The Huron Signal, 1884-7-25, Page 1.4# THIRTY-SIXTH 1'F. Vt WHOLE DEVOTED" couN NEWS vessiate GODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1884. Dentistry. u NICHOLSON, L.D.)S, SU/LUSO/4, Wrest Mem •i. UMtisI. ()Mt. sad rwWwn+e. Wimm {t i dour. below Hank of MoaHrsel. She People's Column. PAINTING ! PAINTING ! We have pleasure In announcing that we have seceded to Ibe bummer formerly car- ried rrid ea by H. t Imes. as painter. paper ban ern etc.and are now prepared to du all work In est Use on .ort notice, in a thorough n►au- aaR and at reasonable rates. We solicit your eamrmtft HILLIARD & DONAGH. Goderich. July 11tb. 1441. CICS Tea DKo.-. HT. -The crops may not tome up to the armoire ibis season. but the photo - MUSIC - MISS SKIMMINGS IS graph. taken by Sallows are always rather to take •tattled number of abuv« t he average. Itewember that Mallows Prepared la Irlgon pking group•. =andinstruction In Inatrumeatat music, 1 d i during for midsummer •a cated • semwatiun is town. Thr big gathering of the arm sayon Td Many we're re cation. Prada« free' sarprwM at the tura out, but nu use u sur- prised ur 6ederloh, July lith. ltilil. law wed that at W. L. Horton'+ liquor store the NOTICE -THE PI'BLIC ARE unsa- br tquaUty of good& in kis line ,an be obtain - ay castWned against giving .rill to a goads pug received at denuders' as7 pefroa m , s1 will unbar a wrhold variety store. t'rult bars. con/ ail stoves. milk orrisI from ass, u ! will cot hereafter,ualsc dind pans and psis+. fancy bssketa, site iron war of a rw a , E Inc any d• tow ,ketrarted 1. ware, .sd a general assortment of fancy goods say obit way, 61111 A \t A K D. 11141 -it ac low prices. The cheapest house under the SIM JUST RaiEtvan.-A variety of of 'noting stoles. which I will guarantee. Thr story. with to estens.on top; the Dietz Tubular Ilot Blast : also the summa • Queen. Prtee. from 11.50 up to $14. Your different kinds of coal oil in stock. G. N. DArr.. The Dulerin Rides expected to ase wet caressed girls in Goderich. and they were not disappointed. But our young mea who were /tied by F. k A. l'rldhant Must have been admired by the Brantford girt.. who, are said NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A cities smasg ye. mina' soles As' faith he'll prem it. - TOM TOPiO& Ask for the -Solid Comfort' or "Olivette" GGo/•rtsk *or. cord weal taken is tacbange Ise 11. C. Kusasrreon. Ther In uniform looked well. and rise ca amanita exhibited by Clea B. Robson. pre the admiration of all who see them. An examieattw solicited. SA package of the American Fruit Preserv- ing Powder and Liquid will preserve 111 lbs. of Fruit, either with or without sugar for learn. Nu need to keep the fruit air Hgbt. Jew. IYK'S, Aga[. y. WEAVING - THE PUBLIC ARE t hereby informed that Milligan .E. cion. have opened out their ruutn+. in Capt. I►sn- oey's frame butldisg. bleat et., nearly oppo- site the trek of Mlestraal. and are prepared to /11 all orders to carpet. and other weavl.g. la the best style. Tenni reasonable. Seed aloes year orders. 1{4541 WOOD WANTED -200 To 900 4•011,11w et weed, for which CAA will herald on deitytpp Ir t0 N'-'"111AM RICA to be in love with well dressed youths. CRiIfiCAL CO. (Yedericb. Kay Mth. ISM. Isai41 Patrick Farr is in Dublin. PASTURAGE -THE SUBSCRIBER Ed. Logan lent this week 1.-r easinaw. b prepared to pasture stack at the Fella Mrs. Holt went to Lando' en Sat ur- Reserve. There are pearly a thousand acres of mod posture land. Rice for yearlings Sc d ay. pet wow ; 5 year olds and upwards. II per Capt. Fraser is progreesiee very fav - mean. Apply to SA31('kL PLATT. (ode- rich. ochetch. 