The Huron Signal, 1884-7-11, Page 1er 1 1 e 7 is s 1. TV1fil.lt WINDERnirrt. i uEV0TE°, coUN GO1)ERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1884. McGIRAS AU TEAM ADYV Sow Atswtl.esnirette This Week. parte. IaW rd. H•tJw•n- W. MofCea:te. ap„ Aeeasid 51111inorr--t:. H. Gavin. Dentistry. ,f NICHOLSON, LD.S. SIJKU ON Street Woo doors below Dt. ace and West Gahr She People's Column. t'S1C - MISS SKIMMINGS 18 Lel prepared to take • limited number et pupa. for Instruction in lnstrumr$W large. . e. -me sad- (bassi during the mldsrR mtlTa- on. Practice free - God retch. July tlth. tt111 NOTICE -THE PUBLIC ARE 11.813- aT cautioned a0alast giving credit to may pampa o. ml behalf. unions on • written .sailor from moas I will ble far as della contracted In anyheresner hold lui of responsible lay exher way. EMMA WARD. 11151 -it ,rt' EAViNG - THE PUBLIC ARE if hereby informed riot Milligan t tion. 'err w,-ned out their room'. to Capt. Daa- ceys foam- budding. Wert-ot., nearly oppo- site the busk of Montreal. and are prepared to Mall orders is carpet. and otber wariag, in :be best style. Terms re.sosabk. Scud a:.mar your orders. 11.50-11 %%T($)D WANTED -200 eo 300 comet of wood. fur which cash will be paid on a. eery tpply to NORTH AMERICA -CHEMICAL COO t Ooderlcb. May 11th. 1881. 1)ASTURAGE -THE SUBSCRIBER L 1s prepared to pasture stock at tie Falls Itcwrre. There aro nearly a thousand acres of good pasture land. Price for yaartlnls to p -r onontk : year olds and upwards. 11 per month. Apply to SAMUhL PLATT. ( tiedte- r,.•h. yUR SALE - A FEW A 1 LAND .rollers and iron Harrows, will be sold cheap at theGodericb Foundry. The Beatty Reaper and all repairs for the same eau she i. groomed from the Goierich Youndry.oro• appil.attos by mall to 11. +EB.GM *CH. pt Oodericb. Ont. f EDWARD SHARMAN, BRICKLAYER AND PLASTERER, EAST STREET, still ready to do any work in his line at moderate prices. grtntta Firebricks. *tad other Building e kept w bead for :We. Gad ui EssWirarch Nth. tat. talism .Auctioneering HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Huron. Bales attended in say part of the County. Address bra to Ceodsricb P. 0. JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- TIONEER and Land Valuator. (toderich. (Pat. itaving had considerable experience in Hie au&t4 aeerlog trade. be is in • position to discharge with rho sngb satisfactia all coin missi.x. abraded to him. Orders len at Martin's Hotel. or sent by mall to my address, c;..lerich P. 0.. carefully at tended to. JOHN .; :OON County Auctioneer. 115'-tf For Sale or to Let. NEWSABOUT ABOUT HitOME W . Pr-udtoet, of the firm of G•rrow THa S&•tnr A. -r Pgrmox iv Hetes. & Mart, returnel from his North- -At a weetiugg of A,miniun Alliance in -A Skiers mamasys tam: seta west trip op Monday evening last, look- Termite last Thuruday the report from Au' hilt b'U prat IL' ing none the wore* for hit visit to the Huron stated :-"Petitions in course of prrbibitury dam... - _ signature, ani will have about 40 per TOWS TOP= er& ths:Voild Comfort- or •'(Hlvette- 1p hardwarerdau to Jetta A. Dasa sitar and bebw =for eaty. la a tile•ring Bala mimpigt *IV are taw at their Wawa wililiwM iM aM trie i. . petdbam. the tailors. Ms. for FOWL No 1101100‘sto keep the fruit sitight. JAS. Imam. *Mat. W. L, has aO Ulna to dlmass the memo Or et 05 at o Act. u is kept busyworts d the public f10 his lbin w •erith giving the beet %mine in Those who may physiognomy in the abeen 'o of the prat. Ube a pod photo- graph.e .plod /bottle turned out by Sallow*. *. the Ooderlch artist. rive every fea- ture clear and distinct. The admtroUee expressed aver specimens of cabinet pbpktgraphs fumed sax by 1:eo. B. Hobson. dose not turn W lead. bat is an in- °sative to further perfecting the art ('all at napery. O. B. Itoneott. Jvirr Racliv.o.