The Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 8TIIE HURON SIGNAL FRIAY. AUG. 8, 1884. L44 MIL j THE WORLD OVIR. • M Slurred is else s'Msussaa of etas OM. • de Ce.Mnilaeaeb► T. Ruleou and lamuy, of Hallett, ate guests of John Hutto'.. Miss claire', of lirwotturd, was the taMss of lira John Cluttou last wee:. . Mr. Drut..•u, ilea. !h. l re it sametant, . *tawehod w the Presto "ensu cuurch here ( Mit Sunday. 4 i Our Limburg' budget was unavoidably bonded out last week. ,t A Dwight' ..t our ueightwrs took part IChit knit oacurston to luroutu ug' Tues- j The bre tall wheat war cut here than Mason by Joh!' Linklater on the murn- geg of the 22.1 ult. this is twelve days r than last year. ANh111J11. QF.Richsrdsoat and :rift. were the guests W J. Hayd.0 fur the past couple ..f a Mr. Ackerwsun, of Peterborough, is Elie guest if Rote Harrison, township Ilewur. r. ' iA Bnt CNor.--Hugh Giroiu threshed ,Nis wheat un Tuesday. He fouel the 'ield to be 41 bushels to the acre -a tog big this season. 1 Murdock 31cKay a now having built or him a Heat it r ed brick huusr, •'n i tis property, adjo 1g the Presbyteries phurch. D. Cummnigs, of Du.tlop, car- ter ; W. Murd..ek. masn,ry•, and J. reckenndLe, jr., of titilerich, lathing '1 end plastering- Wm. H..gan end John twan have also had veueereu brick ousts built, the plastering of which will i dune by Mr. Breckenridge. 'SI Fall wheat harvostiny started here en t° '7th, alt, tire days earlier than last r. Mite Nellie Dicl:ou, .f 1:ructeield, has limen visiting Id acquaintances here - 1:1311l01). lanae Peru Fists' sats • conflict be- tween Euglaud and France is inevitable in the near lunare, Hugh Chillers, Chancellor of the Ex- *h.quer, is going to Egypt un a special tutsstou in ttoa.estion with Egyptian finance. He is clothed with Oil Melee puwen,� Mai "►'Roll's •ulusiug book about John Itull and His Island, proved such • connnert.al sus:emus that his put -Ateliers give hug' $ .500 for the right t., publish his new volume at uoee in faro, Loudon at.d New York. rimi'▪ . trW791 Ingersoll, Aug. 5. -About bre • doer this morning a einem, accident occurred at the GT. R. station here. While No. 26 freight tram was leaving the station it collided with No. 28 special freight from the east, killing Alex Johnston, of Lundon, conductor on No. anti, and dau- aRwg the engines and oars Both trains were going west. An inquest wail be held this afternoon. 1ibouta - Miss dice Buchanan, of(7rderi^h, rapidly onward than while hovering over TES BOUNDARY D10I11I .1ON, O, NesperM Rs eal L.stesaIeeeery Aw►. taeIAwned The NltNts,.. TLemk % AierrIl..r oowtaias s letter from Hou. David Mille on the beend.ry ..se, from whish IA Nen eu that nothing is now needed but luipenal lettulattos to render the Award binding. The Lord Chancellor remarked that this is necessary, aa otherwise the party who u did out like the eunoluou would say that he was not bound by it. Christoph- er Robotism' said he supposed nu one felt any aeprew h.nsieu en that ore. The Lord Chancellor retorted that be did not express appruheuaun, but he supposed u,. cue had auy apprehension before, when the Award was aaseuted to. 5. The Conservative journals, call Mo Lyou's resignation, "the Algoma fraud." Have these worthies forgotten that the Conservative leaders desired to become party to "a fraud" last winter, by offer- ino to withdraw the petition against his election if he would vote against the Mowat administration on the lumber resolution, Cundenatiun of so-called "fraud" comes with ill -grace from such • quarter ! -ave Richard A. Proctor holds that it ii e full power of the arms and legs can be so applied to ingeniously arranged mechau- ism as to work wings, more or less re- sembling those of a bird, there is little reason for doubting man's power of sus- taining himself in the air, and even travelling with great rapidity through it. Probably, he adds, it will be much easier for hint to sustain himself while traveling *spending her vacation at Lirnaidc, the the same spot. guests of Mrs. Mc1; uarrie. There is apparently some mistime w i The Juhnaon surveying party, w hu the despatch rum Sydney, N. S. \1'„ p 1 A. H. \': iiiuw+ •. �.t chart acres o.f tall published ui the paper last amok stating were reported all drowned ars quite safe. The Sbnad.,J says u.gtitiatig.. b.