The Huron Signal, 1884-1-18, Page 44
La k'$IDAY JAN,:'i8►'
h published every Friday Morale« by lata
OILLICUDDT Bertheir a., al (Mee,- Orth I
vfthe Natant'
Aad Is despatched to ail Arts et the esrreaa/
we coaatry by the earliset malls sad Orales,
By general adminsloa it has a chetah
leo than say other se wapaper in Me pert a
the aweatry. d le onset the raciest. aewstest
and mus reliable jouraale in ssOatarie
pocesing. as it dace. the
sad being in add idea to lbs above. • era -etas.
family aad fireside paper At is therefore a
meat deairub(r u4rertlabse eeedieta
Taalss. 1130 ie advance postage
bypublisher*: SIM if paid before •t=�st�hs
till if nut se paid. Tbls rule will he strictly
• u
HATax or .tDVa*Talwe. 6labt rests ppec
iae for first insertion; three cents ppeer, line for
each aue4txat faserthea. Yearly. hmf-yearly
taduarterl) contracts at reduced rates.
Mit f t111Tt\Y We have also•nret-e ame
la�4e motet complete out -At seal and
tw turning out work in Ooderleh,ar.prep•red
se de basloe.e 1/ that lis.* at priosstbatwane.
be %eaten, sad oda+sM ley that eanaot be
aereacsea.-119.61 G
FRIDAY. JAN. ltlr$.1884.
1..r inapettiow ; bpi, S leel... that
the by-law wee 1)I i, the boAll were
ai.t obtained hay tie w.M...'s a.wesNtes
from the t r•eacasee. and aubwdy hauled
who the madness will he ler the year of
grace 1884. The natter has been badly
muddled by Mr. Rebsess'sd his trien(I4.,
and the chances are gestalts 'pipet say
improvement, so fu as their aphasics are
Ou Friday haat the Needles.* east
wade another abortive attempt to pt
pessessi..a ou the books. I6 the Ilse
that had intervened Iwlwe•u the two
meetings of the warden's •uimasitte•, two
of Mr. Holmen fined/ on the oommittee
---Messrs. Corbett, of Clinton, and Wei.,
of Howick -- had hat the confidence of
the ratepayers of their retiredly* muisi-
cipallties,and were no longer members of
Before the ne=t issue of Tus zitusaL
the vexed question of the Henn' county
treasurership will be set at rest by the
action of the new county council. This
is what we have contended for duelist
the weeks that have intervened since the
moribund council of 1883, at the De-
cember meeting, attempted to forestall
the action of its suoeeesor. Ws contended
at that time that the dyinc county even -
ell did wrong ;-subsequent events have
proved that we were correct in our con-
tention. Hun. A. M. Roes is Mill
.ouuty treasurer, and cannot be removed
patil action is taken by the council at.
the January meeting, which commences
oa Tuesday neat.
Tloere were stone who opposed our
contention regarding the illegal action
of the awned of 1883. There rete
some wise held that Col. Rees' term
would ,Nprre un the 1st of January.
There Wage amine who were .4 opinion
that Mese-•donees was duly elected tree -
f H h December
Tu the new taembee, who have de-
feated et the polls the doen■,plicae of
Mr Holmes io I. disgraoeful public at-
tack ..n Hew, A 11. Roas, we weed only
say : [hetet rest Wt this greed *lick is
dono flay by rets tote that ttiokefty in
county matters ehl►1, not be tolerated
with yaw tblaantt
And if, as we believe will be the case.
the honorable, ►west-arinded, square
detainer, uptight Dien of the Hurn
county council of 1884 stand solidly to-
getber•nd vole for honesty *Da integrity
is a position of trust. we swill have the
privilege of recording in the neat issue
of TeaSeisat. that iu Huron county, at
all events mu oo.atetance is q;::et, to
municipal tricksters, sad Ghat i..tegnty
and ability is esteemed more hit'.'; than
lug -rolling and axe -grinding.
the county council. Tet those irrespon The moral to the above a ,•o. r•us
bible men wished to obtain pusewioa of Holmes t be sent ahuat his bust -
the treasurer's buoks with the lunation sew, sial the choice of treasurer for
of handing them over to an i able , Huron roust fall upon a straightforward,
h 1
Tr►R1' MU.VICIr.1L M1•4R1'L
Oh a Tory friends are e�.alinuelty
lug us the in tuuuiafrtl `tatters t
and towuships ruled 1.r Torya
' are always more wntowessady
than these under Iteforut
Last week we pointed out e•
bag could be effected iu (hider.
by having the salary of the reduced.
