The Huron Signal, 1884-5-23, Page 1l
lir. t"11 ver
1 M jtll'1'IM AITE.AR IX Ai:WAR is
Uew edvermeroser • Tit Week.
otios-R. Y. AttrtU.
Woe -Petits Adam's..
WIrs-J•ita A. Mattel.
goad hates -H. Armstrong.
t'baileage Aocwpted-lieu. Whin y.
WantedBritishExchanke Hotel
rigida Fable Hallway -Cha. Driakwater.
tart Mutual Life tae. Co. -- W. A Modena
Deatlst. 0 oe sad reddest*. Went
throe dean below Beak of Montreal,
Che People's Column.
InN SXCHAMOR HOT[L. Cold coins
campste.t person. lit
I'FACTURRRS and others ars notified
to furnish any broods on mss account with -
an order in writing from MRS. ATTIULL.
orders meet be retarsed with the Ulla
iota without orders will not beea1d
May. 1$44 -it
Ceeseil of the Corporation of the Co
Herne will inset fa the (:curt Roma.
owe of Roderick. on Tt ICBDA Y, t
asst. All amounts against the Conn
M t •r of meeting. in before the first eserton
! 17th. Plat. ER ADAMSO i Clerk.
RCM. who has for the past five years
mammal with thedressmakingand
hosinemosedocted MISS MORRIS.
to deform ladies of Ooderlcb, that else
a lar awl mantle estab-
t. over sing ! Weddup'e shoe
where the will be pleased to meet an
friends eat naw customers desiring
.srviess. Geed work sad reasonable
guaranteed. Entrance on the ',mare.
"A oblei'e among ye. labia' .*1e
Aa• faith he'll want 1t."
E. 11:r fishing• will c•.mpet• f..r 1 Trades .ro the leading railways
pri : •s on tow Q's Birthday. As i horaaher carry weather signals in
abets are a Iwr1e t.u..iner of new boats I shape of dieos, t- he attsehetl to the
enkised in the bnsin.•.a it is anticipated gage car or some other part of the tau
th •t th" will ho • lively time. I They will be of three kinds -un, tn.
Mr. Jawissuv, of Rt,..a..d, wu•ta-law riot star. The sun will represent d
Ask ter the '-Stolid Comfort' or -Oliveto- of Mrs. Stitt, was in town during the weather, the moon, luoal'bowers, and
O.d r1.i liar. wruk. H• tried hie hard at tishtnv in t1ne star, wet reacher. The signals wi
The summer stiles et dress for loans mea the riser, but w,u a little eArl) ill the be nursed ••u the m..rnIfig tress Iess•in
the Dial pruchsnt•tiuu postponing the cele -
bath feature of Her Majesty sou birthday until
l _'8th June is published. hut an •semi-
meu nation shows that the 24th of May is •
no statut•.ry Wide', and that oo pn,slansa-
tion am change an Act of Parliament.
1f, therefore, the 28th of June is to be s
g public holiday another proclamation will
t M necessary. The Banking Act de-
- scribes among Bunk holidays "the birth-
day or the day fixed by peoclamation
• for the celebration ef the birthday of
the nigutog sovereign," which renders
the natter more confused. As our
Dominion [lay curies within three days
of the 28th of June it is not likely that
the last-named day will be generally
celebrated en this country. Arrange -
menu for excursions, picnics, etc., on
Saturday nett have goes so far that they
can starcel be abandoned."
CIIILDILILD. -One of the largest aoeem-
blies ..f Sunday school children was that
convened in Knox church on Sunday
afternoon. Three Sunday schools were
represented, Rev. J. Pntchari, of Au-
burn. led in prayer, and brief sddNmes
were given by T. McGillicuddy, W. R.
McKenzie, It. Parker, J. Mitch l/. Capt.