- Iwean France and t,biaa were definitely broken off u. btwday. A Fou Chow dr .patch says the city is quieter. China has oRared to pa] an indemnity of $700,- 000, which the Preach Mmister ha. re- fused. Twelve Chinese gun -boats have best' placed in position at Fon Chow. Admiral Cu.rbet is furious,aud budgie hts utmost to piruvuke war. Tae Prsmade.sal itaeste.. The presidential campaign in the Unit- es States has opened, though the earnest - uses and zeal of partisanship will not be fully developed until after the State Wee - tents id Maine in September, and Ohio and Indiaue u► 0i:tuber. Thus year several chancres i► the ■ppuiutment tsf presidential electors,bseed .et the nation- al census of 1880, become operative , and, of the total of 401 votes --the terri- tories having no representation -201, a majority, are required to elect a presi- dent and vice-president. The States all vote this year for presidential electors on Tuesday, Nov. 4th, though, as stated, two or three States select their local officers before the general election. In the contest four years ago there were 369 votes in the Electoral College. Gen. tisrfield, the Republican candidate, re- ceived 214 ngaiust 1:15 cast for Gen. Hancock. ►v hat these figures represent is shown in the popular vote, that a, the ballots cast directly by the voting citi- zens of all the Statee for their local elec- tors, the totals being very nearly equal. The Democrats threw 4,442,03:,, and the l:epublicans 4,449,053 tickets, while Gen. Jae. 1i. Weaver, the soft money nominee, received less than one-third of a trillion rotes. SAsi r110. Al her brother's reoNence la peer's by Hey. Mr. Chariots. Salta I�epkin s .f tiny rie. to Joanna McLougblea, daughter of William Melaugbteu. At 1k, fake's chunk, Vancouver. ea Jwi. the lib. byRev. A. S. Nicholas. Ayes John McColl. oNew Westminster Ilrit CelYat- tea formerly of Brussel, to !lir Herta, oily demitasse of to IM. J. t . Bartow. tit Tomato. Ilii teAW: Io serum en July S1b. Andrew. (Stoat tea i5 Aspdrew W Wlam..s eastarsr tstr. Ostarb. On July 31ad. sear St Jo.�pb. mete .f Mee seri r$. Aleaasder Parker. yeas/feet daughter of to late Richard li•rll.gton. of the tow.ship of Colborne. and easier .ttpMr.. Ruben Proudtout of tklanpl.ca. : 4thal- .71 laplpod.rleb, un Priam. Legere iet,ll5M. Richard blmuious. aged years, 4 1■ U.d.rick.nn Saturday, Auuu.t 2nd. iOW John Lawteace, eldest son at M. Higgins. Coo doctor. ULT. R.. aged 3 yuan and ta.aths. :wheat with a trap.er to uc•..ulight in. ( that Chain i in Harlan had wiled for Ritead ot daylight one night last week. New York. Mrs. Identen stated Tues - The familiar fortis , •f A. MO./Ware., day that a week before the despatch was korm.rly assistant p,.uuaster. has re- printed site received a Letter from her 1ppo•red. He leeks as if 1:fe a,(rsed husbsud strum: Last he had three en- Awith him. gagements in the shape of matches still \•ixfrmt.. - Mrs. !tare:ay and Miss on, and it would he late in the year be- gohnst•,n of London. and %fr... Janus JdcLean and Miss Liwreuce,of 1:o lerich, • ?mere the guests of Mrs. Allen last week. Ir A blind mu eIiu witu violin and little ;irl, discoursed melee with singing , pjp}hrough our burgh last week. soliciting iaald silver from ar lent listeners Also wo tr.tvelliu3 showtneu with bears pass - "id through. Goon GM .zBEtti,tti•---turn eta quarts MI gooseberries were picked off one bush Aiti the garden of A. C. Macdonald this lissom. Can mine dust of the Point Birarm, or any of his neighbors equal that /*cord tw RETVIINsu,-(Sn Friday last John Ilaldan and wife left for their hare, eitabe Queen city, after afurtnigbt s sojourn tt Lunderston, the guest of R. 