The Huron Signal, 1884-4-25, Page 4t At pt.10 the l bank M11 prua bed auth the The Sty Mee • Ian Wee Ian Be I, Ari Wh Alt Me Thr The Tie The Tl.e • The • Tbr • tt l ler' Vert A Jab 21 wit A l•aj. Ilut. JI And , 1f .1 mat 1 IP .1,11 1.. 'foto • 1t Poull A Ar 'Ok x Is' )b a fa A. Thee s C... Jowl ••f lot I w t .las. read Eder B :ac the May n'chl. Jobe Ache tion poet ✓ eed. ed b; twos putti boo-oi as of r•'ad drawn els, or sit faun . Irony rev]. were ish.4 tui m1 Mn. diger $18 ; soca work MOUE eil attti Pest It e/ tr- too / liver edy, Bina bilin phys bora I:e ball• nion inst. 1(11114 (:s for • and try 1 ale, a ter . meth strew. gone your abnu takir 1'1 Loch of11I vane • Ml 4 THE HURON .SIGNAL. FRIDAY APRIL 26, 1884. THE HURON SIGNAL Ipro.o.s.I loeetang with MaasgsrVaa. I WrrlIBlrlru TIIKM INTO LINE. Hurn at W'IA{ham, and wMnit ilea (ut year Ttta Smote hid aconites Is published every Friday Moraine.by Mc- GILLICVnl.w r B•. et Men Oece, urth 81 claiws of (3uderich, side by side with' gene aeasarel those .1 the other towns moving in the GODERICH, ONTARIO. tastier. ! And Is despatched to all parts of the surround 3) We have laid the above pn'grsmtune lag *coning by the asrltesl rumbaed incise By general admission It has a tarter cumuli': behove the people :.uel the people's repro- , sou tins any other newspaper is his tort se *intuit -the town councl-and we tie couatry, d is one of the raciest, newsiest and mos reliable luuruals 1n Untarlo are willing ia the waaadimlo tt wait and 11,,,, al, as 41 do... the turo-gotnesseeottaiijlYs •ad beteg munition to the above.. first -chat bee what action will to taken. N e •a• 1 family and fireside paper It le therefore • • most desirable odrrreishig isedaret. pest the stutter to come before the Taalsa. -$1.50 in ad ranee. postage pre -paid town council, and if at does. we hope to I by pyublishers; $1.;5. if paid before ale months •*tion taken. We du not tp.ss if not so raid. This rule will b. tricW tlsw proper safari -ed. weld to see 1100110010rs UO wl•.acarise 111 i. t R•Tas or Anvtcart•two.-iigbt centspe fee for first insertion : three Dents per line fur ptoand d move that the treater ntter be re- I .auh.ubsrquenl Ins' wen. Yearly• ball -yearly and quarterly contrai to at reduced rates. forted 1.. the railway e••mwittee as ai .I 111341lg4:--.. We have also•first<laea present constituted which would be I 'obbtng department is connection. and possess- oag moat oat complete o.t•at sad beetescUite% 0.101%010M 1.. giving it an eternity's tvrturning out work totioderlch,are peewee! hunt. We want to see the yueshun to do business in that line at prlcesthatcannot be beaten, and of • quality that cannot be taken or, in • loudness -like way, by Terra oast thoroughly 1 rand « -.e those of the cuumsil who than ] FRIDA-F.-A-Pill y Kent, 1881. 'e upheialand the 1111e1uell e U the lows engulf does its duty, and the proposed railway comenittee take THE C. P. 1tAILWr 1 •! prompt action in the matter, we hove no doubt of the ultimate success of the et n tort to bring in a a,mi,etitivo line to How to Bring it to ClOierica. tGodericb, in the form of an salons to of the Canada 1'acitc hallway. What 1. 4 sasee.etatea rrep.oed lerliwg er wrlrgare. Nate t laser Engineer \ a.. K ern. at Nlsahaw TIIE :WILL-PDX ('ASK The excitement caused by the discov- ery of the fact that a Ulan afflicted with mall -pox had appeared in (indericb, and, finding no regular hospital fur the reatment of that disease in town, had betaken himself to London, has, to a oosssiderable extent died out. The true statement cf the case, as far as could be gleaned from converstiun with those posssased of a knowledge thereof, to- gether with corruborative testimony from outside sources, show conclusively that bleu) can not attach to the towns - s TNI' DUTY rUF TUE II(►Clt While (ioderich has been waiting, t Micawber-like, for "soulethinz to turn up" iu railway circles, that would enable the eyes of the railroad magnates to be turned toward it, the people to the itorthwanl here been working earnestly and steadily to draw the attention of the management of the C. P. iL thither - ward. The result is that the rival towns to the north- Wtnchamt, Walkerton, Kincardine, Taeswater