The Huron Signal, 1884-9-5, Page 1s's
` b. •i 0 J
iifft ovNT EWS t'' .. AN0 GENERAL IN1TWCEH
f'rt'.t:TY.J IxT ;flit,/ . -,. - ---_._...._. _ .____ _____.. ODERICH. OPE. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 5, 1584 11 MaoiLO A YEAR
q I sLL ♦ DDT t, ,wr♦xc
set ,r •I.R xL'Mitltll ,,
-.1 -newt-- --f,--
brw ♦d, >frrvwsne. rS
UTE1,Rev.Wttersesebntede.nMrs. Wa. Revell, abedtof TMestetsrshi-T.TSm " 0""the d Angela u the curch of &. roti.,, arrived from toy Cit ch.••n , bride, at MLncbeeter wee °pond Wret Besupre, where w may tetra• Sunday ad were the guests of Miss Mc tratk ,u Saturday. The testa proved hsis Nsvli rees
a' at e7 PAt fiat A 1 1N us being perforated. C3ihieuddy during the week. They are satisfactory. Four train/e tau abreast, melee
The vote on the Verret Ace repeat gristly pleased with Guderieh sa • gam- carry Mime, aid weighing Lee tons, rue- t
TOWN TO wises off in Halton oa TLeeday. Tne mer yerort i osssfuMy crowed the 'trustor,. Their Deriug the Asst week le body of Chris-
intetwt i• the result for the tease bang On Saturday last, Was. Molw•n ship- I u) ,y elk Manchester nice more. tame, known u Brethren, baso been
wesvahadOws the murk harem pod trori G.slersah elation. islet en car k The c 'nets -tem attsuist a Clinton h•ot.i gather„ d at a general woman at God.
]lies Biahardwa, of To. vies', Mit leads et cattle, and we of sheep -the !keeper for sultans liquor on the 18th of rich and hat a held Morita in the Jell
McIntosh, of Detroit, and Mus Mellre largest shipu.eut ever made in this sea July. c .ut»ry ti, the pr•viaious of the shed and preaching nwttnns "it aim
tion. This makes sixty-four oar loans a Crooks Act hu been gnashed. An •p- w wren in the park and at deck.
gg000e of tows, 1.h .n the (boob. ow{
'Thursday for the Saginaw trip. cattle snipped by Mr. were
McLain, 'ince pea; has been entered on holed(' of the The meeting was 1•njely t theed by
Juno last. Ninety head were fur export, `t)utano Goverumest Judge Teat's de- Brethren meeting
outside prints, and was
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. C. Marti■ and and the remainder fur eastern market'. !Melon iuvoives some 6ne points.
Mrs. MCCoroiek, of Woodstock, wh•. Sot•tasa, Cot•.rnse FAIR.. -The tifth Norles--Jt Plitt t S•Ls-SEVIInuam. one of the most reaprstable religions
have been spending a month at the Perkexhibition .l the Seuthern Counties I LtTut•zst_-The adjourned sale of that gatherings we have ever seen_
those present wet. Lund A. t, I Anyoo;
. Cecil,
Buchanan, of Detente, and Messes
Hale, of Brantford, Gowdy and Stowell,
of Guelph, Ro nayne, at Chicago,.Rumer-
vills, of Dundas, Resaford and Brown,
of Clinton, and a number of others. The '
work of the vstherintt was of a quiet.
earnest character, and was en marked
w.utrut to the jubilee of the Lola
Army held here .•,sea time ago. The
exercises consisted of three meetings
each day for gospel reading and gospel
preaching, •t which • full and free invi-
tation to accept of the Saviour. was ex-
tended to a11. There were agrees
Osten. or Gamoe & Pruudite.t, venders
' able presobera at the gathering, who
'steno», Gotier(,an-ich. si.•.ke forcibly and well on the plan of
ST. Ggossis'a Cgrmt•H BAzaK.-Tne selvatinn. Mr. Iioehan•n, Lord Cecil.
bazar held in the town hell on Tuesdsv and Jl«ars. Hayhoe, Runayne, Stater -
end Wednesday, underthe auspices ..f vilie, Halo, LWcdy, Manger and Mc -
the ladies of St. t 's church was Caffrey, were the principal speakers. and
Gwell patronized both days. The ball were always sure of of attentive
was handsomely fustonod and gawps. "flagged," gps. Tho following was the order of
and presented • very tine appearance preaching :
Quite a trade was done at the refresh- Thursday- -7 PAIL. - Runaype, Hale
ineut tables, the bazar department, the i and A. J. Motown..
fish pond. the fruit *told, and by the Fre tay-10 ans.-Lord Cecil end
bouquet *tilers and otlwrs who "roped ct.ana't. 3 p.m. -Lord C,c►L and Ba-
in' the guileless. On Tuesday songs I charism
and duets were given by Mr. A. B. Hen-' Saturday -10 a. M. --Hayhoe and Hale.