Piper and Iter. T. M. Campbodl. Mos
Fish presided at the *wean. and an
excellent composite choir led in the
hyms. The singing generally eau per-
haps Mho blast cunrregational singit.q
heard in Goderich. Rev. Mr.Camphell's
temperance address was striking and
timely, and the whole affair was counted
one of the best Sunday school gatherings
yet held in town. A good collection wits
taken up which will go toward the fund.
of the Provincial 8. B. Association.
Rev. John McEwen, the able terry
of the Association. is expected in Gode-
rich on the 24th, 25th and 26th of June,
when he will lecture and conduct in sti
tate exercises on 8. 8. work.
Tac PORT FRANK AFvAIk -The news
that John Mostly, jr., of Port Frank,
formerly of Godericb, was sent nil for
trial at the fall swims fur pointing a gun
at a nun, was a surf rise to sumo hero,
but bythe statement given below, from
the Forest ire, Pram, he dose not neem
to have been touch to bleat* :-"There
was quite a sensation crested here on
Monday morning, owing to the report
that there was a warrant out for Mr.
Mosely, of the firm of Wisely ok Wil -
lams, of Port Frank, for pointing a gun
st Dee John Frwel while they were in •
dispate. The facts of the ease as nearly
as they can be learned are that Free!
and some other mu, who work about
thereat works,went in to get their week's
pay from Moony and a dispute arose be-
tween Freed and Mosely sate the amount
coming ti Freeland they both got angry
and had some pretty I.ud words, and at
last Moony orrdoted him out of the office
two or three times rel did not go,
but dill insisted en talking loud and
very. whereupon Moody grabbed an
old gun that was in the office, but did
not cock it, nor does he may he intended
to, but Frost was so much larger than
him that be intended to frighten him
away. Fad started for • warrant and
got to Squire Rey's in the middle of the
night, and int him up and swore out a
warrant for Wooly and had him arrested
Sunday morning. Some of the Port
Frank people feel pretty hard at Squire
Roy about being so hasty in the matter,
as he well knew that Mutely had too
mush money invested in Pert Frank to
run away, and he could be arrseted on
Monday as well as to keep him under
the chary(e of a constable all day Sunday,
and .n Monday morning he refused to
art Mr. Rae or some other old ezperi-
mooed magistrate to sit on the case with
him, but persisted in going on with the
case and deepening of it hintalf, which
he did, by oommittine Mr. Mos.Iy till
Ow next seniles. This is the course they
ay Squire Roy took, but he may give
seine other version of the ease hum/eU."
-•.rte-.^.c. y ,!
ma be learned by calling upon F. R A yell- season for the t.mtlsoa,:ue pickerel. all railway coitus, and it is thuuith
ham, the fashionable tailors. Oa hand. achota they will prose of great service W hon
assortment of roods for summer wear. Jamas H. Saunders, sou ..f James ! y pre
A barge number ofpe nuns arc afraid of the Saud.n, is visiting the ulJ folks at Mouse *n during the season.
verdict of theieg This is mot the cars with atter art shaauc. 01 tea can. He is H. S. L S. -The following programme
R flmlowe Me pioto repher. who b always
y fi P 'g
handiwork' parried by nae of hie Gear ohildrea. L. Society's entertainment last Fridy
wilting to have lodgment pasekl upon his maw settled to Illiuoia H., a wawa_ eras succwdutly carried out at the H, 8
ibm 21lth being • hholiday does not controversy Geo.t
B. Robson. He will have hie
in full blast en that d•'. 10 oblige alingo-
The Court House Square 1s feet a'sneel•r •
neat appearance, and W. L. Hetes, N bs Ic
ba, ntou has lately improved the dent et his
store. where the beet qualities of Iigsose are
sold u reasonable prices.
Ji'eT Itw•xnvxD..-A variety of oil cooking
stoves, which 1 will guarantee. The Victory.
with its extrusion top ; the Dietz Tubular Hot
Blast ; also the Summer wen. Prices tract up to ire. Four different kinds of coal
oil i• stock. O. N. DAV, .
