The Huron Signal, 1884-5-16, Page 1'rH1RTV-sIXT1I TRA)Z. W Hut.l: N ;' 1/4811 met , GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1884. jt McOla :Yitlit IltlAr.Narnit' New sdver - _.. N Vila wes& i alrGeode --F..1. MHler, 1 aider blears ---1, Moue. To Yatmen-John Butler. Drees Msiting -]rtes Reid. High tehool-H. L *tram. Allan Wee -H. Armstrong. Hair Ovale -Mr. Homewood. Itoat for dale -.Ir. McMlekises. Reduction In 1'rk:es--Ora Great. Coen ofttertston W o. Ca-npbell. Four Barb and Two Barb Wire Team a ; John A. Hartel. Dentistry!. 1 NICHOLSON, LD., SURGEON ViS . Dentist. (Moe and residence. West Street doors bills Bank of Mon17or. Gode mea People's Column. ADDER ITOLEN-ON THE SPINY of Wedssdal. May 7th. • brown Wai- trons scene thirty rungs, was trons the promises of Simnel Moans Information leading to the re- covery of the ladder. of the conviction of the thief. trill be suitably rewarded. SAMUEL SWANK. grain buyer. 1113-11 ROW BOAT FOR SALE—A GOOD boat 188 lens. with four oars. and cap- able apable of holding four persons, is offered for sale at • low price. it b a varnished boat and of gond appearance. Apply to DR. MMcMICK- !(O. or at this °Moe. 1143-11 DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. MISS REiD. who has tortbe weave years been connected with the dressmaking and mantle business conducted by MISS MORRIS. beg to inform the ladies of Underfelt. that she has opened a dreesmakine and mantle estab- lts►oa•nt, ever tlow•tag d• Weddup'a shoe store, where sbe will be pleased to meet all her old friends and new customers desiring her sunrises Good week and reasonable chargees guaresteed. Entrance on the tegt ere. !'t ODERICH HIGH SCHOOL. The nett entrance ezaminetion will M held on Thursday and Friday.J uiyy 3rd and rth. Candidates may write at Goderich or Exeter. but most notify either the tired Masser. or sM lsspeetor, not later than theist d June, et whisk plane they }trait to write. 11. I. STRANG RA -Head Master. 1143-!1 COURT OF REVISION. The Court of Revision for the town of Gods rich. will be bele in the tows hall. on Wednes- day. the 78tb day of May. 1181. at 10 o'clock a. m. All parties Interested are hereby notified to 'Ahead. WM. CAMPBRI.L town clerk. Goderich. May 13th. 1181. --we 1043 et IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. The undersigned has hese appointednt fee placing young Englishmen. who wiito learn (ermine. in the bands of good farmers. in the county of Ilnron. for one year so nomi- nal wages. The young then are brought herr as em1graats, are from ssrenteen Le twenly- fire years of age. Parties wanting such can get ail information from JOHN BUTLER. asset of Dominion Line of PtearesMp.. Osis rich. YI>L FOR SAL!: - A FEW &LAND Rollers and iron Narrowsbe esti G vista the ederieh F., ,.:rr. Beatty 1eMpet sad an repairs tar the sous vis ales be prornreoi fives she (t.,•ierirh Taundry.or en aaplhwti ii by mol to 11. SEED 1JLLRR. Gederteh. Oni. 1010 t t EES FOR SALE. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "•A ektesawn [y aye. odder Miss Aa int hell great It. - TOWN TONAL Ask ler the "Bunt Comfort" or "011v •lte- enterw► otttar. 1allews the p► tjenipber, sues the Matan- t•eaas propose,aft( takes photos of children la the most pleads. style. Call and see spa, i- taem of this very taterest/ag class of photo- graphy. It fiat neat. It he as aadlspulabte tact that W. L. Horns who keeps the liquor store oo the South -et. corner of abs Albion block. always kerps the best stock of wines and Ilgeors. Merit will always Aad • front phos. Tnoes Ressesxa+s.-There is a difference V, ap toj{npne M to whether too gamy evergreens wird an= la the square Wt week. but the t sllzyf le essneleas tett Geo. B. Robson the photographer. mems be excelled in his cabi- net Tbe passengers ea the boats which lar over le Goderteb os Sundae MM h$re brm esur- prised at the number of tree dreeee. u,cn In Ibis The towadol of course know that Y. t A. &'radium, the taahlonabls tailors deserve the credit. The cheapest pace In town le Saunders t Hon. They are offering special bargains in wall paper. w •dow shades, carpet lining. 