We set out
st•tem;ts a uur eke
. teuntcipality govereuneuti fid o
the ern1•us utrutlutr , •f ail T• .e,
i will divest few cases in p4151, bikinirow
I the puldk retinue modelle. the !.gins!+•
tura And published al an authority un
such twitters. The torpahip of Howick
Is notoriously Tory, and we Mil by the
figures given intim "Abeitnetot Returns
of die Ituuicipalitie• of the Pn•tince of
eantario," page 36. twenty -threw tines
Joon the t op of the pale, that ,Howiek
pays out in salines azul cem;:nisiots for
running the municipal machine, the auw
persue, who had not been ape honora
ble mai. i of $1,V01.5:). The Reform t..wnahtps of
pointed, and who had gloom 1144 y rr1 \ I(t_�:v ON TfIE T.lAll''F. ;the comfy, for the same .errlce, pay,
fax the office.
age of thin deems • according to the same return, asi fellows :
to the u�ce.
The services of a solicitor we ,gvl{
for, and the legalnpinioi given not
tend to bring shape uut e.f i•dhtau•.
From their own legal adviser it was
learned that the proceedings at the 11*-
ceinber meeting were irregular.
(1'. Because Cel. Roes trot harlag bead
dismissed, and not having resigned, no
new treasurer could be appointed in his
4, Because the duties of the auditors
for 1883 eude3 with the clow of their la-
bors in the audit of that year, and the
auditors for 1884 could not le appoint-
ed until the January meeting ; and for
these reasons t were no auditors t..
whom the could be handed for
special audit.
3 Because the by-law app..intiug Mr. three Reform •.pielo:,s (eon the an- alth..ugh some eight Or ten tea treats�
Melee • treasurer was so worded that his 1i n Gwytil the u .wtu►ttee, rad four of the were alleged .o ism supported at the tow n
N tie
The report of Dr. Orton '+ Tariff coin- i Ashheld, 8'093'; Cy1borne, $4 l ; Urey,
mate, has appeared. It is a velum, of
naiad 800 pages, and although utterly , � - ; en Tuckersmith, WO : 11s1ltitt.
• ; Turn berry. 11336.26 ; last
useless as • guide to the Government in ' Wewanosh, t417.34 ; West Wawanosb,
(arid feinting, furnishes very amusing il- $324. Howtck, under Tory- rule, pays
bratratiens of the political bigotry or lack
about twig as much in grease
the mus. -
of urdisary Kuud judgment un the Pert ' cipal wheels as the highest of the Reform
et some of the old-fashioned Tories who , townships which we bare naroed, and
have telt constrained to wed answers to I nearly twice as :ouch as the aggregated
the •ommitte.. The Challis." fi.tnncr • salaries and cummisaions of the two
!livens number of the'I cry opinions, with I Wwanushee. The u
Comments thereon, and among them we Howick uurht to be
fid statements made by !•1 r. Jaws* said generation. ,But
Winston "'Steel (Reels ; of tt'awanosh, heavy leak at t
Ind Mr. Jami.. Patton, one of the nudi- attempt w wad
ton fur Hu in 1883. The opinions and the townie*
Riven don't much crwl:t uta •n tf cproud;> al .tl thiliti+ e
intelligence t hair of the gentlemen. charity. theme mouths alto we had an
W.. .1 o$e f leaner ilnce Tory aqd ' article oil this gdesti,•n and show that,
holders of
it their day
e there is a
ung -hole, an
the apiga4,
f H..wick are
I enditure for
mi., new
FOR Q,j,1t'Aj.",
mi., tiled a new county e..ewil jw
beim elected. et u to be hoped a right tie•
tlowiwitl he taken u, the opr,�tist t of
a suc.kss..t l.. Hen. Mr. Reese, whew that
geutlenaaf heads m his acei5uatiun std
the *wady treasurership.
The proper way to do is to home the
applicants who wets in the field in 1883.
awl to claim* a new Inas wbo will heac-
ceptaisle to ell I.artles.
Mr Adams et has voluntarily rnliu-
l•fisbed his candidature.
