The Huron Signal, 1884-9-5, Page 2itosseholtsatials.
nese after e a peculiar "Savor for t
upeelger Wee, bet it is highly recommend-
ed, earesealls if the cake* as age g/tyd
with -las. ? i
Wet the 4.1 a dished vasehed ply
tees with s and net M lathe ova to
Wows. ! they there mall there ie
a bbewwat over it,
A low aaMg. } wand. by
- s w ibsp4 v Siabb
0o tt. Ther ea this in
a fame of pleb► about an tech and a
half wide, and the is to he planed w a
light ebony frame with • etoladard.
The .amicil cast us the
gust et t'cteuol Busse 1l . 0
sass..'. .pe see...
*Lome mad
ail►.it 'II aria 1$, etas:
the timber, ens
Mallrltgk. Muv
d by Cl=
01..10gag •rye • �tpeael
cat c•oreyingytrlg own*
Black. deet AS male pegosil, to the
Ontario Institute for the deQari death.
Belleville. Moved by Whitley. stiwaded
by Clare, that tie sum .4 e$5 each be
granted tel the IGoless Branch Attrius:r
tural tiunstyy,held at Lucksww, and the
Ashfield Branch, held at
Dungaanse. Moved by Malleegh, se-
conded by McMurcby, that the request
of petition, J. McWhinney, $. i(others
and others be granted. Moved y Whit-
ley, seconded by Mallough, that three
mills in the doU=r be levied for township
purposes, and that abs. clerk prepare •
by-law. Bylsw No. 7. to levy gates for
county, township and school purprees
Minetes of
ed. !.luta
In +gat 'd•
anef sell
hi Ms- Juba
TMalmesen ear obese an
anatsnp.reries (who eb
point trtuanphnst`i
of sower as tem of the
P. But a recent the
York paper, imam i the
in cope fav 6•111641111.8
The night before a picnic, hod some
=mss ascii they are very hard ; then drop
them intoe can or jar is which you have
ease Melded beam. In the morning the
cps will he piak and will b. delicately
/tvored. If passible carry them it a can
with the vinegar still on them.
.A lovely ever fora baby ■ perwd us
its serfage is made by betting stuares of
matinee lace together. It will be neces-
sary to cut mane of the altar's into
halve. to till is the some. Trim the
with deep loom •4 the sow kind.
s must serviceable cover. for it is
enable and beers washing well.
A very pretty lambrequin for a shelf is
made s.4 dark felt, with squares ef plush
err velvet put un at rettular intervals. lin
the edge which is atrsigbt brass crescents
are placed with small tassels tied into
thou. This ober; can be still further or-
nesent.d by plae.nx on it three Oaten -
ens stats with half of the round mat on
the shelf and half hanging over. Put
nue mat on each end and one in (Jensen-
Jen cen-
A good relish to take with a tench is
made of ham. Pound some pieces of
hangs in a mortar, just as ane as you can.
Beeson it with pepper and spies, and
moisten it with clarified butter. Put this
into* mould, or eartbern howl,anl prase
it in very tightly. Put it into the over
for half an hour. '.!.rot it get perf1.tly
cold. It an then be cut into thin slices.
It is nice if used for a tilling for ssrd-
read gad passed. Moved i Mal -
lough, seconded by Clure, that the sum
of $100 be granted for repairing the
northern gravel, provided West
Wswanosh spend an equal •rweat. The
following scsouuts were to be paid, Jos.
Kilpatrick, oolvert on 6 and 7 S. R.
$10; R. .Treleavint, culvert on i aur 7,
4; E. Hays, culvert on 6 and 7, con.,
06: G. Armstrong, itravel, 112.70; V.
Alton, gravelling on 10 and !loon E.D.,
$41.73; E. W. Richard, planking cul-
verts um boundary line, $2.06; J. Mullin,
34 nods b fest wire fence, $10.25; James
Rose, ten scrapers, $60; T. Harris, 80
nods wire feriae, con. 4 E.D., $24; W.
Kilpatrick. sevrices se engineer; -$/6; J.
