The Huron Signal, 1884-9-26, Page 3co, Iko 011tcast
a l UllatAL MaIWINU AT IQa
Una wru-
ng Delight was Disc more gut into
notion, and pneeded steadily op the
river, coming to eschew at sunrise off the
clustering woods of Ilengarr,. The cutter
was foflowiag at a considerable distance,
and likewise lay to in the river, Mut
0o sign made of • beat being sent
ashore, even when Ku state, Ralph and
Willy dropped over the Itunter's side. aid
shoved off in the little skiff that had just
been lowered fur their aocommudation.
Strong and keen were the feelings of
the three as they appru•ched the bank,
and drew nigh to the well-known scenes
from which they had been so rudely
sep•rsted. There was the little bay in
Swagewhich Swage and Willy had plied the
(ocpation of sslmon-6shing, and there
the cottage where they lived rn such
peaceful happiness.
They ran in under the bank, and fast-
ening the boat, ascended the slope, and
stood on the spot where Ralph had toren
seized by the press -mug. The game-
keeper smiled grimly as he Ino.ed
around, and called to mind every feature
of the scene. Euatace looked upon it
with interest too, but with far setter feel-
ings, for It was • .pot sacred to tender
and pleasant memories. It was there,
while reclining on the grass, that his eye
tint lighted on Lilies ; trona thence he
Claw her falling into the water, and rush-
ed to save her. There also in the holy
hush of the evening had their vows of
betrothal been uttered, and sealed by
the sweetest kiss of love. The place was
therefore very dear, and he lingered on
it to think of Lilies, now fax distant, but
in an ark of safety and of peace.
Leaving the rivers side they crossed
the woods, and came to the vicinity of
the park, near to which was the house 41
one of the foresters. To this latter habi-
tation they went, and Gen.' that the
foresters wife was at the moment the
only inmate. Great was the woman's
astuniehment, and extreme her gladness
when she recognized her vi•ite,n.
'Preserve w , s Meister Eustace, has
ye conte back at last ? Eh, but ye re
noir burnt we the sun. Hon glad 1 am
tee see ye, an' will a' the folks on the
estate, and the laird, yer father, puir
'Ay, my father, what of him ? asked
�wataee, interrupting the worthy wonan s
matter el coarse. I tete, Dewwnor., k. that my fleet est of power in thee mea-
ts destined to triumph :w bis villainy slue will be to tarn y..0 built net of
after alL It was for the nab purpose of '?w shame, w,' said lugedes udtR
obtaining the estate that his mother and needy. •itespect, at least, the presence
kinsmelf plotted all the inuichief that Ito of your suffenuj father.'
some upon me, end now when oireum- 'Ah, true,' retnnued the heartless
N•noge have inflamed in my father's reflliaa. 'it is fear your interims that he
1101114, and cause him to d.. me justice, should be nursed and coddled up. for
he still Bads a way to work out his .eiliab thereby he nay get well eneough to n-
and infamous design.' yoke bas settlement. You may sive
'But we shall not tamely submit to it,' yourselt the tn,uble. He's going fast.'
cried Densmore. 'It w plainly your 'Hesrtlem,nufamcus wretch,' said Ewe
father's wish that the will should be de- tam, striding beroely towards him.
.greyed and that the estate should go to 'Utter such callous words strata, sod 1
you, 1•u legal and rightful heir, and the wed turn you out tit the room.'
law cateint be strained to inflict a wrung Try it,' roared the other. 'I have
so serious.' as good • right to be hero as ye u, and
Xingu shook his head. The law,' ere long it will be me who will have the
he mai!, •is not constructed to suit a cue ezuuisite pleasure of turuine you out.
like the. The penalty of wrung -doing is Don't doubt that she feeling will be
otteutimea indelible in its operations, fully gratified. Meanwhile, if I choose
and falls on guilty and innocent alike. to stay here there is no one present has
But come, I would see my father. I the right to thwart me.'
