry carpet Leu.g1111. hem
upwards. Miaow...a. tool. rra� sp.
Row Neck Chides. from Nie. .p, and every-
thing else la the rase erop.wtiaa,
Between Die Peet Ocoee k Rant of Mestere
Ort. IRk. NMI 1411
WinO a1 : 11.
ToroIo Weetiv Ns
ZrtOR 2_00 Yom_
THE TOAD\TO W EkK1.Y ttkWs baa Illustrated Paper, wawa.
pawed Is all the beataree of enterprising Journalism It stands cams•
sptcaoas animas the beet Journals of Canada se a .vanplete mews/�/�
which will be letereeting to every member uftbc natty. Thee*
will like the pictures.. the young Pups the .torteet and the hrs�
sketches, the more mature will be delighted with the editorials ssB
n ews matter. which in every Issue will he 1Lend spicy. Incisive and
entertaining. In the muter of telegraphic service, visas the *dyes -
tape of connection with THE TOKUNTO DAILY NItWM, 11 has its
command all the dispatches of the Assotiat.rt Pres... braides the ape -
vials Rum NE't1 correspondent* In every *ectiustf of Ontario for
which the dally paper Is so tameness. A.&newspaper It bas no superior.
It is Independent iu politica preeentl.g all political news feet tress
Is • bias or coloring. sad absolutely without lies or flavor a. to
parties. The parilaanentary reports are written In a humuroao vele.
mad deal with men and measures without gloves. and having regard
.only to brevity. jointer. and troth. It is la the fullest sense a famD
n ewspaper. Each imam eatntalna a verbatim report of Nev. lir. Tal-
mage'. latest sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara Belle's New York
fbahion letter. •' The Man -About -Town." sketches of people aad
places, a serial °tory of absorbing Interest, a polls scat cars DMA. and s
rich variety of condensed noire uu Fsahlu... Art, hidsatrse•a, "Mere.
lure, etc, etc.. etc. lu market quotations are complete and to be
relied upon. It lapis' the paper for the )oust folks. and she old folks
will like ie )ant as well. Our special clubbing teras. bring It witWe
remota of at . Specimen copies may be kat at Cede Olio&
aswd your a•b.crlptlon to this oleos.
P. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich,
Keeps constantly on hand a Kelect Stock of l frogs, Medicine& Ci eslaar. Speags.. i)ye 8tw1b
Perfumery. ac., kc. Toilet articles in greet variety. Paysielans Preemyti.seaspecialty.
Why use poor OiL on your Reapers and Mowers, when you can get
Yoe sale be
So Cheap. It has no equal. Try it and you will use no other.
Have Just received • large stock of
/Jew Salt Pane and Boilers
Built on Shorten Notice.
Mall orders for new work as repaln ter
receive prompt attention.
Works near O. T. It Station.
(ioderich, Feb. Im. MM. list
Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson
nusveacraase. eF
Sash, Doors & Blinds
MALE= IX ALL slxDs or
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
amid builder's material et every descrlptien.l
IKN$� iwl>tn$t I Mendip.
MI All Orders peempellyaltsNd Ie
Ooderich. Amt. 1 left lIIS4y
Alfa line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on haat'
(Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.)
ri Dcsigns is Wall P aper
New *he thee. it yes wish out or Iv oleo rooms at h s.,$ie see4PvtI.r. Rees mew
• er
He W v
GO��fes III smell yes AA •
mimes aimed.Ihu win bez.147 J0 Rolls
Trlit Latest
way etmatl.. ►wt yes Ia threw ,� ±tOJ.Jai O` the rM
t 'ata • hes say.lhwa Designs
�h Vett
H awy bw.Iwees. Ko
eaplta! miopi. Ms will mart yes relate flaw ��fel "lava' mal at psiee.Mss t►aa very mwA lilts, ■geseatss. Cali aN see tktm
wevt all t dame sr is spare time silly. oyhe
ere Ike bast velvets taws. ami. meN7ssels
=meet asf veee•Ily daptes to belt the sesmt
�w��ig amid sY. Taft . am4te twv livres Me
b le cvevs ttesmittta sew w bdtsdww_rk Spring
'01 The LatestSaar ; ,r{sa{{d Fashion3,
i be wertfwwgg tines MM N eta
paebur. aad ora w
..`t'it. a alt ti At�ttee
A'ri IJVTL '$
It was th
miles weed,
eleadial see
°.shard. hall
shut in by a 1
ed it trues th,
This lane
remedied ley
there ; out ltd
the old-fasho
often remark
enough for b
was good wee
change and i1
and this. in t
Stepbeu Gres
the prugresi
brought to m
old way that
Stephen wn
Lawsun's, B.
he hoped to I
little place of
Brown, Mir
checked nisi
was a quest
though Step
clever, the g:
to fancy him
Score hint
supposed to
and Miss Pt
boy wh sl
uu' and alaite
nto idle amu
of working •
Three yeast
little money
work for hue
return or ver
settled in sat
He had go
and, as his a
successful sp
-had given h
c nrince.l tit
any good.'
But one
spring, abon
Greer had 1
stopped at tl
ow miles f r.
a frugal sups
He was p'
sired to pita
the *tableau
absent neph
The man
knowledge ;
taken of the
n his woo
the village,
route to the
About an
tepbei G
seeing the
$.ower bore
hinting XX
menti chat
itt the CI'
erby menti
their wasp',
Steel, Miss
-That's n
what nasal
to conceal
through th
the Hillaid
Ma aunt r
'Or (et se
lord, who
o tease 8
" say then
iking belt
ane reason
him away-
Besaie's e
couldn't g
searched I
lay a wage
up there,
make his
looking fe
light of u
Early t
and the v
ezoitsaw n
been foto
fin"' el
to which
broken o
From 1
the scene
was well'
Seas L
t' r
in the vi
beck to
She I
the old
To int