The Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 61 1 ) Chs Poet's Cornea. TWINi e s S. M1Mr. There was sssmithiag v, wausual is the eine- , lag of the choir That the Fader hauled up mildly frost the tests of Jeremiah, AM wits readjusted .reglam looked &lean the foremost row. While • headrod peeks were t wags.* Mamas. 1 front all below. As baron the rolling thuader cause • diusaall waflwg cumin. There was a pr..aage d disturb►auu is tits vary White 's lose. ANS the pupil r.g .1 the picket. ere the hat - this awful din, Or the tarsitis of th• addle ere the orchestra At ung udlt'ed observer could hat r soya with half an ole TTmre was wagerer on explosion that won't' blow thew all wky-high. Or spontaneous r,mhuelioa. t0 accept • Modern name, , That eras waiting lust • motion to burst forth Into Rama , The Soprano sat a g,radenr, wits Ler book before her how, With her beet comb tarucd in auger on the Alto and the Ba..: While the Tenor stood beside her with an ele- vated nese, And the O,.tanst par. e..1 .madly at the pedals with his tam How could any one lou! Aug.is sing. is ban they were feeling so. Though the hyinn was "Songs o. (iladneea,' • they would 'wilco it • Swamis of Woe.' When we wing about get main. some detotios we must feel. Or our pleidtn e t,onns of worship will partake s s•uaewbat of squeal. 1 • a Bat t his Alto sung Mor Solo, read left 11 to the Hese. • Who was gnawing at his moustache and was luoklog for the ;Arse . While the Urgwai't. an anger. sang the lead- . i ng part alone, And the Tenor tr,,'•J is tolloe. but 1! rude/ in a groan. As the burro..:ricers people be.t:.t the ilia. cord rating L,gt,ur. It was pat_nt tj the simplest there !was trou- ble in the choir, And the Orgasms:. in fury, dosed the organ with a crash. And the Alto -ebbed in twi,gtu.a and the dhoti' hal gunello smash. M ben the Elder went otos::g the to n nth a view to rec.ncila. , The soprano told ser story-. with a.ingguirary smile. It appear.I the wrelche 1 ('ltur.,ter 1t4J .uo- duer.l a girl With a brand-new n:JI. of singing. and a most d intra.•: ing curl. But. to map the hitter climax. th.s unurre: wore a hat. Jtmt a duck, a grin. a beano , and is made the rest look flat : l .And the straw that broke :Lc cannel's buck and male the wrest complete She cams early Sunda: morning. and usur;.ed the leading seat. /When the Elder a,kel tl.e Tenor why ho lett. he said. "Because is. eloprano said his chest-:uner sounded Just like tiling saws : Aced bauvcrhoar.l :he .Alto one n ;ht wb,.per to the Bae, 'TAM a man with en .y a tonus: t C.•: was a palpable drelrra,•: . Aid the Baas informed the Eider that he .ac - 1 rigced his views When he .v►,ueand joined the E_lder'stiw.r, to ggggfbelp all up his pews. He was an Epivropalutn,anl if people thought he'd take 'Any nonsense flow a baptist, they had made a great mistake. '!!•n the Organist and .tato both put on an in- jured kook, dia,Iax something in an undertone about a change of nook: AM the Elder overheard them, as he gently closed the door, bliss the poor words. "A poor old Fogy." and "A Sentimental Bore." FINN JMIORLNT&. A Teas IimusaMa s trMiemem en AseerNwa t'..gesas. 'Blow this ouuntry, 1 say I remarked a young Englisbwao ►n the corridor art a Fifth street hotel, the •.Cher afternoon, pa sg peamedical1y and throw►mg away a ha -smoked cigarette. And he scratched hi. poor old noodle. as he ambled down the street. With his.pttarles on forehead and his slip - pen on hi. fees, And i really think the Elder hadhopeof pour- - mem Oa the troubled ecu of musk. to allay t1e and turmoil. ph the meantime entice opens with old "China" or "Bethune. - And the Deacon Bethune.-Atdthel)eacon with his tune -fork tit ea tar people all the tune: 'And the organ fathers cobwebs. and the peo- ple gather mere. Rhlle they roar out "Coronation" to the Bea. cows hoarsen been Tata t lnbilT. Star W.slag. Cairo, July 28. -The inhabitants of onR+,la through the Mud.r have sent a h to the general commanding at iceman, declaring their loyalty and ex- ittg regret at their wavering in the The telegrams is regarded se an r 'oal proof that the Mand's influence waning. An Arab trader, who has int arrived at Amman from Amarara rely 20, says it was reported there that /man Digna was kiiled on .July lot by a Naber of the Ile li ...en troops. whose tppbew (Simla .tahl.e.l beams _ he refns- Mo join the rebels. ry•�,,,� Fret rllagetoa. al. C. Pols. in .1 t'o., drurginste, wrre bet Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry haa tag been the List remedy for sunnier *splaints 'w the market. 