The Huron Signal, 1884-10-24, Page 66
Che Poet's tomer.
1 we lasts eaaeare•r or WAY
a • O m talose t. the biles I palely wish
Meal :
a nub as pO_-ess : I'm ley. if a day ;
1 a I'm neaMr tM war amiable. rm rum. sae
vis pinks t
)tat, girls. you .medal glut for tae -all Ploltte(
1. 1. ,.la.
1 sieves aha the brightest eyes .ad all their
ib sawed ammuaitioa. if 1t. .la i. hurting
M ;
VIM see the reddesrt bps. i'u1 proof &galas&
at smites ;
rather think 1-m ant the man for nay werasse
11 utas ern as my ewe buboes. my stockings 1
eau n sad.
•1 what billkattted. asthma things. no travailed
begs, .o wraps.
hie MYpewe aad au comforters. no palated
piseees. se cape.
11 beg Is thiyo ibis 1 require ; .J lalles, bear
me ss.,.
♦II seek .ttastieas spent o• me ars simply
grows away ;
se abets• your earls sad 01(%! your lifts. b
wilder all yea ma,
1t.&Just remensber. It you please. that I am
i net the rasa.
1,1'v. heard then'. tweets -mot old maids con.
eider me 'heir "bte:-
' Aad clever widows ere or sit that wish with
1 sae to mate :
11.on's pretty.ekool-gir14 who 1 'laws
have bad some less -
i Aad say I'm -so romantic" when I'm oel1 tired
K erlre.
Let, ladles. all attentions from this date 1 hope
will &ease:
'else only furor that i ask. N to be left in pewee,
NO Mar 1 consider oche thing sure as auythitig can
lb be-
to I will not marry any gin. aril none shall
t Marry me.
- .�
1it Pee.$ .,
A gentleman had got on far in dtrisk-
eb 7 gawM ewer bus.. by aampde Men is g that he was known to take • of
sasses wane .err lessen bendy • day. He was • tins business
otar, and yet he was ruining himself.
Oam dy has wife said to him . - -
Wnth all this at lord= law the '1f w•ad didn't drink 1 shua'd
at that there i..etll soda a dears. d est- ..,41-17. ar. he ..„,,d. 'I tnar-
Tbars just ems: 1y who; he .1..d ah m• • year
eau -
•.1 Now. if you eoald but x leu rooms. they aro
• per!oe: r how
Of nate.* things. and knitted things. and
ad palated plau
Mopes .a: sccus.
sri Of photographs of famous anon. and beauty's
tieing gwcew;
While on the bear.y-stone 1;:ewaL sore's
n ` ' sweet and good. 1 know
And U yon tell him of tae words herald a year
r ago,
Heaswersyou, withautablush. "tilt. that's
the usual way ;
N...e believes a single cord o:d bachelors
may say
Wham the right angel coulee along.they marry
any day.--lliarper's Magazine.
i ,
ii i inch a course. Thee law, that upprea-
5.1 writer in the Cbiag o Ti licence thus aeons received during the iinmaturity id
i ; the lower
become the unalterable Wont*
1 deaoribee bow prubrbttioa does not pro- et the after life, is perhaps the most oto- I
1 Iibit in Kansas :- inen•ous of all the laws in whose power 1
as w
part of tervery m hew is be the woman i• % ada,
fortuitye0 that, as we bare said, every
spect•ss may to reoogaiaud by its aghast
Why does •r..y rd -eyed virus stag is
one way and very white -eyed vino 1n
goodie' ! Wao teaches the young chip-
per to trill and the young linnet to war-
ble • lu short, how do bird. Come by
their music 1 Is it all • matter of in-
stinct, inherited b•bit, ur du they learn
it 1 The answer seems to be that birds
sing a• cbddren tall --by simite ctta-
tioa. Nobody imagines that the 'silent
is born with • language printed upon his
brain. The father and mother niav
never bate known • word of any 'untrue
except the English, bet if tone chill is
brought up to bear only Chinese belwill
infallibly speak that and nothing else.
