The Huron Signal, 1884-8-8, Page 3i
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Eustace, the Outcast
44 r
THE HUROi .s•kINAL. FRIDAY, AUG. 8, 1684.
Tim what r asked Jai, hurriedly. ems, and though Ifessenes wee OW mi
"1-1 wee foolish,' she starnameredJ outcast from Ids Mese, teed armed he
Ferree me, sir. A sewed sham depeaved of kis issheriteme, this *ailed
would have reassured ras, bet I aus so very tette W hearts like theist, whCeli
nervous. The dreatiful eaperienee of found \impinges in higher and nobler
CHAPTER XX. tonight has managed am.' thanes They had Lail a time of suffer -
'I do nut wonder et it,' returned Eras- J ins, but now • period of happiness had
Moe in a very kind tone. 'What yuu mese, arid they enjoyed it to the fell.
partici/tarty want now is te change your Alum did they ramble amid the reams -
wet dram and to obtaiu remise. Now,tie seems of due greed, wild sumet–mig
he added, lookieg te the captain insclJos, the breezy heights of it. AM's, whose
'I suggest that she go ashore with ea pure invigonstieg air brought strength
uhe will rserrive every attention at the to their frame, end freshness, to Omit
far..., and I promise, Joe, that I will pro- spirit --along the solitary beach at rho
Met till you return.- lout of the cliffs, where the here roam
The (+timer readily approved et this rues round them in all kinds a fantastic
suggestion. Jessie was also satisfied by shapes, where the sea birds wheeled &ad
it, though ter • inument ur two the pro- screamed overhead and the water rime -
position seemed to scare and startle her. inured out, a hollow musk in the eaves
But she Looked into the manly mid gum- by their side. Often did they sit at
wine contidealootiving face ef theyouth, eventide on the create' Fornaheugh, and
and her fears vanished. watch the gulden sunset cast its dashing
The parting between her and Joe in splendour over the far elf western hills !
the *image cireunastancee was tryiag. To Then when the glory had departed frogs
hare been so long sundered, to ineet as the sky, and the grey twilight had drawn
they had dune, and to separate se quick- its snautle over lead and sea, they would
ly, waa sad experience to both 44 them; Grose the &Ws to murder by the tide of
but inasmuch as Joe expected to return the sweet little loch which lies se beauti-
soon in the lugger, the bitternessof pert- fully among the hills, and reflects in its
crystal waters the vaulted night -sky with
its shining stars. Oh ! the perfect peeve
in good bands. So Joe kissed her, and surpassing sorenity of these acmes
brushed a tear from his eye, and handed it nature, as thus visited alone by :t•
her into the boat. re -wilted pair. To them the spot was
leelph and Willie were already netted a very parade*, and they felt as if they
there, and Eustace, stepping in the last, could dwell in it forever. Of the future
they never thought–the present was se
full of bine, and immune. they were
thankful fur trials which had led to such
pleasures. It need scarcely be added
that new bloom returned to the cheek of
Lilies, and that her eye sparkled with
its old brightness. Eustace, too, grew
radiant with theelasticity of manly rigor.
The sternness which • sense of wrung
and the endurance of injustice had ins -
pressed on Iris countenance passed away, tered.
and he almost forgot that he was an out- 'Frets the house. I saw you leave it
cast (rem his father's home.andlleart. and I guessed the reason, for I heard
Willy Sommerville was happy, ton, what Mr. Adamson read out of the news -
and had his walks with her he leved. paper.'