-A variety of oil cooking stoves. wbk b 1 will guarantee. The Victory. with its extension top: the Diet: Tubular Hot Bibs ; also the summer Queen. Price/ from $1.5* up to a{. - Your different kinds of coal oil In stock. O. N. DAVIS. Saunders k Sod are making an extortive move the oil shads business. They carry a stock of shade., rollers. tassels aad Mood ee of the latest design and color. Honer* torulabad with shades on one bour's notioe. ('all and see *simples. The cheapest boogie under the sun. Schools were closed on Thursday last. Mrs. Black left for Toronto un Mon- day last. Charles McManus is spending his holi- days at house. JIM' Nellie V.uiderlip has recovered from 1 er illness. Mn. Capt Montgomery is taking a pleasure trip east. The Misses Crane hare returned hem their Chicago visit. The Albion has a number .1 visitors from the sunny south. Miss Sarah Sherman has gore to spend her holidays in London. Mrs. 'troy W. Savage, of Buffalo, is visiting relatives in town. John and Wnt. Macara, of Manitoba, aro visiting their old home. Will Roberts has been engaged es Kay's Express messenger. Albert Gooding has gone to visit his brother Will in Michigan. Master Ed. Lowof Saginaw, is at home fcr a few week' pleasure. Mrs Polley and the Micas Polley are rusticating at Eugenia, Grey Co. The Miaties Angie and Kate Damen have taken a trip up to Port Arthur. Mrs. Rutherford and Miss Bone, are the guests of Mn. Wilson, Maple street. Allan Embury, principal of the public school, is spending his vacatoo at Belle- ville. Mrs. T. Robinson, East street, is re- oevenng from her very severe atta.k of illness. A branch of the Catholic Mutual Bene- volent Amociation has been formed at Gederich. Mn. A. R. Pagan! and M.ss Ira R. Davis, of New Orleans. are guests at the "Albion." Tom Grahame, of Chicw). is making a holiday visit se the home e.f les parents, Elgin street. ..'INE HOUSE FOR SALE - THAT 1 tine new frame house on NaMon-at. near- . o postte tit*D . Patrick's ward how, is ofler- fur sale oc ressoaabts terata 1t W alslt Large l ed -rooms. besides parlors. dining room. ictwary. kitchen. pantries. stomata. cellars. kc. All thoroughly finished .aside. The property • oared at • herpi n. Apply to tLe .weer r'. e.M EATH. Oodorleh oat. name POR SALE uR TO RENT -THAT !` v •liable property. know as the Milburn Exchange Hotel. at at occupied by Mr. !'red Harlow is offered for sale or to rent. The hotel U situated on the gravel roads be - t et ween Oodeetoh aitd Port Albert. sad Moder rich sad Blyth and doss • sang t►aslassa (dtrsaaslon as let of dept or .setlrsYas% to rs ed. Termsrssosabla Far to A. ALLEN. DusIop P. O. 1 'ARMS FOR SALE -LATS S AND 1 0. lest con xssioa. tewaabpel0edsrlob. two beauutel farms adjoining. esFhls is all V1 acres; about 14 miles from Lake Hurea; well watered. A. 1L London. Ont. HOUSE TO RENT - A BRICK house. coeuidsg.4bt reams. tegetber Y t1 with g quarter -sere d with fruit trees. It situated es et woo - ventral to the square. and w . on reasonable terms. For D. HOLMES. awe steres. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO R1iNT- A commodious tress on Pslatereon street containing mix ono. sad two pan- tries, iee s os sate or for rest. Tors i• • good =is atdw and orchard is Dee and the l Particulars apply *0 1... R. At. Yaw R. ATAON, prelate%. Hila -It a L'ARM FOR SALii-THS WESTER - 1 LY MDacrsa of the eaweey ids acres or block " F 1a the 711. the tows- .hlp .1 Groncleared.ittors. ' y acres cleared. re - well sabered. good frame barn. ao00 wa4r ass ert,h.