S linden, boildin,t culvert, oun..10. 113;
N. Campbell, impairing on S.R., '1 and
10, $5; A. McPherson, 122 rodsditching
on S.R , 15c a red $18.30; E. Mistier,
remoring slide and cutting hill and un-
der_'ratu on 8.111., 3 and 4, coo. 4 E.D.,
$86; do. placing and bracing bents ori
bridge over the nine mile river 6.R..
3 and 4, con. 4, E.D. , $10; M. Russell,
ditching on 8.4.0 and 7, con. 4 E.D.,
For some uses, and4.n some places in a $1.80; F. Russell, ditching Im :OIL, 3
mom, a square shelf -that is, one that is and 4, $1; S. Lewis, building culvert on
almost si ride as it is 'long -can be ed- eon. 2 E.D., 43.W; G. Graham, repair -
/nimbly adapted. Cower it with felt and ing and planking fridge un S.R. and
put a band of velvet an.und the edge of 7. con. 1. $3; M. lllnssell, repairing and
the tambre.iuis, ethic/. should not be underdrain on hill B.R., 6 and 7, eta.
more than • quarter -of a yard deep. 2. $15; W. McWhinney, gravel taken k
Fancy Watches oaf silk above the velvet psthitiaater, $10.8$ .i, Dalton. planking
are very pretty. The .edge may have culvert, 83.50; J E .Sullivan,kravellittg,
tassels. These seem t.. he preferred t .
as molls
ia ▪ Europe, : which last year reg M a
tefalvt 1,300,$00 toss, an amooat in
emcees of the tate! oonaernption of auger
in all Europe, es that they have nos onhy
had all that they would euuaswie but as
' sow to scud uu Of course they have
Y1tat B tl nWinging log te dishonest
of tkeesads by saving many of their
agar nom hoes an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King's awe Discovery fur C
Lion, Cograhs; Colds. Asthma,
H1 rsr, Luse of Voice, Tiokliajiyt
fm. Thriuestt.. 'iais is bide gad Qheet,og'•
p�aai eOr as 41se Throat awl Lanza,*
sots. Gnnowtesd. Trial Hi
denims at J. Woo" Drug Stem. La
�r ]ia la►.2AKi.
'OCIrnagastt caving Meso a sufferer
for a long time fines ao.str prestratie.a
and immoral debility, I was advised til
try Hop Bitters. I hove taken nue bot-
tle, sod' 1 have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it the best
Wily INT raw QMLos your Reapers and Mowers, when you can
n eeded nu c=ue swan and the cane -sag- medicine I ever used. I am now 0siniag
ar producing countries here been de- sttrsl4th ,tad app tN., wkish was
pendent wutirely on the United disks gone, and I was ut despair until I tried
foe s market acid the inerwaed supply I your Bittenaide . I am new well, ae to se
has socoursa bee, fullueed by s reduetiwo about .ud do my own work. Betuw
of taking it I was completely promoted.
'Do the Southern States produce as Mau. Marr 8Yr•nr. .
meth as formerly r - -- .
'No, wet nearly .a much, The booth- mads Sar mei
ern States maneboompete with the other T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes:
cane -sulfur producing countries let presort 'I never hesitate to recommend your
prices.' Electric Bitters to my customers, they
'What proportson et the Europese, give entire satisfaction and are npd
cruet{ of beet sugar comes here I' sellers.' Electric Bitten are the purest
'Nut above 5 per cent., but it has itt and best medicine known and will post -
effect on the prise .11 the sane. We. tively cure -Kidney and Liver complaints
cannot use it alms*: but we can mix tt Purify the blood and regulate the bowels
with cane sugar, sad the price 4 the. No familyw.n afford to be without them
latter IS effected to that extent. They will save hundreds of dollars in
'What has been tee effect in Cuba!' duct•r's bills every year. told at 50 ata
'Most disastrous. The tax there is s• a bottle ny 3. Wileen. (31
high that the total value of the ere*
won't pay th. Gurernmeut taxes. 'Rau tewsseee•
_ A liberal reward will to paid to any
A 01..10 aMer+emerr• party who will pnduce i case of Liver,
The Clergy, the Medical Faculty. the Kidney ornotomach complaint that Stec -
Press and the People all endorse Bur- telt Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring
dock Brood Bitten as the best system theta along, it will snot you nothing for
renovating, blood pudiying tunic known. the medicine if it fails to cur, and you
Its work bean out their best recon.- will be well•rr'warded for your trouble
mend. 2 beside.. All Blood diseases, Bilious- THE BEST ASSORTiMFNT 1N TOWN
S„ell! T t and yes will east..► other.
