The Huron Signal, 1884-7-18, Page 66 THEH URON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. ►AY, JULY 18, 1884. Ens rust s turner Chanel R. the Raster who holds the mallet Jed day by day !bo Is repels.' whatever .+....i..., The lures away . Wiich sneer Ins skilful ruuoua, U. meow WWI be Wrought atlenlll oil to be.ul) tlf such degree O( faultless and full siert U S. Thai eget ley CJI Shall look 041....1 aai.led labor With new surprise. 'Clot eve kis bouwlkes patNnce, (.este grave hies ow Featares ague such fractures Aid etubauru loose. "Mike Piaster who 114411.1 b' chisel He knows just w bare Its edge should be •Iriven sharpest To towboat' then. The sewblau,: that nr le urriag: Now w Ill be lel Oae deY•ate stroke too uaay dew lees* OS tusb••d er cheek. taken. Ohl I Ile sem how CI Is Gentling sod w herr the hardest The blow slue tan. Which c. uwtiles stymy whatever Superfluous Zinc Would hinder tits and from nakiug The work di%inc. With tools of th} choosing. Master, 1 pea) thwr S trike just Al thou wit. ; as often. And wil:re and when The Ichemsut stroke lie needed. 1 will not tuiu.t. 1' owl) thy clipping chisel dealt leave behind Such marks of thy wunleruus w orb in. And hiving eltGI. Che u carrel. ow Repeat. stat un stet bore, as will - Wi :u discipline a cads are over Have all suac_d Te meek the in the Mimeos And firs u(t tore. -i1rs. Pdar.taret J. Prtstoa. IP i s lender Y -----e. Faith in the ►usahaust►ble.-reduluy et 'the miasma hie beau the fuuadatien ef'I massy a charlatan's furtuue. At the time lof the South Sea Babble, when new pro- I ( jests ..f the mon wild and prepstauus laearacter found promoters with ease, en eatute sud audacious adventurer adver• trod for 'subscriptions to an enterpruie the nature of whleb .il to be concealed for a certain time, and i:e actually wade several thousand pounds out of 1t, the people paying for shares with eagerness. With this adventurerdeserveste be rank- ed the nnpnncipled but ingenious Ameri- eau citizen, who has lust been arrested fur advertising all manlier of eiUeing things to be sent on the receipt of postage stamps. laces of this klud have oceurreol before, but then the advertisers usually send sometbiug, however fraudulent, in return for the stamps. This genius,how- ever, had made no provision whatever in that way. He simply appropriated the stamps, and refrained tom► answering the letters ; and though so reckless a swindle would seem certain to come to grief in a short unit, he appears to have kept it up mud made uunsiderable profit out of It for several months. He also advertised largely throuvh the newspa- pers, never paying them, but giving them references W aliases of his own, and him- self auawenug all linters inquiring about his character. The defect in his plan was that it was tenon sooner or later to become the subject of investigation, and the moment at was volumed truth carne out. The number of swindlers who have waxed fat ou similar but more carefully devised schemes is no doubt very con- siderable. The rogues who engineer them rely upon the desire of most peo- ple to get much f•'r little. They know that the greed of gain often obscures the judgment, and that though all cool head- ed business men suspect offers of the kiud, remembering the Duke of Welling - tun's maxim that "gond interest means bad security,- yet there are always plen- ty ready to spring at any bait, if it is only gaudy and glittering enough. The so-called "sawdust" sharpers who pre- tend to sell counterfeit money, and send the victim a box of sawdust, act upon a shrewd knowledge of the baser element in human nature. They select for their dupes uersent who are willing to be knaves the.uselves, and whuseown knav- ery shuts their mouths when they lied out the swindle. Probably no profes- sional sharpers would enter upon so very bold a nano as the young man of the poatag� stamps played, for as they mean to make a living by their wits they dare not thus openly advertise their diahones ty. But the fact that such a trick should have been so successful, and that it should have beeu carried on for so long a time without detertion, slows that the crup of dulls continues to lie as lacca as ever, and that whatever else fails there is no danger of "shortage" in that line of production. -IN. Y. Tribune. • Cz.lor)$ of Wisdom. He os trimly great who hath great love. The openers of the seal's hie .bide the affecuona. No truly Christian wan can be truly as ind ,lent wan. .Vhereser our atrectiuus cluster, there springs up an ideal character. It is tscceawry t,, tat.