The Huron Signal, 1884-9-12, Page 3ler
Elltace, WB Outcast
CHAPTER 7 TVI. --Continued.
D°11°a AT IOW Dag -CArTAla POI.LOitOe
Kmseen*ing well though that the seen*
would be fruitless, .he farther and his
treed did sot take the trouble of follow-
ing them as they dispersed themselves
over the stack -yard, and were in the act
of returning to the house when • ram ap-
proached fetes the latter and met them.
This was the wesaeuger returnad et Isar,
from Cockburnaysth, and be communi-
cated the weloome intelligence that the
officio for whom be had been dispatched
was oft his way to the cliffs, and would,
psrhaus, have already reached Lowden
'Ha!' said Adamson, in a suppressed
but intensely .sti•tied tow, '1 will baffle
you at that point }tea, Duncan, car tine
fellow. Come. my friends. let se leave
them here to their booties' search, and
take matters as right as we can at Hol-
low Craig. A I only hope they'll spend
half an hour in hunting about here, and
so give as ample time to give the stuff
up to Bowie.'
'Hash,' sad Eustace, 'I hear a foot-
step.They made out a man's form at
length hopping from bounder to boulder,
end that only a few pasts from them. At
the same moment the Tieaming lights of
the lanterns showed themselves at the
top of the cliff.
L. • that you, Bowie r exclaimed Ad -
Man, in a loud, eager time.
'Yea,' was the prompt reply.
'Thank goodness,' ejaculated the farth-
er. ' on quiek,it you would scar:-ot
the prise.' The next moment the new
comer, a little active man stood close
beside them. and gazed at the lanterns
flickering far up the height.
'Ah,' said the farwer, 'you see pelt
Lights t'
'1 am just loukiog at them,' retailed
the officer.
'Well, If you don't do what is to to be
done before the party carrying the lights
reach the beach you'll lose a pretty round
'Indeed -bow w r said the sharp offi-
cer, pricking up his earn. 'What party
'Duncan Dunbar and his men from Eye-
lpouth. If you don't seize the stuff be -
gem they come they'll share with you.'
'By jingo, that win t do. Where is
it r
'Here,' answered Adamson, leading
the wry to a conical ruck, which stood
close at the foot of the cliff. ''here was
no peculiarity in the appearance of the
rock to distinguish it from the hundreds
that lay near. It was arrow at the top
end broad at the base. the top was not
pointed, but flat, as if a portion had been
broken off, and the steep sides were
rough and rcgged.
'Climb up after me,' said the farmer,
making his way to the tau with an agili-
ty surprising for one of his age.
The officer followed with the utmost
alacrity. 1
'Ralph, you come, took. Weil want
ur help,' added the fernier.
'All right,' responded Ralph, and ran
Slip toe side of the rock in • twinkling.
Be had been there frequently before,
and knew the position of all its foothold-
ing projections.
'By jove, there's a bole in the heart of
this rock,' said the officer, in a tone of
'I should say there is,' rejoined tate
termer, 'a good large bole, too. Ralph
will rig the ladder for you, and strike a
light in a twinkling.'
With Adamson's help, Ralph their
from the inside of the reek a oboe,
wooden plank, and hind 1 tiMreg the
cavity at the top. Theft eeieisg • rope
which dangled from the eeatre he drop -
ed in and disppeared, making some little
noise as he went down, which indio•ted
that the cavern was of considerable
depth. The officer loant forward and
peered into the black abyss, but could of
wares see nothing till Rely struck • light
low, and tit fire to a torch. which cast •
red flaring illumination ;Over the place,
and revealed a thaw of kegs piled on the
cavern, for a cavern it was at the bot -
tem, though the opening at the top was
so narrow. The light luso discovered to
the officer the means of descent in • rope
ladder which was fixed to the wooden
'Now, thea,' said Adamson, 'down
you go and put the broad arrow on the
kegs. Dunbar and kis men will tare
some time to get down the road, and if
they .bo*ld get here before you. are
quite dose, -thee, ami Il fiad taeaee to
- keep them mit till yea here aaespfeted
the seizure.'