Cheap It has a• aural. Try
t i
R_ W_ McK�N
1117 eels b7
Fashionable Tailor,
Has the Finest Assortment of Smuwer Goo.!+ to Choose Froin.
A Nobby Snit at a Reasonable Price,
!'ALL (•t
gT'G-g I v NLOP_
nese. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene -
sew ore ler irartaea. Weakened b7 01- ral debility are quickly cured. 8atisfac-
e ease, Orrtllty aaeJMaalptbr. tion guaranteed or money refunded
The Great German Invigorator is the Price only fifty cents tour bottle. For
only specific for impwotet-y, nervous de- sale by J. %fide. (St
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or sides, no matter how
shattered the system mor be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the •.:rest German
Remedy will restore. the 'oat functions
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six boxes fur $3.00. Sold by
1I41,2; W, !!'Neil, inspecting gravel work, all druggists. Sent "n receipt of price.
frimge_at present.�,"� 'wattle f w'; M. Dalton, und'rdrain in front of,+ postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Raked cucumbers are a novelty ..n
lot 16. $2: W. Young, boundary hill, Ohio, sole rgent for United States Cir- Dents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug
most tables. Take large 1oces,pare them, I N9'
and with a pointed .1,00n se wap out t fence, SCltl; J. 5ulhaam, reprinftg cel- rich 3m
seed.. Mie the seed with a little cold vert $.f8; M. wirofence, 48.40;
ham, either boiled ..r fried, and a few I Mr.. Lacy charity, p; P. Doyle, cut -1 A BA\tea's Teirnwosv. - For a
bread crumbs ; season with ealt, pepPer.: ti hill n D. L, coo. 10, $1D; Richard `Gough, Cold or an • Bmnchiced affec nom.
and a little hit ..r onion, and moisten ng i )
with W,.noeetenhire sauce. d'Jl the cu- Jewell, plan: and ..!vert ..n D.L, "Pectoris," in my opinion, u just the
$2A. T3; do. building two bridges on
cumher with this, put them in an earth- ' D L coo b $44.23; L Ensitm build.
ing culvert on the boundary, $t:.b0; J.
Kean'• Field Lightning
1. the reify instantaneous relief for Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few dnrpa briskly is all that 1.
needed. N.. taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minute's application
r.imooes all pain and will prove the great
value of Krems Fluid Lightning. 25
W. Hayden, inspecting work on I cullers and testimonials sent free. Sold stone. b
hr I b0; J. Buckley. 100 rude wire I by Geo. Rayners, sole agent for Gods • -- - - -
Three 'w MAN Fart..
The best blood purifier and system re-
gulator ever plaoed within the reach of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ten. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes
thing. I have used it in my family for i Jaundice, C onatipation, Weak Kidneys,
Cough. and Colds ter the pant four years or any disease of the urinary organa, or
with the most unvariod success, and to- whoever requites an appetizer, tunic or
dna my opinion of it is that I rmtinue i n•ild stimulant, will always find Electric
to think still more of that which I hei,an i Bitters the best and only certain cure
thinking well of. 1 known. They act surely and quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money ref under.. Sold at
fifty rents s bottde by J. Wilson. (41
en pudding irisin, oral hake them, besting '
them with Krat y, or with butter and E. Kerr, repairing two calverts, $5.37;
water. 1. Ensign, grarellink on boundary, $10;
This receipt for ginger -cake coefes from ; do. 4t yds gravel, $4. The council ad -
the English cook noted 1 ar the excellence jounced to inset at same place on Soder- Gain Karr, Manager tlnta-io Bent,
of her work : Put one pound et butter : day, the 4th day of October.• Pieharing.
into 000 puend of flour ; add Leif a Joel Come, Clerk. Price 25 cents at all druzcriata. m
pound ..f finely powdered sugar, the rind
of a lamas grated. two tablespoonfuls of j - - ♦ wNe Awake.ewsltu•
ground ginger, and one grated noisier. J. talson is always alive to his bum-
them together : then heat one gill I nem, and spares no pain. to secure the
t e rest es a
menu of every article in his line. He has
secured lire agency for the celehratedDr
King's Kew Discovery for Consumption, (
the only certain cure known for Con -
gumption, Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness. THE URGEST IN THE DOMINION.