'notes and tinware. They bare lust received ons dozen -Economist- and -Imperial" oil itoveS, perfect bakers, and absolute safely guarsa- temd. ''The cheapest house under the sun.' Scarlet fever has now almost disappear• ed. John Pharis returned to Goderich last week. Henry Bell left for Manitoba on Mon- day morning. Mies Jennie Gibson left on Sunday, fur Manitoba. Mies Alice Platt has returned from her visit to Furert. Mrs Robertson is visiting her brother Ht my Seegmtller. The slum season f, r pickerel and bars expired yesterday. Mr 111ise who has been in town a few days left for Clinton. Mia May Malcolm n has ',tented from a trip to Hamilton. Mrs. C. Meurehouse sang several solos very acceptably at St. Peters on Sunday last. Mr. and Mn. Davison (ray Miss Kate Meese) left this week for British C41 - mishits. The (:.detich contingent of C. P. R. mechanics returned last week front Port Collo,ornt. Mr. Charles Cameron of Nebraska and daughter, are the questa of Henry Seat miller. George Old lett on the Myles on Men day for Port Arthur, with 1,000 bushels rf potatoes. Miss Allis Smeeth was at Sesforth from Satutdey until Wednesday, visit- ing friends. Cap'. A. Fraser ran over from Michi- gan on a few dies visit to his home dur- ing the week. Hattie Reid, of Wulf* skeet, we are glad e.. learn,is rec.orerinz from manacle of scarlet freer. The undersigned has sixty Swarms of bees d •.•r salet dne•.le or single Moses. also bite• sad oatase. together with a large q antfty M N hooey Is boxes. Time w111 be on. pound Reim by furnishing approved notes. please 1 teeter at ones CHAR Li!`i Mc PRICE. ('arlew 1 P.O. Out 0 I147-bn EDWARD SHARMAN, 1 RI HC%LAYER AND PLAVTERE1:, a RAST STRRRT. f I. still reedy to do any work In his line at moderate prices. t Lime, bricks. Eirebrk-ka. and other Building Material grade/ p ch, March 76th. fait.t on for Salo. 4m f For Sale or to Let. ` tiTORN TO RENT OR SILL• -As- t �kJ (Bion earner of goal r .vet read. Mewso legood rnrMi��iL��aaa��� dor, with i sore bud ae�d - r to aJ ort ' . clamed sad tee M a and she well t wepp ; lona kern and eked and flit tall *die ser;brick not • the rum 1.01114 Ij eat~ idle. Ii1� t , ' FOR 1 eljo I LOT Iose 3rd N ed. Int 41110.15 -Pea. good hardiest. lA • " to • • ssaas sores $linesitSs 1*'. rad T yin >tiM R n lid. Loans ant, insurance. Au ARE LENDING MONEY AT O Mzl per cert. Privva�tte� hada BKAOrR i LEWIS. Goderlch. April (7th. itl a hear Ilf100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMKROY HOLT &CAM1LRON_pede ler. l7. MOSSY TO LaIND. - PRIVATE •vtiia;t �° freeholdsower 1Mltisa to GIRT TO LEND.- A L A R G K aft Private ter is ..11,1. rtri�ss�e ett • reittis�'ot to 590,000 PRIVATE TUNDS TO L&RD M rano Mi !sea Pt�Maeias lowest ps• if — 11cerCtasne_y'_aq r-0ttrMaddd�(7atriasslWt Wig MI *AWOL MX MARINE, feeseeses °'�Ipeaisse 41=11i? Rei�i•ese tple toad es Is Mr. Legate of the lis T. R. is at his .,me in London fur a three week: hull aro being indisposed. Miss Lizzie Ceetle and Meas Mand aritren were the guests Iasi week of es. Oswald Carey, Auburn. Neat Sunday evening in North St., ethudist church a discourse on tecnper- ice will be given by the pastor. Dr. Alex. Hutchison left on Friday er the old country, when he will con- nne his studies is Edinburgh. Curry Bros., liquor dealers, are now sUy settled in their new premises, and appear to be getting their share of the rale. Mr. Crocks: s drawing class will con- inue until the 1st of July, instead of be let of June as stated erroneously last week. .1. Mitchell and E. Woodcock were at 6incardine during the week, attending the funeral et their sister-in-law, Mrs. lise/hiilea The alleged Winghann firebugs were discharged from custody on Saturday I having been acquitted un trial be - ton the judge. The Albion hotel and the liquor store f W. L. Horton hate been tastefully ecetatud ref• late, and now present a city appearance. A quantity of the sinkers made by irkbeide & Son went up to Wiaeteo. tons of lead were made into sinkers, eking about 311,000. Our old friend T. J. Moorhoues, new vt Ba field, shed hu genial smile in tnwn raw Wednesday. He is delighted with his new hone, and is deep into the work of agrictdture. The Misses Otswe lett en Monday fur D. M. Craig, of Ailsa Craig, the well- 1 1113 LORDS *Y. Bi�1Di�Y f3CS,M . • two month's visit