The Huron Signal, 1884-7-18, Page 1"4..466s
A Benito. Olive surd reeeleassa. West
=three dams below lila: sof Montreal.
ch Ind
prepared to take • Matted smother of
peons. fee imareeldon is issaresseatia music,
IPiaanaad Omani during tbe madman:ate va-
es. Practice free.
Oedeeielt. July stk. tett. ism -
..",c,t111:01V.;:iailw am"
Ask for the "'Solid Comfort • or "Olivette''
Mrs. Mathews, Elia ssreei.
MI P. T•;fiiima:1freeeiied a mann we!come
• last high% at the hotel* of his um, Thee. iuterest to our readers :
The Metbudiet church Sunday Sehisa, spectively. The Presbytery were nter. *ma se Bilsaid DUTIFIRRIN RIFUN3
the daunof the picisic talent by the ladies to Ginner aud tea in
neat, the 24th lest. fres tiele en the church lawn. which wee 8thThL•Dett.,mlitadt TinutgeedsolaYt'aitthry° lemoma bedeirerkilral"1".
and will hold it in Goditrich on Thureney , the basement. At night • garden party
elms mais and Nt.%.t.., neeewen. a se bri linetty illuminate.: for the occaaion. sketch "I • Icentleima" ws"
PAUL U'd riv.00ks.
in The tient nand disceursed choice music. I knotty highly esteemed in Goat- The following relat ion to the Imr•.,
peseil escursion .4 the DuCeria Ulm
• A' 1 nod 6130 Mr. and • Mortar& lnindin.lor meny years otte trout Brantford to tloerieb, is from the
• , f died Brantford Expos:to., and will pros* 1
the awsts the 0401 Mother, atA a Tante nu.niutr visited the streusel. 1 r"
Clinton, hold
Ouderich cigar. I. rt.
American visiton who de.orruseed . • ...ipb.w. Frank liledslic._ I. clinerlv
1.-...-t ‘r..'-=...,..,-, . 1 111.4 Willi take Immo-J.1Mo poseeemon ei t e
t int 1P) a :::driadianer bairt. ir stsionwkin olliadLett.:. smith .n. Co., is voetet4 te Pr's. . 1 itt else, which has been thcreughle re -
Remember the mime Robson. Frank is in a grv4 p..n.....i in Ct.:keened,
ma tied for their reception."
IT P•VS. - It Wings pays ter get your cloth- and likes that city istonweely. Th e County of Huron Photegrephic
log made ap by firm -clam tailors. and that IA
The deeeh ia ainesuncel 4.f Mr. A:0$1. Aseociatien, met at the Point Fenn, on
the reason why F. k A. Pridhani. let so Large and en the 1st of July he "ailed fur
J the trade- call sed see ear mica*. Sinclair, of Anuente, either a Jude, ; the 3rd inst. The president, Mr Ray -
E There he remained until May,
14" lair of Hamilton, formerly of I: Ate- 1 fee, of Clinton', in the chair. As this was . Europe. , . . . . .
• • 1 and m nes maintune consuiten tne
Hitaloy, 1033 W.,odwanl avenue. He I
suffered fr a compliention of diseases, mittse trim the Duderin des cum
for about four roue. but early in the ed Lt -Col. Josses and Adjutant
sumnier Itttgl, he grew rapidly worse, Michael, mid who were accouipanied by
C. L. Denise of this office, left for Gods -
rich to make all necessary arrangements
for the annual excursion of the regiment
to that town on the 2..":rd inst. Conduc-
tor Dau Holmes piloted the party safely
but slowly to the little town un the banks;
of the awl and beautiful Lake Huron.