• , vino Neatt, at least, iia whose coutideusu wb Olay dwell: Toward, the - viol ranch Tio's i'sReid in the animas'. of reception, all things Sow. Nut to know evil„ this ia inauoeaee ; but W know evil -attd choose the good, that is virtue. No truth can be .uttered by a soul that has not realized it Menne wey,wath hope to be Leant. A man who feel, that ins religion is a slavery, has not begun to comprehend the real nature of religion. Torre is no thought more p ...Nous than that my Maseru my Cu.tGnat min- ister, direct and iia mediate. A ratan wbo desires to bent ..t his fel- low, cannot looked a single step with- out faith in those whom be would benefit. The living Christian -pure of heart and unspotted by the world-- is the best preacher of the gospel in these days. In the blackest soils grow the richest flower, and the loftiest and strongest trees spring heavenward amour;: the rocks. if there be any good in thee, believe ;that there is much more in ethers, that 'so thou !gayest preserve humility. ..A•:, A* Waal Is the Field. There is no rival for D.. Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry. it is the ac- knowledged champion for the cure of all Summer Complaints. t Waned goose. Detroit can boast of a; least one man who is possessed of that scarce commodi- ty generally called common sense, un- adulterated by bigotry and prejudice, ttnd that is the Rev. F. 11. Forbush. In a recent talk on literature for the young, the reverend gentleman said : - "The third objection lies against the class of goody-goody books written principally for Sunday school libraries, which teach Everywhere s Christian should be a directly, er by implication, that all bad positive power, w Set wherever he car - while break their legs or get drowned, Wes himself, he will carry the power of chile all the goad boys and girls die Christianity.young and go to heaven. Perhaps the Esteem not tTtyse-7f Toe T15i Tintght of evil hers lies partly m the reaction which thy stature not for the beauty of thy sends youth to the othertextreme, but it penin, which nay Ins dsfigureei sad de• is hernbly poor .stuff to till children's mind with, and because of its untruth to strayed by a little sickness. • nature and life, should be studiously Consult„wth hits that as wiae and of avoided. ' The reverend gentleman is found judgment, said seek to be intt:uct- right. The untruthfulness of the coo. td by one better than thyself, rather tent, of • large number of these '•g.uolft ghats to follow thine own inventions. gooney'. books to nature has .tone more A large library is apt to distract rather injury to the young, and list Moon the W to ivatruct the learner, it is much tarto be confined to a few authors W wander at random over luny. It may also fall out that a man's opin- M lmay be good ; but to refuse to yield b ethers when reason or a special cause seed of corruption as thickly as 1t. nary of those ass -called "flashy' stories A misrepresentation of flet loetwrori the covers of a Sundry school l....k is as bed or even worse as that in ally other place. in fact it is worsts, because w 01111 is led NUiroth it, i. a mark of pride and stiff- to regard it as wholesome and t.. look to „... are like harps, of which one is carved, sad bright with gilding, fel turned, and tarring the air with ` dls.orda, While another is old and les, but from it chords float strains ars a feast of music. is not what people at, but what digest, that wakes them strong. It Pre, what they gain but what they Pre, that makes them rich. It isnot Mat they read, but what they remota- , that makes them learned. it as not they profess, tat what they prac that makes them Christians. A aaMe` Wa saw& of there is any lm•king taint of scrofula i system, Burdock Blood Bitters are !panted to search it out. _ oras often cause serious illness. ware ia i)r. Low's Worm Syrup. It it as a standard un which to base its ac- tions when if the same' thing should he found in any other place lie would pay ape:Ial attention too it A lie is a lie whether it is printed for s special pur- pose of good or indifferently. and if told to Induce a child to do a certain thing even worse than a common lis, as us true character will he diet ,vered sooner or later, and the child will naturally coi- suter (yang nrgoer when he considers it necesearyet,o make a pot's, because he found it es in some "goody -gnarly' Lath -sloths illy MleeI . . "1'ou were detained rather late at that political meeting last night," sus- piciously observed Mrs. illimber as her !midland seated himself at the breakfast table. "Yes, my dear ; we had a very inter - seting discussion "f the tenet! question .'