The Huron Signal, 1884-8-15, Page 8p
IN EARTHQUAKE. 6iu6ae.1. J•maids Day Ike water lIp.
heaved with a lereport. ThegrsMest
I eaatem..t prevailed. The shuck lotted
about 15 seaade.
York and Other Tae ,K 1' 1111w y1t•1'T.
Alarmed by the Shook. tivanitirrowh N. J. Ant. 10. -At
eight minutes after 2 this alteration the
Messes tooted s• sad tyre peoplen of this city wethrow. tate •
mate t•f great e,atement by an earth-
quake lastiag hall a minute. There was
• deep rwebiing noise, followed by •
A lest (Sui.lsy • utght's New York ds. violent swaying of buildings. Theshack
was most severely felt at the hill top
looking westward, where several children
were prostrated. The Aimee, of • house
in Church street tumbled into the street
sou pans and dishes were thrown off the
shelves. The Baptist Sunday school was
terrified into ail.sot Pumas an the
river front say the Delaware bulged,
sending hose waves ..n the shores. Many
persons wu poi • sleepless night, fear-
ing this is merely the forerunner of a
sure semen shock.
Pelscsrox, N. J., Aug 10.-A seven
chuck of earthquake was distinctly felt
this afternoon Houses trembled, crock-
ery -wan jingled, door bells were rune
and picture -frames Droved out of position
Many were startled and rushed .out of
doors. The course of the teciletiou was
southwest to northeast
PArrgmwx, N. J., Aug. Ill -Shocks
were felt harm at 11:45, 1:45 and 2:08.
The latter was very severe. The bells In
tide alanu telegraph otlice rang during the
last shock. The people are afraid of an-
other shock,and et 10:30 gathered in the
LoNu BtAN(•tr, aux. 10.- he earth-
quake badly frightened the people here.
One lady was thmwn out of bed. Per-
sons who were bathing allege that they
felt.a slight electric shocklail=1ws
says . few =mutes alter 2 this
noun this city and the viciaity was
ell by an e.rth.ueke tasting tea
l'he seusetwu caused by it
au uuwual and the shock so all -per -
that • universal flame seized the
ion. The hat impression which
ptmessi.m of the people was that
home. weir., about to fall. They
into the streets terror-stricken mod
Wai.,,hed fates. only to discover
all their netghburs wen rustling out
and pulse-strickeu like them -
est As there were no evidences of
Apat•etruphe, arorid vacs retuned, but
many people remained 111 front ,.f their
see for m.u.s true, dreading a second
oak. None, however, Coats. The
rat intitnati..n of the earthquake wee a
w rumbling sound, followed by a shock
like that of a violent explosion, which
the buildings t" quiver. The
rattling continued about eight seconds.
The effect of the jar WAS much more per-
ible In hones ..1 light structure. In
toy instances a clearly defined rocking
vaovemeltt was felt, it, dishes were
shaken from the shelves. No damage
any kind has been reported. As far
:ass ascertained the shock was entirely ia-
4perceptiblc on the water, and no tidal
ware was obmerred here.
i ..At 2.13 .. clock a second shock was
felt at Atlantic Hi;7hlands, N. J., hut
k was less vi•dent than the tint. The
• severest shook was reported from Sea-
bright, N. J., where the depot wasshift-
*,.d to one sole, shaking up the contorts
and alarming the inmate. At Long
Branch the jars of the batteries in the
telegraph office were overturned end
• .omnunication interrupted. In Brook-
• lyn the streets '.erc alive with people
• r•.
who had cu.ue to certain the cause of
• ' the rocking.