thought I should never again enter his During this scene the offerer iu bed
pruseace. He swore that it should be had shown manifest sizns of extra,rdin-
.o. Alae, for the boast of human pride, ary feeling. Ile clearly heard and uo-
wben under its unseemly guidance we d.r to d all that passed, and strong
judge and declare unrighteous juder- passions swelled through his breast
went ' which he was unable to express. Those
They went up the stair in m•ouniful Limbs which he lacked the power to move
Irheum, and entered together the bed quivered with the a_itativa of his mind.
chamber in which the strieien man lay. Hu face twitched and distorted itself,
He was propped up in bed, and sat there and his eyes hashed on Randolph with
without the power of motion. lie could the light of mingled repr.ach and rade.
more his head alightly, and alse one of . • m s s s
his hands, but the faculty of speech was
gone, though from the glance of his eye
it a oe:d he seen that his mind had suffer-
ed little er no tnpiry.
The element his eye fell on Eustace it
was lit hted up with a sudden and vehe-
ment intelligence, indicating that he
knew him, -- that he was intensely glad at
his arrival, and had a painfully anxious
desire to speak to hint. The result pro-
duced by his presence was, indeed so
great as o cause a flow of the
obstructed blpod and lifti'f
hand nervously, he made several inef-
fectual efforts to speak.
"Father," said Eustace, pending over
him, 'I am sorry to see you thus. But
I see you know ine, and, I think, are
pleased that I ani come."
The old man tried again to speck, and
it was painfully distressing to observe
the anxiety depicted on his face when
he failed to give utterance to one syllable.
He managed, however, to press Inc hand
which Eustace gave him.
'I understand you, said his son, in
gentle, kindly tomes. 'Of our separation
and its cause, let us nut think. If you
have come to see that you di.l me wrung
in the matter I hasten to say that I free-
olubllity. ly ("reeve you.
Attain, and more energetically than entered with his news, suddenly started
'Wass mc, he's fax yont, but they say and, without savior a word to any
he's mair sensible than he was, an' can 1
before, did the till man press hie hand, up
Mid with growing excitrnent made s one, quickly left the house and strut!:
mak' bits s'
Eustace proceeded at once to the man -
signs ' r assns the irk at a half run.
third effort t., speak. The vehemence p
sion, and ee lily and Ralph remained with his feeling.; struggled strongly against 'That's what he was doing up the chest -
the old lady the physical 'ebstructi',n which had nut tire,' he muttered. 'I omit' not
So smitten hitt, with iunprotence and by the think what he had been after, but I see
Eustace, leaving there the c esr*n-
ions of his many wanderings, went across form of mental energy he managed to it now. He was hiding the will there.
the park alone and entered the manse]
by a side door, appeanug in the hall to
the excessive astonishment, but evident
satisfaction, °f the few servants who
chanced to be about. He went into the
large sitting -nom, and sent up a nlsssage
to Captain Densmore.
It was the room in which the tertihle
seine occurred when he avowed his mar-
e .siege and was expelled from Bengarry,
and the sight of it brought the scene
k s. vividly that it seemed to have
taken place but eestenlay. He had time
to dwell on it but • few moments when
the door was hurriedly thrown open, and
Captain Densmore appeared.
'Eustace !
And the friends warmly embrsced each
'Yon come to us from the grave,' said
Densmore, with einoti°n. 'We thought
you dead. I never doubted that you had
gone down with the Cortege.'
•N -e were saved as by a miracle; re-
turned Eustace. 'But say, have I done
right in coming here 1 Ralph told me
that my father—'
'Wishes to gee you.' interuateoi the
other, eagerly. 'His chief trouble ap-
pears to be led he should not see you.
I have no doubt he now repents his in.
justice and credulity. But c,ne thing
alarfne es, and adds to his anguish. As
you know, he executed a will giving his
estate to Randolph. That will has
been removed from its depository in the
priests drawer of his writing desk, and
cannot be got that he may destroy A.