'V illieons Antic. H. met with many an ole: pupil of Guderich high school. 1T4 Would the recorder 1,1 the item with inference to J. Con -ally's binding. let us A woe it hand Muscle or self binder did the work ' and did Mr Bear nt the number ,•f sheaves when he w in to the turn i Were they as metous as the acres. *Orme. A game of baseball Wes to have been ,ed between the Silver Maples. of as 3'roister, and the Union Jacks, of ' Morrie, on the grounds of the former,but .ging to some of our boys getting their lagers knocked up, the gave has been ,Um etponed. :A great picnic excursion will take place t Saturday from Gerrie to Toronto return the sante day, under the ilirltaagemeat of the t'. M. Sabbath school. large crowd is expected to take advan- of the six hours stay in the city, will not be afforded {titter this , a new time table being issued. i 1TYBerr,-Mr. Hopkins, baker, of this M. awe had 825 taken from a chest in his re onTuesday.Itseemshewent♦.dtreet on hwiness fira few minutesi ne a little boy by name of Young to and h the shop till he would retorn. hen Mr. Hopkins returned he found out of $28 which he left when going only s;3 could be found. He left no in the house but this boy who to mind shop till he canoe back. en questioned about the money, the said be knew nothing about it bet being told he would be arrested, not tell all he knew about it be t forth e.7 from under the side- , saying that this was all he had en. Up to the present no clue of the der of the money has been found, itrie supposed some ofhiscomp•nions e the remainder of the money. gin t I recent adveetirment reads as fol Yo : "1f the gentleman who keeps the tl store with a reel heal will return y. enthrella of a young lady with whale - gee ribs and an iron handle to the slate- Isrrl grocer's shop he will hear of Odes] thing to his advantage, as the wane Ng gift of a deceased mother now ne O with the name engraved on it. - Nes t. •Net isnot, the inventor, indulges in the ing preilictiot.s "As to the chane to whish will be effected by electricity in ball next fifty years in the city of New Bi , I should say that I believe *lee y will prnpel the can of the street oletated railroads, 1, ht the env and without its buildings, furnish sea for all plirpues. work telephones burglar "daring, deliver the opera, say parcels, detect and signal fires, flee erigines,and possibly displace Taal locomotion for vehicles hundred years this fall the town of Kingston was surveyed by the ernment surveyor. An agitation I a' Started to have • centennial cele Lien in the Doming fall. is laziest man is on a Western paper o pens photograph "itograph. ' There re been only three worse than he. t lac out in Kansas, anti dated his letters Iworfh," another spelt Tennessee OsC," and the other wrote 1W'yaniotte fore he would mail for England, not for New Perk direct. There to either amis- take or the champion has suddenly can- celled all his antipodean engagemeuts. THE ARCTIC ADVENTIT KERS A Publle airless and Celebration Pertama.tb. IL E. at Poaes .'TR, N. H., Aug. J. -Never before in the history of Portsmouth has there been so grand and imposing an even: as the celebration of the return of (freely and party. If thou- sands of people, numerous bends and boundless enthusiasm ouuld make a cele- bration a success this was successful. The day was perfoct. Thu buildings were handsomely decorated, and "Wel- come to (Sur Arctic Heroes' imprinted everywhere on flying bunting. Greely landed about 11 o'clock. and was hearti- ly greeted, as were all the men from the relief ships. They were placed in coach es and driven to the Rockingham to review the proc.asion. Upon two Targe stands in the market square were gath- ered many prominent persons and a number of ladies. At 11.20 the preces- sion began to move alonggths packed streets. Thunderous applause grated the sailors of the relief squadron, and the ovation coutinud through the en- tire route. Commander Schley. Lieut. Emory and Commander