A.r1 careful experiments hare shrwn
that the dame is true r•f buds. Taken
(rein the nests juste just after they leave
the shell, :Loy invariably sing, not their
own so-called natural song, but the sung
of their foster parents; provided of
course. that tris is not •uytbing b.yund
their physical capacity. The notorious
house-spasn.w (our "English" sparrow?,
is kis will ,r semi -domesticated state,
Lever [rules a musical sound ; but if he
is take.i i i hand early enough he any be
t&ught to sing, so it is said, nearly as
well as the canary. Ilechstein relates
that a Paris clergyman bad two .d these
sparrows which he bad trained to speak,
and. among other things, to reale sever -
el of the shorter commandments, and
the narrative toms on to say the, it was
sowethtug eery ce.uucal, when the pair
wan disputing over their fond, to hear
one gravely adntouish the other :
shalt not steal'" It would be interest-
ing to know why creatures thus gifted do
not Binz of their own to .ion. 1With
their Amiability and sweet peaceableness
they ought to be v*r oliug the whole year
i Birds sing by imitation, tt is throe, hut
• as a rule they imitate only the notes
which they hear during the first few
weeks after they hatched One of Mr.
Barrington's linnets, fur example, after
beiug educated wider a titlark, was put
into • room with two birds of his own
species, where he heard them sing freely
every day for three months. He made
no .:tempt to learn usytLing from them,
however, but kept uu singing what the
titlark had taught him, quite uncongenial'
of any thing sagular or unpatriotic in
rigid you to makeoe happy, sod ought
to ; and if that will snake you happy I
will never drink another drop as king as
I live.'
That man kept it for eight years with-
out any bell.( in Christianity.
Walking down the street with hint a
little while ago, he said : -
'Do you see tbst rod -frosted drinking
saloon 1 1 hat.. been afraid of that for
many years, and 1 used t.. go down • by -
street and go round it ; but, Mr. (lough,
since I have got the grace .4 Clod in my
heart,, I go right ,y that saloon, and if I
have the slightest desire, I proi, 'Lord
keep me for Christ's mho' end I gu by
it oaf.. (Laugh. -
An elastic step, buoyant spirits, and
clear emu plosive, are among the many
desirable results of pure blood. The
possessor of heathy blood has bis facul-
tuition at command, and enjoys • clear
and quick pereeptiun, which is impossi-
ble when the blood is bcsoyy and sluggish
with impurities. Ayer's Sersapanlla is
the best blood punlier and vitaliser
Try Lose she Wert.
elms Ow ,team..
As nemewtm tedlooei.b will nth•w
there is ate amen reible etre ter dead.
aims than H.peri'a Yellow Oak. It is
Jai the bat mem* fur ear sob, wee
throat, crop, rheumatism, sed lee pies
tied tameuw tpeerally. used ieterusUy
and esterttally, 2
.Why is it that the employee. in tele-
phone offices are all ladies 7' Mrs.
Brown made this enquiry of her hus-
band. 'Well,' answered Mr. Brown,
'the managers of the telephone com-
panies were aware that roe class of em-
ployees work .0 faithfully as those who
were le love with their labor, and they
knew that ladies would be fond of the
w ork in telephone offices.' 'What is the
work in a telephone uffice r Mrs. Brown
fnrthrr inquired. 'Talking, answered
Mr. (Brown, and the conversation came
to Au end. -(Somerville Journal
eine rhiy.seear latsedeee,
Mrs. Hefty Pharvie, Nu. 331 Dayton
Si., Chicago, 111., is sow in bet{ misty -
eighth year. and states that she hos suf-
fered wr!i Coasumption for about ten
years, was treated ley nine phy.sciates,all
sof than prooueeoing her ewe hopolems.
She had Riven up all hope of 'ver reale-
ering. Seven bottles of Dr. King. New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured her. Mandist" ones, please dr.p
her • metal and satisfy yourselves. Call
at J. Wilaus's drag store and get a free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing.Read the testi
monists in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cu,., then buy a
and retieve yourself of all those distress-
ing pains. Your Druggest mu tell you
all •bout it, [told lay J Wilson (lodericb![
a -s Agreeable earprme,
Th. se who try Burdock Stook Bitters
as a regulator of the hostels, or to purify
the blood, Aid digestion, regulate the
liver tool kidneys. or strengthen tired
nature, are agreeably surprised at the
prompt beuetit derived.
Pub*Utlap to Kanas
• It u ' common t hear the remark we find mrseti%es. Sometimes we are
very " { are tempted to pill it cruel. But if it
used in Missouri.scold Ire a .[ran e
were annulled thin b(
d k' t h h► b l h ld
they are nn m;; jus as mus w„rid. What a ur y- ur y we s ou
whiskey over in Kansas as they were be-' have among the birdsy! There would to
fore e - the prohibition law was passed," no telling them by their notes. Thrush -
The wholesale liquor dealer in Kansas es and jays, wrens and chickadees, finch -
grand medley. -Atlantic.
es and warblers, a11 would be
singing one
City insist that they are ship nag more
whiskey into Kansas than ever. At the
rime time wholeeels dealers are willing
to pay any amount of money to have the
prohibitory kw repealer!.