This is • dreadful business, because he is
not in a state to execute another, and if
that will cannot be found till after
Grshae's death you ay be sure Ran-
dolph will claim the execution of its pro-
'Of course there can be no doubt,' re-
turned Easters, with some bitterness.
'The will has been removed, you say -
doubtless by Randolph himself, or his
`Precisely my thntight,' returned
The umber inmates of the mansion
were not ignorant of the state of matters
in their master's bed -chamber, and the
kat or abstracted will formed the excit-
ing topic of conversation in the kitchen.
It was felt by thein as a matter oaf per-
sonal interest, fur they one and all hated
Randolph, and earnestly desired that
Eustace should titan.s the state.
At mid-day, when the forester returu-
ed to his cottage to dinner, he carried
the intelligence thither. producing not a
little sensation, acid at sten settinitha
voluble tongue .e1 his better half agoing
on the subject.
'Hidden the well'' she exclaimed,
'Oh the blackguard. And pure Master
Eustace wet be rabbit u' the property
after a.' Wae's me, then for the pair
servants at Bengarry, for it will be black
days when the estate comes into the
hands o' Master Randolph. He was aye
a proud, selfish, senseless canest, that
counted us wort in' fol': nae better than
the dirt below his feet, and what will he
he when he gets a' the power into his 'Black• -skinned , iglu/rant,
what wee a t., the weed if he lay dying?
hands !' They Passel his humble icor with carn-
L'he was pree.eetline in this strain when less thought as the dampness of death
•iv gatl:erd en his brow, ami the children
Ralph, who heal been exceedin
'' en the corner never once ceased their
thoughtfel from the moment the forester noisy play as the shadow of death flitted
all wee {tisk and Ralph jwtiy ous/Itd•
ed that be was uiseea by metal 1
with roegb suited haatar M t.p, eft It
glazed cover, and held
fresh, clean parehmeut. A flet Olt
endorseeeet revealed to him diet R was
Mr. Grahame'. will
Au ►ntpulaive shout of triumph broke
(nen his hps, he slid down the tree with
the agility of a spu.rrel, and reseed pack
acnes the park to the mansion.
(TO DE t1.7TINUiD. )
Thad tease .ebur.
In these days of low priers, when a
pretty print or muslin dress can les
b.eught for lire or eeeht cents • yard,
cambric cad sateen& to choice oldies fur
fifteen mats, or cotton and wool fabrica
fey suits at twenty-five cents, there is
httle season why a lady should not be
prettily droned when about her work at
home. if the warm, damp weather
takes the curls all out of her frizzes, •
few taentel ts.huuid be empioyed after
the family are smattered to put them up
again. A little more tn.uble and expense
will more than pay, if the little children
are overheard to ssy, "Doesu t mother
look sweet 1" Buys, especially, are rcry
early influenced by the surroundings of
home. Happily the old -custom 1 hav-
ing a "best neem" shut up, except for
weddings, funerals, or occasional com-
pany, is fast being abandoned. Now the
home rams are all thrown open. Sun-
beams are welcomed, for it has been
found that it is • choice between them
and malaria, or disease in sone form. All
the best things are net crowded into one
room, and the others left bare and shab-
by. Doors are removed, and curtains
or portieres, hung on braes or stained
rods, divide halls and Homs. The
curtains are made of a variety of materials
They are heavy striped and figured glad.,
which come for this purpose, but plain
go • h with broad bends of contracting
color are richer. Double-faced Banton
flannel is the beat cheap material. Dark
blue or garnet is handsome, and hands
of strips used for saddle -girths ..r some
kinds of each trimmings, are very
effective up •n then. Often one wishes
a curtain between a large and .mall
chamber or dressing room. Cretonne is
best fur this. Screens used for this
purpose are very useful and ornamental,
and may he very expensively or cheaply
made. A clothes "hors" makes a wood
frame when stained or ehoonized. If it
lust three panels eech should be deferent.