1945-41 orsbly. . His. Trainer is visiting her brethers FOR SALE - A FEW A 1. LAND 1 1' Rollers and Iree arrows. wilt be sold • m Chicago. cheapest the Goderk-b Foundry. Tose Beatty 11•m Aggie Dickson left tor Buffalo on Reaper and all repairs for the same caa also „.. _, cath be procured from the Uo denr:h Foundry ore T. application by mad to H. SEEUMILLER, Miss Sellae Donit'- is visiting her Goderich. Oat. 191541 r i parents here. EDWARD SHARMAN, Miss Alice Platt left for F.orr,t ..n ISBICKLA TER AND PLASTERER, 1 Thursday a. nl. EAST iTREKT. I The town council will hold its regular '• I. stilt ready to do any work in his line at , meeting this evening. amderate prices. ty. Use. Bricks, letrebeirks, and ober Building Mrs. Edward Armstrong left on There - Material kept on hand for Male. I day to visit friends east. o• Ciadertelt. ]larch lib, all. 19014m o f Miss Nellie Donagh. is tijoying the pleasure of a b •me visit. IMrs. Criatophereon is the guest of Kr OR SALE -FARM L►T NO. 101, ;sister, Mrs Stitt, S•,u:h-std VOR1' Manned oonoessfun.Goderich township. Mr' Wade and family, of Brussels, are coitainial 5* acres. *ncluding Int acres 011001 spending the season in town. hardwood Umber. beech and maple. one mile (tact Uodert. h. There is a 11 stagy brick Mau Downie of S.storth. was the Moses and brick kttebe& containing li rooms gust of Miss Darts, this week. with pantry and collar. There are mu wells. ;:ons cattle stable. with root cedar. hay loft Nicholas Murphy. the well known over. Frans bars 15x]7. bore. stable for S barrister, was in town last week. tones. with Me;. There is I acre of large belle, ale* tress. This farm Is in orstclass Will Trainer of Chicag •, is the guest (tdersad good r psi;. Aisu part tot s. •un. ,of his sisters. the Misses Trainor. smallB. 000tatatas 10 acres. c .th • all house and cream"- Used PpSsMMate lagitire 05 the W. Ferguson, of Detroit, was in town his to CHAS BLAL'1% i tt last week visiting old acquaintances. NEqe HOUSE FOR SALE - THAT Mesa Duncan, of Brantford, was the 1 sew mise house on Neleop-et. "&g. ulna of the Misses Rothwell, this week. le to et sebum.Patrick s ward sebum. is otter- g ed tear calls ea n•sosable terms. It has e:gbt Cn•tr Hou DA Y. -The Mayor bas pro - lag" bad bed bull.. past'+- diming reos'' Re.claimed the 5th of August as a civic holi- Agtbi, o i dpaRtrtea closets, cellars en/torte Aga mhty inside. 10 t p►o woe day. to •t • bargain. Apply to rte owner Alex. Mebane)), well known to our Y. MEATH.Oolerloh Cot lteo-tnt citwts', bias gone into business et w R SALE 1►R TO RENT -THAT ,Sault valuable property, know as the Milburn Hotel. at present oocup•e•b by Mr. Mr. and Rim W. L Berry, ref Detroit, is offered for sale ,r to rent. are the .4".4"4141 if G. \W uest. Betty, of this ittuated 011 the gravel roans be veno,., and Pert Albert. and Uode- town. Btythand does a sant 'business. • H Malcomr,n, Esq.. has purchased on 1st of Sept or +saner it repute• Harry reasonable. For particulars apply the residence belonging to EN. Dunlop P. O. 1100 Smith. WARMS FOR SALE -LOTS 8 AND Medd Dare Wilson. (if Detroit, is visit - 5, ars co.,ewion. townakivof Ooderick• ing at the residence of T. Videan, West two bmastltal farms a4ioining. contalstat t• street. ad hoaxes; about :1 mile. frons Ooder'ic as Lake Hares ; weal watered. A. M. SMITH. Mrs. W. S. Webster and children are Londe.. Oat vacating friends in Erin, county of We!- HOUSE TO RENT - A BRICK lineton. hos.e, containing etc it tow. teeetber mos Nina J. Webster, of Galt, is the witb a quarter -sere &sedan 1st wttb fruit of her brother, W. S. Webster, of tress. it is shunted on 81. Avtd'eetme .roe- guest wildcat to the square and will be rested&t own the town. terse. For -'pt slat's vlasaets Henry )iacDertu.,tt, Esq., has pur- eness.. 