• ys and expels worns effects. 'But what is this theatre hill i found —A I. Aa *Ad favorite is the roe cly haws as Dr. 'owlet's Retreat of Wild Ytrkw- berry. Tbir.r years reliable fur ashes laerbtts, diarriuna avid wase SM. plasea. 1 A Wide Awoke itrsat)rleh J. Wilma is always alive to his Wei- ner', and spates no pains to secure the beet of .very article in his hes. H. hu secured the asesey for the oelebratedDr King's Ni.'. Discovery for Cotauaaption, the may oertaw cure known tor Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness Asthma, Hay Fever, Bn,nchtu, ..r any affection of the Thrust and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee Trial bottles ire.. Regular sue $lfa. (3) Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating is relieved at odes by taking one of Carter's Link Liver Pills immediately after dinner Don't forget this. 1m. beet lave la. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss . f appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a bil- ious nature, by all meats procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will he sur- prised to see the rapid irprovetn.nt that will follow ; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [61 Crockery Owe n..•.1�ess. As nemorew testimonials will 'bee, there is ns man reliable core for deet• Issas tee Hagysrd's Yellow 011 It also the beet remedy for ear ache, sure throat, creep, rheumatism, sad for pains and laoeness generally. Used internally and externally. 2 Brae lkydesasa t suMee. litre Hetes Pharvis, No. 331 I)eytun tit., Chianti, 111, is now in ear sixty- eighth year, and states tbat see has sof- tared with Consumption fur about ten years, was treated by nine aasulamas or surges. Ued•ronm. Dtuing Resp and Portae i N of them pronoun tug her case hopeless..!tees-Alegredna Mx ��i� e ' pb"ard& Be/ -steads• lllattress , .s -- tihe had given up all hope of ever recur Bring. Seven bottles 4 Dr. King's New i 1f. B, -A esm/bbawl'neet or combatted tlkrotd@ always on lead Discovery for Consumption completely •t rssoeaaUlleste • cored her. Doubting ones, please drop her • pivotal and satisfy yourselves. Call wit J. Wilson's drug store and get a free trial bottle. (1) Seeing is believing. Read the testi menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a botnle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing pains. Your Druggest can tell you all about B. Sold by J Wilson (3uuenchs tin The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, fie. and other nattad ors, griping Catiarti?.. is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which act as a Catlartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it. :oo cents a bottle. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. 1211Et). BAIRR Y CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamiltcn Street0cderich it lab tales. tarns.'. Aralen Salve. — The greatest medical wonder u. the We have made arrangements to club world. Warranted to speedily cure THa SIU LL with city papers at the rates Burns, Bruises,Cuta,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, given below :- Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblairal Signal and Daily World 83.50 Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and alt „ Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in „ Weekly (aobe 2.tii every instance, or money refunded. 25c. ., o, Advertiser5-- d 2.5 per lox. For sale by J. 'Wilson- ly. A 23 kr. '. Field Llsbtalna Is the only instantaneous relief fur Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub - tong a few drops briskly Is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraut's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rltyi►as' drug store. h t.'h' how tired and weak I feel. I dut't believe I will ever get through the Spring Louse -cleaning 1 1►h yes you will if you take • butte or t woof Dr. Canon's Stom- ach Bitten to purity your blwod and tone up the system. In large bottles 50 Mt No household should w eont►dered complete without s bottle of Dr. Vali Buren'■ Kidney Cure is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, p.eraoane'ntly and promptly cure all forms of itidney diseases. Sold by J Wij este 2in if you should:be