Holmes should be forced to leave
t !tela, for he mus proved hiutarif W he
a .rd of i11 ..teen and a toll .4 espouse
OP the eouat), as 110(1 na a smarm of very
Very great anneyanee to his friend in
the comity council of 1883.
ouch beim( the ease, • new (tan
ramie' be chosen. end we betieve the
man gest .qualified fur the position is air.
H.•rue Hort••u, mayor of
If a more suitable emedidate is breug4t
f•oreard, we will not stand in the way of
hu election, but until it is clearly
shown that soiue other wan has }greater
fitness for the onto., Tat Sweat will
support the candiJature of Horace Hor-
ton fur tho treasurership of Huron.
Loaf CUAKLxa BxassroiD, member of
Parliament, in a recent speech, declared
that English commerce a at tee mere',
of any power who chooses to attack it ;
that any nation who could send out a
few fart cruisers could paralyse ourship-
ping armlet As a captain in the Royal
Neu, he a*as�ssieato kaon something of
Rae. 111 Laacr,'t hapiain of New York
State Semite, gars aprayer brief enoug!.
to satisfy the witty Irish D. -.ti, yet as
comprehensive as the 'honer lovas ap-
pro. col .,l 1.y cur p.y�` l}jimentary c+•m-
mitter He stately s & Omit when the
aen.atore aotictud.d th.:r latent they
C•.r. 111 our. It 'former, t.f l 1 ,
asp ado W.Jaeeday eNtira, m 1 is l . • et
by.fbe Judie
surer n Huey at the
iag. But TDF tipwswt ateultly �el.iewd taco! a:cs cord not be approve! of un. ant aro from men well known it Itllun.a ship expense, the sum total .f the might be as pure as when they began,
that the actws atj the moribund icemen -it I b
would leo tike place until the 22nd of I an opportuuuy of passing judgroeut st"M endue made by commoner eohueton for
January • •u.,l until his securities were the intelligence of the authors of _thep
• r"red of. ,Mr. Holmes would not be *mum .
fiscal year ;and that Mr. Holmes lead not pP roes. 1 �13i .!111. Verily the Hawick pauper
regularly ai•lointed, and should not be i must bare been constrained to partake
been duly electeol tr•aamgpr of Hurn. ' h f James } anon of Goderich Tit
asps eke
•c has missal the rice of fa
leas by a meeting of the council, which ' county. t►dr rendes *1111 there y ham/ moot Faia in charity. :ncludiu,r the -
was illegal ; that •(.oi. diose' term srs,rl?lel
i' Jthe keep of Widow Douglas' cow, one
n •t end until Jam. dist. the end of IIx
entrusted wit ! he irraaees of the wheat 20 of thin purtidge. Ie. contrast to th•
by the action a the! 1884. lit I du. F
the light of present events we will leave j count). _
it to friends and opponents alike tr. sal The shove is toe twltL of a lengthy
o inion tram the taunt solicitor bee
who was right THr bliss!, or they who; P S r-
oppo•sed Tne Sipi�eAt.. - lion aietuttie ase, and fully endorses the
Wt make no pretence t41}eiag infalli- I c.ntentia•pgfofTee Sweet. against the
cents and -spring wheat 30 nista per penurious giving of Powick towards
biubel and that the c nuuuane• in pwsrmr charitable a the •f
the' r'•-era:uent will Lina in- stands aconfes.o.l humbu,
slw�_ tl� l_
Tie London riderr:o..- pointedly re -
1 marks : "The Croaks Act stands, and
Sia John is held up beta re the Dominion
stripped of the lion's hide he 1%etrie
I making hi. Yorkville speech, his menta-
alone to being an infallible cormitation-
i al lawyer are cast to the winds, and he
pupates, ' e conducto _ a
-ad {•reset.. •. Dumber of the Reform townships : tbah-
aereascd impetus. pertranen;` sad ��
1Mit *etude: last Judge Batt Nie
jedgeseet na the Bothwell elvcti•.0 vase,
ttwliwidcd u. labor .d the petitiuwr,
Mine David Milk. Mr. J. J. Hawkins
HI by this domino relegated t.. grit ate
life. from which he should never !tate
egT.erged. Mr. Hawkins, korurur,
..eded in nidino in prole neat f..r our
tossion, •wad in securing a swains.! 61-
ainui•v 01.1.000, whist( rightfully be
lonpre! to Hour Devil Mill.. We wool,'
like to see a way .q»•...l syr a.. that J. J.
would Lc fet.-ed to dis_orxe 1:40 sussion-
sl allowance thug wrongfully idealised.