Berson, Miss Wenn, the Misses Trainer 3 p. re. -Hayhoe and Buchanan. 7 p r
and Mn G. Mooth••useand Miss Cooke, -Adam Martin .;India►(), Williamson
and instrumental pieces were given in and Hayhoe.
good style by Mrs. Elwood and Miss Sunday -11 am. -The breaking of
Fish. On Wednesday the singers were broad. 3 p.m. -Lord Cecil and Bache -
Mrs. Revell, of Toronto, Miss Wynn. nut. 7 p.m.-Ronayne and McCaffrey.
the Must, Trainer and ' lies C..uke and Mondafy ' 10 a.m. -Buchanan. 3 p.
Mrs. Moorhouse. The proceeds footed ir.-LorlCecl. 7 p.m. -Hayhoe and
Tuesday -10 a. ne. -Buchanan. Hay -
hu and JlcCaf rey. 7 p. n-McCAdrey
ant R•,nayne.
Wednesday -7.30 p.m. - McCaffrey
and Ron•yne.
All of whom spoke vary ed chest,
about the Word of God.
Met oe env Leiria
Noor o ninedss dilista.
Y.•ni or Ilale-Oso. 1'. Wood.
Garai ltcductlos-Yea teirvls.
St Thomas Rzhllettlos - John A. Ratti
- z -
( I JOtiQli3ON, L. D. S, $U RGZON
tit list. Odes *n4 reNdescs. Waist
t'r.rt t door. below Haat N Mew4Ts
the People's tetamn.
N V TAN?. Altera so Mita .1. set(
se daft Wer oderlck. 111141
(.Y SEPT.. a neat. convenient testy
fur , t. na
roily of three grown peun
water required. Nott water In kitchen lad(►
p,•.. oboe. Apply at this aim. 11157 -
SALE - 160 TO 800 CORDS
hard wood, piled on saw mill
per card .sas'se'd on road.
,idlt will be given. ea weal
note withiste/rest, 11. V. ATTR
▪ wood.
s etre et Goderlob. in the County of Huron.
and Prov uuii
Ince otte t W of Domi.ionof ('aGentleman. will n
sada.y toat the next /este thereof. for a Bill of
llivone from his wile. EMILY COX. former-
armer1r of the saki Town of Godenoh. but now of
California. is the Patted States of America,
ea the grounds .f adultery and desestiun.
Aunt at the said Town i1 Yoderkb. this
it'd day of Amnia A. 1).,
ho!tsttegs for the said Petitioner. twain.
Hroau Cox. . -
pupUsesthe tub Aug.. tact. Iostruc-
tors free• atom ys gents. Termsrudimole. ermnesd.
hs dtswess
t'iswo Forte. ty lemons tIf`
hawk conversation with Madame Del"esdry
atter 1 p. as. Young ladies will ss.: this an
e xc.Ikat opportunity of Improving their pro -
'mantillas and retaining their kzwwtedse of
Fr.irt. Terms Ser. per week. 1 ly
!♦.10s►d Iran Narrows. will be sold
pat the Godericb Foundry. The Beatty
and all rep•:rs for the same can also
oe from the Ilod.rieb Yqsadrryy oro'
ap by mail to iL ,i:EGMILIZR,
ti4derieb. Get. IMO
9 pier,.. your own Selection. 25 reals.
Lbits seat poet tree on application to
W. C. PUGH, 478, Qt -u4 ST. Waste,
P.aaos. Organs and Musical instruments.
der redeem& priers for cash. Hes-toe
O. Tessin) neat. the voting os W hoot
Ass rspsal tales pus& bat every:is one
got W had gam es of wises and 1 wan st
W.L. Horses', comer Albion Gode-
Saunders k Sou want tieMoo p berhleM. *pNi
aver and o'i oat. Highest pelves cash tf
ort Louse under the sun. .sat to
pest ofice. I _] -
♦ of tee Amenean Fruit Pteserv•
u Powder and Liquid will preserve fife lbs.