As soon as we had arrired Jas. Mitchell,
the genial editor of the Clodench Moe'
introduced himself and after dinner. the
committee in company with Mr. }lichen,
called upon Capt. Jordan, Paymaster
of the 33rd lent., by wheat they were
tient graciously received, and assured of
his earnest efforts towards effecting sr•
rangetnents which noted be highly satin;
factory and pleasant to the offioirs and
men of the Rides, and all who shock
accompany them. elajor Cooke also el
• the 33rd, and Capt. 3liller, commend*
the Goderich cempanv, were seen, awl
the curdled greeting front both was im
diadem of the pleasant day in store fo
the Dufferins. Clot. }litter stated i
was his intention to tuni out his compiog
that day and receive the regiment sA th
station, which :nark of courtesy will b
ed a fever. From the militar,
non last a cum-
.i cautioned against giving credit to
an! pe -.on on my prima, uivis or • writte•
order from ma, as 1 will not hereafter hold
myself osponsible few aay debts contracted In
Any et). .r way. :MMA \VA RD. l-1
- N glees that the I. orperatien of the Town
of Whotham will es MON DA Y. the FlItST
DAY of tiEPTEM IIKILA.I.E. Mit passe tir-law
for Mopping up that poems of Vt'illiaiu street
in the ruwa of %Ingham lying between the
southerly limit of Patrick street and the Dort h-
erly limit of John street; also that portion of
Pal nek street in said town lying westward ef
the westerly %lino of ‘Yilliam r: reef aforesaid;
else) that portion of the lane or roadway in
said town lying between the soutlierlv limit
of Patrick street and the nuriharly limit of
Jon street. and lying between Lots :il. M. M.
M and El7 in Peter Iler a mill privilege. sur-
vey en the -one ride. and Lots DX 387. tes. wie
and WO. Governmen. survey. an the ether
ride; and fur the peewee of selling and con-
veying the potions of raid streets. lane and
midways. ee as siorees1d to be stoat:kW:4 up. te
George Payne. the owner of lands outing.
Dated this 7th day of July A. 1). %1.
• IL $4171tOl'0014.
Imam Tees Clerk.
Il hereby informed that Milligan .1 son. wee
!etre opposed out their rooms. in Capt. Dan-
gey's trams building. Westio.. nearly oppo- w
Mte ibe bank of Montreal. and are prepared
to aii an orders in carpet. and other weaving.
in the best style. Terms reasonable. Seed to
along your orders.
WOOD WANTED -200 To 300 eosin in .
et nee& for which cash will be pald(ot I
A ,itery. apply to :NORTH AMER! ". •1 ea
C f ten iCAL co-
isederieh. May link 1981. 191544
TM, Brantford excurslogibits will likely be
beard enquiring on every head fur tialtewe.
thefriar photographer. lie will photo -
t eas in computes. sewn% and with
A package of the American Fruit Preserv-
ing Powder and Liquid wall preserve 2301 lbs.
.1 Fruit. either with or without sugar for
years. No need to keep the fruit air tight.
JAIL Agent.
There is one place In town where you may
be sure of not being humbugged. and that ls
at W. L. Horton's, where you can get the
chaapevat and beet grades of Import
and liquors. South $t.. corner of Albion block.
.11.."•T Itacrivan. - A variety of oll cooking
stoves. which 1 will guarantee. Thr Victory.
with Its extension top; the Dietz Tubular Hot
Blast ; also the summer queen. Prices from
$1.51/ up to $16. Four different kinds of coal
oil in stock. G. N. Davis.
Seaacetable goods just received at situnders•
Variety Store. Fruit jars, preserving kettles.
cosi oil stoves. milk pans and pails. and
another large lot of oil window ehades.
*erne patients. Call and see sauteed. Slade,
ted n one hoer's notiee. " haVIIIFapeet
We are glad to leo ice that our talented i their meconyt ye le e eetien of officer, most celebrated tilling. Atlantic physi-
rich, to the 77th yeer of his fibre. i the first intuiting .1 the Assocuttion 0
young; townsman. J.i'. Itobertion, 11, ..%., t.• k wee,. reseiimt as i„11,," .. prewi. camas, none of whew were able te help
him in any degree. He arrived home on
dent, Breekenshire, Wingham ; 1st Vice
has been reappointe.: te the claesicel fel- the loth of May, and a month later it
lowship in lenivereity Cellege for nest President, Veer., Ilrussels ; end Vice
President, Wade, Seaforth ; Socetary became evident to his friends that his
session end was near at near at hand. Since
D. D. Wilson, 41 Seaferth, toe: part *via Treseurer, Mei* n, 4 lederich. The
about June 15 he hsd been kept alive
in the S. S. exercises in Knox church ; reisort of thp retiree( treasurer bring
by the so-called oxygen treatment, as the
on Sunday last. His fatuily will be , read, the uiembers expressed themselves
family believe, end he retained full con -
residents of the to -an for the next couple •I ae highly pleased with the success of the
of months. i „wenn, m, 1.„,11 financially and anendiy. actousneas until the very hour of iliseolu-
lion. His death was sineularly pear*.