A acienttst upon the tint perceptible
motion took out,as top watch, and timed
the vibrations. He teportcd that the
shock Iowan as nearly as could be deter-
mined at six and a half minutes past 2; ( 1.10. G. T. -The officers elected f
that the tint 'heck lasted teal seconds, ensuing quarter were duly installed f
and "quieting down • to..k nearly fifty pectacl the current quarter by L D. Bro. Cum
seconds more. THE t' At E IN rENlt•TLTAA-IA, ming at the regular meeting of 8th inst
At Trenton the shock was time at 2.0.i I Philadelphia, Aug. 10. -For the first I Bro. W. H. elution. W.C.T.; sister
p.m.. while at more southerly points it thou since January 8th, 1817, a very! A. McManus, )1•.V.T.; bro. S. B. W
was felt at 2.10. Repurts from variola perceptible shock of earthquake was felt I llama, W. S.; bro. 0 H. Clutton, W.
points indicate that the shock was felt here today. It was of about ten seconds'' S-: hr,. P. Stuart, W.T.; bro. J. A. M
from Portland, Maine, to the City of duration, and the undulation apparently Arthur, V'.31.; sister Ellen Horton,
Mexico. The Br...oklyn bridge towers , extendetl front north* ei to southwest, 131. ; sister Jefferson, I.G. ; bre,. W.
oscillated visibly, while the bridge rock- ; increasing in violence with each succeed- Manus, 0.G.; sister Carruthers, W.
H.B.: sister E. Cowan, W. L H.S.; bro.
.Iohn Horton, W.C.; bro. M. McManus,
P. W.C.T. The attendance at meetings
is very large and then is always a fine
programme for the good of the order.
Sr.ulroap, Conn., Aug. 10.-A very
perceptible shock of earthquake was felt
here, shaking buildings, etc., and staring
the inhabitants. At the Stanford House
the guests rushed from the house ex-
claiming that the lot day had come.
Fifteen years ago a similar shock was
felt at night, and forty years ago a still
greater one.
lea ,..•roar, Conn., Aug 10. -The
i shock here was severe, lasting 1:r seconds.
There was considerable excitement and
some terror. At Stratford two chimneys
were thrown down. The waters of the
Housatonic were a.itated, causing the
waver 1.. rece lo from both shores, meet-
ing in the middle, causing a curious
Meg. Hater Kerne, et Cttlbeess, and
het rs Geurse
id Dm-
si. viviNsio friends �it 1
(►n deaday, the 3rd toad., Rev. Mr.
Taylor, Episcopalian, was overarm* wltk while preacht and fell does
in the pulpal. He was *epi ted hone.
Must of the farmers around here are
managed threshing their fall wheat, which
u an averse, amp Geo. Agar, it
seems, takes the oaks fix last threshing.
Last Friday he threshed at the rate of 4
bushels per minute at iia lather's.
Mr. John Pt/tuber, of Tur,wto, is the
guest of D. Potaher, of this place.
Mrs. Ihyamn, who has been ailing for
come time, is riatung at her fat hen, in
the ninghborbu.d of Galt.
Juha Cook, who has been employed se
6rem•a on the steam barge Fortune,is at
present visiting in this vicinity.
The temperance workers here are tak-
ing an active part in the Scott Act more-
meut, they propose having a grand lac -
The i.habilaate of the Penne et
Oesseq have lug bora eelebtated ser
their lively sallies, called ta Freed' gr
•..ales. A O.seoa, is pod el his
ability, smarted that is his . f•theee
meth they red so other fireweed bat
the batons of the di*srent M•rshab of
Fraser of his family.
A Game otiose hearing soese sae
celebrating the .apleits of • prises who
in two ■stabs epos a Iowa had killed
six tees witb his own head.
'Bah,' said he, 'the very mattress I
sleep epee L staid with •Ise
but the moustaches of these whom seat
to slumber in the other world.'