The weather Y getting warm, and hcasl
keepers will study comfort and eoonemy, or
ea. of the annual statement will take lace
Ictor!' and "koosumist." Any oil stove p
made la C+sada. peuaer*d o• shorewt nobles. HANKIE,. AND LAW TRIGS vis, Tow.r.-
Mt>Ir'd The cheapest boom seder the sun.
tiztnordlwr TalaelawaUpap,ratlssrlde A game of cricket will be played on the
of book sten. pound near the railway track on Sate: -
Wall papas at Se per Ml
A1* lanae. ---We will send Tse Ste -
SAL for the rematioler of 1884 to any ad-
dress in Canada or the United States,
postpaid, for 7iyc. Subecril.s at ,roes,
sod get the full bonettt of this otter.
The 33rd, Huron. BAttalto,n Rifle
Association will hold tbeir annual snatch
in SeaIerth, un Tuesday, May 27th.
Liberal prizes will be offered, including
Dominion and Ontario R. A. medals.
evening : ti ,ug. Mr. Seaborne ; read-
ing, Mins Murrey : rocitation, Miss Wig-
gins ; reading, Mr. Carroll. Debite-
Rer,lved •'that liquor has caused nonny
misery than war." Affirmative, Meana
McBrieu and Turnbull: negai ire, Messrs.
Seaborne and Allen. The judges,
Miss Oliver and Messrs. Hogarth and
Keys, decided unanimously in favor .f
the negative.
The annuli meeting of the Goderic'i emoonOjust at Inc IN ct'ose of theSun-
Mechanic'sInstitute and Library Arno- day school mass meetiare, a young girl
on Jas. asunder. & eon, and pnrcbar when the election of °dicers and reading
m their coal oil stoves• the
cation will be held to -night at 8 p.m.,
named Etta aged about fourteen
yeses, faintedd he had been sitting in
a place where the warn, afternoon sun-
shine was pouring through the window,
and succumbed too the influence of that
and the heat of the cr..w(ied building.
Restorative* were immediately applied,
and she soon revived sufficiently to be
taken home. She was quite weak for •
few drys. but is now sining strength
Winnipeg tiuns•ys :-The testimonial to
J. A. Miller, a very popular member uf
the city polio force, on the oeao.iou of
his marriage, consists of a very hand-
some silver tet servic-. The tray bears
the following inscription : "Presented to
Mrs. J. A. Miller as a wedding gift by
the chief and members of the Winnipeg
Police Force, May 5, 1884." The sevice
. HalleJ hotel keeper of Roderbb. c1a1-
M through Mr. Livingstone of Blyth.
sty Clear Orli e,anlon. 'Garfield."
horse 'Roan Cloud." ter 100 a
hereby accept the c
condltieis. viz : That
plane on ' Fairview Park.` Ilea.
h September teat. seemlier
and that the race be trotted la ao-
wtth the Nstioral Rides. I will b.
M meet Mr. Bailey. for the purpose
akreeest. and completing art
o* Monday aftetrt.on. May 11.
John." Royal Hotel. Seattoeth. -Come
bN hooabover
ds new
to rse " Roanclo "
• I roar fall stater a[Gaelsld" ear the ease
T. sad will be pseparsd to omelette ar-
ts same uses_ and ppllaaccee as above
Se•forth. 1144 -It
seat wonsaus examination win be
en T1 ay and Irrldiq July 3rd trod kb.
Mates may writs u lericisor Exeter.
t must notify either the Head Master, or
p . Man an the tet d June.
ANG E. A..wHead Ks.Mr. umid to writs 8I.
Coit of Revision tier the Iowa of Ord*.
h. oda M bald la Mir town hall. oar Wednes
ilea dui' d 01 May 11111. at 10 o'clock a.