and lurerburon -have succeed,' in obtaining a pfeage from the .0 P. it. Co. that Mansoer V anHurn will meet deputatiutu trove ' the places mrntm mal curing the conning month, in the town 4,f Wingham. It ie also underetutal that Manager ' anHonn will drive i vee the Toop.4150d routes to Xiwratdi•e and luvethur. n front Wing• has.. so that he may "nein a personal knowledge of the topography of the country through which the contemplate I raids would pass. if they went for- ward to a tularemia • Now that the achr.ne is assuming defi- nite shape, and that it is assured that • the 1'. P. It will carry the Treswater Wench to some cretin town, what is (iotlerieh {Mitt: to d•' in the clatter f is it genus to a ruxi:{tr:. as nettle ow, to sit quietly by while i:. neiglab•rs beck tea draw away the prier. which ..( right be longs to it ' W'• si•lcreely loin. not. But unless driur,utnrd ethane aro made, and, at once, sit:h a ctlainity will assure telly be .our portion. It is nuw >t well-knnwo fact that male- . tier to the aesuelpdion of the Teeswater branch of the T. G. et 1$. I. R.. by' the Canada Pacific, and precious to the anialgamat' if the 113. T. R. and G. W. R. a .chemise was contemplated by which the line (roan Teswater would be, with the aid of Walkerton and other municipalities, diverted to Inverhuron, the basis of arrangement between the (1. T. R. and the local railway promoters being that the nrtmioipalitiea should obtain amid snake the roadway, and the (3 T. it. w.wld-rim, *pmpais run the road. The amalget nation of t'. c G. T. It. mil the G. W. R., which at ence de- stroyed the competitive nature ref the lnverhunew aobeuw,--.-caased the local promoters to abiniten the project, and thus for no ether totem lite been taken. Noe, however. thee*. i'. R. have taken the Teeswater Iran• h in hand, and pur- pose carrying it to it rue inks prt,sa that it may become a profitable feeder .4 --their trunk line, an 1 tt is witthis object in view that Nnr.se., \'anNorn _ cs000estrlatea eueniteg W'iuyhain during the month of May. and meeting Ilse delegates front eh • towns interw.leel. We I it•e ey+l ..••n 1 a lacltit4' Mkt' 1i similar ••e'er t' th.itmale t" the 13. T. R. l.y the muuicipahuee along the pro- pse•1 route to Leverli iron wall be sub w itted to Manager Van 1l•.rii. 1 -oder these conditions n :.,: ,t,•ps .4outd foe take ti toy /3olerie'. • II. at her interests would ler carofn::, ....led at the co:t• ferente at Wm _ . ' T., •sur 1 the (oll••wr1114Mdwt1 u•• themselves. and we lelieve they • ; : e, cele.. in accord with lite opinion* •• •be naj,.nty ••4 the r•tep'ayrrs of tee t I . The town r , .. ;1 sh..uld lo•cnne gespensmhle for certain no;,•...art .sprn- au which moat be tool led ni rt,.• ,. • . ti.e of • railway s•h••r.. Thea i• n w aY other p'ace...t:.; hotel 1•,• :ego in G•d..•rich at encr 2 i committee, ie.t t•• a 1a1r'1 tux or eight in lumber, should la. ealab i.h...l at once. and the men lost maimed te ini- tiate the work 514,117.1 ler planed theorem Ter Sooty 4 mammon for tiemhership ow the aomgteaee are . Meese. Horace Horton, F. W. Johnston, .1•.seph W11 hams, Y. J• ribeg M. tiraenw (4,e.ou, and a represent*, • each 4,f the town newspapers. 3 1'he ao.u:m YteR.;.'.1.) be itastroat ed to prepare 1,ta n, . • trwCUoc with 40.0 Imarb.r's past trs•se, t1..• prpes'bitten' .•f the future, the het royte to Cheterich. and tl "r'netters- 4 The ;-. 'n'. itteq Oe••.1.1 attend the to pular out the pusher mtaaaaee ia which the auditors' reports wee* made out in • number of the rural isanicipall tits, and eape:iol pr•tni•ence was gives to the township of Ilowiek, when the recklessness of township expenditure was Beard the World had dad, and ars particularly apparsmat in the published phased to learn that the report was with_ report. At tbattime exception was takes out foundation, -that, in fact, the World to nor strietsres by tb Hewtck lata/was not dead, but sleeping for a week or newspaper --the Enterprise --and, with two. We wash it every moose* with its the 'sentence ••1 some .'t the members of new lease of life. the towuship council, an effort was wade Mr. Pollard, of Teamster, and Mr. to refute the charges of the Tga Sole An. Denholaa, of Kincardine, have been The telitor of Tait 81.:.