Thos. Trirolde, telegraph operator, ; and seemed anxious that they should
fol and in presence of all his family,with
visiting friends hereabouts. Tom looks 1 sotiatien. one exceptien-a death that he would
have chosen had his been the cheice.
of Windsor, farinerly of tioderich, isti still hold themselves tegether as an *s-
well, and has grown quite stout during ; To! Liottss .tr.,tv. -The Army did
his sojourn Leith. i; not visit Saltford on Tuesley, in order Mr Hawley was a native ef Shreele
here, Emtland, and was tel ye tre .41
1 to avoid a condiet with the roughs of that
Rev. Mr. and Mn. Walters will, we He was descended from an old Ei.411....
understand, leave shortly for l'i' Meant, Plac•• -Capt. ILathwell, of Mitchell, is
where the rev. gentleman has been ap- ; visiting Goderich station, and in
• tends family which early settled in Shrews
- • remaining for several days. --The •• ban- bury. The family property. Cantle Cas-
tle, is mentioned in "The Sect bluseum
..1 the World," published by Charles
Hulher in 1825, and Was este of the
twenty-four lordships held by Roger de
Corbitt frein Roger de elontgomery.
house under the sun. peinted assistant vector. They wa
Berry picking all the raze carry with them tee good Wishes ,a • euet " on Tuesday next promises to lie
f f lends • •• all denominations une of the biegest teanieetings held in
re frtn vareius state ata
Rev. Mr. Sefton was iu wan this number 0 y
k. in this section. seen: the lent are' expected, and a lame
Harry Clues* left f T..ronto th.s John Bahian. f -"rule" +contingent freee Clinton hare already
eek. I headm"rer (11"lerich itkhu"I' is !sett assurances their presence. The
Miss Fannie 1tothwell returnc,1
en' -m the btitetel "1 Huron °mei tickets are seli:. and a :lionster
wn more, while visiting .1:1 fr....nos in an I turf, is ev, How malty will gii
Mrs. John Wilkinson, of Wholly*, is of withwui threugh the "a.". eieht" exercise. remaius
about Goderich. lie sue eirs.
are at present t agues,' ; to be seen. The ten meeting will be in
L d Duulep. 1 ow skill shed. Tea will be served front 5
George Acheson will visit Grimsby
Mrs. Georue Aceda, Mrs. Wtn. 31e-1 to e "'deck p.m.
inp meeting.
a. is prerred to pasturs stock at the Fans
la. -serve. here are nearly • thousand acres
or good pasture land. Price far yearlangs Sc7
per umiak ; year olds and upwards. $1 per
month. Apply SAMCKI, PLATT. Gude.
rich. 13115 -it
Je !toilers and Iron Harrows, will he wed
ch.spat the troderich Foundry. The Beatty
It. -aper and all repa'.rs for the same can also
1s- procured from the Gnderich Foundry,or on
arplicatton by mail to H. SEZOMILLKIL
Crodesick. Out. 111104 f
Is still realty to do any work-in his line at
tnederate prima.
Lime. Bricks. Firebricks. and othsr Building
Material kept oa Meet for Sale.