Withnet an instant's besitdinn the
°Ober slid his leg. Tato the cavity. seised
the rape redder, with his hands, and in
idMoment was at the bottom, and hard
work placing the goverment murk
es the barrels of gin.
• c ►t. sod tusk ►is stat ossa the Meek,
while Aderesmn descended the rock and
joined Radom and W illy below.
By this time the lanterns were not far
from the tout of the whaling pub, ase
the °Soars eosld be heard conversing to-
oeet►ttr. Presently Dumb: r uttered is a
bad tow mud in toot breath a lies y
anthems against the Mt...Moabite I.ngth
oldie reed, aad his satistaotion et biotin
reached the end of it. This was an a-
nounoslhent to those under the shadow
of Holow-Craig that they heti gained
the besob, and the fact was confirmed by
the sound of their Ise' as they tumbled
over the rough ,tone.
The fanner and his friends kept quiet
and patiently observed them. They ex-
pected that they would ovum direct to
the ruck. but instead of thia, they stood,
end Dumber &botton out
The echo of the shoat floated over the
silent place, and dying away was follow-
ed by no response.
'Curse the fellow, he hasn't come,'
aid the irate*or.
'Can't we find the rock ourselves r
entreated one of the emu.
'We tuuat try,' muttered his superior,
though what the deuce can have kept
him, I can't think.'
They moved slowly along the bomb,
peering closely into every nook, aad
scanning with inquiring eye every rock
that ruse to any height against the side
of the cliff. In this way they came near
t., where Adamson and the others stood,
and two or three of them duouversd
their presence at the time, and ut-
tered an excited exclamation,
'So you are here before us, rentlemeu,'
cried the Supervisor. 'Nut soon enough,
however, to remove the stuff from this
concealment Here is the rock, Jack-
son, we may know it by finding them
skulking around it.
. The light tit the lanterns were at once
eset up the side of Oke rock, and fel) on
the person of Ralph perched on the top,
and looking down upon them ye.; an -
At sight of him another series of simul-
taneous and excited exclamations were
elicited, and Dunbar waled boisterous
in$his glee.
'Fairly caught at lit,' he e. claimed,
'Well sir,' he added, turning short round
us. Eustace, 'you spoke very loftily up
in the stackward. What have you gut
to ally now t
'Nothing in particular,' replied the
'I dentesy not. This discovery shots
you ftp.'
'What discovery, ur 1 I was not aware
that you had made any particular die•
`No :' roared Dunbar, 'wbo is cgnivo-
eating now. I suppose you'll pretent to
say that you don't know that when we go
up that rock we'll bud a holo in it, and
sew a lot of stuff with which the hole is
filled r
'I don't feel called upon to make any
mark on the subject,' .aid Eustace, with
the utmost indifference.
'Well, we'll soon take the conceit out
of you Come, on lads.'
And the supervisor began to cl ob up
the rock.
'Stop $ bit,' said Ralph, looking down
upon the advancing excisemen with great
twnchalence. 'Perhaps you ain't aware
that the top of this ruck is just big
enough to hold one, and as I happen to
be sitting on it, you had better wait till 1
come down.
'Come down then,' roared Dunbar.
'When I'm ready,' replied Ralph.
Giving vent to • volley of oaths, the
Supervisor made his way up the craig.
Ralph waited until he mwithin about Then not •moment is b
u lost
arm's reach, and then he remarked- ''here's 1'
'You had betterstop, fon it wont be 'Here:' ahoutedthatpersonage, spring -
pleasant to tumble down again. You leg up Crum • M which he wag
ought get hurt or even killed.' seated. •- ._ .-. - .- -
'You scoundrel, do you dare to thea- 'Wily you go with is Y asked loamy -
ten me' exclaimed Dunbar, dragging • course 1 will,' replied Ralph, with
pistol from his pocket, and presenting ft • gnat which denoted his eager readiness
at Ralph's head to performany service having for its
'Threaten you!' repeated Ralph.'llh, object the balking sot Randolph.
no, I was only giving you a friendly 'Quiet, then. Every natant is pre'
warning.' cions.'
'Look ye, fellow. it's no use you hold-
ing out We are here to seise the stuff
and seize it we shall.'