.t /Tutt either with or wstbout sew far
iwa No seed to keep the fruit air tight.
Jas. iatric Agent.
TM sHwny eseN.os.s1 ooayMs. and N
does the enthusiasm near the d clothes
turned out for GeaMie ehMpdr Y. It A.
Pen nam. the ts•hbsa0l ttaafllloer.. Alw,ys oo
hand. • Ane Rock d tweeds.
C•LE.Doxiai GAsrirn.--The ticokbntea an
enthusiastic over thea, games. and all who
try Itubeen. are delighted with the photo-
graphs he turns out. A slant -eat his sample
pieture• wtU prose a pleasure to these who The Susses C. J. and M. A. Yates
admire good wort
Saunders k Mon are getting In • One stock of lave opened nut a twllaoery est•blaeh•
coal stoves, tar hennas coekcryt. all the twat at Kippers. W a wish the young
lesltrg'tyim will be chime wteadlsqg ladies minces. ►n their new sphere.
to cheese hem wood to cosi. should call •ad
make • favorable obviate. -The Cheapest Candidates who have not received their
!louse Under the yin.' certificates or marks Oils hare them no
yr butte u• picture- 10 peened into a a lieatiom t. the headmaster, bysend-
bvreel sad W pictures turned oat by Bet• PP
lows, tbephatogrt pber.are pretty. Ht' ism- ing their a•Idrees and stand for reply. Hoist' Sn•'uL -A newt under the
Ily groups are greatly admiral. and he mates I
a •petdalty of outside susses. ltenteniber the R. Gle,idiunin formerly of Dungan-
un an auspice* of the Young People's society
sante. R. 'allows (:odertch. moa, is town clerk of Wheatland, Da, of the North Si, Methodist church will
A \Yom To ram wise is tcrrrcieeT. I. and rens a genre there. There ere many be held rat the residence of George
l•. Armetruag s Hos., are sellrg their tan.• Canadians and Mures men in Dakota. CO,Tuesday evening next, the9th
tag shits M t eyed en trees 05o 1. nab. at t weir 7
taotery, ds fvered eo feta or boat. at Gose- J. \Ya;lact:, jeweler n` Lucknow, has instant.Honey and other refreshments
rbc►. Thee have a .us. of re mammoth
land 'otters oat hand• twrmen are using them been in town attending t., the business will be provided ; cls, good programme
w level down their toll wheat c rroow bd. Their of his father here, ar.d his br•,ther Willie I of vocal and inetrumeutal music, games,
hydraulic tested pumyp•sare scillas fast. and hes been in the L'w (now esta',li,hment - &c. A pie.iant time may he expected.
giving groat satisfaction.f,,; a change. ! Admission 16 cents.
Miss ('Ian Berry is visiting friends at Printed hill heeds, letter heads, and Huao,t Hn•ess••.-Dave Fisher, tete
Det nit. envelope+ have a biuret look &boat I well-known horseman of Goderich and
The Mow Tighe have returned fret° then(. They c:et bot little and sate vale -
i Colborne has about 20 tine stallions and
their lake trip. able time. Leave your •wrier r.0 Tae I mares which he will slop to the Western
Mrs. J. 0 Hannon is very ill of nerv- illhi is:. office. mares
in a few days. They are valued
ow prostration. Harry J. Kay, one of •'ur best known I at over $10,000. The latest addition to
Mrs Lewis Elliott, we regret to learn, 7"nttg men, left yesterday to take a pix- I them is • 7 year old general purpose stai-
ns' been very ill. ,than in the Central Bank. Toronto. Len purchased by Mr. Fisher from the
Frank Elliott took a holiday trip to Harry was a favurita is town, and we.l Nan Newton, of Westminster, for a
London this week. bs ntiaserl in many circles sum in the neighborhood of $1.000.
bit. and Mn John Macao are visit -
Misses Mabe! and Ella McGregor. Every {oers'n entitled w vote should rip t. $230.
ing friends at Hull. daughters of Capt. Gregor McGreltor, of examine the voter* fiats now printed,
the l) unto, returned tu their Lmue on wee see that his name is correctly,,slaved ratite *rhea* Board steeling.
Mrs. and the Misses1Luars are spend- $today ram, after spending their vacation therein, and that be is ae•eteed for the
ing • few weeks at the Albion. at the far,( of C. L Jlclntotib. Ivy owned by him. A moment's afters- The Board met on 3I•mday evening.