1etelllgetsee 1r Ilett
of sweet milk, or wu it rather, stir in- ; In the -own of Larne h n d
to it half a teapouful (4 hicarbonatm ,of i grmtlirna. in the possession of a at,
soda. Roll out, cut iu
se a
qre kes,aed which is w great a -favorite that every
bales iu a moderate oven.
;cloy a plate and chair isplaced holier be -
1 side her master, whose repast she shares
Butter or string bears, if cooked sad i with supreme content. One day for
picked according t» these directions, are . some retinal the dinner was postponed,
delicious : Wash thers and steam thein . but the cat came in at the usual boor.
until they are tender but not soft ; put She was evidently mt:ch disconcerted at
them into a jar and pour hot vinegar ; seeing nothinv Kwon on, walked once or
over then. ; sweeten the vinegar and sea- !twice disconsdately
round the table.
eon highly with cinnamon. Another' then disappeared. tthortly •
way equally excellent, but which gives a she returned with a mous., which
different flavor te the pickles. is to boil the put ..n her own plate. She
them in salted water until tender ; postponed further proceedings until her
then pour Prow them the hot vinegar muter returned, when .be immediately
which has been sweetened, artd in sddi- began to purr and rub herself against his
tion to the cinnamon have • liberal allow- much es t.. say : "See how
once of pepper : cayenne or black neap be nicely i hare provided for you.' B.
used. I tween this town and the village of Holly -
One •.f the novelties and luxuries of ; wood there is a country house which hap -
the period is banana cake. Take one
cup of water or of .sweet milt, throe
saga, four cups of flour, three small tea-
spoons of baking powder. Mix lightly
paned to take tire last week. The cat of
the house, which hen access tat the serv-
ant maid'. apartment, ran up and pawed
the young woman's (ace. Being very
and bake in layers. Make an icing of drowsy, the girl turned to sleep afresh.
the whites of two eggs, and ens cup ane The at, however, after arms interval re -
a half of powdered sugar. Spread thisturned, and proceeded to scratch the
on the layers, and then cover thickly; girl's face to such purpose that she rose,
.not entirely with bosses. sliced thin. and. smelling the tire, wakened the other
The cake may be flavored with vanilla members of the household, and the
The top should be .imply (rested.Hames were extinguished. A nephew of
mine, who i. fond of cat.. generally
I, preserve the large p uma t tat are 1 keeps three nor four, and by dint of pains
and kindness teaches thein a number of
tricks. I new one of them sipping cream
from a teaspoon, which it held between
its two forepaw,.
tough skins, it is necessary hrst of all to
remove the .kine. This may be done
very easily by dropping a few of the
plume at a tune into hot water. then
with a very .harp knife removing the 1
*sine. Cut .he plums in halve.. drop ,der Plant
'*ter. The plums should be w.igfied,
them into a syrup made of smear and I The Wild Strawberry Plant possesses,.are virtues. a cleansing, cobbling, satris-
*td an equal quantity of auger ehowld lei gent, anteseptic, and healing medicine,
set aside for the syrup. Let thein cook k I and when combined with ether valuable
so gently that they will keep their shape. vegetable extracts, as in Dr. Fowlers
Take them from the .Tran with w skim- I Extract of Wild Strawberry, it is an
sow. put them i ,f.. the calla. and Pour I unfailing remedy in all Bowel Com -
the syrup over throe, 'acing first r'waor- I plaints 2
.d the scum fr.•u, it.
Dr. Low's Worm 8jrup will remote
Age ah, . d alwaes r•manawl respect. dulls lm
ttesrert Aar'. !all kinds of WuWormsfrum children or
1. the case „f Dr e•• i••r s Extract .41
a Wild Strawberry it certainly dors. for 25
years that has been the standard remedy i
with the penple for Cholera Morhns,
Dysentery. Dierrh.ea,C'dic and all le.wrl
complaints. 2
Wooten with pal., colorless faces, who
$pI weak and discouraged. will receive
ankh mortal and bodily vigor by using
orf Garter's Inn Pills, which are mad. Int
' the blood, nerves and c.nlplexic.n. im
The Ilona, fears, the desponding
viers, the weariness of soul that many
enmplaun of. would often disappear wen
the hlo•...l made pure and healthy before
reaching the delicate camels of the brain.
