The Huron Signal, 1884-7-25, Page 22
cal, magnetic p.ladelem and ease obese-
fratimis ; also the gendelain el Yale and
alarldard themesmelma .eight
eleetelteePhFound Mas p it The
and lits foamy Aims were ne-
L:. �7 i Eskimo relics Mg Mbaretaaanly abandoned. era,. forwarded
The (ullew deseatcb
by Secretary Chandler to Commander
W, li. Schley at St. Jelin's, NSM.: Re-
ceive my congratulations sed thanks tea
yourself and your whose command for
I - your prudence, perseverance sad courses
in reaching our dead auel ding cuunlry-
WAsaLteTus, July 1:. -The follow teg IWren. Thu hearts t4 the American pew
daepateh from Cutum•nder Schlsy, ile 1 pie ge out with great affection to Lieut.
Anand of the Creel, robe( sxPedetit.t, !Greedy and the few marinas of his deed -
ham recei' ed true St. Jorehns, AIM . , ly gene. Care for than unremittingly
Particular* of the scue u( the' and bed theta be cheerful and hopeful on
Survivor* et the l;reely exploring party : acevuut .1 what life yet has in store for
The Thetis, Bear sad Loch Garry ar- them. Preserve teuderly the retains .4
dived here tu-day (roto West Greenland, the heroic deed. Prepare theta accurd-
all well. They separated from the Alert ins; to your judgtuent and beteg theta
160 miles north. During a gale at 9 p. home
ne„ Jane 22, five miles elf Cape Sabine
be 81 ith's Sound, the Thetis and Bear , The e.
eseseed alive Lieutenant A. W. Grsely, '
ilsestiBrainard, Sergt. Frelericks, S.W. I This year is likely t., be specially noted
Hospital Steward Il.iderbach. I for s dead) struggle Pre -
the r.-
Private Cuunell and Sergeant Ellison,the 1 bibtnon and. liquor parties in the ranks
survivors et the Lady Franklin Bay I Prohibuiemists aro closing up
expedition. Sergt. Elitism had lust both I of the various temperance elements, and
bands and feet by frost bite, and died 1 as far as pwssilde staking their uniun
July 6, at Godhaven three days after pe - Theyhe measure n greasuatlys cu r-
smputstiun, which had Leconte hopers- agedby
time 17 of 25 persons compering the has attended the operation of the Scutt
expedition periahe,l by starvation at the Act in this county during the past two
point where found. One was drowned year*, and are working Teich • spirit of
while sealing to procure food. Twelve vigor and earnestness unparalleled in
bodies of the dead were rescued atilt are
the hithitory of the province ipeThnote movement
now on board the Thetis and Bear. crit ins fiver of the sot ro testing
Eskimo Turuecik was boned at Disco in 1 majority
recent) ha. also done much to -I an
accordance with the desire of the inspec- leeway y "if of
tor at Western Greenland. Five bodies I wards increasing their zeal and filling age
buried in an as fort near the camp were their breasts wet brighter hopes for the damn,
swept away to sea by the winds and cur- future.
The unantuuit nof ff tthheems gtht and
ave Jesus co
reals and could not be recovered. prompt responsive Incl
(truly abandoned Fort Conger on Au- awakened the liquor party to a y
gust 9, 1883, raid reached Baird inlet apprehensior. of the linger in store for exceed
lie t. 29, following. with his patty all it, and the "sinews of war" have been
well. He abandoned all his boats and thrown out before the public eyes with plead
was adrift 30 days on an ice float in a flourish quite characteristic ot the in- at y
Smith's wonted. His permaneitt camp wardens of the whole business. This that
was ertabtished Oct. 21, 'ti3, at the point premonitory symptom of a conflict be- weak
where he was found. During nine twetn right and princtple, and the good as n.