M. Hutchison represented Godertch at gra,, 3bphea Yetry, of $t. Thomas, tion now may save hours of trouble here- Present. --C. Crahl., in chair, Buchan-
tbe Stratford Caledonian games. has been appointed D. D. G. M. for after in this matter, and may possibly be an, Butler, Nicholson. Morton, Ball and
Mn. Knox. of Holutes%illy. was the Huron Lodge, Na 119. 1. U. O. L. and the means of .ecnriaf to those entitled Swanson. The minutes of last meeting
guest of lots. Black, on Tuesday. Bro. Ju a I. F. Toms, t.o &similar poi- to vote that pcivileae. which. by an error were read and continued. A noticeable feature iu connection
din. R. J. Whitely, of Lucknow, mu tion f• Bron Eae_i. , a'fgt. -` - in the lists. they might be deprived of. The Principal's report was reed and with the services use the ,ruck were that
in frown this week visiting friend' Cesductor Higgins, wile and ds;;fh- RZMRMASa '-Tbe Lucknow Caledo- We'd--
led mo collections were taken rip hum the
1dn A. Watson has been visiting gun y caved byAisholwn. ..w.ndeB by
for have eon • visit to friends s in nisi Sohet will hold its tenth annual Mau c"" of the preaching. This is t h
v friends in Kincardine and Hi 1 Toronto. Mr. Higgins will sir, eras tit gems' nn Tuesday and Wednesday, Seep- Bali, that Mr. Lmbury receive $100 in fainly an tnuuvatu,n at religious meat -
Mrs. D\\ ARD SHAI3MAN,p a Mtent -r 9th and 10th, when $1,300 will addition t" his regular salary, fur extra Ings, and has a tendency to elevate ow's
L ]lea Willison Seymour and Family left some "f the eminent physicians •,f the
RBI' KLdYEt! AND PLASTERER, per the ()tanto on sunday for home. Queen O1h regarding Iia ailment. be offered in prizes. The first day wetl work in connection with model schoolmead 1n'm things earthly to s higher
010 4. STwork Mr. and Mrs. Doty left on Tuesday Miss Nolan, of Brantford. waw -known be devoted entirely to • quoiting 4,urna• Moved in atuendment by Butler, PHO,. (R course money n raised by
is s: It ready to do any work in his Ilse at morning to visit relatives en InganolL and much admiral in Hamilton its * tun- ment for the chsmpconship of America ended bySwanson, that the modal We Brethren, but they believe in giving
tis.deteue pies,' g trait, singer, and )lies Reidy, the Cana- The railway fare frim here has been re use their increase from amongst thes-
L:e.e. Mick*. FirebrriNu• and other Building dial s,ptasio, have .ecnred toed ,tag's,- dtnced to 9i) tents, so that partir caw R, school be taught here as heretofore, with wives, an& not in indiscriminate) a ti-
Mateeial kept on head ter Sale. Nit Frankie Savage. of Buffalo, is y
that addition, that the teachers of the
pndcncb Much lwJ. low lfeLam visiting her sister, Mei. G. H. Berry ments en a tie+ York church choir. n the 9th anti ret.riRc on the 11 h, thus
lletting fs,m unconverted Para)" not tall
sntnl ach•e,l, each dismiss class
lira Clarke and child, of Detroit, a» The Toront•, Ifirl:!y •••• is what it, geven2 an opportunity tc see the whole one hoar earlier than usual every alter- kllowahiP.
J+ the guests of James Hiller, !leapt, attest name indica. • "neve paper. It performance. sate day, and that the 'alit towhees take The meetings were largely mean'dod
Miss Frances McLean, left for the fairly brietlee with news. Tee it's -fig LeltOnas MATciI Zoete. -The La -
charge of Mr. Emburys clue,and that it thn'ughout,and many of the homier from
be understood that Mr. Swbury receive outside denumtnati,ns were deeply inter -
Wesleyan College at Hamilton, on TON- ;►erre and Tea Spinet. both f .r $3.W a envie match (,day fur the silver cep andP y
L year. Send your subscriptions tai this junior championship of Huron and Bruce adequate remuneration for work done. Oeted in the work. The Brethern haw
"+Attie' QY N Lttwas Thr admtk ..O1- . Lount, C., of Barrie, will cue- office. promises to be s close one- The Hurons, The to chairman ruled the atter part of sworn that although they have basica
i` M "wows °f the °1Os 'Aoki..