I hare skis close examinations ill
over Kansas and I say without heeitatios
that the new law is a success. Whiskey
is not being sold in K..rsas. It is not
being drank here, at lea•: Publicly.
The other day as the Union Pacik Be prompt at every meal.
ran into Roseville the conductor Paid :- Take little annoyances out a the ay.
'Yon an [get all the whiskey you want When any gold happens to any one
•swept I•eaawrr..
Prompt means should he used to break
up sudden colds and cure coughs in their
early states. Bagyards Pectoral Bal-
sam does this most speedily and effec-
tually. 2
abort tales ler Long temr•rt as R.m .
Put self last.
is this town.
'Yes,' said the urakenian,'there'sinore
whiskey drank hoar.. than ever before.'
Well I staid in Hos,ville over night.
I found every saloon low ked up. Money
couloin t buy a drink in the town. The.
week bafore a lame man who had been
hobbling around on an artificial lag was
convicted of Belling whiskey and fined
$220. But the fine was remitted on ac-
crued 4.1 his h,:ing r. cripple. Still the
"roughs" all said, 'there's plenty of
whiskey to be had.
'When 1' I asked.
'0, we had some yesterday.' they
'Now 1'ra not &resident and won't tell,
■ o please let me know where you get it,'
I pleaded.
'Well, said one [nut, 'Lamp John
501'1 it to us.
'Where r
Why we went with him over behind
the nteetiag house shed, into the grave-
yard, an 1 there Lune John unstrappei
that artificial leg .ef hi. and took out a
battle of whiskey.'
'Oat of his leg ''
'Yea, oat .tf his hollow leg
'And what dial you pay for it 1'
Thirty cents a drink.'
'Well, boys,' I said, 'you may not
have prohibition in lL sarille, but when
you have got to go .off into the darkness
with a :ripple, following him behind the
'etang house shed into the lonely
graveyard, and ha has to sit down on
soot0 mother's grave and on.trsp an
artidais1 leg for you to drink out of --
why, I thiol, you've got the nett thing
Yoe hare gut near enough to it
for all practie.J purposes... The Rescue.
no ORM rv.
lin matter whose pain, lameness r••
Wrestles oaists, Hsgyard s 1'el'ow oil
tekaa or applied will give immediate re -
Bee, and a positive cure quickly follow.
Ha em.- - 2
yew trsehled with malt Rheum. I:ongh
Old MIN, of oar Mttml taunt ramie.
1 wort lemo . 11 he el year. rang
i'erk.. catboat. Ceram wap
the shadow of • ambit n I.
sea. .r.r known. smile.
Nem say RAW
it. nem flar
%/law'% Mage onkel it Snap is
glance a.erded for sU busems aid
Pane. Low's Mao' SUL'HCw Soar,-
Htalin_, ..•••thin,;, and cleansing fur all
eruptive diseases of the skin. Delightful
f• r toilet use. lm
National Pills are • iudd purgative,
acting on the stomach, liner and buw.L,
removing all obstruction. 1m
Carter's Little firer Pills aro free from
all crude and irritating matter. Conc•ni-
trated medic/Sae only ; very small ; very
easy to take ; sr. patio ; tau griping ; no
pur{ing. lm
Freeman's Worm Powders are agree-
ahle to take, and expel all kinds of
worms from children ur adults. lm
111Ty THE rook Dt-»rErrn-. -Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chase'
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
magic effect of a doter mottle of Fo* ' TAIN
An 7dHer. Tribute.
Ther in P. Keatur,editor of Ft. W .yma
Ind., oar: tit, writes : 'Fur the past five
years I have always used Dr. King's New
Discovery for coughs of most sere e
chane ter. as well as tor those "fa m1 ler
type, it never fails to effect a sp dy
cure. My friends to whom I have re-
commended it speak of it in same high
terms. Haring been cured by it of every
cough I have had for five years, I con-
sider it the only reliable and sure cure
for coughs, colds, etc. Call at Winner's
Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle.