Frequently at the approach of evening 'Oh, leave ine,' she wildly pleaded,
he would steal away from the house and *and for the love ef heaven say nothing
out urs rio sotbaler grief, which
a• -el in circu tan au liar. yet pale over the heights, tilt in the sweet
shook her girlish frame with terrible re -
regarding which she would give no ex- 1801nm-is of the lovely bay he met with
hrimence, and it rimmed as if her heart 2Lerion Gilbertson, who had left Jessup'
planation. She was deeply grateful for
would break under it. mansion about the same hour to join
the kin dn she received, and anxious
The caPtain and tha rest at."jd gazir'g te speak her thanks and show her grati.
at each other, not knowing what to do.
tede in every possible way, but perais-
'This is • case of betrayal and cheer -
tautly shrunk from any allusion to the
Ilion,' whispered Dusaldsou, 1.4oking to- position she was in wheel rescued from •
muds Eustace.
watery grave, Naturally she was press -
'It looks only too like it,' responded
ed with questions on this point, lattice -
the latter.
lardy by Lilies. These, however, she
'Jessie,' remonstrated Joe, 'you wont
invariably met, not with erasion, but by
hide the thing from me like that:: It's
a plainly expressed refusal to give any
years since we met before, and I don't
inf., tion. One day as she and Lilies
know anything that • happened you all
were alone, she flung her aims round
that time. I thought you were in Etlin-
her neck and tearfully exclaimed–
burgh. Come, there's a good girl. tell
me all about it. You are among friends tM, do not ask me anything more
here, and nobody can harm pm. - about that dreadful night, for I must,
'Oh, Joe,' subbed the grief-stricken must keep silent. It is my sacred duty
to do se, and if you knew the agony it
girl,' 'for mercy's sake do not ask Inc to
• DIS00•1111T--111A INEWSP•211a PAL --
Joe haring delivered up his burden
was about to reCre, with a feeling of
petted satisfaction at having been the
means of giving • poor thing such de-
light. whea an aceidental glance at hor
Lace made him pause and kok again. This
seillond glance was 0110 of curious, etartl-
el, astonished enquiry, and h. swung
round the lamp to have • better •iirer .1
her feeturee
'My Ood ! Jessie,' lid ejaculated.
She paused in the am1its of careening
tnh child and butted sharply at the
'Joe, may brother r she joyously ex-
chninei, springing Iseeeis bias, and
grasping his arm, while the test 4 lin'
'croup stood silent anal dunibIemsded.The
warm had now assume! an aspect of the
most exciting interest. Joe could only
stand gazing IA the mien dumb Aston- ina wee lessened by Me hope of an early
ishinent, literally overpowered by this re.enien, and meanwhile Jessie was lett
strange meeting in such extraordinary
ctrcumitances with his only sister.
'Where are we" How did I come
bare /asked Jeanie, casting brief, rapid
elating round the cabin.
'We got yen in the boat, and saved the boat was lowered and pulled off.
you just as it sank,' answered J.,e. Then the lugger tilled and b away,
`Ah, true–true,' she shuddering', and the couree of the cable was directed
Ramped. 'When I found the beat sink- i tevrard the shore. It was neer midnight
inz I uttered one shriek of despair, call- ere they reached the farm house, but
ed aloud fur help, then 1 must:luive here Jessie and her child were welcomed
fsinted, fur I renae:nber more.• with the utmost kindness. Lilies was in
'But how cease you in the best 1' ask- bed, but she rose up at once, and took
ed Joe. the stranger under her particular care.
JON•0 shuddered, and her feed turned In less than an hour the weary girl and
livid with terror. 'Do nut ask Inc that,' her child were sleeping profoundly on a
sh• replied. 'Oh, ask me nothing fur I dry and warm couch, and their sufferings
can til6iothing.'
othing "' echoed Joe, in Won- and sorrows were fora time forgotten.
The days that followed were days of
ishumn -
happy enjoyment to all the inmates of
no. I canteg–I will not.'