An pa flee tnterseted, are hereby notified
.e.4. WM. CAMP'BBLL. town clerk.
G.mteh- Mag 13th.est. 1113.11
The hen been appeMbtedw agent
010111 Njpii•b one
y aroieR
s1esYLe tar year g there
*1 wag's yeses min are brought here
emigrants, are from seventeen to twenty -
vs planters/ie. Part les want in, mach, gas
et all ialermmion ?rem JORN BUT rt.;
et Dest toa Line of Steamships. Gods
Rollers sad iron Harrows, will be mid
begat the Oderiels Foundry. The Bep
ewe sad all repair* Mb
for it some aids
meowed float sd toGoderich.S OMILI en
odict4 _kl mad to H. efll0lilH t.ltR
The ttders has sixty Smarms of bees
smtogether w th Iamb e <for mtdtile a sl hons, also bine
se MIDIins pound boom nese*411
Innen by furnishing approved notes. Please
order at oboe.CHARLICSMCPREE.C w
15 still ready
ready to do any work la his line at
1LweSoaks Fleks, ad other Banding
Material kept ce hand for !gate.
Aeidseiei Msneb 11th int 11111 -em
Loans anb insurance.
6 Mxl DM sow.
Sprtoolo KAGGSR t LZW IA.
Ooderleb. April 1711,. 1194. 11111
*110,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
-lob. MTM.
seoa Ged freehold y 1/7baet toGee. ewa
west mamma a Private Air invetma.met
tie OW iea t PROD A
so Feria end Tetra Prepert, M lowest Is --
teems Ill me erm Pieioee°wz' (=t:
r na.,te s "iii"
111. add Aaslde tl, , ' HAR'
Cho t'AxasA a M essp Ii.S. A prwlw* t
to lead enwKaa ryyway ap. either Ie tows es
IR u►osa4M Ea~meft tass termer
m (womb
0,1^s► it s.stle.e-wtl
h ntesires J
Wall paper at 7c per roil day afternoon between the above named
wan pe per at lac per roll.
Wall paper at Inc per roll.
Wall paper at 1110 per nil.
Wall paper at leg per roll.
Wall pa at Mc per roll.
elevens. Wickets will be pitched at 2
C. T. R. Sri. IAL FAaE..-Tins rail-
way will issue single tare dekets on
Ddom trieus. II n borders, corner, and Saturday and Monday next, good for
exteadons to teat<•h
every time by buying your wall paper at les- each pony : ai ere an utnr-Chi
no's. No trouble to chew the sass le w :,.
vaPus. Money eared da I • td ( d rd
cc you boy oor eat p s. th tickets f..nn Friday u. Saturday until
Monday. Seo ad:,.
Nes Strut ss. is at Exeter. While the stage was coming from
Prank flisgraggeat is 11ow is Saginaw Lucknow here on morning. it
nay broke through a culvert • d,•,rt distance
A. McD. AMOR is steadily improving in on this sloe of Lucknuw. Some of the
health. passengers we severely hurt and the
The county ooutx:il wi;l meet on Tues. maim was pretty well shaken up.
day, June 3rd.
Miss Florence Cameron is en a visit
to friends East
Mrs, blaring, of Toronto, is visiting
friends in town.
The Wises Fisher, of Clinton, ate the
guests of Mrs. Stitt.
Robert McGaw, of British Columbia,
is visiting his parents in town.
The sours of revision for Goderich
will meet ear Wednesday neat
Jamieson Reid and son returned to
their buena for a weeks' holiday.
Robert Retd, of Buffalo, has just re-
turned to his home, Elgin street.
Mrs. Harry Cowan, of Exeter, has, we
regretito learn, been exceedingly ill.
Misi Laithwaite, of Clinton, is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Kirkbride.
The heavy rain of Monday night is
said to have done considerable damage
up north.
Services ywere held in St. Peter's and
St. George's churches on Aaoension
John R. Vert. of Hamilton, was the
guest .1 W. Webster, St. Patrick's at.,
last week.