Ethel Stone iu Anerican Agricultur-
ist 6.r September.
TLe Faith tba.a nave. ileaataias of Earth-
ly Tremble aad morrow.
uncouth -
around the open door,
'Chloe e
Yes, some was there. OL1 and wrinkled
and "lack. her heart aching, her eyes new. It does not sink deep into the
full of tears, she set by the beside de.h, thereby pneluciog soreness, but
aline I
'Nigh en to fifty years. Muses,' she layer, removes the direct pressure from
whispered. `De ssme master owned us
beef ; we georked together in do same
articulate— ! By Jere, if that's the case, and if I find cotton fields ; we prayed de same torsy'rs
'My will '" ! it, what a stroke for me !' an' sunt es same hymns weeder in de
long ago.'
has apo notes t o mo coon: ' Ralph raft on in breathless Iota' ti An' de chit en ''
that, said Eustace. 'He understands he came to that part of the punk- where 'Dead -all dui" ! It his hin twenty
you wish it destr .yed, but it minuet be i he deemed the tree to ba from the
branches of which he had sedtt Rendolph .urh hen arts hseatfaster.'
'Sti,leu'' gasped' the helpless man. drop down. He had no little(' difficulty All alone, )Lues Our ore hearts has
'Taken away at any rate, allied Ent- i in finding it, hit excitement adding to pained and ached for de dead an ;tune,
Illiorspes Ilrssellel lavas►
I<wslawtl alone hent with 96 waders
IBepbl•bt�Weews, fulfilling all require -
time, aad 14 uhaa-
Isla .whet lleR, Il modern and 6 obeli-
ltratete irhshllti kr tweet defense, sad 3
ireacIml srrrlssea
Fwaee follows with 16 modern and 9
obsolete $74 •ttle ships, sad 7 mod -
ere and el he itawtclsds for coast de -
Neil ito Maas two menet imp.nent
naval pewees ranks Germany, with 9
modern lb iroo-elad frigates, 4 iron -clad
eurvettw) line of battle ships, fulfilling
all requirements of the present day, anti
threebbiedete inns clad ships t the in•n-
olad invites Krunprins end Frederick
Karl, Mad the irta-clad se -vette Hansa)
11 modern inn -clad vessels for coast de-
fense (11 iruu•clad gunb.sts, all t'om-
pleted), and one ubeolete vessel, the
true clad Anuiarw.
Austria takes fourth place, with three
modern and 7 obwletu line of -battle
Italy has 2 modem and 11 obsolete
iron -clad ships at her disposal.
Ramo has only 1 single brat -clam Line-
of-beette ship ani 7 obsolete iron -clads,
2 m,de,n and 16 (Amulet. mem-clad
Duuutark presses 2 modern and 2
obeolete line -•,f -battle ships, and 2 mod-
ern and 2 obsolete iron -clad vea•els for
east defense.
Holland, 1 modern battle able and 17
modern iron clad vessels fM'atast de-
fense. -.[Gerutan Military Gazette.
The tenacity with which people ahide
by their early faith in Ayer's Sarsaparilla
can only be explained by the fact that it
lathe best bled medicine ever peed, azul
is nut sppr,achel in excellence -by any
new candidate for public favor,
Mat Worley About Tesrself.
To retain or recover health, persons
should be relieved (real anxiety concern-
ing disease. The mind hes power over
the body -for a person to thick he has a
disease will often produce that disease.
This we see effected when the mind is
intensely concentrated upon the disease
of another. We have seen a person sea-
sick in anticipation of a voyage, before
reaching the vessel. We have known
people to die of cancer in the stomach,
when not afflicted with cancer or any
other rtal disease. A blindfolded
man slightly pricked in the arm, has
fainted and died from believing he was
bleeding to death. Therefore, persons,
to remain well shs:uld be cheerful and
happy ; and stele persons should have
their minds ditierteu as mtuch as possible.
