The Huron Signal, 1884-6-20, Page 1,r-
t M :t.N L Y AN (&D` '!c -
Haw AdvemIYetrewts This west.
ilfl1awierrtea-- A. Gerrard.
parass for bale A. M. Stank.
Earley Horse John Achews.
nese, rams, reels C. A. Nairn.
Sherif. Sale of lands -Itchen ulbbsas.
Servant Old Wasted O. P. Moatsemerl.
1. Dentist. OMand retaliator.
1 door. below Malik if Montreal.
the People's Column.
SJ suitable girl can amu-"• a good situation.
with highest wages oe appdiatatlen to U. P.
MONTGOM>•:lt\, con. & uudericb township.
The first strawberries of the season in
this vicinity were picked by A. Gerrard
r,- ,.A elders atnaae ye. stne metes o► the 10th inst. W e had a handful
An' faith he'llpreat it.' from hit. picked • • few days later. The
picking has been later than usual this
TOWX TOMOS. year. -
CHEAT' RAUL -11111
o faLn:ver-
the Allan Line fro.pool.
pool. Londonderry, Glasgow, Belfast,
Queenstown, Bristol or Cardiff is f)^o. 3.35.
This is placing • trip to Europe within
reach of all.
V. have beep favored by A. MoD.
Allan with a bound copy of the "Report
of the Octan., Fruit (:rowers' Associa-
tion. It is a most instructive work, and
should be in the hands of all who take
an 'unrest in fruit culture.
The Stratford Herd., says :-The
Hume Met orial church ezcurslon to
Goderich takes place nest Tuesday, leav-
ing Stratford at 8 a.m., and returning at
8 p.111 Tickets 150.., children half price.
We may look out for a big crowd.
The Megan -Addison wedding on Wed
neaday was private, although a large
number of vuests were present. Rev.
J. A. Turnbull officiated. The presents
were beautiful. The happy pair have
the *o.od wishes of a large circle of
.L lye premises of subscriber en the night
of _Saturday. June lith. $ black hone. with
El white Mout on *ace. Information lead -
to lis reeoceerryy will be suitably reba• 01.
HN ACHESON. Uoderlch.
V J. V areoe's and =tmkb's Hill. ou Thurs-
day Mot. as overcoat. The owner can have *t
by callingtitis oalre. procieg pIopertl'„ai d
puss c
STRAWBEKRiES! }Int picking on
loth June. Order early Iron A. Gblttt.ottD.
Planta cheap. of any kind you want. this fall.
from Gerrard', garden.
VtTOOD WANTED -200 ro 300 cottas
at wee& for which cask will be paId on
deliv amply to NORTH Aali:ItlCA
M.y linb. affil. totSot
ie prepared to pasture stock at the Falls
usand acrm
Reserve. Lure are lead. Price f hyearlings •3c
of good past
per month : " year olds and upwards. 91 per
month. Apply to SAMUEL PLATT. Ueda,
rich. 13154t
Rollers and Iron Harrows, wilt be sold
cneapatthe Uoderich Foundry. The Beatty
P.eaper and all repains for the same ago also
procured trout the t:oderich }'cured. or en
lratloa by mail to 1L Sk:EGMILLk:lt.
ch. Out. 1914.0
1s still ready to .lo any work in his line at
:moderate prices.
Lime. Bricks. Fireerteks. and other Building
Material kept on hand for :sale.
Ooderich, Marco ieih. Pei. lEttrf:n
Ask for the 'llulid Comfort- •r "011vette'
The aerarlums ea the square are bloomiag
prettily just raw'. and the suits made bp 1'.
A. ia look
aLneat and stylish. They aim
to give
Carr Novae. The volunteers were photo-
graphed by Sallow. before they left. The
proof shows a good plate, and the boys should
get copies at the reasonable rate offered.
Ituproesemats are the order o the day. and
that is the reason U. 11. Robson is always on
the look out for the newest wrinkle in the art
of phetarwpb'• His pictures show that he
keep his eyes open.