•L was breaded railing Blyth lately with the view u( as a bold, bed luau, whu had no ri;bt to starting a newspaper in that village. meddle with the "natter ut the mtasuipu Blyth is eine those ambitious villages, Jseirwe YNe, The Toronto World has been roper - chased by W. F. Maclean, and will be reissued as • cent morning journal shortly. We will be glad to weloutoe the daily visite of oar sparkling city contem- porary. We felt very sorry ekes we latiuu of Howeek's finances, aul his vile character, its lack of anality, hie ill looks, and the abominable length of his family patronymic were put forward as remotes why he should not be believed whew he recapitulated the inac uracies and incote 1 journalism. The old war-horse sniffs the {reities that existed in the very men- telhgtble auditors' retort. Itut despite the onslaught, the "bold, bad li'oderich e•lit'.r" preached to his teat, and we are plea ed to see by the Wt issue of the Enterprise that lour just remarks 1,4 re just big enough to waut a local paper, and just little enough t.. starve a Meal paper to death in short meter. Thera is a rumor idlest that Goldoni Brown will shortly re.elltsr shemu ' battle Crum afar. A correspondent, signing himself "Seitex," in the Globe recently went for "Bystander" (Ooldwin SmKh like the ruverbial hired man. "Bystander'' is p • clever writer, and a pleasing putter Hawick township auditor: report, have together of chaste English senteaaea, but burns frust -neat perhaps an fold, he doesn't carry the wisdom of the world but fruit neterthelaw The En terpr.r under his silk hat. says - "The report this year is gotten up by the auditors in • far more intelligible manner than in former veers, the items being classed in their proper departments so that one can see at a glance ethers the t•.,wnship's money came from and how it was spent. We notice this year e marked absence of the "bunching" of accounts which made the report so ridi- culous in other years, but there is still noun f..r din rovelneut in this direction. Fer instance. this office is lited with co o .ear as usual S.nnettmss this ae- naf (` de 'nh, sit- v way. A per ehar;unc 114 6-1 for petalsh►tiy a entail 12 "etc. ' in the nem saves ase front *he that : charge o4 ;;rose extorted.. The item Ll! The patient was not a resident of "Win. Dane, for p.blishiug uti11ute.' and Gaderich, but was only a casual, passing work .•n voters' list. P9 i.(10, ' aplwu; i through in easeleaselof a torn where a hes- this yd pa•op e u. and sal of the facts '.f the case will show hoe • ivrnisemert, only the added count is audited with an "etc. attache pita) for alae mon/ tre:a:ucot of the but it appears to the soda regularly' THS MOCK PARLIAMIIINT• alio /•ievre.tseat tiniono-111414 of one ■arae try fears of • ••Nobe. Mears - on Thursday evening lyst week the regular meeting • 1 tioderich muck paella - unit was held. Premier Lewis and several supporters of the administra- tion were absent. In consequence of this, a "smile that was cblldhke and blase illumined the countenance of the opposition leader, W. F. Foul. It became infectiuw oar that side of the house. The followers of Mr. Fad are goof ou the "smile.' It 'caked as if there was a rod at. tackle fur the ministry -noel there was. Ministers Ewbury, Mcliialicuddy and Itavnolris faced the music, •ud prepared to du or die. The session was and -hot one, as i the opt eeitlon danced to rapid MUSIC Prow start to finish.Foot'• whiskey bill was the rock upon which the guvernm0nt split. Two of the regular government sup- porters, L O. Cameroon and McPhillips, assented to the principles laid down in the bill before the policy of the govern- ment was announced. Foot, Duncan, I'ruudf.•ot and Sanford "basumed" the whiskey hill fur the opt• *Rion, and McGillicuddy, Embury end Reynolds thundered against it. As usual, the fates favored the big battalion. McGillicuddy moved and Emnbury sec- onded, the six months' hoist. Last on a vote of 11 t.. li. McGillicuddy then stated that the gov- ernment would accept the carrying of the "whiskey bill ' as • vote of want of confidence. r:s Foot, Proudfoot and others Jia not want the govt to make the vote on the bill a vote of want o f cp•6dence-they wanted the government to continue art ()thee with a majority against it. Embury could not see at in that light, • and endorsed McOillicuddy's action. .