tne farm house – even te the stranger who
And immediately there came • great
had come so mysteriously &mune them,
NW she wee Mem, that she had left the
home ead amesed the Gelds to the weeds
esenua. Bet it was aet so. the
gisendiegmee IBM RS OW Mir when
the paragraph frelaillk 4111Wasit was
reed ui the parlor, aad Ile deer beast
open, he heard it quite dietinetli--It
had an interest fur hes stroag enough to
✓ ot ham to the spot, and wire peer-
ed in upon the circle amend the fire he
saw --what num of the others sew–the
extraordinary effect the inbelligeace had
on Jamie, how her fare grew white and
amumed an wipe...ion et horror. Then
he saw her quit her seat and totter ;en-
aseticed across the room towards the pas-
sage 111 which he aloud He drew back
into the darkness, and saw her tense her
hand to her gasping threat, and rush
away through the oion door into the
The night streagthened certain suspic-
ions. which he had alwaya entertained
since the arrival ef Jessie among them,
as these saisplcions, if true, had • pecu-
liar rotation to the One subject over
which he 'wrath- brooded, he did nut
hesitate now to follow JseUe and get at
the truth, so be kept her in sight across
the fields, saw her enter the wood, and,
following in her track, came upon her,
stricken to the earth in her great sor-
He stood close by her, but her grief
was so violent that she did not hear him
appr. -tcb, and he gave a cough as an in-
timation of his presence
She started wildly to her elbow, and
looked up in dismay.
'Don't be alarmed,' he said, 'it's only
'Ralph I'
phase' wailed Jeans, veLemeelly. 'It
lama - mass ba prove med.
'No wee trying that,' returned Ralph.
not marry yuu et my rate, and
you nosy Si well wait till he gem into the
mesa I have other thanes to tallow up
with, shush will dish km out and eut.
tell you it MUM b• prevented, ex -
chinned Jews, with still wilder vehem-
eace. 'It would be no marriage at a–
n would be • sin, for I ani his lawful
•What cried Ralph, eagerly. 'YOU
don't mean to my that you and be are
really manned.'
'Yea, inseried. By the law both ..f
Ood and man I am his wife.'
'You can prove that r
Eon I v
• What • your sividmee
'The evidence of a certiticate and of
'Hurrah. that's better- still. Why
that's memo enough fee birth ef us.
Well transport him.'
'Whet mean you Naked Jessie with
wondering alarm.
'Mean,' echoed Ralph, in • tone of
highest glee. -Officer as he is, they can't
help punishing bun for bigamy, oh.
won't it be $ rare sight to sue him sent
to the hulksl'
'But I tell you this crime must be pre-
vented. Wretched and miserable though
he has made me, I will save him from
the tate he would prepare for himself.
i• Sestawrlassaga samordi.
The isum remarkable ours of Plarefulhi
ou reared is that 4.1 the Rev. Was 664•184,
1 Of Weirton, whose ease of Serululone
Abscess balled the Mill of •••0•1,011111
Surgeene for tweaty-three years. His
was perfectly oared by Burdock Blond
Bitters. 2.
For four theesend years or mom the 1
awes tee Illssabs at al V
-world greased, seared and funied ab.
'its corns, for them was no peeitim retie
–no certain sod penalise cure until Dr.
Scutt Putnam gave to the world hi. gime
Corn Extractor. 11 there is suffeneg
now it is • moult of careless/tests, for the
remedy is at hand. Try Petnerres Ours
Extrouitor. It is 61.1111, pal4111108, sad
prompt Beware of substitutes. N. C.
Poison & Co, proprietors, Kingston.
, To Rostov' Demuserr–Cimase the
scalp with Prof. Low's Marc Sulphas'
Soap. A delightful medicated suap fee
the toilet. lee 4
A Ras adte–Of one doom "Torsi'
as' to any 4•00setidtug the bum four Use
rhyme on • ra.esamiv, the remarkable
little ow for the Teeth and Pat:. Aelti
your druggest address.
swig Vibes= asiesd.
Are you troubled ware Halt Rheims,
Rough Skin, Pimples ur Caulker lions ;
if so, go at onoe to Geo. Rhyne's'
Store and get a package of MoGregporrill
Parkeis Carbolic Cerate. Pries $ti emelt
It um never known to fail.
!Sew Life for Ynnetron• Weakened by Mb
rime. Debility sad Disonpathmk.4
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous dm
Not fur myself, but for him must I do
bility, universal lassitude, fonretfulneue.
this. After what has passed we can be pain 01 the back or sides, no matter hog
nothing te each other, but I would keep shattered the system may be from ex.
him from time crime, and save the lady cases of any kind, the Groat Genital
Remedy will restore the test function,
front so cruel a consequence.'