Of course the pr00esaloe of events moves
aleog with luold regularity. but right u at
the front in the liquor trade will be found al-
ways, W. 1. Horton. whose place of business
le In the Albion block.
Daring the warn season the absurdity of
reset ingo•e•elt with the old fashioned .wok -
lag stereo la easily demonstrated. Such be-
ing the case, Saunders d• Sun bate on Isle the
latest and best styles of nil stores. ,st all
prices. The cbeapeet house under the sun.
H. E. Rothwell left for Galt on Mon•
Wm. Robinson left for Sand Beach en
The first half of June was the driest
known for years.
"Bob.' Logan is now in business for
himself in Buffalo.
John Elliott, late of Smith's bakery,
has gene tt, Detroit.
Miss Lizzie Dickson is at London pur
suing her studies in art.
Dr. Whitely has resumed from a few
days' visit to Brantford.
Tremendous heat of atm.wphere nn
Tuesday, but cool evening.
Mrs. W. H. Ridley has returned (rem
her visit to friends in Paris.
Rev. Dr. Ure returned on Tuesday
last, fens the meeting of Presbytery.
Rec. J. A. Turnbull will preach his
farewell ..rui„n on Sunday, Lith of July.
Mr. Johnson, ef A. E. McGregor do
Co., Port Arthur,was in town this week.
Mr. Bone, of Stratford, is engineer en
the G. T. R. is the place of the late W.
His Honer Jades Deyle presided at
the Perth Quarter Semen* at etratlord
last week. •
Miss Maud Marlton left un the United
Empire last Saturday for her deme in
J. T. llitchell, of the Wingham
Viiktt#.aocump*nied the excursionists oa
ed motley.
Mrs. Croft and daughter left for Lon-
don on Tuesday, where they will hen -
after reside.
Monday was the hottest day of the
teseu11. The thermometer reached 82'
in the shade.
A White Marble Foustain. heavily Wee
plated. with tweets/fee cylinder*, syrup rasa,
pipsm sad every requisite complete for the
running of Ilse sante, will be otrered of a bar-
rel II
For further particulars call at K. BINO-
HAr:'S. where 1* .en tie cess. sad every la -
for, tie•igiten.
Go lerieb. J eta and. IM1. 19111.2
. the Cosaty of Hares. `Wes attended
In any part of the County. Address orders to
T ION Kelt and Land Valuator. Ooderieh.
Out. }taring had considerable experience ha
the auctloueering trade. he Is in • position to
dtecharge with thorough satisfaction all com-
missions entrusted to him. Orders left at
Martin's Hetet, or sent by mail to my address,
Oederld P. 0.. carefully attended to JOHN
KNOX Oman Auctioneer. ewer
For Sale or to' Let.
JrL' 9. first con vermes. tewtrhipd6eierteh.
two beautiful tarns edjoinsnng . le
MI macros; about 21 miles tress
Lake Hares ; well watered. A.
Landon. Oat.
house. comtalnln: m4
with • quartersere galea Yet arta trait
trees 1t is situated on St. Davld'..ttmst ate
greatest M the pears, sed w M smell es
rrlaomabte terms. For
mash b
D. HOLMES, corner East anti t►%taie
street. 11171*
Alex. Henderson, of Saltford, sold five
baskets of tine strawberries in town on
Monday last.
Loftus Dancey has been up on business
a few days this week. riederth appears
t, agree with him. -
A eemmodloos kers w Pales.rstea
street eanttrinlwg alz nom, site two pas-
trami, is on sale or for rest. Tkere is a
garden and orchard is essmsetles. ani the
house is comfortable and ooavemleat. roe
particntars WO` to L 1t. W ATilON,
palate,. 1917.11
fIR. PATRICK'S WARD Sceont. Pte nc. playing with the latter club was%weot- the Lackawanna rnad. After the mare-
-The teachers and pupils of St. Pat- ed with a handsome gold medal for being sway an elegant weliee supper was
rick'. ward wheel held s inst sueeesafu1 the best general player in the club. He partaken .1 by the ;nests and a meet
picnic on the afternoon of Wednesday. [ is a fast runner, a clover dodger, a sun happy and enjoyable time wag had by
The grounds, • beautiful strip just below shot on goal, and can play in any puri- those fortunate enough to be present
the station, bordered on the river, and tion un the team. He is at present en• The lumpy pair were followed by tilted
gagd in the laundry business in this ' wishes enough to have loaded a whole
city, corner of Michigan avenue and railroad train."