•n behalf of the government. Speaker Strang then put the rote. • Result 10 to G against tke ;,;overn- ment. rue' • McGillicuddy stated the' Premier ! ' would at once place his resignation to the hands of the Ger. -General, and ' the leader of the a position would in all probability be tilled upon_ to _Mean a !government. The House then adjourned. Latta. Element serene The Ministerial Association have done • good thing in taking up the questioned funeral reform. and declaring in faror of the discoatinuance of much of the need- less display usually indulged in on such ocasions- Many families who ars left but poorly provided feriae impoverished by the extravagant scale on which fune- rals are conducted. So long as people have the idea that tb.y will hose taste socially by economy in funeral exeeases, a reform will be accomplished with diffi- culty. it must begin with those of as- sured standing. whose example will be followed by others. That cssolutiun 'd the Ministerial Association should inspire some with courage to break through the tyrauey of cast ant, a deli does t...1 even Att.') at the barn. -1 I"r.•itt., News. soder•re urea is Me with .West. Ilse following, front a lotto, teat by J. C. Currie, of the sheriff's office, W, niteto to 11.1. Stress. principal of (3o 1 • ncf, Higb 3ch..'1, •til he of 'enfant • unity o our mediae .- Mt Dime t+t•, - No desbt yos will ba pleased to beer that my daughter Atone passed a very creditable ozomination at the sssslun of the Noma 'clue! here, which c used a week ego --although site didn't enter until late in the sessiva. She lamed second ntghost out of 19 pupils trying for a second class noted cate. Mise Allis Last gut 71 per cent. and Antes' 70 per cent. tibia got • diplo- ma and • echoed at once, easel left this monatu; to open ach r•1 tri -morrow. Iter celery w JI i r $200 fear the summer room hi. say 7 months. This is over and stove her board and washiug. The tenons 4.1 the place is M.Iks urue, un the C. P- R. 9e miles west of here. She will be allowed to come in for 3 weeks in July to finally pass, and receive her certificate. licu has been out at the Narrow •, an out .f the way place beyond 'Manitoba lake straps September last there is rte loan' cnnmuniceti.nl with the {dace, but we frequently hear from her. She is teaching the family of •t wealthy fur trader, and says that slit. had a epiendid time all winter, nut will be glad t.. l;et Louie. She will come hotcr an June, and is thou going t.. Dakota, where she has accepted a situa- tien in a list office. at a ,rood salary. Kate is in a fancy goods store on Win street in this city and gets a fair salary. So you see that this is the country for any person with • family who ars able and willing to work. As Annie's suc- Cess, as well as Ruse's, it to • great moo sure due to your kindness, and the in- terest you. ae well as Mr. Miller, took in their advancement. 1 entente thank you both for the same. Weare having beau- tiful spring weather here at present the steer is nearly all rune and the beautiful mud i,. br.:nnin2 to show up s,elendidly. It is now ankle deep un the crossings. In a few days at will be half way up to the e Litres, when the fun in earnest will com- stteuce. It is the finest mud in the world, and must be seen to be •ppre- • elated. You ought to take a run up t•, thee great place for yourself. if you do come you will have no trouble in hunt- ing nee up, as 1 am .41 the street must of my time. and am getting about as well knut-n as i was in G•.derich, and I would be pleased to see you. With kindest regards. 