The Huron Signal, 1884-8-29, Page 5gliii tri CI 2 Mk HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, AUG- 29, 1SO4. "PlT1zR'B' PICNIC. a...' a til. Mose gaw.b.- ori R gameam Tbrm•eew s Asa Toward, Aug. IL-♦ terrible semi - dein uoeurred at the Zoo Saturday alter- ation, to which a well-kauwn roan about twee had his arm literally salmi off by ji.. hags Reesue bear, Peter the Great, rkia bear has always been buhed epee es dangerous, road for the eatery el the pololic a stout railing was erected in Emit of the care to keep people at a re- spectful distance. On tiattudsy after- noon William Thompson, an eagiaaer, who resides with his family at the Bay- sido boarding-house on the :unser of Duke and Ge.ree streets, called at the Zoo and asked to be admitted. He was slightly under the influence./ liyuor,and was at Ent refused, but he dually man- aged to effect air ettr.to., awl after strolling tnto the camel's quarters, (rant which iie was ejected, approached the eve of Peter the Gnat Instead of keeping away from the railing, Thump - Km crawled under, and commenced to scratch Peter's shaggy back. Irvin, the keeper, spoke to Thompsuo, vlliug his attestors to the legend on the board close b Ibis hear is dangerous,' and once obey' put him away taenia the f«tdlttss�� man reeemmeu kis as soon as the keeper's back was turned. Tired of having his hack mento tett, Peter lowly turned, sod then Thornpprr.n acted to • manner that no mesa in his senses would have iwatated. He coolly insert- ed his hand between the bars fur the purpose '.1 giving the animal a biscuit, the while keeping a watch un Bruin. Peter's greeny little eyes sparkled omtn- uualy, sod the nervous movements of has ears shwld have warned the rash roan. Suddenly and with a tremendous r.•ar, Peter newel one of his paws up- ward, and quick as. daalt pinned Thomp- Man'e hood to the liar, hoping it so timely that he was rendered utterly helpless. Peter remajaai motionless for a mordent, and then raising himself on his haunches caught the hand in his mouth and laven..ualy c•ntlniel..A his u.rn .•1 hu - maw Ae-Ii Thtm►pr•n, who war, crafted with 1.. ac•enn:-I .it for :.s i.•awa., and is • • ,..•row n t . •'ed 1•. bra :. • .'an••e with h.-. iron 1 .n, nolo sbo.d t.•: r belabor. ! P. -tet .•,• r the :read. t .r niirdfo ..t t'1e 1.1 .wa, the r.. -.r e•...rt, u - e to cr aur- t the :1.+•11 WWI •.••..tee 1..' 4.•WI his pia. -wwtm_ one the boort as he clea,.d oft th:• tI.-.;•...ud tints tog in the arm a• tb..1quip iisw shorter. 1t war • terrible spucracle, and those mih.• wit- nessed it Krrw sick and were "Idiged to torn away. The artn had hero .eaten •.11 neatly t.. the elbow. and Th•ong..on was still unenttaciom, when rate of the keep- ers mantled to drive his bar int.. Peters eye, sad this had the effeet of tnaktnk the beset let K'i the stump. Thompson was first taken h..me, and was atterwar.ts ,,Jomoved to the hospital is the amno- hiuce, eh. to it was found to:1/4essary to amputate the n•euui'vr i etweeu tit.- elbow •nu ab.ul.ler Thompson is a1.•ne to blame 1.4' the hose of his arm, as had he minded the keepers. who are ale aye close to tbt. cane. or had he kept outside the rah! t i. Le s.•uld have been quite safe. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY. A sterol Tr.eber luta his Asst.tnal vee Uwe. FACTS ! ! :# - t FACTS ! ! FACTS ! ! AND DON'T FORGET IT That we have never been, and never intend to be undersold by any legitimate house in the Trade, either in Surs, Teas, Coffoes general groceries, Crockery k glassware at Rock Bottom Prices, fi0 Doz. FRULT JARS JQBT A.I%EtZVifiD- Come and See Us C. A. NAIRN, ('ours How Square, Ooder�i.i. Jane lfab, IMI. Jas. Saunders & Sou G}ODERICI3_ 1 W At arkeele Aug. 25.- lir. N..rn., a ynut.K oar. of 28, after attempting t.. kill a young lady named Ford, a school teacher iu this place, shot and killed himself Norris mese to this place from Lyons Held, county of Bruce, on the Iso of Jenuary ..f the present year, and bologna tosehisi, giving satisfaction as bead teaobier. Aurin` the early part of the plant summer be paid attentions to a young lady named Mies Feed. For some wedm past be paid bat little at - gentian to her because .he discouraged him This eaeriing tie teaches were ell on duty as renal. At the afternoon inter- mission Nfrrie went fives hie ram' into the roe. of Miss Filed, and thug were Barged in eoaemostisa over half ea boar when ML Ford aid her desk. stud w Isewingwith bee elbow cm the desk and lead au her theetlforris swathed the other side of tad 8meft. He thea salmi her to marry him, sad she replied " O." He then anew Aswralver from hie pocket and fired at bee, the ball going between her fingers and into her face. She immediately dudeed down and ander the desk. He then caught her by the arm with his left hand and dragged her out and fiord two more ahot.,which struck her is the head. She than ran out. screaming, and enter- ed the fleet dwelling, about 100 yards distant. Drs. Sproule, of Markdale, and Barn- hart, of Owee Round, are attending the young lady, and up to the present time have not extracted the hall which enter- ed her ices. She lies in a very weak ° nclititrw. Morris, before mowing from the place where he *hot Miss Ford, fired one shot at himself, the ball tmterinv his right temple. He dropped to the floor insen- sible, never spoke, and died in about an hour afteosavds. Mis. Ford is an exemplary and highly morel young lady, under 20 years of ro Her people live about • anile oat d the willows, her father having • large grist mill. Mr. Porn and family are very highly esteemed. and they have the deep- est sympathy of the community. The greatest izttitetnrnt prevails. 0) . H 0 aQ W a1• wEl Cr pC W Q aU COo CO Wee* Street. sex. door to the Post °Mee. "Tho Cheapest House Under the Sus." April IS tial. HOW Hiram Herber and his two sons, of Waterloo. Mich.. who were bitten • few days since by a orad dog. have all be- came raving grad with hydrophobia. The sons are expected to die momentarily. They are .11 chained to their beds. a. .r$eb.ari mss onounam. Aur. Se, I esti •hash. ..... 1 0 ,sir+-.,. bush. . t w li•, bbaarreebesh�l.. , e 71 t • �.. •.e.••..... 07M0 tie V a ...................... 0 II II tj1 lea Igiiigiiltsl....:. • M } ta MI g Riess_ . tcarepotiv,..... e M Bo==. CI= Qnmegtr std late rmediab __���aT�.•ls_ Steerage, $81.40. ar DERICH --To--- Liverpool, Londonder'ry,G1aagow London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff. ALLAN LINE GREAT REDUCTION IN OOFFEEm8 Hror pYtelwe4 lbs lairul lip.. et Cls . il.uu ,1- email lr�i , s 6ew.sd st • wins pkw J'e,va, 30c_ per l'b. 1.C3c_ per 1b. Minced., 25c• per lb. SUCIA R QUOTATIONS. STANDARD GRANULATED SUGAR, 12 iN for $1.00. COFFEE SVGAR, 14 iba for 1.00. BRIGHT W, 15 Ms for 1.00. Also a large steak of Heals MI Lan!, sad ev a b. r commodity to be totted la a Arai ..tar K. Walt $!de court How &ream Goderich. ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMSHIPF L1 VZIP0OIrLOSDOifD[RBT-0LASOOS Tug 81101rMIT Sea *OUTS TO AND F1o11 ENGLAND. SPEED, OOMPORT AND SAFETY UNSURPASSED. EVERY SATURDAY FROM QUEBEC. Cabin Rate from Quebec to Liverpool, $60 From Quebec to Liverpool and Return, $110. Sailings from Quebec. $L fi cotta Oct. .r..»•,».a. I1ti „•• tot Nov. les •• N PARISIAN POLY VIIA$ «»•»» /ARNA SARDINIAN PARISIAN CIRC ASRI AN pouf Nlis1Al( PERU TIAN MAItN AT1AN SARDINIAN PARISIAN...... VTR('ABM AN COLBORNE BROS. e ▪ melt of to have DDrryGods tor the thecoadat mas tall that tier have ever shown. They have i secured some bargains in DRESS ROODS, TW KEW AND SH(Itr1NOt . ghat are worth enquiring fur. laeek aad Colored Vui.rtrrttaote are to be lamely worn this tali. road they have spared' 50 pains to wake tbsir stock complete in these lines, and at prices that caa.at Its beaten. if you wont the beet value lite market at- fords. terms cash, and no second price. oto to COLNOItNK UIUYTHKR$. Goderich, Aug. 14, 101. NEW FALL DRESS GOODS A LARGE ASSOKTME\ AT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. NSW MEDALION DRESS TRIMMINGS, NEW CORSETS, NEW EVENING WOOL SHAWLS, tAtanted Coterie. 4 -BUTTON KID GLOVES, AT n00. New Fall Tweeds and Coatings J. C. I H TL.OR Bo CO- Ailaois prasnptioo Dru[ sroa. A VV E ST E R N 00 0.6 Fountain of Health. Sulphur t Iron Bitters; Fluid Lightning. Burdock Bitters. Electric Bitters. London Purple! PARIS GREEN HE Y,?8BOR E3_ M Move Roderickon Tho ,earrse,,� ti of direct com- ae Aloe with,teaisisrl St ensg. toe r an obtainfyea are Iota glr els at b . ye rates at ilia (Moue. avllsUs Ragland lrrhd a Scotland. Trance. Clerway. Swedes sal Norway. Tor licking and all informatlas, apply to H. ARMHTRONO Ticketge_at. h. loi. I M.rMay lob. Ilei. AM JAS. WILSON. EYL EAR AND THROAT. DR. RYS- RSOA, 1.a.C.r_ Lecturer on the ila. Bar and Throat. Trinity Medial Coilsee. Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Rye and Bar inermary. Oculist amid Ander to the Hospital for sick children. late ('finical Attestant Royal London Ophthalmia Hospital. MooraelAa and Central London Throat and tar HoapitaL a17 CHractr Smear, To•orro. March ! tb. 1001. IIIL TA*M mut, ARCHITECT Aa ° aicea.�l w� �*e+ptsoot.. b... iM��se}�a�s�� loiStr.w. esre»t .s•mta.an va ma's work Get your Printing at this Office. C. CRABB -aa.- The Oldest Established and Cheapest Store in the County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: FAIR_ 1884. Canada's Great Exhibition A',^ INDUSTRIAL ERTERPSISE. LONDON, CANADA, September 22, 23,14,15,16 17,000.00 111 P1ll!ES f:.001 00 IN EXCESS OE 1ee3 $I,ed1.10 111 SPECiALS 01 FAIENIS OF THE VASTER! FAIN. Open to the World. The Western fair tar Ian will far surpass all ate pre dearson. Tose prises are larger and the new features aid novelties to be intro- duced wil1 mese it the most attractive exhibi- tion ever held 1s c.sMa. Wait for It. Write to the Secretary for Prise Lista Pott- ers. Prorr.weees or any Information required. IL R. ROBINSON. 000. McBROOM. President • THII 6R� 1�' INDOSTftIAL FAIR AID - Semi -Centennial Exposition, 1884_ Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultnral Products, Implements and Man- ufactures of all kinds. 01.33002C1R.ZE16_ TOEOITTO Me. , Oeanebteel Nagar. 