Cass street. McDougal t"Bunt") is the LACROSSE MATCH.
Wait of the teem, and a crack
player. ale. halls front Ooderich, Ont.•ea ... Lederlel The /arms wes
e s one .•f last mason wenben of the Three Maeloat yrs
Menet club and plays • fine game. He is
the water being %hallow at that point
ensured the safety of the children, while
affording there much enjoyment.
Swings, races ani games were all heartily
engaged in ; and last, but not least, a
most inviting spread, which brought the
happy event to a close.
"The Duff•rin Rides," of Brantford,
we understand, purpose getting up an
•zcuraton from that city to Godench
during the early part of August. The is 300 strong. with a brass and
a bugle band. It is believed some 1,500
or 2.000 visitors will take part in the
ezcursion,and should they see tit W make
Goderich their point of attraction they
can rest assured of every consideration
and kindness at the hauds of our resi-
dents. To our tnends in Brareford a•
would say, "Don't hesitate, but corns
right along."
The celebration of Corpus Christi at
Si Peter's was very Impressive. The
choir sang well, and after nous, during
benediction, 24 little girls .tressed in
white. with wreaths and veils, and the
A Bible, a piece of paper and a pencil .acolytes bearing the cross, and lighted
will be found helpful to persona attend- tapers, marched from the a%tar through
ing the S S. Institute meeting next the different aisles, escorting the sym-
week. Don't miss the opening meeting
on Wednesday evening, in North street
Methodist church. Mr. McEwen is an
able and gifted S S worker
belie ('crpus Christi, carried by the
priest. eight of the little girls carried
baskets of pink, yellow and blue. filled
with flowers, which they threw before
said to be a good dodger, a splendid
check, and threw. well un goal. Mr.
Mc[h,ugal is at present employed in
Brads street office, board of trade build-
No. 1 company, 33rd Batt., Goderich
light infantry, left town by the noon
train under conttuand of Capt. Miller
and Lieut. Rees. The company was 40
stroug, and had in it a tair repre.enta-
tion of heart•sn:ashing young blades who
will make the scarlet fever rage amongst
the fair ince of London. On their re•
turn home we expert to have a repeti-
tion of mover's rollicking ditty :
Sure its thin the ladies fair.
In despair. tear their hair.
Hut the divil • bit I rare.
Say. the bowid roger boy. yellow the letter "H." The Hurons
Poe there's not a street we manero
the wale a most decided centree to thew
The ladies lookin' arch *aro' audtly drowsed rivals
The window -pane, will march ,bro' 1 -
Tbe ranks to find their joy. 1 The Godench team were eery tardy is
The first lacrosse match of the season
was played by the Hurons, of Goderich,
with the Woodstock club. There was a
fair attendance of spectators, considering
the short notice given. The day wee a
het wee, and the games while they lasted
were equally hot.
The Beavers had a brilliant tield uni-
form of bright red guernseys and draw-
ers. with black velvet trunks. The
snits were all new, and u they dotted
the field the scene was a picturesque
The home club were also in a new
uniform of navy blue, the trousers were
short, and of serge. On the guernsey -
was worked in white bordered with
Fwhin ur the street. getting on the ground. the visitors being
Itiach gir lou meet, j on hand half -an -hour before the
A ill look sodye nd car " My. eye." I Hurons were ready for buainees. It wan
0.1 isn't Le the dune' t u the ball w faced for the
The bowl0 sager boy.'