so unfortunate as 10 Burs, Scald or Wound yourself la any way the pprroo- per thing to keep clean and heal it is & Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Insist os bur• ,ng. and he sure you get, McGregor at Parke's Carbolic ('erste. Truce tS cents. G. Rhynes, druggist. las the genuine. ars A urea* sNarevery That is daily bringing lay to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Disourery for Consump. tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Threat, Pain in Side and Chest,or- any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot flee free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large size $1.00. (6; 00 TO Kit I_G_H T r Iy A . SHAVE, HAIRCUT, ' .+.r-. w,..e • 4 SHAMPOO, O, - OR DIE. TWO DOORS EAST OP P.0 111111.1y Picture Rmastrle a asectatty.— A cal/ aolcited. eke Bearers for bit BOOTS AND SHOES 1\TI W coons_ REMEMBER Have the Largest Stock, The Latest Stylest The Most Reliable Goods, And the Lowest Prices PITY THE POOR DrxrEn'rti-. -Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen .t than riches aid dyspepsia. Try the PleacJe Call LZt Thiamei. magic effect of a dollar bottle of Fut 'T.v rN sr HEALTH. For rough conditions of the Skin, Shampooing the head, Pimples, Eruption and skin diseases, new Prof. Low's Sul- phur Soap. m All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. V'est's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertseu►ent elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug store. 2b; as .easwer Ranted. Can any one :wing us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure ' We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily re- aointuendiug Electric Hitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes. Weak Hack, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the tow. all, and act directly- on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1j: Batt them tared. Are you troubled won Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Geo. 'Mynas' Drug Store and get a package 'f McGregor S P,arke's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. 11 wait neves knowa to fail. b Aerie tllagellilseevery. Physician's are often startled b; re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kits New Discovery for Consumption sod all Thr B' and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have to. en up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wunderfui discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- cians using it in their practice. Trial, bottles free at J. Wilson a Drug Store. Regular size $1.0). (4) . National Pills act promptly upon the liver, regulate the beetle acid ass a pur- gative self rnikt ..rug thorough. es 'Thane Are lots cf'peoople going around ErumhfirsA, iutw'half tick at the stomach all the tune ; wino ought be well and 'soppy, if ti.ry owiy uetrl Dr. Csrs,n's St.omaT Hitters .•ccnatoitslly. it is ■ splendid .lienal purifier. All druggists .50 cents. A tleaslsg ie all w■klsd. TAMES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. iia these times when our newspapers •1 Unice. l'rabbs Hlork. Kingston st.. Godes are deeded with patent medicine adver- rich. flans and .Ipre•iflca';onedrawn correct I tisements, it is gratifying to know what IT 4ns errr eland mason's work to procure that will certainly cure you; measured and If you are bilious, blood out of order, Iliver inactive, or Leneral debilitated there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly Electric Bitters. I as They are a t.�re,ing to all mankind, and e (2: can be had for tifty cents a bottle of 11'ils.n. 4 choice assortment of Fresh Field seeds j°21142181 ] on hand. for Sale at Reasonable Prices ---- --- AT THE EE CASH STORE. in your overroet rocket as i came dna n1 I slider ;vona nervous prostration*prostration*.� . What ' theatre bill C stammer - a can boy a ,;aarantwtl cure at ed, Mrlimber, betraying no little corti- ns THERE is 'HEAP t' 31a�ta�re mps 8,4 stairs yss drug st..re 1 fuirwt' B village, about eight miles west +st, was struck by a violent her - last Friday evening. it dill great Hoarse were blown down and uprooted. A great many people /silage in the Dellen, which accounts Ices of life this assn of the year there should of Pretoria in every house *IMgwalkol for toughs ('odds and is pleasant, e.tually safe for Price 23 cents at all dreg. es esIbsrs Pacific Railroad has dis- till ilia white laborers employed �e�we1 train work in l,n- gs11 iZt place with Chins- ; "Yes, theatre hail. Look et it. 