Miss Campbell, the Seaforth vocalist,
is the guest of Mies Wilkinson during
her stay in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Jameison, of Stratford,
spent Sunday in town the guests of Mr.
Stitt, South street.
Robt. Dickson, of Si Mary's, son of
Robt. Dickson, was the guest M relatives
hen during the week.
The cricket and lacrosse season has
opened, and we expect to bear of a num-
ber of mach.. shortly.
Archibald Dickson, postmaster, accom-
panied by his daught r,Mim Lissi., took
a run to Loudon on Tuesday. • .
W. McIntosh and his sister, 3[i.. Rab
Malntesh, left for Port Arthur per stir.
United Empire en Wednesday.
Ittr. Fulford, although week, re-
covering from the effects of Ins very
serious accident at the big mi!1.
Oto Nswar*rga* Fos SALS.-A num-
ber of old newspapers can be Furchae.d
at this office. Price five cents a dom.
H. I. Strang rsesmod charge of the
High School o• Monday after a short
absence ceased by niekness in the family.
During his sermon on Sunday morn -
sag, Rev. Dr. Ute made a touching refer-
ence to the decease e.f Mr. A. J. Moore.
Twoeldere ars to be ordained in Knox
'thumb on Sunday next, and other elders
who have had adios before will be also
Mr. Wray, who has been holding s
position in the Bink sf Commerce pend-
ia./ the return of Mr. Sandford,left horn
u. Wednesday.
James Johnston, late clerk of the
township of Turnberry, died is Wing-
h•m hist week. Be was well known
throughout the eouaty.
Fishhitsg in the river during the week
kgs sot been very suaemefel. !teasel
w eed anglers ay that the fish will be
mmee for week or two yet.
The temperance sermon delivered in
the North street Methodist church on
etteJay amiss waw a powerfulone, aril
a1rY1,A with fists and figures of local
The imporresemMa upon the square are
steadily ,and already the
prwmeters of the are miegrstatst-
i phth themselves epi the appear.nte of
The Semfortk imerespen4ent of the
Mies Nett Assays 'The Raw nos
Oddi?hell, of Gederiok, yreaehrl awe
Seen will the merry pica:: days is nn exhibition at Goldsmith Halt. Mr.
In season roll around. Miller i* one of the stalwart sons of
When. to agape the sun's fierce rya
. Goderich, and a to be a favorite
seek Well sethe ah•ded ground, PPS
Where ante bare a peculiar kapok in his new home.
Of waed.eleg bass their bed A GOOD TREE To PLANT. -A oorTee
Ahdag tip aeaWithdoe and measured tread.
A drunken railway navvy and a com-
panion gut into • row at the ducks on
Tuesday morning, and came on the
square afterwards and began to insult ed. Their seerage growth 1* three-fourths
passers by. A warrant s to be taken of an inch every year. Now that atten-
trut for their arrest for bring drunk and tion is so geosrelly directed to the to -
disorderly. amity of tree piantinv, the ultimate
Robson, the photographer, was an value uf the trete*" planted ou*bt to be
astonished man on Wednesday, when 15
couples marched in a body from the
Colborne Hotel to his studio to be pho-
tographed. The camera stood the strain
of business, and so did Mr. Robaoo and
his •mutant.
pondent argue: strongly in favor of black
walnut for forest culture. He says that
for rapidity of growth. shelter and in-
trinsic value the tree cannot be surpass -
Rev. J. Pritchard, of Auburn, preach-
ed in Knox church on Sunday evening,
and asked the congregation to show
cause why Rev. John A Turnbull should
not rs.tgn his charge here and accept a
call of the congregation .1 8t. Nag's
Presbyterian church.