4:10 before ail
"IxxL:aa\T CRttt,aEs. "-Mr. John 1 int game. This shilly-shallying is not
A woman twashe north
steeling a Ker- the hest while the choir sari,; the hymn T. Middlenum the founder °f the Or- 1 right. The real hour for starting the
animal from the north west corner of the " 1 ange Lingua." Father Lotz preach- , ;ane should be edvertieed, and the hall
awrtleuse during the week. The thief ed • sermon at Valerie phar Children's Emigration Charity, should be started promptly. An hoer
is Known, and were it not for the clew- SELF .l1A .r MLN -.\mong the per. London, fiat., left Liverpowl on the 12t.* I or s, 111 the aftern.o..n is taw valuable to
th ort
eocy of the town auth.ntiea, sae would
be now languishing in jail, as a warning
to other persons dishonestly disposed.
The cemmen scbuol examinations will
begin as Monday nest, and will be super-
intended throughout by A. Embury, the
principal of the central school. We
understand Mr. Embury intends to
introduce into the schools a system of
uniformity in teaching which does not
obtain at present.
Matches have been arrested between
Bailey's "Roan Cloud, et Gndench, and
G. Whiteley's "General Garfield,'' of
Swfurth, and the nso.ssary deposits
have been made. The first race will
take place at S.*forth on the 10th of
Sept, and the second race will be held
en :: derich track on the lith of Sept.
The balance of the stakes will be placed
one month before the time of the first
The second annual excursion of the
schools of London. and Landon and
sonal mention made recently ea the 1Dst i't tote .. h. Pr" -•sun, wt a p' 7 . maul to be frittered away in watcher(
Toronto U'ur;d we clip the following. of 50 girls and 1(0 boys between the an idle Geld in a glaring urn.
regarding two gentleueen who hare taken ages of 3 and 15 years, who are brought waon iu c eootcnicw
out to this country for adoption or here.
high rank amort the meat honored ANewtna Goal Perry.chiefly. .along farmers They are ex- w.•. A. wh;tc.
Point 1,icF'billiea
peete.f to arrive at the Guthrie Home, 1 B. J. Hae. (:over point D.0. Cameral.
near London. o0 sr anout the 25th inst. OHeOt'.la tee• )• Defence - Roiineon
This will be Mr. Iliddiemore s 12th an- J. T. McUackle ) 1 Hutchison.
awl visit to these shores with juvenile A. Laidlaw. Centre McGuire.
emigrants from Birmt:,oham, England H• Tette•, k Heid f H a ererwa
H. Fenn.
since 1872. Already ri..tny applications W McKay. ) Graham.
scion mid with read refereuces have ll J 110051. Home Best.
l'a g J. McAllan,Home 3Ilard.
been made for the children expected to Umpire R. S. Williams
arrive, but more are required. Further -Lc. Thrs'e. Referee -
welt:elan may be obtained by address- McGuire and Laidlaw, faced the ball
ing Mr. H. Gibbons. manager of the at 4.20. For a few minutes the rubber
Guthrie Home, London, Ont. bounced lively from gaol to goal, until
by a lucky throw Ltidlaw sent it
through the Huron's dsgs. Time five
minutes - argon=
The play during the first game was not
at all one -aided, and the friends of the
home team did not lose heart.
The seconl game was well contested,
although the visitors for ed the fiehtixyl
from the first. The Goderich defers
had a live time of it. Time and agaia
the reds dashed in • body upon the
flags of the dark blues, where Ellard was
now stationed, but as often the rub-
ber came bouncing .tut of the crowd. a1 -
though never getting near the other
flags The N °octateek boys played more
in unity, and seethed to understand one
another. Our boys did some brilliant
play, but they did not work in concert,
and evinced lack of practice. After
some 20 minutes of severe work, the bell
was shot through the Goderich gaol by
The third jams was a repetition of the
others. The home club was plainly over-
matched by their morn practiced °pros
ents, and at the end of 8 minutes Mc-
Callum had the ball where the Wood -
stack boys waited it.