Hawkins haI no uuareright $Hitthan the
eau in the suis.
To. Stu, might to print another state-
ment,of the political status of the even
ty council f.•r 1884, and the". quit. We
were given to understand that it was a
Unstghl statement, Out when we eaamin-
ed it carefully it was tamed to be very
like Paddy's waif, whish wisa built so
straight that it leaned over. The Moo
says the political complexion stand.: ill
Tones, 22 Grits, but to get things in
that shape the organ Imo to place )Ir.
Beattie of Seafasrth, ..n the Tory IDR.
sad leave )losers. Walker and ttmillie of
Tuckenmith, off altogether. Tuesday
next will gine our Tory friends a sureties
dry, etc-, etc. Thu above 111U1t}ates
tact that there u one thio the Gov
aid $116.2; ; G y, $211.43 ;
U0 ; and ddborne, 1449 90.
Wfdti our judgment on i u!.Ilc rtsestiens, 1 h gh-h;nde4 4"1"1111‘ the romn.y court- smut cannot tddo,,u's bthat is to stupidity `B will be lean by the *boo. that Bostick
ail of 1883, at the i:,atyn .-01111. N• J. " P ] • i girl to
1•ut n1t:C •• nut e1 ttt Tea Bn:aai tx , ^Adie s . _• deli baa I)Na acv � ;
m a»... r • ry dud t !
• •
wd 13Wl wick tr'
R Holmes and we pate the quawtu.n to the poet?► V
correct. 01 (1 even iu the teutb itutaniti, j would argue Ownt
the utta•taeee of this moue) willbr all rightminded mavenst to decide whrth James Johnston, of Album, Couto,.• )'•aces to township paper -a imams..
f •.n,•1 1•e not far nu rap, �er the eburs! persued 1) tliii journal of Hines, rays the tariff has raised the with a township reputation -the Howie/
N'hat were *le facts of the caw 1 A has not been on the aide of tight and trice of spring wheat se that the increase ; Enterprise,-assl that organ has always
• in the price of that product alone would
puitlic s}trcaut el Huron, who heel tatted i i/letiee' Perwauly sru haae,•D•. axe 1" lea)' ;,11 the duties tailed oa the farmer; championed the doings of the township
the county faithfully ail treasurer for
!grind, and no favors to seek, but ate had a1.o.ilat it incretiyell the polies of oats w ( council, through thick and thin. Until
shout a quarter of a century, had hon- j the rights of the people 1.. guard, mud we /hot .r alba,- Aid u*et betaA big rr.p the we began our present Yesenndboa we net'-
Iwatniedearefuily and closely that a con- price ',mid have men to 50 test$ per'., could under./acid why the little Dream
ors thrust ups n him by the Pricy ac off l.u.1..1. Cnommeat is unneoaawr'y. Per- hu adoption. OO'hen circled by aecla- II apttacy a 1 the ou ty ,and against the haps by skis time the mallet and chiael ( was eo loyal to the wetted, but now we
tuition after the acceptance of the higher
welfare teethe county was net constant- id experience pure m • orticed thruugh the fare it. II id f••r its support.
place he stated by public utterance ' mated without- dew warning (0,111 us. � knotty planking of James' understand- While Grey gi for its yearly printing.
that,!baviiig accepts l the higher poen• i That 'that warning was heeded by the : i O.- 1 $85.G(1; Ashfield, •1178 ; Colborne, $76;
people s at tca
le of Heron, the results i Alex. Lucas, Reeve ..f Alvinstoq. ap- I Mullett, f10H. 3 ; Ttnnberrp, 1)78. 76 t on it was bis iwi.atiuu "wt the end of ,ra' p►arsnt1 •reganlleu of drispers..nal safat
>e year ( 1) v surrender his . (fr •Fxteerl numbers who voted for Mr. ! T N.
county trust to the bowls of the iitI &nk, An that the prtdtgala are coming home. of Bowicl peers grew on its '
after his book► bad been audited , .Imes at the December mesetitio, and to eat the calf. in c!assical terms het kepi pm" to mike it "skeeri' to the
f* o went to the p,lls•:n the 7th of .lana- ediaC'.ur*e.: "lou cant better 1t, suck' use of $135.16 per annum The fore -
hadcorrect, inevery particular, fie hel e; six were Riede to feel ,the people's to the N. P., keep a slid upper iii., and j ng are facts that cannot be Raiment!.