•ted , well fenced. about four mites Prem OMerleh. Tat. eiwy For further partied* amen to S CAMPION. m rv*mst. Oods 1ih, or to ARTHUR HAUGH- RRT. es the ptemtaee. t117-1tm The wooden bridge over the railway, on the road to Saltlord, will not be pas- sable on Friday and Saturday, owing to a series of repairs and improvements being in operalson. The Hamilton Looses of Wednesday says : "Judge Sinclair was again called away today to bis father's bedside. It is thought that the old gentleman cannot live 24 hours longer." The Lord's Army will hold • teameet- ing in the drill shed on Tuesday, 22nd. 500 tickets have been issued for the "banquet," and they expect to sell all. A number of officers from a distance will be present. A Flea Pur -On Monday morning while trolling in the river Bob Wilkinson hooked a splendid pike, which treasured 211. 7 in., anu weighed seven pounds. This is the biggest fish caught m the river this season, and Bob feels elated over tee catch. The S.aforth i'o., speaking of the recent lacrosse match between the Hu- rons and Beavers, says :--"Our boys say they were treated in a very gentlemanly manner by their opponents, and every kindnees was shown them by the Gede- rich people." Among the other attractions at the Point Farm this season, a -lawn tennis club has been formed, with Mrs. O. H. Tiltrnant', of Detroit, president, Mrs. J. G. Rumny, Detroit, secretary, anal Miss Trowbridge, of Texas, treasurer. Neigh baring clubs are cordially invited. Gashsr PARTY. - Notwitbstaudiug showers of rain during tee day, the gar- den party held on the grounds e.f McLean was well attended. Mrs. and Miss McLean made every endeavor to make their visitors feel at home, a.od the beautiful grounds were admired by ail. Gaels -Yaw Tercvss.-Ceetuplaints are made that flowers and plants are being stolen from graves in the cemetery. This is the m.ar.at kind of tleering, and we understand that a keen watch fur the pilferers will be kept,and pawns caught will be pr,sscuted to the utmost extent of the law., The "Dufferin Rifle*," of Brantford, with a brass and a bugle band will run an excursion to Godericb on Wednesday, Jul 23rd. The bettalien games will be held en • the Lserus.o grounds during the day. Col. Joa.., a000mpanied by Capt. McAlpine and Mr. Daniels, of the Brant- ford Erpesiter, was in bow- cot Wednes- day, making lir.al arrangements. The visitors were much delighted with the lay out of our town. The L.rd'. Arniy made a descent upon Salt bird, end held forth in the Temper- ance hall ott Tuesday. On their return to Gederich a cuw•rlly attack was made upon them by some rnughs primed with beer,who 'flung stones and other missiles at the visitors, striking ti.., menet' on the breast.and agirl between the snould- ers. Hort and tin pans were also used in derision. The Sattford people ought to give the visiturs a fair show. The Arany intends W visit Saitforl every Tuesday evening. sari/RE TO RENT OR SELL -8E - A7 INO es *eras, et good gravel read. House yr starlet Iw Ir. Store Men. with reit -t * r_ ,Bsbls lad b sere sand. r ► •s! ii . 