181742 chased the Robertson property on r Y Intel 1s- t aer ssn- Int one Albs Da For Sale or to Let. MotalLUICUTIVIITIOAMAIIIIMM Mr.. and Miss Bross. Of St Patrick's! ▪ TI LORD'S ARMY.THE DUFFERI N S M.;.'r Gk' sad Capt. Joldrm trtren street, are neaten friend& in the Ottawa active sod uffictive in ywhing allot district, and will be absent tor about six games or • suooeesful issue. Ad • asg Taves e.s M tae tiaisaw a tido pateeulara are given in the tuauwitHg weeks. I of tsm+rn to Tomo. Achiso • rants mar. Mrs. The. H&ycn•ft, of Bruseels, has Br antford's Chivalry IOC yards race -C.4131. J. Porter, Ow been the guest of Mr. A. alsuger. of the The "Banquet' under the auspices Bloodless Victory. Big Mill, during the past temple .d of the Lord's Army, held on Tundys E. week& was one ..f the want suo.xsstul toaa.eet• 320 yenta run ate Ford, Cu F. Our cricketers played the return belch lags et or held in Gudrritth The ails_ + - I.:120 Rumint hep, step and jeep-Cosp1. with the Bayfield club last Saturday, um which was got up In excellent style, was ! ► » 1► inner. s raw -Lieut. McGlA.itat the grounds d the latter club, anti crate served in the upper portion of the drill rat, s:smesntlA (+oasis -star+ wtilta Beadsmen's and Bugler's rice --Bugler off victorious by 25 runs. shed by a cornea u[ active and obliging A. McFarlane. Miss Jessie and Aggie Thomson, on callers, and e s estimtaken .ed that at least 600 must have partake of the t«,throws The excursion of the Delwin Rides Tug of War -Final pull won by Co, F. Goderich, are spending their vacation eatables furnished by the friends of the neon Brautfurd, which had been looked ri1 at. vete "Cr'. with their aunt, Mn John Holmes, of. Anu („relief t+, w anxiously b the people of this town. - Strstthn, Ago coma o9 about seven o'clock p. m. The ( y K Y Large reinforcements strived by every our town, was held on \ wine a r the mile rax was • splendid one. Th.n Miss Lucy Whitely bas rrturuwt 1►•.me ttsru during the day, and the soldiers 23rd. Tile day opened is a rather were four riders, Jack Platt and Keith after a pleasant visit to Clinton, extend- had plenty, of marching and singing. threatening 'tanner, and • heavy rain McLean, of Goderich, end D. 8. g ani: some weeks She is aoeompaused by The tendency to fall into the boisterous fell early iu the morning. but as the day and Clarence Fitch, ..f Brantford.'ho Mesa Annie Whitely of Clinton.and fantesue audits .1 the Salvation advanced Cha clouds rolled by, and the the surprise of all "Pickles" Mudwnn Mr. Alex. Wallace. jeweller, town. Army on the part of r,me of the visitors, after part was all that could be dashed.forced the time from about the start, and Mr. McGarva, J. P.' his son -in -haw was very palpable at tunes. They grew A large crowd of aur resident• were at and came in an easy wirier, Sag of Clinton. sailed per liar. Circassian on excited, flung their ares around wildly, the station t) welcome the ei iib,n, who snood McLean is let 10 year of a , Saturday last fora visit to Scotland. and !tomcod up and down the line of did not stet hetes until about noun. Os and has wan the two new he has so be The Stnthrov die aye :- Mr. Will ''i't'ch like restive Meed.. On the plat- the mint sated. It takes a fast one to bust Shields, wf Simon. ani nephew, Frank Ionia, to.., in the evening the same en- AnALI AL OF THE TRAIN, the bey. Houten, of Ibis town, have returned thtnta.m seemed to mark the "Happy the Dufferins were mustered by aotsPf The stow bicycle race was won by Mean a visit to Goderich ani other Syds," Happy Bills" and others, al- its, and headed by their brass and bugle Johnny McCullough, Of (:uderich, but i 4 paints though these gyrations in the none of baud, took up the line of match to the was claimed, and the judyle ruled it Phoebe.:. -Hillard .t Dunagh have religion are nut edifying to the saints or court house square. 