1 remain yours sincerely, J. C. Ci•aarr I In the hollowin im disease'siste•1 every year, and it te extremely d•'ul.ttaml 'Iunday lastg Poe if ata Ulenlbsr u,f the loaned -this clerk \Iswlteatina Ito. Blake. i taut document was received Ly the es - That thnawhnritieeofGudenchwen y rimier :- included -tan tell just whatkhat $95 is • A uuutker of the Tory ••roan, are in- 1 nil ti totally unaware art the case unlit the anti- nes , Ap sultan: the intelligen:e of their reaolers To 11ou. k. S• Lewis. axles attests! in the Londen papers, and, apo Inner ter. lion-. booted. -Kist are gong+ In the mums of the artiste which by cone luercr, were not responsible by easel ung that Mr. Blakea speech cit , mg to do about it t, Your, truly. - K' ac, P1eaDa. roar. peered in the Entreprise, and which was the manr appearance in L•udon, any written with the evident intention .f th. railway subsidy rrs.'luttotu amab hu i T1 Mui P7 amendment o • d nt t them are tio t consistent 1 oe e= p ire ret urned a re 1 to the mere that' they were for Ins presence iii forestalling erio .istii, the folkwing 3 That, although Little Intel been in i t . , is state( concerning the itinn of "chan- t:gob:rich feur days, and knew that he .. It) the' mattered charities we are, pain- leas an elf.ct that his resignation was in the with each other. '.1.. Bake Iatd down ! the principle that the systema of greeting.' hsu.is of hes ext. Iency. Federal aid to purely. Provincial works'- W. F. Foot, the leader of the former ......so. ...l as es • Mt...slat Its i .'pl' •sitioit h:.s accepted othce and funned opuu..u, w loch ..r put i11 the tomo .if an + • a"' c' o.....•.. .wungst his colleagues e otic remarks are, we uuJ r-r:uw, f rreudhrot, Duncan, altten•.illleut, teat ,f this system was to I cof all amah Isis wife wrdicaI aidhuntaaed, he h hal d,cidr 1 ld nut ,d- 'iht''e sai'rakh`n+•the beard. tan 1'ed- r log adopted *aeon Iriudrd justice should' V."1"Ir. St! Clio and Shannon. was *Wieling from the dreadful disease' a! n. notice that the en rg be meted out to ail tine province', and 1 The bee government held a caucus on hater nctual!y *Pent .Ns citta law tion 1 Saturday night. The *embers are not 4o leave town, and within an 'lour or se'year in benevolence, b(1t•-:•w-t_...liniCi.n Otte should not hr undo y favored at 'the .1.. _ t....a,t, shuffle ---- t-.-. .. . of the leaving of the train. i that our generous-hearte l contemporary `L; That in the absence • f a lit:al I wan •h!e to .ay. The council Conlin wise - c wen were taut its a peositiup _ 1 Fiitrnin a;-uiwpnrlug their pr•pularity among the. The LIgs.r lows. , 1 h ries doubt that Burd of Health committee, the medical ly spend as much mon fur hardy with- Peusr or anretuer. c nsutency Cortes ui here it a somewhat difficult to see.-1t►ttawa Frog Press ratepayers. and there u the Mau front carrying out his inter- I the money c 'ut.1 toe used to relieve actual Those persona who have taken out pro- ! of traaelliu_ from town. I oecessitir• among our poorer daises. tlnClal licenses for the sale of liquor may ,J. That it Ilam• should be placed ' 1t is with pleasure we observe that ottr breati.e trebly new that it has been inti- anywhcre, it sh' uld lou up..:t the monad; •-energetic remarks' have not•heen in mated by the author of theMcCarthy Act authorities 11 Wo,,bit..ck, who, knowing rain in Howick, inasmuch u from the that it is not intended to prosecute them that Little'a wife had died of the disease. abets it is quite obvious that the leaven for selling without a I eminioo licence. sod that he would naturally have con- t of charity has entered the soul athe Those who take out a Dominion Ji will have to comply with the Dominiinionon erected the genna thereof, allowed him ( editorial writer of the Enterprise, even et, depart trent that point. though the members .4 the township 't Blame also attaches to Little for' council have turned "adder's ears' to not taking due precautions in the :natter. 