11apgppTsnata eaassy. A spry to H. T. iIAY .l1, ISRt. LHEP?ARDTON FARM TO RENT OR SE aoo fr1Jes d •tunas 1weliti r • a• k wfth Y Me rlele 1 raw .ceps the easy.1.118 rf Cal Is. If, - HA• T18 gle rardsw: March soba Rim. wa ► (( 1 ACRE LOT IN ASRFIZLD FOR • 1, r SA 1M Cas_ ED. Maass etssr- ed, balsam larnwesd A wed srelsrd aadlog kesw. *kite ss a cwek rsWg MarelMR. T.N Mrs. Poole, of Brantford. sister t.f 1. W. Vanatter returned to her home on Saturday late. Fred McDonald, wbo has been attend- ing Trinity College, ie spending his holi- days at home. Mrs. William Seymour and children, of Detroit, are the guests of John A. McDougall Eq. See the new advertisement ted R W. McKenzie, the hardware man, who will nut be undersold. Miss Oliver left for Owen Sound on Saturday, where she intends spending part of her vacation. A great number of our citizens .veiled themselves of visiting the Qseen City, daring the .ami-oentenoial. Dr. fluidal]. of Oshawa. and late of Edinburgh, spent Dominion Dp in Onderich, hefore laving for Port Arthur. Scot Act Picnic:. -The friends of prohibition are speaking rel holding ■ mammoth temperance picnic in Goderich nest month. TH* HURON HOT*L CRANI E• IdULT11P10/1117blgl. 'Tl. Hews `gid IM aS ! may. beer _ Massa. H. 8. L S. -The closing meeting was held in the High School last evening. The fellowitsit prizes were mewled :- Recitation, given by the society, Miss S. Williams ; tending, by teachers, Miss M. Cameron ; speaking. by Head Master, Mr. H. -earth : French, by Mr. Moore, Miss F. Williams ; Latin, by Mr. D. Mc- Gillivray, air. Swanson. lir Swanson obtained over 85 per cent of the value of the papers en which he was examined. in addition special prises were given to Mise Murray for readieg and tea Mr. Wygle for an essay. _\ number of Maine girls have forma a protective union and adopted thief The schr. Midland Rover arrived from rea.dut.oua : That wa receive the atter. .tort Arthur on Monday with 20,000 riots of no self-styled young gentleman bushels of wheat for Ogtlive & Hatehi- who has not learned some business of we. some steady elopinyment ; for it is ape The achy. Ariel from Blind River,with may sed that after the bird is caught lumber forWilliams & Murray, arrived 1* it starve in the cage. That we will r n 8dnday. promise to marry on young man unless un eche. Phoebe Catherine,laden with he is a patron of his local paper, frit it if clutch management to engage the ser only nly a str,nt evidence eel his want railway ties, arrived on Saturday. magW>n'. of intelligence, but that he will preys The ache. Azov from CoUin's inlet, viae* of • probationer to assist in the too stingy to provide for a home or en- with lumber for Seeforth, arrived on oettdtttot of the three appointments at courage institutions of ioarning in his I Friday. prating under the supervision •he two. doctor. ee,mmuntty. The sehr. Rathbun, from Providence eieh re o the Presbytery sec. .. 1 to the with lumber for H. Sword, arrived Rr+"n tiliu etraueel, ',u the occasion of her hay. The following resolution was uniatni- retirement fn•m the position of teacher on Wednesday. 000.1! .distad - This Pasehytery, in Phoebe street school, Toronto, which she had occupied for the past five years, was made the recipient of a member of valuable presents by those with wham see hail been assecutel. The teachers f the who.,l presented to, her a hand- some silver butter cooler with knives on stand, the caiathenic class contributed a beautiful siker pie -knife of ample pro- motions. and a finely finished silver napkin ring, testified that she was held in atesrt by the address whn heti been ander hoe animation. Di riorr Ktc'rr .at CLO.. -This club will begin • week's tour through Weet- William F. Dickson, of St. Louis, son of Gaoler Dickson. is in town spending his vacation. He will likely remain two