or. The Toronto Noes rifer' as fellows to of lieodsrich, now hold the trophy. lav the m••tion out of order. w no definite much talked about,they and their tsalafa
Oar sob. the Rost Halt use Lot Number duct the crown business at the fall ss( p have been misunderstood and misespre-
elaht lo W (7th concession d the
a termer Guderich nein - "Thee. ing won it at Lucknow. The Beavers, sum was stated. Mr. Butler appealed
Township of HeM.0 amounting M •ares "ma- y yaagainst the decision of the chair, and sentei. Theyaim to be true followers
about Mtaesea of w1M•L is cleared, ties halases lira Fisher, of Kenelerdine, has lad at the ,rnev yesterday morning' We ,, the townsfolk w 1 turn ouwtdi d of the Lord Jsus, used worship Him is
Isle acrsi, Yard wood umber. lrrsna5 des r tlag spemding s few days in town, visit' •Citype was sustained by set►e heard to 1►i cap- spirit and in truth. Theybelieve that
testas,. It la sboo1 at mile. from it e' vU- to see kis cousin, Rolst. Ruddy, city I give the juniors the encouragement of , P
said Wont a mass from rho vile friends I their presence. The ball wd. M heed man cannot add to or improve the ffnish-
8 a me the Login. estates as/ Mn, Berry of Detroit, returned to her clerk. The amendment was then put and lust, ed w„rk of Christ, and that if a man be
Ralt will ho Samos of tab home, ,ntpatteed by 'Jew tails Belly, In addition to the dist of successful at 3:90. We hope they will give the and Nicholson s motion carried.
estaow thothem. to Ob. QP Swanson rote.ted,..n the round that trulyw,cvert.d, nothing more is neces-
a o t¢tpsruewYtrs apply of tows ea,didatea already published. Miss Etta genion s lesson in unetuaiity, and not
iffec1, rain istt teal Let 33 Con. 11, Hsi.
Porter. of O: •11,nrne,who hes Men attend- I delay the :came. bio. )Embury was now eag•i ed u Creast. ~tT but that all other good thongs will
fen. veto m•bMo Y. 0.. Oral. William Kelly, of Brussels. was coni- ie Otederich Atsb.,hoot, got •'lod B. I R,,a..o.'rs Mees, or Ooo&aig'H -We follow. They where that man's e1WMta
Y• other half of said Lot. slaw Matted to instil for vagrancy, on Widnes- 3 pal and teacher of the m.del school fur to improve are ail right, that morality i.
y ,t l at th ra win yes, ter the !! a.t teats, was i.sdderteatly Omitted in i are indebted to Otto. B. Robson, photo- 1884. a necessary thing, that temperance u a
f1AH♦MHHiTLISR. i,osdtrste,ro Any the list tint [rows to the press. I gopher for name excellent atereosrt.pic A hot discussion took pl ce on the hies•esa, and that truthf einem and
wen. I1 kept Itwi lYArrgn.-Geed servYt girl to g0 its R. S. Chilton U.R consul ins bad ' views around Goderich. Some of them u1etiun of the raise of $100, and during
Woodstock Apply at ,Park Huts*,,I honesty are virtues ; bot they else )R SALE--FABYc ?i0.,Cl:odetkh.
his boys around him during the peat I Gra taken frau new points, and the centmve»y the principal and en.peet• i be-
lieve that • man may ha a moral,a trestle-
tg a g w, el►esmist ..r two William and 'Robert. of scenes are pretty. Mr. Robson has umel: or took a hand in tee scrimmage, [use and an honest mai, that he may M
a e t lge1 osdd, west*'
Mrs. Fisher ant*tleldrNs, of Clinton. Rfeshmgt.n, sal Ytroy, from New need juJffment in tatting the vies, ani Mr. Embury offered 4, do the work abstemious in his habits and houorsbla
cwoh•aoedtlw0ie.isseYa•d a hefak were the guests last week of Mcg_Pe*. York are spending • pnrti•ei of their tee commend them to lovers of the beau- during school hours without the extra
and Id1c his 1,` 1 r pe be tifuL The views can he had „hwy. in bus dealings, that hs may even M a
it ream hast street. vocative hire,, and he trio ••c car to professing church member, and still he
tatfess h. PIUa*, of K:ntston, u here W enjoying thems.tvea. the duan Among tQe gems era scenes While the air was whit warm, • motion
est y to sd juste we• pet and earv1S4 cot of Christ The b. of the Broth -
MAW a j ressaia wi♦ her sestet. >ths: SmvlAl. Stone scoundrel attempted t.. *Wee .,n the river near "faits, and a pretty renes far es we have bow -abbe to,
r'' r 1 during her illness. tl.e residence of Mra H. 13ain early on I view of H. Y. Attnll'. residence. with a . - Cbnst first, tut and always.
n hot Plums arm not op to the •cert► F.w \Yednesthe m.ornreg. Mn. 13sim's cries charming foreground.