The lessor the Hurons should take
from the match of Friday is that hard
practice alone will enable them to keep
urea their reputation es • =odd club. It is
no disgrace to hes beaten by so figs a
teem as the Woodstocks proved to Doti
North street church lecture -room with an The visitors played • splendid game, and
address on "Lessons from the recent on both aides there wan an absence 1
International 8. S. Convention at Louis- the rough play that t.., often marks a
Title,- aid alt Thursd*y and Friday be inatoh .and too often m We the victims.)
will hold two meetings daily, from 4 t,,, The field acted like gentlemen playing
from 5:30 p.m., and fro8 to 9.30 p.m. in against gentlemen, and we trust our bays
the other churches. The subject chosen will yet he able to reverse the deft of
for Thnrstay and Friday are : "The Friday.
Te.icher's Text Flo )k and How to U•e
it," and ' The Teachers Werk Before Tee Many fen • ',envoi.
his Class anti How te do it." Collections Little Nell - Mammt 41*v* ire it atraw-
will be taken up at the evening meetings horny. Ain't it big 1
We hope that the able secretary will he ; Utile Jack -She gave TO one ton.
we'.1 reoe,ved by the levee, of a sine°• , Here it is- It's jest IS bre as yours.
ministers in Canada: - -Rev. Dr. Williams,
the new president .,f the Niagara Con-
ference, was. a number of years ago, a
tailor at Welton, Ont. Rev. Dr. ['re, of
Goderich, a leading Presbyterian divine,
served an apprehticeship as blacksmith
in McQueeten's foundry, Hamilton,
many years ago. There is encourage -
meet in the above for every lad who has
a desire to improve his upportunitiee.
AV LD Stmu'a Geetes. -We notice that
J. D. Stewart, the popular commercial
man of Hannigan and hard of the Luck- R C. Pt. rice -The annuli picnic un-
worked with untiring zeal to further the church, Goderich, will Its held at Bmg.
success cf Caledonian games in this !wall ham's gruve, on Wednesday, July 9th.
for • great many years pest, has promis-
ed The Lidos'are already taking a lively fin -
to aid the people of Stratford in as - The
in the work of organization, awl
Ther hing, similar games in that town, at the preliminary meeting held hy the
There i got the least Foartide of doubt dies .on Monday, Mrs. It, S. Chilton
d he
Lobe townshi will be held at Code flat d J. D. takes bol oft eaterpriwe was s inted, with an efficient
Code -
rich, on Friday, 20th inst. A special with the same vim that be games displayed staff saststatnb to std her in making
train will be run from Hyde Park, leer- to connect.nn with the herr. the the picnic a success Mr. David Curry
ing there ct 7 a m., gad arriving at Caled.mun gathering in Stretford will foe p
s■ un nalined success J. D. is a true hes also been et.' sol president, sod it
Goderich at 9.10. tteturninq it will Sc,tcbnan.-{Lt)cknuw Sentinel. will be his duty t•• see that the gentle -
leave G.odench at 6 p.m. The commit- men will not be behind hand in the work
tee are Mews J. C. Robson, J. J. THE Loan's Aetxv.-There were some which has been allotted to them. The
Rapp, W. E. Kerr and other teachers- very intereetinq meetings during the feature this year will be the voting .of a
[London Free Press.
week., on Sunday and Monday night handsome _union Jack" t., the neat
A bicycle collision occurred on the particularly. The Bible reading 011 ,pular hotel -Beeper sit eowu. The fel-
square °n Saturday evening, Dern¢ to the Tuesday was poorly attended, and was ',,wing c,ttectors have been eplessnted :
net enerall taken part in by those For Hallett -Miss Fox and Mullin.
Goderieb town-Mtmes Mctlrezor, L.