OT three weeks. Tia late Joseph Barry, father of Geo. Barry, undertaker, was the AVIA white add here in tie city of Toronto, when it wee star awned Little York. Mrs P. F. Walker, one of our bet knows residents, dies' last week in the United grab& Sim had boon suffering' iron ill•healtb for away year. The elosi11lg gr s tit fat Petrieleel ern Ontario, leaving Detrnrt on Sunday w0A sio.l, wife o plsseant by diet- morning, July 12th. They will pars 1N{eua, w10 std ti by the .kik: thickish the principal towns and arrive mis. A nosaber of rniSora were pew- in Exeter • m Wednesday afternoon, amt. July 1$th; step thereabout half w boar, Kr. Walker, of Atlas Craig,. sold his and them proceed to Menial'. wheat Illy Casadi•n tralter, Vistas, the petrateeeettttt will moan tut a few migota ; darns Ware treaties tit to Kippurs, sed pressed to tine 11eld O en the ass ata wheretArty remain until Thursday ri Qowi' s f14,ag01 ea they evened eatheir haieriese"11t the Wawa. hirtkdmy mem Omoi11 IM tem qiq ><►* _ !" to es- A PASTOR'S FAsaWELL. IMID8UMl1IER I T1. T! &TIOW railing •4MSOs if bey. Z• $, Turrn..tl ltsderrra roast, %meds-AMIY. tlitlb-iligie- los gaol a suaeAee . LIM ,.t resotsas. cent. of electors on the potation. 'friends for the Act." Knox Church on Sundae eveniug to hear of those who have 'seen prentoted fele are pretty sure uf a large majority. Vote The othdidates for teachers' certificates the partine wurds of the bite junior pa- the names denoted hy their respoodess are busily engaged this week writing in tor. The preacher read the 2:3rd Psalm, headings :- . the courtruoni, under the supervision of and Jelin 10th by way of lessons, and CENTRAL SCIBIOL Inspector Miller. 62 signified their in- took fer his task the 20th mild 21st WL tenuon ot writing and 60 have attended. versegof the 13th chapter of Haire Guiee II -Mem ht. A. nudes's. Shepherd over his people, and coacluded nia Hyslop, Ada Watson, Naomi Sue& He dwelt upon the care of the great Willie Robertson, Alice Dickson, Ia. Eight write for second-class certificates, three for interinediate,and the remainier -As the situate field and Alex McVicar equal, Maid prays here, a., pray we. Pray fee me. Remote Albert Johnsten, Eva Calitio, deuce is oeservable ameisgst the major- ity of the condidates. and I will not forgot to pray for you. Lilly Graham, Helen Pelley, Midi The time had come in the Providence of Simonds, Geo Thorpe, Rya Nader, A WINDY Heitere.-A fellow styling when as pastor and mantle thee Maud Shepherd, bleed %Yawn, Mary himself "Prof. A. Johristen," and clam- God. ing to be a phrenologist and physiogno- were to ereeeenee the werd "Farewell ' McIver, Percy Shepherd, Jno Waller, -that hardest of words to say at timea Jas Thomson and Eddie Brown equal, unst, drew a crowd on the court house The tie between pater and people was Allan Seager, Maggie Stmehan, Edith square on Tuesday. If his knewledge one that it was painful to break ; there Breckenridge end Win McIntosh, Alice of phrenoloey is no better than his gram - was, perhaps, only one closer tie. He I3ates. Andrew Waddell, Alice Reid, mar,his charts weuld be dear st one cent • teousand. Like all "fakes" end pre. felt it hard to part. As he looked over Ada McKay, Wallee Black, Jenny Fra- te..iiers he had to take a wide scope in the pews. thoughts nf the past came up see, Allen McLean, welts Eiliett, Gee before him. The jays aid the serrows Addisen. -Total 34. his aldress te the creed, aid wandered from Canateee mete/Lai teettmeet to the he had shared were not fun:earn. He ____ salvation