had }Iways been businesslike in his - we'll get along htt)l}': ' and he concludes' riot K
habits, and he wduld rvlimpuiab the : tlisp'rasure Ly suf(enng defeat. I If those his rhapsody by 'Yee, gentiernee, our' and we live thenhg that when any Tury
county treasurership in a basisew•like''who voted against the illegal election ..f children and tui fhildreu s chlldreta shale I tut in the t,.wrtstups raises the cryof
Hr. Holmes, "lily one failed to secure re- rip up and say Meese.l be the names elf se000my in municipal mitten, our
manner.'' The above are the words of Macdonald, Tilley and Tupper. and r
Col.' Ross delivered' is the town hall, election, and he was }eaten ir. a ',tunic' supporters a that gi,,w,os N. P.•ler, j Mends will be able to give them a Re-
(ioderich on Nos 10, 1883. Could any- � polity where )1 r. Holmes exercises m Lucas, t.erhaps, w'•uld not express '„im- t, land 1•.r their ()liver. The Hotrir& Ea-
-thist more s&tiafactory have been desire .ronr p,en.mal influence, as a practi- *elf tory dfffrre ply n. -day. ' ierpriar will new have an e•nportunity to
I 1 timer and otherwise. (N the three ; HEtY'RM. rise and explain on behalf of its masters,
.aid from a public than i Hon. Rorie, of Rawdon, t'•,. 31uut-
Bet there were they wi o Icoked with i members who turned with loathing from plan (lees no; ser such a n scale future the c unci! of Huwick,
covetous eyes upon the county treasurer- I the ixnspitacy at the auto and threw for the inanufa.turcr. who ate Lein( se • -
skip, and who were not willing to bide: is their weight with the minority when heavily bummed at the expense of the THr 3111i/ pretends to be a tint -claw
' the vote took place, all were elected by (omen &fid latonn. He appprtciateis news a ver, hut if the (unctions of a
the time of the retiring incumbent. The the feet that a .uanufaeturing pea. Ir 1 f
selgiamatiam in the t.ownshipx for which newspaper consist in iris
council of 1843 was largely Conservative I met be able to go out and hold their gaf g t reliable and
nominally, and it was thought that, if � they int, although a large adverse ma- awn in markets '•f the world, and this important news for the edification and
Col. Roes could be forced from the pori- i 1"wry wield otherwise have been against
tion, or coerced into resigning before the 1 th m -thus showing that their course to
time which he had announced, ;a mug I vying slgainst H dines and the tricksters
berth would line obtained for a place• kap approved of by their constituents.
hunter whose only qualification for efface I These farts speak louder than thunder
consisted in that he had been a defeated teies,,and demonstrate beyond • pored-
discal (Fhb t fid p t nicip.1 elections here clearly *hewn. says the \ P has se blessed the coun.•1'and Stephen, 540.8o, the good old Toro
candidate. .Tliip wo sapirwsils who paw -ire li t the People of Huron have
ed themselves i the hands of the nae no t „hy with cabals. cliques ..r rings
jority a' heard the council hrd were Mr. I o rT$edionHay",ing disgrace upon an honor.
Thee. L. Hay, of McKillop, and Mr. 1 alfa pass lib'*ervant. it shows that right
William J R. lielnies, of Brussels, who i must prevnlhl, and justice must he dens
k oma.
both alanine.! the .•tFae on similar o0 *11 otecaI4
osis. A calicos was held, and Mr. And moil'ore nenfidently look for they
pap -fed ones never cin de. He says : instruction of its readers, the .flail will
"Unless we harechennieoe o(•outlet• oar bare to get off the pedestal, and: seep
markets will moa 1e.•• one ?lotted. 1114'1 -behind it* Reform n.i,frrrr.. We will
ufactures stagnant, if + t t!4.e,-.1, 1.11.1 our
labering classes out •.f employment even• glom that
a couple of items of news
Wally. This is khat l� foresee in the1►.lil has net yet found out : It h*. n: t
Tariff duty." Ar.d hones right. • yet discovered that H .n. O. W. Russ'
Thos. Strachan, Rests, fires, county i ma jl rity in West Middlesex was 157
Homs. seiyr, "We ffmreru waM t - im• 1 .