One of the speakers, Mr. Baha -
on > +t[ . gality this year in Huron. using halite aroused the neighbors, and the tallow Wm. Revell,
A.R A.R.C.A. of the
lff.Atlt• pr,dorlged drought, + flea. He aNwotpted anclueentrance at s Crown Lands Department, Toronto, was goner Aqua... 1. Tura i. art watt • nan, of Detroit, alluded to this pant es
back window. Sri far no cine its been in town during the peat west, the guest use ale's Friday evening, rob as he has toren nate-
Mir Teesmaw. the citric teacher,
!ss- - nspreunted, we will briefly state what
1 of 1 . McGilhcue
agf ROC$E FO@' t &. SIS
returned from her vacation, and hes re- obtained t to the visitor. 1,N t )itario s lNditleg artists, and The Ezeler Tirrw. is impressed with he said. We were yieoent, and do not
lbn,e IfMgnn-sl. Mgr• W. C. T. V. Ala s attendance is re- k from he tots wither will we keep
Patrick's Orhoot. M ewer- organised iter class. his sojourn here ohtained excellent the earnestness of the railway ogdtwtioa ayes 7
° reasonable wean it has elglet Br \g,,r'l. d est..tosd to her home. gagged
nce stm te i gs, to a elde*tun Teln v
ms. besides pallor& dnatec e i, penned meetings, of be held init the Tem- ekeoches of potting of intent in and in feud@oath, and joins heartily in the back anything f x ..r against the spetaRlr.
ad n pantie,, c to cetiv+, kr. at Brantford. • 's. w peasant visit at penance hall. next Tewsday afternoon, at around t iodestich which will in due tune following pr,pesitiun :-- "The G.derich He said : "It s a h•4ey to believe that
jj,ntstsed taahlw Pttm .. ow ty ». W. tel.e•n s. three o'clock. s• enwilitties will, be form- I be pieced before the public. He leaves en people are Mire to the interests of their the efforts of man 'can save
,gg g hgm•t•. mot w the owser
tH (imdaelohurc 1 I Jew Lizzie Cattle left for Alma Cul- eel to visit the dilates* wird* of the I Friday for Biassed', to obtain sketches toss with reference to obtsimil; more nothing but the sleighed work of CD
loge. Rt. Thoma, un Wednesday, to at. town on tmmponnoe work.• of some of the r,mantic hocks in the railway facilities, and are trying re have can stone for sin. And yet there aro
R BieLt 1 rR TO RENT -THAT tend to her studies. The nch,.ola opened on Mornay, after I towoat.ios of Grey and Morris.the Tnrnato, Grey and Bence, whish be- many who I,eliev the► can be sorsa
„ 1 property. know as the Wilburn LAMM SA/3 - MOara. R..gsr .0 - lunge to tion C. 1 . R. , extended to that thr•.ugn the medium of another than the
ewt occupied by Mr. Mis* Cooke, organist Si Peters, reMbe„mow lustiest The changes in I twA. Now as then is • ch trier avant-
arse .Tessa I In one o cassio,s 1 heard
H,wton. 1. ooAFtae for sale ,rr to rrnr. turned to her duties last week, after: ro ee from last teras ►re. 'l`1sa M. Lewis jived last testurday „ne td tbs
Yetd is .Ne•terl ee uM gr•rrl ioadr De e , finest and largest safes ever seen in this ' ed f'•r a nod fri In W,,dstock via tit. that a man was dying, Mei. at'eoenputied
uge.e Gedrtiok and fort Album. and code` taking nor vseation. b ',vivo divigiat d RI Pat 1►1•r a and Keeton t• some pent „n the by my wife, i visited him. I asked him
melt as Htyth. anddoss a snug beanies J. C. Harrison carpo by tftersser Ilton- tick's, vice Mw Ist►rencs resigned, and ` of the country. The safe stands 7
Fig, Term or. .. of Asia. M Mame if r«gnlr- G, minim* division of St. ' 5,110 111 fent high and w.tgh. in the ! lake, would it not be a ieurmble, seeing if Ice ne. saved thr••tigh tete blood sof
to A.