I 'Den't you do no such thing,' coma- -
and secure health and hairiness. *I Ol
per box, six boxes for .00. Sold te
Ay ---just Ralph Illumine Hade.1 you 'wiled Ralph. 'Ho sweetly deserved the all druggists. Sent on receipt of pries
better wet up from the ground. You'll worst that can happen to him. He hes k postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Tole&
catch cold.' Ohiu, sole rgent ler United States. Cu
done teat you and me harm en .ugh to
'Where have you come from she fel- make us long for bus ruin, so take iiiy ad- eulars and testimoilials sent free. Sol
by Geo. Rnynas, ogle agent for Go&
tell. for I cannot tell–indeed I cannot.
1 mu the moat et iserable,the most wretch-
ed . -eine in existeoce.'
see how it is,' said he sternly, me far saying nothing. Oh, were yeti
with the prattle of Palsies child. Mr. 'Well, the first thing was the fright doe* it-
you would keep .
'Soule villain has -betrayed and abandon- placed in my position
Pray, therefore, urge ine 1 Idaninonsat inn hisaccustomed currier you got when you first saw Mr. Eustace. 'Then I will trust yuu. Shall we de-
ed you and your child. Tell me who it 1 Mien" ten' ng the to Mot Which arrived that It was clear you took him for somebody part at once r
- no further, and plead with the rest to
that 1 y
'No, no. Joe. I will not–will not eek me no more.'
causes me to allude to it in any way, 1
know you would spare me. If you knew
all, dear Lilies, you would not hlame
d keep11 deed
eiu :
• rich
nu–a thousand times no. I will
tell Eustace at once, and he will take
means to prevent it.' 11
'You won't ketp silent, then?' said
Ralph, doggedly.
of any being here. I–I will return 'No, pething will tempt me. If I
w on. I want to think.' did, the sin would be as much mine as
T. think about this marriage 1' his.'
'Man–Men–don't totters me. You
She W•s moving away to return to the
him. Marion and he now loved each I see my agony ; hare pity and leave Ine.• house when Ralph interrupted her.
other truly and deeply, and their love 'Look yr,' said Ralph, 'I hare a par- 'Stay a moment,' be added. 'If I tin-
es. approved of by the friends of each, tieular interest in this matter as well as
They. too, therefore,were free to wander you. I have had my own thoughts
side by side, and enjoy that sweet corn- about you ever since yuu came here, and
amnion of soul which pure affection though you would not tell anything, I
secluded beach of Lincoln, sometimes on 1 duced un you by this paragraph makes it marriage should take place.' • 1 –
derstand you well enough, you would
rather not tell Mr. &mace if you could
help it.
'No, but I cannot help it. Everything
seeks aud finds. Sometimes on the long guessed what was what. The effect pre- must be borne rather than this pseck
Tv abs keenest leridemeen. and all wets
n may turneen.
Ple %phenol., ur Nerve Imoott, a Pilo
pkate Element based upon Schmitt
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austi
M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Fujin°
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ni
vous Attacks, Vertige and Neenah
and all wasting diseases of the hum
system. Phoaphatine is not $ Medici'
bum a Nutriment, because it contains
Vegetable nr Mineral Poisons, Opiat
Nircetics, and 1:10 Stimulants, but sho
ly the Phosphatic and Gartrio Menus
found in our daily food.. A single bol
is sufficient to convince. All Druggi
ell it. $1.00 per bottle. Tontine
CG., 5010for tha Dmnin
*Front Street Emit Toronto
triegrassy'braitejoEhtildown,orlperchance !quite a certainty; Randolph Grahame i. 'Well. there is no need to tell any -
un the soft yielding carpet of Colduagham the father of year child, and it was him body here; I'm the only one who Inlie
Bantle, they roved in the delicious that sent you and it adrift in the sinking peseta the truth, end if you'll trust me,
twilight, and dreamed their happy dreams boat.' I'll take you straight to llengarry. That,
of the future. Very seldom, therefore, Jessie sprang to her feet in wildest I take it, will be the beet way to stop
was it that evening; was spent together consternation, and clutched his arm with Proheihtiefa- The marriage way take
by the inmateshif the farm-house–unless one hand, while with the other she dash- plae tomerrow, for anything we know.'