2. 1 b:lettea'a Death. Irmo., N. Y. , July ?R.—Stephen lock, aged 1,V, trait buried lest Sat - Three dei s before, atter eating tYlliut of pica nuts, he •t 'two quart of lllrrtes, pits and all, and then drank Fal glasses of ice water. He died in tinny Set another I ill shall ire clown my pat again, said is citIxet►, "when 1 lien such • prompt and pleasant cure for bd attacks, u 1►cCarvon'sthum- Dittoes. it renders the blond pure •tired and makes a splendid spring tt. Large bottles 50 cent.. Wised Ltebl.i g. !gtttnlag I. the only rare for Torah �jaarjache, itare.•he sad Neuralgia. It :lake • Aar or an haat to ant.1T het Ore a tnirnte all pain is gene. Thetis - ye teased 11. torn. within the last IA•tnsing 1. also a positive sere wt., en. The worst prattle eases peer retaerrlly eared In este work. dggle at 0. Rhyne, Drug these tin A rose ear Teomperese . TM Tsang cella, why du you drink 1 Tho.. that do drink atop for a moment sad think ; ask yourself tko (twitchers, " Why do I drink P' and see it you coo tell Does it make you any better and happier .d any more gentlemanly to drink 1 Dues it make you any dearer to these that leve you t Are you making your good old father and mother, sister, wife or sweet- heart hap. ter by so doing 1 Stop but (ung enough to think and your heart's answer will be, "No, nu, no," Thea re- form at once sod be gentlemen. You can never be one and drink to the dregs of that damning cup. If you keep on you will bring grey hairs and sorrow to those that you love and to those that love you. What good du intoxicating Iiquogi of Rome hold that a great man) are good for medicine. rh•y may be, but while they are curing use they are killing thousands ; miring men ; causing them to du things that they would nut do. Some mea come hume intoxicated, scold and curse their wife and little ones ; whea they them- selves have sold everything saleable iu the house for something to drink ; they will curse and strike their wife because she can't prepare them something to eat, and often, in striking they kill the only one on God s earth that loves them, for the h,viug wife clings to and prays for her drunken husband its a drowning man slings to a straw. It is a damgeruus me- dicine. While it cures one it starts thousands un the downward road. The tint glass must be taken when sick. It starts men to swearing, lying, cheating, gambling and murder ; it causes children to ;;row up in rags, idleness, ignorance and poverty ; and the one they love, honor and protect, the one they take from a home of happiness and lore, sur- rounded by dear friends and raised in luxury, to die e.f 'a broken heart in a drunkard s cabin, leaving her children to the mercies of a drunken father. Whiskey causes more heartaches than all else in the wield, It fills our poor. houses, asylums, jails and penitentiaries with men that would crake a shining mark in this world's history if they would let the tirst glase atone. Jlen that would fill any position from the lowest to the highest ; men that would be worthy of any wuuan's heart and hand : wen that any Christian woman I would be glad to leek up to as her super- ! let ; men that would maks loving hus- hban.ls and indulgent fathers, making tome a paradise instead of a hell u. I earth ; scattering lure and sunshine ir- stead of heartaches and misery. —Farm- ', jug World. faa lillea/bem be reared 1, Mr. John Clark, of 'Jlillbridge, Ont., • declares it can, and that Hagyard's Yel- low Oil is the remedy that cured him. It oriels.) a specific for all intlamation and Palo. 'What's ohs matter f' inquired • sym- pathizing 1 ims's reporter. '104, I'm going back again to London. The way the people here live and work is far too much f.,r ma The idea of working at the office all day and late at night and frequently on • Sunday I It's too mush, you know, by George !" 