months his party had to live upon ascent of the human race on the one hand. and stats
allowance of fetid brought from Fort a lucrative though demoralizing trade on thing
Onager that was hidden at Prayer har- I the other, is but the prelude to one of it wo
ber and Cape Isabella by Sir (;eerge j the severest and most une..mpr,misinq
Nares in Its,.,, but found much damaged struggle• ever known. Philanthropists in p
by the lapse o f time. That concealed by ; appeal t.. the higher, nobler instincts of the
Beebe at Cape Sabine in '82 and a small nen • natures fur thee' verdict upon the went
amount saved from the wreck of the Pro- I traffic now arraigned for trial, but the in
Mous in 'ti:f sad stored by Lieutenauts I traffic appeals t.. what 1 Money ! This whe
Garlingttn nine Colwell on the beach constituter their "sinews of wee." A •gni
where Greeely•s party was found camped. few thousand dollars are to be spent in ly to
When these previsions were consumed each censtitoency for the purpose of now
the party was furred to live upon boiled fighting the Scott Act. No, not fighting unit
sealskin strips trent their sealskin cloth- the
e Scotts which et fighting
att nate gn�inst life the
ing, and weather
and shrimps procuredstronhem ..ut of a bondage worse than slay- awe
in gush wehrthan they were strong and from a mental, moral and social tarn
eneutth to make the exertion. As 1300 ery,
shriapr were required to till a gallon des latiou appalling as it has been du- has
measure the labor was too exhausting t., j strous In orrice, Klin ..e end of need, holdsestutale which
depend upon them te sustain life entire -
ly. The channel between Cape Sabine we place 1► the sacred ties which bind
and Littleton Island did not cows on ac- men to home, family and friends ; (2)(2
count of violent gale, all winter, se that I virtue, honor, peace, prosperity,
ration. at the hitter point could net be tenement, happiness ; '3, every temper- and
reached. All Greely • records and in- once -erganizattoe in the land ; 4 all the $ di
etrutuents brought . by kin front Fort i churcheswith a f w painful exceptions: rend- eve
Conger aro recovered and un board. ; and pleading.
From liars island to Smith's sound, ing cries of the irreclaimable drunkard the
1 h id a constant and furious ; for liberty from a thraldom worse than 1
etrueele with ice in impassable flees. ' death. What shall be put on the other
Solid barriers of ice were overeeme by lend of the scale 1 ..-hat is there avail -
watchfulness and patience. No upper- I able that can be placed there 1 Nothigg
tunity to advance a toile escaped me, and ' but mote ! This is the only portion of
for several hundred miles the ships were ( the aasetsswhich can be safely put in,
forced to ram their way from lead to the remainder is not comely to look
lead through ice varying from three to I upon. Money is the omnipotent thing,
six feet, and when rafted much greater. and is supposed by its devotees to out -
The Thetis and Bear reechea Cape', weigh the cements of the other end of
York en June 18, after a Massage of 1 the scale. What an estimate the liquor
twenty-one Lys, in Melville hay with interest makes .•f the strength of its
the tem advance ships of the Dundee adveraaries when it presumes to enter
whaling (feet, and c+.ntihued t.. Cape the conflict having for its sole weapon a
Sabine. Returning 'elan dies later we I few thousand dollars in money' is this
fell in with sevtu ery .4 this fleet to be ill bele argument P It Putin desist d swears
off Woostenholmw .alautieln annuunoed 1.. be s•. There is n.'
Greety's rescue to them, that they might there anything better we would hear .f
not be delayed fres their fishing it. But money was tried in Oxford and
grounds, nor be tempted into the Chang- to little purpose, rave in the teens and
en of Smith's Sound Ili view ..f the re- villages. Much of it was used in eve -
ward of $25,000 offered by congress. 1 raptly mflueneine those who mule be
$$•turning scans Melville bay we fell in I bought, and seine was squandered on •
*Rh the Alert and Loch Gany, of I few public speakers. who wen ' dialect at.
Devii-s Thumb, attuggltng through the iany price. The 'elute party anticipated
base ins. Commander Cettin did ad- a' victor yy by a majority of four or five
hundred, but were confronted en the
night of the election by a majority of
nearly 8(t0 ..n the other side. Se that
the omnipotent influences they pat to
work there are hardly likely to prove
any more powerful elsewhere. -[Halton
News. ,
at the Point of Death
�e Venue of for Armee Only a row of
red tap$M� Aleve Tbeir ltioro•e'ry
r.e.e setasr as�isa.w.
assess eweerIwa•
By some stream ai p..eatsoe u( Prov-
idence, boys have a prevailing �otiee
that they become molly by imitating the
vices of men. They dears the sae of
'Milky mid tobacco in order to become
like tbeir elders. The estimate they put
op1n vicious accomplishments was well
illa.trated by the reply of youth of lb
to a aentlentsaa who adds•seed him as
ful 'I'v
Kemal u
of youn
years old
are that
the sem
• Mem deinewle
The firm of (lrrnaad & Walab, droit-
�ieta, ..f Peterboru, say Dr. Fowler's
Wild Strawberry is ora of their best
Steudard Medicines fur eulumrr Cotn-
plaiwt.. t
%•w UR ser thaaeeMws weatteaed by M.
snow. netfYYy and aMadsaa es.