Otteleraoti. Nth. MIL 12311401
teul dateefiter, sit thie week 1-"e THE Tit :t STt-toters. ,--1 he eon -
Mr. Ed. and Miss E. Logan are visit- Lea*,
ed eces were
rendered with taste and feeltng, and
were rapturously ap lauded by the lovers
of muse: present. e "Mocking Bird"
was exquisitely giv , and the. violin
soles ey Giuseppe Gioscia, who also con-
ducted the ochestm, stamped him as an
artiste of much promise. We hope they
only 61.50. Some of our besineet limn will ceme again. We would not unas the
should peteien the mayer te proclaim 1 beautiful music of these geutlemauly
ellt %realm,. • iis with a visit. During the evening which business he was finely prosperous, were indulged in, and where one n
the 5th of Auenst as the writ! helelay. ; young. Italians should they seain favor
VI vIT.3fts oN fil 'T.1.84.- so that in 1373 he returned with an 1 vidual behler than the rest walked el
any evenine 1:11+ t a party Co„isti„g „f 'Reeve Johnston had "...cast to reprove
seine young rascals in the rear for their ample fortune. !the senior member of the delegation'
time bicycler' Arrived in Goderich. Their 1 He was a public spirited man and never I inquired "wud ye's loike a dance
names were : C. E. afeere, yeas. Kw-1.141dt. bebeahadmvioittnetar. ;pi:Let liematleu, hesitated to carry his portion et the pub- le a wild, IR inthrodoute ye I" Ths'It
Detroit ; F. Currie, Nlerpeth ; F. N.
mane, the anneyance of both performers mat
i conduct themselves in * noisy manner to
s erit in the Detroit Board of Trade, The lacresse grounds were visited ,
lic buden. He was for years a leading t otter was declined with profuse thud
ner, R. R. Lansing. and P.. H. Weekere 1
Werner Ferusingem ;
audience Some of these scamps who
Peak s Wand. Portirld: .Lune, for eert elven by this Ita.ian b.nd in Victoria
genet hall on Thursday 4.1 last week was a
ocean air aiid *Ise te lend the
I t t The concert pi
Capt. and Mn. Fraser. have returned prohibitor; derminstra tlel t. w he
rn Michigan. shortly Mei. Acheson lies already
Miss Lou Trainer is spending her spent a seasea on the Islam?.
cation in town. Civic Hineuee.-Clinton pn.pose• to
Mimi Atkin of Toronto, is the guest of 1, join in with Uoderich, and have s civic
e Messrs. Beck, Saltford. holiday on the th of August. The G.
Arskott Bright, of wiaketton, is 1 r. R. offers to give an elcursion to
titling a few days in town. Torontonn that • day, tickets good fur
P. R. Street, Q.C., ef Linden,
family, are at the Point Farm.
; Mrs. Carrol, of Ottawa, is travell
with her son in the Northwest.
'Miss Marks. of Brueefield, is the g
of the Misses Cooke, North street.
, is
TOT Sae or to Let.
JL tine new frame house on Nelson-st. near-
. puosite St. Patrick's ward whom. is offer-
. alr Otte on reavnaide terms. It nets ellen
bed -rooms. besides. parlors. dining rode.
'.1er7. kitchen, ptntrica cinema reliant. ke.
horoughly finished inside. The property
etired at a bergain. Apply to tLe owner
F. Goderich Ont. 11313m
I valuable property. know as the. Milburn
Lychees. !Hotel. at present occupied by Mr.
Fred Barton. is offered far Sale or to rent.
The hotel ttrited on the etesiee1 nada be-
weeu Ood and non AMMO. and tiode-
r...h and Meth. and does a mug
eoteeedea cre let of sept. or eisesser If requir-
ed. Terms reasonable. For earticularsuiszay
to A. ALLIES% Dunlop P. O.
Dr. W. A. Ross, of the C. P. R.
ding a short vacation at home.
been elected oflicers of the Grand Chapt- ; Duffel" ; ti• E. Fiernine•
k Hem. Elkhart They were „,rdiany kick up their did.** at public entertain -
W indser : F.K.
R. Radcliffe and Joseph Beck, have
Miss Reynolds, of Hullett, has been lieeeeivad hy our local nicyclers, and monis wet he surnrieed to find themsel-
ves *Qum morning before the ma
er. 1
pending a few days iii basin vatting t showr around in god style. i
Pa ii12recke------"."---71;e41110,
afriends. The following is from the 'society
Mn. Thos. McKenzie. of Goderich, 1 eolurun ;41 the Buffet. Courier : Gen. and •
Ma been visitine relatives in Clinton and Mns Geo. 5 Field of Belaware Avenue • The Board met according to adjourn.
entertained Governor Cleveland, Gent rnent on Tuesday, July 15th.