Kress 4 UOUa-13SArsrvL axe CortroaT-
usu. -"Hs a Menges teowled a of the Natu-
ral saws which govern the otrr stows of
tureetlo..a4 iritis, and by• easeful
appli •tea of tie tae properties of well -
'gloried Comm Mr. Bops Ma provided our
breakfast tables with a delicately *avowed
beverage widish as oars as many heavy
doctors bills, It is by the judicious see of
such articles of diet fiat • oo•nitutto■ may
a .trwlea1y built up eau' strong esoush (0
ragtag every teadeacy to dl.e..e. H
of subtle maladies are goaUas •,uuad as
ready to attack wherever then 1. a weak
point. Ws may escape away a fatal art by
keeping ourselves well fortified matt► pare
blood and a properly nourished trete.'- L iei1
terrier (Jeseeets Made simply with
waters niUk. hold in P cksla
Tins Mb- aid Ib.,. byUr errs. ykatt.d-
J Anse Caret Co.. Hommepathic Cb.mlW,
Leedom. Caw."
Oa the aid fast., the wife of It. H. Smits
• • w.
A i a, w ee•t._ptlllMr r Liwq.
aderiel'. April IYIh 1 1 R !�
• tci. 1711.
tads -ea M saoaritj. A t0
Ors $wasps, 0edsrlt►
•evert et Private pleads fur t•rostatest
u lowest rate tau dns-et� Montages Apply
w O.UIRON' t t'ROUDr()UT.
ea Farm aad Town at lows.
Wrest. dMertseese tt d. iso Cuatmiasies
ci *Maier o ren media.
N.R.-Borrowers o.s stere in medial
11 UU. 1. .at ietectery.-DAVL I & JOHN
ST'ON larreateee. *c.. Ods,lcb. !Tal
. Lib and AocWeat Insurance Agent.
K'!pressntlag Ant -clan Cseamstw.
ter the C Livs Srocs lest 'asses Co.
Yes, to teed ea M5Rgsge. Dither In Town of
Farm Property. in ea way to suit the burro,g
era ()dos-4aoata� LW* bock I/odertel
Komi_ e.'
fit- 1 4
Or sill,
this weel-7.1
est taws liwaim °AUL "�t ,,
streeta,Ta+•.titi� '� r_
t0 and u in Peter s.- �=' . we
es throw side. t_ d� i, AL
tad les. esreramas.'r.-.' ,.,•r
OM ; tad fur Ike purtaar IC __
Toylike the post ioa�s ds� .�
read s..0 se ./ore*mld b ii
Oeormo ore. tje owner }�
I th 7th day of JJ.s.4011541
t A
Cot: torr or Wawa • Ry virtue Of • Wrt�il
To wiT: t Fieri racist.
of Her Maj•et 's Ulan court of
's Diviessn. and to be
sad delivered espiInet the Loads
meats oI at•IL AM 1WHYJITdOX. at
suit of JOHN OREEN A CO. 1 lace tied
taken t■ exaoutao e.!1 the u
serest. and equity a rvd■mettoa _ all mat{
DI■ttltlar (Mt aerials meted es treat Of lflil
tad 7 Wf beteg ttbbm
lebical. ..a right. a la
►1•• l!` CABS, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.8.,
1. • Oat. Pkyricus.. Surgeon. Acosta -hear.
4. (Mice -IThat formerly .x rupie.t by Dr.
Hutchin.unl Dungannon. Night office -Mar-
tare Rotel. feel•
tare in the school house shortly.
Desire. -An interesting debate took tt'iaafpl,ef a esgh r B. WHITELY, bI D., C.M.. PRY -
of Rev. J. A. McLachlan. of • daughter.
P. pe on r ndsy
night last, the subject being : "Resole
--That British cermet-tent is protons
to Canadian independence.'• E. A. M
Kenzie and Wm. McIntosh, took t
affirmative, and D. G. McKenzie an
Wet Davis, the negative. After a
lengthy discussion, the argument was de-
cided to favor of connection.
1■ Victoria, N.N' T on July hide, the wde • titl'IAX. Surgeon. Aocoucbeur, rte., M.
ed C.1'.5., Ontario. Oliks--The Square. it doors
E ast tat Wilson's Drug Ston. up stairs. 1t103t
ble *A**1'n.
c- In Clacinnialti, the Rev. de- R. btclls)NAGH, bl.11., PHYBIC-
he cordlI Estill John fistula, or lw.eds, England. G, 1.1N. aiuitoseA�. te.. Graduate of Tor
to Ellabeth Jane Stotts. .1 Detruit. formerly saw t'tiivenati. l.itxetlate of the Ru)al Col -
d of Ooderieh, Oat -
The drought is being severely felt here
by owners o44ve stock.