Coffin were received with tremendous applause as they passed in an open carriage. As the procession neared the Rockingham house the crnsh became terrific. Greedy and his com- rades were seated upon the balcony and when the bead of the procession appear- ed cheer after cheer greeted him. As the crews of the Thetis, Bear and Alert paved Grimly bowed and seemed to look the gratitude to the men who rescu- ed him. Much emotion seemed to pre- yed' the entire throng and many brush- ed tears from thetr eyes. The relief crews respectfully raised their caps. Greely was kept busy bowing acknow- ledgments as the procession After the review was over Greely and his party entered the hotel and remain- ed • short time. THE COMING CHAMPION. 71pp1S_ yswgpr sura ikes... Mess INaW.'s Meese by re. ase. Ernes 1 nc0.l.-tia.arErrt. AND COttrORT- Isc. By a thorough knowledge of the natu- ral laws wbieh govern the operations of titration and nutrition, and by a careful application of the flue properties of teen - selected Cue--ua Mr. Epps has provided our + breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, 1t Is b- 11,, judicious use of such art 'cies of diet "hut a constitution may bit gradually built up since strong enough to resist every tendency tO di.easa•, Hundreds tit subtle mala.iiee arC floating around us ready to attack where've there is a weak point. We may escape many • fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame.- -Ceti Serrier (ie.:.rte. - Made simply with boiling water or milk. bold only in Packets and Tins tilt'. and ib.'. by Grocers, labelled - JaMit- Kit" & Co.. itulumopatbic Chemists. Loudon Eat.' New Yost", Aug. 4. -The four mile rowing contest between John Tremor, the young oarsman of McKeesport, I's.. and Wallace Rees, rowed at Oak Point Saturday, was certainly the tinest race ever seen in America. On the start Teenier 'aught water tint, and gained thereby about six feet, but was in a few boat lengths deprived of this advantage, when both men lay down t.' work in dead earnest. determined to lute nu time. Rose gradually gained, and at the turn was leading by half a length, but took a long sweeping curve in rounding the buoy and going some distance put it. Teener struck just three feet past his turning buoy, when he plented his left oar literally upright and whirled his light .raft completely around in the most dex- terous manner by a few quick pells with his right. This wonderfully skillful turn gave the Pennsylvanian a lead of three lengths and virtually the race. When Wallas had get his boat pointing towards the home line. he dropped into his strong easy swig and very gradually reduced the distance between himself and his opponent, who was not ever exerting himself. Once Timmer put his hand Into the water and bathed his brow, bet Rom gained noticeably on this and the ezpe•ri- meet was not repeated. Twa hundred yards Irma the finish Hoes spurted game- ly and when the line was crowd his boat jest lapped the stems of reamer's bras, which had novated the diatanee of four miles in 28.20, the beet previous trend, that made by $adss in his race with Ross u USdoag$1$1, July 1885, bring 27 56, VOTERS LIST -1884. MUNICIPALITY OF TILE TOWN - ."UIP f►F COLBORYE. Notice 1. mitted b.rerbrd gitvhen p- tehrastsI have tra- In tee toridelavdet.urh section tinthe Teets Lista Act."the copies required by midsections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act. of all persons ap- pearing by the last reeihid assessment roll of the laird municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Aseembly.end at Municipal, Elections. and that the mid Inst was first post- ed up in my office on the aitch day df August. ltie4. and remains there for inspection. Fleeter* are called upon to examine the said List. and if any ouisstone or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceed- ings to have said errors corrected according to law . JOHN A. Mo DON H. Loans anb insurance._' wE ARE LENDIbtl MONEY AT e Istzt per est. Private