to Chicago. known lover °t horse -9.. t, has sold the Hart Vidal, of Sarnia, left fLir hems hands,mt spot of greys which attracted 1 Aa *elan! h neve• - r VIMttedssMB a Liget, Thor es w tssro ,ethanes er oa the Wedmes hi morning trait.. He so much attention here last summer, to The Mina saMaht.i h'e.e.yee.sy weaserss masataAa Capt. J. B. Hughes, of Kidderminster, On Wednesda morning, tw., melt in f n Frit morning last about 4 o clock Eng., fur $1,200. i 7 Friday K Rst ttuoN Cotner*. -This month, courts, uniform, and two young women wearing the roopeller Myles armed in Goderich G [the roritiwn of the assessment roU, blue badita, arrived in town. Lt the harbor. She was laden principally with aro held in the municipalities, and it les- ensuing they marched about the .quare, navviimand supplies her R. R. McLellan, ars hs the duty tioevery .s, aid it to l singing spirited hymns, anti attracted I the C. 1'. R. soutractue on the north see that els assessment i correct, at this much attention. They than went to { shore. Mr. McLellan was on board, and time, and sot raise objections at other their "" batrac►s,the temperancehall, had with him.some fifty navvies, in periods of the year when error, cannot be rectified. If then are no apt eats or alterations made at a court of Revision the assessment then must he accepted u correct. Kincardium_ &p.rter : -Dr. Gardner, of Lucknuw, thinks that he is an author- ity In naming birds, beasts and reptiles, local or foreign. A few days ago he laid information against J 11, Walker, for having iu his possession a "given" deer skin during the close season for deer. Walker showed that the doctor could not distinguished between a deer and a Jug ,kit, and the latter had the court costs to ply. put in a pleasant furlingh in Goderich. We leant by telegraph slut J. M. Hest and C. C Ross have pained sucoessful legal exams., the turner for barrister, and the latter for solicitor. We are much pleased with the copy of the newly issued work of are World Publishing Co., of tilt ph, entitled, "Story of the Bible." Agents should write for terms. Some boys playing at bell un Elgin street on the evening of Tuesday, chang ed the practice to stone throw tog, when one of then, Ming so severely injured medical attendance had to be called. We direct attention to the advertise' moot of Mr. Dorenwend,of Toronto, who will open ou: a choice stock of hair rods fur gents and ladies at the Otitis% Exchange hotel on Wednesday next. The steerage passage from Goderich to Litcrpad, Glasgow and Derry by the Allan hne of steamers has been reduced to $25.35. if this thing continues, even The concert in connection with the editors of newspapers will be able to course of lectures under the sestetes of avail themselves of an (occasional sea- the "Ladies' Aid" will be given in the voyage. Harry Annatrong is the local North-,(. Methodist church on Thursisy agent at this pint. evening next, May 22nd. Choice solos, nut gut up according to the must appr..t 'cep. It.„amity , aautity of contraotor'sstores Rev. R. J. Tr_Ieaveu, of Queen's duetts, quartettes and choruses, will he nil rhythtuetical rules. I for Michiptcoton, Jack Fish lily, and Anomie Methodist church, Louden, son rendered during the evening. Mies The addressee were vigorous, not al- a the Harbor, the Peak and uther points of It Treleaven of Lungannon, and well Campbell, of Seaforth, Misses Trainer, wage o uueoted, ,std given with that along the north sho-m. Thera were also known to many of our readers, was pre- Mrs. Moorehuuse, Miss Cook and Mies freedeso frost iramntatical pteeisiot several oahin passengers nn board. The meted with $200 ley his friends fu the Feb have kindly consented to take part. which is popularly supposed to have Ontario is wiled this year by Capt. Forest city a few daps ag.