The Great German invigorator u the
only specie° fur impotency, nervous de-
ecb iwe a beerr r' said the M,ps- I bility universal lassitude, (orgetfulnese,
• chewed taw her theme three pain in the batijc nor sides, uo matter how
of these I shattered the system may be from es -
kind, the Great threaten
re acquisitions is the baba of l;etuwly will restore the hot functions
swearing. If one passes a knot 1 and secures health and happiness. $1.110
aster* anywhere from 12 10 18' per box, ads boxes for $5.00. Sold by
on •street corner, the chasms
all druggists. Sent on receipt ..f price,
h• will bear some ezmedinttl7 d by F •1. Choosy. Toledo,
e soutane lin e. If a gaup of PasOb lit lar lenited States. Cir -
along in
b e sift
the las
very lik
er or nit
were in
,u sent free. Sedd
the eceoing while • family may by (is.,. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode
Met • on the front steps of . house, 1 rich 3tu
etch conversation that a heard is _ -
ely to be such a to make a tach•' There is no one article is the line of
.cher wick the young children's medicines that give. an large a return
Ltd and out of earshot. 11 two
, for the money as • good o..ruus strength -
drivers salute each other when I eninst plaster. such as Carters Start
[Deet in the street, it is s,meth%hip i y« and Belladonna Baekac:w Mar -
Manufacture all kinds of Mo. hlorry (ata of the best quality. Also
Bolt Cutting, Wool and Cylinder Oils.
tankful if they do not punctuate I or*
their ej
it is p
half a d
busy st
when t
pee, wi
and p
t -limb!
aculat tons with profanity. In ac '
ratty nearly impossible fol any Waseniorots, D.C..
man, or lady, er child, to wall liduy 15th, 1886.
ozeu blocks through
Any of our (;ztreemete-Having been a sufferer
net, at a time of day sir !ceiling for a lung time from nervous prostration
hey are most crouwddedi with ea{ .� and general debility, I was advised to
shout being reveled try H. Bitters. 1 have taken one bot-
4rufane remarks-Chieflyleanyoung ole, and 1 hese been rapidly getting bet- t eel. +,�
which spoil the pleasure .1 the ter ever since and I think it the best
statute et elichigan pr'vi.lee that •trenb'th and appeal
witty. Ioraisle by allSIs . •
Caaad be lactam for Dri. e
ashionable Tailor
Has the Finest Assortment of Summer Goods toll Chooee From.
IF V/►e� "�Al�easoaable Price,
A. Nobby Suit at a
medicine I ever used. I am now gaining
' ire which was all
y person who has arrived at the! gena, and I was in deepen- until iteed --- ,-
ducretion, shall profanely curse r your Bitter*. I y now well, able to go IGA
or swear by the name a about and du nip own work. Before Gr
/�j� SCstortheHoly Ghost, he shall taking it I was cletelypr»tnt. 1(,�1R
before 'us lits,.. Misr Sn ser. .
nvectiun thereoff any justice
of the peace be punished by a fine not
h (f t dor t, t timentale for iteGregors Speedy Cure and
It is alwaysopenf nal 1 had not to go to \es.
ing 8 nor leu than 11."
to the
James Brayley Hamilton. says : ••1 read the
e t . DO., 1'hlladrl-
h h h Det arrived U° T thrid Ii I hi wit
ea prove its merits. I got
non -age --that a as k' Louisiana or Texas w
any person swearing in public places tit a Ips'd n e ri+[tit away. 1 esu .. had
f feeble intellect F d Ind tion as 11
'1 n and am nearly.well an
3� 1
k in the See than 1 alar rai.rcted
iaeretiun--and It mac be neatens of its value, we have plenty of peace
1►e adjudged u sex ee with Bitiow seer s:aye
t to rums within the meaning of the any one could be, 1 h A era kens any
to ; and yet. if the law means • food without it huttinir me. I maYr
say am
and is worth keeping iter to tee. Free trial
old be hard to give any sufficient hence. at G. Hhynu'.