indeethewhen rain kept- them indoors. ed the hair from her eyes, and gazed 'oh heaven, if it should?' wrested
On one such evening, when the heavy madly into his face. j0010–'But you say you will take me
drops were daahed by the wind seainat 'Who told you that ?' she hisaed.
there–you are not deceiving me ?'
the paces, they sat around the bright
parlor 6re, ainuaing themselves chiefly
'Nobody told me, but I guessed it.' 'On my soul, no. When Ralph Blex-
'%Vhat made you guess it l' am *aye a thing his always means it, and
telt,' she wildly yet resolutely answered. Lilies kissed her, and promised she
'Why should you screen him Doesn't would, and fruits that blur Jessie was
10 .41 deserve the keelhauling I shall molested by no mote questionisikt was
give him? Hasn't he breught you to evident to all, however, that the secret
shame, and turdied you adrift to —' she cherished produced in her mind the
'14(4 shame, Joe, net shame, answer- deepest melancholy. Her heed had re-
el Jeane, looking proudly in her broth- eeived a shock which it conk 'cared,'
er's face. 'I will say this much–I have sustain- a beach, hopeless shadow had
heed and Men cruelly deceived, but I come over her young life, and taken away
hare not sinned in this. I have) not its brightness forever. From the pure,
fallen. See !. sweet social life by which she was sur -
And she held up her fiegsr, and point. rounded at the farm she found cheering
and soothing influences ; and in the
el to the ring which encircled it.
'You are married said Joe. prattle of her bright boy she enjoyed
Yes– married.
brief feelings et maternal delight, Yet
'And he, your huabant:, wanted to gee suddenly the smile called forth in her
rid of you r wan face by the exuberance of the child's
Jessie answered not, but hid her Uwe, infantile glee would merge in a spasm of
and again wept bitterly. pain, and she would snatch him to her
erhe Twain,' mad jog, grinding hie bosom and give way to a vehement buret
words between his est teeth: 'the oowof grief –as if the child's happy prattle
ardly, murdering blackguard. Tell me reminded her of the terrible sorrow of
who he is, Jessie, that I may pay him her life. But while so uncommunicative
on her side, she manifested great interest
off for hi. cruelty.'
4Navet., Joe, his naw. 7 will Been in the story which Liles freely commune
osted to her–the story of her own love
'Thus is utter folly. You can't hide and marriage. She listened to all the
him always. it must cones net at some particulers with the utmost eagerness,
time, and you may as well telt me at and hung with a strange faecination over
the tale of Randolph's deceitful selfish -
once. ' •
'Do not mere her further now, Joe,. ness and villainy. To this thence she
said &Mae&
was never tired of listening, and at al -
Jessie started at the round of his voice, most every opportunity she led Liles to
and looked towards him. He stepped eons -wee about it, and plied her with
forward at the sum moment from the 9°'' which showed how keen was
her interest in the matter. Lilies, noth-
corner in which he was standing, and the
ing loath, confided to her ererything that
lamp shone upon hi. fate.
The instant Jessie obtained a glimpse had taken Place. and Jessie heard her
of hi. countenettoe ahs uttered aertee, with breathless attention, sometimes
sad rushed to the opposite aide of tha shuddering at the 'baseness and cruelty
cabin–en motion which d
pro ueed ia of Randolph, so ruthlessly practiced in
furtherence of his deep laid pkt. These
every me set a little astonishment.
zestoss vas as most settemg ae the private ensifevenese between the two
Mime, and regarded her with a look of girls took Mete chiefly in the mornings,
for the after part of the day Lilies renew.
paneled wonder.