Mrs. John Horton was the guest of
friends t rucet eld last week.
Mrs. ers•,n enjoyed a pleasapt v
to friends in Dungannon last week.
The Presbyterian choir had a aery
of song last Sunday evtning, which was
well attended. We understand that they
will be continued fur a time
ter .f Pays, , L.u.a, Loudon. r.mrland. Rs.. ac..
• P. *, t)utyru., Odlce and residence
Oieekefes>Maeieds Opposite Baldry'+• Hotel. Hamilton street. t:od-
erich 1T16im
Oooa.lca. A
Wheat. t Fatl l It boat.. ,.,... ,.
Wheat. (Spring) Y boa►,..,....
riow. p barrel .................
fats. w bush........ ...........
Pear. 11 bush ........ .....
Barley • baN
Potatoes Y bey 0100.......
Ha). 5 too .....................
Rutter. IS s.. 0 It er 0 is
e dos. i aga0YM1....... m IN M 0 is
wit I C eves. .... 0 11 ' 0 10
Shorts. ,cwt .................. 0 90 a 1 Op
Haan, cwt...«..a + e :0 0 k0
ug. u, ori. R. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR -
al 00 d $1 06 uW)N, Coroner :.r. Office and residence
1 00 d 1 06 Bruce Street. se mi. door west of victoria
1 75 ei 1 Al Street. 1751.
013 et d es
0 l w 071 G. MACKID, 31. D., PHY$I-
0H. ciao. Surgeon and Accoucber. Graduate
;Q v e eta of Toronto University. Omceuppuelte Causer
ron k Cameroo'n Hank, Lucknow. If not in
o ffice. eswuM u the Beak. ITOSy.
ice • ('hop 1 cwt......... ......
Wood.4.. ..........::":........
SheeleaW. 0 t0 1 02
y . ± 0.'1 gaol Ooderich. O. C. 8faxxo,, J. C. Hmale- 1
s 50 " 6 e0 T..N 1751.
L Paystciaas. Surgeons. Aceouehere. tc.
office at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
premises. situate. 1 and t.
Tuwasbip of Celborae. tb m (gltnry et
Huron. sad Provisos of Ontaro, emu -
posed of • part at lot, la eras
owieeseloe, entero divieksa, of thogaNllew.-
ship. The mets •td bounds of the said psre•t
of lend, being as follows. Uonmeset.g at the
distance of taus chain city...rimm Ileke% ea •
course due west, trona the pest py�� be-
twr.n Ito u•e and two, oo south eltw of OM -
erosion road. tbeaoe coot►. Tour
tweet misuses. east tuagssttcl Me=
nine lint.. throve south, sweaty -41,. tea,
Misers minutes. west. one chitin. efgity Hake,
theca.- north. forty-three degree., tort/ -are
minutes. sweet. sixty-nine Usk.. Mame aertb,
tithe degree.. twiggy adman, west, toss
(Amos, thirty links, thews mirth. feene■mde.
area*. mist. one chair. Arleen Uaks. thence
south. a t) -two decrees. to nafast•l. Seel.
oar chain. thirty -tow links. Heave south,
thirty-two degrees. luny mtauw, mast. Sae
cWn. forty links. t the place tat tegtattist,
• tad contaning by •dmsaeureaeat. three
roods and two perches of lead. which Lads
and Tenements I shall otter be nate. at ta 01 -
dee. in the Court Home. In the own of
rich. on Tt'taus v. the Timmons day of It
temper. 1551. at the boar of twelve of tfo
clock. coon.
$wear. Co. Hosea
sberiR's Office. Goderich. .