Voirrirenes is CAMP. -The 33rd
Battalion (Hiroo) will rte into camp at
London on the 17th of June. There are
some vacancies in the Godeneh company
which the Aeolus are anxious to see
tilled up. A meeting of the members
will be held at the armory on Friday
evening at 7.30 o clock.
Sro.Ttrnt. -Georg. Whitely, of Sea -
forth, has accepted the challenge of Jas.
Bailer. of Goderich to trot "Roan
Cloud" against "Garfield," and asks the
Goderich man to meet him at the Royal
hotel, Seaford), on Monde) May 211th,
to "put up or shut up. The conditions
appear in an advertisement in *anther
The New Orleans Deify Picayna con-
tains an advertisement of the Albion
hotel, Goderich, as • resort for summer
visitors. Mr. McBridi s enterprise in
advertising in the dailies of the United
States is counmendable. If other hotel
keepers in these parts would do likewise,
Goderich would receive • boom as a sum-
mer resort.
Heals os Peons's*. -On Monday
chief Davis had about half s doses a ped-
dlers up for breaking • county by-law.
They were fined 210 each. The persons
"pulled" were for the most part gropers
in towns and rnllages who were running
waggons into the country, *oiliest *nods
in exchange for butter, eggs and other
term produce.
week J. M. Bet, formerly a student in
Ossmses, Holt A Cameare s law office,
passed a highly creditable .*amination
for barrister, standing near the head of
the lit. Mr. Bet is • close student
sad a clear -heeded young man. Where -
ever he sees 6t to loeet., tae will prove
to be a valuable addition to the ooet-
(aster's Brrrwnay. --This day will be
celebrated on Saturday, the 94th of May,
re usual. 'notwithstanding the Pip
'' official •' celebration on t►. 1!146 of
Jenne, whish latter. however, will likely
ha observed by none bet bank and civil
service son 'eyes., ere. The 24th at
considered in selecting them. alnut is
one of the species enuuserated under the
terms of the Ontario Tree Planting Act
for which a bonus is given.
Ba.t units Noiazarnl.-We return
thanks t. John Stewart, the energetic
&orat and fruit grower of Benmiller, for
a present of a choice assortment of
pinata Mr. Stewart has a wide reputa-
tion as a reliable nurseryman, and makes
shipments to many outside points. He
informs us that he has now a splendid
aesertment of geraniums, setunias, foli-
age plants. and all sorts 11 floweos for
bedding out, and can give better atis-
fastioo than ever in his line. A drive
to the Benminer Nurseries is one of the
most pie•aait in this sect ion ,or the plants
can be ordered ov nail. Mr. Stewart
makes regular visits to Goderich, and
can be seen then in regard to his plants.
Bsruiso OCT PLANTA. -W. made OUT
w ound vista to A. Watson's greenhouse
on Monday, and found that gentleman
ready for the rush that always Domes
upon a florist at this time of year. His
stuck hu been carefully selected this
season, and embraces some new strains
{of geraniums, pansies, petunias, ver -
bones and other popular bedding nut
plaids. His stock is larger in variety
than ever before. some very uncommon
plants having been prnpugated by him
son` the winter. Ho has also facili-
ties for filling hafting baskets in the
shiest style, and also makes up bou-
quets for social gather:nus The present
is the Lasses for bedding nut plants, sed
a call npnn Mr. Watson is now in order.
Tv. Pommes ov Tirane.- under the
above caption the Durham Review bas
the following :-"In speaking of a May
Day Concert held in Goderich, the
Holton SroWAL pays • well-deserved
tribute to the musical talent of Mw
Moils A Skimmings. This talented
and accomplished young Isdy is flat
rising into prominence, not only as a
!logician, bat as a poetess 141. hes
written many poems and lyrics, some .,f
which daplay great beauty of smfpositien
sad • depth of thought sed imagination
rarely snrpas.ed in modern poetry. 'Fes-
i*r N inlets," and • •Canada's Farewell to
Lorne and Louise." are real gems, and
do great credit to her powers of verstl-
umion. W. wish Miss Skimmings etery
' scow in her endeavor to reawaken into
melody "The Harp that ()is Through
Tan's Halls."