reason why it should not be carried out
ractice. It appears in substantially i le the history of medicines no prep&
same form in most of the state enact- ration has received such universal tem -
1s, and has a truly venerable stein mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
American jurisprudence. rime was and the permanent cure it effects in kid
n it was as much alive as the law ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney
not stealing sheep, and quite as like- Cure. lts action in these distressing
be enforced, but perhaps no person complaints is simply wonderful. Ixdd
living ever knew of a pneecution by J Wilson.
er it
A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand
(Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty.)
A likat•.lnt.-Of one duzeu "Teepee- - — •
he fact u that the public estimate of ZY" D, any one sending the best four line I Pacific Railway Co.
sinfulness and vulgarity of Praline ' -' remarkable The
arinq has so loose and tatter- little gem for the Teeth and Este. Ask
attained almost universal prevalence. .111M. E G iJ L A T Z O N S•
that this scpuisire vice of speech has your druggest:or address.
If the habit were considered isgrace ,
as it once was, and condemned by the
peel le who nuke the unwritten laws of
social propriety, as it once was. the
stn would still have a significance,
Tbe.asaada may me
T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kan., writes:
I never hesitate to rec'mmend your
Electric Bitters to my cwt.•mer*, they
give entire satisfaction and are rapid
sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest
L A N D xi,
The Company offer lands within the Railway Belt along the nuts Inc.iand is Scathe .t
Manitoba. at prices ranging frog. -
profane swearing would be rec..
; h $2_60 PER ACRE
sgrace as well as a legal misdemeanor. and best metlic;ne known and will post- !
Leavitt: out its religious aspect, and tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints i upwards. with conditions requiring cuuicetion.
r mere. according to price paid for the
n its bearing upon personal morals Purify the blood and regulate the bowels laA rebate
ford cultivation
leertrt n conditions.(r131.13
3.1 iso 111.1.35 per
also offer Lode without conditions
re is the lower ground upon which all Nu Email can &Soni t.. be without them I
miraidy to get along so far with th
transport se early in the season, and be-
fore an opening ha41 .•ccurred. Lieut.
Emory, with the (Sear. has supported me
throughout with great skilfulness sued
unflinching readue•re in accomplishing
the great duty .f relieving lireely. 1
wou'd nit instructions about the Loch
Garry, as the charter party held by her
masters differs iyt Au%eral respects from
min.. L
The.t freely ,) arty are very much en -
peeved since th mune, but were crit%•
er1 in the sr"ttltlton (sand aTMl fee
elincall 4n. Over. Forty-eight hours'
delay es reacbiujihen Would 1.e fatal
alt new living. The semen north is late
and the closest f• r years. Smith's
Sound was .tet 'Ten when I left Cape
Sabine. The winter about Melsdlk bay
wits the most severe far twenty years.
General Hogan, chief signal opener at
Wash ingt4.n, has accrued rho folktwing
despt►tch horn Grimly : Remnant, ieier-
deroick, Cunneli. Frodericka, Long And
myself, sole surtever., Rimed to day,
having been recce •,l ..! the petit .4
death from stare,':. • :•t t• ' relief ships
'Thetis an .1 Iles. .1 :t, -=. at ('amp
Clay, north weer • *dente We Pert ' ...• Amt. 9: were
frozen in a park Vie tie Head Atm.
$R ; abandoned .tenni l.iuech Sept. 11,
•rased al Lae..
W. H.Crookcr,druggist,uf Waterduwn.
says, when all other remedies fail for
Bowel Complaints, then ler. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry conies te the
!Veer. 2
agree- that the exhibitions of pm- They will save hundreds .1 dollar* in
ity to which all ears are accustomed doctor's bills every year. ;old at 50 its
public places is a sulganty of the most a bottle oy J..Wils•n. 13]
nuanced, inexcusable and offensive
type. The slightest degree of that con-
sideration for others which outs to make
up the character of a true 'entlenan
should at any rate banish it item our
streets. -[Ex. •
glia toren Tare awes
There is death in it. it contains
ardent spirits. and it will destroy you.