, James Reid, of London East, spent a J. C. Farnsworth, and Judge Advocate All preseet except Mr. Buchanan.
iew days with relatives in town during General Heretic, C. King of Brooklin at ; The minutes of previous meeting were
. 1 breakfaso yesterday morning. These read and contirmed.
the week. ! Mims M. G. Robertson applied for the
e••••fit Sell! Gevernor Cleveland, Gent
Wonky left for Winnipey: oe Wednes- I Farnsworth, Judge Advocate Gent , position of teacher of senior division of
Henry Mumey. eon of Councillor ;
I King Genl. and Mrs. Fie141, anti 3Iies a ward school for the remainder of 1684.
thiir scenes&
mus mitres .
Mr. Hawley s father emigrated to the
United States in 1$18. Richard nacelle- I men was expected courteous treatmen1
ed .411%. Conlin..11 beh:P.1 educatimi ni but it was received from the corpotitio
youte, theugh in his maturer years
he accomplished a &uprising quantity of
solid reading. He began buena* on his
own account as • brewer in Cleveland
when he was 17 years old and prospered
and citizens as well. Meyer ortou
ceived the committee with the warms
cordiality, and assisted them material]
in arranging matters. E. Bingham
chairman of the Board of Works, 1
exceedingly; but the disastreus panic of ceived the deputation with assurances
1e37 swallowed up his property and !eft ' his assistance in any way, and promise
hint to hegin the strugule anew. He to see that the street from the dee
chose Erie. Pa., for his second battle should 1* watered on that menu'
with fortune, and :•1 a o.mparatively During the stay there the deputation is
short time thereafter he paid all ef his I decorated with moss ruse -buds by lit
• Itin ham They also called at an R.
picnic, in a cedar erove, where fie
behind retry cedar stepped young lad
with note book and pencil, untentnei
you to "but a cluince at Father Wage
..r some othet Fathet's "picture," wit
.lancing. 'engine and other antesints
obligations with wood interest. Ferty-
one years ago he moved t.. Detroit and
established here • brewery. which he
managed successfully for twelve yeers,
but discontinued it in 1635 on the pea -
sage .3 the prohitory lieuer law. He
et turned his attention to malting in
9. Snit con umston, township ot Clederick.
Ore beautiful farms adjoining. am In
.11 219 acres; about 24 mile.; from ea
Lake Hares ; well watered. A. M.
Leaden. Ont. 11116-tt
11 house, aeigatatner together
• goafterkom with trait
It la (Mat. street. owe
tent to Oeti mated on
tiab1e to
0 HOLM -
Wass ea Patriotism'
sad two pam
rat. le • geed
la sad tite
.ad orrevealent. Yoe
apply to IL R. W A1'4024
• andClIelleveller, of Picker- i Radcliffe, of Goderich, Ont
r. ing College, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1 ST. GEOgnin CIII7RCH. -Thera illtirn
Wm. Dickson. a meeting of the laden of this church ia
Mies Lucy Robertson,ef Sarniaelaugh- the school house on Wednesday evening
next at seven °chick. All are earnestly"
Miss Strachan. i invitee to intepd. A vestry meeting of
the members of this church generally is
ter of Capt. E. Robertson, is the guest of , ,
The Clintan Presbyterian Sunday t,, fie new •.n Monday evening neatest
&hoot will held their annual picnic in eight o'clock to take into further consid-
Goierich today. • eration the appointment of an assistant
Mrs. Jennings, of Pinconning. Mich., 1 minister to succeed the Rev. J. Walters,
is on a visit to her parents,Mr. and Mrs. There seems to be much dittieulty in
T. J. Moorhouse. this a iotment.
Mrs. and Miss McMicking left on the
Gonne) last Friday morning for Bay
City and Saginsw.
nee. G. C. Al
/ LY Macre& of the easterly 119 erre* at
block "IF," in the Blia cenaceesion of the tows.
sarirCollioroo. Thirty acres cleared. re-
iszell. timbered. genet frame horn.
f „rims. Mee orchard well fenced. about
Oederieh. Terms easy. For
Outlier apply to K. CAMPION.
li. or toAltTHRJH HAUGH-
A large number of paseeneers for tlia
1Puitit Farm and town 11144 Per the
Oconto last Thursday.