'Much difference in °dice hours be- tween your country and ours 1' 'Well, 1 shuuW say there is. 1 ahuuld like to see the average English clerk ec►umeuce work before 9 o el..ek in the morning, acid every one leaves at 6 o'clock. Then we have half a holiday on Saturday and bank holidays, and that sort of thing, you know.' *The Euglish clerks get well paid, no doubt, u cemoarisen to the Americsn ' 'Oh, well, our clerks are not w well paid, I suppose. A nun who gets forty shillings a week considers himself pretty well off. 1'ou see everybody in Eugland learns to be a clerk, and it is supposed to be infra dig. to learu a trade. Trades- pe,ple,you know, us looked down upon, and art in tut very inferior. They nuke more mousy, and obtain higher aalaries,and 1 think it is a boaatty shame; but the employment sought for by most young fellows is b.okk.eping, and of curse the market can ins overstocked and notaries are reduced in consequence.. 'Iteen hour r over here ?' •toh, about tix months ; reel that os six months tie. long. I think the Ameri- cans are awfully r' le and plain ep,ken. \\'heti I ern, iu Chicago I asked one of the railway ofliciats it he could obtain a position t)r me. He raid : 'Are you out of work The idea of asking a gentle- man if he was out of 'work.' 1 told him I was tetgperarily out of employment. and L•e then said : 'What can you de r 'Oh,' I said, 'I aura a very fair bookkeep- er. What d, you thud he said ? 'We food hogs un bookkeepers in this city. Did you ever hear such a brutal expres- sion in all yuur life ? 'Did you catch cn ? to use an Ameri- canism.' 'Crteh what ? t,h, I see what you mean. Yea, he offered me en engage• moot, and I accepted it ; but I soon found I had no leisure time so I resigned and tried one or two other thinza I tyuaght it truuld be awfully jolly t., go on • farm for a little while, and 1 did so. but the work was too hard, and I went back again e. Chicago. By the by, u0 you know that when I arrived from Eng- land I came straight throngh to Chicago, and it was shockingly cold 4 course. I was wearing au English fur cap and corduroy clothes, and when I got off the train at the station 1)110 boys called out, 'What is it 1' I said, 'p beg your pardon;' and they repeated, •%‘• hat is it t and laughed as though they had made some amazingly witty observation. I gradually became conscious that they were making gene of me, and that they meant l' What was I.' Wasn't it a terrible position to be placed in So embarrassing, y'•u know.' -. 'You shat to have 00100 neat ?' 'Yes, but the further away I tet the less I like the country. I went to one place to seek employment and the hoad of the firm asked me if I was a 'hustler.' 'I said, 'No, sir ; 1 am a bookkeeper,' and then he laughed in a callous a ort of way, and said he guessed 1 was to. grey for the place. 1 did not like to ask him what he moult by 'gray' f•.r fear h.a would think that I was not familiar with the language of the country-, so I walked away. ' 'You oto not stn to have too great a liking for the country r 'You are right, my b.y. I have given the place a fair trial and am Leong straight home. T::ere is nothing congenial to me here. ' 'What would y,'u suggest as a means d improving onr unfortunate o entry ?' .Why, guy .lear 1. y, i would suggest that in the first place you have ve:kets in your billiard tables. and. next, that yen employ barmaids in your here's. Then a fellow- can pass his evenings pleasantly, and mats;e to survive the hard work. How can you expect a man , t.. play billiards on a table with nee pock- ! eta ' And how can a fellow enjoy him• j self at the herr:A when there are n.. ba;- maids t.e chaff" The English barmaide are a.. deucedly pretty, you know, that !they are a source of great attraction to the hotels, and I •m sure would take Ivery well here in America You news- paper men should agitate the question, and then there would be some induce men! ler a fellow 1•. stay .,rer here. i think 1 11 go and take a nap now. Have Cam Ter mea/hexa, As uuaNruus lnllmonale will chew there is no twu• reliable cure fur deaf- ness thea Hagyard*a Yellow 0.1. It is also the best remedy for ear acne, sure throat, croup, rheumatism, end fur pants and lameness generally. Used internally and externally. nine rwysielses *Mdoms. Mrs. Helen Pharvia, No. 331 Darns St., Cbiesg•r, 111., is mow in her ataty- eighth year, and states that she hoe suf- fered with Cousumptiun ter about ten years, was treated by nine physwcians,all of theta prououueug her case hopeless. She had given up all hope 4 ever re't.o- eriug. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New Disouvery fur Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please deep her a prtal and satiety yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug store and get a free trial bottle. (1) you a cigarette t t....id-bys•'_{Kansas! City Titers. 2. Wkeeleirs reser rk.sltates. Rd. VERY FEW ENJOY WHAT MAY be called perfect ..health. Examination will discover wine defect. damage or latent disease, the result of hereditary impulses, special wear and tear,revious habits or (at- tacks of disease. the effects of which are sup- posed to have pawed away Nature in these impii.lred constituttoss requires help all through lite. and Wheeler's Phosphates and Callsaya supplies the runt of energy wanted to bring such systems to a higher plain of vigor and maintain functional activity. A etahfag mheevery. Wm. Johnson, of Huron, Dak. , writes that his wife had been treunlel with acute Bronchitis for many years, and that ali remedies tried cave no permanent re• lief. until he procured a h ill, of Dr. Kings New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colla, which had a magical effect, and-p,r•ntuctd a iwru.atient cure. It is guarantee -I t,• cur« all .*ureses •.f Throat, Lungs of ltronctiiet Talea-e. Trial bottles free at .1. Wi1a.>'n's drug store. Large siz • $1.111). .:r Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. QEO. !v CCABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Seeing is believing. Read the testi mounds in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. then buy • beetle and relieve yourself of all these distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you all about it. Field by J Wilson Uuderichi sin The use 4 fills, lialts,Castor Oil, etc. and other nauseous, griping Cathartics is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Canon's Bitten, which act as • Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it. 50 cents a bottle. PITT Tog rook Dyrrernt '. --Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chuen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the nuteic effect of a dollar bottle of Foe Arai* Ot }IELLTH. F.•r rough conditions of the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples. Eruption and skin diseases, use Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m All Nervous Debility cured by the use of 1)r. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere Sold at ,\ ilsun's drug store. ;2b) \\trine often destroy chtidreo, but Frt etnaa's Worm Powders destroy Mx -nig, and expo' theme trent the sys- tem Inn The i11e M UIseas- a. fhb tea Fr nt-.�r.- 1 political tide appears to have tsrnedfK the Liberal Party since the let et June, irons that time e ecti.•ns have been hell -aith the following results: ('umherland, N.i+., tltemk.innl an ctanfr. Cumberland. 'N. '.. el^vcmeal• Literal Win. tape Breton, N.- . t lbminion Tory majority restored tt.t. 'l - oath• IIMmi•b.�I 1.ib. ml ...aim. Muskoka IProrineisl, /,i 9�ra1 p.riw. Lennon will t..• heard fr..an next Hamilton 8treet„/0cderich A good mo rtmeat of Knelt's, nod -room, Ula!eg Room sad Parlor rustier, such ea Mot ('hath their. Moe end wood mated'. ('upboezds, (led steeds. Maureen*. Wash -stand L•linges. doles, Whet -Dote, L inking Weems. N. B. A complete moos 'Meat of Collins and nbreads always on hand ass. Braises ter hfr at reasonable rate . 1 Pletar. reaming • .peclalty.—A call solicited 1111 Aa Answer Ranted. Can any 0110 Dnng us a cue of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Ribber+ will not speedily cure f We say they cannt•t, as thousands e.1 cases already permanently cured and who are daily re- commending Electric Ritter.. will 'wine. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the !vow- els, and act directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [11: Nor tonal Pills is the favorite purgative and auti•biiieus medicine, they aro mild argil thorough. 1m. Pain from uulv,te,,tton, dyspepsia, and I to. hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of t'.,rter's Little Liver Pills immediately after dinner Don't forget this. 1 m. %ever Live hp. li If too are sut:ering with low and de- ! premed spirits, leas . f appetite. general debility, dieonier d bleed. wt•ak consti- tution, hratlache, or any durase of a bil- ious nature, by all means procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters, You will he sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will fellow ; yon will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; in and misery will erase, and hence- ( girth ton will rejn.e. in the praise d j Electric Bitters. fk.ld at fifty cents a , T. for Lad(Ie. M. Gregor 4 Parke-. ('srbnlie giro! wpl cure any case et 19mpae. on the fee, or IMtrgh akin ea either hands or taro awl leave tb.. soft as silk. it will else heal any awe whom all other ienparatbnss tall. Tbeweaads bare Ieated it. Ask ))snr imagist for MtOrager& I'arke'. Catholic Perste sad eln sot he nae nested le take •ntthlag err (*kilned to geed ItRhesus' t e ( h g..le brat tit eons par bet of O. Rhr Deng Stere. tin store. b.,ttle by .1. Wilson. f41 etraatb Medd LI.N./ag is the .oily instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia. Headache. To, ahitch*, etc. Rub- bing a few drops bnskly is all thee is needed. No taking nat»enus medicines for weeks, but one minute's applieattow motives all pun and will ppr�ww�ve the great value of Kram's raid Lightaiw4. s cents per bottle at Georg* 1 byute fats _ A._ 1, ' tsr+rst A votanimaluoiseevers. Physician's are often startled b3' re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat! and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling theist to realize their sense sof duty, anti examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in huhdreds 4 our best Phpsi- cians using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at .1. Wagon 1)rue Store. Regular size $1.0\. (4) National Pills act promptly upon the liver, regulate the towels and as a pur- gatire are mild and thorough. ci There are lots(' f people going around grumbling, and half sick at the Stomach all the time ; who might he well and happy, if they duly used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters occasionally. it is a splendid 'blood purifier. All •drurggists 50 cents aaehlsa'a Arniea halve. The greatest medical wonder o. the world. \\-arraited t.. speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, 1'ilrs, Chilblitinaa Corns, Tetter, Chapte.-I Hand., and all Skin Eruptions, go...anteed toe elle 01 every instance, or money refunded 25c. per hoz For sale hr I. Wilson, ly. A itessIng to an ttanklad. Iu these times when our newspapers are .*.sided with patent medicine ada-er- tisemente, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure }sou) If you are bilious, bled} out of ender, liver inactive, or :enteral debilitated, there is nothing in the wend that will cure you se quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a l team_ to all mankind, and can he had for •,lily tifty cents • beetle et James Wtla.en. 12:1 INIOrr 40,000 ACRES of \t'1LBsnit IMPRO\'BD LAN IW. for sake airier the line of the P.H,otN. W .H.Ii. in Mani- la. W141 Huron (bnntie.. Mlt'Hl I t\. Prion h+nb fM pre arta acre nppwams. newt 'water, market.. soil ,•lintatt• 4r. Pre.. (;nide,, and E.. uroieri (gates to *hon the lards. Write r,r hits and gull particulars to W.W. JON FA. 20: Aliiitary +t., IM ItT 111'It0\. )rich., lien. agent for Tennewwe (Ands. la'.larrt BOOTS AND SHOES .1\T ITT 000D8_ O REMEMBER 1 Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices, Please Calldz, E car .ix .e_ NO ,TROUBLE WATEVER TO SHOW GOODS. DowNING- • Crabb a Block, t'.rner East street and Square. Guderich, May 8th, 1884. BOOTS&SHOES nournisi Weddup Beg t. announce to the Public that they have .,pencil business in the als.te Stor in the store lately occupied by Horace \reton. Haying purchased a large and well assurted stock of Sprin, snot Suminer t;rods at cher notes, we are determine t.. give the Public the limens. QUICK SALES, SELL PROFITS WILL BE OUR I1CTTO AD -Please call and examine our goods before perchiou.i elsewhere. novo-Remember the place, next doer to J. Wilsons Drug Store. rein -Custom work will teeeire our special attention. leo-None but the pest of material used and tir,r•c:has w.