'Don't be too sure,' answered Ralph,
e at • very good thins fur both ►in aad
Dunbar absolwt:1y bellowed with rugs,
sad, leaping from the rusk, stamped
e pos the beach is the height oaf kis tory
-his associates bsiag 'moony .barrteed
sad discomfited.
la the IMAM of the bab►sb tbia pre -
dosed, two armed boats shim twiper-
esived through the arrow opeuing in
the rocks, and larded on the beach,
when a band of men armed with cutlasses
leaped ashore mad rushed tumid the
g roup.
'Beck into the shadow, Willy, whis-
pered Euetaoa 'There is Randolph.'
Willy and he had just time to glide
behind • ledge of rock whose the cutter's
IMOD were amongst them. Randolph
was not a little mortified to find how
matters stood He had takes the flanog
lantern. to indicate that the smugglers
were running the cargo d the logger,
and had cote in with his boats in the
hope of nuking • capture. His mortifi-
cation was greuit,therefore, when, tuste►d
of anugelers, he cause upon a group of
excise °nicer.
ticarcely had the disappointment been
'Have a care, tar. I bars no time to
dally, caw have you the slightest right to
interfere with oar motions- lino' your
bold or take the coaesgeenos.'
'Oustamsd you, sir, have you the he_
solenoe to threaten mer foamed the
Supervisor. 'You have Wren it upon
you to interfere with se a good deal t --
eight, but I'll tomb you to reajact any
•Will you milt your hold, sir.' said
'No,Itell yueIUbed—'
'Dwaine !' exclaimed W illyy, ea Kev-
in quietly pet the end of his oar over
the stern, he gave it • vigorous push,
which propelled the boat forward with •
sudden motion. Ti. supervisor Ort his
bslasos, and tumbled headlong Shim the
water. He uttered a tremendous oath
as he fell which was suddenly quenched
as he disappeared beneath the surface.
Had help nut been at baud he would
bare had great di iculy int climbing up
the slippery rock, but several hands were
outs;retched to assist him, and thus aid-
ed, he was dragged forth gasping for
breath and choking as much with rage as
sea water. For some moments he could
received when au officer, who had been do 'othing but bellow like a bull, and
stationed on the top of the cliff, ran down
and gave information that the lugger
had arrived, and made the signal.
'Did you answer it as I told your
shouted Dunbar.
'I did,' was the answer.
'Then Dunaldton will come right into
the trap.'
'Say you so r exclaimed Randolph.
'Then 1 must be off to capture him.
The cutter is lying beyond the western
puiut, and before we reach it and bear
down upon him he will be close in shore.
Come lads, and if ever you wade quick
rowilir, do It now.'
'Ay, ay, your honor,' responded the
men with a cheer, and the party re-enter-
ing the boats, pushed off for the rulpuee
of intercepting Donaldson mud sewing
his ship and cargo.
'Donaldson is done for,' said the farm-
er, as the touts of the Greyhound passed
out from between the rocks into the bay.
'Of course he is,' exclaimed the super -
Iowa. 'He'll be trappod like • rat,
You've sold me clean tonight, but your
lugger and its cargo are safe for seizure.
!Bowie, I don't think it was a handaunie
think of you to take our prize from be-
tween our teeth.'
'Your prize, Dunbar r responded -the
officer, 'I didn't know that you were vu
tbe ground at all. I acted on informa-
tion from Mr .Adamson.'
'Yes, curse it; it was a c'erer trick to
save himself from confiscation. and secure
a share of the staff berides. Neter
mind, hang it, never inind, you've made
shake himself like • drenched mastiff,
belching forth oaths as he could gather
power to do it, and acting altogether as
iI a paroxysm of madness had seized
Eustace and the others in the boat did
tut wait to see this exhibition, but by
the time the Supervisor had been tiahed
out of the sea they were though the nar-
row chanuel, and mut into the 'pen bay.
From bis seat in the stern Eustace
could dimly discern through the dark-
ness the two boats belonging to the cut-
ter making towards the western point,
behind which the Greyhound was con-
cealed. They had still a considerable
distance to row before rounding tbe out-
lying ledge ; and as they, un the other
hand, were making direct fur the point
where the lugger might be expected to
be approaching, the hope was entertain-
ed that they would reach the Delight in
time to give the captain warning.