It it by theiP aith that die die As a
man thinketh, so is he. If he wills not
to die, he can often lire in spite .•1 dis-
ease ; and if he has little or nee attach-
ment to life, he will slip ewa(y as easily
as a child will fall asleep. Men live by
their milds as well as bye (,heir bodies.
Their bodies have no life of themselves
they are Holy receptacles of life -tene-
ments for their minds, and the will has
much to do in continuing the physical
occupancy or giving it up.
A New rrsaMpk.
The principle up•n which Putnam'■
Painless Corn Extractor acts is entirely
acts directly upon the external covering
'i'hioe, how long ago was it e .1 the corn, separates it from the under
When aymploas of malaria appear ka
any lure, take Ayers Ague Cure at mesa,
to prevent the d.,elopmwi of Ma der
re., moot euatinue until health is rause-
ed, ae, y will be by thew d this
res.stiicure is warranted in warp
At Peche, Que., a tow days Ma
daughter of Mi. Jos. Hamm•end, narrow-
ly escaped death frim the eines of au
overdose of Holt Hitters.
n since the voice cif de last one made
the confusion of his ideas, perplexing a:: we has sometime cried out :
k Il b h ' dried pies to the exact position cif the1
And he no we y w .,tn, him t as
ovvtz Hoye, o•HIL zN-
Captain Densmore impetuously. f' tree then rendering him unable to , come back to us e but de deal can net
• Alt de time Inas tin longi'
'Randolph :' saidit when seen. Mr. Grahame. It ease
not till return.'
'Aye, even se ; Randolph is the thief,
exclaimed Densmore. The despicable
villain has not hesitated to du this deed
in order to frustrate justice and right.'
'Thanks for your friendly remarks,
Captain Dunmore,' said a voice behind
them, and looking round, they saw Ran-
dolph himself in the room. .4 muckiest
sneer was on his lip,and fiendish triumph
gleamed in his eye.
'Allow tee to observe,however, he
he tell upon the plan of drawing near to '1s, honey. We has been pinin an
the mansion and striking the path he lonrin'. We has bin on • journey an'
took questionher he quitted it on the evening lumen' fur the end of de road.'
ll bio pro' y r'
in question that he came to anything wsame.ebas r I � H I l h
un; reealowl
n n
like orderly pr weeding in his search. shared .sur Lome fur y'aan'coo nsysa0y a, '
By this mans, however, he at last found de world hardly knows dat we am upon
himself on a spot which he recognized utth.
'An' now, Chloe,
as that on which •he stood when the leave you ?'
rustle of the branches reached his ear .y,� )Sous,'
I and tnade him stand still. There was 'An' de nights will seem darker an' de
the tree under whose pendant branches day. longer nheu I am gone. 'vou'll
adds". 'that you use dr.)ng language and behind whose massive trunk he re t re ano,ler mem'ry to make de hart
against s rear. in his absence. ache -another sorrow to flim do poo' ole
ag• to treated to escape observation when Ran- .yea aid team- i wish the Lawd had
`I never say behind any one's back dolph passed by, and vender at a little called you fust.'
what I am not ready to say to his lace, distance' off, was the tree from which the 'No, no, Moses. What He dueth am
retorted Demons rs ; 'aad 1 repeat that it motet hod dropped. He taw the eery fur de test. Men bee told you du' was
no find. -
you have boo ' enough and
'branches by which Randolph had swun
1 ze gwine 'way to
the part, and at ono. effects a radical
cure, without pain or discomfort. Let
the who are suffering from corns, yet
sceptical of treatment, try it, and by the
completeness .1 the cure they will he
ready to recommend Putnam's Painless
Corn Extractor to others.
g 'But Jar act. Chokes' T'm got de
yJTinian en
°ugh to take LP�a I ion of the himself to the ground -the very branches feel'n huh id my heart. Tze got .ich
deed which your father executed came underneath which he had found the very peace •n contet.tment dat lei siukin'
'' important letter. Certain now that the
now wishes destroyed.' away like a chile gwine t, deep "
time ago in your favor, but which he'.1n men have teethed at a hereafter
tree stood before him, he ran t 'wards It for de soul.'