Jane lyth. 11St. i ttt61*t
• ' JAuctionee rang
d . the Cooney of Huron. !tales attended
in any pert of the County. Address orders to
uoderich P. 0.
M• 1 beg to *dries my customers and the co-
il- stamen of Coal weaerally. that I ani now re-
mFall ►red tto'er su 1 of ■
F. e� r pp y A*2r
AXn tt.Fr s's1,sL, and am Vre+parrd to take
c- orders to he delivered in town at the following
D. pries :
Mo- Chestnut and Stove, $7.00
R. Soft,
Egg, - - - $6.75
Thanking you for past favors, 1 herewith
respectfully *elicit a continuance of )our pat -
as if struck by a hurricane or an iron � ing second. and subsiding gradually.
steamboat. The strongest buildings were shaken.
t EXTENT or 1Ht: sEtstsl, t Ayr.. and rickety chimneys toppled over on
Coney Island was thoroughly shakeu, the roofs. In all parts of the city,plaster
the visitors being greatly alarmed, the fell, chinaware rattled, doer -bells began
fright in some lases amounting to a ringing, glasses clinked, clocks stopped.
panic. Neither Cape May nor Atlantic In some instances people were prostrated
Uity noticed any unusual motion, and as upon the floor of their dwellings.
far as early repx.rts indicate 1'..iladelphia , Nervous people were frightened to such
was the southern limit of the a tock. At lat. extent that many thought the de -
Cleveland the shock was p: only Lut atr•uction of the world was at hand.
alightly felt. in the telegr..;,h office I Lverywhere the populace was excited.
hen the operators frit a serious move- I Every house in the city was agitated
anent of the floor (the seventn way), I more or less. iu a few moments later
31as Mary Dean, of Kingsbridge,
visiting friends here.
Q. H. Williams took in the excursi
to the Queen City on the 5th int.
Some of our Leeburn cousins visit ou
but then were no electoral phenomena throe -fourths of the entire population burg now with their cattle and horns.
p i were in the streets Everywhere men, for our necer failing; miners! waters.
Y The lake has not run dry, but the per -
women and children congregate...! upon ennial stream here is rery attractive
the sidewalks and street corners .and
eagerly discussed the affair. Gradually LO:halih.
the impression that an earthquake had
occurred grew upon the citizens Many Fall wheat harvest is completed here.
timidpeople were w alarmed that they The yield will be below the average. the
hesitated to re-enter their houses. In a crop being light, but the grain is of a fiae
• TIO\ EER and Land valuator. lingerie*.
Ont. Having had considerable 'micron.* in
(he suetiooeering trade. he U 1n • pain! Jen to
dim harwe with thorough setisfa.•ti :n all corn -
entrusted to him. Order . left at
Martin. Hotel. or sent by mail to my address,
Go/erica P. O.. carefully atteode ! to. !oft!.
s l)X Count, Auctioneer. Ist7_ 1
• G.H. OLD
Oodericb, Aug. 11. IOS1.'"-" ladies
ou S Ooderich.
C. P*aou., JR. J..4. Mone, N.
E. N. Lewitt. . lots.
✓ a
oaten torah of t1c square aa.'. Rest
stret, U,lerica. over !brier's bookstore.
mosey to lead at lowest nitre of daterest.
connected with it, and no electrical dis-
At Port Jervis there were two: shocks
in quick succession. and lasting about
half a minute. Waterbury, Conn., re-
ports that the shock was felt in that
vicinity at 2.10 this afternoon, lasting
about half a minute. At Peekskill the
•bock was felt distinctly twice. At short time after the occurrences the plump sample.
Nyack the earthquake shook that section people flocked from all pacts of the city Jno.L Carr. 1st con. ..f Huron. has
violently. Mount Vernon reports that to Chesnut street and there gathered purchased a tine new steam engine and
d t
o wor
the houses were shaken and the contents around the different newspaper and thresher, and is re
rattled, creating great alarm among the telegraph offices to ascertain the news his line in the hepar of sidle o dof yorrk in
ointments. The chimney of a house at from other pais The shipping was
Bamville was shaken down and the walls affected. Ships loading petroleum in
badly shattered. .