Ralph and Willie rowed with all the
energy which an intense desire t•o suc-
yet, w give me the sews. What tree&
my s.goat, sad how far dues at reach r
'It reaches to everyt►iag.' replied San_
lase. 'Jessup end Adenoma are both be-
trayed, and by Dtekeua.'
'By Dickson !' shouted the Caplafa
with • violent start. 'Has he turned
3 -
i M
By taking Ayer'e tl.reepmfill* IMO
poor sufferer w leo submits to the sei$tw
knife beoatise of minimal WPM 1
r •(alums swelliaga. nimbi be mew
a tied sad whole. Tim will
the o.aruottoiu which pollute flfe
sad by which each euutpliista she
Med sod fwd
Worm Syrup will ressoqS
Wor/N from ohiildrea OM
traitor r Dr. Low's
Ewtac. answered by petting Donald- a l kinds of
sun iu powwowed' of all that bad tramper- tadnks-
ed during the last tow day. The cap-
tain'Missed is mint silence, but kis
g l among us sed fast -coming breath at-
tested his *tease *terms in tbe arra-
Before he uttered a word be turned
from Eu.tsss again. aped luoksd keenly
at the snowy in their wake. Short as
the interval had been drum his last sur-
vey, the distance between the cutter and
the lugger was perceptibly shorter.
'Now,' he said, 'do you suppose
that Randolph knows of your pommies
here r
Ito es UO$T11MCKD. )
A /Ire' time Aselele.
This is, and must continue to be, the
exclamation of every on. wee has used
Putnam s Painless Corn Extractor, for it
is, with•.ut exception, the only remedy
in the market that will remove cone
without pain. All we ask for the Corn
Extractor is a fair trial, for it will give to
you what it has already given to thousands
of others suffering from corns, unbound-
ed satisfaction. Puttaw'a Painless Corn
Extractor is *old everywhere. Beware
of cheep counterfeits. 1'ulrou A Cu,
Kingston, props.
• SsIutars stew+tt.
When I was • young man, there lived
in our neighborhood $ fanner who was
usually reported to be a very liberal man,
and uncommonly upright in his dealings.
When he had any of the produce of his
farm to dispose of, he made it sn invaria-
ble rule to give good messure-rather
more than would be required of hint.
Or.e of his friends observing him fre-
quently doing so, gyeati•oned hint as to
why he did it ; he told him he gave toxo
much. and said it would be to his disad-
vantage. Now, dear reader, mark the
answer o1 this excellent man :
'God has permitted me but one joer-
ney through the world, and when 1 am
gone I caun•,t retur-t to rectify mistake.'
Think of this. There is bac one jour-
ney through life.
reed in their object r,uld call up, and Ayer's Ague Cure acts directly on the
Eustace steered for the dark- seaward
point of St. Abb.., beyond which he con-
jectured the lugger to be.
Another quarter of"an hoor of eileoce
ensued, during which they rowel with
unabated vehemence. Then Ralph sud-
denly exclaimed :
`Yonder s the cutter :'
'And there is the lugger " cried Eus-
tace almost at the same moment. 'By
jove. well catch her in time Ten min-
utes more and you'll row us alongside.'
In less than the time nomad they were
within hail of the Deli;ht, and had the
satisfaction of seeing Captain Donaldson
bending over the side watching and wait -
liver and biliary apparatus, and drives
nut the malarial poison which induces
liver complaint. and bilious disorders.
Warranted to cure, or money refunded.
Ir. the history of medicines no preps
Cherry Pectoral.
Ile otter ems plaints are s• tttstdeses b &Mkt
Week as them adicttmg the throes mad lamps
wee se trilled web by t►o ay,onty of staLar-
ar. The ordtaary sough or void, remelt'.&
primp fres • trilling or aaooneeions ea -
peen, a muss bat the begt.a/ag of • rum
,lek.eaa. Area's C PitRAU I
well poems Its enemy 1. a forty years' light '
with thrust and lung diseases. and Weskit its
takes is mit massa without 4Nq.