Large size 81.00. i3
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
For sr.ugh c..udittioas of the Skin,
Shampooing the heed, Pimples. Eruption
and .kin diseases, use Pruf. Low's Sul-
phur Soap. to
Hamilton Strut, Goderich
A geed 'barn wood
lied-r room Dialog boom aid P•r1u •erne h es
od statedo. cupboards. Iced -meads. Matt a ssee. wash -stead
Latter., Loeklag Olaeaes.
N. ft- A oomph** ssessMtat of t'umus and Ohmage always on ka d aIea Bearers for h
at rersoeabie rate .
Protan rramlae a geel_Ny-- A call solicited 1711
Ail Nervous IAtbility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilsons drug store.
An answer Wanted.
Can any one erring us a ase ..f Kidney
or Liver Complaint that Electric Petters
will not speedily cure 1 11'e say they
cannot, as thuuesuois of cases alrmdy
permanently cured and who are daily re-
c•iumendiug Electric Bitters. will prove.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
or any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the bow-
els, and set directly un the diseased
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. 111:
I Have the Largest Stock, '
The Latest Stylest
The Most Lel iable Goods,
And the Lowest Prices,
Plearze C2.ad1 dr,
Crabb's Block, t.'. rner lest street and Square.
Goderich; May lith, 1884.
A wtartlladOa.e•very.
Physician's are often startled b, re-
markable discoveries. The fact that Di.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throe' and Lung diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
to die, is startling them to realize their
ftint • anti examine into the
sense v y ,
Freeman's Worm Powders areaereeshle merits of chi/ wonderful discovery. re-
t. take, And riper .11 kind, of worn:, milting in hundreds .4 our best l'hpsi-
from children or adults, lm. ins naing it in their practice. Trial
bottles free at .1. Wilson s Druz., Store -
A BINICza'a TrsrnsoNY. - For a Regular sire
Cough, Cold .,r any Bnmchacal atfeciun.
"Pecturia," in my opinion, is just the National Pills act promptly upon the
thing. I have used it an my family for firer, regulate the bowels and as a pur-
Cough. and Colds for the past four years ratite ars mild and thorough. 17
with the most unvaried success, and to-
day my opinion of it is that I continue sM,�Arnim e
to think still more of that which I beuan
thi:.king well of. The greatest :nedical wonder e. the
rejoice. la K Ufnae[ na:ln
a U t Bank
When others are suffering drop a word
of sympathy.
Te11 year own faults rather taru those
of ethers.
.1 place for everything and everything
Sn Its place.
Hide Your own little troubles but
watch to help others iu theirs.
Take hvld,of the knob and shut every
dour behind you without alamtniug
Never interrupt any c 'nt'ersation, but
wait patiently your turntto speak.
W. - Jg,
Price Jin cents at all drugrists. m
.5 safe %.ring rrr.ras.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson. Kan ,
saved his lib by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Cou-
'umptien. which caused him to procure
a largo bottle. that completely cured him,
when Doctor', change of climate and
everything else had failed. .ksthosa,
Br..nchtte.. Hoarseness. Severe Coughs,
world. Warranted td, spsedaly curs:Bunts, Bruise.,Cuts,Cloers, Salt Rheum
Fever Sorsa, C--,eers, Piles, Chilblains#
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and `all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed t.. cure in
every instance, d •r tu•one • refunded. lac.
per bon For sale by J. Wilson. Ise'.
=o Z WE ddup
Ifeg t. atinou•ice to the Public that they have opened Lusiness in the above Stor'
in the scare lately occupied 1.y Horace Newton. Having purchased a large an l
well assorted: stock of Spring and Smuttier tl.•eos at close tigers*, we are determine
to give the Public the beim....
Narver citye tp.
If you are suffering with low and de-
preesed spirits. hes of appetite. general
debility, disotdt-ted blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a htl-
and alt
guaranteed) to cure. Trial Betties at J. ions nature, by all means procure a trot -
Leak everything ng anWlls+re's do uhf store. Large vize 31. (1 tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sur -
take a cheerful view of every event. prised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you wiU be inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery will cease, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the -praise .1
Electric Biters. S. Id at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wilson. (t1I
or -
A Rswattn-Of one duwu
TlTa to vsHettdtng li ebaet lour }rue
rhyme on anattSY, ' the temegkable
little gem for ihs Teeth uta l�'te., Ask
your dru. gest or address.