Ayer. Sarampusnlla purities and vitalizes
the blood ; mood thus conduces to health
of h.dy and sanity .4 mind.
lay. the history of nsedicines aro preps
ration ha rseeired" stab nniverial coos.
l .. Thorneends bear witness to the post- fur the alleviation it afl.ed.,
are ccretive powers of the (lat.T GRR- and the permanent cure it effects in kid
ace imvluooATott, the only remedy that nay distawses, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney!
hoe pn.ved itself • specific f..r general Cure. its action in thews di.tremtn0
debility. seminal w.akn.m. impotency, i enmplaints is deeply wonderful. Sold
share nr overtaxed brain, finally ending
in er.nsumpti•.n, insanity and a peones -
's,. irray. Meld by all drawing, or
• will he sent free on receipt oaf $1.00 per
1/110. oar six Wires for $fay. Address F. J.
sv. To...., Ohi-., role agent for
' the united Ktvta . Mind for eirerlar
lad t.stian.nials of genuine tori. Geo
Rhyne, (l .d:•rich. 3m
To theadM
M.-(I,c .w A• Parke. ('arhnlk• ('erase will
nore s., tv.• of Nevinoe the free or Rama
Rkln on either hands or rtheta
etfa. and Imre the
sat as .Ilk. 1t will shin Meal any a.we'lobs
all 01 her pr pestle,• fall vr
Thnwds hare
yam It. Ask y)rdrones Mt MearsF'w
Harbe'r l'artwnk• Ceram .not An met bp per-
rmade•d .4.Wrw
to take anything e eed 155 los a
g�oreseh.I It Y hut 2t newts per hot at 0
drag( !afar,. 1r
Fsuii Niirsorios.
Asthma,Fever, Bronchitis, or any
affection :of a Thrust and Lungs. Sr.ld
on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles I SALESMEN WANTED
Inc.eRegular size $L00. 3
, To begin work at Doer on Fall Rales. Steady
employment at Axed sateen.' to all willies to
Cnichianw s - A name well known in work. act ■tee Meati( can have
onnectien with the Hair Re'newr,which
restores grey Lair to iu natural color by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 Bents per Pleaaaol Work the Year RODII .
bottle by James Wilson. Sia
m warrglt 1.
"1 was taken mirk a year ago
With bilious fever.'
'My doctor pronounced me cured, but
I got sick again, with terrible bins in
my back and sides, and I got et. bed I
Could not move '
I shrunk '
From 228 lbs. to 120: I had been
doctoring for my liter, but it did me no
good. I did not expect to lire more than
three months. I began to use Hop Bit -
Arun line of all the Leading Potent ` Akin., always kept on haat 1
(Physicians Preecriptione a Specialty.) ..
The Canadian Pacific Railway Co
The Company neer Lands within the Railway Belt *kelt the main lbw, and la dosis.
Manitoba, at pricer ranging from:
$2.50 PER
upwards. a;th conditions reeninug cultihanon.
A rebate for culti%Mion of from 11111.116 le sa.ra Per arm. "(renting to aria �ttril
land, allowed on certain conditions. The ('otn f•at:y airy offer Lands 'iciest ecogfMl�
settlement or cultivation.
ideas the Main Line. i.r., the odd nrmbered Sect tone u.thin one mile of the Railway, are now
eared fur sale un •tvantageous'arms. to patio.;.rn tared to undertake their immediate cul-
Purchasers may pay one•.ixtb in (soh. and the balance :a Ave a•attal tastatmeata, with Is
tercet at ti1X PKR (EN r. per annum. p. able in advance.
Parties perebsiag witbot-t ooadttions of cultivation. will receive a Deed of Coarryaace
time of pur-hese. If payment ie made In full.