A number of walls and ceilings were
by the earthquake thisafternoon
The shock was most perceptibly felt in
the district bounded by 125th and 132nd
A very sudden death occurred here
the Schuylkill snapped their hawses, last west. 11n. J[cLe d, relict of the
and were only prevented from going lisle Roderick McL' od. of , 1st c„n. of
ashore by the united efforts of their Huron, had Cotte to see a relation Mrs.
crews. McKay, of 12th con. Ashtield, who had
A TEallinga POKER PASTY, , been ill for some time: and was .on her
ALLENTOwN, Pa., Aug. 10 . -Two return howrward in company with her
distinct shocks were fele shortlyafter son J.,hn, but had g.nte only a few yards
• Mreets and Third and Fourth avenues. 2 There map ageneral rocking , in the buggy when she apparently faint -
Men, women and children rushed 6 ' f ed. She was carried back t» the house,
summing from their homes,00atless and houses and in some instances the motion but ere she reached there life had led.
holisss. Police Captain Petty says he mg o lounenes t WW to throw
l*rrs,„ns Sleep- Heart disease u suplo,sed t.. have been
noticed three distinct shacks. When guponr. 31any the cause of her sudden death. She had
of the residents were greatly startled. reached a good old tate
excitement prevailed in the thickly pope- The shocks are the general topic of was much resp ectad. ''
Um rumbling noise was heard the utmost
years, and
laked tenement houses. The inmates conersation. A party who were playing
blocked the stairways in their mad rush poker in s club remit rushed into the aolo:kh Township.
for the streets. Windows were broken, street hatless and cattle's, muter the 11.
'rockery smashed and policemen wereimprwslon that an attempt had been
,rolled to preserve order. The great
of Brooklyn Bridge oscillated visi•
;while the bridge rocked as. if struck
a hurricane. At the iron steamboat
the motion was m, violent that the
taken rushed from the "Dices.
'Marge crowds at Central }'ark were
wn Into a state of vu lent excitement
the shaking and strange rumbling in
ground. The animals in the men-
agerie were frightened. There was a
panic at the large hotels on Coney
Island, the guests snaking • general rush
For the open air.
?151105 ('a&ATI.D IN ttii6SLYN.
Daring the shock in Brooklyn today
people living or working about the
works located on the shore of Newton
a fled, thinking an explosion had oc_
there. All the fire companies
eased their horses in readinese t.. re -
'peed to an alarm of fire which they
thought would follow. The sensation ladies complain much of it when they of Preis"ivy. it *welled and was
~tort, on the receiving ship Ver. have an tort, having h, g., in Indian re"paialtil. By the yoplitastio.n of a
'Mont, lying al tie nary yard. was ,1011- Jo otatinn o lave the athem to dvise
councillor l J lotion
limbthe us tiinsi nae. fat n redu ed.
to that felt when a broadside was ole
be -
ed. Marty Sunday schools were in IInc itself again.
and get him to urges their troubles Infers
isessN.n at the time, and the teat hen his married aouocilon at the nest meet
, in enure instances, great difficulty in 1 mg of the township reined. in feet
ying terror of the children and pre- something should be done to repair this
eg a panic.
made to wreck the building, A brick
chimney also fell to the ground. All
through the state despatches announce
that the shocks were felt distinctly
Pinkeye and distemper are affecting
John JGnhsl1, while cutting bands at
B. t'repan's thrashing, took a slice off
his ,.wit thumb.
D1agtnnol. 131. Yt6Lu o1 WRIAT.-Comtaiesuener
Gabriel Elliett'W i)gatar-
At a meeting of the Ashtield and We. day- Fifteen Mel ,otJ yielded
wanoeh Branch Agricultural Society"et 700 bushels
held here j,'.tsrday it was decided to Alex. McGregor eine marries his right
hold our fall show in Dungannon on the hand in the fashionable sling. He had a
8th day of October. shake with a threshing machine and
parted with several of his digits to onn-
Miss McGregor, of Detroit, and Miss
McColl, of Henaall, were the guests of
Mies Annie Morris last week.