1)n their much n.. foul tea The wen tried user, when H. succeeded to the business ..f H. L ueaa inviting to the sinners they were received by the Gedencb Fair held his wheel best, gaining 1st painter, etc.. who has rewoved to Toren- Capt. Piper and Lout !tickle, we ars ebuipany with "arms presented," after prize, to. We wish the new form a successful pleased to ay, have always eudesC. Fitch anti The friends of the vored which the redcoats formed behind the prize, ah snap were n•.tat all classed a< career. to co,iduct the movements of the Arany rifles, and stepped to the movie. The the ruling in the first trial. Fair, by was Rev. C. R. Marrow, the able chant - the excursionists from Clinton here in a decorous manner, and they are 1)utlerins teetered 300 str,nt, •od I the way, a sail t„ be s good husky nut rwfaottaible for noisy actions of marched with the steadiness of regulon, rider. plum of the Scott Act. He is in gond any of the self-styled "Happy" men of and our own boys also Aid most credit- PswtaYADE WYCRRS. trim, and is meetn. with success an his the Arany from outside stations. The ably. 1 in the evening a large number of speeds - officers oflioen here have done a gaud work in .t wgLL s, t•1Prsu RROIetsNT. I tors witnessed the diversified evolutions The Clinton Presbyterian R. S. picnic L. The 38th are well-equipped. A sniff of s( 8 company, Capt. (llennie. This N was held ►o• I..dernch Presbyterian oaFriday. The 'the drill shed had n Iarito audience to Ineneera, of aplernh physique lead lb. the crack axupsei of the regio►eut for weather wa+ d.derucFul, and the affair listen to the speakers. tueoug thus. on way, followed by the regimental band, bayonet drill '.apt. (Bennie put the was one of the most plwasnut of the kind the platform ware the folio wing reed and brass instruments, under the meta through their work in a way that yet held. Gray's :---General Robertson, Major tutelage of Bandmaster Gillespie. Next drew applause from the spectator. The ; Gray ; Captains Lathwell, Auburn,AHis, comes the bugle band, seven bugies and men handled their rides and boy ne& Sergi. Jack Msckid and Pere )lacked Williamson,ueants Webb, Nelson, Hsmbly ; six drums, whose cheery notes are eon= with a dash and precision that few loth. .. were an the rinks of the Dutferin Rides Lieutenants Riley, Rolle, Wilson; trolled by Bugle -Major H. Eagleton. its companies, can boast of, and gee a ..n V. eduesdaq tart. They were right Cadets Square, Petch ; Capt. Piper and Itehind the companies Hatch the telco- credit to their carpe heartily welcomed by their old Godo- Lieut. Bickle in command. lence corps, bearing stretchers, eta, rich friends hl r. Geo. Acheson occupied the chair and wearing 011 • white band on the FRNIAN DRILL The Yours Maitland•, of Gude-rich, in an able manner, and on the platform right arm the red crow of succor. Capt. Rueben Fax 'not brevetted) OMNI beat the Young Wanderers, of Clinton, with him were sumo of the ministers .:f 'auk the hs.ys in hand. In a statt111ss. at lacrosse on Thursday in three sttsighta the town. Addresses, interspersed or:•Ictuspsrsed with attire. every scan dressed ansltiAr• hie The lads were pretty evenly sketched for singing, were delivered by officers and of the Rifles were as follows : Lief.. .comrade, and the contrast heightened age and size, but Goderich stayed with others, some speaking well and to the CuL Junes in command ; with the fol• by paint, po coat and false hair, Goa. the