1 the cries of the distressed poor count - f10 was aware of the cause of his ted to their charge. The avina of 29 wife's death, anti that her clothes i 1 cents which is pointe out 1n the item of and his heel been destroyed. so that charity,ien• •t a particularly large amount, the chances . f contagion might he I but we question if the members of the minimised in Woodstock. Yet know-liming-MPcouncil would have leen eri= ing that he was the medium through ' ailed to point with pride to the ening which a Iwlheonte disease might be ! thus effected, had it not been that a I spread ahead, he did not scruple to pauper alxoat eighty years of age, named lfost himself apnea two families of rale- t1 -McKinney. whose support the township tomes -one in McKillop, and the other I had grown tired of. had been committed tin God.rich, -without acquainting them front Howick to Goderich gaol during ;of the nature ..f the disease with which ' the year as a common vagrant, and had Ise was aaitcted. The foregoing, and a number paints will at once form on the the careful reader who peruses P" tthich a{•pean elsewhere issue, 11141 sill co far t -t show -atom pt• omelet, by the Loudon pees to cast upon l,•wlench blame for the eccet.trtc and careless conduct (1f Litt'. inuring his pe.tilentsl treu,' arson the culpable neg'ect of the aulhoriti,i and sealicsl omen at other pants, is entirely - l:'hackle in unlet courts had to b, held, but today we observe the tune is changed, and to the fn1l..wieg strain : "The question of the erect inn of a town- whip mall will cane before the council 1 doe year. Already the Junior Judge ' of the cnwrty has revealed his ..pinion as re,rard. the Division Court room in ' Gerrie. and it is more than likely that • the R•ereb will be compelled t.. f•.rnsh a proper building for this purp...rr before the .o•ssaa to oyer. 1711' whether they . will make the Dia uo :: t' .ort r•,ot.i their 3.11•.1.:neve meant: 7.',-•t e,r C•.110 3411. thr'r • v►drrings emote: the 'aiuus hotel. of the t.'vn•hip rimming to he *sen.' Freon the rebored will be n1'.enve•I that 11;.1 Fethrr'fune with his whirligig gen- "Illy sets 'natters*,raight wherrn"-.1. l stars previously.1Mt.41, aldol .ear molars 1:11 n.dieot that Tttr. !into it's comae in the past. sI far as Il•swicl3 is cmcrrited 1s re;tiviug t•. -•7s, a fail; vui.iataon. They whu loot the Gored, the Nitwits, 1:1•1 time True, newt u*rrr 1.•tr •het Time languished in durance for the past six Lw. Mr. McCarthy said that the opin- ion now entertained is that there s no concurrent jurisdiction, and that if the Federal government has power to deal with the matter the local vIverument has net that power, and ria versa. 1Sut;his is nut admitted by the provincial author- ities. They • maintain that even if the D„winion has power the pro'inoxs have concurrent jurisdiction. Seeing that the 1 Scott Act and the Crooks. Act hare both hien upheld by the I'ricy Council, this really seems to be the sensible view to take of the case. The object the Do- minion government now has it new ap- l To be to learn whether it has tit lain. test the power to control the liquor traie. If the Privy Council decides that it has, the question of the concurrent jurisdiction of the -provinces will still harp to be settled and the elects• store for them. The policy of the new government has not yet been made public. It is believe(' that the faea of the new a dnainistrati..n depends to a euweiderahle extent upon its policy. son . As we go t.. press consideral•:e excite- ment prevail.. The inenibers of the government wear an anxious expression. Indications are that a field night is on the f.ip,s. HARBOR NOTES Auburn. A lard's nest *•hatchling five young birds •is found in a field near here last week. Farm work has commenced in *ninon. The fall wheat pratliees to be a gaol creep. Our lively -made benedict, of seventy - fin summers, about whom so much has been said and written lately, generously left two dozen and a half of eggs at thoe pore fur the benefit of the boys. Rev. Jas. Pritchard, at the close • his Tuesday evening discourse gave short sketch of the workings of the Salvation Army. While not approving of •I1 their forms and actions, he on the whole gives a favorable account of thein Miss McDougall, wh,. has Men on a visit to our ex -postmaster for some thee, - has returned to bar home near Bolton, q We regret very mucin that there was not a larger audience to greet the Rev. J. V. Smith of London on his first ap- pearance in this part, in the Methodist church on Friday evening last. The subject :d his lecture "Bridges, ' was treated in a very able and interestin: manner. T. 