Careiuliy clean the mud and snow W dr -tyhat , the matter now. John t
from SOOT b ts before entering the Hr kin. --d Hi. that neuralgia and toothache
n, ; near kills este,
home.- wire-Wnny dtm't yon go to Cleo. Rhymes
drug MOM and get • bottle of Fluid Lightning,
If from any Cause you feel irritahle, Yon know it cures all each thing. as Tooth -
try the harder to do little pleasaute' h'• Nenralrls Heatache. giLves inst•nnu .egora
. r -
a -b.•. >.,rr Throat etc. It at -
things im
Drs not keep your goof manners for At Mount Carmel. Pa, a short time
palmy, ylt t ayikolite gt home since two rival levers fought &dual, and
• d abroad the girl who caused the trouble gave the
When inclined to give any angry Cigna! to bre; grunting one, twn. three.
answer, prem your lips together and my 4 me of the men was wuuuded in the
the alphabet. shoulder.
Always Greek polite)] and kindly to Almnste.erypill c.antai nsealomelat.e
you help, if you would Imre them do the other mineral compound*. Dr. Canon's
same to you. Stomach Bitters is purely vegetable and
When pained by an unkind' word or takes the place of all other purgatives.
act ask yourselves, 'Have I not done se In large bottles at 50tt1ht. m
badly and desired forgiveness !'-(Canada A young gentleman wishes to know
Presbyterian. which is proper to sey on leaving a young
lady friend after • late all -good night
Thnngh numerous cause, may operate or goal 4 evening l Never tell a lie, young i
to turn the hair gray, all that is needed man, say good morning. --{Burlington !
to restore the natural the natural color is Free Press.
Hairs Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup will remove
For more than twenty yeah its selves ell kinds .4 Worms from children or
have bleu enormous, but wo hare yet to
learn of its tin: failure. i aolult.. lm
1 Chinese pl.ysicians import in lar-'
in the history .f medicines nn preps numbers dried and *mooted lvards,whieh
ration has received such utucenal com-' they use with considerable success in
matdatioott foe the alleviation it afford?., cases of consumption and snsniis. Their
and the permanent carr it .fro* in kidvirtue is mid to be in the Targe amount
soy dimmest, as [lir. Van Buren s Kinney i tot nitrogeneous compotmd• and phos -
Core. Ib action in threes dt*tre 1nqq plates they contain.
mom nM u *hepta wooder'ful. Bold A raptly* wildcat in Virginia has a1-
Wiha'n ready whipped, in sueeemies contests, ten
I of the best trained bulldogs in the
Prof. Low's Magic Sulphur Soap is Stats.
highly recommended for all humors sod
akin diaereses. Imo A merslles liessonsg.
Clewes. - A name well known in Wm. Johns, of Herne, Dak. , writes
nnneetiios with the Hair Restmeer,which that his wife had been troebled with
entorea gravy hair to its natural enlnr by scut. Bronchitis bruany years, *ad that
• few weeks eer. t'.ld at all cents per ali remedns tried fore bo p•rtp�anent re.
bottle lit Jessie sodas►. Ria, lief. until he ffaeuped a beide of Dr.
eats theme sowed. I Kisg a New Dbtoavery for Coaeutwpf ie•t
yess troubled wink Belt Moms, Owls and Colds, which had • mesiasi
Rhlagl Skis, Pimples nr Casket Korea ;
if an, go st mem to Om Drla�
Sion 'ad get • pecker of eOregor
Parkas Ceeiebe Oars*, Prise 211 eegl&
it was sever know• to ilil,
ellettt, and produced • persaae.ut euro
It Is guaranteed to awe all dismiss of
Threat, Lunge or lero•ehW label.
'hill heltfes free at J. WiM's dreg
dee.. Leg a Om rji.00. (11)
A elesslaa to all ]t•mklM,
1n these time. when our newspsapen
are doodad with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
te procure that will certainly cure ynuj
If you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver insetive, or :anent! debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can be hail for only fifty cents a nettle
of James Wilson. [2:]
of tt'f1.0ad IMPIIOV74I1 LANDS. for ole
alone the 111*e of the I'.H,4PN. w. it. H. 1a Mini-
lee and Huron 'must Ms, Ml('HIOAN. Priers
from ea per acre sere upwards. Oona water,
durMIN a lv the yogualdees
atarkt ad
for Hen aad to . JONNIL
X MITItesg Rt. T *IV N. MiM-, tis
seem for Thanessee Teach 11ii•
i hew to advi.0 ray ewteeesees and the eea-
•umera of teal gs.e rA. that 1 am sow re-
lO .e"'rif d sed. ase am see* of prepared 0 IMe
order. to hr delivered Mitoses eMewlag
estaut and Stove, 57.00
▪ 118.%5
Th.nk�ra�gg riff, M peat name. 1 hewwah
easpeetrally seteet • o.ewtimaa.e of remises.