army, polities, the Scott act, had rejoiced %kith those who rejoiced, he Gates III -Mies BLUR. and lea tont personal experience. He had wept wtih those who had wept. The carried a plaster phrenolegical east, and Position DI ths ministry, he went on te Laura Acheson, Carrie Smith, Minnie endeavored to give himself the air of • say. was one of the meet respensiele e: Aetesen. Kea Relph, Chas Sharma., We have uo heeitatien in deneme earth. During the past few years lie Annie McIver, Amelia Kirkpatrick, Jag had been acting according to the beet of LaEvrinaerezttmothtt.c jKnonsio orana, t,Mairtrus. natio% the "Professor" • first-class hum- his ability to bring in, and edify and ilit ni te' I riewl la: bug. build up, and that night the responsible nie Downing, Fmnk Crabb, Roes= Aegis Miller. Horace Fulford. Dieu is lezvsoe --We c!ip the foe ity *centre te press very heavily upen McIver, Mary Keag, Willie Me lowing reeerding the demise ef a former him. What rendered it on one way Joeie Old. Grace Bell, Kato C!,)ntligk resident of Gielerich, feint the Reno, an easier, yet in another way a harder, Berton McSween, Godfrey Hamlin, Jae Nevada, andl. 4 June 24th :-"News thing to part, was that they were not Coats, David Stoddard, Reht Tait, Ma death of Winisni Wootriiii. %t Truckee, easier, because Dr. 1-1. remained behind left without an undershepherd. It was Barrie, .1 om Hell, Willie Munroe, Jac reached Renu Jesterday of the sudden • to minister to the wants ef the flock. It Melehersen, Letitia Scebie, Chas RAW Chas Weatherald, Emily Curran, Roth The deceased was aged thiety-eight years. was harder, because Dr. Ure. with whom Andrews. Minnie C•theart, John 0 He earns te "rood' &bete: twenty years he had been associated for many years Stewart. Sera Ellarti.- Total 40. pley of Wells -Fargo as en exertela Ines - ago, and for ate eral yeses was in the an- haa proved a model colleague and friend. Had he to seek hie equal LA A helper and --- anger, but for the past few years he has eland, the speaker would not know OltkIJE IV-Meiri WAISOW. been a member of the sportine fraterne where to look fer hen. Between the Carrie See:miller. Clara Smith, Bite* . ty. Up to • short eine ago he made his Dr. and himself, the first shetiow of a Graham, Nina Strachan FIGht Williall, beadquarter• at the Palace hotel, iu this difference hail never arisen. Iti closing May Wean), Ella Carl: Ned Ganser, place, and his frank, minimum' and eenial elr. Turnbull said : If on earth we all Claude Menrue, Alfred elected, Liseie manner wen hint a host of friends. who are not permitted to e ;ant meet, may we Spence, Florence Ball, Minnie Hillier, will regret to learn of his sudden taking- meet in haven, to gatlser at Gotis nglit Louisa Hopper, Nettie Meet. ABes off. His illness was of but short dues- hand where His Bock shall never be Addison, Frank Vaitatter,Harry Videos, tion. He was attacked with the fatal parted. but where we shall dwell forever mimeo cempeee, Bettie Evens, Kees at 11 o'clock Sunday night Billy efood- and ever. The speaker was much affected t.e Bella Dunn, Mamie Primer, Chas Lee, Baker, Susie St:ashen, Nellie 111cKensisi, disease at 7 u'clock in the morning, and liff was a corpse. His brother, wbo is wards the close ef his edam's. Catherine Morrison". Dora May, Pear engaged in the drug business in Vinrinia The arvice closed by the sin:fillif of McEiran, Harry Rutsen, Angus Motel - City, passed threugh last night to attend the hymn, -Blest be the Tie that son, Jno Elwood, Maggie Walton, Chris - Binds." which was aline bY the eungreele tie