A Terrible Ce' Cewi, _•
"Is led: 1 toots a seven cold, whleh
my langs. 1 hal a terrible eiegli read
sight after alma wlibuat sleep. Th.
pre ram up. 1 tried Avita's CURARE Pe.-
TunaL, whish relieved soy 'sums, '.dual
sleep, and Mooed me the reel wwesseer*
for 1. recovery of a atreagtk. By the
"outmost! use of the my
• psra•-
aeut cure was. .stetted. 1 am sow eft years
old, tale aad hearty, and au sanaaed year
casual Pacvoasi saved ane.
emote PAIU.orase,"
ZO6aeal•am. VL, July 17, UAL
. Creep. -A IKstbes's Tubes.
" While in the country last winter my little
boy. three years old, was tales 111 with arm";
It saved as if he would 45. from strasge-
lauon. lase et the family suggested the w
of AYES'. Pat roa*L • bottle at
which was always kept to the bones., This
was triad in small sad frequent dames, Iliad
to our delight to leas than half as bar lb*
little patient was breathing easily. The dos -
tor aa,l that the Crenae PT(ToaaL hal
naval my darling's life. Can you weeder as
oar gratitude ' Sincere! y_,our.,
Nits. Swam OMswRT." '
1.5 West Ma St., New York, May Is, 1102.
"I have seed Aria's COMMIT PECTORAL
b my family for several yeah, amt do set
hesitate to prwwuuee It the trout effectual
remedy fur coughs awl sold* we have .ver
tried. A. J. Carat"
Lake Crystal, Minn., Marek 12, 1152.
" I ingered tor eight year* from Bro.ehltly
sad after trltng rusby remedies with so *eb
ease, 1 was cared by the me of AVMA'a CREW
sE PNr-TOaAL. Josar. Watosa."
Byhalia, tale., April a, tt1C.
"1 cannot say *Dough to praise et Armors
attain' Pacro*AL, believing u t do time 1
but for its see I sboullsince have dl*l
from lung troubles . &anomie. t
Palestine, Texas, Aprtt'W', PAL
No cam of an afecttna of the throat oe
leap musts .hilt eaaaot be greatly tebe.s&
by the use of ATti'* crime recreates.,
aid It will Wraps rent whim the dew r
mot already beyond the control of stedicias.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Ming.
Sohl by all Grunion'.
ration has received such univw! con.- tFOD>£RI0H
mendattou for the alleviation it affords.
and the permanent cure it effects in :cidf
ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kiansy
Cure. Ite action in these dietresling
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2m
wrh.elee'• Tlrwe rbe.pbarea, Ixd. Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson
y Pboephaea an half the bulk of the
body. aro the source of nerve power. are ne-
tosser/ to the heahhy deveiopment of 'issue.,
are ementlal elea.enu of the gaari•• j u ice, are
required in a uniform quantity daily to main -
tale functional activity, it i' easily on why
ing fur them.
a good thins' of it here, but we've done I Wheeler's Phosphates and 1'sii,aya is se valu-
*bon therete cardigans ..f the •stem
geative thine q rte is lou feee to
re pare from the torn! the nucw
the agents for the wants of the body.
'Hush, Donaldson, not a word,' re- mbhe is ail
better at Eyemouth '
While the officers were engaged in
marked Eustace it the same low voice.
Hs ' Eustace,' said the smuggler.
conversation, Eustace drew Adamson
'The same. Heave over tackle for
aside and cautiously asked
'Can nothing be done to warn Donald -
hoisting the brat. Quick. For Gaol's
son 1 Cau no signal be made ' ss -e; dcm t hiss a moment.'
'Amt from here,' was the answer, If Donaldson asked no further agnla-
I was on the cliff I might warn him off, tion, but sent over the tackle, and the
but long before we Kut there the Grey -
boat being run close in, she was securely
fastened and drawn up the side with the
hound will be upon him.'
'I. there no boat at hand Y inquired three in her.
What's ip r abed t Captain, as
they sprang open deck.
'Look,' said Eustace, grasping his arm,
and starting forward. 'Yonder i* the
'Where r asked Eustace eagerly.