'You ou have proof of that, of onerte a and was ui
Athos everybody knows as the sasnrl!
'sassier ad the
LEW H& Estop*I
of Me, anatemays that whine ys
a pacese Memo
Now York ea board a chop iota; maenad (,ape
Hors, th
, in e surly days W emitan $ to tal-
/f.,ruia, he harmed thatohms me of Ike ohs et
the ousel had cured blse,slf, dune( the', or as obsLuate "Lamm by Use ma qt
Ayers Sarsaparilla.
/lace than Mr. Leto 'u has recommended
ArealArealeasaaraszLLa V assay Nrlaae
asses, sad he has never yet heard of /e Ostia
are to she • radioed curs.
Same years ago one of SIr. [Amami, farm
laborers bruised los I. g. Owing to the bad
Mats of Lu blood, au s l; errofuloas swelling
or lump appeared on tho injured limb.. Hoe
Able it: host of thed
akin, with aerml.g ca
darting palma through the lamp, ..di ilea
almost Intolerable. The leg became ease
stoutly enlarged, and running ulcers 1.15054,
discharging great quantities of eateat47
egwlre setter. No treatment was of mai
avail said tow man, by )Lr. LELAND'S darter
moon, was supplied with Ayaa's Sahara-
ait.t.a, which allayed the pada aad irritation, th
Waled e sorsa, removed the ewellhg, asA ,
metered etered'U m limb to ase,
Mr.Laasn las personally mist
Ayer s Sarsaparilla
for It
his be
ertu,t to
dont, tbr'' • . • of
/Rheum, bores., i:rapOowe
rariona fjrnta bf bld
We hare 3Ir. L•L.t\i� m:as
a perion to inttas
all wbu may desire fa:they evic:eace is raised
to the estra:a
ordiry eurz::re powers of
Avan's mese to see Was per.oa-
a;ly either at LL sea:Amct l eccaa Hotel.L,ag ttraaeh, or at the yams ar Le:and Hold.
Ladway, = .b and 24th btreets, New fork.
3:r. LELasL'a ez:eu;te Lno.:edje of the
good dace by t::r unequalled eradicators(
blood poisons enables him to girl)ingnftiell
mach valssLi� iutormai.on.
maraca, NT 'T
to :mar
the wend
all the
Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowel I, Meese
eolu by all Druutsta; til, slz bottle f r l&
Buchanan,Lawson Robinson
About three weeks ago the C. P. R.
disnissei 75 men from their vtorkshnpe
at Montreal, and un Saturday they dis-
charged 115
Freeman's Worm Powders are safe in
all cage. They destroy and remove
Worms in children or adult lm
from The Ocean King cleared froMon-
treal on Saturday nttht with the Cana-
dian voyageurs for Alexandria.
p among ata brans fes In a '1'Za paten:(' TO IT,'
observed Randolph, with the utmost I twinkling. It was an old, venerable he whispered as his face lighted up. 'i
coolness, while the sneer bn.adenod on
his lip.
Ample proof,' returned Densmore.
'Where --what ?' demanded Randolph.
'}our recent conduct -your atrocious
and infamous cmdoct it revere to Eus-
taco and other. You have shown, sir,
only too clearly that nothing is too vile
for yea to do'
'I can only bee my acknowledgment
of your flattering opaniere' returned Ran-
dolph, ironically.