Mrs- Will McCoy,of Pineonning,Mich.,
who is visitinf in town, is the guest of
The application was accepted.
The contingent committee • was in-
structed to make all necessary repairs
and imprevenients in the schools during
the holidays.
The question of contagious diseases
came un, when members of the Board ex -
premed themselves as in favor of taking
stricter measures to prevent the spread
of disease by children in}chool.
The board then adjourned.
Arrives. at Ike Pelee Warm,
which he on several occasions represent-
ed in the National Beard, and also in the
Dominion Board of Canada. He served
two terms in the State Legislature, was
found to be very suitable for the pen
required. There ie sufficient room
battalion movements, the grrood•
suitable fer lacrosse and games, that
for a considerable time Alderman of the ; a good grand Malta, and the poll
old Fuutth Ward and member of the I oierlooking the lake, • deliehtfal
Board of Estimates as long as it was in The use 44 this ground has been been
existence. Politically he was a De ttttt - fully given by the cricket arid Ines
crat and an enthusiastic free trader. In- clubs, and the ceminittee have to 111
deed, free trade was his pet economy, , It A. Stark for his kindness in this
and he devoted the last ten years ot his neetion. The drill shed and grondi
life G. the cause with unswerving fidelity. , be availabie for the concert to be
In 1839 be married Evangelise daugh- I by No. 2 Company in the evenine.
ter of Chas. Gardner, of East Cleveland, 1 arrangements for meals will noose
who survive; him with three ems and 1some further perfecting, but it is 1
1 that the ;nen will go to different k
orrow, whe SAS were- ! Miss Howitt and Master Hewitt,
tary of the Scott Act Alliance in tne Guelph.
weeny ,3 Oxterd during the campaign. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Tittmann, child
.411 alitiak on the Scott Act io Gederich and nurse. Detnet.
the 28th .4 July. Mr. 1
n..,i1;01. James Men Trowbridge,
}furrow ie ems 4.1 the ablest speakers on Miss Aside Trowbrge, N't ichita Falls,
ea Monday,
the Scott Act side, and his admirers Texas.
claini that he is more than • match fer .1. ',I. Rumney, Mrs. Rumney, child
the redoubtable King Dodd,. It ie ex- and nurse : F. Zabriskie, Mrs. 'Zabriskie,
Dean Swift, North street. ted that the niestine will he crow child and nurse ; Miss Helen E. Batwell,
John Wilson left for Toronto on r archer particulars as t' place 44 meet- 'Detroit.
edical treatment, i will be ;given next week. Mrs. King, Mise King, Mini Elsie
tire daughtera. They are Thos. D., J.
G., Riche., Mrs. J. O. Stevenson and
Mrs. Frank H. Proeaece.
Mr. Hawley was a man of deep reli-
gious convictions. His church associa-
tion was principally with the Disciples'
Church, but during the last seven years,
when in town, he habitually attended
the First Congregational. under Dr.
Eddy. He was devotedly attace.d
his family and found his highest hap_pi-
ness in the idmosphere of hem.. His
private life was stainless, and benevo-
lence and Christian charity were among
the leading traits .1 his character. A
good citizen. in the beet sense of the
phrase, Richard Hawley (medest, earn-
est and always helpful to those in need
of help who case within his reach; will
have many sincere mourners outsile of
the beloved circle an whkh he was se
len: a venerable and venerated heure.
turday last, for tr I lig
1 -"At the King, Buffalo.