fund.. /KAOER t UMW. Oettsrieh. April 1Ttk. Ir4 ikft00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO BVI CAMIlfen el HOLT aUAMfiit(1 IT'pdodo MONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE funds -oil freehold se.urity ; t 10 par. twassaa. Ouderiel.. MONEY TO LEND. --A LARGE .nioest of Priv-se Esti* fur lasestusenl wO ARRU t PRO('br) T. lowest rats on tbseeLumn Apply 20.000PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Firm and Town Property at lowest S - tens. Martinets pm'chard, no ('umwiseioa charged, tonveyeaelag Y.es reasonable. N. B. Borrowe�rrss ran obtain moss, in out ay if title 1. setbdaesery,-DAr It JOHN "TON Barristers. ke.. N 1i11 RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, it -pre senting tar � 1°tim�C.is!surest rmk e►su�oi for the C Live tlroO:n Isa•RAeics CO. OTiCE -- NOTHEREBY tI{N HEREBY AYufliEPTKMBER.A-selves that the l et t►, Tep el K Wafts will wt MONDAY. tete rt 11 I}fP u., w lis - w kW sopWng oP tkal paeans/a of W ir" a ammae la the Tuwn of Whsenam Waft _ _ lige soothers Inuit of Patrick etreS .{�'.11p�wr tidy Htsift of Juke street : aloe prtMft al Patrick street la said tuws wag wast the westerly limit ut Willi..' street at else tai pontos of the leaor el waz to said town lying bases the sou r i1ai.t of Pstrsok Greet sad to aurtherly alit of John .treat. and irises between Lots S. at, at and 37 la Teeter Frisbe' s min priv0s ,, re) oe the our aide. and Lots IIL W. sad MN. Gwrrumrn. •arraI. es Ow antler side , owl for the purpose of wiling Gad est veiling the po.ovns of .aid streets iaae and roadway., w as aforesaid to be .iuppad up, M Lle rya Paee. the sawyer et lard. s.6LBliulalae. Dated tuts 7th day of Juht A. D. 1 J. t.VICROl 14OCimlt. 11011-3t 7/TrkIEF S SALE OF LANDS. ('OL•MT' UY H1'W/N By virtue of a Writ of H To w IT : i Fiera Facts, issued out of Her Mtt)eet s 'ilea coact of Justice, • Mosey to lend on Mortgage, either la Town ei N.._... He •h itivt.wi. •ud to be directed Fart. Property. in any way to suit the er. tMce 'cm -Salmi Cay'. block awl delivered eminent the Land. and Tent•• menu ot itILIA A111 ItultEltT++(N. at the suit .d JOHN otter% et Co. 1 bate sized •� and taken In exe•unnn .11 the right, title. BeIRebical. Irev+t, and moat) of redemptions of all and nasal or tract of lard r' "-".- and premise. alerts. lying and being in the sweetie.' Markets - _-------- singular that certainto t Z. CASE, M.D., C.bl., M. C. P. S., 1'uwsahnv wt Cdburwi. Ito the County of Ouoanlci, Aug. 7, 1tt8i. Huron, cut.' Pi-u'iaee of O.tariu, brant nom- . Ont. Physictan. Hartman. Aceou••bear• ,f a tart of lot atwitter one. in to, drat 1%- heat. t pal Ti bash. ...... tl 00 M tl W posed . - Wheat. ISpri 1 7 bash. ...... 1 S h. OINce -,That turmarly tea c opted by Dr. voscessi e. i ""gyro divtalon, tit the mW Tnw u Flour. i barrel... .....-.-. Yutcbineoa Dungannon, so.t o01.•e-Mar mit,. The mrtrsand bound•of the •add par. el tin's hoteh Itt31- of land. being as follows. Culled. i i at the Peas. 7bireh. iliaonceof One Chain six") -set en links. on • tt,otatoesbusl.. 1 B. WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PRY- retiree due west. trout the las planted 0v- Pulsts,ee ,beak e/ • SI('I-tN. surgpeon. Aceuu. beer, etc., M. tweet. Tuts one and tau. on south mile tit con - ilia ............. ..,..�(.1'.S.. Ontario. iiAtce-The ?Snare. i denso ee.eton rood. these south. four drgrc•es tai 1............ ....••Met of Wilson's Drug Mom, up stairs. Mat twrut► minutes. tilt imagnetkl two •-halnn i dna lusp•ok/tdy...rmise I:nk.., tuencr +.,nth. seventy -eve denin'es, littera miautrs wan, one chain, righty links. ('lest of said Municipality. ('satow P.O., Dated this Ilh day of August. 118L 116to- HELL�dUTH i ,aditj' To/Xtigt, LONDON, ONT. FRENCH SPOKEN IN THE COLLEGE Music a Specialty. (W. Waugh Ruder. Gold Medallist. and pupil of the celebrated Abbe 1st. Director. PAINTING A SPECIALTY. tJ It 9iailty. Artist, PUectort - Junior Department. Pall Diploma ('ow -see in Literature. Music and Art. 40 Sebolarehips competitively awarded annually. I8 at reptember cutranee examinations iTTerm. *3* Se talar. For large illus- trated cir•ular. a.ldre.,. : REV. E. N. KN•:I.I-l1. M..A . Principal MNext term begins September "8th Aug 7. 