'One glass will not destroy me, you
So said that ansa whom you sew drunk
on the floor, wallowing in his v.. L
tie aid the man whom you saw beat-
ing his wife.
St. said that wretch whom you saw . n
the gellews for committing murder while
intoxicated. And so you will say till
yon hecome like them.
Set down the glass ' 1 speak not to
the drunkard, tor he will not mind me.
1 speak not to the man who already
loves strong drink so much a to think it
necessary for his comfort er his health.
eleven mites nonhwea o,( Covk -d Hat 1 sneak t,. the man who is )et fie,.
Wand. When oft the pent ..f heeling 8':t dawn the glace' There, 5 death
pr* were threw tine. •etiasrn by south- it. \Wi 1 y..0 driee it t .What ur{es
west sterns tato Dane a We. Finally
lat. Leen-
Rept. m ,r*
irted 29 ' Baird k Les yon to it
'1 ant my own nester,' say yeti 1
{net by scouting minim of the Proteus Then le: set strong drink become year
diaster, and that no
. previsions
haul Mon master. I beseech you to stop this l..nst-
left ere, ne from Cape Isabella t.. Sabine, ing "r" are und.'ne.
we moved and standnhe.l winter quart- • „let d„wn the Shan. '-;Se1.
ars at Camp ('lap, half way between
Sabine acid C..cked Hae. The sun tees rK K Teats.
ewe their lire. to the md..mitelok .•nerdy h 1►r Fowler's B,x:ract .1 •Wild Strew- Capt. Se41ry and Lieut.. E,u.'r: +h•., rry s the remedy for Cholera, teem,
by three and ea ae!i•.l by bLNetetere and Dteentery. No person is
at►• whalers, forced their r frees safe withotd it.
rpernsvik through Melville hay- int.' the
north water at Cane leek with the forty- ! -
weemer's hues. se.
moat whaler. They i nine•.: a )art ween I Dit(A(ilt><RAIILE AND 1 14- -
ever possible, and *lea) s lichee ,t. Smith aA
1OTLT rosette/ 1�
►ay of the biotabioe
Sound was crossed ann the Party rescued De:::
y�rs of the thin *lot
dertug ono of the most violent mils R� y.df aIns timeless
T laces ever lioness. Town, et/ tbwestt • t eel eseeas
tM�ee posse the
were 1 hen enable t' walk moi tlttat�
owe ,if P►
have .eevired *nether tweasr •a Ili
beak selplie et
. ten a,rrhisem titbiend sad t and sat ti -
e sk ._ sem •tants.
The pewee elf lika-kMewre brei' the
public is shown by the extent to which
his pleases, and even his slang. has be-
come incorporated into our language. In
this point, indeed, he is unequalled.
Among those are 'bag and baggage.
'dead u a door nail,' 'proud of ones
humility,' tell the truth and shame the
decil,' 'hit or miss,' 'Ione is hettut,' 'sell-
dog far a song, 'wide world,' 'cut copies,
fast and loose,' 'unconsidered triers,
'westward ho,' f miliarity breeds con-
mpt,- 'patching up excuses,' 'misery
km strange bedfellows,' 'to boot kin a
Attlee 'scuff and long of it,' 'cwnb your
ead with a throe -]edited stool,' 'dancing
tendance.' 'getting even' (revenge;,
iris of • feather,' 'that's eat,' 'tag -
rag,' 'Greek to me' . unintelligible', 'send
ne packing, 'as the day is lent' 'pick-
y a jury,' 'mother wit,' 'hull with kind-
esse 'mum (far silence), 'ill -wind that
Iowa no good,' ' wild-trot/se chase,' 'scare
crow,' 'luggage,' 'row of pins' (.a a mark
of value `viva voce,' 'give and take,'
'wild' in the way of joke), 'givethe devil
his due,' 'your cake is dough.' These
notate,=and have
course under
must 44
many others of equal familiarity. Tb.
girt who playfully calls some youth a
'milksop' is a1s•' unconsciously quoting
hakeapeare. and even 'loggerhead' is of
he same origin. 'Exte,npi're' is first
ound in Shakespeare, and s.. are 'Alma-
nac..' The 'elm and vine' as
a figure)
may ale, be mentioned.
he first author that speaks .4 'the than
n the moon,' or mentions :lie potatoe...r
sea the terns 'eyesore,' for annoyance.