•. He is look - The choir will be ably assisted by other characterized the utterances of setae Lit Harry Zealand, of St. Catherinus, who ed upon as one 4 the -aeufj pmeriting- local talent. No effort will be spares to the Oal fishenuen who were number- gives promise of beioz a very suitable young men d 414114/11411in the Methodist church. ensure an enjoyable evening. A hearty ad_ apostles. But there was commander. After taking en a ousi,er an earnestness about the words stitch still singing, followed by a large number of young and old. '1 he singers were : --General Rubinson, .4 Toronto, founder of the •'Lord's Army,' Capt. Piper, who is to command the station here ; and Capt. Robb and Lieut. McArthur, two girls from Mitchell, who have gone into active ser- vice. There were at one time two or three hundred rat the hall, but the actions and words .d the member of the Araby were not so extravagant as was hooked fur, and many present appeared to be disappoint- ed. There is not much to regret in this. The singing was almost the only fea- ture which wuuld distinguish the gather- ing from an ordinary revival meeting, arae airs of the "Army stngi" being for the most part lively and catching, while the words of many of them were visorly charge of T. Rousseau, of Glengarry, and G. Brooks, Lit Dryden, Mich. When the Myles was getting ready to leave pert the engineer discovered that the packing of the cylinder had given oat, and in eonseilaenee of this the boat had to stay in the harbor until a quantity Lit copper sheeting, for packing purposes, could be ubtained from Tbrontu, se that the dam- age might be repaired The copper sheeting anived on Saturday afternoon, and the Myles was enabled to proceed on her way on Mouday morning at nine ...clock. Ti no:TAm.), of the Beatty line. made her first call for the season at Goderich nn Saturday morning at 890 o'clock. Her told con- sute:1 of et10 railway navvies, 28 horses fee contractor Reiu of the C. P. R., :Ri horses fur contractor R. McLellan, of the Cho. Grant, the gro._erytnau on West invitation is extended t.. all. Admission Court House Square, has been creating 20:. Dears ..pen :.t half I•tst ; , o.,ncett at 8. For turther particulars s_e pro- grammes. a "been in sugar by the impoitatiun of a carload ---80 barrels -the largest quan- tity ever imported in one shipment by A Pa:groat'. CALL - Rev. J. A Turn - any dealer in the county of Huron. He bull, B.A., LLB. has received acall to has bought cheaply, end is determined the rastorate of St. Mary's Presbytetian to give his customers the benefit of the church, and will likely accpt it. The "deal." Read his advertisement on particulars of the call are given in our another page. report of the Presbytery meeting. Mr. Turnbull is a young mean who has stoat the first three year of his ministerial life in Goderich as a colleague of Rev. Dr. Ere. He has made many personal friends here, who rejtice at his advance- ment. We believe that in a field where he has the bele charge, the young pastor will develop. fuller power., and that his entertainment, and are worthy of the popularity in St. Marys will bo sum patronage of our citizens. We predict a established. TI•e question of a auceesser crowded house to his place in Knox church is one that Osrrvaay.-Mrs. J. A. J4,ore, wife I is variously discussed. There is a feel - of J. A. Moore, B.A., of Goderich , ing in some quarters that the Goderieh Hight school. deed es Sunda) after a' church should stand alone with one pas - lingering illness, at the early 0(36 years. t"r, while other are in favor of enntinu- The deem.. consumption, had been ing that two country stations with an ad - steadily undermining her system for ditional minister. three yearn, and far the past year but little hope was had of her recovery. Her The state. wwarNe. MARINE NEWS. illness was borne with Christian patience. The decease 1 lady was held in high es- 'Torbert and tiotelus, ehsrg.d with par- a ethesseses $ tar wags wade new esIY teem for her gentleness of manner, and tieipating in the outrage upon the per- ~ey' her piety. Mr. Moore and family have son of Rebecca Bates, were brought be- The echa.ner )ane McLeod, Gaps mush • m th m their luta fore magistrates Horton and edamson y W 1 green, with salt, left for Ctlltngw. Lid on Lacloast Comc:arr.