AL1. r" 1i t°4 For particnlarsa y fro on Snnd•y evening, on busenmt con- I hip wp w Masa Itende son resigned, • neigob.,rhne,l of 4000 pounds. anti w.s 1 G0d1h is determined to have another Cbr:.t. And he res l,.•.1 that ha was sewle
sem ALt,F: . II.sM, P. o. _ g,ectetl with the rink.flint. that seine atelr. M tateu to have but that hie minietrr wave mine shortly
• ~ the well known ntafiu• the line from Woodstock built, a that if t.. administer the sacrantant, and thea it
.fit on 'e MALI/ -LOTS A' APID itis teanttbe ~d '1 11.a Rolf i temperance woodman wall be gathering
held hs I J. Tylor,leudt f M e' tho firm by his» thew is any advantage in ersn•esm+t iii -;would b0.11 right. T then tett, and oss
k first eon wales,, Intraahlpd(io.terfd4 Clint.ltm, are the s!its Temperance Hall on Monday, at three (lecturers of Toronto. Ir ie fitted op in
(arms lets ceatalnl le nerds Dpi 7 • 1blic er for the' modern at with all the new patents shffscilesies, RastesMaivietnitymey re•rhue:thedoor mea • person+MissIw04 •hoth f) Idles fewm ppetterlr e. stn o'otv+ek, Go oder ftp pt t 7 *'shareinic.ThuHeadnsi v.etneet •tf+,tkt«betheor mt (n,esc.esu►atMtis
'ece : mate wailed. A. ll. AAIi1Fi.piasRte•* talipt th0 Qty attecese of the Canleda Temperance Act i ser, wised s;ainst fire nal bnrglap. AeWr■dun•. +itA Ws Credite \ •!ley,which black bail und«r his a i. en. whaeh. I mM' 1
t. 1t1►ef Monday tet take • peetion in • wholesale
sailletsery establiahmant• w have
a estetea following very. All I J. Doyne wing that toy
es gwttin n in I r also of the Canadian Pacific. if 1 p•osed,were the bread and wise that were 1
STORt TO t.4 gun OR $iLL-Bi who hate int ,arae .t heart are request- I pbes, "Moving that 4•y i what 1 rnnaid-' part
in wearing the ex- going send that risco soul t. ha.
f1100a,same► sf good armeadr rod. H.O,.y s ]les. and Miss Bloom have returned a to attend. er • nice little chore.' was finale to ants a woolen less
mon~ lar t q bi tsM (a -m@ tss ' to their home Imre after a two tnsoeth'• Ths friends ni John %Vilsre,ear tet. i (tension .,f the T.; 0. t B. /teeter and ; Thio tit
l'°a A Rsatore enemas --Wm. Woodman. Mess section of anwtry may hid adieu to I ant believing in the &Admit wort: s
Tevmo !ear'
e a wink to re/BirosOttawa-
will regret to lairs of to eattoet4.t 011- tailor. of Leederboee', was chanted by any wire railway seeosismodatinn than ;Christ '
> , jgriNtme• M4 glegsre Thos. and Wm. Rib rmas He s•de •n attempt to out dee*+ Iu daughter 1Salita, shed 3lin with to- tb.y ore at preNM." TIe l.res^hinge on she utas,, •ad in
¢sa L Alii , =NT iJ! oa 1KelMlayie* tb.$SsteswiMht►view throat with •trite during a Bt of ds- derentl)) assanitint Mr eon the moroiraq I .• -- I the park also attracted large nsmbees,
OR fag M waee g elran••1 d of erneeewtieg their Bodies. pnndNey ere Wedaier4s night, bat !eta f f the $Sod of August_ The girt •wears Atte ttnt to r,eest iatelI ser« from and the dilferdn• dt•eouewev were fail of
rims of 'temps; l fieume: two wewi; Mn. Nolan, who now resides •t Mil- owewooenf.1. iswutpe Awa Nemo Mow that hue father ,mimed her root about the old world, gt .si pavement is to m i a d the iii and {,reset
harm sad shed ether banding'. IrIncNr Wil.nah. sttrschan, rat N.od.neh,
With e.Ilar fall mutes, has Won visiting her friends is psthy ing 0641 y o mpt nm. , in ha night d epee
rod even OD in L radon, and the •.ht Moe- P K.
ay w ar eoYfeseets.. ere : hirgeereek , town, and sense to buten.. affair*.',item lis and paisfol afAiefnnn.