Sederl to Aaf. lino 1�.
110 -Please call and examine ..ur goods beforepurchaaing elsewhere.
AV -Remember the place, nest doer to J. Wilson's Drug Store.
JM -Custom work will receive our si eeial attention.
/If'None but the heat of material use.: and tint -clan. workmen employed.
Jfd1~Repsuing neatly done on the shortest notice
jgraeb 9I88_. DOWNING & WEDDUF
trek fredneh, sad relive W the troshb: mel-
d •ot
el.d-a •u a 13111.141.11 state of (balminess, sorb se Dts-
e:aee., Nears, Drow.i•e.s, kisses after sating.
Pam ,n the SA.. Le. while Sher cost nn•, r
ibis suttees has bed* shows la
Resdaebe,yrt earter'.Uttle [Jeer Pills areegnany
.s1*atda la Cometfptra, curse and prer.-nene
ibis annoying cos t, who. th.7 sowrornrt
all d.sorders of the slsmarh, stimulate the lire,
sod rd :-[late the bowels. )lore if they only cured
Ar7• they would bealooe prtcelese to those who
template!. but forts.
IOt sad here, and those
lad these little pills a ale -
tarter W sick bliteraret heed t: y
east r frost this
away User goodame
vibe new try team
able la eassaywaye
Sado w ttbost okra.
I. the Mee of se suer lives that b re is eke/stet
oar great bout. Om palls cert 11 walla
Late Liver Pills seme
- nor n d
very any .suitsv x Otwo sae do 5.4 gripe •
parse. b,1 by t faint•• ole notion I L see a f wtea
gee Mena fa viols at el Beats: Ilse for al. Meld
by draggles everywhere, or asst by mai
Mom York Oltp.
The Ontario lintnatl
1T The ednlrYL/T. *jr'ttklthT awl
Asia Y1 '';)y Rr.ST Ilse to et. J•mrpk
Warts la rola.. �J�, *chloral.Toed.. Dee1-
..kaieldert,Gala- I•f,Ij sock. DellaaGal.
am, New Seale*, a 11 .,. WI ,•, remota
lass awl Tess ,
b senessie tbrasetti
sb ls t Woehi fur
all elem. of tr-5I.
..ate hs.. no weer ter ter Albers idea
attnadty mvpstR•d r
het nee great
Afl awaMler made
la i'ultie
'Sabots vt• t
OebhrmN [dee
wheel a• nares
ills S. a,
Try 14
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Awl fraeeiie. a
.11E117. 1rer.d
of a alt
w� .ower r - Jj
LIFE ASSURANCE CO. �/� rsrv. ei., .-..
r•r oleo^..Koss •. � ;
BEAD orrigg, - WATERLOO, ONT. �i+:n: sgn,•: ,•�°IYtn. s.i,`
Lb ieaar. 1;.. ZOSseaew iJlo
041011141.1111 smM1NT, OlabeM•ea.
The onl purely Mensal IJ e Co. la Canada.
Total norierr of Pollefre in teres lire.. 210t. Canadian Paas Art t,
1511• !.!4I, ens -erring auranee to the amount Tor.s0 Ont
of es.6T2,, ta.ea. ,
s . NN .q (ler B. Jonewrntr,
TOTAL ItYPE11111.. 001111.4114.11111 riche' Agent, 0odereh
a 71s O.mptwy'• Ile.errw ase ipbee.
dt..t eer..e 1itr�a aeeptett A n Ned Mx sesta ter,sage.
. say tora►limy/NleaArwte a htalhef kill sad teedye [Kea * leu
stied* watblsi w111
a,,,�- ,• aN rsfb uvnwHm than nsytlNtti.Ise �y�wv►et7d. A of Nt w
for fleet er:..eeeei fr�ota � hewer. Tbs 1Mi
g ♦ .,1 ( eaMampoapptl ( ltoy ter ,11a. open helhey the workwr abaslal►
total of moose. Ateessa•4.mTsrakCo Atttruras.
bla,�„ tML
OneAi flnr idea :
"Rite knows her man, sad when yes met
and .wear.
()law draw you to her with a elogie keit.'
Hot it creat be bautifei stj he helm
stleh N"et' i mai kik hes
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