-This affair prom- ises to be one of the roma attractive en- tertainments of the maim. The bat vocalists in town hare agreed to lend their aid, and the notations and ta- bleaux will lend a pleasing variety to the programme. The management are en- deavoring to get up a really attractive of passengers and a quantity of neervhan- cnmeensatei for loberary finish, and as j dise, lines were thrown oil', and the the Army appeals more especially to the poor and neglected, grace of diction is not one d the mast ruvoted gifts. The Lord's Arany claims to be dis- Ontario began to move out. N'hilo re- v.rniug, however, the air -pump of the engine broke, and the boat became un - m inageable and swung around, striking tenet from the Salvation Army both in , the Myles, which was lying next to the command and in method of warfare ,tock. No damage was done by the The officers say that the extravagancies collision as teeth boats are staunch attd of the latter bodyonthe platlorutaru not . wehbnilt The t►ntariu %a, tont tied persisted, and that while drums and up, to await the srnval of an etc -pump tambourines may be used on the street which was at once telegraphed for to to attract hares, in the hall the accred- :carnia. A return telegram stated that nese of a church must he maintained. it the Quebec, a double pressure.boat, was will be intereistintr to we how the coin- en her way down, and would be In Gude• rich on Sunday ; and further stated that on her arrival the Outar4n could take one of the air -pumps from her, and that the Quebec could work down to Sarnia tinder single preaure. On Sunday afternoon about 4 n'cl,rk TNS Vt'L6a.' attired, and the transfer .of the air. pump was made. Tile propetter had (oh board some 200 navvies who were return- ing trent the north shore where they had been working on the C. P. R. at Miehi- picoton, Jack Fish Bay and other prints, for the past seven months. They were mostly French Canadians, who had put in the winter working on the railway, and were now returning home to obtain summer employment amongst relatives and friends. They were to be replaced by the navvies un the Myles and On - twin, who were going up on the line to prat in summer work. Amongst those Lia the Ontario were some TWO Ht:lrbaal, (TALI.►!(+, who were a source ..f muco amusement to the thousands of persons who visited the dock on Saturday and Sunday. As a rule they were short and "chunky," and of swarthy complexion with dark hair and eyes, but pace in s while one would meet a light -haired stranger whose nationality could .•uly be ascertained when he trollied out "Italie." They were a happy lot, however, and during their sojourn endeavored to enjoy them- selves as much as possible, without get- ting drunk. They had a number of musical instruments on board, such as violins, guitars and acc,rdioms, and these with vocal aid, rang oast alsa.xt (*intinu- ows melody. The promise between "Hallelujah jigs and church decorum will succeed, if it be continued. General Robinson and his female offi- cers left yesterday, and tile work will be in charge of Capt. Pilar and Lieut. Ham bly. Meetings will be held in the Temper- ance Hall every night, cod we bepe the Army will get a fair trial, and such en- couragement as it mxy prove worthy of. ENOLIRN FAkA HANRa. -In another column will be found an advertisement signed by John Butler, of this town, (who is the local agent of the Dominion Taylor, however, appeared, and where, after delivering her margo, she line a at ontahipwhich asks tau the stated that Miss Bata was still it an un- will g•...n the dry dock. co-operationion of thehe farming community fit condition to give her evidence, and Capt. McPherson and crew left on the twee was still further adjourned till the Ontario fur Port Anhur, whore his next Wednesday. bust, the Midland Rover, wintered. The announcement that the case would The steam barge W. 5. Ireland ar- rived on Saturday evening with s cargo of hoope and staves for Joseph Kidd. Capt. McLeod was in teen last week on hu way to Kinardine to join his on Wednesday for funkier examine ion, Monday. when it was expected the girl would he able to be present and make her state- The eehomer Rathbun, leaded with meet salt left en Wednesday for Collingwood, in a plan for placing upon Canadian farms a number of young Englishmen of the better claw, who are desirous of learning farming as it is practiced to Canada. A regular agreement will be made between the employer and em- ployee which will be satiefectory to both. and which will hold good for at least one be tried with closed doors did not pre- vent • crowd of curious ones from put- ting in an appearance --only to he badly sold. • Herb'father be devoted - year. The Particulate of the agreement Herbert's er seems t•• boat the Carterthe vocal that was ly attached G. his son, and like an old can be obtained from Mr. Butler. campaigner, had • lighted cigar reedy wrecked off Ki , ncardine pier last fall. B141.