Another often -quoted utterance may be
ere mentioned, simply hecanse it is
eeneraey misunderst..ed : 'aline touch of
nature makes the •hole world kin,'
which is supposed to express the power
of sympathy, whereas it solely referred
to the widespread operas! ,,i .1 selfish -
Well new amine
A liberal reward will be paid t.. any
party who will produce t lame of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitter* will not speedily core. Briug
them along, it will eget you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to care, and you
will be well rewarded for. your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness. Jaundice. Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed or money retuneed
settlement or culticattos.
along the Main Line. i.e.. the odd numbered ffect:une within one mile of the Railway. are now
oekred for rale on a tvantagcoue terms. to parties prepared to undertake their immediate cs!-
t icat ion.
Purchasers may pay oneaizth in cash. and the te!ance in flee annual instalments. with lac
tercet at SIX 1'hlt CENT. per annum. payable it, advance.
Parties purchasing withot.t conditions of calm allot'. will receive • lxed of concretion at
time of purchase. if payment is Wade in full.
Payments may be made in LAND GRANT BONDS. which will be accepted at ten per
cent. premium on their per value and scrru.d inters*. 'These bonds esti be obtained on ap-
fplication at the Bank of Montreal. Montreal : or at any of H• Works.
FOR PRICKS and ('OND1T1i» ' of eAI.F. and all infornfation with respect to the per -
chime of Lands. apply to JOhIN 11. M•AI Land
o t WWinip dg. By ordered
the Bard. lI lllF tXATEB. n
Price only fifty cents per, bottle. For - _-_-
ale by J. Wilton. [5]
CVIcat.t:•'E. - A name well known in
connection with the Hair 1enewer,which
restores grey hair to us natural c ler by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
r. Jsai ri roof'- -
Many people ars prejudiced against
dock illm d Bitters are eempwlled �, ae- DANIEL GORDON
�71t�,e .re MOW Farts. •
The hes" t abed purifier an system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach' of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ten. Inactivity of the Liver. Biliousnes
Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary ormins, or
whoever re.tutres an appetizer, tonic or
mild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the hest and only certain cure
known. They act surely ane quickly,
every bottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction ..r money refundet:. &dal at
fifty cents s bottle by J. Westin. [4]
Foothill Nurseries.
325 ACRES.
In hln work at .nee on Fall Rales. Steadyanemelo3 ent at fixed ealariea to all willing t11101E%work. ■E% sad ,•il% can have
Pleasat Wort tie Yr Ras.
Good agets are earning from ?a' is 071month and ex.e■«•fTerms and no:fit free. AddressSTONE & WELLIN(GTON,
17y„- Toronto. Oat.
o:11`I rOy-ic:
1:1> Rj'0
wntent medicines, but all who try
knowledge it worthy a patent as a rata.
able disc..very.
t. is1lpaallotmeas.
Disappointments .4 one kind or anoth-
er cep up all along life's pati`way, for
n•,fortnnately it is the unexpected that
always happens. There is at least one
article .4 acke..wled mete that never dis-
appoint.. Putuam'a Patnlses Corn Re-
traetot is sore to remove the w,.rst earns
in a few days, and as no eluent i. mad♦♦
that it will cure anythme else, it cannot
disappoint. 1f y..0 have bare or core
jolt try it. Beware of the article "just
as good." N. C. Pelson It Co., proprie-
tors, Kinaatue.
Wb air tress Derv... proatratruaS
R• hee... ( tone•
Lead alienator,
less on hand now the LARCn1T ATOM Of
First - Class Furniture
In the •`minty. and as I now porehaw for task,
will not he wwderenM by any ono.
1 Wiper Tapertry Carpet Loahgea from 0&3S
upwards. Whateees. steed. from tlt.iw our.
Row 9adt ('hairs. tint rote. ap. sad every-
thing etas In the was pseemettos,
Detwesn ton Peet (herr It Rank et Mnntre•a
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