pose n.. burden on anyone, but we do rasti�ad et 71, as it trtiltllg(pllyrhtllt4:sm)
object to he taxed for every other in• ,that Sir Richard Cartwright was elected
terest. The number of manufacturersby acclamation in South Huron.
who are being benefitted 31 our expense I These are news items that effect all
is not only a political wrong, but a crime
atrainat t3cmd &fid hmmnitstq, and hew classes -doth livid and Tnry-but poeti-
farinas will submit to this impoure by 1 UT the labored efforts of the editor of -
olmes r.•ce•ire.l the n.oninatinn of his sequel to the story, and it is tie,: It your pretending to benefit them is he ! the MOO teased by the endeavor to give
part). jhas been clearly shown that the wi
The reanit is n .1e to every readeri taller and trickster mustngn,so far as t
of Tats Swtrat Nr. 11,410011 has banal. •aunty taatrenhip u concerned. Mr.
e! Goderieh from too .tae t•. 011e By
every means kn.•wei to hien .111.1 w;rh.•nt
wishing to defier ! i'. .e will admit he
is • good *trepan •t 1 be 1.... rudeavor«1
to foist himself *pea the c•'nnty, btt
without avail. He 'narked the majority
in the council as if it were potter's clay,
and what he connived et was *(tempted
to be put in force by hie toots. An at-
tempt was made to coerce Col. Ross into
resigning, and when the attempt failed,
the ukase from the majority went f«.th,
"Roes must go.' Ilnt R on has not gone.
Why t Simply beelsttee the majority. al-
though willing t.. alp' the wnony, .it.l net
posse* the ability to eenceice a ;chyme
that would prove auare•ef,tl. The brain-
power.d the county'council ..f Hina
was with th+ n.isorit5 eel this '.acw.i .t.
Ts is quite tate a (•y taw waw pelmet
al g.. ovum Mr O'1' .1 R. Holmre trea-
sorer, and (hat a mottos was merle or.
enacting the wi'den's committee t..01 -
taiga the books fr •.w 04•I. Reom on the
1p 1 of Jan. t•. 1. i head* 1 to the endives
ynnd 1pty comprehension.' A ¢•.0441 mint ; thereuoh 'establishment t,. the mplhical
sfli �
t sora the heeding •'A Liberal
Boom" the Toronto World, an indepen-
dent parerwf strung protecti.n proclivi-
ties, thus speaks: "'aseatmo of Mr.
Mille for Bethnal-41iAlikei.Osi . dee
Cisio1 Mt11a
Ott i;aturda1t t , fhlat�.,
bbenl heom is still in f..reac '.
with the "redemptive- of Lemon; t4e
redemption of gest Middlesex in the
local and its retention in the federal
lettielat-ltre ; the election (.1 Sir Richard
Cartwright fuer wrath Huron by acciama-
tion : the!decisi .n in etre Hodge case :
and now the award of the seat for B.eth
well to Mr. Mills.'-
THE. reeve of Brussels has been made
a butt .•1 by some of his •friend*, if
we take hist en words for it. He is re-
ported ('y the Brussels newspaper to
have said at the nomination --
•'I.w•t rear he had been Counted nut and was
counted in at (loderich. He ha4 been prom!►
ed the Wardenabip lase year. but by being tate
annthrr waw appeiated. He expet•ted to ate
R-ardes next year. and thoeaht ft would be
an hnb.or to Hruaerla"
This will be news to the members ..f
the county council. Mr. Rogers shculd
give the names of these who said he
would have been warden last year hut
for has late arrival. Who has been im-
pish+: u%teen the credulity of our old,
friend 1 Echo answers, "Who
Tely. i tttawa Fr, • thus opines :-
"Mr. %fnwmt will meet the iegislature
net a nle with a gond majority at his
back, hut alae, ooh the prestige of success
arising from recent decisions of the
Pricy Cornet! in the Escheat and Li -
Mew eases. His action in the Bound-
ary dispute has placed the question in a
fail wpj of tgpttlement frith dregs rea-
sons tel expect that the taenias cf the
Pricy Council will he .to sustain the
award of the arhitraton cf whom the
British .Ambassador at Washington was
••fie. Alta•gether the Liberal govern-
ment is very happily situated in c om-
pariseon to the Tory vsernment at Que-
thou fids of Canadian fanners are pion n Put. mid Slugger , have sapped the : bac
t� mach of Mr. Steachan'r opiii•.m U,• n^ g If do t
1'..- -
wa ,r tins Onergies a. the se -styled
Holmes has, y his efforts to obtain the 0 Jams, Torraher. Porte
pewit inn, prrQ ed that he is w awn who. ty Heron, alarms the tend inj,srinua to orale, give place to Sok*. The tall
farmers en the the.
th:t I; rtlatnts
from buying in the cheoisot mot selling '4° a to "pig' the ! .al Lustan en ac• i
an henereble 'nen. Then, if such he the in the dearest market. cunt of the large crop• and high price.