-/3 Tne Stratford R , thus refers to a for the prisoners when they left the may The propeller St. Magnus, the timed of Mies Oliver, of Goderich High or's u9at ioe for the gaol, en that no time a be01 the new line ealhne here, erne - School :-"bliss Marion trliver, who fur would be bet by the meeker, ed on Thursday on her way up to Like the past year and a half has bete purse- Superior, with pas angers cad freight ing her studies at the Kingston Ladies' — Tne schooner Garibaldi turned n Medical coal very successfall , at the rveseete y et waren. P j during the week, and after tearing closing ezerefees,A ranch' wan rte Presbytery of Huron met in her dock load .4 coal here, went on to awarded a aoho'aarship of given by Willis' church. Clinton, on Tuesday, the Rtnsardhte with the rest of her earl" - Mr*. McNee, a Kingston 4ciy. We are m.derator, Mr. Turnbull, in the chair. We are glad to know that nothing seri- pleased to see that the same marked sec There were grres.nt all the minister. .ons resulted from her accident off Am- cessthat attended Mias0licer toresversl but one, and an average number of old- her.tburg. yeah as • fetcher eharaMerizss her effirta ers The Heather Belle, which went ashore in her new sphere. Natural ability, Dr.Cre and Rec. Mr. Stewart, with at Point Aux Ramble last week, is re rt- ambitinn and concentrated effort mustP'o their representative elders, were appoint- ed • total wreck. Capt. McKay, who succeed. ed a committee to sut-.Tintend students sailed her, had just purchased the ve.- HTwSNSAL -The Winnipeg Tin.'. of within the bounds. eel from D. C. Strachan, Shepherd Rms. April 30th has the folMwin,t which may ` The finance committee submitted a and Capt. McLeod. interest these who remember the family tabulated statement of the financial re of Captain Wilson when they resided in turns from congregations, when it was The steamer l ArgSte nes {attend by Goderich : "Mr. N. J. Halpin, son of ' 8reR the storm on fake , tlimur s .tuoh on P agreed to have the same printed her civ- sands 4th a Ma flay eh., iota her the late Rev. Pref. ttalpin, of Huron trobtion. Mr. Pritchard was appointed wheel and her rudder, and was driven College, London, Ont.. was hurried in convener of the Presbytery's home mis- this etty, yesterday, to Louisa Wilson, siren committee. int, aMp ainire ofn B to scuttlen els rxkn, sink daughter of the late Captain Wib.oa, R. The Presb to then took u the re- eke to save eing de opiand sink N., of Goderich. Ont The ceremony Presbytery P her m save basing ors, to pieces. This pc rt of the deputation appointed to visit accomplished. the Draw t•e..k t.. the teats was H'per( ormed by Rerehli hHick., is Kipper, Rills Green, Bernie Bayfield• end reached lend safely. The steam.? of Trinity. �P Hayfield road, and Bethany, the cm - left for their new home in Brandon, „adoration of which was pnstpmed until The British i ithange hotel is being thoroughly ren., sted, Luke iEllard and his staff hating been busy all went Papering and otherwise itaproving the interior of this papular hotel. At the recast euminstrom is oredisise at Tomato university Alae. McKessie, ata ennnpil of aod•rieh high wheel, curried Int ells Lenora in mem oet of the eight 'objects for graduation. Hata Goose. -F. J. Miller, of Les - where Mr. Halpin will resume his *rue this melting After beteg and careful de- dusinea. liberation, it Wall agreed to cite the sfnr•- S. S. Maas Msswtxo.