'ketch even a summary of the main' good things given would tee copy more space than we aro able t • drop their nets. give. The tug Clark left fear the fishing grounds on Monday. floating will be a p..p.ular amuserneat during the coming season. The Beatty boats on adsartind to begin the season to -day Friday). The Rathburn received her last coat of point for the season on Wednesday. Capt. Alf. Chambers will command_ the tut Jim. Clark, ('apt. J. Green the schu uer Jane McLeod, and Capt. Baxter the Todman, this season. Capt. J. (1. Parsons left last week few i The Wiest •rrIral -"Tbe Light. atesz the 5).re" Naeof Nat eery, The fishermen went out on f ue.day to Ambers spring Mow. The first show held by the Auburn Independent spr+ng .how society was decidedly successful. A very large num? ben of farmers ai..1 others were prawn. Although the number of hornet, wa. small, what were present were goal The ((Mewing is the prize list : Heavy draft horses, aged -H. Beadle s Freedom : 2nd J. P. Fisher's Prince • •i the 1.1,. Heavy draft, ('ealea in 1882- -1st, H Toronto to assutne c''mm•n'1 and cutis } Ceadle s'Honest T of other' months, at the ex rise of the c sunt the acho,rlr C3arllialdi,owned 1•y Meters lettered purpose -1st, J. P. Fisher s 1'e7 y the Hodge case shows pretty plainly Duke f Percherun ; 2nd, W. Levy's Sir mind of when the h•wruliip to which he belong- what the answer will Voe. - (Toronto Scene and Parsons of this town. m e " the re• ed ahouid have suppw'rte,l him. • Telegrsm. The tug Despatch, from Cheboygan, reneral purple, foaled is lflflE-Lt, was the first atonal of the season- She-. in this Anther mutter Pe -which Tate Sierra s j TTM,ireM MI Ice Nun t pet into port on Wednesday. She came i Mettftwe" 1-11.1111110117 that the I drew attention last year a, we observe, hen' fur nets She left yesterday for narw,pa- i liken; t o be taken )told and that la 1 On Tuesday a meetifL'{ was he'd In the Cockbunm Island. The lights were ht the eteMiuel of a it unship hall, for chi 1 ere, ea !wipes• for the hat time this seae••n an t moee- uf fortune, a Comity Tetnperance Amoco day, April 23rd. I h.dding o4 diruion c tarts, and other p tlS#Qf1' Omens 1±1g fgArfMAfdtht'gdt..Attea A dss}aiot► aaa aivaaia3• fruw Burt i a.i ce . K . t us p•,:, - ate,.- ant were Nieuwe. D. Cu:uint, Leebdrn ; wen says :-"the north -easter that I•.prise some months ago took exception ! F. Metcalf, ltlyth ; Rev. A. E. Smith, strucr that cnd of Lake Huron has done' ' tion to our remarks ancon the old Manchester R Aflame Wond- Lmotesle.ro A Hal • without tonn,latiou. Tem ,arsnee Nall 1 t the Clinton. Lumber "ram- • . enc ester : ,.. eros and A. damage M the 10177 starters. Pare;. which1 e, um r Roped asy1 that the steam 1 T1 A Toaoero boxer and "tough" named Jack Moriarty recently tied up lits anus for • juke, and went around 'eliciting alms as an armless mendi:ant He was en successful in his operations in Ton me. thee the idea seized him of extending les nealy•ac.putred art •,f easily making money to the outsets towns. iwst week he silent to Cois,urg, and, after ruling a , real l,:.ol out of the tender-heirt-4 pee pie of that 'owe.111adert15,11 t.. slot"' his game m : iorona bran/. He sieved reply g. t drunk, a.,•: *Ink in elute state eml ay.•r- e,l to ),•.arid the train. Mr Zeolite. s lit dieing so, he d ble41 and fell' In (front (1 1'o f the Memento e, the *heel .sf .rM:ewhich ' passed Darr one arm, end in avetmg to sate los Is sly, Ito 11,54c•nnl151.,1 t • sarr;ti •e the ..thrr :,rot 1lreli.trty 1: •a lies at rho f'..ruut•. growl -41h -»teat.!, awl u ttrunll a'o,t ,I' -a'l that ht. put ri7wo11 rnct, as an armless n en.i.r oft n mil het .• will fail to justify them. to lee of service 1.. 11m 1in the gaming f a 1141141141,4d here,ltcr _ The Toone.' Mod is *q'. .aIbusily rn Sir Juba hart„nail ••ertamnl. c'' 1. hull geie•1 in L adagu %Ming Arol.''ishop Into het weer ret lou &ten.ps to tate o.