1691 1J alis APpJE BARRELS. red is Mattson s Itar'eis at the 100 w 1 75 te 0 35 .e 0 M et 015 er u 50 te 7 MO et 11 en It le 11 TO w 70 ' en „ Soo J 36 0 71 0 NI o 00 11 to u 13 0 13 1�i0 j u l'heese, Bran. i cwt............ Chop. .cwt.... • ................ til „ 10 „ age6 ► e a -4 Legal. "EAGER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Goderich. C. S•A&1zw. Ja, J. A. MOi Toe. E. N. Lasts. 1107- C. HATES, SOLICITOR etc., JLV 011e censer of Inc square and West suet. tijtericb, over Butlers bookstore. money to lend.t lowest rates of interest. C/1ARROW & PROUDFO()T, BAR lT It1STKRS, Attornese, solicitors. etc - _- -- -- - Goderirh. J. T. Darrow, W. I'roudtoot. 175 1 P. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- . IAN. SURGEON. Re., Graduate of Tor 0510 Csiver•a). Iteettiate of the Royal cot - lege of Ptysletan+. Loads. EW loati,tc., Gr.. M. C. P. 8 Ontario. Oce and rreidence Opposite Bailey'., 11 ,'el. Hamilton street. DR. Me.LE.AN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OKON, Cowaer .4.c. Oaf.w and re tidence Bruce Street. ..Pe,W1 door west of T IIWSrllrla Street. 11G. MACKIU. M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon and Aecoucbet. Graduate of Toronto University. Omcet'pposite (lamer -on k Cameron's Bank. Luckaow. if not In oilier, enquire at the Hank. 376.''-7. SHANNON & HAMILTON. Paysktahs• tlun roma• Accouchers. fico office at Ili. Shannon s residence. near the gaol Goderieb. G. C. Slt►IMO%. J. C. Hansa.- 1751. IAMERON, HJLT & CAMERON, lJ Barristers. Solicitor in Chancery, &e. " )derk•h and Winlfhem. M. C. Cameron. t1 oE P. Holt. M. U. Cameron, Ooderiak. W. Y !Macara. Wingham. 1751. f `I ODERICH AUCTION MART lANu COMMISSION -MOORS 14'Seeead door South of Tim StusAL MO! Land weight snit Sold un Cummnu.sun. Alii' r YO4rHE HAMILTON LOAN SOCIETY. .MMep Lent at Lorca Hate of Interest. MONEY ADV ANCKIJION (;ooi)S SENT TO THE MART YOH SALE. S. PULL( ICK, 1 Real Estate and Financial Arrear 1 -Haat Goderich. April 16th. 1551. 1557.17 Auctionee ring HALL, AUCTIONEER FOR 1 1. for (nasty of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Address orders to Guder(eb P. 0. t5• JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- I TIONEER and Land Valuator. Goderich. (ant. Having had considerable experience in the auctioneering trade. tie is in a position to discharge with thorough satisfaction all real. missions entrusted to him. Order's left at Martin's Hotel. or sent by mail to my address, Goderich P. O.. Carefully attended to. JOHN i(NOX County. Auctioneer. lal8:-af C. CRABB G.H. OLD thence north. forty-three degree., tort• -ave minutes. ere. sixty-nine links. thence north, eight degrees. link*. hence gsnti minutes. oast. two chasnorth. tourism de- grees. ret. one chain. fifteen links. thence south. eighty 4we dearws. ten minute,. east. one isle, thirty-four links. tbeare south. thirty-two degrees. Cony minutes, east. nae chain. fort) liu1 *. to the place of beg.u•ttng, and eesurensent. stirs roods and twoperrbee ob f land. which Laads and Teucments 1.6.11 offer for Sale. at toy of. fl• • . in the l",•urt House. in the 'town of Gado- rich. ,odarich. on Tuvalu/or. ttss Turttriera day of temp- tember. LieL at the hour of twelve of the cttn k. noon. Rt ►BERT GIBBONS, Sheriff, Co. ftu:on. Sker.ds 011Ice, Goderich. June 13th. 1881. - 191r 1:k $50,ffl f T() WAN AT 6 PER qp CENT. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CO'Y ere prepared to loan mosey at 6 per cent.. pay able hnlf yearly, on TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, on the -clam !arta security. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & CAMERON. Barrister., Ooderiek. Atresia for the Toronto General Trusts Col. Mte.we. ('atetoN. Hoer k CAMERON have also • large amount of private funds to Is a on eret-elass farm security. Ooderieb, Oel 1,'1663. 