stall. point. The address by Rev. Mr. Chain- lowing staff officers un horseback : ;Amy B 6iod into the centre of the fair b St. Thomas and London will have an bstlsui, of Wtngham, was a good one. Major Hudson, Surgeon Harris, Capt. ground, the most extrautditlary A bitch was of a< t and Adjutant McMichael,and Paymaster sotto ever witn.tw.d of the greindg. ;;;s excursion to Goderich on Thursday next. parishes. midnight, C.a s „b., -atilt fair from St. Thomas will be $1.25, rearmed by • holiness meeting, which (amen. atilt Jack Falstaff never ted so motley a ermp; and from London Sl. Tbi. 7th Fusilier wan continued until dans ata In "'MC man, Lieut. McGlashnn : Co. "no ' Capt. Fax, with • rich Irish brogue, pat "'P Band will accemp•ny the exsersius. It respects the gathering was a Kress suc- cess, Capt. Glennie, Lieut. Heyd ; Co. "C his "min" through their facings, Mid j, is the best band in Canada cue, but the impression in its favor did Capt. Harry Jo nes, Lieut. Alfred Jones, kept the spectators in mars by his Hideo not seem to be as powerful as that left Lieut. Mc atlle ; C... "D" -Capt. Roth• of handling the "mdidaary." The beds The annual picnic in connection with V2,_,....„.... the audiences at the more regular well, Lieut. Kidney, Liest. Tufford ; discoursed music during the evening, :' the North Street Methodist n Bingham's Church Sob md,f the Army. Co. "E'' -Capt \\ . D. Junes. Lieut. and the men's quarters were all shq bath School will be held in Sullivan, Lieut. Risbtn ; Co. "F" --Capt. until the time arrived for the rotor*. tig-YERAL ROBINSON To 00. It has leaked out that ata meeting of Harris, Lieut. J. H. McLean, Lieut oast grove on Tuesday next, July 29th. The several committees appointed will do their utmost to make the affair $ success. At a largely -attended meeting of St. George's vestry held on Monday evening. Rey. ()wen Jones, of 8t. Catherirea, was by Major Gray. Whether this means appointed assistant rector of the church. the future welfare or otherwise of the Mr. Jones comet' highly recommended Army remains to be seen. by his Lordship the bishop of the dio- _ cese._ Imamate/deanvi agt•* for Abe tights /dean e %bare. Tits MILANL4s STUD6:*T>i. - \\ a are -"- The Gevernmont lighthouse supply bat Celtic arrived in Goderich harbor on Sunday night, and was compelled to lay to until Tuesday morning, owing to her baler getting out of order. P. H. Harty, of Ottawa, superintendent of lighthouses, was master of ceremonies, and was ably seconded by J. A. R..bert- son, assistant superintendent. The bust was under command of Capt. Coven, of St Cathennes, and the purser, Hugh A. Young, of Galt, attended to the com- missariat. The following passengers were oro board : Mrs. P. Harty, of Ot- tawa ; Mn Capt. Caves, and stater John Caren, of St Catherines ; Miss Katie Branigasa, Mrs. J. B. Murphy, std Miss Flora, Murphy, of Kingston ; Miss Nicholson, Mr.. Mackay, Miss Mackay, Miss Simplon, H. J. Black and Rev. Mr. Sutherland, .,f Hamilton ; Mrs. Wm. Tung and Miss Sarah Blain, of at present the guests of Rev. A Mc- Galt ; Miss Duncan, and Miss King, of Gillivny. They hail from Mull, Scot- Brantford ; W. J. MeKay, of Totemic ; land, and intend locating in teas country. J. L Hodtfes, Mr.. McKellar, Mise V. Mr McGillivray retires wholly from the H. McKellar, Mise Hattie McKellar, ministry, hut likes our town so well that and Miss Lurline McKellar, of Freeport, be will reside here for the rest of his Louisiana ; and Mr. McCrea, of Sarnia days. On Monday the passengers drove around GA Knee PART. -The ladies of St. town and visited the places of interest, George's church Darien* having • garden and in the evening a reception was given party