1!MOO forMOO : by tis tive. Other sager ea in proportion. Sears mob 1 oe delivery. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. GEORGE ACHESON, The Premier Dry Goals Merchant of Goderi"h, is now SLAUGHTERING GOODS. Come at Once aad Share the Bargains. September 10th to 20th TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. TM la grog Moe ears e■ tier roes olio. Bleak Two at Mo.. Noel to any l'• Tea is oa- tario: Timer Meeks at lee. mid 73e. Orme Tree -Young Hymn. him M'. to Me. Own' viands.- Tea, Mr., the finest Imported. 73e. Ib. A very floe Japan owl.. at 1tb. Ib. Prime Lida m.Frib.ei how the Sarar{ss of all Ferro* can 5- oe11s and Mecls.ia' lestitutea, or they will benefit anywhere oS appIk•stlon by post -cord to the Secretary M Torostn. DRY caO03:46- ninon f'edlaa ArelFST Mir& Prints tool**. at priess to s•tonW. Factory toss wru l ens cones. yard wide mew. at se.: ~rawer at 1e. A Nae int of M Oros orals Riess Kik, at 75e., worth $1.51. 1 A.RDWAREC_ be M .sed and Shovels. ihs. Rai nt. bist makers. PA1241T18 A1'QD OZZ.A_ W• keep's,* bet tad• bore. sod l o11 teems at name prise Y onwenMeel. V twegtet • apselalty. and w•rraat.d tree freta sil..ra autos A pa.l_wppr ly of Oaand Itala.trs' Hard - wary M hese 0_ CRABB Ordwfe► Jse Itis. tau. MOOS GRANDEST EVENT Of Tomato • aesil-0rateamilal rev. 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT Allowed for Cash on all purchase. over $1.U(1. tiod.rich. July 3rd. 1X11. R. W. MCKET!ZIE� ISNOT GOING OUT OF BIM- :',E.S but !::.,. hero eo long In it and formed asci pearl m -d. ,m t ... i .... . hoe sad will GIVE BETTER BARC-P INS •-- GENERAL HARDWARE � Than where professing to sell at roar. lie b Lound that ! is beige in the future. as in the past, shall be noted as the CHEAP HARDWARE. EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off Cash Sales R. W. MGKENZIE' Goderich Foundry The undersigned., lavintt purchased the tioderleb Foundry and Machias flbgel air pat the same fn good repair, will take ointment for Flouring Mills, Steam Engines, Boilers, And other Machinery wasted. 811 dada of Castings Made to Order apfloeriitq Ilillaighauped to the rrradeal Redlctioo or Roller System. An Immense Programme! or SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS Will keep Agrlcultoral imp!etnes4 on hand, sad de alt RRPAIRS oro shat notice. J. B. RUNCTMAN. R. _W. RUNO1MAN. Goderich. Api11 21. hlgl. �-- The Chicago Hous Spring Tyr' cry_ Sumx .er Tyr r .e One o, f the Most Complete Stocks in Goderic LATEST STYLES AND LOWEST PRICES. Wilkinson's, w Chtokre (lodcrich. April 10.1104. Is prose tre.yen•d for that thee. Mese Ores coed SeewseNwa M all baa5. W L be beet Yr es .tette Oise fire d Vt7�JT iron IT. J. J. WiTHROW, A J HILL, rrssl.amit Mrslyler aecr,•sarir Jose lie gal. resat 7"p�fT� AT THE MEDICAL HALL. •reT VMietWriall Or SWEEDISH TURNIP SEED Pare Paris green and London Purple for Potain B Pure Hellebore for In ect8 on Curre •. Gooseberry and ktose Euehep. BEST INSECT POWDERS FOR THE DESTETJt)TJOM ALL KINDS OF VERMIN. INSECT POWDER GUNS, FLY -PAPER, ETC., , F. JORDAN, Chemist and pe'Court biose Square, tkdench. l'1di THE PEOPLE'S STOR For Omit 1 will .ell all kinds of (beds .1 Looted Priem See Those 10, 12,1'7, & 20c. Dr3Fr (-c NOTICE THOSE ()INOHAMS--I1• lY% m/iti,liiTl` EXAMINE THOSE PRIN I : 5c., 8c., 9c., lOc., 124 No trouble to stew Ooede. Igoe t porthole if sieve sr.. not ' hes W_ H_ RZI�1=ry The 1'. i -'i s 41.w..