1911-1f ► K• OO TO LNIGHT'S j Welt A ��FI► .; HAIRCUT, SWAMP)O, OR DYE. • TWO DOORS EAST 04 Yeo 111611 711111711 O EAT LOWEST -FIGURE pusril le, and will eel; Ter to any part Promptness' and finality guaranteed. Apply q PAT. FARR, Internat'on.l ::alt Wore. Cooper Shop. Aug 7. "•sit. 19F.Im ESTERN FAIR. 11.4**4. Canada's Great Exhibition AND INDUSTRIAL ENTENP*Iff LONDON CANADA September 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. $17,000.00 111 PRIZES $1.100 N 11 OCUS OF MI. $1,141.11 11 KIWIS 17 FRIENDS iii Tit 111113MMI FAIN. Open to the World. The Weston' Pair for a i still far surpass .It 1g' predeces•ars. The prize are laser sea to new fasters and novelties to h. 'revs Alred w111 snake It the meet attest-Cse .aItIbt- Lien ever hekt In (ands 'Nall fir It. Write to the Ieserelary far Prise Lista era i'regr.ssntm r aay la,eruation revs= t R ROBiNSPO11MM N. 00. cIigO , Ilsenstery RIAL I4R -- Agro -- Semi -Centennial ETpoeition, 1884• Of Live Stock, Poultry, Dairy, Agricultural and Horticultnral Products, Implements and Man- ufactures of all kinds. TO=ON'TO September lOth, to 20th• TI. Larger Prior LI.1 1. lbs Mnsealen. Prize Lista and F:ntry Fnrn,a can he obtain- ed from the Secretaries of all Agricultural So- cieties awl tecietiesand Mechanics' institutes or they will be sent anywhere •a apple•-atlon by poet -card loth* Secretary, at Toronto. anTlrb CY.E AI a reT Mod. THte wlu az Tall GRANDEST EVENT Of Toronlel demi-(bat.nnial year. An Immense Programme I SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS The Oldest Establshed and Cheapest Store in the ,FRilli JARS County of Huron. PRESENT PRICES: ,NLASS'ARE Ifaa in Stoc'c a Largt Assortment of O-ROCEPIES- Granulated sugar. 12 lbs. for 01.00: by the Ili. ' 10c. Other sugars in proportion.. Sugars cash 1 an der v.•ry. STONEWARE, TEAS AS CHEAP AS SUGARS. ( EARTHENWARE Mack Tea at tr•., equal to any ,an •. Tea in On- powder n- tarso: Finer Blacks at 30c. and 7. Gres f _ _ 1_ _ �- A 41� _ Tee -T Ursa. from �Se, to alar- Gun- powderTot, 35e.: the line.: 'reverted. 75 -. Ih- A eery Roe Japan Sifting a: tax. 111. DRT (-OODB. Prints to else at prices to aetnn,sh. F'artor; Cotton ani wide. by piece. set 1L .. narrower at 5e. A tine int of (lees (,rain Drees Silks at Ile.. worth 11.25. la Alt DW.&P.EC. A well-. leeted stock of Scythes.1neami. Flay Forks. Spades and Shovel*. al! from the beet maker,.. Alio a fnit line in is being prepared for that tines. clomp Rates .ad teeserare as ail USW sage. The 6..1 New ra 11/14 1.e rest of Tamale. WALT EMIR. IT - IJ. J. WiTHROW, H..1 HiLL, President. mammand Neerte6•ry TORONTO. Jose 1511. IMI, Mit ioiii' Tia Sets. Glassware of all kinds at Bottom Prlc.'e China Sets at Cost A full line of Fresh PASNTS AND OILS- I C R O C E R I E S We keep none teat the best. Gad sell them at same prier as commonest. Vinegar a specialty. and wMR$saisd bet from mineral acids Willlot lye Undersold in Sugar9. 000D AND CHEAP. ,t good sepgdy of Gras. and Builders' Hard- ware un hand. Teas as Cheap as ever. C_ CRABS Goderich. June 3etb, 1"161. I:n9-e,n t G. H. OLD, On the Square, Goderich. JOHN A NAFTEL OrtfrOOim "ice , .. Wlf, OONTINIVE TO OW. .. .. . sot •n.:a ,'iks , HARDWARE AT AND BELOW COST, AS Hi: FULLY INTENDS TO Go Out of Business, ''barge his locating. or pat hie bcsi.em use different bells. He Is tberellsest 10111111. GREAT BARGAIN8I be all inc..Iand great numbers am availing themaelvee of 161100sat opportunity, which w slot last long. 1 am undoubtedly doing as above. any ose else to the coatrary. notwithstanding. Do not let anyone throw dust in your eyes by telling you that on account of being a long time in the busi- ness, they can offer such bargains as no one else. If this were tete, there is see gentleman 1s this tows who Yes bees hi B110100111.0=0.111. io elves" r - to ave enamel each facilities se to diaeoe.t them and all MMsa MI T01 -11N ..tE