O.mraay. - On Saturday evening,
May 1lkh, the remains .t the late Mrs
.1. W, Rooklidge, arrir.-1 in Kincardine
from Toronto. The funeral left the re-
sidence of Dr. Martyn on Sunday after -
e nol, and proceeded to the Church of
Ma= likAy pram d qui.tly in town. Maesah where serines was conducted
A match will enure of in thebyRev. Ractur Hill, and *1 .wards to
fterenn, between the senior sad junior e.metery. Many very handsome
Hors.. and the concert in the eveelsg dorsi decorations, mat. by Meads in T.
will likely draw • (yowled hoes. The rosto and Kincardine were laid on the
programme is one of the mat select iter- esek.t Deceased we. .tatrnn .4 the
ed . Oedsri•k aedi.nes, and the pries i• Girl' Hes. in Toronto. Rhe was
*eta te say part of the hall A •siuIsg digits, of Captain Bisset, of Gado/nab,
regatta for &idea beats will stun Ds held. mad • grand-drttght.r of Reer- Admiral
oa smenehsst at 10 o'clock The Si. Blne.t, of the British navy. She was •
miller hand piseie, and the vim in lady of superior edwties end it is . re
esvrounding tetras sodtil wig I[ito- markable facet thin the daye( her death
ly Mime sere* of our pen psea Gude- I wee her first •nnirenmr, is pe•ifinei oft
peo**.eree sae.
Capt. Murdoch Macdonald u sn en•
thusiastie Forester. He has had the
insignia of the order put on the stern of
his schooner "Mary S. Gordon " The
painting was done by Clues*, and reflects
credit no beth artist and skipper.
Bro. C. Crabb, Hon. Tres., of Court
Ooderieh, No. 32, will be one of the
orators at the Forester's picnic on the
Si of June, at Auburn.
Bro. Aleck Saunders eri:1 represent
Court Gotta -eh, at the annual meeting
of the High Court, oesmenoing on the
10th June, at Toronto.
Every ntersher should attend the next
rfeetirig of Court (ied.rscb, June 3rd.,
and disease the endowment and other
seltereee, in the interests of the order.
Bro. Hobo. Fulford who was injorred
at the "Big Mill" is recovering.
O.ewer les/est severe seta .t AMI.
It rained on 4 days, amount of rainfall
13.2 cubic inches
it snowed is L days, swoons of anew -
fall 41 iaobe..
Oreateet vaunt, .,f wend during 24
hours ow the 29th, 611 milse- -win N.
E. weather cloudy -equal to 24i miles
per bout. List velocity of wind or the
19th. during 24 h.urs 71 miles, wind N.
11: - weather eluw ly.
From on !0 nights
Nn. d cloudy ltgpta 12.
Nn. of clear night. BA.
Noof limy night. 2
Aurora borealis on the nights of the
lath, 19th sad 2Mb.
Harbor dean et fsw ea the lith.
Navigation epesed es the fartl.
Prevailing wind eeti.w/ dating the
Mesas Mt ionones to tae fess wee new ilea
The schooner Mary Gordon armed
nit Wednesday from Kincardine, Tight.
The United Empire passed up en
Wednesday morning with a heavy cargo
of freight and a large number of passu_
On Thursday of last week the propel.
len Quebec on her way up, between the
Ducks and the Sault, experienced veep
fest of her promeuade deck
heavy weather, and had wens ttrelrtw
away. j
The schooner Ariel arrived (run Blind
River yrs Tuesday last, laden with lum-
ber for Williams & Murray. The cap-
tain reports having passed through a
heavy snow storm on Saturday last eta
his way down.