-On Monday said oougragations to appear ata special word was renewed from Row. John Mc- tweeting of Presbytery M he he'd in Ewen, saying that after further oorres Bromfield, on Wednesday, 214th inst., to pondenee with the secretary of the coon- eooaider the advisability of giving effect ty 8, S. Aasootation he had finally to the proposed scheme ref rearrange- &rresd upon Jen. 25th, 96th and 27th meet. IOC his visit to Oodonch. A telegram A telegram was received fn.m the was immediately sent him, saying that Beratferd Presbytery, then in sesi..n, in- timating that they had sustained a hearty and unanimous call from the First Prot- b�terien Church, fit Marys, to Mr. Turnbull of Gnderieh, the salary Min poled to he John Mrnou,tall, .d the $b90), payable monthly, • mane., and township of (:ray, fell or was thrown ineir weeks hnlidaysosach asrnmer iL (nn the tit. Peel train near Leva1N, was agreed to rambler the tall at the adjourned meeting to be held an Wer- neaday, Kith best., and Dr 1're and Kr. were appointed to site the enn- d (loderieh. Leebern .std 1111P - The Prbytery then adjourned to atilt on Wednesday, Kay 181h. don, lair dealer, will be the British Ks- arrangements had already been made for chi Isobel nn Thursda and lf"rida nut emit, bet the reply ease that be y y wookl be unable to be here The result is that the Sunday fleshed institute meeitiop will not be held on Monday cad Tuesday next. However, the mass meeting ehildren wit.: W held un Monday afternoon neat in Knot church, whoa the me akely will be addressed by the resident ministers of the town and ethers. Tia eAndres the dres will be an imaract festers of the ghsreseaa'e .ietteiMM . This shaver will Maly b. throngs& se ftaaday afternoon. next, with s full supply of wigs, waves, rte. Bee adrerrLSArgd. Major D. R. Aiia. of Toronto, who (i had beset in hdarfu�a inv rotas day*, owing to the illnen of his brother, A. M.D. Alias, left for beat oe seen Neta ea Ytwbday Doris., abscess from Teresto the liaise tame Meatei pre - @Meet d the WiymIciries sed re-eiw�li& te1 gtetry 01 Teresa,t ss Aseneietiea. 5511115 rN WWI'S acioiT nets weave by the Italians rather restenished many of our Puritanical residents Along the dock where rho 0 T R ties were pilei weld be toned little knots mooed in playing euchre, esvets-up, pedno and other "manipulations of the pasteboard " Under the lee of the G. 1'. 11. eleyaaor a number of the dark-skinned sons of Italy were taking a Canadian sunhatb, without fest- of spoiling their oonbplex- ions. A strain of music now caught the ear ofthevisita.r, and, following the sound, he was led to a circle that had been formed with • concertina player and a number of J'encore in the centre. The italisn dances, if we are to judge from the specimens afforded us en Munday.are net hart G, learn They are not as bois- terous as the in lien war -dance, and was laden with supplies f•er the mel em- ni.ire n .srly aloie-toe:le the "Highland pfeyed em the C. P. ek eenstrneti n no ling, with intermittent snapping of the the north shore of Lake Superior The Misters and thumbs, and an occasional steamer belonged to Rorie McLellan, "Hoch ' (In the h"ot • vtaim and • and wax value.) at =.10,000. The Iona on guitar were harmonize' to a tenor and a the car;, i• vary dirge. ham voice in "Italie," and w large crowd • jo e.l the music to s hi. i, the fen;gn eerie were rendered Liy these and other atethe.ds, alike strange to Cies- deans, massy Of the foreigners spent the Sabbath ; but then were same who availed thJ'nselves ef the day of test to net the churches of the town, and there meshy, although amongst a strange time of people, the Mme Creator whom they had been taught to adore in the nttuy clime whereto their youth was passed. feat naratyvas tt'ise.•nsln Tee hours later the env- d the Onteene took place abrant 10 p es. neer of the 'it Paul train, hound Mgt, on Sunday night, and she Quebec under sew a man in his shirt sleeves wavtwg emmesaed of Gaga System, an old (lade- hne vest, standing on the track. R.lms rim& man, tett for ttaree shortly steer - 1110 train cold.' he Mopped it tuned ani ward. (1e Monday the harbor present- ki{ed him. A telegram font Bre els ed a oempsretiredy deserted appeasing, showed that his wale and dawrIttsr were when enetesded with the hestle and es the train with hla. Bauntltu ore PLaMre. -A. Watson, the florist. is now very hem disposing d his choice .Irerrtment of plants and low- ers. but not tow busy to take manna's.. His greenhouses is • menet attractive wet just now. Last >taturday a man 13 yaare old, sup - intimation ni the tier before,