• 1 Lynch. lit Thursday's issue it sleeken( front lhe-••1140-,-s 1M conte.! of the loot r Inns•. fTerono. roman' him as a man "writing what he knows to And ell because he t•...k too much he feta:■rid ch.e*ing as hie 'Mole :h. III I..s hot water At Y..rkville. "jinni meting taking will whiskey," me follnwmz motions were camel : - Reselred that itis desirable to forma dis- trict county lodge. teesnbrace all bodges new in existence in the county with any other lodges that may 1* organised in the cnmty, that may wish to join with us. It was decide.' that representation to the county ledge would be one to every ten member*. After some other ••r motets were attemled to, it was decoke' that the next rnceting be held nn the Znd Monday of May. at 10.30a.in in the Temperance Hall, Clinton. A meet- ing was he'd in the Baptist church, i the afternant, to censirler the adrisabili- ' ty of submitting •the Scott Act in this • c ,unty. Mr. Searle occupied the chair, and a number e.1 thou. resent gave their views on the matter. All were of the opinion that it would be desirable to s'shlsit the Act, but there being so many other meetin;,•a just at present engaging th- attend. n of temperance workers, it use deemed heat to appoint • ermmittee t.. confer with adjacent counties, and learn what they intended ening, and then caN it 04lnvention In ht held in Clin- ton to make final arranv0ments f..r side ' muting the Act.--iN.w ELra. A Bei Goma• Two young nun of Turtle Mountain, Manton*. Henry and John Talbot, on. from Stanley, and the latter .4 Haloes, whale ••art hunting lato- 1], shot • wad g....ar which measured 5 feet 4 melte,, and weilhnd 21 Ib.. It is snppw.sed t.' he the largest ever shoot en I the mountain. Glen', Young Wiz-wurk 11111. A, 3M - *II.. Young hanker. ltoadgeets--Ii1 t Y.""'MOW@ Arsine Borfa.0 : 2nd, .1. Bailie'. Roan Cloud ; 3rd, John Carter's Hulls Appel's. • Beal 1t arse nay age, deplmmna, J. P Fisher s I'erchennt. Bulb, best thoroughbred aged --1st. J. A. Mallough's ; 2ud, W. Granger. Thoroughbred under 'l years- lr, .I barge 1lgemaw hat two of her i.arppes, I McDonagh 211.1. J. Clark. Under I (Igeanew's tow, went ashore at Point so n year -1st, R. Medd ; 2nd, J. Tahb. Barques, and is going b• pieces in the storm. No report is made of the crew. The t►gemew had the Win. Yong, and ! C. E. Roberts. The tag Relief, while c• oming up the neer, grounded two r( her barges on Staz island. The Wm. 1, tcn. Rudolph left Bay City with three barges laden with lumber. She loot two of them below Sand Beach en Saturday nicht. 'Co tidings of their whereabouts • has Leen recei. ed. The steam barge Rent in ran back from Forestville with i her barges at ten a•clock yesterday born- ' ing;. A portion of some wreck floated down the rarer with rigging attached to is what looked like a mast hind of a large. ' W',nd blowing thirty-six miles per hour. • so Mr Barrett, an old citizen of Mote Itrap, employed as • hook.keeper for Mr. Mann. a civic contractor. committed sui- cide last Saturday by eiltine • dose of " Rough on Rata" At Parry Soundthe dwellings of Reheat Belcher, butcher : E Rolla ; F. ' Iwfex, butcher ; Malawi Adam, cabinet maker ; W. Whalen and Wm. H..erarrl, were burned '.n M• teley The l'incinnatti E..f,rinr girt, the I credit for En,clieh victe•riee in Bop to the rid. eh Fal,rpep.o, Ouch it calla •u efeetire ia.trum.nt ref war, oaring a • greet deal .4 1.:.«e.,.:, " It's wild anise the unlutnre.! Arab into al dead rer."! an tI at the l .t}• . f S,ratts, 01 the Yershire-U. Young. Best bull any age diploma J. Mc- Donagh. Judges -Hugh Rags, Blyth ; Robert Radley, Marnoch ; John Mdoalf, Clm- 1 Lsplealee al a Meddhag. £noir., Pa., April 19. - The marriage feetititiee of (3e,.rgo lnarnn and Mies Era Estes, of WAWA -meg, were interrupted hs a shocking accident last night. Short- ly after the ceremony, a number of en- thnsiastic young men dragged the teen cannon opposite the house for thejeur- ree of firing a salute in honer of the d.. At the first discharge, the field 1,4 en burst, tearing ref the ern of Wm. (`.roper, blinding and "therwis terribly isieting Gorge ...l anal John How - lend. The story abut the greet Indian up - risme in the Northwest had no founda- tion in fact. Then w.. • big pow wow at Ilattl.f.rd, but it was only for the purpose of •pp.intinv de'eetatea to place their grave -imps 1., ter. the authorities at Ottawa. lee (`hod Nerrpuay of Mani tette will tell Inv Indian delouses, when they arrive in W'enipeg, that they toed not trust 3.. ()lel T . nn.•rrow Perhaps Norryywsy omelet mak• nn alliance with the red skins whish wnnld sive hives add, 'notal atrettgth at tetawa.