' case, lithe a tit m in tee appe.Int 10 the caused by the N. P. have also died away;
tt11r .sodium in the ft of _ - ... -_ 1 tl I 1 d '
t, *n I, Couto ' great newepap•r," and facts nine. per-
will not *leans he guided by the straight ry pt{, c 14u01H' eulomn .d the Vail has also
them•as ra their natural o i'knati n
t lines that ah4.uld got ern the cnnduet of tis
meet respr.ns f g
the rrt•�ntitires of the county of
Hermit Tice its • pertinent question,
gentlemen of'p x county ceueetl, and we
pray yen, wrt*I it carefully before you
To of y,*i who rote's against
! qtr. itolmee et the f►so•mher healing,
we say, vote against him again. 11pr.
Holier* has nitchengel an iota, and
will not changthe end. The attempt
t.. heap insult lad,. diarrce. upon your
lrieel and trust.4ytreaener, Hon. A. M.
1 item. *sone thous+ m,. iudegnmty that
it hes proved mh.'ttire Itememher that
feet, and do not deet hchtly with the
elm at wham., instance the attempt was
1 mod.• Vola ul*teir W. .1. R Hoose,
a► : • 5 did tektite.
The Sarna Oberon hits the mei) nh
the heed in the felliwitg brief squib
"Ti,,II Tory press ars just Il..s' With rt-
crenae.l hecatse the eopreesrnn In tinily.
u Lein: noticed by the Libor %I newspt-
pees and commented opras to II- child-
varitagr ,,f the D minion it in! :.•
and the N. P. Our Tory'; set o,,., eoto
eeni.ntly /ergot that toter 1! 1478 the
depression in trade was thf"t..e.lane
their daily and weekly sen,. ,•. I , •
mods the Rynnonlwork of et sv • '•o .ito
Mackenzie Goeernmesit a f,: ,...4.111;
into* the we
Palley. Now that they sty remwiru d t..
swallow their awn aeli(•ine they
upon it with aax►se.m and J..u.. wap
those , who are offering it to thee. face
`mime demi the country'.'
an. fie ying p atlt• eta ab.•ut the
"cheap hreskfast table,' and p'ehty of
la:e..r f.•r the working man have disap-
peared from its pages. The day of
reek.miug for the Mail and the Tory
party has elm** arrives!.
Tut Loredun Free rt. al is c ntinrslly
crowirl/R about Hon. D. dills paying the
out of the protest against James Steph-
ens, `et it is dun.h un the .tosatien '.f J.
J, Hswkina, the rejected, mine the
eo.t •,1 I,is pr'tfl<.' against Mr. Mille
The re-; r Peres is* lop -sided newspaper.
'Mr. Rasa, however, Onleety re nal hie
pna.tlon. thinking to do Jae 1111 +Her
Giem a•Irrtlnna. when he ex ted,taat the
new twin. it would be of a dithewllt 1*Ytteal
aormmplreiaona.r ena4 wToerdolheerefrr. !elect a H�
nipeea (Iiia
little pian in the fwd by eummsrlly disitw
Alm : and ma a proof that their miles wee
favourabiy regarded by the people Of the
county. they have lawny all been re�elemee.
Mr. lin.* will he puzzled to knew whether
M 1,1114/. teen . lever fir nal clever enough.