Shannon. A. Doyle, and Symmes. Col-
borne --Misses Lacy and Hogan. God*-
. of Montreal, was snminari y nes -ich townshi-Misw.. McIntosh and
dismounted and his machine lost a speaking and singing never flagged. A Tighe.
number .1 spokes. The whine 1. s ar drunken tramp beating a hotel gong en tt Cott `,•Seal. Y.otImre. - Every
sedation is after that Goderich township W as -
Wednesday as the Army prucrsaiou nae- progressive Christian and lover of Bible
farmer, and don't you forget lt. eft ny, was a feature of the evening not
study should attend the meetiars t, he
Au Oddfellows' excursion from Wing- to the credit of those who helped the old held in town next week by Rev. J E.
nnfortumste. it u only what the mem- McEwen, general secretary of the S. 8.
ham. Blyth and other points, numbering bets of the Army say or du themselves Association of Canada. Mr. McEwen
between 300 and 400 arrived in town on that will injure them. is a master hand at Bible exposition,
Ren HOT WEATHER. -The frond ran and is full of information on points
acnes Mnsea t)ata Tuesday night. On interesting to Sunday scho•.l workers
being asked about the weather in the On Wednesday evening he will open in
near future. the sage said -"Up to
June 4:o next, generally speaking, the
weather will he very hot, some .1 the
days Min¢ extremely 50, apyr•iaching
90' is the shade and 1150' m the
sun. This has reference toy the city.
Throughout the province :t will he muoh
Seer or two, will retire on dept 1st, and Ithi hotter. Tho average June temperature
be sttoceeded by his sister who is at 1 same monde ear l.1 the l be higher
two years. Af-
prwent teaching in ht. Andrew's ward !ter the 25th Mnekoka, the Highlands of
school. Goderich. Mr. Henderson and Grey and Northern New York easy loot
his brother purpoes taking a coures I out for frosts. July will b. tine and
in a Michigan medical college They are
!hot, the temperature tieing as high as
two promising young men, plucky and .•f Jaly, 1&(1. That wilt do los fres lues
good character. Mw Henderson is an I cut,•
excellent teacher.and R. S. No 4 is t.. be ' $, u,•It A P. e H aa..'• --Those of O,lr
oougratulated on receiving her services. readers who are indebted to us to
During the past few weeks there have any amount, large or small, will oh -
been several cases of petty thieving in t lite w by settling at once. There
town, and the authorittes are after the , are several hundred dollars on our
honks, in sums ranging from 50c. to $5,
gad the labor and expense in writing
Mrs. Thompson, of Detroit, gine to careless driving of a ledsrich town•htp n g Y
remain with her mother, Mrs. Saunders, firmer named Johr.stun. Geo. Cox wu present. Capt Piper, Lieut. "fickle and
during her last illness. thn,wn and slept spokes were knocked T. Angus say they had • grand time at
Mia Fisher, olio las been *ttendi'g out ..f his wheel. D. Glans, of the the jubilee at Mitchell on Tuesday. The
1 it
aonttnued all night end the
esllege at Brantford, returned home on
Friday last, through illness
Wm. Robertson, of Win,ham, seere-
tary of the East Huron Reform aesocia-
tion, was in town on Wednesday.
Dr. G. N. Ryerson, auriat and oculist,
will be at the Windsor Hotel, Stratford,
atijgdr J 28t1t, 11t Gowning
hif Meares. of the easterly 191 ara., of
Nock "If,'' V the Toy reseeasfon of the tnwn-
.hl of (talbsrws TnMy ace cleared. re
goo -
'minder well timbered. d frame barn.
rood wafer, nice orchard. well fen. ed. shoat
four miles m 1r,Goderich. Terms easy Vie
particulars apply to & CAA11'l(►N,
Barrister, Oodericb. or to ARTHUR H A 1'U H-
RK1, es the premises. 1917 -lot
on >
• tills Wednesday morning, and the members
t*ewe - thereof disported themselves to their
Opt A. E. McGregor, of Port Arthur, hearts content until 5.40 p.m.,when they
kw. bib swan it 011 teen. We ars clewed s to learn that returned to their respective homes. The
li! 4 / wyelMy[ 9it iadispo- excursion party wee accompanied by the
"a•\\'Ingham band of 20 instrument", under
Mrs. Bright and little child, of want_I the leadership ..f Pref. A. H. Kay.which
ort ea, will *peela few seeks in town at made the welkin ring with sweat melody
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mn at intervals during the day.