•rkn er employed. oirRepairing neatly door , •n the .h. rte.t n. c , (;oderich, March 9 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U F CURE Birk Brolnehv and relieve all the U,sblm inei. der.t boa bdereattate of the -alt ft h e- s.nesa. Kasen. Dro .....ae, Dietrree Mier etrlaL Pain in the aidr, Le. White their meet �aarw able seem Lae been shown in curing ICK 1t.sdaeas,yetCaRtv'sLittle Liver Pi'4 are equally talusble in Co stipst4oa, tering me psetent.sg this a .ytag eemplamt, while they also eorr.et all disorders M the stomach. st malate the liver and regales* the bowels. ]tees It they o.ly eared EA Aeteshey would beaimoet priceless to these who Dolor from Os dlstnsaleg tam st, but forts- susly their goods.=doss set endand those else... try them will lad these little pins tell- able 1• so many wort tbat they wit tat he *Meg to do w;thnut glom. But Muir all sick head CH tatbe base of se maty pions that Tee is',boss ws make oar great beset, Air pills c•ie• a while ethers do sot. Carter's Little Liver Pias ata v - -nai sad very may to take. 0se pr twos p It. • .,r •dose Tory are strletly vegetable snit do not rr or part. set bytheir gentle es Flees.. all wine Mein. ase Me. a mites a et cents: ave ter $1. Sold ly drabber everywhere, of wed by —worm.. • Dr.wILSO, {t t 4, L c POA TAE CCRE OF CCOCRs• COLDS. AS-Otis/It ti 4(7,7^ rill IS and all LUNO attlEP of PERSONS the advanced stage rat CONSUMPTION. CARTER MEDICI\E CO., Kew Yllrk Oltp. PRINCIPAL+LIM: Asd ata 'q. tisane to Iowa, itterseistlisesert.ILan am, New Medco, Arlams. Y. teas sad Texan hen;:Tfi.T. <CSeL:.•i »Fa: the le K. ,hts•rIn >>I tr. bins. Toyota:)eal- C5 I d .A GI' Cl /hi, Route Imo s e pe u..r r.r .direr Lee, NlsaeyW4 aim e1 Posh Nalw.si!y r. -puled m teles tn. erne hr.sphCar Ua. Cur. y reseeded to he the haat ei•1pped ltulrnea to the .f,.rid for MI clammier truer•. KANSAS CITY All cuaar.-tion, odes la 1;nea Throath Tileket• via th Celebrated Lim lair at el sakes the t- a Caaad. Try It, and 701 was tr 1 traveling ' :a cart', trueed a Mr J' tiv. B R AYLEY PROPgICTOR• MONTREAL. AB tefnrmu tan Most hates of Tarn. tueeplea ; ■r . rrr .rh^•'r(,' t: err t 1 P07T1B. PIACEVAI lottELte YTksreset .e e'a'r %v,.oyrr (, a hors /✓e, cbtral..1 4. ubtaa:u. Mt Canadian Pau. A1e t, Toronto Ont SPECIAL OFFERS n'^ B. J..y*BTO., Tgeke• Agent, fodereh on the following goods and material at the SKKUMILLER PLOW WOB�S' W A f l t,,r Alt• a each. i l !rend six rents for peseagr. f goods which will help you —_ and receive Mea.•coNly tea: mer ran ore o ro, at i50 to more money rlfhtgawq which is hat half price, than •n thin` elan in 1Ale world Alt.. -of either 1 hu $ .t l l time. I ear snd !carriers Id 1 aei .*w.- rA /mm ai'st hnuc Thr hrn.A war het a short thee, new wheat carriers ±n Ictal all In g o l order for $fs.tal not retro than to fortune oyrns hrforr the workrn.aheetute oee third 11. raise. IJr sere. At Dore adder s..Ttla tt('o., Anemia. Netrnl I mr gr Grindstones at below root. �)(&ba.. IN 1 N.. Manton Baggy at fl1 per rest. ler than even price. les rni hl iresi:rwga. tr., ter all tincture thresh- i Says Dryden Inglis( :'otter Kaives at half prier. 1 "Ahs knows her now, end when yeti rant A IM of Bar 1,... sad swear Cast*toren ail. ytagaln. Can Arse you to her with a single hair." st Pulleys Daunt ge.with many other •rtlrk•s sr Darr ewe R pgary lasgste ga Sold alkali" b 41. wttgg�, J ppima:. I ttt It MOM he beautiful hair to have (To h..ejd For cera w approved atone. each pr.we ' - and beautiful her eau Apply t be C. J. HU .1IfBER, I ....Ilea . tea d Ctlua.t ro Hone Mishit. deao 11r6rbbL •