in Mr. Hugh Johnston's grounds on the Celtic t.. • number of invited on Wednesday next, July 30th. Choice quests. A very pleasant time was spent maim programme has been arranged on bird, and music, singing and dancing Tea served at six. ins cream and re- was the order of the erenimg. At the freshments. Admission 10 cts. Admis- sloes Mr. Harty, Capt. Carers, Mr. officers, held that night, General Robin- Nelies. Ambulance corps of eight men sen was requested to resign. The ma with two stretchers in charge of huapr' sons are not to be given publicly, but it tai .Ssrgt. Gough ; signal corps of is quite likely that he will be succeeded twelve men -two from each company - under command of Capt. Harry Jones ; siz ppioneers-one from etch company- urader' Sergi. Billett. Capt. Stratord also sccumpanied the battalion. Capt. Harris tree Captain of the day. and Lieut. Sullivan Subaltern of the day. throughout were of $ highly estiefaafovy The picket was under command of Lieut. , nature, and we hope that the Dufseins Kidney. The Cepderich volunteers were I will not soon forget their Giderieb lalp, officered by MoP5r Cooke, Capt. Miller, i but be anxious to repeat the operation Capt. Jorlar, Lieut. Ross and Lieut i when by coming to Hurons county town Beck. After marching around the when they next wane M outing. They square, the Dufferins proceeded to the hese made thausse fametieti - drill shed, where they stacked arm. and with our people, the Numb were dismissed so that dinner might be pertiun, and it was seining to ass how partaken of. our girls caught on to favorites and tori TBE 11.:r.•ato1 expressi..n to words of approbation at the British given by the officers of the thus : Dufferins was largely attended. and we "H•sb t the Colortof a grand shape?" noticed &amongst the invited guests Mayor "Lieut Tafford caught mt eye, but I Searle, ..f Brantford, alderman Bowes. hear he is t.s he tuarrle.l next week.-- Messrs Watt and the press represents- Mon i the pity." tires of Brantford ;and Mayor Horton, "Did you see the Dufferina take their Reeve Johnston, Sheriff Gibbons, Co. step tram Serit. Jack Maokid." Treasurer Holmes, the officers of the ..Corel Kilmwster u awfd nios " Treasurer Goderich oompasy, the Goderich press "He's not half so nice as Sergi. Leon - men, and other gentlemen of town. After luncheon and the singing of the National Anthan Col. .tones propised the tont rat- Jr. slayer and cort.uatinn of(odeiioh, and the officers of the 33rd Batt. whioh was aptly responded t.. by Myer Horton, Major Conked and Oapt.i . Tess sr.swmsni ossa* l(iWr• i are not pretty, but coy, with a dummies Tg1 (WIMP AND groaT& simplicity of style mammal with ally At 2 p.m. the "fall in" was sounded, maidens. The Goderich girls an of better ell the troops faced for the lacrosse feature and complexion than the 'sir grounds. Here at large compat.y had visitors. yet oar red mats to assembled to witness the athletic exer- be impressed by the .►ft -eyed p esdies from the Indian city. It is oily fair to our own lasses to say that tis Ifrsyss from the Brand River were as deeply impressed by the ruddy (Aeoked MOM girls, who by the way, had a spinet weakness Inc black -coats and ice MOM ..n Wedneedey. pleased to learn that these excellent moa sicians intend to re -visit Goderich be- long on a farewell trop. Those of our citizens who love harmony should miss thu music rendered by this orchestra. Ezt•t-anwei ro Tottorro.-The G.T.R. will run a holiday excursion to Toronto, on Tuesday, Aug. 5th. Fare from Godm- rich or Clinton 7[1.50, and tickets are good for two days. Train laves God. - rich at 6 am. The only excursion this season at such a low rte. We see by the Batavia N. Y., Spirit of Ow Times, that W. M. Sarage, folmsr- ly of Gederich, has the contract for the erection of a largo sewing machine factory in tint city. He had just com- pleted &nether building for the manu- facture of harvesting mat:bine.. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill and family are of - of tike urea. t tit • ri ng s dreg )ur Lint asi in LIOUSE FOR tial QB TO RIIIT- I 1 A commodious WWI Weillesintee .w }..,l containing six t two wa- stes ir1 , bon sale or for rent. Thom :o a good aad orebard in cosseolMR sad the p itis apply b'10 naE. R. or painter.t FARM FOR SALE -THE WillTls- LY Macrae. oft t 1M sons of Moak "F, lathe 7th of the Mac d Colborne. TMttl mow asunder well timbered. sold Rome barn, visit to fiends in town. need wetter, nice onrhatd, well feed, slant Mea Barclay, of London, sister of Mr. iin itsll.s f Ooderich. Terms essassyy Far nppty ro R. (A)fPiOPt. 6 'b. or to ARTHUR H ACOH- ► • lbs 1R lone-Y+n Waterloo -n. Rev. John Walters will preach his farewell sermon on !Sunday next in St. George s church. The ladies (if St. George's church will meet in the school house on Monday on interesting business. Miss Mark., of Brueefield, left for h..nse last week after a very pleasant TSH ROHHE ATItZTC! Shortly after nine p.m. the Durable were drawn up and, marched to the station headed by their bands, where amilet the cheers of the Goderich poo. p1.. they took train for bone shortly after tont o'clock. rt31 PM/vitaD..YUw Mon and tea, 25 oetts. Roberisint, Purser Young and the pea- Osrr.- Jsa. McNair, who for a number stingers won voted "jolly mood fellows Mrs. 1h. Tennant and children, of of yervkeptsseed store in Goderieh,died by the visiting brethren and sisters ; QTORI TO RENT OR SELL -BE- Lcclinow, are visiting Mrs. Berry, and at his hone. Richmond Hill, on Sunday and the visitors were kindly asked to i:eOes corner of good gravel road. House . in the lake breezes. morning. after a long and painful ilineas call again sere d.ther time for ' -anld lang ~tea in a pair. Store l9zu, with I enjoying g The deceased had manyfriends in Go de- •neo Tae Celtic is owned byMr.. p. tress& woof shed, stable and t acts land. 1 Mr. Mew horn, lnapecter of Cestests Y P 0. a•d t1a►1J mall. Terrria easy. A pV uo minces, esu in town during the week, !rich. He wa a monitor of the A. (1. Mackay, of Hamilton who was our of up by a hand -shake• nothing occurred to R !tAYePii seentardtc:.. tete_ , 1'. W Order \\'. R Miller repteeetttei the pse.ttgers. i mstallone the new collector. that Order at the funeral, which, we mar the harmony of the 11.11. SH0 1.l.. D'Dscr FARM Tu RENT Miss Crane, while at Chicago, wort • ST.AfOR AtrtuerT. -- While standing res rim rte WAIL fee, qt to iJ e•*11 ell tented • iwleo wtelts; d I old medal Inc the kelt miler •katinq in lest*, was one od the largest seen in that on the edge of the blink near the snit barn' •t'hsd amt ober bwlMlnl.. In- ore of the rinks to that city. aaelima' Thi• o.ninte appeared to sior..furnish the lsdlag bMe tam. fso s,, r b osi►u fall t3oxt Sgan. c --"The Prodigal firnm" well nn Monday •goat of .and caught • g tear interred to the visitors. The Mss o(hooes : • lesdid oeehard : Iargc creek Charles and Clarence McGtedor, sotto wee the sabjest td tis Peg artraoe in tke lad named Eadie Ctle•, and hurled halo various tsnespanies .1 the regiment pulled across t► Tense easy Apply °A of Ca G. Mali rare visiting teardown the declivitons embankment. The against each other, ten • side Alter rem lssa Let yt a liar* Road. township pt " North attest Motbiodi•t church ors Snn- was forced about half way down the . f borax. IL T. AYN Ws, ahoy often. uncle Mr. CharlesMcIntosh da •vemieg. ' cherub was crowded wine magnificent tugging, the pnz« was h Mth. IMM. 10 Reeve C•aptb.11 Dr. MaL•hid, Dr. Ten- „ inteeeat mngrsQtion The ez- MMp, and was kn.meked inssnable He awarded to Co. 