Mr and Mn. _Archibam °f EKntond- I Thea- Henderson, eh,. has taught in
vine, were thea week the guests of Mr. S- R No 4. 43oderich township far a
and Mrs. Mena*, the parents of Mrs.
The steam engine was .wt on Monday
evening and gave the newly -planted trees
gad shrubs on the square a generous
Mow w earner of good gravel red. Hues
11 sissies. la good impair. +tors Esti, with
stare room, wood aped. staple and 1 acre land.
P.O. sad dally mal!. Terns taay. APply 10
N T. HA l'11 VS. Rbemtwrdtwn. 1Rt,
1 7 on SR1.1. an acres. N eery* cleared awl
free of stomp.: an well Mooed: two wells ;
g sod horn sad shad and ether tmsldings. 1*-
dw.H.q hriek .•Mase hila, with ee!lar fm11
alar Al boons; • splendid or,•hard ; aurae creek
not. across the lea Terms easy A DDI v an
eee'a'•ees, lest It Lake tenon. Road. township
of Collinear. R.T. HA Y NR i. rtbepoard. es.
Marek Milt. 11111. 1tfll.
eel, RALE (la led Cum.. K It. In serve .leer-
ed. tats geV
oal hardwood. A eol *reliant
aselew / p. feidasieto • creek running
setons me awe are essay dralmoi. Teen.
es4. Agaty S. t1 T. HAYNES. Sloppa; shies.
Robt. Fulford, who was struck en the
head with a falling pieta .f wood at the
Harbor mills a few weeks ago, is able to
be around again.
The S. S. institute meetings are 01.
denominational, and parents as well as
teachers and Bible class scholars, should culprits. A ham was recent) taken
attend next week. from the pantry .1 Hon. A. M. Roes ;
Mrs. .1. Y. S. Kirk, of Kincardine, four pots el geraniums from the verandah
suited G.derech, her old home, the. of S MeV. Lloyd ; some small articles
week, and was the geest of her sister, from the premises of John Davison ;
Mrs Thomas Dark. twelve pounds of butter from the cellar
The earkmen .sating the improve- of • lady living on Waterloo street : and
menta on the Harbor mill are now work- other articles from the hisses of other
ing overtime in order to bring the job to persons. If the the guilt persons be
an early completion. caught rigid justice should be meted out
10 them.
The steamer Qnebec, from Lake Supe-
rior porta which reached harbor on Mon- Doutrat* DAT. --The eehebra*it.n on
day, was so heavily laden that she could the 1st of Judy In Goderieh premises to
not ship a few barrels of alt- beg most attractive one. The annoenoe-
The organ recital and concert in Knox means on the mammoth poster recently
ohsl•sh. on Tuesday evening next, prom-
ises to be a musical treat. The bills and
programmes will furnish partioelars.
trine anion !l(nwr.
"bait!" • RI( lir- PRo1'RJRfORR.
"?ors Remo Mum- isms the 'w
bss neem! tome red$.I la every
sad 1• .f gulag estiefse+lss la every
yety1trular Se the ravettter .der.