s.As .gemte ga,,,g at ens,, tha tone a ally spent with Eustaca in rambling
wild terror passed .lowly from her face, arose the beauties of the neighborhood.
but wm followed by ono of posted wee- The levirig pair were nnw r''7Y happy is
the fell aad miaterrupted enjoyment of
'Who is the gent/mean,' she &hared. mei elbow's 0100617- TheY luirt nothing
'The is Mr. Emmen (Irebasses,' wee sow to dieter,' or pain thus Th. dark
heavy Was bad riven plane to a bright
and jeyees present. They had revw got
free from Iltasidolph's rower of anon, -
afternoon. All at once he lifted up his , he remineles. Now, as that somebody 'No use for that. If we start early in
heed and uttered an exclamation, happens to be he brother Randolph, I the niorning and woes the motor will
'Here is a paragraph which has genie was not long in coming to the cenclusiou I catch the coach about eight o'cloek.
Once on that scent, let alp tell you that Jessie eagerly promised, and they
I followed it up as a houiad does a hare, seated, returaing to the house by differ -
and I made out that, at air early hour rut ways.
• •
the Firth and went northward. This Next morning the inmates of the farm
went to confirm my first thought, and It house -were thrown ante a state of un -
watched you pretty does to pick up fur. ! mitigated surprise at the absence of „les.
thee evidence, and I got it.' sic and her Add, and also of Ralph. It
was not till more than an hour had pearl-
ed in vain conjecture that Liles thought
of seeking in Jessie's mum for a solution
of the mystery, and there she found au
explanation so for in the shape of a note
through you face ss plate as tl:e alpha- which Jessie bad left on the table. It
bet,and tonight when I overheard Adane statedlied that she ed Ralph had gone away
son read the news *bent him in the un urgent business, and that no alarm
„Tee, 'nee of my best fries& '
exidaillaiel Janie. with a Ina'
%math. 'this eseaente ter it'
interest fur you, Mr. Grahame.' that be was the object of your terror. Could you manage that r
'For me !' said Enstace.
'Yes–listen. 'Great preparations are
being made for the marriage next week
trti:37itienant:Graheme,sloommander of
esty'verenue cutterfGreyhound,
an .,n and heir of Mr. Grahame,3of
Bengarry. The fair lady to whom he is
to be united is Mary, second daughter
of Mr. Maisie'', of Kinmuir, one cf the 'What evidence?' she nervously in -
°Wet and best:families in Om neighbor- quired.
hood. The estateof ?Kinmuir adjoins 'Dien't I see how keen you were to
that of Bengarry, so that by this union hear all that Lilies had to tell about
there is a :preispeet :that they will be Randolph* 11100 700, I read your heart
united as candiensein. Se happy pair
are he demi ter Leiden immediately
after the ceremony, there to spend the
'So,' eiclanned Eustace, 'My father is
to have his Man aerried out at last.
'Of course he is,' laughed the farmer.
'Your brether would not follow your ex- idle curiosity tempted you to ferret out the cause of their departure or the object
maple, and stand in his own light what did not concern you ?' their jeurney. This note did little to
Lilies r
Didn't concern me,' repeated Ralph clear up the mystinous matter. Em -
'Lilies does not envy him, uncle,' re- his eyes gleaming nut a baleful light. tam was particularly concerned about
plied the lady, fondly smiling on Sustains 'Well, if yon come to that, it's about the it, for he bad talon the charge of Jessie
only thing that does concern me. I have and promised Joe to erotect h t.- ell he
a heavy outstanding account against returned. He was therefore much an -
Randolph Grahame to settle, and I am *toyed by her sudden and inexplicable
particularly anxious to swell it eat with departure ; but the fact that Ralph was
*very item I can gather. Now of mutual with her served to allay his disquietude,
I knew very well that if h• set yeti and though he could not understand hew she
year child adrift in the boat, he meant should have taken him into bee confi-
you to be dn,wned, and that's three drams in preference to all others. On
murders I have now got to lay to hell further consideration he resolved to wait
eharge–s pretty tidy 14 I should say and do nothing in the matter in the
telligeace thus communicated that they that is.'