'F. ` LD FOR Captain Jeffers, and others from p ecce mama" nteumg lbs Horst pinramg Tma Wool +Lase were all contested by Branttortl then only, and on that soa.unt had but little local interest. The hop, et and jump - - "open" --brortght out • Huron con- testant, Peter McDonald, but owing to the fact that he had won some trivial watt prises in local cantina he wee nh. matrienl•tinn exam imtitstt d T.we• fore . his imperialism ss Seen- fleeted to se a •'ptda•siwt•1." it is sob • tau • of ( (la fto.,lt Act Allinson 1i ay to toy that Pot., who M 18. i es Hrora) pedagnrgn. nr ifur hen pat his h..1. two or lain. bet firtbiee tbial w mark en W.dessiby. The a rid. the various plies wen Mlle with the greatest fairness, and oer one "And lent: Corel Porter active sad handeome'P' "But Pte. Callaghan esu tae sweetest of them ell." dc.,Qe.,$c. eases. The Iacnosse match between the Hurons and Barts was hotly contested. The first game was a draw, owing to time limit ; the 2d was raptured by the Brants, the Sed fell to the Int of the Hurons, and, sharp and decisite, the nth was won by the visitors. The march was a capital one, and ave a short shagging peewee between Dawson, of the Hurons. and Jones, of Brant, which was wound ACRis LOT iN ASHFIE none, was terribly cot about the face and tend Ulf RALFos A clear- Loden", wen in town on W.d...day and eiooeea(ml yet bald. The .i nm bat is able to be abort agate. it wa • ngt etrsnte aooident, aid •wonderful escapes • b j° , a Mr. Walter Massie, bursar of the Blind was hearty. and jet seated the'wadisg Res. C. R Morrow will h is b.?R , i! Institute at Brantford. and bride. viated and eossmeot of the parlor, Rev. T. 1[. P*aac t their friends in tows on Wednesday last Campbell. North attest Methodist ebnreb on Plus• da eveni and will address the .6.1a s Rev. it Jose sad family nave &env- Umtata:Ye Hoene* We are dowsed .re the Scott Ae/ In Vtetors Hall .sus to netlis5 /acne the tames of :Marlowe -kr M.uday. H. it one cit the nowt npstrec- oeelltel ealiidsen limo the reeeatiro ors 114 tbi. gust I.mse now 1►0 IC HURON HOTSL .d. Ws wait the new egrets of tit. MINI & IIIVLra. P11OP/ryRlYdte. hp's spy sin has new Paria - Exeter Rrlee few Zurich Y.l.t- w "Noce gv" sees .-"MR Wal Monter, of w - Igist4 so VN, who her base visiting friends sad misfires saw God.rieb, retumd hhommee l..1 T.esdi y mentos, After having wows% ilius Indioemour lt,a ray l bra eDn.e eider,we Universitythose of two rat err tm ty sehnnl °tedenb, Mr. 1;38' Homs th, and standing him M need. .ed. Ladies are )ries J. as "st' "=„4obtund invited N lb meetings, and time will be sash i. sod o isumsbi`, Tprowll awed • opener on the other side. Tie Sans for hal of 1554 for 50 sad Operwaa. S. err A.tt Mssrtiru. -The tanning to be held on Monday evening nein in Viutorn) Hell will likely be • meeeler one Rev. C. R. Morrow has mode a reputation as an able and eloquent plat form speaker, and his meetings in the &runty so far have been very stweaadtll„ He invites oppnsitiosa The Zurich aorrenpoad.it of tbie 1)1l ter Retf..•fnr thus anodes to a (ieiwiai gentlemen :-"Mr. Will Hendms.n who as had charge of Zorieh nisei der the last few yams, mint in his He intends hi glum sp die Whether Will has acleinodal-'neo tions ur nM we do not boil, Ile Amid we will hear from him Ysr." The Methodist Sweb7.8e54, ei ton bold t]heeiirre..l..l prate la Me 1Mied. ''l'he mMthers of the Wheel 1Mwhed in preemies treat the Attila k. the .+gr°wh 1bbl lii"" hee'`ikw t took .est SS tio baro fore short Habitee