McDonald. Bert gatith, Jessie Onde the funeral." Tua CernoLle PICNIC. -The picnic teen with much tooling. gift, Albert Reid, Mamie Blaok, WI* under the auspices of St. Peter's church, Goderich, was held at Bingham's inure At A tueeting of Session, the following on Wednesday, the 9th inst. • The day resolution was unaninionsly pissed :- Gotta' V-Mmit HAWKISH. was pleasantly cool, and although at one Moved by J. R. eliller. seconded by time the inderastions were of rain, yet the Jas. elitcheil, that the Session. in Chile .4eeltiniller. Role &rang, Willie iampness held up and a tine day was the parting with the Rev. J. A. Turn - Henry Bridget, Donald McLeod, 0 result. The picnic was etninently auc- bull, who tuts for the past three years Willie McLean, Annie ' cessful in point of attendance. and the been one of the pastier* of this church, Naftel, various devices nnder the management resolve to place, and hereby do place, on Ell" McIver, Ciirrie P"*"•.. BaS ' Knight, Mary Plater, Emily Bochammi, of the ladies, for raising money were recordem expression ..f their high esteem Density Raul, John Sowerby, Renal well patronized. The tale°. were well for hen as a faithful minister of the ms- Videan, Chas Garrow, Willie Cline, served during the day, and a capital pel, and their war.n efface'''. for hilll &I Annie Carl, Bella Elha, Lizzie Fide* meal could be had at all hours. Amongst • brother beloved in the Lord. They Eve Melva, Jessie Statue, Ruth Wil - the clergymen present were : -Rev. 1 reeognize the fidelity ead effreency with hams, Arthur Brown, Hugh Bain, Ey Mr. Murray, a se, stieheole cone", I which he has discharged his pastoral Black, (lever Whitely. Jno Noble,Willie Toronto ; Rev. blears. McEvoy. Hodg- duties, and the courtesy, kindliness of Coutts. Maggie MoVicar, Sarah ,Viise, kingbolt, O'Connor. Shea, totfother with the resident miter end his asinstanL spirit and wisdom that have marked his conduct as member of this teeasion and as Mete Wadoell. Annie Bates.Beirta CosS# Frank Lawrence, Gas McViou. ', The fiag was won by the friends of Jewell one of its Moderators. Regretting his %leen, Jae McMath, Amateur While. Bailey. mr. oteeptee „etateee the per. departure from them, they unite in pray - Arthur Mow', Cleo Crabb,Oordon trait of Rev. Fr. Lotz. and Peter Fox i _ng that he may be long spared to do Emma Scobie, Jennie Hale, Jennie bliNr.. was succoodul in getting the large picture effective service in tinnging many free" Mice Sandem -Total 49. of Rev. Fr. %Venom Although tbe re- darkness to light, and in building up the oeipts were not as hairy as last year still peeple of God in bellows& and comfort, _ the management has no reason to coin- in the new sphere of labor to which he te ZA DS VI- Mani tillaktiAll. plan. Rev Fr. Walters takes this it has been called. Arthur Name Geo Crewman, Rag portunite of rentraing his sincere than Kedah., Nellie Aitken, Geo Weatherald, to the ladies and gentlemen who by . rivabytory Ihstra. Robt Bridget, Thomas Bates, Maw Spreule. Minnie leammiller, Martha exertion, gifts and attendance contribut- ' - ed to the success of the picnic. At the mooting of tlee Presbytery on Andrews, Sarah Buchanan. ' Lies* _____ Tuesday last Rev. A. McGillivray, pastor Buchauati, Rachel Healey, WalterVitilsk MARINE NEWS. Dews. of Interest to the Mays who Flaw the of the Gaelic congregation. tendered his Annie Struthers, Christie MoDonali, resignation on the grounds ie ill health Emily MaDuug•ll, Emily Murray, peter and inadequate salary. A committee IKcPhail,R,bt Armstrong, Lewis Adams, eewsisting