The short cut path around Dunlop
Hill, known as the Blue Bend by all
travellers on shank's mare, is badly Ont
.1 repair, and needs fixing Young
Tarr* Court. -- J. W. Elliott, of the
8th, had a mare drop twin colt .,n Sun-
day. They are sired by 31cthugall's
"Fear N.g,•• are nip specimens .d heree-
flesh, and may make • good march team
-both being horses and well mated.
Joseph Miller, of Holmss,ille, had his
hand and arm inoculated with the virus
P.eruwh A.Y'IDENT. --A couple of
'tither Elit tt, of Grandin, Dakota,
las been t isating friends ..n the 8th and
in ..cher parts of the township. after an
absence in the blizzard territory of five
years. He returned ..n Wedneday nod
later, I.i., Aug 10. -The earth shook weeks ago Joseph Morris missed a steer, was accompanied by his mother and Mee.
Violently shortly after 2 this f.wenoo. and after a few days diligent march gars McDonald, formerly Miss Currie, and by
was a general stampede of occu the animal up as strayed or stolen. One Miss Ellen Miller, daughter of Joseph
of homes Animals were fnrhten- day he chanced to go near the rear end Milky,
is their stable* and manifested a de- of the farm on some beldame, and not
to break away. (Ine citizen took far from the lake found the missing
and commenced reeding a prayer- bovine, caught between severed hoes in •
gully. it had been imprisoned there
Rnt'taway, Asg. 10. A loud rnmbi for eight days, without food or water,
noise startled the people all along the although in its hanger it W eaten all
aide of Long island about 2 o click the wood within remelt- Help was
A.ek followed, missing buildings to brought, and the animal released. it is
OMin and crockery -ware were Row slowly recovering, and soma day it
hem their shelves. i'he inmates may be seen in Goderieh among the fat
ell buses •crtming g.d women be.vee from Colborne.
Tna Came. --The fall and spring crop.
far exceed expectations. Fall and spring
wheat will be from 20 t., 30 per cent
better than expected in the spring. Date
are short in straw, bat well heeded, and
will be .n at mage crisp Harley an
average sad well gaped. Pew an aver -
ago. The root crop has picked up great-
ly d.riag the port tow weeks, and now i•
many mess prosaism to turf est beater
than for some yearn
�F d :,fr" y'. ,
T RD$Titts. Attorneys. Solicitors. etc
Godericli. J. T.Oarr..w. 5V. Proudfoot:-,-173
Barristers. Solicitors In Chancery, &e.
!'J1erich and K inghanr. 3I. C. Cimarron. q
et P. Holt. M. O. Cameron. todertch, W. E.
Yacan, windbag). 1731.
`-OTSRs LIST -11184.
Notice Is hereby given that 1 rate trans-
mitted or delivered to the persons mentioned
In the thirst and fourth section of the -Vote..
Lists .tet. -the ,.,hies required by saidseetiere
to be so traneniit:ad or delivered of the last
male pursuant to said Acts of all persons ars.
peering by the last revised ease's:sent roll of
the said municipa:ltr to be entitled to vote In
the said municipality $r ele.:tions for members
df the Legislative Assembly. and at Municipal
Elections- and that the Mid list was first post-
ed up in ILT otno•e un the slstk day of August,
Tait. and remains there for inspection.
Electors are tailed upon to examine the said
List. and if any omissions or any other errors
are found therein to take immediate proceed-
ings to have said a corrected avoiding
to law.
('leek of esld Mn.icipality,
('ARuhw P.Q.
Dated this alb day of August. 1651. 111M-
SIPT4e0oad door South of Tag Stomal Odoe
Gro/ /lou jht and .•tt.f f On Cussuarsioss.
.wssr rug _
asme5 Lent al Loresl ante or twltrrsf.