I meantime, fully expecting to receive the
did net notice Jemie turn pale as death 'Yoe can prove *1 )thing against him,' j
premeed tidings in a few days.
paragraph was reed, or that said Jessie almost fiercely. '1 have said ! (to en eorriwren.)
that evening, the Oreyhound came down •
paper, the tint thing I did was to look at
'Ai.d what business had you to intact
lee the ?' she angrily demanded, 'what
need be felt on their account, that they
irettid return men or send tidings 4,f
Atilt movements, and concluded by beg-
ging Mat no steps be taken to discover
and gayly togging Jessie's child in her
land no Isere do I envy him, ?dr.
Adamson,' cried Euetace himself. 'Let
him be happy with Bengarry and Kin -
mule as he can. I only hope that Mary
Maxwell has not been deceived in his
character, and is being thereby plunged
into misery.'
Ito interested where they all in the in -
she rose and tottered oat of the room
she went gulping along the peonage and
out by the front door, and, Miring gain-
ed open air, elm pushed like nue dis-
tracted over the fields, and entering a
stunted wood, threw himself en them*,
wet ground.
Jews AIM keen'.
Jessie lay is the wet green uader the
trees, with her fere leaned is law heads,
in a Mats a distrusting. SM deemed
nothing and nerer will '
'What retorted Ralph. 'Net even
although he is shout to marry Mary
Maxwell 7 Ah, 1 thought you had a
higher spirit than that. Thai s right.
Have reverie Turn up at Bengerry
seem day, and give he black heart a
fright by appearing m the parlor when
he is sitting beside has highborn wife,
and rive him his child to keep. My eye,
if that deset kick up a row heterma them
sad spoil the honeymoon
'Oh, this marriage must never tali*
Ala resters irriesse.
Theron P. Keatur,editor of Ft. Was
Intl., Gazette, writes : 'Fur the past
years I have always used Dr. King's)
Discevery fur coughs of most am
character, as well as for those of sail
type. It never fails to effect a Imo
cure, My friends to whom I have
commended it speak of it in same 1
terms. Having been cured by 11 of re
cough I hare had for five years, I I
leder it the only reliable and sure
for coughs, colds, etc.' Call at Wile
Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bu
Large size 11.00. (2)
trassely Illsedeved.
la the Previte:. of Ontario •vory roar thous-
ands are being *lowly murdered to rattan
unneltable. Untri.i Ono* nein, ter sereh rein
melee se row venom. I eg Wren (4,,,
onneasint. karts*, Treelike. Me.. who might
orally la last stemmata sad energy by
Miss rawly • AguwAy ('it. To 4wo slake
thews that mu+ 1. 110 row sp• win sees the
a hew trio' hordat e Geo. Minuet' Drug Prom.
Fete. ase. and at KAN botImonlele rr ea --
sees is your owl' twin,. ba
Prompt relief in'sick heatische, dee
nee.. nausea, eoristipatinn, pent in the
side, ste , wearanteed to throe mine Car
ter's Little Liver Pills. One pill a &see.
25 eesets
Buchanan,Laivaoni Robb
Sash, Doors & Bli
1,11•1,IUM5 15 ALi, KIDID• 01/
Lumber, Lath, Shin.
and builder', mu:cilia of every desire
rarAll Orders promptly to.
floderteh. Aug. 2. IS23. 10
na.s.fuirt ,vaifirtmessmoi
New Salt Pans and 1
nUnt On Shorter Notice.
Moll orders tor new work mien
revere prompt
Works seer 0.1'. I!. Station.
GorlerIch. Feb. tit IA.:.
Wanted to be Kt
'rIll'T 14111. 01e
TOBACCO, clad,
Derneette amul nowt Frmoc
mere of tie
Fresh and famakel it Waist I
A tall aserimorent 01 .11 kis
Ormsers bteved 5. [eery Mt
Floral femme wreathe. Cr.'
Me.. nabs to sr '
Iloweetwa Vey*
teem House *quern.
Dee. 35 WOW