John Ranaford rejoices in a canoe_ -a
real honk bark canoe and you wouldn't picked m teams frnColborne one (lode of (io.lerich, who dneelarq«I hs duty se ,lay the nn nh.r and ,iehn sm of the wed-
knnw him tram •reel man a'b•dd, reg- rMh m
townships, a dreantic entertain an impartial manner " in • siteecl. otldimt gifts Mr. Stockers high qualities
ter,.mne aborigine- when he 'psddhss ttaent & grand hnle display, and mmlt
the eo,a ..f the elute tfol)nei W • b.smwalso, en, and the eetimaitton in
tin nen twtaoe.' Isar en
e. evt• ,, frill partieelwrs sew ' s,ecura lea *oath, the captain sod which he i• hwM hy his fronds andm
e -
f h• it mastic rn-
study of the Scriptnrm. There
e. ne emend Christian growth apart front
a knowledge of God as reveale 1 • His
A BRILLIANT Weinman. -Under the
shove caption the Buffalo Teferraph °f
Of the CSth iust. has an areetent of the
ainrri•¢e of Mies Clara S.vatte, formerly
i f Luckonw. and sister .1 Mrs. G. N .
and serving or mailing so mtny small lie Berry, of tloslerich. The happy couple
counts is considerable. We would like apwt t • pnrti..n ..f their hnneyw•wm to
t., have all m..ney °well ate paid up he- (rnderich, the attests .1 Mr. and Mrs
fore the end of the first half year. June i Hem. The To-1r.ipA yaws : - '•A
30th. An hnnest man needs only to be etbono,n¢ weediest ce
°ored et 182 West
reminded rd his indebtedness to fay : • Heron street Ise' .reniny, the is
Gttle Nell -Ain't that nice 1 Let's
pretend its • strawberry festival 7
Little Jack -But et don't seem like a
festival '
Little N.11 -Why don't it i
Little Jack --There's to., many snow
It :re ween.•ev'. servo.
Belfast. June 18 - - Earl Spencer thee
frostingttntr,lo.l the (,lueena p.r'tr7rit
%Pence was ...reserved alone the whole
r..ute .1f the 'recess' tat. Inn reaching,
the town hall. Rpeucer was grated with
cheers end grsana In a *porch he dwell.
• ',i' s ill■,n the troubles of Troland, and epee customer meat be donned. and that I Celebrated being theta of Mies ow., A
often . while a PITO* and emend dead }gage. denghter .f John , the mete me prospects of the tenantry.
heat must he pet in court and fared to Lucknoe, Ont , and Hugh the
pay. 1t all depends . a man'. nen ( popular agent of the Delaware. [yak• I
actio¢ what list he will appear in after 1 &wenn,' R Western express company in
Jane 39th. I this city. The en 0111.1Dy was netinnned
(3onwsl. w ATNLirev Anansn.--The! b Rey. G Chapman Jeep... .4 As!tur7
ll ethowl.t church. The heel. waa love-
ly in her moonlight blue setia. sad her
gtletal popularity and the affection with
which she is regsrled by * large erste
'if fransls in Buffalo ensielj wee attegled
printed at this office are nnmer es. and A~rirnn f'fftorfsawni of Detroit, ie in
of great interest, comprising a bicycle eastacies over the satperinr powers of
tournament, Highland chewing and some Goderich boy" who belong/ to the
el=athletic .port• .,f all grades. a lecresse club of that city. It rep..rt% a
snatch, a tug .4 war between game umpired by "AM (' A. Naini,
A twnawa7 en tistnrday wvtttirn. item bills. Arraeg ei rets hare been made emelt player of the masa, hien fel
am pewees was spade mantles I,y
Coe gond .1.34.. and substantial remelt-
_ -.
'. .till e., Mantras] street was rl•1 *hs railway, esesmany to held the Goderich, Ont., where he played
Thome' Stevens has bicycled 1,600
miles from San Frsnoescn to Cheraw,
Wy..ming, anal is " pueblos Ida way eseC
Counterfeiting the paper m3 sewei r
.ether countries is made punishable be
en act which has passed both homes, tiff
0 in tree
At the militia dam,. at London, f•
other day. a luxurious major held • iffy
"had" ..ver Lea heed while 1.e mope*
the picket. Gen.rtl I.OMA left (`axle
tee, eon.
Here is an instance of the awful ort
ky snld at Ktagsta► The other de
.•.n of that site while --' -