oder the ears of Dr. Atkin. 1 The Stratford Herold says
Mn. Wm. Jordan, of Ashtiel.l. was 1 meeting held in the temperance hall yes- 1 Mr. E. Benson, Mies Maud Benson,
committed to gaol on Thursday of Ian Nerdy the petitions asking the t.t.veFfl 1 Mn. Maloney, Mrs. Capt., Olmsted and
week as a dangerous Iunatic 1ment to submit the Scoot Act to the daughter, Mrs. C. B. James, Ed. eJams.,
O. H. Tittmann. 41 the U. S. Survey sneers were han•lee in and the signatures W James, Mine Addie James. Detroit.
epartinent, Weshingtow D.C., with his counted. when it was foune that newly Mrs. Macdonald, Miss Ethel Mac-
mily, are at the Potnt Farm 1 one-third (3,000) of the resters of the domed, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. R. Street,
Mn. Noble, daughter 44 Mr. Kehl*, county had signed thane There are four children and nurse, Lon on.
! en the 21st, 52 miles. wind S., chit' y.
repay. is able to 1* abut intern. Perth and enly rem -fourth of their sig. Mr. Iterrove. Igeetioge. , Sera A. Linklater. 3 Conella
Berbera McConnell, 11
ho wee in immediate danger of death about 10.000 pathamentary electori in Mr. Hodges. Detroit.
1 Thnneer end lightning on the 8th, 14•""a Irlehers
I v tea (vein in Sep. 1 Roe 0 C. hiorneei the ehei,,ent 23Thrd auni4.2,4:::i. the 20th and 21st.
No. of clear nights 15, D. Sakes,
i siom, rity nature* is required e. submit the Act. 1
14 Merle*, In good repair. Store /MEL with w
1$10 eve eerier of erred gravel road. timer
More room, wood shed. stable and i aer' land. d
Pee and dalli well. Terme easy. Apply to '
H. T. NA YNIKS. AlecimanIton. 123.- I
' 1
-SHolftlF:41;11.ARDTle )1'4 FileRM TO RENT I Th, boy i appear to be prespering.
reesi____ea,__...p.: alIT:ii =et:. wasarrt sr: A heavy rain fell on Saturday aft
" awl shed ani other Intndinere lie 1 neon, preceded by • fall .4 hailston
star of ;
a *ended orchard ; lance creek I Dome of which are in 1 s
elediniLtivie..a nonage tie* wEl er. a
runs scree, thet. Terme fray .4 pply On The picnic under the auspices of K
et remoras. ft. T. 0 •YNXII. Ithepp %Mute. church Run lay echnnil, held on Wedn
Premises, Let M. Lake Pewee Head. lownekip
Merck 4*ik. HOC 1915 -
of which therestre six good mew
officers will probably meas at the H
Exchange. The committee expire
nothing but the utmost kindness
everybody and more especially
Capt. Jordan, Jae. Mitchell end
Goderich lies 140 feet above
Huron, and is • rernerkable pretty
The streets are all ninety feet or
wide, and as level as • door, the
bed being of tine gravel and whet
battalion will beanie to march Ina
without difficulty. The air is oou
when the sun is hottest, and we a
anticipate for the Rifies a moat pl
and delightful trip. The
ready to receive the pe.
with open arum, there at of
areessimodstion, and. ul
edly be a great rush to
23rd inst.
Illeteoewlealcal kevere-glealli et Jame
. atria arbee1 Escrow* Rommtog
MK i -
The fellowing candidates hat
It rained on 5 days, amounv et raiefall
, provisionally &emitted by the k
8.1 cubic inchee, nearly I of an inch en
1 &miners.
thtireaetetleat veleeity .1 wind donne 241 c• 1F~ Crabl'• lif•lerich 14'14 S
hours on the ttth. 420 miles, wind NK , I A. NI.- Whir414-
cleudy, e.lual to lit mile, ;'e1 hour. &laud E. Haswell,
I Kfizsbeth B. Widest. Content
I. •
Least velocity 44 wind during 24 hours
H. R. MeLeeel. III
(Leine, and Alf. Eller&
ows an veining the o'd folks et home It le eltelated to
I tember or Octelver." . .
.r. R. Miller, principal of Auburn sc
and son of W. Miller. a this towii, was
1 the recipient of a valuable oil painting
tee ! ed h an &delver',
recently, alio pan
ar1u k kens his pupils ea a mark of esteem, en
erl" his resigning his position here, owing to 1
Ind COW.11E.D. Si mem dear-
oll. geed hareweed. A good
s. noks. swim to • meek
aro easily drained.