Pay menta may be made in LAND (:RANT ItOMIrw. which will be accepted at ten per
cent_ premium nn their per value' and accrues incterat. lit se hoods tan be obtained oe ap
plicstlon at the Yank of Montreal. Mcntreal ; or et away, of us aftewefre.
FOR PRICK+ and ('ONDITHiM OP PAW: and afl irforn.atfos with respect to the par-
ebsse of Lands. apply to JOHN H. McTAVIKH. Land ('on.m.ssiont-r. Winnipeg. By order of
ire Board CHAHLES DHINKWATFiit. Secretary.
Good agent', are earning from $40 to $C5 pe
month and expenses. -
011/Tcrms ar.d outfit free. Address:
112111.3m- Toronto, Oat. D
r 0
horn �
Le3diI Undertaker,
ten. Directly my appetite returned. my Has on hand now the LAaLgaT *TOM of
prune left me, my entire system seemed Fif'St - Class Furniture
renewed as if by magic, acid after using
several bottles 1! am not only as souni as
a sovereign, but weigh more than I did
before. To Hap Bitten i owe my life.'
R. FlriraTutcc.
Dublin, June G, 1681.
How m OCT SICK. -Expose yourself
day and night ; eat too much without ex-
ercise ; work ono hard without rest ; doe-
onfor all the time : take all the vile nos-
trums advertised, and then you will want
to know how fn y. • .aril, which is answer -
.d in three words -Take Hop Bit-
ters. lm
Solt thew Corm.
Are you troubled conn Salt Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if leo, go at once to Geo. Rhyne Drugpg
Store and get a package •1 McGregor .i
Parke's Carbolic Cerate Price 25 cents.
It was never known tet fail. b
T114T .'A\ 1:1.1
in the Comity . and a I now purchase for cask
will not be undersold by any one.
1 otter TapestryCarpet Lounges. from 1411
upwards. Wtnots, good, from 42.50 up.
Bow Neck ('hairs. from 1glt. up. and every.
thing else in the tame proportion.
Between the Post Oats k Banf et Meanies
QOD Mit CM..
Oct. Isth. iMD. 1113.
Keeps on hand a supply of mate•ial for the
repairing of
Ioei's and Reapers
Sulky Hay Rallies, Plows an
and Machinery Generally.
Domestic and Fa etgri Fruits.
Oysters of the (lest Brands
Trwh and 'retnked Nall Water Fish In reason
A toll a.w.wtwwat of all kind. or Nate.
finder:eh March 27th. Lat. Mate
for the week)sqgg Aare. PMA IO eta
fen twutaee, •mot we will Mall res
►Rat. a royal. valuable bolt of sans
le ".owls that w111 put yon In the
VW wof mak
mare money in • few da,. t k.R
you reta Anil all diseases that aria from self- by .1. Wilann 2 oysters laeevid a.Ter the
,rse Icier meybr a....e gh N
cite .t any beniso & Ni
if 'X ('HgA M - v k losto.V. capital sired 'e will wart yon. 1'nu te//Ms1 Dasntifal colors. and
work all the tlme or in ,parr them only. Tk.
Floral Imaiass, Wreath*. ('roams, IMnSeH., week N mil venally whaled to both tbeseses,
MO made In order. Tie \
sti eve ire.twg. tan who w•agt ttranfi
, t tae Arelfaees. we nob. this arpme4
Wei Meer ; t• all whom.. rat wet lest Is/ed w.
tzt• ti 0
• 6610Q
03`13 r.3
"CIO ta
f C11110:111 a aper
Now a the t Ilse. IT yam w•rh en. n• • w .• r . r t' o 5.5 a' I o w e, to aver Fader', intik par
Hr Mn oar,
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
at prieerlras than ,.r) n a. h '1'erin' ,orae. Call and rte the et
ar.Ib, bust .alta• is town. at,d mu.t le told
rtewerilln "nate t tegMnbM. h 4.aen M *and eN- Yon part molly barn frees er
-__- AT may TAa
will send 11 to pay for the treehte a writhe
I Spa PnllwuartkuWs.Alreettera. etc . s.Mhee.
14.11111117".k Pt.AlgT Fortuities will be mate by them whet Mlle
Whole lime to the week. (.teas swoon
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PS1 Sping Bazaar P1IFS and Fashions