1 atlrt ! q long attempted to w,mmit •rape up. sa her mime ordeal tea•.asol. The {coraco is rwtui« 1 the reception and MllmttiltM
IAm t7 1 r lo u1•ewam nail,
a tr.".
w>M fists$" •fere Pao [T!. -TMdM wits have dropped ' ptcrr,e \ier►dmsrc bales A get ei rsj,uM- ggit! Mr have n..t . oly fluted to realise the the visiting brethren, and e.wt ribwlati 10
♦ ".• I by J Tntas to era welts' lMMthbat bolded in their payments to Tun Sem tion. ,
ammo r 6.1-.4
sm wd nap •n Y imputed *awarders*. hot ht Is«t..eenrd- I their comfort in every way.
A tau. SOK I in ra en Wednesday, for desdiag 1 are regestod to mitt. *t noes. We ah t tbo *Lead her mothu. hg to Pint. Tyndall s report, to serious ' We ender:tend t1 s the intestine a
D TOR rex se Seefewth. evert to potting elaaeaa int, the 4i.. -n I rano, emsr sdwuts esteriag sur r•o.n ea g i ti. MS 'J the @tall sad longs : that is the Brethren to hold an enured past.
ftOTJ1It' onre•t, het ti'eve stn sues+* who nilly, ales M did so to sea d somebody teas e.wanssal eat,reuor, the wan•eI ing at (tedench hereafter. and n Asn
(fam h, fieri e'fe'r P. 1. Ralhron heft for Montreal, lease thsir ear*-
♦ e,reharA tAw natwc ttaiw te`ite•tetAa M ant bade►kbAnaalr.wd/.i/esapsartaAltei witA ur•e1 Mlth, Mid then, un- tsessr@dtMywill fce g1ad1T wmismtMd
'4satie! ruraing the «quern to+wdipe• ley leseea to s to their hilla a finer he hod a fight Mok after bet. dK the mildew.* ••f the het ani. gay@ i the (:hnstaswsi am•,wpt f1. Ohm
,'suss 1-...-,114,,r, ° *4M+- en gtigttela is thinners,. of the Godes figment op, if Tee . oho** ynr owe ( Ne demise as MSY forth • psrttylgrt *$w*iM tsf glut..
1 ole aes*mAIIl 5.
b •. -tar iiih plow works.
. r^':.!**'..*.,: -
' „ t' -. . ,.,,g„, iv, +ti*c, &,,sea:x 7,::;,..," 11"."7=1-177 r
+Idle . xss ar;a.. --' -<. .. '''''',1, ,
... .r.. ..- -...-...-...-. ;r. Mur' fer.w.X0..•-'i __.f.'r. .,
House, left ter Lome yesterday. Fair Ass.cmtion, will be held on Tues- , valuable property known as '•Cherrydale
Mw Minnie Adams, who hiti how, day. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Forme will take place at Martin's hotel,
visiting Mrs. Alex. Saunders, has n• Sept 30th, Oct. 1st, 2n.i and 3rd, 188& i Coderich, on Thursday, the 11th Sept.,
toed to Toronto. Smite of our y .,the open t.. the world. The prise lit is instant, at 1:30 o'clock p.m. This pro -
ase languishing is consequence
rshberel, and set cumber of attractive tea- petty is beautifully situated on the bank
The last lot use maelvnery for the Hen- tures aro odered. Nee advt. in an:ether of the Maitland river, about 6 miles from
sail grist mill was shipped aro Frid.ty teat eu1i"'ti• l:oderich, and •wile from the tillage
by Iiuncuman Bow They cats• made a The Canada Preabytersen thus alludes of Iteumiller, contains 162 4 3 acres,with
shipment of outing, t. Ciiutuu. t, • Oodevieb mut :-John McGillivray lance orchard of choice fruit trees, is well
has ably alba acceptably 611.1 the puipit watered, bas about 40 acres of good hard
of Knox Church, St. Marys, during the wood bush, and is in every respect a de -
absence .4 the pastor. W. A. \Vilam. sirable farm. Immediate wasesswu car
He has made male many warns friend,.be siren. Fur further particulars wee
durirg his short stay is let. Mary's Hg large posters. ..r apply to John Knee,
toast. Paris trona., charge .4 the coin •ucttuueer, Messrs. Seger & Lewis, her.
lineation there during the m ,nth of
--. For Sale or to Let.