The store from the Toronto tr..;1 is
jest as inaccurate as the weal atteranees
e( that journal. Col. Ross wished to
Inial idle fiscal year, which ended on the
1st .of Fehreary, sn that his books might
he audited in the regular way Ra was
not Aiamiaee.' by the c"uneil of 1883, and
the c busty s.dicitwr now says the whole
proceedings were irregalar. Needy all
Om amen who voted against lir. Rees'
eesntieu ace
in Mike were not reeleee.d
Rixtren went 1.. the malt., end six of that
member were defeated ;---a goodly pee-
(metope truly. With the eorreeiioui i
Ten talk shout J. J. Hawkins mill here•taad.. the item in the Weil will
Wiling fyr Bothwell after Judge halt's' mast.►, not otherwise. We know s
iiaaisitA in favor of Hoa. D. Mille it ' IHt3. niers imp iToren comity
55)445.12. Mina hits been g►iad►wg J..1. isemehip aabrn«lin titan does the
•lowly, but exceedingly dare. j it
Tun hart! tinier are upon us, and we
must face thein as prudently and wisely
as possible. The Toronto Telegram puts
the case in a nutshell when it rips --
"That commercial isthmoid will centime"
to occur is inevitable. The best plan is
not to attempt to 'mot tier up ttetr'facta
concerting them, but to deal with them
AS they ere, /MA ,sake the beet of thew.
There will be more before the winter is
over. They .bre tet wath.wt • lesson.
fax they teach the screechy of .tidying
economy and prying dem attention to
all the w.aur dated* of haemes.. The
Commercial men who carry as their busi-
ness in a happy-go-lucky style, and take
their chances by giving credit to every-
body who asks for it, ruu a good chance
of tensing out of the small end of the
horn Ly the time that gentle spring pal
in an appearance.''
Ina editor of the Forest Free Piro
is evidently • man who likes to see the
boys "whoop it up' on election day.
The -village treasurfy+mwt be very full,
or candidates for public positions must
he. unusually modest in Forest, if the
editor is justified fa .in
the follow-
ollow-j;a uncumm'en pe'ragraph :-"The
-diratiou; are that lbs time by linty ,
whoa it is reuedery ler the village of
Forest to pay something fur the aervicee
of a Reeve and Councillors. When only
two men, out of nice nominated, eau( be
prevailed upon to accept office there
iii511 lel ' snine4hin��rawg, Oar i.t.-
eens d.. not care for honor. They want
money, se they refuse to serve the town
twelve menthe for nothing but, whops,
*bur. Let a by-law be paired to re.
mnn.rata each C•.uncilleir for time
actually taken from his buuoe*s, and we
will not have such a tame election next
Kr. Holmes not Legally Ap-
Acedias .t Warden'. C.�nsettee. What
ar. e:wrrow Says.
The H'arden's committee met in the
clerk's office on Friday lest, pursuant to
adjournment. Present -the Warden and
Messrs. Steachan, Weir, Johnston, Cur-
vibe, (3. Elliott, Hannah and Corbett.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved.
The securities of Mr. Holmes were
submitted te the committee.
The opine n of Mr. Ostrow was alae
submitted. The rrpp+snrntice was adverse to
legality Rlir. Holtsal'appdintioi►nt;
the existence of auditors without a
!penal by-law beinr passed ; and stated
dietinct/y that, weep t/gg to the word -
ism of the by-law passed at the Decem-
ber meeting, the ifinisief Mr.
Holmes moat be t -by the
•mesall in seems 'befM duly
appointed treasurer. Thctmfurth-
er stated that, sold*. loss not re -
'signed end had not been dismissed by
the council of 1883, at the D•sarsbar
meeting. there was no vacancy, and the
by-law appointing Mr. Holmes treasurer
when there was fie. vacancy in the office
was irregular in the extreme.
Mored by Mr. Johnston, swcond.d by
Mr. Elliott, that the bonds of Mr.
Mimeo be accepted and approved, and
recommended for adoption to the coun-
cil. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by
Mr. Elliott, that James Patten and Ar-
shibaM Dioks..n be appointed to audit
the sce. unta of the treasurer, *ad pro-
ceed at once with the audit, and report
to the eeosscil tit ata fist January meet-
ing Carried by the votes of Johastam,
Elliott, Corbett and Weir.
Moved in amendment ho Mr. Streehan,
seconded by Mr. Garth, OW! t . eon-
i mitt« do +tit sppnimt sap aNi1Ma, aa
the smostefl glare no hiebeetines to the
commute. M de so Loa. Mears.
iyl treekan, Currie and Hannah voting
Medied by Mr •1 Amnon, e•cond•d Ay
Mr. Cirri t, that 114 Garruw's opinion
1. a Itt! d panel helm. the estteil
ahalt wanesting. and Ikat t4. eobonne
wf t h. lade to Ihw clerk'.
time adjourned.