'And that is the beat proof hew thnr-
oughly you feel its truth,' said Duns -
mom, contemptuously. 'A man ot hon-
or wonld have indignantly hurled cask
Densmore. 'Mrs. Grahame looks and such an aspersion in the teeth of the it -
acts like one who has a knowledge that
the will is sseurely concealed.' 'i can afford to forego that pleasure,
`That we may set down as the actual said Randolph, with another smile and
truth,' remarked LasIsos. 'In all like- low. 'As matters now stand, you and
blued Randolph has tits will on board your protege there may safely disgorge a
it. vessel. Haying bees lend capable whole bellyful of epetbets. if i mistake
of seta far more arieskegl Nat thin --the pot,' he added, with a gimes at the ea -
abduction of a deed fi swell treses ha- repent of the bed, 'your opportunity to
pastime to its soy be eetdbi s M e , d• to will bet be Iowa for I .an tall doe
tree castin, from its trunk many huge
twisted branches, some of them good
sized trees in themselves. Ralph looked
carefully about as he slowly ascends",
for some crevice or cleft, but it was not
till he appniiched near the tup, that he
came aeon such. The upper branches
of the tree were withered as if they had
been scathed by lightning, while all the
others had escaped, and in the cleft form-
ed by the last parting of the main stem
in two, he found • cavity. i'ttering an
exclamation of detight, he dashed in his
hand and found a packed envelope in
WI oilskin covering.
Up there in the withered tree.trep the
grid -day light was in its full radiance,
lied, °hatching the precious packet with
Who grasp of a vice. he peered through
the branches before he codid the cover-
ing to see if any one noticed or was
watching him. Far as his eye could
range the wide park was solitary as •
wilderness. The gables and chimneys
of the mansion rose aboee the opening
foliage at 0o rot didlelgei bet alloy+ it
kin see sense do dark valley into de
glorious sunshine of de spirit world
'Au' der am happiness an' rest for .ben
rich as us.
•Come closer, Choke ! Ley your face
on mine. i ze drift's'-' Tse partite
wid da p,•,' ole belly an' die black skin.
fee leaown' ole age—sem w -hunger en
pain all behind. De sunlight from aorom j
de rwtley fall• upon you face, an rt sm
.le sunlight of de hereafter --'.f heaven !
Closer, Chkoe : tee dnftin'-dnftire-e
And as she held the hued of the dead
and rocked to and fro; her face wore a
smile of happiness.
Jest a fee days &feens me'. she whisp-
ered ; 'jest long 'nufy e. tell 'eft dat i se
ohea, p00 an' lonely an' want to come
up dao sn bid ' An de chil'en will be
dare, an' will all be young attain, an
Noses will meet me ,n ds hank J ee '
r,Lber are tell 'am dst my faith has never
wavered nor weakened from all de trials
of a lifetime.
l.1 M. OY
Sash, Doors & Blinds
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
Wheelers Tissue rbe.pbalee, Ed.
ELAN('. of farts, has been using Phos-
phates lamely in treating consumption. and
says he considers them the most reliable
acente yet dlscovered, and reports that of all
the cases Treated soar hare he.•ome worse.
and the majority materially henefltted, and
manifesting signs of permanent r r•orery.
This is the record of Wheeler's Phosphates
and ('alisaya, which cures a larger proportion
of cases than any preparation hitbcrto known.
and builder's material of every des riettOasl
ti.Ul Orders pro toptlyptattended 1o.
Oodertch, Aug. 2. 1505. 1202.17
Have juar receive 1 a large stock of
—rasa --
New Salt Pans and Boilero
ituilt on Shortest Nonce.
Mail orders for new work aadlrepsirs wf�
receive prompt attention.
Works sear O. T. H. Station.
Oodcrich. Feb. M. 1Mat.
Malt Rheum tarty.
Are ynn troubled wits halt Rhee.,
Rough gikie, Pimple* or Canker flues ;
if see, go at renes to oleo. Mynas'
etore aad get a package of Me41regor
Parka's Corbels /gate. Prim Recent..
It fres wow knows to fail b
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