`Cluby, at the back o' the Kail Pat,' 'The deucel-where r said the startl-
answered Willy, pointing to a round ed stain.
the youth.
'Tae be sure there's a boat,' answered
I Willy.
ro, nuc unike me
the dostic utensil 'Just ems. n from the shadow of the
tamed, which lay about Sfty yards from g
where they rood. cliffs.,'
'By jove, it4.--ek' ejtklaiwed Don -
dation, and his eye 'idled oar the cut
D eary supply ce
Thousands bear witness to the p.a:-
tive ccrative powers of the G.:aar GER-
MAN IsvinotarrR, the only remedy that
ved itself a specific for general
debility, sentinel weakness, impotency,
eta, and ale diseases that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending
in consumption, insanity and a interne -
tire grave Sold by all druzgists, or
will be sent free on receipt of 81.00 per
box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J.
Casser, Toledo, Ohio, role agent for
the United Statex. Send fur circ•tlar
and testimonials of genuine cures. (Geo
Rhyne., 0xderich. 3m
Cruelly m.Meved.
in the Province of Ontario every yearthon+-
ands are being slowly murders 1 by falling
unsuitable. untried nostrums for sock com-
ptainte ae t'oativtenels, indigestion. Liver
Complaint. Kidney Troubles, etc.. who might
easilyIn tont strength trod energy Lv
using McGregor s Speedy ,'ore. To eon v tate
therm that such le the caw we will give them
a free ttial bottle at Geo. Rhyne Prim Store.
Sasl , Doors & Blinds
D&ALRae 18 ALL KIND/ or
Lumber, Lath, Shingles
an 1 b elder's nt.ttcrial of every des•ripUo$.
Lt All Orders pron•ptlyfatte.ricd to.
Ooserich. Aug. 2, lett. 121W -1y
Ila ve jest rec.; .l a large stock of
Sew Salt Pans and Boilers
Built on Shortest Notices
Mail orders for new work .ndtrepalts wt+
receive prompt at test ion.
Works near O. T. R. Atation.
And without uttering another word, Price Pf.'. 'Mont flet 1es11m'ntals from Der- ' lloderi -:o. Feb..8. 111FI. 1;t?
sou Is. Fuer tewo. 2ii
he sprang aft and gave orders to turn. --- - -- - - Then he returned to where Sustain
'What's the meaning of this 1' he ask-
ed. 'Why was 1 signalled to cam t on
when the danger was ahead 1'
'There's treachery afoot,' was the
answer. 'The signal you refer to was
made by an excise officer.'
They went at a quick pace towards the'By all the fiends. I thought there wee
spot where the boat lay. I something awkward in it. But what's
'I fear your attempt will he fruitless,' ; to be done i We can't dodge him. Shall
remarked Adanson. we tight him or run for it r
with a quiet chuckle, as he glanced down 'Perhaps not. The Moats must row to .We are here to stand by you in any
into the hollow of the rock, and winked the Greyhound before the latter can beer course you take,' returned Solace. 'All
provokingly at the exasperated Supervi-
sor. At the same moment he moved to
the end of the plank, and absolutely
down upon the lugger, and we may be in three of as ars ready to oppose him to
time to warnP- the last. Fight or fly, *gars thorougb-
'If you osn speak him tell him to ly at you service.'
grinned in the letter's face. throw every keg overboard rather than
allow it to be *Mud.' Sustaoe nodded
Donaldson walked *HAM a len,
! This would have provoked • nmeh _here steady (gaze at the curter, which was now
'Ralph,' said the farmer, speakieg
down. 'Cams you ftp the ladder and
keep unary ea the pleat. sad if an of
items. Wipers tlieeld oiler to climb ep be-
fore mot j hop*
more patient man than Duncan Dunbar, assent, and le•prd Dto Oke hwost, oo tinder & en.wd of tail. Trull
and ho was in the act of hurling forth I Willy and Ralph already ata at the oars. ! uualling he looked at the position of his own ship
another volley of oaths when the head 'Tell Ltliaa the errand
,iii which we
bare goes. and don't hit herb alarmed land stood silent for several momenta.