Capt. Syme' arrived down with the
Quebec un Monday morning being tke
first to bring a vessel into this port frees
the upper Was this season. He reports
that on leaving Duluth the Quebec
steamed through 25 miles of ics,and that
entering Porth Arthur the ice in the Day
was ill some places over two feet think.
Tho Quebec was the first boat to mints
Port Arthur this season. -[Sarnia Ob-
MOM 1f tis a e.alrt 1■ Lederieli-slee•we1.
lag Their tank,.
This religious min'ement has hardly
been in operation in (lolerich long
enough for us to be able to give any
decided opinion as to its prubab'e re-
Cour. Piper appears to be a most
worthy ,oars, earnest and with s fair
share of common sense. He has made a
Dumber of friends among those who have
beau active Christian workers fur years,
and bas received to some extant their aid
sad sympathies.
The Methodist portion of thecnnmun-
ity appears to take the keenest interest in
the meetings, and a large addition to
that chercn, directly and indirectly from
the advent of the Lord's Army, a anti-
cipated by those who have been studying
the new movement here.
There is a disposition generally to give
the new comers a fair trial, till they have
an opportunity of showing what they are
capable of effecting, and n, far little or
nothing has been done by them whisk
would be counted unseemly at the even.
age "rewired meeting."
The tn(etinga on Sunday and Mead*
evenings were very interesting. Os
Monday a contingent from Clinton put
in an *pianos, and gave excellent
help to the Oaderich garrison. The
"barrsoka," all the Temperance Han is
tereed, was crowded, and the addresses
and singing had tire and energy in thews.
A number o1 conversions aro said to
have occurred that night.
On Tuesday the buildinz was un-
comfortably packed, and four more took
a step forward.
Oa Wednesday evening the Army
were assisted in their march and eines(
around the square by • couple of girls
who were converted here, but no new
converts came forward in the meeting,
although the interest is said to have hens
teed -
The late hours and the stifling Dos*
dition of the atmosphere of the crowded
room are drawbacks to the comfort of
those present, bu4the attendance show
no sign of diminishing.
While there may be much &boat oke
methods of the Lord's Arm idealiser
movements which are not pleasing eves
to some who wish 'hem good, yet ft he
undeniable that the church.. geoesally
could Dopy much from it that would tend
to enlarge their own usefulness.
Until such time as prayermeetinga and
ether religious gatherings manifest life
and estimable's, the Army or some
kindred gatherings will draw the per
pie generally. end win to their perutiat
views many who would otherwise joss
the churches
wee ltdless Aarihme er.l seri.,.
The society tact on Saturday last to.
prepare • prize hat for the fall show. The
president in the chair. The minutes et
last meetioe were read and approved
Moved by Mr. Bingham, seconded b1
Mr. Medd. that the fall show he held as
Tuesday and Wednesday, the 23rd mad
24th Septembe. next -Carried.
The secretary was instructed to instill
any amount that may he collected by 1.
parties intrusted in the prise lit, sed
divide the amount with the Gnv.rnteesd
grunt on the same for special prima 6g
pens chickens The prises for saw
tint► of sheep 1n the reepeotive slmtiU
were struck off the Int, if not gives he
special prism by private parties.
Rule No. S was amended by adding
"garden" after the word farm.
Rule No. 14 was amended by requirtep
any party entering root crepe to pay the
(eery fee at or before thm three of mokisR
the entry.
A long discussion took phew epee $
proposed amendment to Rol. No. 12. M
giro one niemhar'e ticket not transfers/As
to paw in and out at any tints dutrieg
exhibition. it did rant hnw.ver, eaasrr* ,
and .ash member will meek* two sieuis
.len tiek.ts se heretofore.
Li Brosael• this year tier( mite beim
built no fewer then .oras shops and die
woolen mill
The 43rd Dailies RIM Aseaielire is•
tend having their shovel tseadi fit WSW.
My, May 17th, ween liberal prises go'
be °Shred ter eamitetitief. heeled