of Rev. Mr. Maod..ti•Id and gs „n Armstrong, Mary !.Sward, 1311• D D. Wilsnn, at Seaforth, was appoint- Strachan, Tomas 13.1.6, Edith Iflwedi. ed to confer with the oongregation and Willis Batm, Lucy Cattle, report at the next rneot,ng e4 Presbytery Fraser, Frank McLain, (heti* to be bald at Clinton on the second Frank Wright. James Johnston: Tuesday in Sept. Graham, Kate Russell, °recto J The congregation of Knox church here Jun McIntosh. Arthur Rebmann, Ads die/. Ueclinedrea tar but all•e•ked thc.sileae Pgue resto bytery k, ltd Rev. Naftel, Peter Kedalie, Reese Breehu * confirm a decision arrived at by the ridge, To►v.tl Yule.--Trttal 4Y. 87. Axouw'a Watts-Mtas Hama Veeon•I Bonk to Third Rask --J Cnigie, Malcolm CampMtl, Maggie Fret' Stokes, Fred Hunt. Lizzie Ssgar Vidan, Harter Robertano, L11ql Huckster, Rachel McMween, Bee Rain, )[eta Elliott, lava Suetb, TM The Detroit Free Press of Friday last in parting with Rev. .1. A. Turn- Watson. i;euegiaa Chiseld, AIM stated that the owner of the steamer hull, for tie last three years one of the Pries, Sonet Dicks.m. Manitoba have decided that it is cheaper I pasters of Kens church Godench. and to take the steamer to the Kpnngwells ,the enngregati,n* of L..burn and Union yr. Ihsiu 4 W ern-Mgru1 Oar.pwf beneyard than t•• let her lay in the De- 1 church, Gederich township, desire t, el ,, J?a% to 77tiod /fo,,ek-Pturttr tree dry -lock until they Dene to a set- I Saco, and d-, hereby place len record an Clement with theunder'writ.rs. The tug aoptoeston of their high atom, for him rooter, Etizs Wyatt, FLwy Nmitb r ho McKinnon towed her to the boneyard as • faithful and successful minister of IO* Hall, R.rht Thump.<;n, Willi. last week. the gospel, and ss one who h•s minister ed tori, Nellie Crahh, Willie Fraser, AIMS It is denied that the linked Empire himself too kis brethren in this Presby - has made the fastest time of any boat on tory. for the highly effective manner in M•lodm Nicholaon, Jennie Wltsuta. the round trip to Duluth. Capt. Syms which he has ever daeharged his duties dabs that while on the Manitoba he as a member of this court. The Presby- NT. PevaI a . weer, _mew ano road. the mond trip,and melee at all the tory, while deeply regretting his loss, ve„rn f P „tet 1,. 7'z:;rri fe.oh -1 Mamas/no Fred D.,wnitig,Jwo Mi lien Buchman, Herbert Ouok, W Rnherterm, Ju Dunn, Barry MeK John Old. Clement Pseningtos, tltoddart, Morley Campbell, Grant, Eddie Mailman'', Alen Clans Sharma•, Nellie Weston, Mauro., Moreno* R.bi..* Pent ingtro. Add.. MB, Gnhon. a.ersilV.r north abort. ports -making en additional follow him t.e his now 4.1.1 .d labor with 900 mil.. -in 7 days and 6 hours. The *.►neat wishes and prayers for his eon Iles% ip4re on the down trip only makes I tingled somas. in the halter'. work. two calls, while tke other heats make eaves or eight additi Incl calk, making A Guelph youth came.' FinessesClodwars diseaseof .renin 900 miles, 1 a cartridge shell with powder and ignW with gory difMaitporta to (rover. the fuse attach«t to the charge. As the cartridge did not explode he those° edTvillage, about eight milos wast the light nad Rona oat and picked it ep iss, waastroek by • viedeo% bar- tc sea While look mg .%might tato the bat Friday evestasIt did great bele tie cartridge was discharged. the B *a.'. wte Wee des d eMsMr111s (edging it kis fain anti t1FN. A few Mis.M am 440"1.e... A gtreM *say people fie ire he has been eneopletely Waded /rgeew w .r evtl11eerviak tarsi V the Whet, which ..snt. ub! the 11rteideit. end it is adobes' if he A" Mimi'. wsemi, w