$ • Dao appeared aiming through theLook oar, Eastern.' l:_ at length said,
aperture in the rock, and this naturally if we don't return immediately,' cried the 7 gt
youth, u the boat glided into the narrow I 'here is the state of the cams. Ws an
reduced him`l
That new to silence.
ams a puma's towards the oprn ems. Imp out of his clutches for an hoar 4T
p,ersorisge p eery � two, but no Mn with our dee lad
'Hello' cried the Superrieer u he�r
nimbly, and case in i naontw: sift`[ i•r If the Delight had a clean hold I
astride the plink. within Own h*t 7 !� cunning
'w a~ Toe would lead hive • Ion stern char . bat
Dunker. low as she sow lies in the water. we cm-
'Hitloa, Mr. Dernier, hew are yon T 'Give way, ezdsimed Easta*es.
'I'll be Imaged if you leave this,' not M'1 f' 10 keep the howl long.'
Icar the queryvione addressed to the unwind- '411, by -the -bye,• exelaialed Eoutaee,
eel Rupervisw, whom gedron5iihnenl w r'ealed f)'swb•t. e1*tahittg at the Iwmt,
Inc great In allow bin to make any re- and holding it hat. it*ddawlveeenlleetinohtmeslf,'Mr Adam.
':'how then, sir,' said Seater*. in a /em ebmrged we to tell Tee to threw the
hese overboard rather titan allow him
Rowse it tion*, flet thee.: `w je� bi alt Ile frees *sing net with this baRAr te seise }I'
•IDSA be t That greatly relieve, vee.
ton -- L.... f-_ tea,.... s..- a
.1 hes been Snaking * Limo trlsl� Is. ., 'what b*eiis ss Stave yes to
edwwet' treat art Beide, Si wort Itlere
unary. *tidied, es lir. � res tea iris' to era Dos-
Toronlo WeoIg News
:Tr" 1- • AND WI= e rI * '
F'OR 2_00
THE TORONTO WE6KLY NEWS leas Illustrated Paper. wimp.
passed In all the fls*taree of enterprising) Journalism. It standecDn-
spiosous among the ben iminsesa of Canada as a t»toppk•te news
which will he lstere•tingto every member fifth, fbmlly. Therhlldses
will lite the pictures, theoung folks the stories and the to
. tstebe., the wore Mature will he dell`hid wiet the editorials
news matter, which is every issue twill be Hound spicy. Iwcl•IVe,
entertalalas. is the muter ottelegraphic .erwtne hay Mg th. ad.*s'
tame orr•oes 115tloh witb THE TOROM1`0 (DAILY Nit Moo is h.. • • leo
oomma.d all the dispatches of the Aomori/tied Prem trrOfd.s r he nee•
.tab from NEW& correapoadent• In every •sundae. of Ontario Ube
wit WA the daily paper Is so tksooua As a newspaper it kw an aeperMe.
It 1• 1n poltksi, presetseln` all pI....Iftkwl aOtte fbee Hint
- —
party hiss or ooterisg;, and M absolutely wit Moot Mar or Avon tl* M
parties. The parliamentary reports are welt eon in • Mrtmnr nee
and deal wlb wren mad mess.res t1Nhewt gloves. and having
only In brevia testier. and troth. It is I• the (blleat erase a
. ew9usptrr 'Koch istss enmtakes • verbatim report of Roe. Dr, 't5i`,t;.
MAW • latest .ert55on In Demob lye entersu•le. Clem Ii.IMV Mew Yoga
fashion Settee, " The Mas-Abint-Tows.," .k.tchrs of p..M5 IIB
ptom m serial iof ab.ointinter/ inter/4W. • pnlhk.5.'anIiwd *ted
.ivari ty of oesw.`ia•ed note* en realism** ,tet. Indlsstrhsm 541
term ere., Mer. ergs. lte eaarlim getatMsa aro ressagrierto mad to ir «.
relied sigma. It el jam the paper for the piling bake end the.
will lite Rims* Se wain. Our upset*' eleibMag torts. brie. I .
re•ob .4 J . geeem11wes enters may be bad at this oRooe, '
9.554 year etit'seriptteo to aha elbow