111014gY ADVANt-g1 )N oOnt t SENT TO
Ileal Estate and Flnaaclal Agent
April nape. 1961. 1137-ly
$30;000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER
etre prepared to MN per Drat.. logy
ible 1011 yearly, es
o. Arlt.'ie. seevay
Apply to•
barristers, Goderich.
Agents for the Toronto General Trusts COy,
Meagre. ('Amm's. Hour at Caimans have
Mao a large amount of private funds to los s
on first -elms fano sseerrlty.
Oodertcb. Oet t,llass • 1111-t1
Apel.ared to annoy saeti thys f gtmatlty et First
po.Ible. and will decreer t0 e57 pert
Pemain--w a•d gealltY seereaSsed. APMy ie.
lasssa.usaal viol works Casper Shop,
Aug t, act. _I.
Music a Specialty.
i W. Waugh Loader. Gold Medallist, and p tpol
of too- cel-b:ated Abbe Bert. Director.
iJ !t Havey. Artist- Director,
Junior Department. 1T Ter if
Full Art. 40 Diploma footers In literature, tiveic• ia STOKE t1 a1lEt
Warded asaaall . le t September
ober stir n.'e
y ptember rutran:e
Eer'Terwr .53a to Wee. Fur Lin-. 11.144- E `D� AE
it3 V. E. N. ENse lt1H. M. A , Pr.acipwl 17110
1 '%ext ream begins y.$ewbwer lath
Has in Stuck a Large Asewtsent of
OL18811118E; . `•
trate,' circular. address
Digit ail Tea Sis.
Ohilw'arc of all kinels at Bottom
Prior. China Seth at Cost.
A full line of Fresh
11101 y
-H Ag --
The Oldest Established and
Cheapest Store in the
County of Huron.
(3ROcneuti _
(granulated Sugar. 12 lbs. for 01.00: y the 11.
10e. Other sugars 1n proportion. sugars oast
on delivery.
Black Tea at Mc.. equal to any xec Te. in On-
tario : riper Beeks at ass. *mad 71c. Green
Tees- Yount Hyesn. from 25c. to a0c. Gus -
powder Tea. Mc.. ; the Asst imported, 75c. Ib.
A very fine Japan sifting at yea Ib.
Peseta to *tar at prices to wreathe. rectory
Coltec, yard wide, by place at iv.; tarr.wer
at ;c. A fine IM of tiros Orals Dram talks at
Tic., worth 01.26.
A wellaeleoted sock of Mc-two,Small be. Hey
rocks. spades aad Mievsts, .11 Brom the best
We keep nose bet the best- sad sell thole at
sane pr,oe es commonest,
Viahem m e eeaMlty and warrssted tee
A w`pedes -twiny of Gem and Builders' Hers-
ONerteL Jess rata. tan. lemma
AG.the Piesideate
+sated for Thee(U al
Irth`iriin sn is
Prodi to
Mee tine twos
biiki is
Will Not be Undersold in Sugars.
Teas ae Cheap as ever.
G. H. OLD,
lld the Nem*
TI -1.323 Glict781A.T
8tltlldw0811 EIposition
Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy,
Agricultural and Horticultnral
Products, Implements and Man-
ufactures of all kinds.
TOISO.4.V i Qw
September 10th to 20th
The basses Prise 21st ta the lbws elw•
Prise lists aad Entry Forme oma ie MAMA -
e) hoes the Secretaries of all ASrteakwrml lie.
entries and Mecia.ka' Itsimetee, sr Mos will
be tint asywhete os. mppUemtt5, b pomtcard
to the Secretary, at Twweds
QT*1s2 Claim All/COOT 12111.
TRIM welt aa Ten
01 Termite's essal-0stleaatal Iasi.
An Immense Programme 1
8PI0IAL 1711110110118
r Malt moss. lbw Obert stat•.
atPslr osis tlft1 V=
L l�ilow ZT..
_ br 1 rre FF; Mr1 1 3: 3 k nri