"'kat MM.
int T. BATHICH. Mse
(114/17 40 &AULT& PROPRIKIYMI.
"The Ilsesr rd. tke
reit lagadtajtvery
Isakm la leelf7
public The
Millieltd1 fitted
hi la
eliameion of the Scott Act, will widresis
, Martha M. Smith, Gan
No. .1 hazy nights 1. 1 Joseph Bewdeu, Zalles,
Heavy foe donne the f .renoon o 1 William A. Ornery, at
19th. 1 John White, o "
. . Mary It. Gill, o
Annie Grammy. o
Mary A. Oregery, 411
in your numerout readers : - Autism* Hall/toil,
Maggie Wattles. 64 .
Velocity rat Lba.foree 4.
u m gs h countyas fellows: I No. cloudy nUthts 1 t
Monday 21, Brussels, Town hall.
Tuesday 22, Gerrie.
Wednesday 23, Lan.ts church in Ash-
field. Prevailing winds, le. to • .
t1. N. MactroNat.o. observer.
Thursday 24, Clinton, town hale 1 The following tahle may he ..1 interest
dal was • m'co•ml°1 ^"•• The weather havl health. He lett last week for St. 1 Friney 25
, Varna. Tempeninoe hall.
241, Wilkinson s corners,
church. wand per h. on I ,fi.
Mr. sled Mrs. 3 B. Moore, of Saltford,
left ea Wednesday p m to speed the
iniftinnentet treeetion with friends, es
"Toft Paseiesia. See." -Nest Smithy
'mem egiwise el song will be gives
is the Methodist shersh--flubjeet "the
Plitalgal son '
P.. Crease, artist, who hes for the
past is reentlis hew easdesting cleanse
Is Cletiseish, eloped Ids stislin last week,
and doer a brief visit to his home in
Hamilten,w in take a trip spin the Laken
to Alois *stags ed the Rath Mont
B• vet voters Goderholt nest hdl.
II lens where he attends going into tistarday.
Will also preach in Gederieh North 4 079 (kettle prestieseent w'd• been recommended fee
Monday 211. Goderich. 1 mile 7
St. Methodist church .m 27th. le 1,107 Pleasant but brisk. Jeaeph Easter&
Xt. KOITIM opened his Campania in Ira '2 000 Very brisk. Adelaide Chilton, Cioarent
Tawas on Tuesday evenine. A enwrap- High wind. Ethel J Ileilitine,
. 9 000 Vey high w u.l. Hilton Holmes. Oodetitft
business A surprise party also
epee If r. Miller and pretended him with
a puree emits ining 110 se a mark esteem,
for his services in leading the singing in
the Preebytevien church.
Ma TellISIII1.L* leptiertop pr.
haelieter of wind. in stela Mien to above
dile who have failed in none este
Mary's corresp4.ndent pestilent writes 1 4,i
Beaton seat the following last week : 1 "Capital meeting in Euster last alight. 1 50 10.000 Greet storm. Lilt her Ilraund,
T I Crowded hall. Moir in oppoetion. ee 15.000
Lusher T. Gill,
sehoinse Haeltey. 4 V
"The induction of th. Rev . •
ben Silo the pastorste
th. Widelar-.t.
Prealseterbas enerek took pleas the
ell en eleediliti sermon, Her CI
Nit WO. Tie a..
OuilleasmiThir williTsmed the newly
Morrow gave hint sosiniffeent scorching. SO 26
egtel geneWeenatillet
• lent M. Made. 2
Vote two to one in favor of Scott Act " ' 93 37 000 Destructive
101 41.000 Hu • no. ary Mosteith, "
The 4ftesigratins returns for Jens Ism 441 1121
Isabella .1 flIewart,006111
all" a "Mid aeir•••• 4111nSs for th• TM speed of an while at her fell flight Fred W. Johnston, ; •
suS moth lot yam Wag smiles per boor.
• Harry Boll.
. Arif LE.A.Z A6,3