'Last engage rent of Mrs. Langtry. 'Glorious saooes' of the pink (iodates. "' "Ah, true enough, my dear,' exclaim- ed the gond man. rallying promptly, "that hill furnished the text for my re - murk. in favour of protecting the Areeri- t1ttn stare from the inroads of foreign art nit. ' The English Ale/rimy (general Molds colonial lawyers are of the same stsnd- inl in Britain u English barristers. The sessebees of the London Helve- tian Amoy in jail have bees pet ow pri- ests fare, and se extras are now allowed b be sent is. Th. are glen ermined to the night eulhl, std treated exactly the rime M osier primus. 41640 • A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES ANi) CANNED GOODS. Cheap and Good. Grate Him a Call ! G. H. OLD THE GROOM. The Square, 1 t., e t'l Ili �.:; 111:'7• Draws,¢ t-� 1°t� ►;MpT3ARY b Its to1ITHE CURIO' COOS CUe o - G illIONCRITIS and ail LUN Ff Sis RtLIEoPERSSONn the bUTtee CONSUMPTION' BRAYLEY PROPRIETOR• MONTREAL. TI{s!i 'IL}: WATE\-Eat Tt► SH(Iw GOODS. JDU Crthl s R' 4 ' dertch, May tell, t"S3 w NTNG t' ri .. L.'1 street and Square. BOOTS&SHOES �o� -Zing 3z =cci c: ux) Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Etter in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted. stock .1 Spring sled Summer Goods at close f ,ures, we are determine to giro the Public the bene:. QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS JILL BE OUR ICTTO , Please cell and examine our g •ods lettere purchasing elsewhere. ra-Renuember the place. next door to J. Wils,n•s Drug Store. 0er•Custinn work will receive our special attention. TfrNone but the best of tuaterial used and tint -class workmen empluyed. ,t4 -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich, March 9. 1'=. DOWNING & W E D D U F CURE /WA Aradaeb• and relieve al th. tro:e'se ,-e!. dent to a bit,... Nate 01110*;..'..suehaslos- came, Samoa Drowsiness, Diatnes aft. -r' -5:m``. Pun i■ the Side, At. WWI. their sea nx:.rk• able Metal' hie break shown is cursing Readoeli yo(arte.LlttleUv.P.lean-ar'-.ally p, RINCIPAL+ LINL CREPT -I' �uRUNsroN ROUTi valuable In Coestipatjoa, caring sod pr• retrtr a�� tai's aaseyisg coapts at, whirr tb, t Beret# all disorders of the Stomach• st.muiatr the liree Aad alt std revalue the bowels. Kees If they oetl• cerel milts is lows, The stORrEST. QUIt:aiiT sad BEST Ione to M. Jnseea. fraises. Topeka Dr sl >tebra•k►Ilasw,ort. Lao -•tai j esa,psua*taw am, New Mexico, Aromas No..jg >� , rah" BIM cad Titan EAD Arlo. they would boatmen prieeine to lh•a. wife slue, thrum dsendass eel nue here, send Mows Mlad tt,,ate- able Mee amity ways tbatte.y wet ill st. wa itla to em do without thou Bet after all W k lead uetlrr from 1550 dntraus .s Bute pMnr, ten frxtu- C Er I CI A ar CO -Week W sirespaiivasrAbed kth.r'ral lltimespagsaPau watemsayrt s ss CHE is the base of se many liras that here .e where we sake our great boast.. Oar pills cur.: 11 wh2.3 others do sot Carter's Linde Liver Pills ass. r--- 1 aetd very easy to take. One or two: h. r are strictly fate aa d� t doer. 'r y vegeta L " n.• M pertr, bat b dolt gentle action tb s..• •.'' wbe OM them. 1'a , mill at 23 emus: ave for 1:. Sold Through by druggWQs everywhere, for seat by used. Tickets ria th CARTER lHEDICI!IE CO., GlebrstM Use for Now volt Ohp. tale at e 1 ease' the t' S. wad crud* ass be the Wet equipped the illsttrum is tM world for M Oars of travel KANSAS CITY Alt r.glKrt MOO Made I n t' .t w Tyr $. sad y.e arta ase trimy. w a an rtrr, it:ed f • AM T I royycll. IY flue free, •t • , Jr+.. . A. ... •,.•ail, , • Canadian Pass. Ag t, Torono, Owit SPECIAL OFFERS IoM1"""9").°. Ticks' Agent, Oodereh un the following goods and material at the 811B1ILLBR PLOW WORKS le Americas l ore tcrnlf- twr.. a. $2..vo each, whlcb la but half price. 1 Mases lI Havas tower sad Separator. in rase bat a short time, new wheat carriers and all 1• raid Neer ter IIIUS---sot abet. time Nae third is mdse. Several TAM 0rtsdlla•se at Mow eget. 1 New Pewees BOM) at is per coat. less Ham east prise• t� Rplo 1e, ke.. ter all kis wit theosb. gay. Dryden : wn.w Cotner Waives at half price. "Rtes knnws bee iraik, sad wham yes tense let ef Dar 1,.... and swear. •chef / ". ass_ esus eery eller Can Bodt it rte yell M hK with 1. Yk.w ass ewm peMsa- wtsM he hMwtihl is! M lyes P lwea�s anythi r!1 warmed fr'e1 to fortune epees 1J Sue. Atoms•1 Maim. Nei • ac... Airs. fill les mN hr wM er approved asses ' MA purse sal Aft" C. HUMBER • M